def __init__(self, name, width, height): super().__init__(name, width, height) self.ship = Ship() # None # TODO: should create a Ship object here # TODO: should create asteroids self.asteroids = [] # TODO: should create stars self.stars = [] self.bullets = []
def __init__(self, name, width, height): super().__init__( name, width, height ) self.ship = Ship() # Creates a ship self.asteroids=[] # A list of all asteroids for i in range(4): # Change for different amount of Asteroids self.asteroids.append(Asteroid(random.randrange(0, 1280, 5),random.randrange(0, 720, 5))) self.stars=[] # A list of all background stars for i in range(50): # Change for different amount of background Stars self.stars.append(Star()) self.bullets = [] # A list of all bullets
def __init__(self, name, width, height): super().__init__(name, width, height) # TODO: should create a Ship object here self.ship = Ship() # None # TODO: should create asteroids self.asteroids = [] for i in range(8): # Change for different amount of Asteroids self.asteroids.append(Asteroid()) self.stars = [] for i in range(250): # Change for different amount of background Stars self.stars.append(Star()) # TODO: should create bullets self.bullets = []
def __ship_destroyed(ship: objects.Ship, mp: MapBuilder): """ :param ship: Ship - a ship that has destroyed :param mp: MapBuilder - a map that the ship is placed :return: None """ for i in range(ship.get_type()): x = ship.get_x_at(i) y = ship.get_y_at(i) mp.get_button(x, y).config(text="X", bg=Color.DESTROYED_SHIP) # Automatically hitting adjacent points if x < 10 and mp.get_button(x + 1, y).cget("bg") == Color.MAP_COLOR: mp.get_button(x + 1, y).config(bg=Color.BROKEN_POINT, text="*", state=DISABLED) if x > 1 and mp.get_button(x - 1, y).cget("bg") == Color.MAP_COLOR: mp.get_button(x - 1, y).config(bg=Color.BROKEN_POINT, text="*", state=DISABLED) if y < 10 and mp.get_button(x, y + 1).cget("bg") == Color.MAP_COLOR: mp.get_button(x, y + 1).config(bg=Color.BROKEN_POINT, text="*", state=DISABLED) if y > 1 and mp.get_button(x, y - 1).cget("bg") == Color.MAP_COLOR: mp.get_button(x, y - 1).config(bg=Color.BROKEN_POINT, text="*", state=DISABLED) if x < 10 and y < 10 and mp.get_button( x + 1, y + 1).cget("bg") == Color.MAP_COLOR: mp.get_button(x + 1, y + 1).config(bg=Color.BROKEN_POINT, text="*", state=DISABLED) if x > 1 and y > 1 and mp.get_button( x - 1, y - 1).cget("bg") == Color.MAP_COLOR: mp.get_button(x - 1, y - 1).config(bg=Color.BROKEN_POINT, text="*", state=DISABLED) if x > 1 and y < 10 and mp.get_button( x - 1, y + 1).cget("bg") == Color.MAP_COLOR: mp.get_button(x - 1, y + 1).config(bg=Color.BROKEN_POINT, text="*", state=DISABLED) if x < 10 and y > 1 and mp.get_button( x + 1, y - 1).cget("bg") == Color.MAP_COLOR: mp.get_button(x + 1, y - 1).config(bg=Color.BROKEN_POINT, text="*", state=DISABLED)
def __init__(self, name, width, height): super().__init__(name, width, height) self.width = width self.height = height self.ship = Ship() # Creates a ship self.asteroids = [] # A list of all asteroids for i in range(5): # Change for different amount of Asteroids self.asteroids.append( Asteroid(random.randrange(0, width, 5), random.randrange(0, height, 5))) self.stars = [] # A list of all background stars for i in range(25): # Change for different amount of background Stars self.stars.append(Star()) self.bullets = [] # A list of all bullets self.score = 0 # Possible score variable
def start_game(self): self.step = 0 self.score = 0 self.ship = Ship(Vect(400, 400), Vect(0, 0), 0) self.is_started = True self.is_over = False
def get_params(): width = 500 height = 400 DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) DISPLAYSURF.fill((255, 255, 255)) score = 0 lives = 1 return { 'FPS': 30, 'width': width, 'height': height, 'DISPLAYSURF': DISPLAYSURF, 'fps_clock': pygame.time.Clock(), 'score': score, 'lives': lives, 'bullets': [], 'rocks': [], 'bullet_group': pygame.sprite.Group(), 'rock_group': pygame.sprite.Group(), 'ship': Ship((width / 2, height - 50), 0.5), 'rock_generator': RockGenerator(width, height), 'game_info': GameInfo(score, lives), 'audio': AudioEffects() }
def main(): """Set up main loop for game""" pygame.init() clock = pygame.time.Clock() settings = Settings() screen = settings.screen ship = Ship(screen) aliens = create_aliens(screen) projectiles = pygame.sprite.Group() barriers = pygame.sprite.Group(Barrier(screen, 1), Barrier(screen, 2), Barrier(screen, 3), Barrier(screen, 4)) score = Score() while True: check_events(screen, ship, projectiles) update_objects(ship, projectiles, barriers, aliens, score) update_screen(settings, ship, barriers, projectiles, aliens, score) clock.tick(60)
