Пример #1
def _separable_algebra(p, H, base_multiply):
    return A=O/H (as matrix representation)
    # CCANT Algo 6.2.9 step 8-9
    F_p = finitefield.FinitePrimeField(p)
    n = base_multiply.row
    if H == None:
        H_new = matrix.zeroMatrix(n, 1, F_p)
        r = 0
        H_new = H
        r = H.column
    # step 8
    H_add_one = H_new.copy()
    if H_add_one.column == n:
        raise ValueError
    H_add_one.extendColumn(vector.Vector([F_p.one] + [F_p.zero] * (n - 1)))
    full_base = H_add_one.supplementBasis()
    # step 9
    A = full_base.subMatrix(
        range(1, n + 1), range(r + 1, n + 1))
    gamma_mul = full_base.inverseImage(
        _matrix_mul_by_base_mul(A, A, base_multiply))
    gamma_mul = gamma_mul.subMatrix(
        range(r + 1, n + 1), range(1, gamma_mul.column + 1))
    return A, gamma_mul
Пример #2
def _div_mod_pO(self, other, base_multiply, p):
    ideal division modulo pO by using base_multiply
    n = other.row
    m = other.column 
    F_p = finitefield.FinitePrimeField(p)
    #Algo 2.3.7
    if self == None:
        self_new = matrix.zeroMatrix(n, F_p)
        r = 0
        self_new = self
        r = self.column
    if r == m:
        return matrix.unitMatrix(n, F_p)
    # if r > m, raise NoInverseImage error
    X = matrix.Subspace.fromMatrix(other.inverseImage(self_new))
    B = X.supplementBasis()
    other_self = other * B # first r columns are self, others are supplement

    gamma_part = other_self.subMatrix(
        range(1, n + 1), range(r + 1, m + 1))
    omega_gamma = other_self.inverseImage(_matrix_mul_by_base_mul(
        matrix.unitMatrix(n, F_p), gamma_part, base_multiply))
    vect_list = []
    for k in range(1, n + 1):
        vect = vector.Vector([F_p.zero] * ((m - r) ** 2))
        for i in range(1, m - r + 1):
            for j in range(1, m - r + 1):
                vect[(m - r) * (i - 1) + j] = _mul_place(
                    k, i, omega_gamma, m - r)[j + r]
    return matrix.FieldMatrix( (m - r) ** 2, n, vect_list).kernel()
Пример #3
def _div_mod_pO(self, other, base_multiply, p):
    ideal division modulo pO by using base_multiply
    n = other.row
    m = other.column 
    F_p = finitefield.FinitePrimeField(p)
    #Algo 2.3.7
    if self == None:
        self_new = matrix.zeroMatrix(n, F_p)
        r = 0
        self_new = self
        r = self.column
    if r == m:
        return matrix.unitMatrix(n, F_p)
    # if r > m, raise NoInverseImage error
    X = matrix.Subspace.fromMatrix(other.inverseImage(self_new))
    B = X.supplementBasis()
    other_self = other * B # first r columns are self, others are supplement

