def get_result(self, request, graph_type, state_Abrv): # define variables usResult = request['usResult'] stateResult = request['stateResult'] type = graph_type # Display pie chart if (type == "pieChart"): value = int(usResult) - int(stateResult) chart = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=450, width=450) xdata = ["United States", state_Abrv] ydata = [int(value), int(stateResult)] extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " cal"}} chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) # else display bar chart else: chart = multiBarChart(width=500, height=400, x_axis_format=None) xdata = ["United States", state_Abrv] ydata = [usResult, stateResult] chart.add_serie(name="", y=ydata, x=xdata) chart.show_legend = False # convert charts into html content (and JavaScript) chart.buildcontent() result = chart.htmlcontent return result
def test_pieChart(self): """Test Pie Chart""" type = "pieChart" chart = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=400, width=400) xdata = [ "Orange", "Banana", "Pear", "Kiwi", "Apple", "Strawberry", "Pineapple" ] color_list = [ 'orange', 'yellow', '#C5E946', '#95b43f', 'red', '#FF2259', '#F6A641' ] extra_serie = { "tooltip": { "y_start": "", "y_end": " cal" }, "color_list": color_list } ydata = [3, 4, 0, 1, 5, 7, 3] chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) chart.buildhtml()
def test_donutPieChart(self): """Test Donut Pie Chart""" type = "pieChart" chart = pieChart(name=type, height=400, width=400, donut=True, donutRatio=0.2) xdata = ["Orange", "Banana", "Pear", "Kiwi", "Apple", "Strawberry", "Pineapple"] ydata = [3, 4, 0, 1, 5, 7, 3] chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata) chart.buildhtml()
def test_pieChart(self): """Test Pie Chart""" type = "pieChart" chart = pieChart(name=type, height=400, width=400) xdata = ["Orange", "Banana", "Pear", "Kiwi", "Apple", "Strawberry", "Pineapple"] ydata = [3, 4, 0, 1, 5, 7, 3] chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata) chart.buildhtml()
def function_to_graph(x_axis, y_axis, title): chart = pieChart(name=title, color_category='category20c', height=450, width=450) xdata = x_axis ydata = y_axis extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": "tweets"}} chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) chart.buildcontent() return chart.htmlcontent
def test_pieChart(self): """Test Pie Chart""" type = "pieChart" chart = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=400, width=400) xdata = ["Orange", "Banana", "Pear", "Kiwi", "Apple", "Strawberry", "Pineapple"] extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " cal"}} ydata = [3, 4, 0, 1, 5, 7, 3] chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) chart.buildhtml()
def test_pieChart(self): """Test Pie Chart""" type = "pieChart" chart = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=400, width=400) xdata = ["Orange", "Banana", "Pear", "Kiwi", "Apple", "Strawberry", "Pineapple"] color_list = ['orange', 'yellow', '#C5E946', '#95b43f', 'red', '#FF2259', '#F6A641'] extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " cal"}, "color_list": color_list} ydata = [3, 4, 0, 1, 5, 7, 3] chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) chart.buildhtml()
def get_chart(freq): chart_type = 'pieChart' chart = pieChart(name=chart_type, color_category='category20c', height=450, width=450) extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " %"}} xdata,ydata=zip(*freq.items()) chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) # text_white="d3.selectAll('#pieChart text').style('fill', 'white');" # chart.add_chart_extras(text_white) chart.buildcontent() return chart.htmlcontent
def pie_chart(labels, data, label=""): chart = nvd3.pieChart(name="", color_category='category20c', height=450, width=450) chart.jquery_on_ready = True #Add the serie extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": label}} chart.add_serie(y=data, x=labels, extra=extra_serie) chart.buildcontent() # assuming name is hardcoded to "" return js_extract(chart.htmlcontent).replace("# svg", "#importances_graph")
def get_chart(freq): chart_type = 'pieChart' chart = pieChart(name=chart_type, color_category='category20c', height=450, width=450) extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " %"}} xdata, ydata = zip(*freq.items()) chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) # text_white="d3.selectAll('#pieChart text').style('fill', 'white');" # chart.add_chart_extras(text_white) chart.buildcontent() return chart.htmlcontent
def pie(): type = 'pieChart' chart = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=450, width=450) xdata = [ "Orange", "Banana", "Pear", "Kiwi", "Apple", "Strawberry", "Pineapple" ] ydata = [3, 4, 0, 1, 5, 7, 3] extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " cal"}} chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) chart.buildcontent() return chart.htmlcontent
def allcounty(set_2, allpeople, html, county): type = 'pieChart' chart1 = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=1100, width=900) set_1 = ["พิการทางสายตา", "พิการทางการได้ยิน", "ทางการเคลื่อนไหวหรือทางร่างกาย", "ทางจิตใจหรือพฤติกรรม", "ทางสติปัญญา", "ทางการเรียนรู้", "ทางออทิสติก", "พิการมากกว่า 1 ประเภท", "ไม่ระบุ"] set_2 = set_2 extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " person"}} chart1.add_serie(y=set_2, x=set_1, extra=extra_serie) chart1.buildhtml() file =, "w+", "utf-8") p_title = "<body background=bg2.jpg><div align=center>จำนวนคนพิการทั้งหมดที่มีบัตรประจำตัวคนพิการจังหวัด"+county+"ทั้งหมดตั้งแต่ปี พ.ศ. 2537 ถึง พ.ศ. 2558 จำนวน "+str(allpeople)+" คน<br>"+" "+"<input type=button onclick=window.location.href='index.html' value=Home></div></body>" file.write(p_title) file.write("<br>") file.write(chart1.htmlcontent) file.close()
def hello(): crimes = list(csv.reader(open('noCrimeOutput.txt', 'rb'), delimiter='\t')) chart = pieChart(name='pieChart', color_category='category20c', height=800, width=800) xdata = [] ydata = [] for crime in crimes: xdata.append(crime[0]) ydata.append(crime[1]) extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " counts"}} chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) chart.buildhtml() return chart.htmlcontent
def piechart(set_, maxx, name, name_type): """create a piechart by list""" type = 'pieChart' chart3 = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=1100, width=900) set_1 = ["เพศชาย", "เพศหญิง"] set_2 = set_ extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " person"}} chart3.add_serie(y=set_2, x=set_1, extra=extra_serie) chart3.buildhtml() file =, "w+", "utf-8") p_title = "<body background=bg2.jpg><div align=center>จำนวนคนพิการ"+name_type+"แต่ละประเภทที่มีบัตรประจำตัวคนพิการในประเทศไทยทั้งหมดตั้งแต่ปี พ.ศ. 2537 ถึง พ.ศ. 2558 จำนวน "+str(maxx)+" คน<br>"+" "+"<input type=button onclick=window.location.href='index.html' value=Home></div></body>" file.write(p_title) file.write("<br>") file.write(chart3.htmlcontent) file.close()
def d3js_htmls(self): """ visualize data using D3.js(wrapped by python-nvd3) """ global html_lineChart, html_pieChart if self.vars_dict.get('LINE_CHART'): chart_name = self.vars_dict.get('TABULATE_FILE') height = 768 width = 1366 line_chart = lineChart(name='[line]'+chart_name, height=height, width=width) line_data = self.get_tabulate_data(self.vars_dict.get('LAST_DAYS')) # x_data = [each[0].strip() for each in line_data][1:] # x_data = map(lambda x: mktime(datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d').timetuple()), x_data) x_data = list(range(-30, 0)) name_list = line_data[0][1:] y_data_list = [] for i in range(1, len(line_data[0])): y_data_list.append([each[i] for each in line_data[1:]]) extra_serie = { 'tooltip': { 'y_start': '', 'y_end': 'counts' } } for name, y_data in zip(name_list, y_data_list): line_chart.add_serie(y=y_data, x=x_data, name=name, extra=extra_serie) line_chart.buildhtml() html_lineChart = line_chart.htmlcontent if self.vars_dict.get('PIE_CHART'): rows = self.res_counts xdata, ydata = zip(*rows) extra_serie = { 'tooltip': { 'y_start': '', 'y_end': 'counts' } } chart_name = self.vars_dict.get('FILE_PATH') height = 768 width = 1366 pie_chart = pieChart(name='[pie]'+chart_name, color_category='category20c', height=height, width=width) pie_chart.set_containerheader("\n\n<h2>" + chart_name + "</h2>\n\n") pie_chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) pie_chart.buildhtml() html_pieChart = pie_chart.htmlcontent return html_lineChart, html_pieChart
