def read_pick(line): """ Convert REST pick string to ObsPy Pick object :param line: string containing pick information :type line: str :returns: :class:`obspy.core.event.Pick` and :class:`obspy.core.event.origin.Arrival` """ # line = line.split() # Cannot just split the line :( splits = [0, 6, 10, 15, 18, 22, 28, 29, 41, 49, -1] _line = [] for split in range(len(splits) - 1): _line.append(line[splits[split]: splits[split + 1]].strip()) line = _line pick = Pick(time=UTCDateTime( year=int(line[1]), julday=int(line[2]), hour=int(line[3]), minute=int(line[4])) + float(line[5]), phase_hint=line[7], evaluation_mode="automatic", method_id=ResourceIdentifier("smi:local/REST"), waveform_id=WaveformStreamID(station_code=line[0]), time_errors=QuantityError(uncertainty=float(line[8]))) arrival = Arrival( pick_id=pick.resource_id, time_residual=float(line[9])) return pick, arrival
def _block2event(block, seed_map, id_default, ph2comp, eventid_map): """ Read HypoDD event block """ lines = block.strip().splitlines() yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc, la, lo, dp, mg, eh, ez, rms, id_ = lines[0].split() if eventid_map is not None and id_ in eventid_map: id_ = eventid_map[id_] time = UTCDateTime(int(yr), int(mo), int(dy), int(hr), int(mn), float(sc), strict=False) laterr = None if float(eh) == 0 else float(eh) / DEG2KM lonerr = (None if laterr is None or float(la) > 89 else laterr / cos(deg2rad(float(la)))) ez = None if float(ez) == 0 else float(ez) * 1000 rms = None if float(rms) == 0 else float(rms) picks = [] arrivals = [] for line in lines[1:]: sta, reltime, weight, phase = line.split() comp = ph2comp.get(phase, '') wid = seed_map.get(sta, id_default) _waveform_id = WaveformStreamID(seed_string=wid.format(sta, comp)) pick = Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id, phase_hint=phase, time=time + float(reltime)) arrival = Arrival(phase=phase, pick_id=pick.resource_id, time_weight=float(weight)) picks.append(pick) arrivals.append(arrival) qu = OriginQuality(associated_phase_count=len(picks), standard_error=rms) origin = Origin(arrivals=arrivals, resource_id="smi:local/origin/" + id_, quality=qu, latitude=float(la), longitude=float(lo), depth=1000 * float(dp), latitude_errors=laterr, longitude_errors=lonerr, depth_errors=ez, time=time) if mg.lower() == 'nan': magnitudes = [] preferred_magnitude_id = None else: magnitude = Magnitude(mag=mg, resource_id="smi:local/magnitude/" + id_) magnitudes = [magnitude] preferred_magnitude_id = magnitude.resource_id event = Event(resource_id="smi:local/event/" + id_, picks=picks, origins=[origin], magnitudes=magnitudes, preferred_origin_id=origin.resource_id, preferred_magnitude_id=preferred_magnitude_id) return event
def read_pick_line(string_line, new_event, _network_code): time_origin =[0].time _method_id = 'K' _evaluation_mode = 'automatic' time_error_ref = [0.5, 0.25, 0.1, 0.01] # translate weight into time uncertainty ### Start script line = string_line ### Parse line _station_code = line[1:6].strip() tt = float(line[7:14]) weight = float(line[14:18]) _phase_hint = line[19:21].strip() abs_time = time_origin + tt _waveform_id = WaveformStreamID(network_code=_network_code, station_code=_station_code) ### Put into Pick object _time_errors = weight2error(weight, time_error_ref) pick = Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id, phase_hint=_phase_hint, time=abs_time, method_id=_method_id, evaluation_mode=_evaluation_mode, time_errors=_time_errors) ### Put into Arrival object arrival = Arrival(pick_id=pick.resource_id, phase=pick.phase_hint) arrival.time_weight = weight ### Append to event new_event.picks.append(pick)[0].arrivals.append(arrival) return new_event
def __toArrival(parser, pick_el, evaluation_mode, pick): """ """ global CURRENT_TYPE arrival = Arrival() arrival.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix="/".join([RESOURCE_ROOT, "arrival"])) arrival.pick_id = pick.resource_id arrival.phase = parser.xpath2obj('phaseHint', pick_el) arrival.azimuth = parser.xpath2obj('azimuth/value', pick_el, float) arrival.distance = parser.xpath2obj('epi_dist/value', pick_el, float) if arrival.distance is not None: arrival.distance = kilometer2degrees(arrival.distance) takeoff_angle, _ = __toFloatQuantity(parser, pick_el, "incident/value") if takeoff_angle and not math.isnan(takeoff_angle): arrival.takeoff_angle = takeoff_angle arrival.time_residual = parser.xpath2obj('phase_res/value', pick_el, float) arrival.time_weight = parser.xpath2obj('phase_weight/value', pick_el, float) return arrival
def retrieve_usgs_catalog(**kwargs): """ Wrapper on obspy.clients.fdsn.Client and libcomcat (usgs) to retrieve a full catalog, including phase picks (that otherwise are not supported by the usgs fdsn implementation) :param kwargs: Will be passed to the Client (e.g. minlongitude, maxmagnitude etc...) :return: """ cli = Client('') cat = cli.get_events(**kwargs) # Now loop over each event and grab the phase dataframe using libcomcat for ev in cat: print( eid ='=')[-2].split('&')[0] detail = get_event_by_id(eid, includesuperseded=True) phase_df = get_phase_dataframe(detail) o = ev.preferred_origin() for i, phase_info in phase_df.iterrows(): seed_id = phase_info['Channel'].split('.') loc = seed_id[-1] if loc == '--': loc = '' wf_id = WaveformStreamID(network_code=seed_id[0], station_code=seed_id[1], location_code=loc, channel_code=seed_id[2]) pk = Pick(time=UTCDateTime(phase_info['Arrival Time']), method=phase_info['Status'], waveform_id=wf_id, phase_hint=phase_info['Phase']) ev.picks.append(pk) arr = Arrival(, phase=pk.phase_hint, azimuth=phase_info['Azimuth'], distance=phase_info['Distance'], time_residual=phase_info['Residual'], time_weight=phase_info['Weight']) o.arrivals.append(arr) # Try to read focal mechanisms/moment tensors if 'moment-tensor' in detail.products: # Always take MT where available mt_xml = detail.getProducts('moment-tensor')[0].getContentBytes( 'quakeml.xml')[0] elif 'focal-mechanism' in detail.products: mt_xml = detail.getProducts('focal-mechanism')[0].getContentBytes( 'quakeml.xml')[0] else: continue mt_ev = read_events( io.TextIOWrapper(io.BytesIO(mt_xml), encoding='utf-8')) FM = mt_ev[0].focal_mechanisms[0] FM.triggering_origin_id = ev.preferred_origin() ev.focal_mechanisms = [FM] return cat
def _block2event(block, seed_map, id_default, ph2comp): """ Read HypoDD event block """ lines = block.strip().splitlines() yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc, la, lo, dp, mg, eh, ez, rms, id_ = lines[0].split() time = UTCDateTime(int(yr), int(mo), int(dy), int(hr), int(mn), float(sc), strict=False) picks = [] arrivals = [] for line in lines[1:]: sta, reltime, weight, phase = line.split() comp = ph2comp.get(phase, '') wid = seed_map.get(sta, id_default) _waveform_id = WaveformStreamID(seed_string=wid.format(sta, comp)) pick = Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id, phase_hint=phase, time=time + float(reltime)) arrival = Arrival(phase=phase, pick_id=pick.resource_id, time_weight=float(weight)) picks.append(pick) arrivals.append(arrival) qu = None if rms == '0.0' else OriginQuality(standard_error=float(rms)) origin = Origin(arrivals=arrivals, resource_id="smi:local/origin/" + id_, quality=qu, latitude=float(la), longitude=float(lo), depth=1000 * float(dp), time=time) if mg.lower() == 'nan': magnitudes = [] preferred_magnitude_id = None else: magnitude = Magnitude(mag=mg, resource_id="smi:local/magnitude/" + id_) magnitudes = [magnitude] preferred_magnitude_id = magnitude.resource_id event = Event(resource_id="smi:local/event/" + id_, picks=picks, origins=[origin], magnitudes=magnitudes, preferred_origin_id=origin.resource_id, preferred_magnitude_id=preferred_magnitude_id) return event
def _phase_to_event(event_text): """ Function to convert the text for one event in hypoDD phase format to \ event object. :type event_text: dict :param event_text: dict of two elements, header and picks, header is a \ str, picks is a list of str. :returns: obspy.core.event.Event """ from obspy.core.event import Event, Origin, Magnitude from obspy.core.event import Pick, WaveformStreamID, Arrival from obspy import UTCDateTime ph_event = Event() # Extract info from header line # YR, MO, DY, HR, MN, SC, LAT, LON, DEP, MAG, EH, EZ, RMS, ID header = event_text['header'].split()[0].time = UTCDateTime( year=int(header[1]), month=int(header[2]), day=int(header[3]), hour=int(header[4]), minute=int(header[5]), second=int(header[6].split('.')[0]), microsecond=int(float(('0.' + header[6].split('.')[1])) * 1000000))[0].latitude = float(header[7])[0].longitude = float(header[8])[0].depth = float(header[9]) * 1000[0].time_errors['Time_Residual_RMS'] = float(header[13]) ph_event.magnitudes.append(Magnitude()) ph_event.magnitudes[0].mag = float(header[10]) ph_event.magnitudes[0].magnitude_type = 'M' # Extract arrival info from picks! for i, pick_line in enumerate(event_text['picks']): pick = pick_line.split() _waveform_id = WaveformStreamID(station_code=pick[0]) pick_time =[0].time + float(pick[1]) ph_event.picks.append( Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id, phase_hint=pick[3], time=pick_time))[0].arrivals.append( Arrival(phase=ph_event.picks[i], pick_id=ph_event.picks[i].resource_id))[0].arrivals[i].time_weight = float(pick[2]) return ph_event
def make_test_catalog(self): """ Make a test catalog with fixed resource IDs some of which reference other objects belonging to the event (eg arrivals -> picks) """ pick_rid = ResourceIdentifier(id='') origin_rid = ResourceIdentifier(id='') arrival_rid = ResourceIdentifier(id='') ar_pick_rid = ResourceIdentifier(id='') catatlog_rid = ResourceIdentifier(id='') picks = [Pick(time=UTCDateTime(), resource_id=pick_rid)] arrivals = [Arrival(resource_id=arrival_rid, pick_id=ar_pick_rid)] origins = [Origin(arrivals=arrivals, resource_id=origin_rid)] events = [Event(picks=picks, origins=origins)] events[0].preferred_origin_id = str( catalog = Catalog(events=events, resource_id=catatlog_rid) # next bind all unbound resource_ids to the current event scope catalog.resource_id.bind_resource_ids() return catalog
def add_dummy_picks(self): """ Don't call this function for a real job """ import random for i, r in enumerate(self.all_stations.iterrows()): d = r[1].to_dict() # pandas series to dict res = ResourceIdentifier('custom_pick_{}'.format(i)) wav_id = WaveformStreamID(station_code=d[STATION_CODE], network_code=d[NETWORK_CODE], channel_code='BHN') # randomly choose a time from the available picks p = Pick(resource_id=res, waveform_id=wav_id, phase_hint='S', time=random.choice(self.picks).time) self.picks.append(p) # add to picks list a = Arrival(pick_id=res, phase='S') self._pref_origin.arrivals.append(a) if i == 4: # i.e., insert 5 random picks and arrivals break
