class deep_scoresV2(imdb): def __init__(self, image_set, year, devkit_path=None): imdb.__init__(self, 'DeepScoresV2' + year + '_' + image_set) self._year = year self._devkit_path = self._get_default_path() if devkit_path is None \ else devkit_path self._image_set = image_set self._data_path = self._devkit_path + "/images" self.blacklist = ["staff", 'legerLine'] self.o = OBBAnns(self._devkit_path+'/deepscores_'+image_set+'.json') self.o.load_annotations() print(self.o.annotation_sets) self.o.set_annotation_set_filter(['deepscores']) self.o.set_class_blacklist(self.blacklist) self._classes = [v["name"] for (k, v) in self.o.get_cats().items()] self._class_ids = [k for (k, v) in self.o.get_cats().items()] self._class_to_ind = dict(list(zip(self.classes, list(range(self.num_classes))))) self._class_ids_to_ind = dict(list(zip(self._class_ids, list(range(self.num_classes))))) self._ind_to_class_ids = {v: k for k, v in self._class_ids_to_ind.items()} self._image_index = self._load_image_set_index() # self.cat_ids = list(self.o.get_cats().keys()) # self.cat2label = { # cat_id: i # for i, cat_id in enumerate(self.cat_ids) # } # self.label2cat = {v: k for k, v in self.cat2label.items()} # self.CLASSES = tuple([v["name"] for (k, v) in self.o.get_cats().items()]) # self.img_ids = [id['id'] for id in self.o.img_info] self._image_ext = '.png' # Default to roidb handler self._roidb_handler = self.gt_roidb self._salt = str(uuid.uuid4()) self._comp_id = 'comp4' # PASCAL specific config options self.config = {'cleanup': True, 'use_salt': True, 'use_diff': False, 'matlab_eval': False, 'rpn_file': None} def image_path_at(self, i): """ Return the absolute path to image i in the image sequence. """ return self.image_path_from_index(self._image_index[i]) def image_path_from_index(self, index): """ Construct an image path from the image's "index" identifier. """ image_path = os.path.join(self._data_path, self.o.get_imgs(ids=[index])[0]["filename"]) assert os.path.exists(image_path), \ 'Path does not exist: {}'.format(image_path) return image_path def _load_image_set_index(self): """ Load the indexes listed in this dataset's image set file. """ # Example path to image set file: image_index = [x["id"] for x in self.o.img_info] return image_index def _get_default_path(self): """ Return the default path where PASCAL VOC is expected to be installed. """ return os.path.join(cfg.DATA_DIR, 'DeepScores_' + self._year) def gt_roidb(self): """ Return the database of ground-truth regions of interest. This function loads/saves from/to a cache file to speed up future calls. """ cache_file = os.path.join(self.cache_path, + '_gt_roidb.pkl') # if os.path.exists(cache_file): # with open(cache_file, 'rb') as fid: # try: # roidb = pickle.load(fid) # except: # roidb = pickle.load(fid, encoding='bytes') # print('{} gt roidb loaded from {}'.format(, cache_file)) # return roidb gt_roidb = [self._load_musical_annotation(index) for index in self.image_index] with open(cache_file, 'wb') as fid: pickle.dump(gt_roidb, fid, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print('wrote gt roidb to {}'.format(cache_file)) return gt_roidb def rpn_roidb(self): if int(self._year) == 2017 or self._image_set != 'debug': gt_roidb = self.gt_roidb() rpn_roidb = self._load_rpn_roidb(gt_roidb) roidb = imdb.merge_roidbs(gt_roidb, rpn_roidb) else: roidb = self._load_rpn_roidb(None) return roidb def _load_rpn_roidb(self, gt_roidb): filename = self.config['rpn_file'] print('loading {}'.format(filename)) assert os.path.exists(filename), \ 'rpn data not found at: {}'.format(filename) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: box_list = pickle.load(f) return self.create_roidb_from_box_list(box_list, gt_roidb) def _load_musical_annotation(self, index): """ Load annotation info from obb_anns in the PASCAL VOC format. """ anns = self.o.get_anns(img_id=index) boxes = anns['a_bbox'] boxes = np.round(np.stack(boxes.to_numpy())).astype(np.uint16) gt_classes = np.squeeze(np.stack(anns['cat_id'].to_numpy()).astype(np.int32)) gt_classes = np.array(list(map(self._class_ids_to_ind.get, gt_classes))) #blacklisted_anns = [x not in self.blacklist_index for x in gt_classes] #boxes = boxes[blacklisted_anns] #gt_classes = gt_classes[blacklisted_anns] num_objs = boxes.shape[0] overlaps = np.zeros((num_objs, self.num_classes), dtype=np.float32) # "Seg" area for pascal is just the box area seg_areas = np.zeros((num_objs), dtype=np.float32) for ind in range(boxes.shape[0]): seg_areas = (boxes[ind,2]-boxes[ind,0]+1) *(boxes[ind,3]-boxes[ind,1]+1) overlaps[ind, gt_classes[ind]] = 1.0 overlaps = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(overlaps) max(gt_classes) return {'boxes': boxes, 'gt_classes': gt_classes, 'gt_overlaps': overlaps, 'flipped': False, 'seg_areas': seg_areas} def _get_comp_id(self): comp_id = (self._comp_id + '_' + self._salt if self.config['use_salt'] else self._comp_id) return comp_id def _get_voc_results_file_template(self): filename = self._get_comp_id() + '_det_' + self._image_set + '_{:s}.txt' path = os.path.join( self._devkit_path, 'results', 'musical' + self._year, filename) return path def _write_voc_results_file(self, all_boxes): for cls_ind, cls in enumerate(self.classes): if cls == '__background__': continue print('Writing {} VOC results file'.format(cls)) filename = self._get_voc_results_file_template().format(cls) with open(filename, 'wt') as f: for im_ind, index in enumerate(self.image_index): dets = all_boxes[cls_ind][im_ind] if dets == []: continue # the VOCdevkit expects 1-based indices for k in range(dets.shape[0]): f.write('{:s} {:.3f} {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f}\n'. format(str(index), dets[k, -1], dets[k, 0] + 1, dets[k, 1] + 1, dets[k, 2] + 1, dets[k, 3] + 1)) def _do_python_eval(self, output_dir='output', path=None): annopath = os.path.join( self._devkit_path, 'segmentation_detection', 'xml_annotations', '{:s}.xml') imagesetfile = os.path.join( self._devkit_path, 'train_val_test', self._image_set + '.txt') cachedir = os.path.join(self._devkit_path, 'annotations_cache') aps = [] # The PASCAL VOC metric changed in 2010 use_07_metric = True if int(self._year) < 2010 else False print('VOC07 metric? ' + ('Yes' if use_07_metric else 'No')) if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) for i, cls in enumerate(self._classes): if cls == '__background__': continue filename = self._get_voc_results_file_template().format(cls) rec, prec, ap = voc_eval( filename, annopath, imagesetfile, cls, cachedir, ovthresh=0.5, use_07_metric=use_07_metric) aps += [ap] print(('AP for {} = {:.4f}'.format(cls, ap))) with open(os.path.join(output_dir, cls + '_pr.pkl'), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump({'rec': rec, 'prec': prec, 'ap': ap}, f) print(('Mean AP = {:.4f}'.format(np.mean(aps)))) print('~~~~~~~~') print('Results:') # open the file where we want to save the results if path is not None: res_file = open(os.path.join('/DeepWatershedDetection' + path, 'res.txt'),"w+") len_ap = len(aps) sum_aps = 0 present = 0 for i in range(len_ap): print(('{:.3f}'.format(aps[i]))) if i not in [26, 32, 35, 36, 39, 45, 48, 67, 68, 74, 89, 99, 102, 118]: if math.isnan(aps[i]): res_file.write(str(0) + "\n") else: res_file.write(('{:.3f}'.format(aps[i])) + "\n") sum_aps += aps[i] present += 1 res_file.write('\n\n\n') res_file.write("Mean Average Precision: " + str(sum_aps / float(present))) res_file.close() print(('{:.3f}'.format(np.mean(aps)))) print('~~~~~~~~') print('') print('--------------------------------------------------------------') print('Results computed with the **unofficial** Python eval code.') print('Results should be very close to the official MATLAB eval code.') print('Recompute with `./tools/ --matlab ...