Пример #1
def test_basic_assign(app_inst: ArrayApplication):
    from_arr: np.ndarray = np.arange(5)
    block_shape = 3,
    slice_params = list(
        get_slices(size=10, index_multiplier=2, basic_step=True))
    pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(slice_params))
    for slice_sel in slice_params:

        from_ba = app_inst.array(from_arr, block_shape=block_shape)
        from_bav = ArrayView.from_block_array(from_ba)

        to_arr: np.ndarray = np.zeros(5)
        to_ba = app_inst.array(to_arr, block_shape=block_shape)
        to_bav = ArrayView.from_block_array(to_ba)

        to_bav[slice_sel] = from_bav[slice_sel]
        to_arr[slice_sel] = from_arr[slice_sel]

        from_res = (from_arr, from_bav.create().get())
        assert np.allclose(*from_res), str(from_res)

        to_res = (to_arr, to_bav.create().get())
        assert np.allclose(*to_res), str(to_res)
Пример #2
    def __getitem__(self, item):
        if not isinstance(item, tuple):
            ss = (item,)
            ss = item
        # We need to fetch any block arrays.
        tmp = []
        for entry in ss:
            if isinstance(entry, BlockArray):
        ss = tmp
        is_handled_advanced = True
        if len(ss) > 1:
            # Check if all entries are full slices except the last entry.
            for entry in ss[:-1]:
                is_handled_advanced = is_handled_advanced and (isinstance(entry, slice)
                                                               and entry.start is None
                                                               and entry.stop is None)
        if is_handled_advanced and selection.is_advanced_selection((ss[-1],)):
            # Treat this as a shuffle.
            return self._advanced_single_array_subscript(sel=(ss[-1],), axis=len(ss)-1)

        av: ArrayView = ArrayView.from_block_array(self)
        # TODO (hme): We don't have to create, but do so for now until we need to optimize.
        return av[item].create(BlockArray)
Пример #3
 def test_assignment(left_item, left_mode, right_item, right_mode):
     lshape, lblock_shape, laccessor = left_item
     laccessor = tuple(left_mode[i](*laccessor[i]) for i in range(num_axes))
     rshape, rblock_shape, raccessor = right_item
     raccessor = tuple(right_mode[i](*raccessor[i]) for i in range(num_axes))
     if not is_broadcastable(lshape, laccessor, rshape, raccessor):
         return False
     npA = np.zeros(np.product(lshape)).reshape(*lshape)
     npB = np.random.random_sample(np.product(rshape)).reshape(*rshape)
     baA = app_inst.array(npA, block_shape=lblock_shape)
     baB = app_inst.array(npB, block_shape=rblock_shape)
     bavA = ArrayView.from_block_array(baA)
     bavB = ArrayView.from_block_array(baB)
     assert np.allclose(npA[laccessor], bavA[laccessor].create().get())
     assert np.allclose(npB[raccessor], bavB[raccessor].create().get())
     npA[laccessor] = npB[raccessor]
     bavA[laccessor] = bavB[raccessor]
     assert np.allclose(npA, bavA.create().get())
     assert np.allclose(npB, bavB.create().get())
     return True
Пример #4
def test_basic_select(app_inst: ArrayApplication):
    arr: np.ndarray = np.arange(5)
    block_shape = 3,
    slice_params = list(get_slices(size=10, index_multiplier=2, basic_step=True))
    pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(slice_params))
    for slice_sel in slice_params:
        ba = app_inst.array(arr, block_shape=block_shape)
        bav = ArrayView.from_block_array(ba)
        res = (arr[slice_sel], bav[slice_sel].create().get())
        assert np.allclose(*res), str(res)
Пример #5
 def __setitem__(self, key, value):
     av: ArrayView = ArrayView.from_block_array(self)
     av[key] = value
Пример #6
 def __getitem__(self, item):
     av: ArrayView = ArrayView.from_block_array(self)
     # TODO (hme): We don't have to create, but do so for now until we need to optimize.
     return av[item].create(BlockArray)