def outputOBSPY(hp, event=None, only_fm_picks=False): """ Make an Event which includes the current focal mechanism information from HASH Use the 'only_fm_picks' flag to only include the picks HASH used for the FocalMechanism. This flag will replace the 'picks' and 'arrivals' lists of existing events with new ones. Inputs ------- hp : hashpy.HashPype instance event : obspy.core.event.Event only_fm_picks : bool of whether to overwrite the picks/arrivals lists Returns ------- obspy.core.event.Event Event will be new if no event was input, FocalMech added to existing event """ # Returns new (or updates existing) Event with HASH solution n = hp.npol if event is None: event = Event(focal_mechanisms=[], picks=[], origins=[]) origin = Origin(arrivals=[]) origin.time = UTCDateTime(hp.tstamp) origin.latitude = hp.qlat origin.longitude = hp.qlon origin.depth = hp.qdep origin.creation_info = CreationInfo(version=hp.icusp) origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier('smi:hash/Origin/{0}'.format( hp.icusp)) for _i in range(n): p = Pick() p.creation_info = CreationInfo(version=hp.arid[_i]) p.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier('smi:nsl/Pick/{0}'.format( p.creation_info.version)) p.waveform_id = WaveformStreamID(network_code=hp.snet[_i], station_code=hp.sname[_i], channel_code=hp.scomp[_i]) if hp.p_pol[_i] > 0: p.polarity = 'positive' else: p.polarity = 'negative' a = Arrival() a.creation_info = CreationInfo(version=hp.arid[_i]) a.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier('smi:nsl/Arrival/{0}'.format( p.creation_info.version)) a.azimuth = hp.p_azi_mc[_i, 0] a.takeoff_angle = 180. - hp.p_the_mc[_i, 0] a.pick_id = p.resource_id origin.arrivals.append(a) event.picks.append(p) event.preferred_origin_id = origin.resource_id.resource_id else: # just update the changes origin = event.preferred_origin() picks = [] arrivals = [] for _i in range(n): ind = hp.p_index[_i] a = origin.arrivals[ind] p = a.pick_id.getReferredObject() a.takeoff_angle = hp.p_the_mc[_i, 0] picks.append(p) arrivals.append(a) if only_fm_picks: origin.arrivals = arrivals event.picks = picks # Use me double couple calculator and populate planes/axes etc x = hp._best_quality_index # Put all the mechanisms into the 'focal_mechanisms' list, mark "best" as preferred for s in range(hp.nmult): dc = DoubleCouple([hp.str_avg[s], hp.dip_avg[s], hp.rak_avg[s]]) ax = dc.axis focal_mech = FocalMechanism() focal_mech.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=UTCDateTime(), focal_mech.triggering_origin_id = origin.resource_id focal_mech.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier( 'smi:hash/FocalMechanism/{0}/{1}'.format(hp.icusp, s + 1)) focal_mech.method_id = ResourceIdentifier('HASH') focal_mech.nodal_planes = NodalPlanes() focal_mech.nodal_planes.nodal_plane_1 = NodalPlane(*dc.plane1) focal_mech.nodal_planes.nodal_plane_2 = NodalPlane(*dc.plane2) focal_mech.principal_axes = PrincipalAxes() focal_mech.principal_axes.t_axis = Axis(azimuth=ax['T']['azimuth'], plunge=ax['T']['dip']) focal_mech.principal_axes.p_axis = Axis(azimuth=ax['P']['azimuth'], plunge=ax['P']['dip']) focal_mech.station_polarity_count = n focal_mech.azimuthal_gap = hp.magap focal_mech.misfit = hp.mfrac[s] focal_mech.station_distribution_ratio = hp.stdr[s] focal_mech.comments.append( Comment( hp.qual[s], resource_id=ResourceIdentifier( focal_mech.resource_id.resource_id + '/comment/quality'))) #---------------------------------------- event.focal_mechanisms.append(focal_mech) if s == x: event.preferred_focal_mechanism_id = focal_mech.resource_id.resource_id return event
out_long=out[i][7::11] # all lons if len(out_et) > 1: et = UTCDateTime(out_et[0]) lats = out_lat[0] lons = out_long[0] if str(out[i][0]) == str(ev): out_3.append(out[i]) db_catalog = Catalog() # start empty catalog #Append picks and events from db to Catalog for i, events in enumerate(out_3): event=Event() picks=Pick() origin=Origin() arrival=Arrival() e_time=out_3[i][1::33] sta = out_3[i][2::33] cha = out_3[i][3::33] phase = out_3[i][4::33] pick_time = out_3[i][5::33] #phase pick time lat = out_3[i][6::33] lon = out_3[i][7::33] orid=out_3[i][8::33] dep = out_3[i][9::33] ml=out_3[i][10::33] for x, times in enumerate(pick_time): event.resource_id=str(out_3[i][0]) #assign evid rd = str(out_3[i][0]) picks = Pick(resource_id=rd, time=UTCDateTime(pick_time[x]), waveform_id = WaveformStreamID(network_code="CI", station_code=str(sta[x]), channel_code=str(cha[x])), phase_hint=str(phase[x]))
def _read_picks(f, new_event): """ Internal pick reader. Use read_nordic instead. :type f: file :param f: File open in read mode :type wav_names: list :param wav_names: List of waveform files in the sfile :type new_event: :class:`~obspy.core.event.event.Event` :param new_event: event to associate picks with. :returns: :class:`~obspy.core.event.event.Event` """ evtime =[0].time pickline = [] # Set a default, ignored later unless overwritten snr = None for line in f: if line[79] == '7': header = line break for line in f: if len(line.rstrip('\n').rstrip('\r')) in [80, 79] and \ line[79] in ' 4\n': pickline += [line] for line in pickline: if line[18:28].strip() == '': # If line is empty miss it continue weight = line[14] if weight == '_': phase = line[10:17] weight = 0 polarity = '' else: phase = line[10:14].strip() polarity = line[16] if weight == ' ': weight = 0 polarity_maps = {"": "undecidable", "C": "positive", "D": "negative"} try: polarity = polarity_maps[polarity] except KeyError: polarity = "undecidable" # It is valid nordic for the origin to be hour 23 and picks to be hour # 00 or 24: this signifies a pick over a day boundary. if int(line[18:20]) == 0 and evtime.hour == 23: day_add = 86400 pick_hour = 0 elif int(line[18:20]) == 24: day_add = 86400 pick_hour = 0 else: day_add = 0 pick_hour = int(line[18:20]) try: time = UTCDateTime(evtime.year, evtime.month,, pick_hour, int(line[20:22]), float(line[23:28])) + day_add except ValueError: time = UTCDateTime(evtime.year, evtime.month,, int(line[18:20]), pick_hour, float("0." + line[23:38].split('.')[1])) +\ 60 + day_add # Add 60 seconds on to the time, this copes with s-file # preference to write seconds in 1-60 rather than 0-59 which # datetime objects accept if header[57:60] == 'AIN': ain = _float_conv(line[57:60]) warnings.warn('AIN: %s in header, currently unsupported' % ain) elif header[57:60] == 'SNR': snr = _float_conv(line[57:60]) else: warnings.warn('%s is not currently supported' % header[57:60]) # finalweight = _int_conv(line[68:70]) # Create a new obspy.event.Pick class for this pick _waveform_id = WaveformStreamID(station_code=line[1:6].strip(), channel_code=line[6:8].strip(), network_code='NA') pick = Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id, phase_hint=phase, polarity=polarity, time=time) try: pick.onset = onsets[line[9]] except KeyError: pass if line[15] == 'A': pick.evaluation_mode = 'automatic' else: pick.evaluation_mode = 'manual' # Note these two are not always filled - velocity conversion not yet # implemented, needs to be converted from km/s to s/deg # if not velocity == 999.0: # new_event.picks[pick_index].horizontal_slowness = 1.0 / velocity if _float_conv(line[46:51]) is not None: pick.backazimuth = _float_conv(line[46:51]) # Create new obspy.event.Amplitude class which references above Pick # only if there is an amplitude picked. if _float_conv(line[33:40]) is not None: _amplitude = Amplitude(generic_amplitude=_float_conv(line[33:40]), period=_float_conv(line[41:45]), pick_id=pick.resource_id, waveform_id=pick.waveform_id) if pick.phase_hint == 'IAML': # Amplitude for local magnitude _amplitude.type = 'AML' # Set to be evaluating a point in the trace _amplitude.category = 'point' # Default AML unit in seisan is nm (Page 139 of seisan # documentation, version 10.0) _amplitude.generic_amplitude /= 1e9 _amplitude.unit = 'm' _amplitude.magnitude_hint = 'ML' else: # Generic amplitude type _amplitude.type = 'A' if snr: _amplitude.snr = snr new_event.amplitudes.append(_amplitude) elif _int_conv(line[28:33]) is not None: # Create an amplitude instance for code duration also _amplitude = Amplitude(generic_amplitude=_int_conv(line[28:33]), pick_id=pick.resource_id, waveform_id=pick.waveform_id) # Amplitude for coda magnitude _amplitude.type = 'END' # Set to be evaluating a point in the trace _amplitude.category = 'duration' _amplitude.unit = 's' _amplitude.magnitude_hint = 'Mc' if snr is not None: _amplitude.snr = snr new_event.amplitudes.append(_amplitude) # Create new obspy.event.Arrival class referencing above Pick if _float_conv(line[33:40]) is None: arrival = Arrival(phase=pick.phase_hint, pick_id=pick.resource_id) if weight is not None: arrival.time_weight = weight if _int_conv(line[60:63]) is not None: arrival.backazimuth_residual = _int_conv(line[60:63]) if _float_conv(line[63:68]) is not None: arrival.time_residual = _float_conv(line[63:68]) if _float_conv(line[70:75]) is not None: arrival.distance = kilometers2degrees(_float_conv(line[70:75])) if _int_conv(line[76:79]) is not None: arrival.azimuth = _int_conv(line[76:79])[0].arrivals.append(arrival) new_event.picks.append(pick) return new_event
def _parseRecordS(self, line, event, p_pick, p_arrival): """ Parses the 'secondary phases' record S Secondary phases are following phases of the reading, and can be P-type or S-type. """ arrivals = [] phase = line[7:15].strip() arrival_time = line[15:24] if phase: arrivals.append((phase, arrival_time)) phase = line[25:33].strip() arrival_time = line[33:42] if phase: arrivals.append((phase, arrival_time)) phase = line[43:51].strip() arrival_time = line[51:60] if phase: arrivals.append((phase, arrival_time)) evid ='/')[-1] station_string =\ p_pick.waveform_id.getSEEDString()\ .replace(' ', '-').replace('.', '_').lower() origin =[0] for phase, arrival_time in arrivals: if phase[0:2] == 'D=': #unused: depth = self._float(phase[2:7]) try: depth_usage_flag = phase[7] except IndexError: #usage flag is not defined depth_usage_flag = None #FIXME: I'm not sure that 'X' actually #means 'used' if depth_usage_flag == 'X': #FIXME: is this enough to say that #the event is constained by depth pahses? origin.depth_type = 'constrained by depth phases' origin.quality.depth_phase_count += 1 else: pick = Pick() prefix = '/'.join( (res_id_prefix, 'pick', evid, station_string)) pick.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix) date = origin.time.strftime('%Y%m%d') pick.time = UTCDateTime(date + arrival_time) #Check if pick is on the next day: if pick.time < origin.time: pick.time += timedelta(days=1) pick.waveform_id = p_pick.waveform_id pick.backazimuth = p_pick.backazimuth onset = phase[0] if onset == 'e': pick.onset = 'emergent' phase = phase[1:] elif onset == 'i': pick.onset = 'impulsive' phase = phase[1:] elif onset == 'q': pick.onset = 'questionable' phase = phase[1:] pick.phase_hint = phase.strip() event.picks.append(pick) arrival = Arrival() prefix = '/'.join( (res_id_prefix, 'arrival', evid, station_string)) arrival.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix) arrival.pick_id = pick.resource_id arrival.phase = pick.phase_hint arrival.azimuth = p_arrival.azimuth arrival.distance = p_arrival.distance origin.quality.associated_phase_count += 1 origin.arrivals.append(arrival)