def restart_game(text, color): global ship_enemies, ship, bullets font = pygame.font.SysFont('comicsans', 100) text = font.render(text, True, (255, 255, 255)) window.blit(text, (screen_width/2-text.get_width()/2, screen_height/2)) font = pygame.font.SysFont('comicsans', 50) text = font.render('Naciśnij dowolny klawisz, aby rozpocząć nową grę...', True, color) window.blit(text, (screen_width/2-text.get_width()/2, screen_height/2+100)) pygame.display.update() pause = True while pause: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pause = False pygame.quit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: pause = False bullets = [] ship_enemies = [[Ship(x*100+100, i*60, 64, 64, 15, enemy_image) for x in range(8)] for i in range(4)] ship.x = screen_width/2-ship.width/2
def __init__(self, ship=None): if ship is None: self.ship = Ship() else: # Rebuild object if ship is set self.ship = ship
class Asteroids( Game ): """ Asteroids extends the base class Game to provide logic for the specifics of the game """ def __init__(self, name, width, height): super().__init__( name, width, height ) self.ship = Ship() # Creates a ship self.asteroids=[] # A list of all asteroids for i in range(4): # Change for different amount of Asteroids self.asteroids.append(Asteroid(random.randrange(0, 1280, 5),random.randrange(0, 720, 5))) self.stars=[] # A list of all background stars for i in range(50): # Change for different amount of background Stars self.stars.append(Star()) self.bullets = [] # A list of all bullets def handle_input(self): super().handle_input() keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys_pressed[K_LEFT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(-1) if keys_pressed[K_RIGHT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(1) if keys_pressed[K_UP] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate(0.05) if keys_pressed[K_DOWN] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate(0) #TODO: Set to (0) to stop the ship instantly with down-key AKA EASYMODE. if keys_pressed[K_SPACE] and self.ship: if len(self.bullets) == 0: self.bullets.append(Bullet(self.ship.position, self.ship.rotation, self.frame)) else: if self.bullets[len(self.bullets)-1].ttl > 50: self.bullets.append(Bullet(self.ship.position, self.ship.rotation, self.frame)) # Försöker få delay i bullet interval if len(self.bullets) >= 10: del self.bullets[0] self.bullets.append(Bullet(self.ship.position, self.ship.rotation, self.frame)) def update_simulation(self): """ update_simulation() causes all objects in the game to update themselves """ super().update_simulation() if self.ship: self.ship.update( self.width, self.height ) for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.update( self.width, self.height ) for star in self.stars: star.update( self.width, self.height ) for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.update( self.width, self.height) if bullet.ttl + 100 < self.frame: self.bullets.pop(self.bullets.index(bullet)) self.handle_collisions() def render_objects(self): """ render_objects() causes all objects in the game to draw themselves onto the screen """ super().render_objects() # Render the ship: if self.ship: self.ship.draw( self.screen ) # Render all the stars, if any: for star in self.stars: star.draw( self.screen ) # Render all the asteroids, if any: for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.draw( self.screen ) # Render all the bullet, if any: for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.draw( self.screen ) def handle_collisions(self): if self.ship: for asteroid in self.asteroids: if asteroid.collide(self.ship): self.running = False for bullet in self.bullets: if asteroid.contains(bullet.position): self.bullets.pop(self.bullets.index(bullet)) self.asteroids.pop(self.asteroids.index(asteroid)) if >= 2: self.asteroids.append(Debris(asteroid.position)) self.asteroids.append(Debris(asteroid.position)) self.asteroids.append(Debris(asteroid.position)) self.asteroids.append(Debris(asteroid.position)) break