    gamma_part = other_self.subMatrix(
        range(1, n + 1), range(r + 1, m + 1))
    omega_gamma = other_self.inverseImage(_matrix_mul_by_base_mul(
        matrix.unitMatrix(n, F_p), gamma_part, base_multiply))
    vect_list = []
    for k in range(1, n + 1):
        vect = vector.Vector([F_p.zero] * ((m - r) ** 2))
        for i in range(1, m - r + 1):
            for j in range(1, m - r + 1):
                vect[(m - r) * (i - 1) + j] = _mul_place(
                    k, i, omega_gamma, m - r)[j + r]
    return matrix.FieldMatrix( (m - r) ** 2, n, vect_list).kernel()
Пример #4
def _separable_algebra(p, H, base_multiply):
    return A=O/H (as matrix representation)
    # CCANT Algo 6.2.9 step 8-9
    F_p = finitefield.FinitePrimeField(p)
    n = base_multiply.row
    if H == None:
        H_new = matrix.zeroMatrix(n, 1, F_p)
        r = 0
        H_new = H
        r = H.column
    # step 8
    H_add_one = H_new.copy()
    if H_add_one.column == n:
        raise ValueError
    H_add_one.extendColumn(vector.Vector([F_p.one] + [F_p.zero] * (n - 1)))
    full_base = H_add_one.supplementBasis()
    # step 9
    A = full_base.subMatrix(
        range(1, n + 1), range(r + 1, n + 1))
    gamma_mul = full_base.inverseImage(
        _matrix_mul_by_base_mul(A, A, base_multiply))
    gamma_mul = gamma_mul.subMatrix(
        range(r + 1, n + 1), range(1, gamma_mul.column + 1))
    return A, gamma_mul
Пример #5
 def intersect(self, S1, S2):
     cvectors = [ flatten_matrix(S) for S in S1 ] + \
                 [ flatten_matrix(-S) for S in S2 ]
     coeffs = matrix.Matrix(len(cvectors[0]), len(cvectors),
                             cvectors, self.field)
     v = flatten_matrix(matrix.zeroMatrix(S1[0].row, S1[0].column))
     self.addEquations(coeffs, v)
Пример #6
def intersect_solutions(S1, S2):
    if not S1 or not S2: return []
    field = S1[0].coeff_ring
    lineq = LinearEquations(field, len(S1) + len(S2))
    lineq.intersect(S1, S2)
    K = lineq.kernel()
    if K is None: return []
    Kp = [ vector.Vector(v.compo[0:len(S1)]) for v in K ]
    intersection = [ vector_to_matrix(k, S1) for k in Kp ]
    return [ X for X in intersection if X != matrix.zeroMatrix(X.row) ]
Пример #7
 def toHNF(self):
     Change matrix to HNF(hermite normal form)
     Note that HNF do not always give basis of self
     (i.e. HNF may be redundant)
     if not self.ishnf:
         hnf = self.hermiteNormalForm(True)
         if hnf == None:  #zero module
             hnf = matrix.zeroMatrix(self.row, 1, self.coeff_ring)
         self.compo = hnf.compo
         self.column = hnf.column
         self.ishnf = True
Пример #8
 def toHNF(self):
     Change matrix to HNF(hermite normal form)
     Note that HNF do not always give basis of self
     (i.e. HNF may be redundant)
     if not self.ishnf:
         hnf = self.hermiteNormalForm(True)
         if hnf == None: #zero module
             hnf = matrix.zeroMatrix(self.row, 1, self.coeff_ring)
         self.compo = hnf.compo
         self.column = hnf.column
         self.ishnf = True
Пример #9
 def testDigitalMethod(self):
     zero1 = matrix.zeroMatrix(3,0)
     one1 = matrix.identityMatrix(3,1)
     d_func1 = digital_method_func(
     lambda a,b:a+b, lambda a,b:a*b, lambda i,a:i*a, lambda a,i:a**i, 
     zero1, one1)
     coefficients11 = []
     coefficients12 = [(2,1), (1,2), (0,1)]
     coefficients13 = [(3,1), (2,2), (1,3)]
     A = matrix.SquareMatrix(3, [1,2,3]+[4,5,6]+[7,8,9])
     self.assertEqual(d_func1(coefficients11, A), zero1)
     self.assertEqual(d_func1(coefficients12, A), A**2+2*A+one1)
     self.assertEqual(d_func1(coefficients13, A), (A**3+2*A**2+3*A))
Пример #10
def _kernel_of_qpow(omega, q, p, minpoly, n):
    Return the kernel of q-th powering, which is a linear map over Fp.
    q is a power of p which exceeds n.

    (omega_j^q (mod theminpoly) = \sum a_i_j omega_i   a_i_j in Fp)
    omega_poly = omega.get_polynomials()
    denom = omega.denominator
    theminpoly = minpoly.to_field_polynomial()
    field_p = finitefield.FinitePrimeField.getInstance(p)
    zero = field_p.zero
    qpow = matrix.zeroMatrix(n, n, field_p) # Fp matrix
    for j in range(n):
        a_j = [zero] * n
        omega_poly_j = uniutil.polynomial(enumerate(omega.basis[j]), Z)
        omega_j_qpow = pow(omega_poly_j, q, minpoly)
        redundancy = gcd.gcd(omega_j_qpow.content(), denom ** q)
        omega_j_qpow = omega_j_qpow.coefficients_map(lambda c: c // redundancy)
        essential = denom ** q // redundancy
        while omega_j_qpow:
            i = omega_j_qpow.degree()
            a_ji = int(omega_j_qpow[i] / (omega_poly[i][i] * essential))
            omega_j_qpow -= a_ji * (omega_poly[i] * essential)
            if omega_j_qpow.degree() < i:
                a_j[i] = field_p.createElement(a_ji)
                _log.debug("%s / %d" % (str(omega_j_qpow), essential))
                _log.debug("j = %d, a_ji = %s" % (j, a_ji))
                raise ValueError("omega is not a basis")
        qpow.setColumn(j + 1, a_j)

    result = qpow.kernel()
    if result is None:
        _log.debug("(_k_q): trivial kernel")
        return matrix.zeroMatrix(n, 1, field_p)
        return result
Пример #11
def _kernel_of_qpow(omega, q, p, minpoly, n):
    Return the kernel of q-th powering, which is a linear map over Fp.
    q is a power of p which exceeds n.