def piechart(set_, maxx, name, name_type): """create a piechart by list""" type = 'pieChart' chart3 = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=1100, width=900) set_1 = ["กรุงเทพมหานคร", "กาญจนบุรี", "จันทบุรี", "ฉะเชิงเทรา", "ชลบุรี","ชัยนาท", "ตราด", "นครนายก", "นครปฐม", "นนทบุรี", "ปทุมธานี", "ประจวบคีรีขันธ์", "ปราจีนบุรี", "พระนครศรีอยุธยา", "เพชรบุรี", "ระยอง", "ราชบุรี", "ลพบุรี", "สมุทรปราการ", "สมุทรสงคราม", "สมุทรสาคร", "สระแก้ว", "สระบุรี", "สิงห์บุรี", "สุพรรณบุรี", "อ่างทอง", "กาฬสินธุ์", "ขอนแก่น", "ชัยภูมิ",\ "นครพนม", "นครราชสีมา", "บึงกาฬ", "บุรีรัมย์", "มหาสารคาม", "มุกดาหาร", "ยโสธร", "ร้อยเอ็ด", "เลย", "ศรีสะเกษ", "สกลนคร", "สุรินทร์", "หนองคาย", "หนองบัวลำภู", "อำนาจเจริญ", "อุดรธานี", "อุบลราชธานี", "กระบี่", "ชุมพร", "ตรัง", "นครศรีธรรมราช", "นราธิวาส", "ปัตตานี", "พังงา", "พัทลุง", "ภูเก็ต", "ยะลา", "ระนอง", "สงขลา", "สตูล", "สุราษฎร์ธานี",\ "กำแพงเพชร", "เชียงราย", "เชียงใหม่", "ตาก", "นครสวรรค์", "น่าน", "พะเยา", "พิจิตร", "พิษณุโลก", "เพชรบูรณ์", "แพร่", "แม่ฮ่องสอน", "ลำปาง", "ลำพูน", "สุโขทัย", "อุตรดิตถ์", "อุทัยธานี"] set_2 = set_ extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " person"}} chart3.add_serie(y=set_2, x=set_1, extra=extra_serie) chart3.buildhtml() file =, "w+", "utf-8") p_title = "<body background=bg2.jpg><div align=center>จำนวนคนพิการ"+name_type+"เพศชายที่มีบัตรประจำตัวคนพิการทุกจังหวัดทั้งหมดตั้งแต่ปี พ.ศ. 2537 ถึง พ.ศ. 2558 จำนวน "+str(maxx)+" คน<br>"+" "+"<input type=button onclick=window.location.href='index.html' value=Home></div></body>" file.write(p_title) file.write("<br>") file.write(chart3.htmlcontent) file.close()
def graphic_time_activity_day(): """ :return: """ output_file = open(_time_activity_day, 'w') _num_week = int(this_week()) - 1 _week = WeekNumber.objects.get(num_week= _num_week) _act = Activity() _tp_acts = TypeActivity.objects.values('group').distinct() # xdata = ["Orange", "Banana", "Pear", "Kiwi", "Apple", "Strawberry", "Pineapple"] # ydata = [3, 4, 0, 1, 5, 7, 3] xdata = [] ydata = [] _time = 0 for _type_act in _tp_acts: _time_week = _act.get_time_activity(_week, _type_act['group']) if not _time_week is None and _time_week > 0: xdata.append(_type_act['group']) ydata.append(float(_time_week)) _time += float(_time_week) type = 'Closed %s - time activity (%s hours weeks)' %(DayL[int(_time/24)-1], str(_time)) chart = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=450, width=450) chart.set_containerheader("\n\n<h2>" + type + "</h2>\n\n") extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " hs"}} chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) chart.buildhtml() output_file.write(chart.htmlcontent) output_file.close() # data = { # 'charttype': charttype, # 'chartdata': chartdata, # } # return render_to_response("graphic.html") # new_uri = '%s://%s%s%s' % ( # request.is_secure() and 'https' or 'http', # site.domain, # urlquote(request.path), # (request.method == 'GET' and len(request.GET) > 0) and '?%s' % request.GET.urlencode() or '' # ) graphic_view(_time_activity_day)
def generate_sentiment_chart(topics, name): chart = pieChart(name=name, color_list=["green", "red"], height=400, width=400) xdata = ["Positive sentiment", "Negative sentiment"] ydata = [] total_population = [] for topic in topics: population = retrieve_by_topic(topic, "posts") for p in population: total_population.append(p) pos, neg = get_sentiment_stats(total_population) ydata.append(pos) ydata.append(neg) extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": "%"}} chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) str(chart) return chart.content
def graph_treatment(): key2 = 'piegraph' requete="SELECT treatment.treatment_type,count(treatment.treatment_type)FROM chips.treatment,chips.experiment "\ "WHERE experiment.experiment_id = treatment.experiment_id AND experiment.project_id = treatment.project_id group by treatment.treatment_type;" r, data = getdata(requete) xdata = [] ydata = [] if len(data) > 0: for i in range(0, len(data)): xdata.append(data[i][0]) ydata.append(int(data[i][1])) dimwith = 800 dimheight = 700 from nvd3 import pieChart type = key2 chart = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=dimheight, width=dimwith) extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " cal"}} chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) chart.buildcontent() text = chart.htmlcontent argument1 = """chart.color(d3.scale.category20c().range());\n\n chart.tooltipContent(function(key, y, e, graph) {\n var x = String(key);\n var y = String(y) + \' cal\';\n\n tooltip_str = \'<center><b>\'+x+\'</b></center>\' + y;\n return tooltip_str;\n });\n""" ##$('#piechart svg.nvd3-svg').attr('width')=dimwith+100 argument2 = " " argument7 = """});\n var datum =""" argument8 = """});\n chart.legendPosition("right");\n var datum =""" text = text.replace(argument7, argument8) text = text.replace(argument1, argument2) #text=text.replace('return tooltip_str;\n });\n ','return tooltip_str;\n });*\ \n ') argument3 = "nv.addGraph(function() {\n" argument4 = "function rungraphpi(){ \n nv.addGraph(function() {\n" text = text.replace(argument3, argument4) argument5 = "</script>" argument6 = " $('#piegraph').ready(function(){ d3.selectAll('.nv-slice').on('click',function(e){ var; window.location='treatment.html?treatment='+col; });}); } ;\n rungraphpi(); alert(); \n </script>" text = text.replace(argument5, argument6) return text
def generate_chart(data, file, type=None): if not type: type = 'multiBarHorizontalChart' xdata, ydata = [], [] html = """ <link href="/home/chcao/cc-dev/gechart/static/nvd3/build/nv.d3.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script src="/home/chcao/cc-dev/gechart/static/d3/d3.js"></script> <script src="/home/chcao/cc-dev/gechart/static/d3/d3.min.js"></script> <script src="/home/chcao/cc-dev/gechart/static/nvd3/build/nv.d3.js"></script> """ for k, v in data.iteritems(): xdata.append(k) ydata.append(v) # piechart chart = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=900, width=1500) extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "Number: ", "y_end": ""}} chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) chart.buildcontent() write_files(file, chart.htmlcontent, html)
def process_data(): pcapdata = [] for ts, buf in pcap: eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf) ip = tcp = dtstring=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S:%f') # Convert time to string #dt=datetime.datetime.strptime(dtstring,'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S:%f') # Convert string time to datetime try: if len( > 0: http = dpkt.http.Request( headers = http.headers dest_ip = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.dst) src_ip = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.src) dest_host = headers['host'] uri = http.uri useragent = headers['user-agent'] request = repr(http['body']) #data = (dtstring, http.method) data = ("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}".format(dtstring, src_ip, useragent, dest_host, dest_ip, http.method, request)) pcapdata.append(data) except: continue # Get data from db and save results to a list ############################# gets = [] # Hold the get requests posts = [] # Hold the posts gets_and_posts = [] gets_full_entry = [] gets_with_a_request = [] posts_full_entry = [] total_entries = [] gets_and_posts_no_head = [] alltimes = [] for data in pcapdata: data = data.split(',') time = data[0] useragent = data[2] request_method = data[5] request = data[6] src_ip = data[1] dest_ip = data[4] dest_host = data[3] if request_method == 'GET': if len(request) > 2: # Dirty way to negate the requests with no data line = "{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}".format(time,src_ip,useragent,dest_ip,dest_host,request_method,request) gets_with_a_request.append(line) if len(request) > 2: # Dirty way to negate the requests with no data line = "{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}".format(time,src_ip,useragent,dest_ip,dest_host,request_method,request) else: line = "{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},No request".format(time,src_ip,useragent,dest_ip,dest_host,request_method) alltimes.append(time) total_entries.append(line) # Used for counting the GETs and POSTs, for making the pie chart if request_method == 'GET': gets_and_posts.append('GET Requests') gets_and_posts_no_head.append(line) if request_method == 'POST': gets_and_posts.append('POSTs') gets_and_posts_no_head.append(line) ################################### # Get all the GETs (full line) and save to gets_full_entry if request_method == 'GET': gets.append(request_method) gets_full_entry.append(line) # Get all the POSTs (full line) and save to posts_full_entry if request_method == 'POST': posts.append(request_method) posts_full_entry.append(line) html_start = """<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <link href="../../flask/static/bower_components/nvd3/build/nv.d3.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="../../flask/static/bower_components/d3/d3.min.js"></script> <script src="../../flask/static/bower_components/nvd3/build/nv.d3.min.js"></script> <script src="../../flask/static/plotly-latest.min.js"></script> </head> <body>""" html_end = """ </body> </html>""" ################################### # For a Pie Chart of GETS and POSTS: count_request_method = count_stuff(gets_and_posts) count_of_request_methods = [] temp = [] for key, value in count_request_method.iteritems(): temp = [key,value] count_of_request_methods.append(temp) xcategorylist = [] ycategorylist = [] for item in count_of_request_methods: xcategorylist.append(item[0]) ycategorylist.append(item[1]) type = 'pieChart' categorypiechart = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=400, width=400) extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " cal"}} categorypiechart.add_serie(y=ycategorylist, x=xcategorylist, extra=extra_serie) categorypiechart.buildcontent() writefile = open('pcapstatic/pcap_category_piechart.html','w') writefile.write(html_start + categorypiechart.htmlcontent) writefile = open('pcapstatic/pcap_category_piechart.html','a') # Re-open for appending header = "<b>Time, Source IP, Destination Host, Destination IP, Request Method, Request</b><br>" writefile.write(header) #for line in gets_with_a_request: for line in total_entries: line = line.split(',') time, src_ip, dest_host, dest_ip, method, request = line[0],line[1],line[4],line[3],line[5],line[6] line = ("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}<br>".format(time, src_ip, dest_host, dest_ip, method, request)) writefile.write(line) for line in posts_full_entry: line = line.split(',') time, src_ip, dest_host, dest_ip, method, request = line[0],line[1],line[4],line[3],line[5],line[6] line = ("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}<br>".format(time, src_ip, dest_host, dest_ip, method, request)) writefile.write(line) writefile.write(html_end) # Timeseries of GETs vs POSTs with plotly xtime = [] ytime = [] for item in gets_and_posts_no_head: item = item.split(',') xtime.append(item[0]) ytime.append(item[5]) # Time Series df_timeseries = pd.DataFrame(ytime,xtime) plot_html, plotdivid, width, height = _plot_html(df_timeseries.iplot(asFigure=True, kind ='bar', subplots=False, shared_xaxes=True, fill=True, title='Time Series of HTTP Requests',dimensions=(800,450)), False, "", True, '100%', 525, False) html_bar_chart = html_start + plot_html + html_end f = open('pcapstatic/pcap_timeseries.html', 'w') f.write(html_bar_chart) f.close() # Gets and Posts on a timeseries: xtime = [] yrequest = [] posts_to_dst_ips = [] gets_to_dst_ips = [] total_dst_ips = [] total_src_ips = [] total_dst_hosts = [] for item in total_entries: item = item.split(',') time = item[0] src_ip = item[2] dst_ip = item[3] dst_host = item[4] request = item[5] if src_ip not in total_src_ips: total_src_ips.append(src_ip) if dst_ip not in total_dst_ips: total_dst_ips.append(dst_ip) if dst_host not in total_dst_hosts: total_dst_hosts.append(dst_host) # Separate the dst_ip's based on GETS and POSTS (for a map) if request == 'POST': posts_to_dst_ips.append(dst_ip) if request == 'GET': gets_to_dst_ips.append(dst_ip) # Get the count of POSTS for a timeseries if request == 'POST': xtime.append(time) yrequest.append(1) else: xtime.append(time) yrequest.append(0) # Create maps of the POSTS vs GETS: quickmap.ip_map_world('miller-2048x1502-color.jpg',posts_to_dst_ips,'pcapstatic/posts_to_dst_ips.svg') quickmap.ip_map_world('miller-2048x1502-color.jpg',gets_to_dst_ips,'pcapstatic/gets_to_dst_ips.svg') df_timeseries = pd.DataFrame(yrequest,xtime) plot_html, plotdivid, width, height = _plot_html(df_timeseries.iplot(asFigure=True, kind ='bar', subplots=False, shared_xaxes=True, fill=True, title='All Requests by time, showing the POSTs',dimensions=(800,450)), False, "", True, '100%', 525, False) html_bar_chart = html_start + plot_html + html_end f = open('pcapstatic/getsandposts_timeseries.html', 'w') f.write(html_bar_chart) f.close() # TO DO: Check out domains with investigate ####################### # STATS: number_of_gets = str(len(gets)) + " GET requests seen<br>" number_of_posts = str(len(posts)) + " POSTS seen<br>" stats_number_of_src_ips = str(len(total_src_ips)) + " total Source IP addresses<br>" stats_number_of_dst_ips = str(len(total_dst_ips)) + " total Destination IP addresses<br>" stats_number_of_dst_hosts = str(len(total_dst_hosts)) + " total Destination Hosts<br>" stats = number_of_gets + number_of_posts + stats_number_of_src_ips + stats_number_of_dst_ips + stats_number_of_dst_hosts writefile = open('pcapstatic/stats.html','w') writefile.write(stats)
type = "discreteBarChart" chart = discreteBarChart(name='my graphname', height=400, width=800, jquery_on_ready=True) chart.set_containerheader("\n\n<h2>" + type + "</h2>\n\n") xdata = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G"] ydata = [3, 12, -10, 5, 25, -7, 2] extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " cal"}} chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) chart.buildcontent() output_file.write(chart.htmlcontent) # --------------------------------------- type = "pie Chart" chart = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=400, width=400, jquery_on_ready=True) chart.set_containerheader("\n\n<h2>" + type + "</h2>\n\n") color_list = ['orange', 'yellow', '#C5E946', '#95b43f', 'red', '#FF2259', '#F6A641'] extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " cal"}, "color_list": color_list} xdata = ["Orange", "Banana", "Pear", "Kiwi", "Apple", "Strawberry", "Pineapple"] ydata = [3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 7, 3] chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) chart.buildcontent() output_file.write(chart.htmlcontent) # --------------------------------------- name = "lineChart-different-x-axis" type = "lineChart" chart = lineChart(name=name, height=400, width=800, x_is_date=False,
