def test_verify_id_token_bad_tokens(self):
        private_key = datafile("privatekey.p12")

        # Wrong number of segments
        self._check_jwt_failure("foo", "Wrong number of segments")

        # Not json
        self._check_jwt_failure("", "Can't parse token")

        # Bad signature
        jwt = "foo.%s.baz" % crypt._urlsafe_b64encode('{"a":"b"}')
        self._check_jwt_failure(jwt, "Invalid token signature")

        # No expiration
        signer = crypt.Signer.from_string(private_key)
        audience = "" + "*****@*****.**"
        jwt = crypt.make_signed_jwt(signer, {"aud": "audience", "iat": time.time()})
        self._check_jwt_failure(jwt, "No exp field in token")

        # No issued at
        jwt = crypt.make_signed_jwt(signer, {"aud": "audience", "exp": time.time() + 400})
        self._check_jwt_failure(jwt, "No iat field in token")

        # Too early
        jwt = crypt.make_signed_jwt(signer, {"aud": "audience", "iat": time.time() + 301, "exp": time.time() + 400})
        self._check_jwt_failure(jwt, "Token used too early")

        # Too late
        jwt = crypt.make_signed_jwt(signer, {"aud": "audience", "iat": time.time() - 500, "exp": time.time() - 301})
        self._check_jwt_failure(jwt, "Token used too late")

        # Wrong target
        jwt = crypt.make_signed_jwt(signer, {"aud": "somebody else", "iat": time.time(), "exp": time.time() + 300})
        self._check_jwt_failure(jwt, "Wrong recipient")
  def test_verify_id_token_bad_tokens(self):
    private_key = datafile('privatekey.%s' % self.format)

    # Wrong number of segments
    self._check_jwt_failure('foo', 'Wrong number of segments')

    # Not json
        'Can\'t parse token')

    # Bad signature
    jwt = 'foo.%s.baz' % crypt._urlsafe_b64encode('{"a":"b"}')
    self._check_jwt_failure(jwt, 'Invalid token signature')

    # No expiration
    signer = self.signer.from_string(private_key)
    audience = '' + \
    jwt = crypt.make_signed_jwt(signer, {
          'aud': 'audience',
          'iat': time.time(),
    self._check_jwt_failure(jwt, 'No exp field in token')

    # No issued at
    jwt = crypt.make_signed_jwt(signer, {
          'aud': 'audience',
          'exp': time.time() + 400,
    self._check_jwt_failure(jwt, 'No iat field in token')

    # Too early
    jwt = crypt.make_signed_jwt(signer, {
        'aud': 'audience',
        'iat': time.time() + 301,
        'exp': time.time() + 400,
    self._check_jwt_failure(jwt, 'Token used too early')

    # Too late
    jwt = crypt.make_signed_jwt(signer, {
        'aud': 'audience',
        'iat': time.time() - 500,
        'exp': time.time() - 301,
    self._check_jwt_failure(jwt, 'Token used too late')

    # Wrong target
    jwt = crypt.make_signed_jwt(signer, {
        'aud': 'somebody else',
        'iat': time.time(),
        'exp': time.time() + 300,
    self._check_jwt_failure(jwt, 'Wrong recipient')