class Timer(Clock): def __init__(self, instanceId, sceneId=None): super(Clock, self).__init__() = instanceId self.sceneId = sceneId self.instanceObj = None self.callback = None self.timerLimit = None self.scene = Scene(sceneId).getscene() if 'timer_instances' not in logic.globalDict: logic.globalDict['timer_instances'] = {} def load(self): instance = logic.globalDict['timer_instances'][] self.sceneId = instance['scene_id'] self.callback = instance['callback'] self.scene = Scene(self.sceneId).getscene() self.timerLimit = instance['time_limit'] self.instanceObj = ObjProperties().getObjByPropVal( 'instance_id',, self.scene.objects) Clock.__init__(self, self.instanceObj) def _addInstance(self): log.debug("Creating timer instance %s", obj = ObjProperties() idleInstanceList = obj.getPropObjGroup('timer_instance', self.scene, 0) idleInstanceObj = idleInstanceList[0] idleInstanceObj['instance_id'] = self.scene.addObject(idleInstanceObj) timerObj = obj.getObjByPropVal('instance_id',, self.scene.objects) return timerObj def _setGlobals(self): logic.globalDict['timer_instances'][] = { 'callback': self.callback, 'scene_id': self.sceneId, 'time_limit': self.timerLimit } def isAlive(self): return in logic.globalDict['timer_instances'] def destroy(self): log.debug("destroying timer instance %s", if not self.instanceObj: return self.instanceObj.endObject() del logic.globalDict['timer_instances'][] def setTimer(self, time, func, *args, **kwargs): instanceObj = self._addInstance() self.timerLimit = time self.callback = lambda: func(*args, **kwargs) self.instanceObj = instanceObj self._setGlobals() Clock.__init__(self, instanceObj)
def load(self): instance = logic.globalDict['timer_instances'][] self.sceneId = instance['scene_id'] self.callback = instance['callback'] self.scene = Scene(self.sceneId).getscene() self.timerLimit = instance['time_limit'] self.instanceObj = ObjProperties().getObjByPropVal( 'instance_id',, self.scene.objects) Clock.__init__(self, self.instanceObj)
def _addInstance(self): log.debug("Creating timer instance %s", obj = ObjProperties() idleInstanceList = obj.getPropObjGroup('timer_instance', self.scene, 0) idleInstanceObj = idleInstanceList[0] idleInstanceObj['instance_id'] = self.scene.addObject(idleInstanceObj) timerObj = obj.getObjByPropVal('instance_id',, self.scene.objects) return timerObj
def refreshVsBlocks(self): vsBlocks = self.getVisualBlocks() lgBlocks = self.getLogicalBlocks() obj = ObjProperties() for vsBlock in vsBlocks: vsBlock.removeParent() lgBlock = obj.getObjByPropVal('block_number', vsBlock['visual_block'], lgBlocks) vsBlock.position = lgBlock.position vsBlock.setParent(lgBlock, 0, 0) lgBlock['_visual_block'] = str(vsBlock)
def clearPositionNodes(scene): canvasList = ObjProperties().getPropObjGroup('canvas_id', scene) for canvasObj in canvasList: if 'main_canvas' in canvasObj: continue canvasObj.endObject()
class Clock(): ''' An API for controlling Timer property built into the game engine found in game properties. It provides control for starting, stopping and resuming a timer. Note: Game object passed in the constructor must have the following properties: 1) 'timer' type 'Timer' 2) 'is_timer_active' type 'Boolean' 3) 'timer_snapshot' type 'Float' ''' def __init__(self, timerObj): self.timerObj = ObjProperties(timerObj) def start(self): self.reset() self._setIsActive(True) def stop(self): self.setTimeSnapshot(self.curtime()) self._setIsActive(False) def reset(self): self.settimer(0.0) def resume(self): self._setIsActive(True) self.settimer(self.getTimeSnapshot()) def curtime(self): if not self.isActive: return self.getTimeSnapshot() return self.timerObj.getProp('timer') def setTimeSnapshot(self, time): self.timerObj.setProp('timer_snapshot', time) def settimer(self, val): self.timerObj.setProp('timer', val) def _setIsActive(self, bool): self.timerObj.setProp('is_timer_active', bool) def getTimeSnapshot(self): return self.timerObj.getProp('timer_snapshot') @property def isActive(self): return self.timerObj.getProp('is_timer_active')
