def get_form_class(self):
        Returns the form class for this Feature Class.
            klass = get_class(self.form)
        except Exception, e:
            raise (FeatureConfigurationError(
                "Feature class %s is not configured with a valid form class. \
Could not import %s.\n%s" % (self._model.__name__, self.form, e)), 
Пример #2
    def get_form_class(self):
        Returns the form class for this Feature Class.
            klass = get_class(self.form)
        except Exception as e:
            raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                "Feature class %s is not configured with a valid form class. \
Could not import %s.\n%s" % (self._model.__name__, self.form, e))

        if not issubclass(klass, FeatureForm):
            raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                "Feature class %s's form is not a subclass of \
features.forms.FeatureForm." % (self._model.__name__, ))

        return klass
    def get_valid_children(self):
        if not self.valid_children:
            raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                "%r is not a properly configured FeatureCollection" % (self._model))

        valid_child_classes = []
        for vc in self.valid_children:
                vc_class = get_class(vc)
                raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                        "Error trying to import module %s" % vc) 

            from features.models import Feature
            if not issubclass(vc_class, Feature):
                raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                        "%r is not a Feature; can't be a child" % vc) 


        return valid_child_classes
Пример #4
    def get_valid_children(self):
        if not self.valid_children:
            raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                "%r is not a properly configured FeatureCollection" %

        valid_child_classes = []
        for vc in self.valid_children:
                vc_class = get_class(vc)
                raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                    "Error trying to import module %s" % vc)

            from features.models import Feature
            if not issubclass(vc_class, Feature):
                raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                    "%r is not a Feature; can't be a child" % vc)


        return valid_child_classes
 def testNoDots(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError): 
 def testExistent(self):
     cls = get_class('ConfigParser.RawConfigParser')
     import ConfigParser
     self.assertEqual(cls, ConfigParser.RawConfigParser, 'Got the wrong class')
 def testNonExistent(self):
     with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
Пример #8
 def testNoDots(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Пример #9
    def testExistent(self):
        cls = get_class('ConfigParser.RawConfigParser')
        import ConfigParser

        self.assertEqual(cls, ConfigParser.RawConfigParser,
                         'Got the wrong class')
Пример #10
 def testNonExistent(self):
     with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
Пример #11
    def __init__(self, model):

        # Import down here to avoid circular reference
        from features.models import Feature, FeatureCollection

        # call this here to ensure that permsissions get created

        if not issubclass(model, Feature):
            raise FeatureConfigurationError('Is not a subclass of \

        self._model = model
        name = model.__name__

        if not getattr(model, 'Options', False):
            raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                'Have not defined Options inner-class on registered feature \
class %s' % (name, ))

        self._options = model.Options

        if not hasattr(self._options, 'form'):
            raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                "Feature class %s is not configured with a form class. \
To specify, add a `form` property to its Options inner-class." % (name, ))

        if not isinstance(self._options.form, str):
            raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                "Feature class %s is configured with a form property that is \
not a string path." % (name, ))

        self.form = self._options.form
        Path to FeatureForm used to edit this class.

        self.slug = slugify(name)
        Name used in the url path to this feature as well as part of
        the Feature's uid

        self.verbose_name = getattr(self._options, 'verbose_name', name)
        Name specified or derived from the feature class name used
        in the user interface for representing this feature class.

        self.form_template = getattr(self._options, 'form_template',
        Location of the template that should be used to render forms
        when editing or creating new instances of this feature class.

        self.form_context = getattr(self._options, 'form_context', {})
        Context to merge with default context items when rendering
        templates to create or modify features of this class.

        self.show_context = getattr(self._options, 'show_context', {})
        Context to merge with default context items when rendering
        templates to view information about instances of this feature class.

        self.icon_url = getattr(self._options, 'icon_url', None)
        Optional; URL to 16x16 icon to use in kmltree
        Use full URL or relative to MEDIA_URL

        self.links = []
        Links associated with this class.

        opts_links = getattr(self._options, 'links', False)
        if opts_links:

        self.enable_copy = getattr(self._options, 'disable_copy', True)
        Enable copying features. Uses the feature class' copy() method.
        Defaults to True.