def _read_single_hypocenter(lines, coordinate_converter, original_picks): """ Given a list of lines (starting with a 'NLLOC' line and ending with a 'END_NLLOC' line), parse them into an Event. """ try: # some paranoid checks.. assert lines[0].startswith("NLLOC ") assert lines[-1].startswith("END_NLLOC") for line in lines[1:-1]: assert not line.startswith("NLLOC ") assert not line.startswith("END_NLLOC") except Exception: msg = ("This should not have happened, please report this as a bug at " "") raise Exception(msg) indices_phases = [None, None] for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith("PHASE "): indices_phases[0] = i elif line.startswith("END_PHASE"): indices_phases[1] = i # extract PHASES lines (if any) if any(indices_phases): if not all(indices_phases): msg = ("NLLOC HYP file seems corrupt, 'PHASE' block is corrupt.") raise RuntimeError(msg) i1, i2 = indices_phases lines, phases_lines = lines[:i1] + lines[i2 + 1:], lines[i1 + 1:i2] else: phases_lines = [] lines = dict([line.split(None, 1) for line in lines[:-1]]) line = lines["SIGNATURE"] line = line.rstrip().split('"')[1] signature, version, date, time = line.rsplit(" ", 3) # new NLLoc > 6.0 seems to add prefix 'run:' before date if date.startswith('run:'): date = date[4:] signature = signature.strip() creation_time = UTCDateTime.strptime(date + time, str("%d%b%Y%Hh%Mm%S")) if coordinate_converter: # maximum likelihood origin location in km info line line = lines["HYPOCENTER"] x, y, z = coordinate_converter(*map(float, line.split()[1:7:2])) else: # maximum likelihood origin location lon lat info line line = lines["GEOGRAPHIC"] y, x, z = map(float, line.split()[8:13:2]) # maximum likelihood origin time info line line = lines["GEOGRAPHIC"] year, mon, day, hour, min = map(int, line.split()[1:6]) seconds = float(line.split()[6]) time = UTCDateTime(year, mon, day, hour, min, seconds, strict=False) # distribution statistics line line = lines["STATISTICS"] covariance_xx = float(line.split()[7]) covariance_yy = float(line.split()[13]) covariance_zz = float(line.split()[17]) stats_info_string = str( "Note: Depth/Latitude/Longitude errors are calculated from covariance " "matrix as 1D marginal (Lon/Lat errors as great circle degrees) " "while OriginUncertainty min/max horizontal errors are calculated " "from 2D error ellipsoid and are therefore seemingly higher compared " "to 1D errors. Error estimates can be reconstructed from the " "following original NonLinLoc error statistics line:\nSTATISTICS " + lines["STATISTICS"]) # goto location quality info line line = lines["QML_OriginQuality"].split() (assoc_phase_count, used_phase_count, assoc_station_count, used_station_count, depth_phase_count) = map(int, line[1:11:2]) stderr, az_gap, sec_az_gap = map(float, line[11:17:2]) gt_level = line[17] min_dist, max_dist, med_dist = map(float, line[19:25:2]) # goto location quality info line line = lines["QML_OriginUncertainty"] if "COMMENT" in lines: comment = lines["COMMENT"].strip() comment = comment.strip('\'"') comment = comment.strip() hor_unc, min_hor_unc, max_hor_unc, hor_unc_azim = \ map(float, line.split()[1:9:2]) # assign origin info event = Event() o = Origin() = [o] event.preferred_origin_id = o.resource_id o.origin_uncertainty = OriginUncertainty() o.quality = OriginQuality() ou = o.origin_uncertainty oq = o.quality o.comments.append(Comment(text=stats_info_string, force_resource_id=False)) event.comments.append(Comment(text=comment, force_resource_id=False)) # SIGNATURE field's first item is LOCSIG, which is supposed to be # 'Identification of an individual, institiution or other entity' # according to # # so use it as author in creation info event.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=creation_time, version=version, author=signature) o.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=creation_time, version=version, author=signature) # negative values can appear on diagonal of covariance matrix due to a # precision problem in NLLoc implementation when location coordinates are # large compared to the covariances. o.longitude = x try: o.longitude_errors.uncertainty = kilometer2degrees(sqrt(covariance_xx)) except ValueError: if covariance_xx < 0: msg = ("Negative value in XX value of covariance matrix, not " "setting longitude error (epicentral uncertainties will " "still be set in origin uncertainty).") warnings.warn(msg) else: raise o.latitude = y try: o.latitude_errors.uncertainty = kilometer2degrees(sqrt(covariance_yy)) except ValueError: if covariance_yy < 0: msg = ("Negative value in YY value of covariance matrix, not " "setting longitude error (epicentral uncertainties will " "still be set in origin uncertainty).") warnings.warn(msg) else: raise o.depth = z * 1e3 # meters! o.depth_errors.uncertainty = sqrt(covariance_zz) * 1e3 # meters! o.depth_errors.confidence_level = 68 o.depth_type = str("from location") o.time = time ou.horizontal_uncertainty = hor_unc ou.min_horizontal_uncertainty = min_hor_unc ou.max_horizontal_uncertainty = max_hor_unc # values of -1 seem to be used for unset values, set to None for field in ("horizontal_uncertainty", "min_horizontal_uncertainty", "max_horizontal_uncertainty"): if ou.get(field, -1) == -1: ou[field] = None else: ou[field] *= 1e3 # meters! ou.azimuth_max_horizontal_uncertainty = hor_unc_azim ou.preferred_description = str("uncertainty ellipse") ou.confidence_level = 68 # NonLinLoc in general uses 1-sigma (68%) level oq.standard_error = stderr oq.azimuthal_gap = az_gap oq.secondary_azimuthal_gap = sec_az_gap oq.used_phase_count = used_phase_count oq.used_station_count = used_station_count oq.associated_phase_count = assoc_phase_count oq.associated_station_count = assoc_station_count oq.depth_phase_count = depth_phase_count oq.ground_truth_level = gt_level oq.minimum_distance = kilometer2degrees(min_dist) oq.maximum_distance = kilometer2degrees(max_dist) oq.median_distance = kilometer2degrees(med_dist) # go through all phase info lines for line in phases_lines: line = line.split() arrival = Arrival() o.arrivals.append(arrival) station = str(line[0]) phase = str(line[4]) arrival.phase = phase arrival.distance = kilometer2degrees(float(line[21])) arrival.azimuth = float(line[23]) arrival.takeoff_angle = float(line[24]) arrival.time_residual = float(line[16]) arrival.time_weight = float(line[17]) pick = Pick() # network codes are not used by NonLinLoc, so they can not be known # when reading the .hyp file.. to conform with QuakeML standard set an # empty network code wid = WaveformStreamID(network_code="", station_code=station) # have to split this into ints for overflow to work correctly date, hourmin, sec = map(str, line[6:9]) ymd = [int(date[:4]), int(date[4:6]), int(date[6:8])] hm = [int(hourmin[:2]), int(hourmin[2:4])] t = UTCDateTime(*(ymd + hm), strict=False) + float(sec) pick.waveform_id = wid pick.time = t pick.time_errors.uncertainty = float(line[10]) pick.phase_hint = phase pick.onset = ONSETS.get(line[3].lower(), None) pick.polarity = POLARITIES.get(line[5].lower(), None) # try to determine original pick for each arrival for pick_ in original_picks: wid = pick_.waveform_id if station == wid.station_code and phase == pick_.phase_hint: pick = pick_ break else: # warn if original picks were specified and we could not associate # the arrival correctly if original_picks: msg = ("Could not determine corresponding original pick for " "arrival. " "Falling back to pick information in NonLinLoc " "hypocenter-phase file.") warnings.warn(msg) event.picks.append(pick) arrival.pick_id = pick.resource_id event.scope_resource_ids() return event
def _parse_arrivals(self, event, origin, origin_res_id): # Skip header of arrivals next(self.lines) # Stop the loop after 2 empty lines (according to the standard). previous_line_empty = False for line in self.lines: line_empty = not line or line.isspace() if not self.event_point_separator: # Event are separated by two empty lines if line_empty and previous_line_empty: break else: # Event are separated by '.' if line.startswith('.'): break previous_line_empty = line_empty if line_empty: # Skip empty lines when the loop should be stopped by # point continue magnitude_types = [] magnitude_values = [] fields = self.fields['arrival'] station = line[fields['sta']].strip() distance = line[fields['dist']].strip() event_azimuth = line[fields['ev_az']].strip() evaluation_mode = line[fields['picktype']].strip() direction = line[fields['direction']].strip() onset = line[fields['detchar']].strip() phase = line[fields['phase']].strip() time = line[fields['time']].strip().replace('/', '-') time_residual = line[fields['t_res']].strip() arrival_azimuth = line[fields['azim']].strip() azimuth_residual = line[fields['az_res']].strip() slowness = line[fields['slow']].strip() slowness_residual = line[fields['s_res']].strip() time_defining_flag = line[fields['t_def']].strip() azimuth_defining_flag = line[fields['a_def']].strip() slowness_defining_flag = line[fields['s_def']].strip() snr = line[fields['snr']].strip() amplitude_value = line[fields['amp']].strip() period = line[fields['per']].strip() magnitude_types.append(line[fields['mag_type_1']].strip()) magnitude_values.append(line[fields['mag_1']].strip()) magnitude_types.append(line[fields['mag_type_2']].strip()) magnitude_values.append(line[fields['mag_2']].strip()) line_id = line[fields['id']].strip() # Don't take pick and arrival with wrong time residual if '*' in time_residual: continue try: pick = Pick() pick.creation_info = self._get_creation_info() pick.waveform_id = WaveformStreamID() pick.waveform_id.station_code = station pick.time = UTCDateTime(time) network_code = self.default_network_code location_code = self.default_location_code channel_code = self.default_channel_code try: network_code, channel = self._get_channel( station, pick.time) if channel: channel_code = channel.code location_code = channel.location_code except TypeError: pass pick.waveform_id.network_code = network_code pick.waveform_id.channel_code = channel_code if location_code: pick.waveform_id.location_code = location_code try: ev_mode = EVALUATION_MODES[evaluation_mode] pick.evaluation_mode = ev_mode except KeyError: pass try: pick.polarity = PICK_POLARITIES[direction] except KeyError: pass try: pick.onset = PICK_ONSETS[onset] except KeyError: pass pick.phase_hint = phase try: pick.backazimuth = float(arrival_azimuth) except ValueError: pass try: pick.horizontal_slowness = float(slowness) except ValueError: pass public_id = "pick/%s" % line_id pick.resource_id = self._get_res_id(public_id) event.picks.append(pick) except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError): # Can't parse pick, skip arrival and amplitude parsing continue arrival = Arrival() arrival.creation_info = self._get_creation_info() try: arrival.pick_id = except AttributeError: pass arrival.phase = phase try: arrival.azimuth = float(event_azimuth) except ValueError: pass try: arrival.distance = float(distance) except ValueError: pass try: arrival.time_residual = float(time_residual) except ValueError: pass try: arrival.backazimuth_residual = float(azimuth_residual) except ValueError: pass try: arrival.horizontal_slowness_residual = float(slowness_residual) except ValueError: pass if time_defining_flag == 'T': arrival.time_weight = 1 if azimuth_defining_flag == 'A': arrival.backazimuth_weight = 1 if slowness_defining_flag == 'S': arrival.horizontal_slowness_weight = 1 public_id = "arrival/%s" % line_id arrival.resource_id = self._get_res_id(public_id, parent_res_id=origin_res_id) origin.arrivals.append(arrival) try: amplitude = Amplitude() amplitude.creation_info = self._get_creation_info() amplitude.generic_amplitude = float(amplitude_value) try: amplitude.pick_id = pick.resource_id amplitude.waveform_id = pick.waveform_id except AttributeError: pass try: amplitude.period = float(period) except ValueError: pass try: amplitude.snr = float(snr) except ValueError: pass for i in [0, 1]: if magnitude_types[i] and not magnitude_types[i].isspace(): amplitude.magnitude_hint = magnitude_types[i] public_id = "amplitude/%s" % line_id amplitude.resource_id = self._get_res_id(public_id) event.amplitudes.append(amplitude) for i in [0, 1]: sta_mag = StationMagnitude() sta_mag.creation_info = self._get_creation_info() sta_mag.origin_id = origin_res_id sta_mag.amplitude_id = amplitude.resource_id sta_mag.station_magnitude_type = magnitude_types[i] sta_mag.mag = magnitude_values[i] sta_mag.waveform_id = pick.waveform_id public_id = "magnitude/station/%s/%s" % (line_id, i) sta_mag.resource_id = self._get_res_id(public_id) event.station_magnitudes.append(sta_mag) # Associate station mag with network mag of same type mag = self._find_magnitude_by_type(event, origin_res_id, magnitude_types[i]) if mag: contrib = StationMagnitudeContribution() contrib.station_magnitude_id = sta_mag.resource_id contrib.weight = 1.0 mag.station_magnitude_contributions.append(contrib) except ValueError: pass