def _addObjResource(name): from objproperties import ObjProperties scene = getHudScene().getscene() obj = ObjProperties().getPropObjGroup(name, scene, 0) if str(obj) not in scene.objects: scene.addObject(str(obj[0]))
def showChallengeList(scene, challenges, positionNodes): clearPositionNodes(scene) for index, challenge in enumerate(challenges): # get a position node object by it's index assigned to it positionNode = ObjProperties().getObjByPropVal('position_node', index, positionNodes) canvas = ChallengeCanvas(challenge['id']) canvas.add(positionNode, False) setChallengeMenu(canvas, challenge)
def _attachBg(targetObj, col, sceneName, visible=True): from objproperties import ObjProperties from scene_helper import Scene scene = Scene(sceneName).getscene() bg = ObjProperties().getPropObjGroup('background_view', scene, 0)[0] bg['target_obj'] = str(targetObj) bg.visible = visible bg.color = col scene.addObject(bg) bg = ObjProperties().getObjByPropVal('target_obj', str(targetObj), scene.objects) bg.position = targetObj.position # push it back alittle bg.position[2] -= 0.4 bg.setParent(targetObj)
def setLogicalBlockNumbers(self): ''' Assigns random block_numbers to logical_blocks in the active scene. Note: By default, a logical block does not have a block_number ''' logicalBlocks = self.getLogicalBlocks() lbCount = len(logicalBlocks) generatedNums = [] for logicalBlock in logicalBlocks: lbProp = ObjProperties(logicalBlock) randomNum = 0 # Skip random number 0 because blocks are counted from 1 to 15 # for example.. while (randomNum in generatedNums or randomNum == 0): randomNum = randint(0, lbCount) generatedNums.append(randomNum) lbProp.setProp('block_number', randomNum) self.log.debug('%s assigned to logic_block', randomNum)
def addVisualBlocks(self): ''' This methods loads a visual_block, which is a puzzle block a player will see as they interact with the game. The visual blocks are added and parented to logical blocks that share the same block_number. ''' logicalBlockObjs = self.getLogicalBlocks() inactvObjs = self.scene.objectsInactive for logicalBlockObj in logicalBlockObjs: obj = ObjProperties() logicalBlock = LogicalBlock(logicalBlockObj) inactVsBlock = obj.getObjByPropVal('visual_block', logicalBlock.blockID, inactvObjs) self.scene.addObject(inactVsBlock, logicalBlockObj, 0) actVsBlock = obj.getObjByPropVal('visual_block', logicalBlock.blockID, self.scene.objects) actVsBlock.position = logicalBlockObj.position actVsBlock.setParent(logicalBlockObj, 0, 0) logicalBlock.setVsBlock(str(actVsBlock))
def addInstance(self, action): ''' Add object in the scene with an always sensor(with PosPulse mode == True) set in logic bricks ''' if self.getInstance(): return instance = ObjProperties().getPropObjGroup( 'always_instance', self.scene, 0 )[0] instance['instance_id'] = self.scene.addObject(instance) self.setAction(action)
def _loadVsBlocks(self, staticBlocks): for staticBlock in staticBlocks: vsBlock = ObjProperties().getObjByPropVal( 'visual_block', staticBlock['block_number'], self.scene.objectsInactive) self.scene.addObject(vsBlock) vsBlock = self.scene.objects[str(vsBlock)] vsBlock.visible = False vsBlock.position = staticBlock.position vsBlock.setParent(staticBlock, False, False)
def _addCanvasObj(self, isVisible): log.debug('setting inactive canvas object') scene = self.__getScene() canvas = scene.objectsInactive[self._canvasName] log.debug('assigning identity %s to canvas %s', self.getId(), self._canvasName) canvas['canvas_id'] = self.getId() self._tagWidgets(canvas) self._setvisibility(isVisible, canvas) log.debug('adding canvas %s into the scene on node %s', self._canvasName, self.getNode()) scene.addObject(canvas, self.getNode(), 0) self.setObj(ObjProperties().getObjByPropVal('canvas_id', self.getId(), scene.objects))
def markVisualBlocks(): data = logic.globalDict[id] data['index'] += 1 if data['index'] <= data['total']: vsBlock = ObjProperties().getObjByPropVal('visual_block', data['index'], scene.objects) if vsBlock: timer = Timer(id, 'HUD') timer.setTimer( timerDelay, lambda: clickAnimation( vsBlock, lambda: animate_match_color( vsBlock, onfinishAction=markVisualBlocks))) timer.start() else: logic.globalDict[id]['index'] = 0