class Asteroids(Game): def __init__(self, name, width, height): super().__init__( name, width, height ) self.ship = Ship() # Creates a ship self.asteroids=[] # A list of all asteroids for i in range(5): # Change for different amount of Asteroids self.asteroids.append(Asteroid(random.randrange(0, width, 5),random.randrange(0, height, 5))) self.stars=[] # A list of all background stars for i in range(25): # Change for different amount of background Stars self.stars.append(Star()) self.bullets = [] # A list of all bullets self.score = 0 # Possible score variable def handle_input(self): super().handle_input() pygame.key.set_repeat() keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys_pressed[K_LEFT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(-1) if keys_pressed[K_RIGHT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(1) if keys_pressed[K_UP] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate(0.05) if keys_pressed[K_DOWN] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate(0) #TODO: Set to (0) to stop the ship instantly with down-key AKA EASYMODE. if keys_pressed[K_SPACE] and self.ship: if len(self.bullets) >= 15: del self.bullets[0] self.bullets.append(Bullet(self.ship.position, self.ship.rotation, self.frame)) else: self.bullets.append(Bullet(self.ship.position, self.ship.rotation, self.frame)) """ if len(self.bullets) == 0: self.bullets.append(Bullet(self.ship.position, self.ship.rotation, self.frame)) else: if self.bullets[len(self.bullets)-1].ttl > 50: self.bullets.append(Bullet(self.ship.position, self.ship.rotation, self.frame)) # Försöker få delay i bullet interval """ def update_simulation(self): """ update_simulation() causes all objects in the game to update themselves """ super().update_simulation() if self.ship: self.ship.update( self.width, self.height ) for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.update( self.width, self.height ) for star in self.stars: star.update( self.width, self.height ) for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.update( self.width, self.height ) if bullet.ttl + 30 < self.frame: self.bullets.pop(self.bullets.index(bullet)) self.handle_collisions() def render_objects(self): """ render_objects() causes all objects in the game to draw themselves onto the screen """ super().render_objects() # Render the ship: if self.ship: self.ship.draw( self.screen ) # Render all the stars, if any: for star in self.stars: star.draw( self.screen ) # Render all the asteroids, if any: for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.draw( self.screen ) # Render all the bullet, if any: for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.draw( self.screen ) def handle_collisions(self): if self.ship: for asteroid in self.asteroids: if asteroid.collide(self.ship): self.death_screen() for bullet in self.bullets: if asteroid.contains(bullet.position): self.score += 10 self.bullets.pop(self.bullets.index(bullet)) self.asteroids.pop(self.asteroids.index(asteroid)) if >= 2: self.asteroids.append(Debris(asteroid.position)) self.asteroids.append(Debris(asteroid.position)) self.asteroids.append(Debris(asteroid.position)) self.asteroids.append(Debris(asteroid.position)) def death_screen(self): game = Asteroids("Asteroids", 640, 480) label = self.myfont.render("Bitch Please!", 1, (8, 8, 8)) label2 = self.myfont.render("You Died!", 1, (255, 255, 255)) score = self.smallfont.render("Score:" + str(self.score), 1, (255, 255, 255)) self.screen.blit(label, (self.width * 0.30, self.height * 0.35)) self.screen.blit(label2, (self.width * 0.35, self.height * 0.40)) self.screen.blit(score, (self.width * 0.4, self.height * 0.5)) pygame.display.update() pygame.time.wait(2000) pygame.time.wait(500) game.runGame()
import pygame from objects import Ship, Bullet import random pygame.init() run = True clock = pygame.time.Clock() screen_width, screen_height = (1000, 600) window = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption('Space Invaders') background_image = pygame.image.load('background.png') ship_image = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load('ship.png'), (64, 64)) enemy_image = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load('enemy.png'), (64, 48)) ship = Ship(screen_width/2-32, screen_height-64, 64, 64, 5, ship_image) bullet_image_up = pygame.image.load('bullet.png') bullet_image_down = pygame.transform.rotate(bullet_image_up, 180) bullets = [] pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT+1, random.randrange(1000, 2000)) ship_enemies = None bullet_time = 0 enemy_move_time = 0 enemy_direction = 1 enemies_go_down = False def redraw_window(): window.blit(background_image, (0, 0)) def restart_game(text, color): global ship_enemies, ship, bullets
