Пример #1
def check_reservation_jobs(plt, resource_set, queue_name, all_slot_sets, current_time_sec):
    """Processing of new Advance Reservations"""

    logger.debug("Queue " + queue_name + ": begin processing of new reservations")

    ar_jobs_scheduled = {}

    ar_jobs, ar_jids, nb_ar_jobs = plt.get_waiting_jobs(
        queue_name, 'toSchedule')
    logger.debug("nb_ar_jobs:" + str(nb_ar_jobs))

    if nb_ar_jobs > 0:
        job_security_time = int(config['SCHEDULER_JOB_SECURITY_TIME'])
        plt.get_data_jobs(ar_jobs, ar_jids, resource_set, job_security_time)

        logger.debug("Try and schedule new reservations")
        for jid in ar_jids:
            job = ar_jobs[jid]
                "Find resource for Advance Reservation job:" + str(job.id))

            # It is a reservation, we take care only of the first moldable job
            moldable_id, walltime, hy_res_rqts = job.mld_res_rqts[0]

            # test if reservation is too old
            if current_time_sec >= (job.start_time + walltime):
                    "[" + str(job.id) + "] Canceling job: reservation is too old")
                set_job_message(job.id, "Reservation too old")
                set_job_state(job.id, 'toError')
                if job.start_time < current_time_sec:
                    # TODO update to DB ????
                    job.start_time = current_time_sec

            ss_name = 'default'

            # TODO container
            # if 'inner' in job.types:
            #    ss_name = job.types['inner']

            # TODO: test if container is an AR job

            slots = all_slot_sets[ss_name].slots

            t_e = job.start_time + walltime - job_security_time
            sid_left, sid_right = get_encompassing_slots(
                slots, job.start_time, t_e)

            if job.ts or (job.ph == ALLOW):
                itvs_avail = intersec_ts_ph_itvs_slots(
                    slots, sid_left, sid_right, job)
                itvs_avail = intersec_itvs_slots(slots, sid_left, sid_right)

            itvs = find_resource_hierarchies_job(
                itvs_avail, hy_res_rqts, resource_set.hierarchy)

            if ('QUOTAS' in config) and (config['QUOTAS'] == 'yes'):
                nb_res = itvs_size(intersec(itvs, resource_set.default_resource_itvs))
                res = check_slots_quotas(slots, sid_left, sid_right, job, nb_res, walltime)
                (quotas_ok, quotas_msg, rule, value) = res
                if not quotas_ok:
                    itvs = []
                    logger.info("Quotas limitaion reached, job:" + str(job.id) +
                                ", " + quotas_msg + ", rule: " + str(rule) +
                                ", value: " + str(value))
                    set_job_state(job.id, 'toError')
                                    "This advance reservation cannot run due to quotas")

            if itvs == []:
                # not enough resource available
                logger.warn("[" + str(job.id) +
                            "] advance reservation cannot be validated, not enough resources")
                set_job_state(job.id, 'toError')
                set_job_message(job.id, "This advance reservation cannot run")
                # The reservation can be scheduled
                    "[" + str(job.id) + "] advance reservation is validated")
                job.moldable_id = moldable_id
                job.res_set = itvs
                ar_jobs_scheduled[job.id] = job
                # if 'container' in job.types
                #    slot = Slot(1, 0, 0, job.res_set[:], job.start_time,
                #                job.start_time + job.walltime - job_security_time)
                # slot.show()
                #    slots_sets[job.id] = SlotSet(slot)

                set_job_state(job.id, 'toAckReservation')

            set_job_resa_state(job.id, 'Scheduled')

    if ar_jobs_scheduled != []:
        logger.debug("Save AR jobs' assignements in database")
        save_assigns(ar_jobs_scheduled, resource_set)

    logger.debug("Queue " + queue_name + ": end processing of new reservations")
Пример #2
 def find_resource_hierarchies(self, itvs_avail, hy_res_rqts, hy):
     '''Find resources in interval for all resource subrequests of a
     moldable instance of a job'''
     from oar.kao.scheduling import find_resource_hierarchies_job
     return find_resource_hierarchies_job(itvs_avail, hy_res_rqts, hy)