def sdxtoquakeml(sdx_dir, out_xml, time_uncertainties=[0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.5], catalog_description="", catalog_version="", agency_id="", author="", vel_mod_id=""): """ Convert SDX to QuakeML format using ObsPy inventory structure. SDX filename prefix is stored under event description. Input parameters: - sdx_dir: directory containing sdx files (required) - out_xml: Filename of quakeML file (required) - time_uncertainties: List containing time uncertainities in seconds for mapping from weights 0-4, respectively (optional) - catalog_description (optional) - cat_agency_id (optional) - author (optional) - vel_mod_id (optional) Output: - xml catalog in QuakeML format. """ # Prepare catalog cat = Catalog(description=catalog_description, creation_info=CreationInfo(author=author, agency_id=agency_id, version=catalog_version)) # Read in sdx files in directory, recursively files = glob.glob("{:}/**/*.sdx".format(sdx_dir), recursive=True) if len(files) == 0: print("No SDX files found in path. Exiting") for sdx_file_path in files: print("Working on ", sdx_file_path.split('/')[-1]) # Set-up event evt_id = (sdx_file_path.split('/')[-1])[:-4] event = Event(event_type="earthquake", creation_info=CreationInfo(author=author, agency_id=agency_id), event_descriptions=[EventDescription(text=evt_id)]) # Get station details, append to arrays sdx_file = open(sdx_file_path, "r") stations = [] for line in sdx_file: if line.rstrip() == "station": sdxstation = list(islice(sdx_file, 5)) stations.append([ sdxstation[1].split()[0], float(sdxstation[2].split()[0]), float(sdxstation[3].split()[0]), float(sdxstation[4].split()[0]) ]) sdx_file.close() # Find origin details, append to origin object sdx_file = open(sdx_file_path, "r") found_origin = False for line in sdx_file: if line.rstrip() == "origin": found_origin = True sdxorigin = list(islice(sdx_file, 17)) orig_time = ("{:}T{:}".format( sdxorigin[1][0:10].replace(".", "-"), sdxorigin[1][11:23])) evt_lat = float(sdxorigin[2].split()[0]) evt_lon = float(sdxorigin[3].split()[0]) evt_depth = float(sdxorigin[4].split()[0]) creation_time = UTCDateTime("{:}T{:}".format( sdxorigin[16].split()[6][0:10].replace(".", "-"), sdxorigin[16].split()[6][11:23])) num_arrivals = int(sdxorigin[12].split()[0]) num_arrivals_p = (int(sdxorigin[12].split()[0]) - int(sdxorigin[12].split()[1])) min_dist = float(sdxorigin[12].split()[9]) max_dist = float(sdxorigin[12].split()[10]) med_dist = float(sdxorigin[12].split()[11]) max_az_gap = float(sdxorigin[12].split()[6]) origin = Origin(time=UTCDateTime(orig_time), longitude=evt_lon, latitude=evt_lat, depth=evt_depth * -1000, earth_model_id=vel_mod_id, origin_type="hypocenter", evaluation_mode="manual", evaluation_status="confirmed", method_id=ResourceIdentifier(id="SDX_hypo71"), creation_info=CreationInfo( creation_time=creation_time, author=author, agency_id=agency_id), quality=OriginQuality( associated_phase_count=num_arrivals, used_phase_count=num_arrivals, associated_station_count=num_arrivals_p, used_station_count=num_arrivals_p, azimuthal_gap=max_az_gap, minimum_distance=min_dist, maximum_distance=max_dist, median_distance=med_dist)) sdx_file.close() # Skip event if no computed origin if found_origin is False: print("No origin found ... skipping event") continue # Get pick details, append to pick and arrival objects sdx_file = open(sdx_file_path, "r") found_pick = False for line in sdx_file: if line.rstrip() == "pick": found_pick = True sdxpick = list(islice(sdx_file, 15)) pick_time = UTCDateTime("{:}T{:}".format( sdxpick[1][0:10].replace(".", "-"), sdxpick[1][11:23])) network = sdxpick[2].split()[0] station = sdxpick[2].split()[1] location = sdxpick[2].split()[2] if "NOT_SET" in location: location = "" channel = sdxpick[2].split()[3] onset = sdxpick[8].split()[0] if onset == "0": pickonset = "emergent" elif onset == "1": pickonset = "impulsive" elif onset == "2": pickonset = "questionable" phase = sdxpick[9].split()[0] polarity = sdxpick[10].split()[0] if polarity == "0": pol = "positive" elif polarity == "1": pol = "negative" elif polarity == "2": pol = "undecidable" weight = int(sdxpick[11].split()[0]) creation_time = UTCDateTime("{:}T{:}".format( sdxpick[14].split()[6][0:10].replace(".", "-"), sdxpick[14].split()[6][11:23])) pick = Pick( time=pick_time, waveform_id=WaveformStreamID(network_code=network, station_code=station, location_code=location, channel_code=channel), time_errors=time_uncertainties[weight], evaluation_mode="manual", evaluation_status="confirmed", onset=pickonset, phase_hint=phase, polarity=pol, method_id=ResourceIdentifier(id="SDX"), creation_info=CreationInfo(creation_time=creation_time)) event.picks.append(pick) # Compute azimuth, distance, append to arrival object for i in range(0, len(stations)): if stations[i][0] == station: azimuth = (gps2dist_azimuth(evt_lat, evt_lon, stations[i][1], stations[i][2])[1]) dist_deg = locations2degrees(evt_lat, evt_lon, stations[i][1], stations[i][2]) arrival = Arrival(phase=phase, pick_id=pick.resource_id, azimuth=azimuth, distance=dist_deg, time_weight=1.00)[0].arrivals.append(arrival) # Skip event if no picks if found_pick is False: print("No picks found ... skipping event") continue # Set preferred origin and append event to catalogue event.preferred_origin_id =[0].resource_id sdx_file.close() cat.write(out_xml, format="QUAKEML")
def _parse_arrivals(self, event, origin, origin_res_id): # Skip header of arrivals next(self.lines) # Stop the loop after 2 empty lines (according to the standard). previous_line_empty = False for line in self.lines: line_empty = not line or line.isspace() if not self.event_point_separator: # Event are separated by two empty lines if line_empty and previous_line_empty: break else: # Event are separated by '.' if line.startswith('.'): break previous_line_empty = line_empty if line_empty: # Skip empty lines when the loop should be stopped by # point continue magnitude_types = [] magnitude_values = [] fields = self.fields['arrival'] station = line[fields['sta']].strip() distance = line[fields['dist']].strip() event_azimuth = line[fields['ev_az']].strip() evaluation_mode = line[fields['picktype']].strip() direction = line[fields['direction']].strip() onset = line[fields['detchar']].strip() phase = line[fields['phase']].strip() time = line[fields['time']].strip().replace('/', '-') time_residual = line[fields['t_res']].strip() arrival_azimuth = line[fields['azim']].strip() azimuth_residual = line[fields['az_res']].strip() slowness = line[fields['slow']].strip() slowness_residual = line[fields['s_res']].strip() time_defining_flag = line[fields['t_def']].strip() azimuth_defining_flag = line[fields['a_def']].strip() slowness_defining_flag = line[fields['s_def']].strip() snr = line[fields['snr']].strip() amplitude_value = line[fields['amp']].strip() period = line[fields['per']].strip() magnitude_types.append(line[fields['mag_type_1']].strip()) magnitude_values.append(line[fields['mag_1']].strip()) magnitude_types.append(line[fields['mag_type_2']].strip()) magnitude_values.append(line[fields['mag_2']].strip()) line_id = line[fields['id']].strip() # Don't take pick and arrival with wrong time residual if '*' in time_residual: continue try: pick = Pick() pick.creation_info = self._get_creation_info() pick.waveform_id = WaveformStreamID() pick.waveform_id.station_code = station pick.time = UTCDateTime(time) network_code = self.default_network_code location_code = self.default_location_code channel_code = self.default_channel_code try: network_code, channel = self._get_channel(station, pick.time) if channel: channel_code = channel.code location_code = channel.location_code except TypeError: pass pick.waveform_id.network_code = network_code pick.waveform_id.channel_code = channel_code if location_code: pick.waveform_id.location_code = location_code try: ev_mode = EVALUATION_MODES[evaluation_mode] pick.evaluation_mode = ev_mode except KeyError: pass try: pick.polarity = PICK_POLARITIES[direction] except KeyError: pass try: pick.onset = PICK_ONSETS[onset] except KeyError: pass pick.phase_hint = phase try: pick.backazimuth = float(arrival_azimuth) except ValueError: pass try: pick.horizontal_slowness = float(slowness) except ValueError: pass public_id = "pick/%s" % line_id pick.resource_id = self._get_res_id(public_id) event.picks.append(pick) except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError): # Can't parse pick, skip arrival and amplitude parsing continue arrival = Arrival() arrival.creation_info = self._get_creation_info() try: arrival.pick_id = except AttributeError: pass arrival.phase = phase try: arrival.azimuth = float(event_azimuth) except ValueError: pass try: arrival.distance = float(distance) except ValueError: pass try: arrival.time_residual = float(time_residual) except ValueError: pass try: arrival.backazimuth_residual = float(azimuth_residual) except ValueError: pass try: arrival.horizontal_slowness_residual = float(slowness_residual) except ValueError: pass if time_defining_flag == 'T': arrival.time_weight = 1 if azimuth_defining_flag == 'A': arrival.backazimuth_weight = 1 if slowness_defining_flag == 'S': arrival.horizontal_slowness_weight = 1 public_id = "arrival/%s" % line_id arrival.resource_id = self._get_res_id(public_id, parent_res_id=origin_res_id) origin.arrivals.append(arrival) try: amplitude = Amplitude() amplitude.creation_info = self._get_creation_info() amplitude.generic_amplitude = float(amplitude_value) try: amplitude.pick_id = pick.resource_id amplitude.waveform_id = pick.waveform_id except AttributeError: pass try: amplitude.period = float(period) except ValueError: pass try: amplitude.snr = float(snr) except ValueError: pass for i in [0, 1]: if magnitude_types[i] and not magnitude_types[i].isspace(): amplitude.magnitude_hint = magnitude_types[i] public_id = "amplitude/%s" % line_id amplitude.resource_id = self._get_res_id(public_id) event.amplitudes.append(amplitude) for i in [0, 1]: sta_mag = StationMagnitude() sta_mag.creation_info = self._get_creation_info() sta_mag.origin_id = origin_res_id sta_mag.amplitude_id = amplitude.resource_id sta_mag.station_magnitude_type = magnitude_types[i] sta_mag.mag = magnitude_values[i] public_id = "magnitude/station/%s/%s" % (line_id, i) sta_mag.resource_id = self._get_res_id(public_id) event.station_magnitudes.append(sta_mag) except ValueError: pass