    (omega_j^q (mod theminpoly) = \sum a_i_j omega_i   a_i_j in Fp)
    omega_poly = omega.get_polynomials()
    denom = omega.denominator
    theminpoly = minpoly.to_field_polynomial()
    field_p = finitefield.FinitePrimeField.getInstance(p)
    zero = field_p.zero
    qpow = matrix.zeroMatrix(n, n, field_p) # Fp matrix
    for j in range(n):
        a_j = [zero] * n
        omega_poly_j = uniutil.polynomial(enumerate(omega.basis[j]), Z)
        omega_j_qpow = pow(omega_poly_j, q, minpoly)
        redundancy = gcd.gcd(omega_j_qpow.content(), denom ** q)
        omega_j_qpow = omega_j_qpow.coefficients_map(lambda c: c // redundancy)
        essential = denom ** q // redundancy
        while omega_j_qpow:
            i = omega_j_qpow.degree()
            a_ji = int(omega_j_qpow[i] / (omega_poly[i][i] * essential))
            omega_j_qpow -= a_ji * (omega_poly[i] * essential)
            if omega_j_qpow.degree() < i:
                a_j[i] = field_p.createElement(a_ji)
                _log.debug("%s / %d" % (str(omega_j_qpow), essential))
                _log.debug("j = %d, a_ji = %s" % (j, a_ji))
                raise ValueError("omega is not a basis")
        qpow.setColumn(j + 1, a_j)

    result = qpow.kernel()
    if result is None:
        _log.debug("(_k_q): trivial kernel")
        return matrix.zeroMatrix(n, 1, field_p)
        return result
Пример #12
 def intersectionOfSubmodules(self, other):
     Return module which is intersection of self and other.
     if self.row != other.row:
         raise matrix.MatrixSizeError()
     M1 = self.copy()
     N = M1.kernelAsModule()
     if N == None: # zero kernel
         N = matrix.zeroMatrix(self.row, 1, self.coeff_ring)
     N1 = N.getBlock(1, 1, self.column, N.column) # N.column is dim(ker(M1))
     module = Submodule.fromMatrix(self * N1)
     return module
Пример #13
 def intersectionOfSubmodules(self, other):
     Return module which is intersection of self and other.
     if self.row != other.row:
         raise matrix.MatrixSizeError()
     M1 = self.copy()
     N = M1.kernelAsModule()
     if N == None: # zero kernel
         N = matrix.zeroMatrix(self.row, 1, self.coeff_ring)
     N1 = N.getBlock(1, 1, self.column, N.column) # N.column is dim(ker(M1))
     module = Submodule.fromMatrix(self * N1)
     return module
Пример #14
def _splitting_squarefree(p, H, base_multiply, A, gamma_mul, alpha):
    split squarefree part
    F_p = finitefield.FinitePrimeField(p)
    if H == None:
        n = base_multiply.row
        f = n
        H_new = matrix.zeroMatrix(n, 1, F_p)
        n = H.row
        f = n - H.column
        H_new = H.copy()
    # step 12
    one_gamma = vector.Vector([F_p.one] + [F_p.zero] *
                              (f - 1))  # w.r.t. gamma_1
    minpoly_matrix_alpha = matrix.FieldMatrix(f, 2, [one_gamma, alpha])
    ker = minpoly_matrix_alpha.kernel()
    alpha_pow = alpha
    while ker == None:
        alpha_pow = _vect_mul_by_base_mul(alpha_pow, alpha, gamma_mul, f)
        ker = minpoly_matrix_alpha.kernel()
    minpoly_alpha = uniutil.FinitePrimeFieldPolynomial(enumerate(ker[1].compo),
    # step 13
    m_list = minpoly_alpha.factor()
    # step 14
    L = []
    for (m_s, i) in m_list:
        M_s = H_new.copy()
        beta_s_gamma = _substitution_by_base_mul(m_s, alpha, gamma_mul,
                                                 one_gamma, f)
        # beta_s_gamma (w.r.t. gamma) -> beta_s (w.r.t. omega)
        beta_s = A * beta_s_gamma
        omega_beta_s = _matrix_mul_by_base_mul(matrix.unitMatrix(n, F_p),
    return L
Пример #15
def _splitting_squarefree(p, H, base_multiply, A, gamma_mul, alpha):
    split squarefree part
    F_p = finitefield.FinitePrimeField(p)
    if H == None:
        n = base_multiply.row
        f = n
        H_new = matrix.zeroMatrix(n, 1, F_p)
        n = H.row
        f = n - H.column
        H_new = H.copy()
    # step 12
    one_gamma = vector.Vector([F_p.one] + [F_p.zero] * (f - 1)) # w.r.t. gamma_1
    minpoly_matrix_alpha = matrix.FieldMatrix(f, 2, [one_gamma, alpha])
    ker = minpoly_matrix_alpha.kernel()
    alpha_pow = alpha
    while ker == None:
        alpha_pow = _vect_mul_by_base_mul(alpha_pow, alpha, gamma_mul, f)
        ker = minpoly_matrix_alpha.kernel()
    minpoly_alpha = uniutil.FinitePrimeFieldPolynomial(
        enumerate(ker[1].compo), F_p)
    # step 13
    m_list = minpoly_alpha.factor()
    # step 14
    L = []
    for (m_s, i) in m_list:
        M_s = H_new.copy()
        beta_s_gamma = _substitution_by_base_mul(
            m_s, alpha, gamma_mul, one_gamma, f)
        # beta_s_gamma (w.r.t. gamma) -> beta_s (w.r.t. omega)
        beta_s = A * beta_s_gamma
        omega_beta_s = _matrix_mul_by_base_mul(
            matrix.unitMatrix(n, F_p), beta_s.toMatrix(True), base_multiply)
    return L