        # Add a copy method unless disabled
        if self.enable_copy:
                     select='multiple single',

        confirm = "Are you sure you want to delete this feature and it's contents?"

        # Add a multi-share generic link
        # TODO when the share_form view takes multiple instances
        #  we can make sharing a generic link
        #self.links.insert(0, edit('Share',
        #    'features.views.share_form',
        #    select='multiple single',
        #    method='POST',
        #    edits_original=True,

        # Add a multi-delete generic link
                select='multiple single',

        # Add a staticmap generic link
        # export_png = getattr(self._options, 'export_png', True)
        # RDH - the above code will always trigger unless mp-drawing module explicitly set to False.
        if getattr(self._options, 'export_png', False):
            # TODO: Bring in the staticmap module
            logger.warning("Uncomment the following code")
            # self.links.insert(0, alternate('PNG Image',
            #     'staticmap.views.staticmap_link',
            #     select='multiple single',
            #     method='GET',
            # ))

        # Add a geojson generic link
        export_geojson = getattr(self._options, 'export_geojson', True)
        if export_geojson:
                    select='multiple single',

        self.valid_children = getattr(self._options, 'valid_children', None)
        valid child classes for the feature container
        if self.valid_children and not issubclass(self._model,
            raise FeatureConfigurationError("valid_children Option only \
                    for FeatureCollection classes")

        self.manipulators = []
        Required manipulators applied to user input geometries
        manipulators = getattr(self._options, 'manipulators', [])
        for m in manipulators:
                manip = get_class(m)
            except Exception as e:
                # Don't lose the original exception, fake a PEP3134 exception
                # chain (too bad we're not Py3k)
                t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
                s = "Error trying to import module %s" % m
                raise FeatureConfigurationError(s, t, v, tb)

            # Test that manipulator is compatible with this Feature Class
            geom_field = self._model.geometry_final._field.__class__.__name__
            if geom_field not in manip.Options.supported_geom_fields:
                raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                    "%s does not support %s geometry types (only %r)" %
                    (m, geom_field, manip.Options.supported_geom_fields))

            #logger.debug("Added required manipulator %s" % m)

        self.optional_manipulators = []
        Optional manipulators that may be applied to user input geometries
        optional_manipulators = getattr(self._options, 'optional_manipulators',
        for m in optional_manipulators:
                manip = get_class(m)
                raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                    "Error trying to import module %s" % m)

            # Test that manipulator is compatible with this Feature Class
            geom_field = self._model.geometry_final._field.__class__.__name__
                if geom_field not in manip.Options.supported_geom_fields:
                    raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                        "%s does not support %s geometry types (only %r)" %
                        (m, geom_field, manip.Options.supported_geom_fields))
            except AttributeError:
                raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                    "%s is not set up properly; must have "
                    "Options.supported_geom_fields list." % m)

            #logger.debug("Added optional manipulator %s" % m)

        self.enable_kml = True
        Enable kml visualization of features.  Defaults to True.
        # Add a kml link by default
        if self.enable_kml:
                          select='multiple single'))
                          select='multiple single'))

        for link in self.links:
            if self._model not in link.models:
Пример #12
    def __init__(self,

        self.rel = rel
        """Type of link - alternate, related, edit, or edit_form.

            self.view = get_class(view)
            View function handling requests to this link.
        except Exception as err:
            msg = 'Link "%s" configured with invalid path to view %s' % (title,
            msg += '\n%s\n' % str(err)
            if "cannot import" in str(err):
                msg += "(Possible cause: importing Features at the top level in can cause"
                msg += " circular dependencies; Try to import Features within the view function)"

            raise FeatureConfigurationError(msg)

        self.title = title
        Human-readable title for the link to be shown in the user interface.

        self.method = method
        For rel=edit links, identifies whether a form should be requested or
        that url should just be POST'ed to.

        self.type = type
        MIME type of this link, useful for alternate links. May in the future
        be used to automatically assign an icon in the dropdown Export menu.

        self.slug = slug
        Part of this link's path.
        """ = select
        Determines whether this link accepts requests with single or multiple
        instances of a feature class. Valid values are "single", "multiple",
        "single multiple", and "multiple single".