def init(): scene = logic.getCurrentScene() # Detect if program is in scene preload mode # and jump back to PRELOAD scene if '_preload_scene' in logic.globalDict: scene.replace('PRELOAD') return sceneInitObj = ObjProperties().getPropObjGroup( '_SCENE_CONTROLLER_', scene, 0 ) if not sceneInitObj: return if sceneInitObj not in scene.objects: scene.addObject(str(sceneInitObj[0]))
def loadCursorObjs(): ''' Loads all cursor objects from hidden layer into active layer. Cursors are parented to an empty cursor object and visibility set to False. ''' from objproperties import ObjProperties scene = Scene('HUD').getscene() parentCursor = getCursorObj() cursorList = ObjProperties().getPropObjGroup('mouse_pointer', scene, 0) for cursor in cursorList: cursor.visible = False scene.addObject(cursor, parentCursor) scene.objects[str(cursor)].setParent(parentCursor)
def setStaticBlockNumbers(self, numberStructure, staticBlocks=[]): ''' Assign static block numbers that will be used when matching logical_blocks to static_blocks. The numbers assigned to static_blocks is based on the order and pattern in the numberStructure. The method expects a number structure such as : { 1 : [1, 2, 3, 4], 2 : [5, 6, 7, 8], 3 : [9, 10, 11, 12], 4 : [13, 14, 15], } The dictionary key / index numbers represent static block rows. The list values of these index numbers represents the order in which numbers must be assigned to static blocks.. Required static_block properties: @property row <int> @property index <int> In summary, the numberStructure represents the pattern in which the puzzle needs to be solved.. ''' self.log.debug( 'Using numberStructure %s to assign block_numbers to static blocks', numberStructure) if not staticBlocks: staticBlocks = self.getStaticBlocks() for staticBlock in staticBlocks: staticBlocProp = ObjProperties(staticBlock) staticBlocIndex = staticBlocProp.getProp('index') staticBlocRow = staticBlocProp.getProp('row') if staticBlocRow in numberStructure: numStructRow = numberStructure[staticBlocRow] numStructIndexVal = numStructRow[staticBlocIndex] staticBlocProp.setProp('block_number', numStructIndexVal) self.log.debug( ''' Static block %s has been assigned block_number %s ''', staticBlock, numStructIndexVal) else: error = ''' Static obj %s's row %s not found in number structure! ''', staticBlock, staticBlockRow self.log.error(error) raise PuzzleBlockLoaderError(error)
def animateVisualBlocks(challengeName, timerDelay=0.3): from button_effects import clickAnimation from block_effects import animate_match_color from objproperties import ObjProperties from timer import Timer id = 'pattern_visualiser_data' scene = Scene('HUD').getscene() if id not in logic.globalDict: logic.globalDict[id] = { 'total': len(ObjProperties().getPropObjGroup('visual_block', scene)), 'index': 0 } else: logic.globalDict[id]['index'] = 0 def markVisualBlocks(): data = logic.globalDict[id] data['index'] += 1 if data['index'] <= data['total']: vsBlock = ObjProperties().getObjByPropVal('visual_block', data['index'], scene.objects) if vsBlock: timer = Timer(id, 'HUD') timer.setTimer( timerDelay, lambda: clickAnimation( vsBlock, lambda: animate_match_color( vsBlock, onfinishAction=markVisualBlocks))) timer.start() else: logic.globalDict[id]['index'] = 0 markVisualBlocks()
def getInstance(self): instance = ObjProperties().getObjByPropVal( 'instance_id', self.getId(), self.scene.objects ) return instance
def getPositionNodes(scene): return ObjProperties().getPropObjGroup('position_node', scene)
def getBlocks(self, title, layer=1): blocks = ObjProperties().getPropObjGroup(title, self.scene, layer) return blocks
def load(self): staticBlocks = ObjProperties().getPropObjGroup('static_block', self.scene) puzzleLoader = PuzzleLoader(self.scene) puzzleLoader.setStaticBlockNumbers(self.pattern, staticBlocks) self._loadVsBlocks(staticBlocks)
def __init__(self, timerObj): self.timerObj = ObjProperties(timerObj)
def isset(self): return ObjProperties().getObjByPropVal( 'canvas_id', self.getId(), self.__getScene().objects) is not None