<html lang="th"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <title>2014 Annual Survey of State Government Tax Collections</title> </head> <body> <center><h1>2014 Annual Survey of State Government Tax Collections</h1></center> """ pattern = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " Million USD"}} chart = multiBarChart(width=1024, height=768, x_axis_format=None) chart1 = pieChart(name="chart1", color_category="category20c", height=800, width=768) chart1.add_serie(y=total_taxes, x=states, extra={"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " %"}}) chart1.buildcontent() chart.add_serie(name="chart", y=total_taxes, x=states) chart.buildcontent() file.write(headhtml) file.write("<center><h2>All Tax Collections By States</h2></center>") file.write("<center>") file.write(chart1.htmlcontent) file.write("</center>") file.write("<center><h2>State Government Tax CollectionsTax Collections By Category</h2></center>")
""" Examples for Python-nvd3 is a Python wrapper for NVD3 graph library. NVD3 is an attempt to build re-usable charts and chart components for d3.js without taking away the power that d3.js gives you. Project location : """ from nvd3 import pieChart #Open File for test output_file = open('test_pieChart.html', 'w') type = "pieChart" chart = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=400, width=400) chart.set_containerheader("\n\n<h2>" + type + "</h2>\n\n") extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " cal"}} xdata = ["Orange", "Banana", "Pear", "Kiwi", "Apple", "Strawberry", "Pineapple"] ydata = [3, 4, 0, 1, 5, 7, 3] chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) chart.buildhtml() output_file.write(chart.htmlcontent) #--------------------------------------- #close Html file output_file.close()
def gender(self, **kwargs): """ Creates gender distribution figures. Parameters (generated during class initialization) ---------- NVD3 = False. If true, nvd3 interactive figure output. Output ------ Saves figures to specified directories. Returns ------- None """ NVD3 = kwargs.get('NVD3', False) ### Removes those users not having the option to fill in edX registration data. trim_data = self.person[(self.person.registered == 1) & (self.person.user_id > 156633)] ### Data gdict = {'f': "$Female$", 'm': "$Male$", 'o': "$Other$"} glist = ['$Female$', '$Male$'] ### Munge and Plot gender = trim_data.gender.dropna().apply( lambda x: gdict[x]).value_counts() #print gender certs = trim_data[trim_data.certified == 1] if certs.username.count() > self.mincerts: certs = certs.gender.dropna().apply( lambda x: gdict[x]).value_counts() else: certs = pd.Series(index=gender.index) gender = pd.concat([gender, certs], join='inner', axis=1, keys=['$Non-Certified$', '$Certified$']) gender = 100. * gender / gender.sum() gender = gender.apply(lambda x: np.round(x, 1)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) gender.ix[glist, :].plot( ax=ax1, kind='bar', color=[xff.colors['neutral'], xff.colors['institute']], rot=0) ### Plot Details ax1.set_xticklabels([r'%s' % x for x in glist]) ax1.set_yticklabels( [r'${0}\%$'.format("%.0f" % (y)) for y in ax1.get_yticks()], fontsize=30) ax1.legend(loc=2, prop={'size': 28}, frameon=False) ### Generalized Plotting functions figsavename = self.figpath + 'gender_distribution_' + self.nickname.replace( '.', '_') print figsavename xff.texify(fig, ax1, xlabel=None, ylabel='Count', figsavename=figsavename + '.png') # ### Output JSON Records # = 'value' # gender = gender.reset_index().rename(columns={'index':'label'}) # gender.dropna().to_json(figsavename+'.json',orient='records') #---------------------------------------------------------------- ### NVD3 Interactive if NVD3: '' X = [x.replace('$', '') for x in gender.index] Y1 = gender.ix[glist, '$Non-Certified$'].values Y2 = gender.ix[glist, '$Certified$'].values #---------------------------------------------------------------- ### BAR Chart from nvd3 import multiBarChart ### Output File figsavename = self.figpath + 'interactive_gender_distribution_' + self.nickname + '.html' output_file = open(figsavename, 'w') print figsavename title = "Gender Distribution: %s" % self._xd.course_id charttype = 'multiBarChart' chart = multiBarChart(name=charttype, height=350, x_axis_format="", y_axis_format=".1f") chart.set_containerheader("\n\n<h2>" + title + "</h2>\n\n") nb_element = len(gender.ix[glist, :]) ### Series 1 extra_serie1 = { "tooltip": { "y_start": "", "y_end": "%" }, "color": xff.colors['neutral'], "format": ".1f" } chart.add_serie(name="Participants", y=Y1, x=X, extra=extra_serie1) ### Series 2 extra_serie2 = { "tooltip": { "y_start": "", "y_end": "%" }, "color": xff.colors['institute'], "format": ".1f" } chart.add_serie(name="Certificate Earners", y=Y2, x=X, extra=extra_serie2) ### Final Output chart.buildhtml() output_file.write(chart.htmlcontent) #--------------------------------------- #close Html file output_file.close() #---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Pie Chart from nvd3 import pieChart ### Output File figsavename = self.figpath + 'interactive_gender_piechart_' + self.nickname + '.html' output_file = open(figsavename, 'w') print figsavename title = "Gender Pie Chart: %s" % self._xd.course_id charttype = 'multiBarChart' chart = pieChart(name=charttype, color_category='category20c', height=400, width=400) chart.set_containerheader("\n\n<h2>" + title + "</h2>\n\n") extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " certified"}} chart.add_serie(y=Y1, x=X, extra=extra_serie) ### Final Output chart.buildhtml() output_file.write(chart.htmlcontent) #--------------------------------------- #close Html file output_file.close() return None
chart.buildcontent() # Build HTML content only output_file.write(chart.htmlcontent) output_file.write("<p>All key word rank: <br>1st: ['service', 'manage', 'manage', 'manage', 'sale'], <br> 2nd: ['custom', 'work', 'work', 'work', 'custom'],<br>3rd: ['manage', 'service', 'service', 'service', 'product'], <br>4th: ['work', 'detail', 'custom', 'provide', 'service'], <br>5th: ['experiment', 'provide', 'experiment', 'response', 'work'],<br>6th: ['time', 'custom', 'require', 'custom', 'time'],<br>7th: ['sale', 'include', 'detail', 'sale', 'companies'],<br>8th: ['provid', 'require', 'provide', 'detail', 'manage'],<br>9th: ['require', 'companies', 'develop', 'develop', 'experiment'],<br>10th: ['detail', 'develop', 'response', 'experiment', 'detail']</p>") output_file.write("<p>Interestingly the hightest appeared key words from Job titles and Job descriptions are slightly different, we can see that the hottest job key words are: management, work, customer, service, sales, experienced, provider.</p>") # ----------------------------Title_11/15 Pie Chart output_file.write('<h3>Closer look at Top 10 Key Words in Job Title</h3>') output_file.write("<p>Following pie charts provides a closer look at Top 10 Key Words in Job Title</p>") type = "Hottest Key Words in Job Title for 11/15" chart = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=350, width=1000) #chart.set_containerheader("\n\n<h3>" + type + "</h3>\n\n") #chart.add_chart_extras("\n\n<p>" + 'Here is the description.' + "<p>\n\n") #chart.header_css = <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " %"}} xdata = ['service', 'manage', 'entry', 'custom', 'sale', 'member', 'food', 'crew', 'nurse', 'assist'] ydata = [0.19763513513513514, 0.13429054054054054, 0.11570945945945946, 0.10557432432432433, 0.10050675675675676, 0.0785472972972973, 0.07263513513513513, 0.07179054054054054, 0.06672297297297297, 0.056587837837837836] ydata = [ydata[i]*100 for i in range(9)] chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) chart.buildcontent() # Build HTML content only output_file.write(chart.htmlcontent) #----------------------------- Title_11/17 Pie Chart type = "Hottest Key Words in Job Title for 11/17"