        self.extra_kwargs = extra_kwargs
        Extra keyword arguments to pass to the view.

        self.generic = generic
        Whether this view can be applied to multiple feature classes.

        self.models = models
        List of feature classes that a this view can be applied to, if it is

        self.confirm = confirm
        Confirmation message to show the user before POSTing to rel=edit link

        self.edits_original = edits_original
        Set to false for editing links that create a copy of the original.
        This will allow users who do not own the instance(s) but can view them
        perform the action.

        self.must_own = must_own
        if self.edits_original:
            self.must_own = True
        Whether this link should be accessible to non-owners.
        Default link behavior is False; i.e. Link can be used for shared features
        as well as for user-owned features.
        If edits_original is true, this implies must_own = True as well.

        self.limit_to_groups = limit_to_groups
        Allows you to specify groups (a list of group names)
        that should have access to the link.
        Default is None; i.e. All users have link access regardless of group membership

        if self.models is None:
            self.models = []

        # Make sure title isn't empty
        if self.title is '':
            raise FeatureConfigurationError('Link title is empty')
        valid_options = ('single', 'multiple', 'single multiple',
                         'multiple single')
        # Check for valid 'select' kwarg
        if not in valid_options:
            raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                'Link specified with invalid select option "%s"' %
                (, ))
        # Create slug from the title unless a custom slug is specified
        if self.slug is None:
            self.slug = slugify(title)
        # Make sure the view has the right signature
Пример #13
    def __init__(self, model):

        # Import down here to avoid circular reference
        from features.models import Feature, FeatureCollection

        # call this here to ensure that permsissions get created

        if not issubclass(model, Feature):
            raise FeatureConfigurationError('Is not a subclass of \

        self._model = model
        name = model.__name__

        if not getattr(model, 'Options', False):
            raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                'Have not defined Options inner-class on registered feature \
class %s' % (name, ))

        self._options = model.Options

        if not hasattr(self._options, 'form'):
            raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                "Feature class %s is not configured with a form class. \
To specify, add a `form` property to its Options inner-class." % (name,))

        if not isinstance(self._options.form, str):
            raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                "Feature class %s is configured with a form property that is \
not a string path." % (name,))

        self.form = self._options.form
        Path to FeatureForm used to edit this class.

        self.slug = slugify(name)
        Name used in the url path to this feature as well as part of
        the Feature's uid

        self.verbose_name = getattr(self._options, 'verbose_name', name)
        Name specified or derived from the feature class name used
        in the user interface for representing this feature class.

        self.form_template = getattr(self._options, 'form_template',
        Location of the template that should be used to render forms
        when editing or creating new instances of this feature class.

        self.form_context = getattr(self._options, 'form_context', {})
        Context to merge with default context items when rendering
        templates to create or modify features of this class.

        self.show_context = getattr(self._options, 'show_context', {})
        Context to merge with default context items when rendering
        templates to view information about instances of this feature class.

        self.icon_url = getattr(self._options, 'icon_url', None)
        Optional; URL to 16x16 icon to use in kmltree
        Use full URL or relative to MEDIA_URL

        self.links = []
        Links associated with this class.

        opts_links = getattr(self._options, 'links', False)
        if opts_links:

        self.enable_copy = getattr(self._options, 'disable_copy', True)
        Enable copying features. Uses the feature class' copy() method.
        Defaults to True.

        # Add a copy method unless disabled
        if self.enable_copy:
            self.links.insert(0, edit('Copy',
                select='multiple single',

        confirm = "Are you sure you want to delete this feature and it's contents?"