def full_test_event(): """ Function to generate a basic, full test event """ test_event = Event() Origin(time=UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1.2, latitude=45.0, longitude=25.0, depth=15000)) test_event.event_descriptions.append(EventDescription()) test_event.event_descriptions[0].text = 'LE' test_event.creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id='TES') test_event.magnitudes.append( Magnitude(mag=0.1, magnitude_type='ML', creation_info=CreationInfo('TES'),[0].resource_id)) test_event.magnitudes.append( Magnitude(mag=0.5, magnitude_type='Mc', creation_info=CreationInfo('TES'),[0].resource_id)) test_event.magnitudes.append( Magnitude(mag=1.3, magnitude_type='Ms', creation_info=CreationInfo('TES'),[0].resource_id)) # Define the test pick _waveform_id_1 = WaveformStreamID(station_code='FOZ', channel_code='SHZ', network_code='NZ') _waveform_id_2 = WaveformStreamID(station_code='WTSZ', channel_code='BH1', network_code=' ') # Pick to associate with amplitude test_event.picks.append( Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id_1, phase_hint='IAML', polarity='undecidable', time=UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1.68, evaluation_mode="manual")) # Need a second pick for coda test_event.picks.append( Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id_1, onset='impulsive', phase_hint='PN', polarity='positive', time=UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1.68, evaluation_mode="manual")) # Unassociated pick test_event.picks.append( Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id_2, onset='impulsive', phase_hint='SG', polarity='undecidable', time=UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1.72, evaluation_mode="manual")) # Unassociated pick test_event.picks.append( Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id_2, onset='impulsive', phase_hint='PN', polarity='undecidable', time=UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1.62, evaluation_mode="automatic")) # Test a generic local magnitude amplitude pick test_event.amplitudes.append( Amplitude(generic_amplitude=2.0, period=0.4, pick_id=test_event.picks[0].resource_id, waveform_id=test_event.picks[0].waveform_id, unit='m', magnitude_hint='ML', category='point', type='AML')) # Test a coda magnitude pick test_event.amplitudes.append( Amplitude(generic_amplitude=10, pick_id=test_event.picks[1].resource_id, waveform_id=test_event.picks[1].waveform_id, type='END', category='duration', unit='s', magnitude_hint='Mc', snr=2.3))[0].arrivals.append( Arrival(time_weight=0, phase=test_event.picks[1].phase_hint, pick_id=test_event.picks[1].resource_id))[0].arrivals.append( Arrival(time_weight=2, phase=test_event.picks[2].phase_hint, pick_id=test_event.picks[2].resource_id, backazimuth_residual=5, time_residual=0.2, distance=15, azimuth=25))[0].arrivals.append( Arrival(time_weight=2, phase=test_event.picks[3].phase_hint, pick_id=test_event.picks[3].resource_id, backazimuth_residual=5, time_residual=0.2, distance=15, azimuth=25)) # Add in error info (line E)[0].quality = OriginQuality(standard_error=0.01, azimuthal_gap=36) # Origin uncertainty in Seisan is output as long-lat-depth, quakeML has # semi-major and semi-minor[0].origin_uncertainty = OriginUncertainty( confidence_ellipsoid=ConfidenceEllipsoid( semi_major_axis_length=3000, semi_minor_axis_length=1000, semi_intermediate_axis_length=2000, major_axis_plunge=20, major_axis_azimuth=100, major_axis_rotation=4))[0].time_errors = QuantityError(uncertainty=0.5) # Add in fault-plane solution info (line F) - Note have to check program # used to determine which fields are filled.... test_event.focal_mechanisms.append( FocalMechanism(nodal_planes=NodalPlanes( nodal_plane_1=NodalPlane(strike=180, dip=20, rake=30, strike_errors=QuantityError(10), dip_errors=QuantityError(10), rake_errors=QuantityError(20))), method_id=ResourceIdentifier( ""), creation_info=CreationInfo(agency_id="NC"), misfit=0.5, station_distribution_ratio=0.8)) # Need to test high-precision origin and that it is preferred origin. # Moment tensor includes another origin Origin(time=UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1.2, latitude=45.1, longitude=25.2, depth=14500)) test_event.magnitudes.append( Magnitude(mag=0.1, magnitude_type='MW', creation_info=CreationInfo('TES'),[-1].resource_id)) # Moment tensors go with focal-mechanisms test_event.focal_mechanisms.append( FocalMechanism(moment_tensor=MomentTensor([-1].resource_id, moment_magnitude_id=test_event.magnitudes[-1].resource_id, scalar_moment=100, tensor=Tensor( m_rr=100, m_tt=100, m_pp=10, m_rt=1, m_rp=20, m_tp=15), method_id=ResourceIdentifier( '')))) return test_event
def full_test_event(): """ Function to generate a basic, full test event """ from obspy.core.event import Pick, WaveformStreamID, Arrival, Amplitude from obspy.core.event import Event, Origin, Magnitude from obspy.core.event import EventDescription, CreationInfo from obspy import UTCDateTime test_event = Event()[0].time = UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1 test_event.event_descriptions.append(EventDescription()) test_event.event_descriptions[0].text = 'LE'[0].latitude = 45.0[0].longitude = 25.0[0].depth = 15000 test_event.creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id='TES')[0].time_errors['Time_Residual_RMS'] = 0.01 test_event.magnitudes.append(Magnitude()) test_event.magnitudes[0].mag = 0.1 test_event.magnitudes[0].magnitude_type = 'ML' test_event.magnitudes[0].creation_info = CreationInfo('TES') test_event.magnitudes[0].origin_id =[0].resource_id test_event.magnitudes.append(Magnitude()) test_event.magnitudes[1].mag = 0.5 test_event.magnitudes[1].magnitude_type = 'Mc' test_event.magnitudes[1].creation_info = CreationInfo('TES') test_event.magnitudes[1].origin_id =[0].resource_id test_event.magnitudes.append(Magnitude()) test_event.magnitudes[2].mag = 1.3 test_event.magnitudes[2].magnitude_type = 'Ms' test_event.magnitudes[2].creation_info = CreationInfo('TES') test_event.magnitudes[2].origin_id =[0].resource_id # Define the test pick _waveform_id_1 = WaveformStreamID(station_code='FOZ', channel_code='SHZ', network_code='NZ') _waveform_id_2 = WaveformStreamID(station_code='WTSZ', channel_code='BH1', network_code=' ') # Pick to associate with amplitude test_event.picks.append( Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id_1, phase_hint='IAML', polarity='undecidable', time=UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1.68)) # Need a second pick for coda test_event.picks.append( Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id_1, onset='impulsive', phase_hint='PN', polarity='positive', time=UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1.68)) # Unassociated pick test_event.picks.append( Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id_2, onset='impulsive', phase_hint='SG', polarity='undecidable', time=UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1.72)) # Unassociated pick test_event.picks.append( Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id_2, onset='impulsive', phase_hint='PN', polarity='undecidable', time=UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1.62)) # Test a generic local magnitude amplitude pick test_event.amplitudes.append( Amplitude(generic_amplitude=2.0, period=0.4, pick_id=test_event.picks[0].resource_id, waveform_id=test_event.picks[0].waveform_id, unit='m', magnitude_hint='Ml')) # Test a coda magnitude pick test_event.amplitudes.append( Amplitude(generic_amplitude=10, pick_id=test_event.picks[1].resource_id, waveform_id=test_event.picks[1].waveform_id, type='END', category='duration', unit='s', magnitude_hint='Mc', snr=2.3))[0].arrivals.append( Arrival(time_weight=2, phase=test_event.picks[2].phase_hint, pick_id=test_event.picks[2].resource_id, backazimuth_residual=5, time_residual=0.2, distance=15, azimuth=25))[0].arrivals.append( Arrival(time_weight=2, phase=test_event.picks[3].phase_hint, pick_id=test_event.picks[3].resource_id, backazimuth_residual=5, time_residual=0.2, distance=15, azimuth=25)) return test_event
def readpicks(sfile): """ Read all pick information from the s-file to an obspy.event.Catalog type. .. note:: This was changed for version 0.1.0 from using the inbuilt \ PICK class. :type sfile: str :param sfile: Path to sfile :return: obspy.core.event.Event .. warning:: Currently finalweight is unsupported, nor is velocity, \ or angle of incidence. This is because obspy.event stores slowness \ in s/deg and takeoff angle, which would require computation from the \ values stored in seisan. Multiple weights are also not supported in \ Obspy.event. .. rubric:: Example >>> event = readpicks('eqcorrscan/tests/test_data/REA/TEST_/' + ... '01-0411-15L.S201309') >>> print([0].time) 2013-09-01T04:11:15.700000Z >>> print(event.picks[0].time) 2013-09-01T04:11:17.240000Z """ from obspy.core.event import Pick, WaveformStreamID, Arrival, Amplitude # Get wavefile name for use in resource_ids wav_names = readwavename(sfile) # First we need to read the header to get the timing info new_event = readheader(sfile) evtime =[0].time f = open(sfile, 'r') pickline = [] # Set a default, ignored later unless overwritten SNR = 999 if 'headerend' in locals(): del headerend for lineno, line in enumerate(f): if 'headerend' in locals(): if len(line.rstrip('\n').rstrip('\r')) in [80, 79] and \ (line[79] == ' ' or line[79] == '4' or line[79] == '\n'): pickline += [line] elif line[79] == '7': header = line headerend = lineno amplitude_index = 0 for pick_index, line in enumerate(pickline): if line[18:28].strip() == '': # If line is empty miss it continue station = line[1:6].strip() channel = line[6:8].strip() network = 'NA' # No network information provided in Sfile. weight = line[14] if weight == '_': phase = line[10:17] weight = 0 polarity = '' else: phase = line[10:14].strip() polarity = line[16] if weight == ' ': weight = 0 if polarity == '': polarity = "undecidable" elif polarity == 'C': polarity = "positive" elif polarity == 'D': polarity = 'negative' else: polarity = "undecidable" if int(line[18:20]) == 24: pickhr = 0 pickday = evtime + 86400 else: pickhr = int(line[18:20]) pickday = evtime try: time = UTCDateTime(pickday.year, pickday.month,, pickhr, int(line[20:22]), int(line[23:28].split('.')[0]), int(line[23:28].split('.')[1]) * 10000) except ValueError: time = UTCDateTime(evtime.year, evtime.month,, pickhr, int(line[20:22]), 0, 0) time += 60 # Add 60 seconds on to the time, this copes with s-file # preference to write seconds in 1-60 rather than 0-59 which # datetime objects accept coda = _int_conv(line[28:33]) amplitude = _float_conv(line[33:40]) peri = _float_conv(line[41:45]) azimuth = _float_conv(line[46:51]) velocity = _float_conv(line[52:56]) if header[57:60] == 'AIN': AIN = _float_conv(line[57:60]) elif header[57:60] == 'SNR': SNR = _float_conv(line[57:60]) azimuthres = _int_conv(line[60:63]) timeres = _float_conv(line[63:68]) finalweight = _int_conv(line[68:70]) distance = kilometer2degrees(_float_conv(line[70:75])) CAZ = _int_conv(line[76:79]) # Create a new obspy.event.Pick class for this pick _waveform_id = WaveformStreamID(station_code=station, channel_code=channel, network_code=network) new_event.picks.append( Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id, phase_hint=phase, polarity=polarity, time=time)) if line[9] == 'I': new_event.picks[pick_index].onset = 'impulsive' elif line[9] == 'E': new_event.picks[pick_index].onset = 'emergent' if line[15] == 'A': new_event.picks[pick_index].evaluation_mode = 'automatic' else: new_event.picks[pick_index].evaluation_mode = 'manual' # Note these two are not always filled - velocity conversion not yet # implimented, needs to be converted from km/s to s/deg # if not velocity == 999.0: # new_event.picks[pick_index].horizontal_slowness = 1.0 / velocity if not azimuth == 999: new_event.picks[pick_index].backazimuth = azimuth del _waveform_id # Create new obspy.event.Amplitude class which references above Pick # only if there is an amplitude picked. if not amplitude == 999.0: new_event.amplitudes.append( Amplitude(generic_amplitude=amplitude, period=peri, pick_id=new_event.picks[pick_index].resource_id, waveform_id=new_event.picks[pick_index].waveform_id)) if new_event.picks[pick_index].phase_hint == 'IAML': # Amplitude for local magnitude new_event.amplitudes[amplitude_index].type = 'AML' # Set to be evaluating a point in the trace new_event.amplitudes[amplitude_index].category = 'point' # Default AML unit in seisan is nm (Page 139 of seisan # documentation, version 10.0) new_event.amplitudes[amplitude_index].generic_amplitude /=\ 10**9 new_event.amplitudes[amplitude_index].unit = 'm' new_event.amplitudes[amplitude_index].magnitude_hint = 'ML' else: # Generic amplitude type new_event.amplitudes[amplitude_index].type = 'A' if not SNR == 999.0: new_event.amplitudes[amplitude_index].snr = SNR amplitude_index += 1 elif not coda == 999: # Create an amplitude instance for code duration also new_event.amplitudes.append( Amplitude(generic_amplitude=coda, pick_id=new_event.picks[pick_index].resource_id, waveform_id=new_event.picks[pick_index].waveform_id)) # Amplitude for coda magnitude new_event.amplitudes[amplitude_index].type = 'END' # Set to be evaluating a point in the trace new_event.amplitudes[amplitude_index].category = 'duration' new_event.amplitudes[amplitude_index].unit = 's' new_event.amplitudes[amplitude_index].magnitude_hint = 'Mc' if SNR and not SNR == 999.0: new_event.amplitudes[amplitude_index].snr = SNR amplitude_index += 1 # Create new obspy.event.Arrival class referencing above Pick[0].arrivals.append( Arrival(phase=new_event.picks[pick_index].phase_hint, pick_id=new_event.picks[pick_index].resource_id)) if weight != 999:[0].arrivals[pick_index].time_weight =\ weight if azimuthres != 999:[0].arrivals[pick_index].backazimuth_residual =\ azimuthres if timeres != 999:[0].arrivals[pick_index].time_residual =\ timeres if distance != 999:[0].arrivals[pick_index].distance =\ distance if CAZ != 999:[0].arrivals[pick_index].azimuth =\ CAZ f.close() # Write event to catalog object for ease of .write() method return new_event