` for your paper.') print('-- Thanks, The Management') print('--------------------------------------------------------------') def _do_matlab_eval(self, output_dir='output'): print('-----------------------------------------------------') print('Computing results with the official MATLAB eval code.') print('-----------------------------------------------------') path = os.path.join(cfg.ROOT_DIR, 'lib', 'datasets', 'VOCdevkit-matlab-wrapper') cmd = 'cd {} && '.format(path) cmd += '{:s} -nodisplay -nodesktop '.format(cfg.MATLAB) cmd += '-r "dbstop if error; ' cmd += 'voc_eval(\'{:s}\',\'{:s}\',\'{:s}\',\'{:s}\'); quit;"' \ .format(self._devkit_path, self._get_comp_id(), self._image_set, output_dir) print(('Running:\n{}'.format(cmd))) status =, shell=True) def evaluate_detections(self, all_boxes, output_dir, path=None): self._write_voc_results_file(all_boxes) self._do_python_eval(output_dir, path) if self.config['matlab_eval']: self._do_matlab_eval(output_dir) if self.config['cleanup']: for cls in self._classes: if cls == '__background__': continue filename = self._get_voc_results_file_template().format(cls) os.remove(filename) def competition_mode(self, on): if on: self.config['use_salt'] = False self.config['cleanup'] = False else: self.config['use_salt'] = True self.config['cleanup'] = True def prepare_json_dict(self, results): json_results = {"annotation_set": "deepscores", "proposals": []} for idx in range(len(results)): img_id = self._image_index[idx] result = results[idx] for label in range(len(result)): bboxes = result[label] for i in range(bboxes.shape[0]): data = dict() data['img_id'] = img_id data['bbox'] = [str(nr) for nr in bboxes[i][0:-1]] data['score'] = str(bboxes[i][-1]) data['cat_id'] = self._ind_to_class_ids[label] json_results["proposals"].append(data) return json_results def write_results_json(self, results, filename=None): if filename is None: filename = "deepscores_results.json" json_results = self.prepare_json_dict(results) with open(filename, "w") as fo: json.dump(json_results, fo) return filename def evaluate(self, results, metric='bbox', logger=None, jsonfile_prefix=None, classwise=True, proposal_nums=(100, 300, 1000), iou_thrs=np.arange(0.5, 0.96, 0.05), average_thrs=False, store_pickle=True): """Evaluation in COCO protocol. Args: results (list): Testing results of the dataset. metric (str | list[str]): Metrics to be evaluated. logger (logging.Logger | str | None): Logger used for printing related information during evaluation. Default: None. jsonfile_prefix (str | None): The prefix of json files. It includes the file path and the prefix of filename, e.g., "a/b/prefix". If not specified, a temp file will be created. Default: None. classwise (bool): Whether to evaluating the AP for each class. proposal_nums (Sequence[int]): Proposal number used for evaluating recalls, such as recall@100, recall@1000. Default: (100, 300, 1000). iou_thrs (Sequence[float]): IoU threshold used for evaluating recalls. If set to a list, the average recall of all IoUs will also be computed. Default: 0.5. Returns: dict[str: float] """ metrics = metric if isinstance(metric, list) else [metric] allowed_metrics = ['bbox'] for metric in metrics: if metric not in allowed_metrics: raise KeyError(f'metric {metric} is not supported') filename = self.write_results_json(results) self.o.load_proposals(filename) metric_results = self.o.calculate_metrics(iou_thrs=iou_thrs, classwise=classwise, average_thrs=average_thrs) # import pickle # with open('evaluation.pickle', 'rb') as input_file: # metric_results = pickle.load(input_file) # add Name metric_results = {self._classes[self._class_ids_to_ind[key]]: value for (key, value) in metric_results.items()} # add occurences occurences_by_class = self.o.get_class_occurences() for (key, value) in metric_results.items(): value.update(no_occurences=occurences_by_class[key]) if store_pickle: import pickle pickle.dump(metric_results, open('evaluation_renamed.pickle', 'wb')) return metric_results
