async def _fetch_chunks_pixelzone(chunks: Iterable[ChunkPz]): socket_url = "{0}://{1}" sid = None chunks = [x for x in chunks if x.is_in_bounds()] if len(chunks) == 0: return async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: attempts = 0 while attempts < 3: try: async with session.get( socket_url.format("http", "polling"), headers={'User-Agent': 'Python/3.6 aiohttp/3.2.0'}) as r: sid = json.loads(str((await[4:-4], "utf-8"))['sid'] break except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientOSError: attempts += 1 if not sid: raise errors.HttpCanvasError('pixelzone') async with websockets.connect( socket_url.format("ws", "websocket&sid=") + sid, extra_headers={'User-Agent': 'Python/3.6 aiohttp/3.2.0'}) as ws: try: await ws.send("2probe") await ws.recv() await ws.send("5") await ws.recv() await ws.send("42['useAPI', '{}'".format(cfg.pz_api_key)) for ch in chunks: data = {} await ws.send(ch.url) async for msg in ws: d = json.loads(msg[msg.find('['):]) if type(d) == int: continue if d[0] == "c": data = d[1] break ch = next((x for x in chunks if x.x == data['cx'] and x.y == data['cy'])) ch.load(data['data']) except websockets.ConnectionClosed as e: raise errors.HttpCanvasError('pixelzone')
async def fetch_online_pixelzone(): socket_url = "{0}://{1}" sid = None async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: attempts = 0 while attempts < 3: try: async with session.get( socket_url.format("http", "polling"), headers={'User-Agent': 'Python/3.6 aiohttp/3.2.0'}) as r: sid = json.loads(str((await[4:-4], "utf-8"))['sid'] break except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientOSError: attempts += 1 if not sid: raise errors.HttpCanvasError('pixelzone') async with websockets.connect( socket_url.format("ws", "websocket&sid=") + sid, extra_headers={'User-Agent': 'Python/3.6 aiohttp/3.2.0'}) as ws: await ws.send("2probe") await ws.recv() await ws.send("5") await ws.recv() await ws.send("42['useAPI', '{}'".format(cfg.pz_api_key)) try: async for msg in ws: d = json.loads(msg[msg.find('['):]) if type(d) == int: continue if d[0] == "g": data = d[1] break except websockets.ConnectionClosed as e: raise errors.HttpCanvasError('pixelzone') return data
async def _fetch_chunks_pixelcanvas(bigchunks: Iterable[BigChunk]): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: for bc in bigchunks: await asyncio.sleep(0) if not bc.is_in_bounds(): continue data = None attempts = 0 while attempts < 3: try: async with session.get(bc.url) as resp: data = await if len(data) == 460800: break except aiohttp.ClientPayloadError: pass data = None attempts += 1 if not data: raise errors.HttpCanvasError('pixelcanvas') bc.load(data)