        # Add a multi-share generic link
        # TODO when the share_form view takes multiple instances
        #  we can make sharing a generic link
        #self.links.insert(0, edit('Share',
        #    'features.views.share_form',
        #    select='multiple single',
        #    method='POST',
        #    edits_original=True,

        # Add a multi-delete generic link
        self.links.insert(0, edit('Delete',
            select='multiple single',

        # Add a staticmap generic link
        export_png = getattr(self._options, 'export_png', True)
        if export_png:
            # TODO: Bring in the staticmap module
            logger.warning("Uncomment the following code")
#             self.links.insert(0, alternate('PNG Image',
#                 'staticmap.views.staticmap_link',
#                 select='multiple single',
#                 method='GET',
#             ))

        # Add a geojson generic link
        export_geojson = getattr(self._options, 'export_geojson', True)
        if export_geojson:
            self.links.insert(0, alternate('GeoJSON',
                select='multiple single',

        self.valid_children = getattr(self._options, 'valid_children', None)
        valid child classes for the feature container
        if self.valid_children and not issubclass(self._model, FeatureCollection):
            raise FeatureConfigurationError("valid_children Option only \
                    for FeatureCollection classes")

        self.manipulators = []
        Required manipulators applied to user input geometries
        manipulators = getattr(self._options, 'manipulators', [])
        for m in manipulators:
                manip = get_class(m)
            except Exception, e:
                # Don't lose the original exception, fake a PEP3134 exception
                # chain (too bad we're not Py3k)
                t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
                s = "Error trying to import module %s" % m
                raise FeatureConfigurationError, (s, t, v), tb

            # Test that manipulator is compatible with this Feature Class
            geom_field = self._model.geometry_final._field.__class__.__name__
            if geom_field not in manip.Options.supported_geom_fields:
                raise FeatureConfigurationError("%s does not support %s geometry types (only %r)" %
                        (m, geom_field, manip.Options.supported_geom_fields))

            #logger.debug("Added required manipulator %s" % m)
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, rel, title, view, method='GET', select='single', 
        type=None, slug=None, generic=False, models=None, extra_kwargs={}, 
        confirm=False, edits_original=None, must_own=False, 

        self.rel = rel
        """Type of link - alternate, related, edit, or edit_form.

            self.view = get_class(view)
            View function handling requests to this link.
        except Exception as err:
            msg = 'Link "%s" configured with invalid path to view %s' % (title, view)
            msg += '\n%s\n' % str(err)
            if "cannot import" in str(err):
                msg += "(Possible cause: importing Features at the top level in can cause"
                msg += " circular dependencies; Try to import Features within the view function)"

            raise FeatureConfigurationError(msg)

        self.title = title
        Human-readable title for the link to be shown in the user interface.

        self.method = method
        For rel=edit links, identifies whether a form should be requested or 
        that url should just be POST'ed to.

        self.type = type
        MIME type of this link, useful for alternate links. May in the future
        be used to automatically assign an icon in the dropdown Export menu.

        self.slug = slug
        Part of this link's path.
        """ = select
        Determines whether this link accepts requests with single or multiple
        instances of a feature class. Valid values are "single", "multiple",
        "single multiple", and "multiple single". 

        self.extra_kwargs = extra_kwargs
        Extra keyword arguments to pass to the view.

        self.generic = generic
        Whether this view can be applied to multiple feature classes.

        self.models = models
        List of feature classes that a this view can be applied to, if it is 

        self.confirm = confirm
        Confirmation message to show the user before POSTing to rel=edit link

        self.edits_original = edits_original
        Set to false for editing links that create a copy of the original. 
        This will allow users who do not own the instance(s) but can view them
        perform the action.

        self.must_own = must_own
        if self.edits_original:
            self.must_own = True
        Whether this link should be accessible to non-owners.
        Default link behavior is False; i.e. Link can be used for shared features
        as well as for user-owned features. 
        If edits_original is true, this implies must_own = True as well.

        self.limit_to_groups = limit_to_groups
        Allows you to specify groups (a list of group names) 
        that should have access to the link.
        Default is None; i.e. All users have link access regardless of group membership

        if self.models is None:
            self.models = []

        # Make sure title isn't empty
        if self.title is '':
            raise FeatureConfigurationError('Link title is empty')
        valid_options = ('single', 'multiple', 'single multiple', 
            'multiple single')
        # Check for valid 'select' kwarg
        if not in valid_options:
            raise FeatureConfigurationError(
                'Link specified with invalid select option "%s"' % (
          , ))
        # Create slug from the title unless a custom slug is specified
        if self.slug is None:
            self.slug = slugify(title)
        # Make sure the view has the right signature