class ScreenPause(object): def __init__(self, scene): # Title self.text_y = 101 self.text = LanguageManager.load_text("uiPause") self.font = FontManager.load_font('blade.ttf', 72) # Buttons self.buttons = Group( (ButtonContinue(scene), ButtonOptions(scene), ButtonQuit(scene))) def pre_update(self, events, scene): # Pre update the buttons self.buttons.pre_update(events, scene) def update(self, delta_time): # Update the buttons self.buttons.update(delta_time) # Update text self.text = LanguageManager.load_text("uiPause") def draw(self, screen): # Draw text sahdow text_surface = self.font.render(self.text, False, Colors.DARK_GREY) screen.blit(text_surface, (halign_center(text_surface, screen) + 5, self.text_y + 5)) # Draw text text_surface = self.font.render(self.text, False, Colors.LIGHT_WHITE) screen.blit(text_surface, (halign_center(text_surface, screen), self.text_y)) # Draw the buttons self.buttons.draw(screen)
class ScreenMenu(object): def __init__(self, scene): # Title self.text_y = 101 self.text = "KAbaLYN" self.font = FontManager.load_font('blade.ttf', 72) # Buttons self.buttons = Group((ButtonPlay(scene), ButtonMultiplayer(scene), ButtonOptions(scene), ButtonExit(scene))) def pre_update(self, events, scene): # Pre update the buttons self.buttons.pre_update(events, scene) def update(self, delta_time): # Update the buttons self.buttons.update(delta_time) def draw(self, screen): # Draw text shadow text_surface = self.font.render(self.text, False, Colors.DARK_GREY) screen.blit(text_surface, (halign_center(text_surface, screen) + 5, self.text_y)) # Draw text text_surface = self.font.render(self.text, False, Colors.LIGHT_WHITE) screen.blit(text_surface, (halign_center(text_surface, screen), self.text_y)) # Draw the buttons self.buttons.draw(screen)