def _parse_record_s(self, line, event, p_pick, p_arrival): """ Parses the 'secondary phases' record S Secondary phases are following phases of the reading, and can be P-type or S-type. """ arrivals = [] phase = line[7:15].strip() arrival_time = line[15:24] if phase: arrivals.append((phase, arrival_time)) phase = line[25:33].strip() arrival_time = line[33:42] if phase: arrivals.append((phase, arrival_time)) phase = line[43:51].strip() arrival_time = line[51:60] if phase: arrivals.append((phase, arrival_time)) evid ='/')[-1] station_string = \ p_pick.waveform_id.get_seed_string()\ .replace(' ', '-').replace('.', '_').lower() origin =[0] for phase, arrival_time in arrivals: if phase[0:2] == 'D=': # unused: depth = self._float(phase[2:7]) try: depth_usage_flag = phase[7] except IndexError: # usage flag is not defined depth_usage_flag = None # FIXME: I'm not sure that 'X' actually # means 'used' if depth_usage_flag == 'X': # FIXME: is this enough to say that # the event is constrained by depth phases? origin.depth_type = 'constrained by depth phases' origin.quality.depth_phase_count += 1 else: pick = Pick() prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'pick', evid, station_string)) pick.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix) date = origin.time.strftime('%Y%m%d') pick.time = UTCDateTime(date + arrival_time) # Check if pick is on the next day: if pick.time < origin.time: pick.time += timedelta(days=1) pick.waveform_id = p_pick.waveform_id pick.backazimuth = p_pick.backazimuth onset = phase[0] if onset == 'e': pick.onset = 'emergent' phase = phase[1:] elif onset == 'i': pick.onset = 'impulsive' phase = phase[1:] elif onset == 'q': pick.onset = 'questionable' phase = phase[1:] pick.phase_hint = phase.strip() event.picks.append(pick) arrival = Arrival() prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'arrival', evid, station_string)) arrival.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix) arrival.pick_id = pick.resource_id arrival.phase = pick.phase_hint arrival.azimuth = p_arrival.azimuth arrival.distance = p_arrival.distance origin.quality.associated_phase_count += 1 origin.arrivals.append(arrival)
def _parse_record_p(self, line, event): """ Parses the 'primary phase record' P The primary phase is the first phase of the reading, regardless its type. """ station = line[2:7].strip() phase = line[7:15] arrival_time = line[15:24] residual = self._float(line[25:30]) # unused: residual_flag = line[30] distance = self._float(line[32:38]) # degrees azimuth = self._float(line[39:44]) backazimuth = round(azimuth % -360 + 180, 1) mb_period = self._float(line[44:48]) mb_amplitude = self._float(line[48:55]) # nanometers mb_magnitude = self._float(line[56:59]) # unused: mb_usage_flag = line[59] origin =[0] evid ='/')[-1] waveform_id = WaveformStreamID() waveform_id.station_code = station # network_code is required for QuakeML validation waveform_id.network_code = ' ' station_string = \ waveform_id.get_seed_string()\ .replace(' ', '-').replace('.', '_').lower() prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'waveformstream', evid, station_string)) waveform_id.resource_uri = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix) pick = Pick() prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'pick', evid, station_string)) pick.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix) date = origin.time.strftime('%Y%m%d') pick.time = UTCDateTime(date + arrival_time) # Check if pick is on the next day: if pick.time < origin.time: pick.time += timedelta(days=1) pick.waveform_id = waveform_id pick.backazimuth = backazimuth onset = phase[0] if onset == 'e': pick.onset = 'emergent' phase = phase[1:] elif onset == 'i': pick.onset = 'impulsive' phase = phase[1:] elif onset == 'q': pick.onset = 'questionable' phase = phase[1:] pick.phase_hint = phase.strip() event.picks.append(pick) if mb_amplitude is not None: amplitude = Amplitude() prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'amp', evid, station_string)) amplitude.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix) amplitude.generic_amplitude = mb_amplitude * 1E-9 amplitude.unit = 'm' amplitude.period = mb_period amplitude.type = 'AB' amplitude.magnitude_hint = 'Mb' amplitude.pick_id = pick.resource_id amplitude.waveform_id = pick.waveform_id event.amplitudes.append(amplitude) station_magnitude = StationMagnitude() prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'stationmagntiude', evid, station_string)) station_magnitude.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix) station_magnitude.origin_id = origin.resource_id station_magnitude.mag = mb_magnitude # station_magnitude.mag_errors['uncertainty'] = 0.0 station_magnitude.station_magnitude_type = 'Mb' station_magnitude.amplitude_id = amplitude.resource_id station_magnitude.waveform_id = pick.waveform_id res_id = '/'.join( (res_id_prefix, 'magnitude/generic/body_wave_magnitude')) station_magnitude.method_id = \ ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id) event.station_magnitudes.append(station_magnitude) arrival = Arrival() prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'arrival', evid, station_string)) arrival.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix) arrival.pick_id = pick.resource_id arrival.phase = pick.phase_hint arrival.azimuth = azimuth arrival.distance = distance arrival.time_residual = residual res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'earthmodel/ak135')) arrival.earth_model_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id) origin.arrivals.append(arrival) origin.quality.minimum_distance = min( d for d in (arrival.distance, origin.quality.minimum_distance) if d is not None) origin.quality.maximum_distance = \ max(arrival.distance, origin.quality.minimum_distance) origin.quality.associated_phase_count += 1 return pick, arrival
def outputOBSPY(hp, event=None, only_fm_picks=False): """ Make an Event which includes the current focal mechanism information from HASH Use the 'only_fm_picks' flag to only include the picks HASH used for the FocalMechanism. This flag will replace the 'picks' and 'arrivals' lists of existing events with new ones. Inputs ------- hp : hashpy.HashPype instance event : obspy.core.event.Event only_fm_picks : bool of whether to overwrite the picks/arrivals lists Returns ------- obspy.core.event.Event Event will be new if no event was input, FocalMech added to existing event """ # Returns new (or updates existing) Event with HASH solution n = hp.npol if event is None: event = Event(focal_mechanisms=[], picks=[], origins=[]) origin = Origin(arrivals=[]) origin.time = UTCDateTime(hp.tstamp) origin.latitude = hp.qlat origin.longitude = hp.qlon origin.depth = hp.qdep origin.creation_info = CreationInfo(version=hp.icusp) origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier('smi:hash/Origin/{0}'.format(hp.icusp)) for _i in range(n): p = Pick() p.creation_info = CreationInfo(version=hp.arid[_i]) p.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier('smi:hash/Pick/{0}'.format(p.creation_info.version)) p.waveform_id = WaveformStreamID(network_code=hp.snet[_i], station_code=hp.sname[_i], channel_code=hp.scomp[_i]) if hp.p_pol[_i] > 0: p.polarity = 'positive' else: p.polarity = 'negative' a = Arrival() a.creation_info = CreationInfo(version=hp.arid[_i]) a.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier('smi:hash/Arrival/{0}'.format(p.creation_info.version)) a.azimuth = hp.p_azi_mc[_i,0] a.takeoff_angle = 180. - hp.p_the_mc[_i,0] a.pick_id = p.resource_id origin.arrivals.append(a) event.picks.append(p) event.preferred_origin_id = str(origin.resource_id) else: # just update the changes origin = event.preferred_origin() picks = [] arrivals = [] for _i in range(n): ind = hp.p_index[_i] a = origin.arrivals[ind] p = a.pick_id.getReferredObject() a.takeoff_angle = hp.p_the_mc[_i,0] picks.append(p) arrivals.append(a) if only_fm_picks: origin.arrivals = arrivals event.picks = picks # Use me double couple calculator and populate planes/axes etc x = hp._best_quality_index # Put all the mechanisms into the 'focal_mechanisms' list, mark "best" as preferred for s in range(hp.nmult): dc = DoubleCouple([hp.str_avg[s], hp.dip_avg[s], hp.rak_avg[s]]) ax = dc.axis focal_mech = FocalMechanism() focal_mech.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=UTCDateTime(), focal_mech.triggering_origin_id = origin.resource_id focal_mech.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier('smi:hash/FocalMechanism/{0}/{1}'.format(hp.icusp, s+1)) focal_mech.method_id = ResourceIdentifier('HASH') focal_mech.nodal_planes = NodalPlanes() focal_mech.nodal_planes.nodal_plane_1 = NodalPlane(*dc.plane1) focal_mech.nodal_planes.nodal_plane_2 = NodalPlane(*dc.plane2) focal_mech.principal_axes = PrincipalAxes() focal_mech.principal_axes.t_axis = Axis(azimuth=ax['T']['azimuth'], plunge=ax['T']['dip']) focal_mech.principal_axes.p_axis = Axis(azimuth=ax['P']['azimuth'], plunge=ax['P']['dip']) focal_mech.station_polarity_count = n focal_mech.azimuthal_gap = hp.magap focal_mech.misfit = hp.mfrac[s] focal_mech.station_distribution_ratio = hp.stdr[s] focal_mech.comments.append( Comment(hp.qual[s], resource_id=ResourceIdentifier(str(focal_mech.resource_id) + '/comment/quality')) ) #---------------------------------------- event.focal_mechanisms.append(focal_mech) if s == x: event.preferred_focal_mechanism_id = str(focal_mech.resource_id) return event
def _map_join2phase(self, db): """ Return an obspy Arrival and Pick from an dict of CSS key/values corresponding to one record. See the 'Join' section for the implied database table join expected. Inputs ====== db : dict of key/values of CSS fields related to the phases (see Join) Returns ======= obspy.core.event.Pick, obspy.core.event.Arrival Notes ===== Any object that supports the dict 'get' method can be passed as input, e.g. OrderedDict, custom classes, etc. Join ---- assoc <- arrival <- affiliation (outer) <- schanloc [sta chan] (outer) """ p = Pick() p.time = _utc(db.get('time')) def_net =[:2].upper() css_sta = db.get('sta') css_chan = db.get('chan') p.waveform_id = WaveformStreamID( station_code = db.get('fsta') or css_sta, channel_code = db.get('fchan') or css_chan, network_code = db.get('snet') or def_net, location_code = db.get('loc'), ) p.horizontal_slowness = db.get('slow') #p.horizontal_slowness_errors = self._create_dict(db, 'delslo') p.backazimuth = db.get('azimuth') #p.backazimuth_errors = self._create_dict(db, 'delaz') on_qual = _str(db.get('qual')).lower() if 'i' in on_qual: p.onset = "impulsive" elif 'e' in on_qual: p.onset = "emergent" elif 'w' in on_qual: p.onset = "questionable" else: p.onset = None p.phase_hint = db.get('iphase') pol = _str(db.get('fm')).lower() if 'c' in pol or 'u' in pol: p.polarity = "positive" elif 'd' in pol or 'r' in pol: p.polarity = "negative" elif '.' in pol: p.polarity = "undecidable" else: p.polarity = None p.evaluation_mode = "automatic" if 'orbassoc' not in _str(db.get('auth')): p.evaluation_mode = "manual" p.evaluation_status = "preliminary" if p.evaluation_mode is "manual": p.evaluation_status = "reviewed" p.creation_info = CreationInfo( version = db.get('arid'), creation_time = _utc(db.get('arrival.lddate')), agency_id =, author = db.get('auth'), ) p.resource_id = self._rid(p) a = Arrival() a.pick_id = ResourceIdentifier(str(p.resource_id), referred_object=p) a.phase = db.get('phase') a.azimuth = db.get('esaz') a.distance = db.get('delta') a.takeoff_angle = db.get('ema') #a.takeoff_angle_errors = self._create_dict(db, 'emares') a.time_residual = db.get('timeres') a.horizontal_slowness_residual = db.get('slores') a.time_weight = db.get('wgt') a.earth_model_id = ResourceIdentifier(self._prefix+'/VelocityModel/'+_str(db.get('vmodel'))) a.creation_info = CreationInfo( version = db.get('arid'), creation_time = _utc(db.get('lddate')), agency_id =, ) a.extra = {} a.extra['timedef'] = { 'value': _str(db.get('timedef')), 'namespace': CSS_NAMESPACE } a.resource_id = self._rid(a) return p, a