class Asteroids(Game): """ Asteroids extends the base class Game to provide logic for the specifics of the game """ def __init__(self, name, width, height): super().__init__(name, width, height) # TODO: should create a Ship object here self.ship = Ship() # None # TODO: should create asteroids self.asteroids = [] for i in range(8): # Change for different amount of Asteroids self.asteroids.append(Asteroid()) self.stars = [] for i in range(250): # Change for different amount of background Stars self.stars.append(Star()) # TODO: should create bullets self.bullets = [] def handle_input(self): super().handle_input() keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys_pressed[K_LEFT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(-0.5) if keys_pressed[K_RIGHT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(0.5) if keys_pressed[K_UP] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate(0.005) if keys_pressed[K_DOWN] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate( 0 ) #TODO: Set to (0) to stop the ship instantly with down-key AKA EASYMODE. pass if keys_pressed[K_SPACE] and self.ship: if len(self.bullets) < 10: self.bullets.append( Bullet(self.ship.position, self.ship.rotation)) elif len(self.bullets) >= 10: del self.bullets[0] self.bullets.append( Bullet(self.ship.position, self.ship.rotation)) # TODO: should create a bullet when the user fires def update_simulation(self): """ update_simulation() causes all objects in the game to update themselves """ super().update_simulation() if self.ship: self.ship.update(self.width, self.height) for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.update(self.width, self.height) for star in self.stars: star.update(self.width, self.height) for bullets in self.bullets: bullets.update(self.width, self.height) # TODO: should probably work out how to remove a bullet when it gets old self.handle_collisions() def render_objects(self): """ render_objects() causes all objects in the game to draw themselves onto the screen """ super().render_objects() # Render the ship: if self.ship: self.ship.draw(self.screen) # Render all the stars, if any: for star in self.stars: star.draw(self.screen) # Render all the asteroids, if any: for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.draw(self.screen) # Render all the bullet, if any: for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.draw(self.screen) def handle_collisions(self): if self.ship: for asteroid in self.asteroids: if asteroid.collide(self.ship): self.running = False for bullet in self.bullets: if asteroid.contains(bullet.position): self.bullets.pop(self.bullets.index(bullet)) self.asteroids.pop(self.asteroids.index(asteroid))
class Asteroids(Game): def __init__(self, name, width, height): super().__init__(name, width, height) self.width = width self.height = height self.ship = Ship() # Creates a ship self.asteroids = [] # A list of all asteroids for i in range(5): # Change for different amount of Asteroids self.asteroids.append( Asteroid(random.randrange(0, width, 5), random.randrange(0, height, 5))) self.stars = [] # A list of all background stars for i in range(25): # Change for different amount of background Stars self.stars.append(Star()) self.bullets = [] # A list of all bullets self.score = 0 # Possible score variable def handle_input(self): super().handle_input() pygame.key.set_repeat(0, 100) keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys_pressed[K_LEFT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(-3) if keys_pressed[K_RIGHT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(3) if keys_pressed[K_UP] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate(0.05) if keys_pressed[K_DOWN] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate( 0 ) #TODO: Set to (0) to stop the ship instantly with down-key AKA EASYMODE. if keys_pressed[K_SPACE] and self.ship: if time.time( ) - self.ship.shot_timer > self.ship.shot_delay: #Limits the rate of fire. Cannot fire more often than shot_delay value self.ship.shot_timer = time.time( ) #if it shoots, saves last fired timestamp self.ship.spawnProtection = False #removes Spawn protection if bullet is fired if len( self.bullets ) >= 15: #Does not allow more than 15 bullets in total. deletes the oldest if more than 15. del self.bullets[0] self.bullets.append( Bullet(self.ship.position.copy(), self.ship.rotation, self.ship.shot_timer) ) #Spawns a bullet with ships location. rotation and timestamp when fired. else: self.bullets.append( Bullet(self.ship.position.copy(), self.ship.rotation, self.ship.shot_timer)) if