Пример #1
    def test_yaw_diff(self):
        """Test valid and invalid inputs for yaw_diff()."""

        # Identical rotation.
        sa = DetectionBox(rotation=Quaternion(axis=(0, 0, 1), angle=np.pi /
        sr = DetectionBox(rotation=Quaternion(axis=(0, 0, 1), angle=np.pi /
        diff = yaw_diff(sa, sr)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(diff, 0)

        # Rotation around another axis.
        sa = DetectionBox(rotation=Quaternion(axis=(0, 0, 1), angle=np.pi /
        sr = DetectionBox(rotation=Quaternion(axis=(0, 1, 0), angle=np.pi /
        diff = yaw_diff(sa, sr)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(diff, np.pi / 8)

        # Misc sr yaws for fixed sa yaw.
        q0 = Quaternion(axis=(0, 0, 1), angle=0)
        sa = DetectionBox(rotation=q0.elements)
        for yaw_in in np.linspace(-10, 10, 100):
            q1 = Quaternion(axis=(0, 0, 1), angle=yaw_in)
            sr = DetectionBox(rotation=q1.elements)
            diff = yaw_diff(sa, sr)
            yaw_true = yaw_in % (2 * np.pi)
            if yaw_true > np.pi:
                yaw_true = 2 * np.pi - yaw_true
            self.assertAlmostEqual(diff, yaw_true)

        # Rotation beyond pi.
        sa = DetectionBox(
            rotation=Quaternion(axis=(0, 0, 1), angle=1.1 * np.pi).elements)
        sr = DetectionBox(
            rotation=Quaternion(axis=(0, 0, 1), angle=0.9 * np.pi).elements)
        diff = yaw_diff(sa, sr)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(diff, 0.2 * np.pi)
Пример #2
def accumulate(gt_boxes: EvalBoxes,
               pred_boxes: EvalBoxes,
               class_name: str,
               dist_fcn: Callable,
               dist_th: float,
               verbose: bool = False) -> DetectionMetricData:
    Average Precision over predefined different recall thresholds for a single distance threshold.
    The recall/conf thresholds and other raw metrics will be used in secondary metrics.
    :param gt_boxes: Maps every sample_token to a list of its sample_annotations.
    :param pred_boxes: Maps every sample_token to a list of its sample_results.
    :param class_name: Class to compute AP on.
    :param dist_fcn: Distance function used to match detections and ground truths.
    :param dist_th: Distance threshold for a match.
    :param verbose: If true, print debug messages.
    :return: (average_prec, metrics). The average precision value and raw data for a number of metrics.
    # ---------------------------------------------
    # Organize input and initialize accumulators.
    # ---------------------------------------------

    # Count the positives.
    npos = len([1 for gt_box in gt_boxes.all if gt_box.detection_name == class_name])
    if verbose:
        print("Found {} GT of class {} out of {} total across {} samples.".
              format(npos, class_name, len(gt_boxes.all), len(gt_boxes.sample_tokens)))

    # For missing classes in the GT, return a data structure corresponding to no predictions.
    if npos == 0:
        return DetectionMetricData.no_predictions()

    # Organize the predictions in a single list.
    pred_boxes_list = [box for box in pred_boxes.all if box.detection_name == class_name]
    pred_confs = [box.detection_score for box in pred_boxes_list]

    if verbose:
        print("Found {} PRED of class {} out of {} total across {} samples.".
              format(len(pred_confs), class_name, len(pred_boxes.all), len(pred_boxes.sample_tokens)))

    # Sort by confidence.
    sortind = [i for (v, i) in sorted((v, i) for (i, v) in enumerate(pred_confs))][::-1]

    # Do the actual matching.
    tp = []  # Accumulator of true positives.
    fp = []  # Accumulator of false positives.
    conf = []  # Accumulator of confidences.

    # match_data holds the extra metrics we calculate for each match.
    match_data = {'trans_err': [],
                  'vel_err': [],
                  'scale_err': [],
                  'orient_err': [],
                  'attr_err': [],
                  'conf': [],
                  'ego_dist': [],
                  'vel_magn': []}

    # ---------------------------------------------
    # Match and accumulate match data.
    # ---------------------------------------------

    taken = set()  # Initially no gt bounding box is matched.
    for ind in sortind:
        pred_box = pred_boxes_list[ind]
        min_dist = np.inf
        match_gt_idx = None

        for gt_idx, gt_box in enumerate(gt_boxes[pred_box.sample_token]):

            # Find closest match among ground truth boxes
            if gt_box.detection_name == class_name and not (pred_box.sample_token, gt_idx) in taken:
                this_distance = dist_fcn(gt_box, pred_box)
                if this_distance < min_dist:
                    min_dist = this_distance
                    match_gt_idx = gt_idx

        # If the closest match is close enough according to threshold we have a match!
        is_match = min_dist < dist_th

        if is_match:
            taken.add((pred_box.sample_token, match_gt_idx))

            #  Update tp, fp and confs.

            # Since it is a match, update match data also.
            gt_box_match = gt_boxes[pred_box.sample_token][match_gt_idx]

            match_data['trans_err'].append(center_distance(gt_box_match, pred_box))
            match_data['vel_err'].append(velocity_l2(gt_box_match, pred_box))
            match_data['scale_err'].append(1 - scale_iou(gt_box_match, pred_box))

            # Barrier orientation is only determined up to 180 degree. (For cones orientation is discarded later)
            period = np.pi if class_name == 'barrier' else 2 * np.pi
            match_data['orient_err'].append(yaw_diff(gt_box_match, pred_box, period=period))

            match_data['attr_err'].append(1 - attr_acc(gt_box_match, pred_box))

            # For debugging only.
            match_data['vel_magn'].append(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array(gt_box_match.velocity) ** 2)))

            # No match. Mark this as a false positive.

    # Check if we have any matches. If not, just return a "no predictions" array.
    if len(match_data['trans_err']) == 0:
        return DetectionMetricData.no_predictions()

    # ---------------------------------------------
    # Calculate and interpolate precision and recall
    # ---------------------------------------------

    # Accumulate.
    tp = np.cumsum(tp).astype(np.float)
    fp = np.cumsum(fp).astype(np.float)
    conf = np.array(conf)

    # Calculate precision and recall.
    prec = tp / (fp + tp)
    rec = tp / float(npos)

    rec_interp = np.linspace(0, 1, DetectionMetricData.nelem)  # 101 steps, from 0% to 100% recall.
    prec = np.interp(rec_interp, rec, prec, right=0)
    conf = np.interp(rec_interp, rec, conf, right=0)
    rec = rec_interp

    # ---------------------------------------------
    # Re-sample the match-data to match, prec, recall and conf.
    # ---------------------------------------------

    for key in match_data.keys():
        if key == "conf":
            continue  # Confidence is used as reference to align with fp and tp. So skip in this step.

            # For each match_data, we first calculate the accumulated mean.
            tmp = cummean(np.array(match_data[key]))

            # Then interpolate based on the confidences. (Note reversing since np.interp needs increasing arrays)
            match_data[key] = np.interp(conf[::-1], match_data['conf'][::-1], tmp[::-1])[::-1]

    # ---------------------------------------------
    # Done. Instantiate MetricData and return
    # ---------------------------------------------
    return DetectionMetricData(recall=rec,