def process_data(): # Database details: connection = MongoClient(MONGODB_HOST, MONGODB_PORT) collection = connection[DBS_NAME][COLLECTION_NAME] projects = collection.find(projection=fields) # Count the number of times a something is seen: def count_stuff(listofitems): listofitems_counted = Counter() for d in listofitems: t = d.split(',')[0] listofitems_counted[d] += 1 return(listofitems_counted) # Get data from db and save results to a list ############################# timeanddomain = [] # Hold the list of domains for counting for project in projects: dateandtime = project['time'] domain = project['domain'] line = ("{0},{1}").format(dateandtime, domain) timeanddomain.append(line) # Save the time of domain hits all_times = [] # Hold the times for item in timeanddomain: #print item time = item.split(',')[0] all_times.append(time) # Separate IP addresses from Domains ############################# temp1 = [] # Hold the domains that are not IPV4 unique_domains = [] # Hold the domains that are not IPV4 and IPV6. domain_count(domain) will use this to count the domains ip = [] # Hold the IP addresses (IPV4 and IPV6) empty_items = 0 for item in timeanddomain: domain = item.split(',')[1] if valid_ipv4(domain) == True: ip.append(domain) if valid_ipv6(domain) == True: ip.append(domain) # This next one takes all non-ipv4 items (domains) and adds them to the temp1 list: if valid_ipv4(domain) == False: temp1.append(domain) # This one reads the temp1 list that contains both domains and ipv6 addresses and takes only the non-ipv6 entries and adds them to the unique_domains list: for domain in temp1: if valid_ipv6(domain) == False: unique_domains.append(domain) count_of_domains = count_stuff(unique_domains) # Count the domains and save as count_of_domains count_of_times = count_stuff(all_times) # Count the domains and save as count_of_domains # Turn the count_of_domains into a dictionary # Used to set a threshold and view domains contacted over or under a certain number domainslist = [] temp = [] for key, value in count_of_domains.iteritems(): temp = [key,value] domainslist.append(temp) timeslist = [] temp = [] for key, value in count_of_times.iteritems(): temp = [key,value] timeslist.append(temp) ############################# # Determine normal in a loose manner: ############################# normal_traffic = [] suspicious_traffic = [] # Print domains with a certain number of visits for item in domainslist: domain = item[0] count = item[1] # if count is greater than or equal to a number: if count >= 2: #print("{0}, {1}".format(domain,count)) normal_traffic.append(item) # if count is equal to a number: if count < 5: #print("{0}, {1}".format(domain,count)) suspicious_traffic.append(item) # if count is less than or equal to a number: # if count <= 10: # print("{0}, {1}".format(domain,count)) ###################################################### # Take the suspicious domains and unique them, getting them ready to look at using third party tools: domain_counts = [] # firstlevel.tld, count domain_fullrequest_counts = [] # actual request, firstlevel.tld, count temp = [] # Temporary holder to unique the firstlevel.tld, as used below for line in suspicious_traffic: fulldomain = line[0] dom = tldextract.extract(fulldomain) if dom.suffix != '': domain = dom.domain + '.' + dom.suffix # Just the first level domain # Create a newline, which has the firstlevel domain, the full domain with subdomains and the count domain_fullrequest_count = "{0},{1},{2}".format(domain,fulldomain,line[1]) if domain in temp: continue else: domain_count = "{0},{1}".format(domain,line[1]) domain_counts.append(domain_count) domain_fullrequest_counts.append(domain_fullrequest_count) temp.append(domain) # Unique the domains ################################# # Check the suspicious traffic in # OpenDNS Investigate: token = () with open('investigate_token.txt') as API_KEY: token = token = token.rstrip() inv = investigate.Investigate(token) categories_list = [] security_categories_list = [] wl_domains = [] bl_domains = [] not_determined_domains = [] for line in domain_fullrequest_counts: line = line.split(',') domain = line[0] domain_fullrequest_count = "{0},{1},{2}".format(line[0],line[1],line[2]) res = inv.categorization(domain, labels=True) status = res[domain]['status'] if status == 0: # Get domain categorization and add it to categories_list content_category = res[domain]['content_categories'] if content_category == []: continue else: for value in content_category: categories_list.append(value) ############## not_determined_domains.append(domain_fullrequest_count) if status == 1: # Get domain categorization and add it to categories_list content_category = res[domain]['content_categories'] if content_category == []: continue else: for value in content_category: categories_list.append(value) ############## wl_domains.append(domain_fullrequest_count) #print domain_fullrequest_count if status == -1: bl_domains.append(domain_fullrequest_count) security_category = res[domain]['security_categories'] if security_category == []: continue else: for value in security_category: security_categories_list.append(value) categories_list.append(value) # Get domain categorization and add it to categories_list content_category = res[domain]['content_categories'] if content_category == []: continue else: for value in content_category: categories_list.append(value) ############## #domain_and_cat = str(domain) + ":" + str(security_category) #print (domain, security_category) count_of_categories = count_stuff(categories_list) # Count the categories and save as count_of_categories # Turn the count_of_categories into a dictionary category_list = [] temp = [] for key, value in count_of_categories.iteritems(): temp = [key,value] category_list.append(temp) count_of_security_categories = count_stuff(security_categories_list) # Count the categories and save as count_of_security_categories # Turn the count_of_security_categories into a dictionary security_category_list = [] temp = [] for key, value in count_of_security_categories.iteritems(): temp = [key,value] security_category_list.append(temp) #print security_categories_list ##################################### # CHART GENERATION ##################################### # Time visit Barchart: xtimedata = [] ytimedata = [] for item in timeanddomain: item = item.split(',') xtimedata.append(item[0]) ytimedata.append(item[1]) ''' timebarchart = discreteBarChart(name='discreteBarChart', height=600, width=1000) timebarchart.add_serie(y=ytimedata, x=xtimedata) timebarchart.buildhtml() timebarchart = discreteBarChart(name='discreteBarChart', height=600, width=1000) timebarchart.add_serie(y=df['date'], x=df['counts']) #timebarchart.add_serie(y=df.index.values, x=df['domain']) timebarchart.buildhtml() writefile = open('../flask/templates/timebar.html','w') writefile.write(timebarchart.htmlcontent)''' ##################################### #alldomains Barchart: xdomaindata = [] ydomaindata = [] for item in domainslist: xdomaindata.append(item[0]) ydomaindata.append(item[1]) ### Plotly does this better. All domains visit Barchart: '''alldomains = discreteBarChart(name='discreteBarChart', height=300, width=1000) alldomains.add_serie(y=ydomaindata, x=xdomaindata) alldomains.buildhtml() writefile = open('../flask/templates/alldomains.html','w') writefile.write(alldomains.htmlcontent)''' ##################################### # For a chart of suspicious domains: xsuspicious = [] ysuspicious = [] for item in domain_counts: item = item.split(',') xsuspicious.append(item[0]) # Domains ysuspicious.append(item[1]) # Count ### Plotly does this better. suspicious visit Barchart: '''suspiciousbarchart = discreteBarChart(name='discreteBarChart', height=600, width=1000) suspiciousbarchart.add_serie(y=ysuspicious, x=xsuspicious) suspiciousbarchart.buildhtml() writefile = open('../flask/templates/suspicious_domains.html','w') writefile.write(suspiciousbarchart.htmlcontent)''' ##################################### # For a chart of blacklisted domains: xblacklisted = [] yblacklisted = [] for item in bl_domains: item = item.split(',') xblacklisted.append(item[0]) # Domains yblacklisted.append(item[2]) # Count ### Plotly does this better. Blacklisted Barchart: '''blacklistedbarchart = discreteBarChart(name='discreteBarChart', height=300, width=600) blacklistedbarchart.add_serie(y=yblacklisted, x=xblacklisted) blacklistedbarchart.buildhtml() writefile = open('../flask/templates/blacklisted_domains.html','w') writefile.write(blacklistedbarchart.htmlcontent)''' ##################################### # For a chart of whitelisted domains: xwhitelisted = [] ywhitelisted = [] for item in wl_domains: item = item.split(',') xwhitelisted.append(item[0]) # Domains ywhitelisted.append(item[2]) # Count ### Plotly does this better. whitelisted Barchart: '''whitelistedbarchart = discreteBarChart(name='discreteBarChart', height=300, width=600) whitelistedbarchart.add_serie(y=ywhitelisted, x=xwhitelisted) whitelistedbarchart.buildhtml() writefile = open('../flask/templates/whitelisted_domains.html','w') writefile.write(whitelistedbarchart.htmlcontent)''' ##################################### # For a Pie Chart of categories: xcategorylist = [] ycategorylist = [] for item in category_list: xcategorylist.append(item[0]) # Categories ycategorylist.append(item[1]) # Count ### Blacklisted Barchart: type = 'pieChart' categorypiechart = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=1000, width=1000) xdata = xcategorylist ydata = ycategorylist extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " cal"}} categorypiechart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) categorypiechart.buildhtml() writefile = open('../flask/templates/category_piechart.html','w') writefile.write(categorypiechart.htmlcontent) df_categories = pd.DataFrame(data=ycategorylist,index=xcategorylist) ##################################### # For a Pie Chart of security categories: xseccategorylist = [] yseccategorylist = [] for item in security_category_list: xseccategorylist.append(item[0]) # Categories yseccategorylist.append(item[1]) # Count ### security category piehart: type = 'pieChart' security_categorypiechart = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=450, width=450) xdata = xseccategorylist ydata = yseccategorylist extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": ""}} security_categorypiechart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) security_categorypiechart.buildhtml() writefile = open('../flask/templates/security_category_piechart.html','w') writefile.write(security_categorypiechart.htmlcontent) ##################################### # For a chart of neutral listed domains: xneutrallisted = [] yneutrallisted = [] for item in not_determined_domains: item = item.split(',') xneutrallisted.append(item[0]) # Domains yneutrallisted.append(item[2]) # Count ### Plotly does this better. neutral listed Barchart: '''neutrallistedbarchart = discreteBarChart(name='discreteBarChart', height=300, width=600) neutrallistedbarchart.add_serie(y=yneutrallisted, x=xneutrallisted) neutrallistedbarchart.buildhtml() writefile = open('../flask/templates/neutral_domains.html','w') writefile.write(neutrallistedbarchart.htmlcontent)''' ################################# stats_number_of_u_domains = str(len(unique_domains)) + " unique domains seen<br>" stats_number_of_t_domains = str(len(timeanddomain)) + " total domains<br>" stats_number_of_ips = str(len(ip)) + " total IP addresses<br>" stats_normaltraffic = ('Normal traffic (domains visited over 3 times): {0}<br>').format(len(normal_traffic)) stats_suspicioustraffic = ('Amount of suspicious traffic domains visited under 2 times): {0}<br>').format(len(suspicious_traffic)) stats_wl = ('<br>Of the suspicious domains (uniqued):<br>Whitelisted domains (OpenDNS): {0}<br>'.format(len(wl_domains))) stats_bl = ('Blacklisted domains (OpenDNS): {0}<br>'.format(len(bl_domains))) stats_neutral = ('Neutral domains (OpenDNS): {0}'.format(len(not_determined_domains))) stats_categories_list = ('Number of categories seen: {0}'.format(len(categories_list))) stats = stats_number_of_u_domains + stats_number_of_t_domains + stats_number_of_ips + stats_normaltraffic + stats_suspicioustraffic + stats_wl + stats_bl + stats_neutral writefile = open('../flask/templates/stats.html','w') writefile.write(stats) # This one's for plotly: xtime = [] ytime = [] for item in timeanddomain: item = item.split(',') xtime.append(item[0]) ytime.append(item[1]) d = {'date':xtime,'domain':ytime} df = pd.DataFrame(data=d) df['counts'] = df.groupby('domain').transform('count') # For plotly: df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=ytime,index=xtime) df2.index = pd.to_datetime(df2.index) ############################# # HTML for plotly plots: ############################# html_start = """<html> <head> <script src="../static/plotly-latest.min.js"></script> </head> <body>""" html_end = """ </body> </html>""" # Line plot: '''plot_html, plotdivid, width, height = _plot_html(df2.iplot(asFigure=True, kind ='scatter', subplots=True, shared_xaxes=True, fill=True, title='Count by day',dimensions=(800,800)), False, "", True, '100%', 525, False) html_bar_chart = html_start + plot_html + html_end f = open('../flask/templates/plottest_scatter.html', 'w') f.write(html_bar_chart) f.close()''' # Suspicious domains df_suspicious = pd.DataFrame(ysuspicious, xsuspicious) plot_html, plotdivid, width, height = _plot_html(df_suspicious.iplot(asFigure=True, kind ='bar', subplots=True, shared_xaxes=True, fill=False, title='Suspicious Traffic',dimensions=(600,600)), False, "", True, '100%', 525, False) html_bar_chart = html_start + plot_html + html_end f = open('../flask/templates/suspicious_traffic.html', 'w') f.write(html_bar_chart) f.close() # All domains visited df_alldomains = pd.DataFrame(ydomaindata, xdomaindata) plot_html, plotdivid, width, height = _plot_html(df_alldomains.iplot(asFigure=True, kind ='bar', subplots=True, shared_xaxes=True, fill=False, title='All Traffic',dimensions=(600,300)), False, "", True, '100%', 525, False) html_bar_chart = html_start + plot_html + html_end f = open('../flask/templates/all_traffic.html', 'w') f.write(html_bar_chart) f.close() # Whitelisted df_whitelisted = pd.DataFrame(ywhitelisted, xwhitelisted) plot_html, plotdivid, width, height = _plot_html(df_whitelisted.iplot(asFigure=True, kind ='bar', subplots=True, shared_xaxes=True, fill=False, title='Whitelisted Traffic',dimensions=(600,300)), False, "", True, '100%', 525, False) html_bar_chart = html_start + plot_html + html_end f = open('../flask/templates/whitelisted_traffic.html', 'w') f.write(html_bar_chart) f.close() # Not categorized df_not_categorized = pd.DataFrame(yneutrallisted, xneutrallisted) plot_html, plotdivid, width, height = _plot_html(df_not_categorized.iplot(asFigure=True, kind ='bar', subplots=True, shared_xaxes=True, fill=False, title='Non-categorized Traffic',dimensions=(600,300)), False, "", True, '100%', 525, False) html_bar_chart = html_start + plot_html + html_end f = open('../flask/templates/not_categorized_traffic.html', 'w') f.write(html_bar_chart) f.close() # Blacklisted df_blacklisted = pd.DataFrame(yblacklisted, xblacklisted) plot_html, plotdivid, width, height = _plot_html(df_blacklisted.iplot(asFigure=True, kind ='bar', subplots=True, shared_xaxes=True, fill=False, title='Blacklisted Traffic',dimensions=(600,300)), False, "", True, '100%', 525, False) html_bar_chart = html_start + plot_html + html_end f = open('../flask/templates/blacklisted_traffic.html', 'w') f.write(html_bar_chart) f.close() # Time Series df_timeseries = pd.DataFrame(ytimedata,xtimedata) plot_html, plotdivid, width, height = _plot_html(df_timeseries.iplot(asFigure=True, kind ='bar', subplots=False, shared_xaxes=True, fill=True, title='Time Series',dimensions=(800,450)), False, "", True, '100%', 525, False) html_bar_chart = html_start + plot_html + html_end f = open('../flask/templates/timeseries.html', 'w') f.write(html_bar_chart) f.close()