keys_pressed[K_f] and self.ship: self.asteroids.append( Asteroid( random.randrange(0, self.width, 5), random.randrange(0, self.height, 5))) #Command for spawning more asteroids if keys_pressed[K_t] and self.ship: if time.time( ) - self.ship.jump_timer > self.ship.jump_delay: #Checks if jumpdrive is on cooldown self.ship.jump_timer = time.time() #Saves timestamp for jump self.ship.jumpDrive() #Jumps the ship def update_simulation(self): """ update_simulation() causes all objects in the game to update themselves """ super().update_simulation() currentTime = time.time() #Saves current timestamp for the update if self.ship: self.ship.update(self.width, self.height, self.dt) for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.update(self.width, self.height, self.dt) for star in self.stars: star.update(self.width, self.height, self.dt) for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.update(self.width, self.height, self.dt) if bullet.time + 2 < currentTime: #Deletes bullets that is older than 2 seconds self.bullets.pop(self.bullets.index(bullet)) if self.ship.jump_timer + self.ship.jumpProtectionDuration < currentTime: #Checks if jump protection is still active. if not, remove it self.ship.jumpProtection = False if self.ship.spawnProtectionTime + self.ship.spawnProtectionDuration < currentTime: self.ship.spawnProtection = False #Checks if spawn protection is still active. if not, remove it self.handle_collisions() def render_objects(self): """ render_objects() causes all objects in the game to draw themselves onto the screen """ super().render_objects() # Render the ship: if self.ship: self.ship.draw(self.screen) # Render all the stars, if any: for star in self.stars: star.draw(self.screen) # Render all the asteroids, if any: for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.draw(self.screen) # Render all the bullet, if any: for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.draw(self.screen) def handle_collisions(self): if self.ship: for asteroid in self.asteroids: if asteroid.collide( self.ship ) and self.ship.spawnProtection == False and self.ship.jumpProtection == False: #Checks if player is protected when colliding self.ship.lives = -1 #NOT WORKING YET, Player has 3 lives. Plan is to do remove a life and gain 2-3 seconds immunity when losing a life. if self.ship.lives < 0: #If no more lives yet, > player dead self.death_screen() elif self.ship.lives > 1: self.ship.spawnProtection = True self.ship.spawnProtectionTime = time.time() for bullet in self.bullets: if asteroid.contains(bullet.position): self.score += 10 self.bullets.pop(self.bullets.index(bullet)) self.asteroids.pop(self.asteroids.index(asteroid)) if >= 2: self.asteroids.append( Debris(asteroid.position.copy())) self.asteroids.append( Debris(asteroid.position.copy())) self.asteroids.append( Debris(asteroid.position.copy())) self.asteroids.append( Debris(asteroid.position.copy())) #if asteroid.collide(self.asteroids): def death_screen(self): game = Asteroids("Asteroids", 1280, 720) label = self.myfont.render("Lives:" + str(self.ship.lives), 1, (255, 255, 255)) label2 = self.myfont.render("You Died!", 1, (255, 255, 255)) score = self.smallfont.render("Score:" + str(self.score), 1, (255, 255, 255)) self.screen.blit(label, (self.width * 0.30, self.height * 0.35)) self.screen.blit(label2, (self.width * 0.35, self.height * 0.40)) self.screen.blit(score, (self.width * 0.4, self.height * 0.5)) pygame.display.update() pygame.time.wait(2000) pygame.time.wait(500) for asteroids in self.asteroids: self.asteroids.pop(self.asteroids.index(asteroids)) for bullet in self.bullets: self.bullets.pop(self.bullets.index(bullet)) game.runGame()
class App(EventManager): "Main application class that contain game loop logic" WHITE = (255, 255, 255) BLACK = (0, 0, 0) LGREY = (200, 200, 200) MAX_ASTEROIDS = 13 def __init__(self): self._running = False self._display_surf = None self.size = self.width, self.height = 800, 600 def init(self): pygame.init() self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self._display_surf = pygame.display.set_mode(self.size, pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) self._running = True pygame.display.set_caption("Asteroids") self.ship = None self.projectiles = [] self.asteroids = [] = pygame.image.load("assets/images/nebula_blue.s2014.png") self.debris_image = pygame.image.load("assets/images/debris2_blue.png") self.soundtrack = pygame.mixer.Sound("assets/sounds/soundtrack.wav") self.start_screen = self.make_start_screen() self.is_started = False self.is_paused = False self.is_over = False def start_game(self): self.step = 0 self.score = 0 self.ship = Ship(Vect(400, 400), Vect(0, 0), 0) self.is_started = True self.is_over = False def stop_game(self): self.stop_all_sounds() self.is_over = True def stop_all_sounds(self): self.soundtrack.stop() self.ship.stop_sounds() def make_message_screen(self, title, subtitle): "make message surface with given title and subtitle under it" padding = 50 bord_x = self.width - padding * 2 bord_y = self.height - padding * 2 font_file = pygame.font.match_font("Impact") font = pygame.font.Font(font_file, 88) title = font.render(title, True, self.WHITE) wtitle, htitle = title.get_size() sfont = pygame.font.Font(font_file, 28) sub = sfont.render(subtitle, True, self.WHITE) wsub, hsub = sub.get_size() screen = pygame.Surface(self.size) screen.fill(self.BLACK) pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.LGREY, (padding, padding, bord_x, bord_y), 2) screen.blit(title, (self.width / 2 - wtitle / 2, 200)) screen.blit(sub, (self.width / 2 - wsub / 2, 400)) return screen def make_start_screen(self): start = self.make_message_screen("Asteroids", "press any key to start") return start def make_over_screen(self): "game over screen with score" score_msg = "Your score is {}".format(self.score) return self.make_message_screen("Game over", score_msg) def make_stats(self): "make stats interface that displayes remaining lives and current score" font_file = pygame.font.match_font("Arial") font = pygame.font.Font(font_file, 20) lives = font.render("Lives: {}".format(self.ship.lives), True, self.WHITE) w, h = lives.get_size() score = font.render("Score: {}".format(self.score), True, self.WHITE) # put both texts one above the other on transparent bg with padding stats = pygame.Surface((w * 2, h * 3), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32) stats.blit(lives, (w / 2, h)) stats.blit(score, (w / 2, h * 2)) return stats def on_exit(self): self._running = False def is_playing(self): "True if game is played now, i.e. started and not over or paused" return self.is_started and not self.is_over and not self.is_paused def handle_bullets_collision(self): "find pairs of projectiles colliding with asteroids and remove both" asteroids = list(self.asteroids) for proj in list(self.projectiles): collisions = proj.collides_group(asteroids) if collisions: self.projectiles.remove(proj) for ast in collisions: if ast in self.asteroids: ast.destroy() self.score += 1 def handle_ship_asteroid_collision(self): collide = self.ship.collides_group(self.asteroids) for ast in collide: ast.destroy() return collide def _keep_on_screen(self, obj): """update object coordinates to keep it on screen if the object is beyond screen, move it back do nothing if object is already on the screen""" obj.pos.x %= self.width obj.pos.y %= self.height def _update_obj(self, obj): "update object state and keep it on current screen" obj.update() self._keep_on_screen(obj) def spawn_asteroid(self): "spawn asteroid at random position, not in the ship's danger zone" pos = Vect.get_random(self.width, self.height) ast = Asteroid(pos) while self.ship.in_danger_zone(ast): pos = Vect.get_random(self.width, self.height) ast = Asteroid(pos) return ast def loop(self): if not self.is_playing(): return self._update_obj(self.ship) if self.ship.is_shooting: proj = self.ship.shoot() if proj: self.projectiles.append(proj) if self.step % 15 == 0 and len(self.asteroids) < self.MAX_ASTEROIDS: self.asteroids.append(self.spawn_asteroid()) for ast in self.asteroids: self._update_obj(ast) for proj in self.projectiles: self._update_obj(proj) if self.handle_ship_asteroid_collision(): self.ship.hit() if not self.ship.lives: self.stop_game() self.projectiles = [proj for proj in self.projectiles if] self.asteroids = [ast for ast in self.asteroids if not ast.is_dead()] self.handle_bullets_collision() self.step += 1 def _blit(self, surf, coord=(0, 0)): "blit given surface on the main surface using coordinates" self._display_surf.blit(surf, coord) def _render_obj(self, obj): "render given object on the main surface" surf, rect = obj.render() self._blit(surf, rect) def draw_bg(self): """draw animated background image using two identical asteroid images intially right image is centered and left one is beyond the screen as time passes images move to the right and left one takes position of the right