def setEventData(eventParser, arrivals, count): global originCount global eventCount global pickCount creation_info = CreationInfo( author='niket_engdahl_parser', creation_time=UTCDateTime(), agency_uri=ResourceIdentifier(id=''), agency_id='ga-engdahl') # magnitudeSurface = Magnitude(resource_id=ResourceIdentifier(id=''+str(originCount)+'#netMag.Ms'), #, # magnitude_type='Ms', # origin_id=ResourceIdentifier(id=''+str(originCount)), # azimuthal_gap=eventParser.openaz2, # creation_info=creation_info) origin = Origin( resource_id=ResourceIdentifier(id='' + str(originCount)), time=UTCDateTime(int(str(2000 + int(eventParser.iyr))), int(eventParser.mon), int(eventParser.iday), int(eventParser.ihr), int(eventParser.min), int(eventParser.sec.split('.')[0]), int(eventParser.sec.split('.')[1] + '0')), longitude=eventParser.glon, latitude=eventParser.glat, depth=float(eventParser.depth) * 1000, # engdahl files report kms, obspy expects m depth_errors=eventParser.sedep, method_id=ResourceIdentifier(id='EHB'), earth_model_id=ResourceIdentifier(id='ak135'), quality=OriginQuality(associated_phase_count=len(arrivals), used_phase_count=len(arrivals),, azimuthal_gap=eventParser.openaz2), evaluation_mode='automatic', creation_info=creation_info) magnitude = Magnitude( resource_id=ResourceIdentifier(id='' + str(originCount) + '#netMag.Mb'), mag=eventParser.mb, magnitude_type='Mb', origin_id=ResourceIdentifier(id='' + str(originCount)), azimuthal_gap=eventParser.openaz1, creation_info=creation_info) originCount += 1 pickList = [] arrivalList = [] pPhaseArrival = None for arrParser in arrivals: pickOnset = None pol = None if arrParser.year and arrParser.month and and arrParser.station: pPhaseArrival = arrParser else: arrParser.year = pPhaseArrival.year = arrParser.month = pPhaseArrival.month arrParser.station = pPhaseArrival.station = arrParser.dtdd = pPhaseArrival.dtdd arrParser.backaz = pPhaseArrival.backaz arrParser.focalDip = pPhaseArrival.focalDip arrParser.angleAzimuth = pPhaseArrival.angleAzimuth if arrParser.phase1 == 'LR' or arrParser.phase2 == 'LR' or arrParser.hour == '24': continue if arrParser.phase1.startswith('i'): pickOnset = PickOnset.impulsive if == '+': pol = PickPolarity.positive elif == '-': pol = PickPolarity.negative elif arrParser.phase1.startswith('e'): pickOnset = PickOnset.emergent pick = Pick( resource_id=ResourceIdentifier(id='' + str(pickCount)), time=UTCDateTime(int(str(2000 + int(arrParser.year))), int(arrParser.month), int(, int(arrParser.hour), int(arrParser.minute), int(arrParser.second.split('.')[0]), int(arrParser.second.split('.')[1] + '0')), waveform_id=WaveformStreamID(network_code='', station_code=arrParser.station, channel_code='BHZ'), methodID=ResourceIdentifier('STA/LTA'), backazimuth=arrParser.backaz if arrParser.backaz else None, onset=pickOnset, phase_hint=arrParser.phase, polarity=pol, evaluation_mode='automatic', # TO-DO comment='populate all the remaining fields here as key value', creation_info=creation_info) if not arrParser.backaz: print "arrParser.backaz is empty. printing the arrParser for debugging" pickCount += 1 pickList.append(pick) arrival = Arrival( pick_id=ResourceIdentifier(id='' + str(pickCount - 1)), phase=arrParser.phase if arrParser.phase else None, azimuth=arrParser.backaz if arrParser.backaz else None, if else None, # if the * has some significance, it should be accounted for. ignoring for now. time_residual=arrParser.residual.rstrip('*'), time_weight=arrParser.wgt if arrParser.wgt else None, backazimuth_weight=arrParser.wgt if arrParser.wgt else None) arrivalList.append(arrival) if not arrParser.wgt: print "arrParser.wgt is empty. printing the arrParser for debugging" # pprint.pprint(arrParser) origin.arrivals = arrivalList event = Event(resource_id=ResourceIdentifier( id='' + str(eventCount)), creation_info=creation_info, event_type='earthquake') eventCount += 1 event.picks = pickList = [ origin, ] event.magnitudes = [ magnitude, ] event.preferred_origin_id = origin.resource_id event.preferred_magnitude_id = magnitude.resource_id return event
def read_nlloc_hyp(filename, coordinate_converter=None, picks=None, **kwargs): """ Reads a NonLinLoc Hypocenter-Phase file to a :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object. .. note:: Coordinate conversion from coordinate frame of NonLinLoc model files / location run to WGS84 has to be specified explicitly by the user if necessary. .. note:: An example can be found on the :mod:`~obspy.nlloc` submodule front page in the documentation pages. :param filename: File or file-like object in text mode. :type coordinate_converter: func :param coordinate_converter: Function to convert (x, y, z) coordinates of NonLinLoc output to geographical coordinates and depth in meters (longitude, latitude, depth in kilometers). If left `None` NonLinLoc (x, y, z) output is left unchanged (e.g. if it is in geographical coordinates already like for NonLinLoc in global mode). The function should accept three arguments x, y, z and return a tuple of three values (lon, lat, depth in kilometers). :type picks: list of :class:`~obspy.core.event.Pick` :param picks: Original picks used to generate the NonLinLoc location. If provided, the output event will include the original picks and the arrivals in the output origin will link to them correctly (with their `pick_id` attribute). If not provided, the output event will include (the rather basic) pick information that can be reconstructed from the NonLinLoc hypocenter-phase file. :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` """ if not hasattr(filename, "read"): # Check if it exists, otherwise assume its a string. try: with open(filename, "rt") as fh: data = except: try: data = filename.decode() except: data = str(filename) data = data.strip() else: data = if hasattr(data, "decode"): data = data.decode() lines = data.splitlines() # remember picks originally used in location, if provided original_picks = picks if original_picks is None: original_picks = [] # determine indices of block start/end of the NLLOC output file indices_hyp = [None, None] indices_phases = [None, None] for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith("NLLOC "): indices_hyp[0] = i elif line.startswith("END_NLLOC"): indices_hyp[1] = i elif line.startswith("PHASE "): indices_phases[0] = i elif line.startswith("END_PHASE"): indices_phases[1] = i if any([i is None for i in indices_hyp]): msg = ("NLLOC HYP file seems corrupt," " could not detect 'NLLOC' and 'END_NLLOC' lines.") raise RuntimeError(msg) # strip any other lines around NLLOC block lines = lines[indices_hyp[0]:indices_hyp[1]] # extract PHASES lines (if any) if any(indices_phases): if not all(indices_phases): msg = ("NLLOC HYP file seems corrupt, 'PHASE' block is corrupt.") raise RuntimeError(msg) i1, i2 = indices_phases lines, phases_lines = lines[:i1] + lines[i2 + 1:], lines[i1 + 1:i2] else: phases_lines = [] lines = dict([line.split(None, 1) for line in lines]) line = lines["SIGNATURE"] line = line.rstrip().split('"')[1] signature, version, date, time = line.rsplit(" ", 3) creation_time = UTCDateTime().strptime(date + time, str("%d%b%Y%Hh%Mm%S")) # maximum likelihood origin location info line line = lines["HYPOCENTER"] x, y, z = map(float, line.split()[1:7:2]) if coordinate_converter: x, y, z = coordinate_converter(x, y, z) # origin time info line line = lines["GEOGRAPHIC"] year, month, day, hour, minute = map(int, line.split()[1:6]) seconds = float(line.split()[6]) time = UTCDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds) # distribution statistics line line = lines["STATISTICS"] covariance_XX = float(line.split()[7]) covariance_YY = float(line.split()[13]) covariance_ZZ = float(line.split()[17]) stats_info_string = str( "Note: Depth/Latitude/Longitude errors are calculated from covariance " "matrix as 1D marginal (Lon/Lat errors as great circle degrees) " "while OriginUncertainty min/max horizontal errors are calculated " "from 2D error ellipsoid and are therefore seemingly higher compared " "to 1D errors. Error estimates can be reconstructed from the " "following original NonLinLoc error statistics line:\nSTATISTICS " + lines["STATISTICS"]) # goto location quality info line line = lines["QML_OriginQuality"].split() (assoc_phase_count, used_phase_count, assoc_station_count, used_station_count, depth_phase_count) = map(int, line[1:11:2]) stderr, az_gap, sec_az_gap = map(float, line[11:17:2]) gt_level = line[17] min_dist, max_dist, med_dist = map(float, line[19:25:2]) # goto location quality info line line = lines["QML_OriginUncertainty"] hor_unc, min_hor_unc, max_hor_unc, hor_unc_azim = \ map(float, line.split()[1:9:2]) # assign origin info event = Event() cat = Catalog(events=[event]) o = Origin() = [o] o.origin_uncertainty = OriginUncertainty() o.quality = OriginQuality() ou = o.origin_uncertainty oq = o.quality o.comments.append(Comment(text=stats_info_string)) cat.creation_info.creation_time = UTCDateTime() cat.creation_info.version = "ObsPy %s" % __version__ event.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=creation_time, version=version) event.creation_info.version = version o.