def hello(): events = requests.get( "").json() emotion_dict = get_emotion_dict(events) type = 'pieChart' moodchart = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=450, width=450) xdata = [ key for key in ['😁 joy', '😢 sorrow', '😠 anger', '😲 surprise', '😐 neutral'] ] ydata = [emotion_dict[key] for key in emotion_dict] extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " %"}} moodchart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) moodchart.buildcontent() stresschart = lineWithFocusChart(name='lineWithFocusChart', x_is_date=True, x_axis_format="%d %b %Y") xdata, ydata_stress, ydata_harm, ydata_physical = get_stress_level(events) extra_serie = { "tooltip": { "y_start": "", "y_end": " ext" }, "date_format": "%d %b %Y %H" } stresschart.add_serie(name="Stress Level", y=ydata_stress, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) stresschart.add_serie(name="Self Harm Level", y=ydata_harm, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) stresschart.add_serie(name="Physical Activity Level", y=ydata_physical, x=xdata, extra=extra_serie) stresschart.buildhtml() html = """<table> <tr> <th>Trigger</th> <th>Resolution</th> <th>Additional Notes</th> </tr> {0} </table>""" items = get_table_items(events) tr = "<tr>{0}</tr>" td = "<td>{0}</td>" subitems = [ tr.format(''.join([td.format(a) for a in item])) for item in items ] table = html.format("".join(subitems)) return render_template('index.html', table=table, moodchart=moodchart, stresschart=stresschart)
def process_data(): # Database details: connection = MongoClient(MONGODB_HOST, MONGODB_PORT) collection = connection[DBS_NAME][COLLECTION_NAME] projects = collection.find(projection=fields) #projects = collection.find() # Get data from db and save results to a list ############################# gets = [] # Hold the get requests posts = [] # Hold the posts gets_and_posts = [] gets_full_entry = [] gets_with_a_request = [] posts_full_entry = [] total_entries = [] gets_and_posts_no_head = [] alltimes = [] for data in projects: time = data['time'] useragent = data['useragent'] request_method = data['request_method'] request = data['request'] src_ip = data['src_ip'] dest_ip = data['dest_ip'] dest_host = data['dest_host'] if request_method == 'GET': if len(request) > 2: # Dirty way to negate the requests with no data line = "{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}".format(time,src_ip,useragent,dest_ip,dest_host,request_method,request) gets_with_a_request.append(line) if len(request) > 2: # Dirty way to negate the requests with no data line = "{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}".format(time,src_ip,useragent,dest_ip,dest_host,request_method,request) else: line = "{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},No request".format(time,src_ip,useragent,dest_ip,dest_host,request_method) alltimes.append(time) total_entries.append(line) # Used for counting the GETs and POSTs, for making the pie chart if request_method == 'GET': gets_and_posts.append('GET Requests') gets_and_posts_no_head.append(line) if request_method == 'POST': gets_and_posts.append('POSTs') gets_and_posts_no_head.append(line) ################################### # Get all the GETs (full line) and save to gets_full_entry if request_method == 'GET': gets.append(request_method) gets_full_entry.append(line) # Get all the POSTs (full line) and save to posts_full_entry if request_method == 'POST': posts.append(request_method) posts_full_entry.append(line) html_start = """<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src="../../static/plotly-latest.min.js"></script> </head> <body>""" html_end = """ </body> </html>""" ################################### # For a Pie Chart of GETS and POSTS: count_request_method = count_stuff(gets_and_posts) count_of_request_methods = [] temp = [] for key, value in count_request_method.iteritems(): temp = [key,value] count_of_request_methods.append(temp) xcategorylist = [] ycategorylist = [] for item in count_of_request_methods: xcategorylist.append(item[0]) ycategorylist.append(item[1]) type = 'pieChart' categorypiechart = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=400, width=400) extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " cal"}} categorypiechart.add_serie(y=ycategorylist, x=xcategorylist, extra=extra_serie) categorypiechart.buildcontent() writefile = open('../flask/templates/pcap/pcap_category_piechart.html','w') writefile.write(html_start + categorypiechart.htmlcontent) writefile = open('../flask/templates/pcap/pcap_category_piechart.html','a') # Re-open for appending header = "<b>Time, Source IP, Destination Host, Destination IP, Request Method, Request</b><br>" writefile.write(header) #for line in gets_with_a_request: for line in total_entries: line = line.split(',') time, src_ip, dest_host, dest_ip, method, request = line[0],line[1],line[4],line[3],line[5],line[6] line = ("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}<br>".format(time, src_ip, dest_host, dest_ip, method, request)) writefile.write(line) for line in posts_full_entry: line = line.split(',') time, src_ip, dest_host, dest_ip, method, request = line[0],line[1],line[4],line[3],line[5],line[6] line = ("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}<br>".format(time, src_ip, dest_host, dest_ip, method, request)) writefile.write(line) writefile.write(html_end) # Timeseries of GETs vs POSTs with plotly xtime = [] ytime = [] for item in gets_and_posts_no_head: item = item.split(',') xtime.append(item[0]) ytime.append(item[5]) # Time Series df_timeseries = pd.DataFrame(ytime,xtime) plot_html, plotdivid, width, height = _plot_html(df_timeseries.iplot(asFigure=True, kind ='bar', subplots=False, shared_xaxes=True, fill=True, title='Time Series of HTTP Requests',dimensions=(800,450)), False, "", True, '100%', 525, False) html_bar_chart = html_start + plot_html + html_end f = open('../flask/templates/pcap/pcap_timeseries.html', 'w') f.write(html_bar_chart) f.close() # Gets and Posts on a timeseries: xtime = [] yrequest = [] posts_to_dst_ips = [] gets_to_dst_ips = [] total_dst_ips = [] total_src_ips = [] total_dst_hosts = [] for item in total_entries: item = item.split(',') time = item[0] src_ip = item[2] dst_ip = item[3] dst_host = item[4] request = item[5] if src_ip not in total_src_ips: total_src_ips.append(src_ip) if dst_ip not in total_dst_ips: total_dst_ips.append(dst_ip) if dst_host not in total_dst_hosts: total_dst_hosts.append(dst_host) # Separate the dst_ip's based on GETS and POSTS (for a map) if request == 'POST': posts_to_dst_ips.append(dst_ip) if request == 'GET': gets_to_dst_ips.append(dst_ip) # Get the count of POSTS for a timeseries if request == 'POST': xtime.append(time) yrequest.append(1) else: xtime.append(time) yrequest.append(0) # Create maps of the POSTS vs GETS: quickmap.ip_map_world('../../static/miller-2048x1502-color.jpg',posts_to_dst_ips,'../flask/templates/pcap/posts_to_dst_ips.svg') quickmap.ip_map_world('../../static/miller-2048x1502-color.jpg',gets_to_dst_ips,'../flask/templates/pcap/gets_to_dst_ips.svg') df_timeseries = pd.DataFrame(yrequest,xtime) plot_html, plotdivid, width, height = _plot_html(df_timeseries.iplot(asFigure=True, kind ='bar', subplots=False, shared_xaxes=True, fill=True, title='All Requests by time, showing the POSTs',dimensions=(800,450)), False, "", True, '100%', 525, False) html_bar_chart = html_start + plot_html + html_end f = open('../flask/templates/pcap/getsandposts_timeseries.html', 'w') f.write(html_bar_chart) f.close() # TO DO: Check out domains with investigate ####################### # STATS: number_of_gets = str(len(gets)) + " GET requests seen<br>" number_of_posts = str(len(posts)) + " POSTS seen<br>" stats_number_of_src_ips = str(len(total_src_ips)) + " total Source IP addresses<br>" stats_number_of_dst_ips = str(len(total_dst_ips)) + " total Destination IP addresses<br>" stats_number_of_dst_hosts = str(len(total_dst_hosts)) + " total Destination Hosts<br>" stats = number_of_gets + number_of_posts + stats_number_of_src_ips + stats_number_of_dst_ips + stats_number_of_dst_hosts writefile = open('../flask/templates/pcap/stats.html','w') writefile.write(stats)