one, and the the positions are reset to keep illusion of infinite movement""" # width and height of flying asteroids image w, h = self.debris_image.get_size() # distance between two flying asteroids images d = self.width - w # initial coordinates of right image x, y = self.width / 2 - w / 2, self.height / 2 - h / 2 # on this step left image is in the position of right reset_step = d + w offset = (self.step // 4) % reset_step self._blit( self._blit(self.debris_image, (x + offset, y)) self._blit(self.debris_image, (x - d - w + offset, y)) def render(self): self._display_surf.fill(self.BLACK) if not self.is_started: self._blit(self.start_screen) elif self.is_over: self._blit(self.make_over_screen()) else: self.draw_bg() self._render_obj(self.ship) for proj in self.projectiles: self._render_obj(proj) for ast in self.asteroids: self._render_obj(ast) self._blit(self.make_stats()) pygame.display.flip() def cleanup(self): pygame.quit() sys.exit() def execute(self): if self.init() == False: self._running = False while self._running: self.clock.tick(60) for event in pygame.event.get(): self.on_event(event) self.loop() self.render() self.cleanup() def on_key_down(self, event): if not self.is_playing(): return if event.key == K_UP: self.ship.set_thrusting() elif event.key == K_LEFT: self.ship.turn_left() elif event.key == K_RIGHT: self.ship.turn_right() elif event.key == K_SPACE: if self.ship: self.ship.start_shooting() def on_key_up(self, event): if not self.is_started or self.is_over: self.start_game() return if event.key == K_ESCAPE: self.on_exit() elif event.key == K_UP: self.ship.set_idle() elif event.key == K_LEFT or event.key == K_RIGHT: self.ship.stop_turning() elif event.key == K_SPACE: self.ship.stop_shooting()
def create_enemy(self): ship = Ship() ship.set_part('body', self.items_factory.create_body()) ship.set_part('leftwing', self.items_factory.create_left_wing()) ship.set_part('rightwing', self.items_factory.create_right_wing()) ship.set_part('leftrearwing', self.items_factory.create_left_rear_wing()) ship.set_part('rightrearwing', self.items_factory.create_right_rear_wing()) ship.set_part('weapon', self.items_factory.create_weapon()) return ship
class Asteroids(Game): """ Asteroids extends the base class Game to provide logic for the specifics of the game """ def __init__(self, name, width, height): super().__init__(name, width, height) self.ship = Ship() # None # TODO: should create a Ship object here # TODO: should create asteroids self.asteroids = [] # TODO: should create stars self.stars = [] self.bullets = [] def handle_input(self): super().handle_input() keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys_pressed[K_LEFT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(-0.1) if keys_pressed[K_RIGHT] and self.ship: self.ship.rotate(0.1) if keys_pressed[K_UP] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate(0.0001) if keys_pressed[K_DOWN] and self.ship: self.ship.accelerate(0) if keys_pressed[K_SPACE] and self.ship: #self.bullet TODO: should create a bullet when the user fires pass def update_simulation(self): """ update_simulation() causes all objects in the game to update themselves """ super().update_simulation() if self.ship: self.ship.update(self.width, self.height) for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.update(self.width, self.height) for star in self.stars: star.update(self.width, self.height) # TODO: should probably call update on our bullet/bullets here # TODO: should probably work out how to remove a bullet when it gets old self.handle_collisions() def render_objects(self): """ render_objects() causes all objects in the game to draw themselves onto the screen """ super().render_objects() # Render the ship: if self.ship: self.ship.draw(self.screen) # Render all the stars, if any: for star in self.stars: star.draw(self.screen) # Render all the asteroids, if any: for asteroid in self.asteroids: asteroid.draw(self.screen) # Render all the bullet, if any: for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.draw(self.screen) def handle_collisions(self): """ handle_collisions() should check: - if our ship has crashed into an asteroid (the ship gets destroyed - game over!) - if a bullet has hit an asteroid (the asteroid gets destroyed) :return: """ # TODO: implement collission detection, # using the collission detection methods in all of the shapes pass
def create_enemy(self): ship = Ship() ship.set_part('body', self.items_factory.create_body()) return ship