def main(image_set, single_scale=False): # (1) if image_set == 'train': #dir_txt = os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'labelTxt', image_set) out_dir_json = os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'annotations', image_set) os.makedirs(out_dir_json, exist_ok=True) #txt2json(dir_txt, out_dir_json) o = OBBAnns(dir_dataset + 'deepscores_train.json') o.load_annotations() #print(o) cats = o.get_cats() img_idxs = [i for i in range(len(o.img_info))] imgs, anns = o.get_img_ann_pair(idxs=img_idxs, ann_set_filter="deepscores") filenames = [] for img in anns: objs = [] img_np = np.array(img) for object_instance in img_np: obj = dict() coord = np.array(object_instance[1], dtype=np.float32).reshape([4, 2]) bbox = cv.boxPoints(cv.minAreaRect(coord)).astype( obj['name'] = cats[object_instance[2][0]]['name'] obj['bbox'] = bbox objs.append(obj) if objs: filename = o.get_imgs(ids=[int(img_np[0][4])])[0]['filename'] filenames.append(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) json_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.json' json.dump(objs, open(os.path.join(out_dir_json, json_filename), 'wt'), indent=2) # Split images and json annotations in train and val files out_dir_train = os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'images2', 'train') out_dir_val = os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'images2', 'val') out_dir_val_json = os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'annotations', 'val') out_dir_test = os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'images2', 'test') os.makedirs(out_dir_train, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(out_dir_val, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(out_dir_test, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(out_dir_val_json, exist_ok=True) filenames_train, filenames_val = train_test_split(filenames, test_size=272, random_state=8) for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'images')): if os.path.splitext(filename)[0] in filenames_train: shutil.move(os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'images', filename), os.path.join(out_dir_train, filename)) elif os.path.splitext(filename)[0] in filenames_val: shutil.move(os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'images', filename), os.path.join(out_dir_val, filename)) shutil.move( os.path.join(out_dir_json, os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.json'), os.path.join(out_dir_val_json, os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.json')) else: shutil.move(os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'images', filename), os.path.join(out_dir_test, filename)) os.rmdir(os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'images')) os.rename(os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'images2'), os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'images')) # (2) pairs = [] for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'images', image_set)): anno = os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'annotations', image_set, filename.replace('png', 'json')) img = os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'images', image_set, filename) if not os.path.exists(anno): anno = None pairs.append([img, anno]) overlap = 0.25 sizes = [768] if single_scale else [512, 768, 1024, 1536] save_empty = image_set == 'test' image_set = f"{image_set}-{sizes[0]}" if single_scale else image_set out_dir_images = os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'images', f'{image_set}-crop') out_dir_annos = os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'annotations', f'{image_set}-crop') cropper = Cropper(sizes, overlap) cropper.crop_batch(pairs, out_dir_images, out_dir_annos, save_empty) # (3) pairs = [] for filename in os.listdir(out_dir_images): img = os.path.join('images', f'{image_set}-crop', filename) anno = None if image_set == 'test' else os.path.join( 'annotations', f'{image_set}-crop', filename.replace( 'jpg', 'json')) pairs.append([img, anno]) out_dir = os.path.join(dir_dataset, 'image-sets') os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) json.dump(pairs, open(os.path.join(out_dir, f'{image_set}.json'), 'wt'), indent=2)