def gender(self,**kwargs): """ Creates gender distribution figures. Parameters (generated during class initialization) ---------- NVD3 = False. If true, nvd3 interactive figure output. Output ------ Saves figures to specified directories. Returns ------- None """ NVD3 = kwargs.get('NVD3',False) ### Removes those users not having the option to fill in edX registration data. trim_data = self.person[(self.person.registered==1) & (self.person.user_id>156633)] ### Data gdict = {'f': "$Female$",'m': "$Male$",'o':"$Other$"} glist = ['$Female$','$Male$'] ### Munge and Plot gender = trim_data.gender.dropna().apply(lambda x: gdict[x]).value_counts() #print gender certs = trim_data[trim_data.certified==1] if certs.username.count() > self.mincerts: certs = certs.gender.dropna().apply(lambda x: gdict[x]).value_counts() else: certs = pd.Series(index=gender.index) gender = pd.concat([gender,certs],join='inner',axis=1,keys=['$Non-Certified$','$Certified$']) gender = 100.*gender/gender.sum() gender = gender.apply(lambda x: np.round(x,1)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) gender.ix[glist,:].plot(ax=ax1,kind='bar',color=[xff.colors['neutral'],xff.colors['institute']],rot=0) ### Plot Details ax1.set_xticklabels([r'%s' % x for x in glist]) ax1.set_yticklabels([r'${0}\%$'.format("%.0f" % (y)) for y in ax1.get_yticks()],fontsize=30) ax1.legend(loc=2,prop={'size':28},frameon=False) ### Generalized Plotting functions figsavename = self.figpath+'gender_distribution_'+self.nickname.replace('.','_') print figsavename xff.texify(fig,ax1,xlabel=None,ylabel='Count',figsavename=figsavename+'.png') # ### Output JSON Records # = 'value' # gender = gender.reset_index().rename(columns={'index':'label'}) # gender.dropna().to_json(figsavename+'.json',orient='records') #---------------------------------------------------------------- ### NVD3 Interactive if NVD3: '' X = [ x.replace('$','') for x in gender.index ] Y1 = gender.ix[glist,'$Non-Certified$'].values Y2 = gender.ix[glist,'$Certified$'].values #---------------------------------------------------------------- ### BAR Chart from nvd3 import multiBarChart ### Output File figsavename = self.figpath+'interactive_gender_distribution_'+self.nickname+'.html' output_file = open(figsavename, 'w') print figsavename title = "Gender Distribution: %s" % self._xd.course_id charttype = 'multiBarChart' chart = multiBarChart(name=charttype, height=350, x_axis_format="", y_axis_format=".1f") chart.set_containerheader("\n\n<h2>" + title + "</h2>\n\n") nb_element = len(gender.ix[glist,:]) ### Series 1 extra_serie1 = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": "%"}, "color":xff.colors['neutral'], "format":".1f" } chart.add_serie(name="Participants", y=Y1, x=X, extra=extra_serie1) ### Series 2 extra_serie2 = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": "%"}, "color":xff.colors['institute'], "format":".1f" } chart.add_serie(name="Certificate Earners", y=Y2, x=X, extra=extra_serie2) ### Final Output chart.buildhtml() output_file.write(chart.htmlcontent) #--------------------------------------- #close Html file output_file.close() #---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Pie Chart from nvd3 import pieChart ### Output File figsavename = self.figpath+'interactive_gender_piechart_'+self.nickname+'.html' output_file = open(figsavename, 'w') print figsavename title = "Gender Pie Chart: %s" % self._xd.course_id charttype = 'multiBarChart' chart = pieChart(name=charttype, color_category='category20c', height=400, width=400) chart.set_containerheader("\n\n<h2>" + title + "</h2>\n\n") extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " certified"}} chart.add_serie(y=Y1, x=X, extra=extra_serie) ### Final Output chart.buildhtml() output_file.write(chart.htmlcontent) #--------------------------------------- #close Html file output_file.close() return None
from nvd3 import pieChart %load_ext rpy2.ipython xs = %R sort(unique(mtcars$cyl)) ys = %R table(mtcars$cyl) chart = pieChart(name="Cylinders", color_category='category10', height=500, width=400) chart.add_serie(x=xs.tolist(), y=ys.tolist()) output_file = open('nvd3-3.html', 'w') chart.buildhtml() output_file.write(chart.htmlcontent) output_file.close()
#Open File for test output_file = open('test1.html', 'w') type = "discreteBarChart" chart = discreteBarChart(name=type, height=400, width=400) chart.set_containerheader("\n\n<h2>" + type + "</h2>\n\n") xdata = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G"] ydata = [3, 12, -10, 5, 35, -7, 2] chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata) chart.buildhtml() output_file.write(chart.htmlcontent) #--------------------------------------- type = "pieChart" chart = pieChart(name=type, height=400, width=400) chart.set_containerheader("\n\n<h2>" + type + "</h2>\n\n") xdata = ["Orange", "Banana", "Pear", "Kiwi", "Apple", "Strawberry", "Pineapple"] ydata = [3, 4, 0, 1, 5, 7, 3] chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata) chart.buildhtml() output_file.write(chart.htmlcontent) #--------------------------------------- type = "multiBarChart" chart = multiBarChart(name=type, height=350) chart.set_containerheader("\n\n<h2>" + type + "</h2>\n\n") nb_element = 10 xdata = range(nb_element) ydata = [random.randint(1, 10) for i in range(nb_element)]
#Open File for test output_file = open('test1.html', 'w') type = "discreteBarChart" chart = discreteBarChart(name=type, height=400, width=400) chart.set_containerheader("\n\n<h2>" + type + "</h2>\n\n") xdata = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G"] ydata = [3, 12, -10, 5, 35, -7, 2] chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata) chart.buildhtml() output_file.write(chart.htmlcontent) #--------------------------------------- type = "pieChart" chart = pieChart(name=type, height=400, width=400) chart.set_containerheader("\n\n<h2>" + type + "</h2>\n\n") xdata = [ "Orange", "Banana", "Pear", "Kiwi", "Apple", "Strawberry", "Pineapple" ] ydata = [3, 4, 0, 1, 5, 7, 3] chart.add_serie(y=ydata, x=xdata) chart.buildhtml() output_file.write(chart.htmlcontent) #--------------------------------------- type = "multiBarChart" chart = multiBarChart(name=type, height=350) chart.set_containerheader("\n\n<h2>" + type + "</h2>\n\n") nb_element = 10
"<p>All key word rank: <br>1st: ['service', 'manage', 'manage', 'manage', 'sale'], <br> 2nd: ['custom', 'work', 'work', 'work', 'custom'],<br>3rd: ['manage', 'service', 'service', 'service', 'product'], <br>4th: ['work', 'detail', 'custom', 'provide', 'service'], <br>5th: ['experiment', 'provide', 'experiment', 'response', 'work'],<br>6th: ['time', 'custom', 'require', 'custom', 'time'],<br>7th: ['sale', 'include', 'detail', 'sale', 'companies'],<br>8th: ['provid', 'require', 'provide', 'detail', 'manage'],<br>9th: ['require', 'companies', 'develop', 'develop', 'experiment'],<br>10th: ['detail', 'develop', 'response', 'experiment', 'detail']</p>" ) output_file.write( "<p>Interestingly the hightest appeared key words from Job titles and Job descriptions are slightly different, we can see that the hottest job key words are: management, work, customer, service, sales, experienced, provider.</p>" ) # ----------------------------Title_11/15 Pie Chart output_file.write('<h3>Closer look at Top 10 Key Words in Job Title</h3>') output_file.write( "<p>Following pie charts provides a closer look at Top 10 Key Words in Job Title</p>" ) type = "Hottest Key Words in Job Title for 11/15" chart = pieChart(name=type, color_category='category20c', height=350, width=1000) #chart.set_containerheader("\n\n<h3>" + type + "</h3>\n\n") #chart.add_chart_extras("\n\n<p>" + 'Here is the description.' + "<p>\n\n") #chart.header_css = <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> extra_serie = {"tooltip": {"y_start": "", "y_end": " %"}} xdata = [ 'service', 'manage', 'entry', 'custom', 'sale', 'member', 'food', 'crew', 'nurse', 'assist' ] ydata = [ 0.19763513513513514, 0.13429054054054054, 0.11570945945945946, 0.10557432432432433, 0.10050675675675676, 0.0785472972972973, 0.07263513513513513, 0.07179054054054054, 0.06672297297297297, 0.056587837837837836 ]