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=creation_time, version=version) # negative values can appear on diagonal of covariance matrix due to a # precision problem in NLLoc implementation when location coordinates are # large compared to the covariances. o.longitude = x try: o.longitude_errors.uncertainty = kilometer2degrees(sqrt(covariance_XX)) except ValueError: if covariance_XX < 0: msg = ("Negative value in XX value of covariance matrix, not " "setting longitude error (epicentral uncertainties will " "still be set in origin uncertainty).") warnings.warn(msg) else: raise o.latitude = y try: o.latitude_errors.uncertainty = kilometer2degrees(sqrt(covariance_YY)) except ValueError: if covariance_YY < 0: msg = ("Negative value in YY value of covariance matrix, not " "setting longitude error (epicentral uncertainties will " "still be set in origin uncertainty).") warnings.warn(msg) else: raise o.depth = z * 1e3 # meters! o.depth_errors.uncertainty = sqrt(covariance_ZZ) * 1e3 # meters! o.depth_errors.confidence_level = 68 o.depth_type = str("from location") o.time = time ou.horizontal_uncertainty = hor_unc ou.min_horizontal_uncertainty = min_hor_unc ou.max_horizontal_uncertainty = max_hor_unc # values of -1 seem to be used for unset values, set to None for field in ("horizontal_uncertainty", "min_horizontal_uncertainty", "max_horizontal_uncertainty"): if ou.get(field, -1) == -1: ou[field] = None else: ou[field] *= 1e3 # meters! ou.azimuth_max_horizontal_uncertainty = hor_unc_azim ou.preferred_description = str("uncertainty ellipse") ou.confidence_level = 68 # NonLinLoc in general uses 1-sigma (68%) level oq.standard_error = stderr oq.azimuthal_gap = az_gap oq.secondary_azimuthal_gap = sec_az_gap oq.used_phase_count = used_phase_count oq.used_station_count = used_station_count oq.associated_phase_count = assoc_phase_count oq.associated_station_count = assoc_station_count oq.depth_phase_count = depth_phase_count oq.ground_truth_level = gt_level oq.minimum_distance = kilometer2degrees(min_dist) oq.maximum_distance = kilometer2degrees(max_dist) oq.median_distance = kilometer2degrees(med_dist) # go through all phase info lines for line in phases_lines: line = line.split() arrival = Arrival() o.arrivals.append(arrival) station = str(line[0]) phase = str(line[4]) arrival.phase = phase arrival.distance = kilometer2degrees(float(line[21])) arrival.azimuth = float(line[23]) arrival.takeoff_angle = float(line[24]) arrival.time_residual = float(line[16]) arrival.time_weight = float(line[17]) pick = Pick() wid = WaveformStreamID(station_code=station) date, hourmin, sec = map(str, line[6:9]) t = UTCDateTime().strptime(date + hourmin, "%Y%m%d%H%M") + float(sec) pick.waveform_id = wid pick.time = t pick.time_errors.uncertainty = float(line[10]) pick.phase_hint = phase pick.onset = ONSETS.get(line[3].lower(), None) pick.polarity = POLARITIES.get(line[5].lower(), None) # try to determine original pick for each arrival for pick_ in original_picks: wid = pick_.waveform_id if station == wid.station_code and phase == pick_.phase_hint: pick = pick_ break else: # warn if original picks were specified and we could not associate # the arrival correctly if original_picks: msg = ("Could not determine corresponding original pick for " "arrival. " "Falling back to pick information in NonLinLoc " "hypocenter-phase file.") warnings.warn(msg) event.picks.append(pick) arrival.pick_id = pick.resource_id return cat
def __toArrival(parser, pick_el, evaluation_mode, pick): """ """ global CURRENT_TYPE arrival = Arrival() arrival.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier( prefix="/".join([RESOURCE_ROOT, "arrival"])) arrival.pick_id = pick.resource_id arrival.phase = parser.xpath2obj('phaseHint', pick_el) arrival.azimuth = parser.xpath2obj('azimuth/value', pick_el, float) arrival.distance = parser.xpath2obj('epi_dist/value', pick_el, float) if arrival.distance is not None: arrival.distance = kilometer2degrees(arrival.distance) takeoff_angle, _ = __toFloatQuantity(parser, pick_el, "incident/value") if takeoff_angle and not math.isnan(takeoff_angle): arrival.takeoff_angle = takeoff_angle arrival.time_residual = parser.xpath2obj('phase_res/value', pick_el, float) arrival.time_weight = parser.xpath2obj('phase_weight/value', pick_el, float) return arrival
def full_test_event(): """ Function to generate a basic, full test event """ test_event = Event()[0].time = UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1.2 test_event.event_descriptions.append(EventDescription()) test_event.event_descriptions[0].text = 'LE'[0].latitude = 45.0[0].longitude = 25.0[0].depth = 15000 test_event.creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id='TES')[0].quality = OriginQuality(standard_error=0.01) test_event.magnitudes.append(Magnitude()) test_event.magnitudes[0].mag = 0.1 test_event.magnitudes[0].magnitude_type = 'ML' test_event.magnitudes[0].creation_info = CreationInfo('TES') test_event.magnitudes[0].origin_id =[0].resource_id test_event.magnitudes.append(Magnitude()) test_event.magnitudes[1].mag = 0.5 test_event.magnitudes[1].magnitude_type = 'Mc' test_event.magnitudes[1].creation_info = CreationInfo('TES') test_event.magnitudes[1].origin_id =[0].resource_id test_event.magnitudes.append(Magnitude()) test_event.magnitudes[2].mag = 1.3 test_event.magnitudes[2].magnitude_type = 'Ms' test_event.magnitudes[2].creation_info = CreationInfo('TES') test_event.magnitudes[2].origin_id =[0].resource_id # Define the test pick _waveform_id_1 = WaveformStreamID(station_code='FOZ', channel_code='SHZ', network_code='NZ') _waveform_id_2 = WaveformStreamID(station_code='WTSZ', channel_code='BH1', network_code=' ') # Pick to associate with amplitude - 0 test_event.picks = [ Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id_1, phase_hint='IAML', polarity='undecidable', time=UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1.68, evaluation_mode="manual"), Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id_1, onset='impulsive', phase_hint='PN', polarity='positive', time=UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1.68, evaluation_mode="manual"), Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id_1, phase_hint='IAML', polarity='undecidable', time=UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1.68, evaluation_mode="manual"), Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id_2, onset='impulsive', phase_hint='SG', polarity='undecidable', time=UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1.72, evaluation_mode="manual"), Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id_2, onset='impulsive', phase_hint='PN', polarity='undecidable', time=UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1.62, evaluation_mode="automatic")] # Test a generic local magnitude amplitude pick test_event.amplitudes = [ Amplitude(generic_amplitude=2.0, period=0.4, pick_id=test_event.picks[0].resource_id, waveform_id=test_event.picks[0].waveform_id, unit='m', magnitude_hint='ML', category='point', type='AML'), Amplitude(generic_amplitude=10, pick_id=test_event.picks[1].resource_id, waveform_id=test_event.picks[1].waveform_id, type='END', category='duration', unit='s', magnitude_hint='Mc', snr=2.3), Amplitude(generic_amplitude=5.0, period=0.6, pick_id=test_event.picks[2].resource_id, waveform_id=test_event.picks[0].waveform_id, unit='m', category='point', type='AML')][0].arrivals = [ Arrival(time_weight=0, phase=test_event.picks[1].phase_hint, pick_id=test_event.picks[1].resource_id), Arrival(time_weight=2, phase=test_event.picks[3].phase_hint, pick_id=test_event.picks[3].resource_id, backazimuth_residual=5, time_residual=0.2, distance=15, azimuth=25), Arrival(time_weight=2, phase=test_event.picks[4].phase_hint, pick_id=test_event.picks[4].resource_id, backazimuth_residual=5, time_residual=0.2, distance=15, azimuth=25)] return test_event
weight=float(line[14:18]) _phase_hint=line[19:21].strip() abs_time=time_origin+tt _waveform_id = WaveformStreamID(station_code=_station_code) ### Put into Pick object pick=Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id, phase_hint=_phase_hint, time=abs_time, method_id=_method_id, evaluation_mode=_evaluation_mode) ### Rename pick ID _pick_id=pick.time.isoformat()+'-'+str(pick.method_id)+'-'+pick.phase_hint+'-'+\ pick.waveform_id.get_seed_string() pick.resource_id=_pick_id ### Put into Arrival object arrival=Arrival(pick_id=pick.resource_id, phase=pick.phase_hint) arrival.time_weight=weight ### Append to event new_event.picks.append(pick) # return new_event
def _parseRecordP(self, line, event): """ Parses the 'primary phase record' P The primary phase is the first phase of the reading, regardless its type. """ station = line[2:7].strip() phase = line[7:15] arrival_time = line[15:24] residual = self._float(line[25:30]) #unused: residual_flag = line[30] distance = self._float(line[32:38]) # degrees azimuth = self._float(line[39:44]) backazimuth = round(azimuth % -360 + 180, 1) mb_period = self._float(line[44:48]) mb_amplitude = self._float(line[48:55]) # nanometers mb_magnitude = self._float(line[56:59]) #unused: mb_usage_flag = line[59] origin =[0] evid ='/')[-1] waveform_id = WaveformStreamID() waveform_id.station_code = station #network_code is required for QuakeML validation waveform_id.network_code = ' ' station_string =\ waveform_id.getSEEDString()\ .replace(' ', '-').replace('.', '_').lower() prefix = '/'.join( (res_id_prefix, 'waveformstream', evid, station_string)) waveform_id.resource_uri = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix) pick = Pick() prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'pick', evid, station_string)) pick.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix) date = origin.time.strftime('%Y%m%d') pick.time = UTCDateTime(date + arrival_time) #Check if pick is on the next day: if pick.time < origin.time: pick.time += timedelta(days=1) pick.waveform_id = waveform_id pick.backazimuth = backazimuth onset = phase[0] if onset == 'e': pick.onset = 'emergent' phase = phase[1:] elif onset == 'i': pick.onset = 'impulsive' phase = phase[1:] elif onset == 'q': pick.onset = 'questionable' phase = phase[1:] pick.phase_hint = phase.strip() event.picks.append(pick) if mb_amplitude is not None: amplitude = Amplitude() prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'amp', evid, station_string)) amplitude.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix) amplitude.generic_amplitude = mb_amplitude * 1E-9 amplitude.unit = 'm' amplitude.period = mb_period amplitude.type = 'AB' amplitude.magnitude_hint = 'Mb' amplitude.pick_id = pick.resource_id amplitude.waveform_id = pick.waveform_id event.amplitudes.append(amplitude) station_magnitude = StationMagnitude() prefix = '/'.join( (res_id_prefix, 'stationmagntiude', evid, station_string)) station_magnitude.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix) station_magnitude.origin_id = origin.resource_id station_magnitude.mag = mb_magnitude #station_magnitude.mag_errors['uncertainty'] = 0.0 station_magnitude.station_magnitude_type = 'Mb' station_magnitude.amplitude_id = amplitude.resource_id station_magnitude.waveform_id = pick.waveform_id res_id = '/'.join( (res_id_prefix, 'magnitude/generic/body_wave_magnitude')) station_magnitude.method_id =\ ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id) event.station_magnitudes.append(station_magnitude) arrival = Arrival() prefix = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'arrival', evid, station_string)) arrival.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=prefix) arrival.pick_id = pick.resource_id arrival.phase = pick.phase_hint arrival.azimuth = azimuth arrival.distance = distance arrival.time_residual = residual res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'earthmodel/ak135')) arrival.earth_model_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id) origin.arrivals.append(arrival) origin.quality.minimum_distance = min( d for d in (arrival.distance, origin.quality.minimum_distance) if d is not None) origin.quality.maximum_distance =\ max(arrival.distance, origin.quality.minimum_distance) origin.quality.associated_phase_count += 1 return pick, arrival
def _read_picks(f, new_event): """ Internal pick reader. Use read_nordic instead. :type f: file :param f: File open in read mode :type wav_names: list :param wav_names: List of waveform files in the sfile :type new_event: :class:`~obspy.core.event.event.Event` :param new_event: event to associate picks with. :returns: :class:`~obspy.core.event.event.Event` """ evtime =[0].time pickline = [] # Set a default, ignored later unless overwritten snr = None for lineno, line in enumerate(f): if line[79] == '7': header = line break for lineno, line in enumerate(f): if len(line.rstrip('\n').rstrip('\r')) in [80, 79] and \ line[79] in ' 4\n': pickline += [line] for line in pickline: if line[18:28].strip() == '': # If line is empty miss it continue weight = line[14] if weight == '_': phase = line[10:17] weight = 0 polarity = '' else: phase = line[10:14].strip() polarity = line[16] if weight == ' ': weight = 0 polarity_maps = {"": "undecidable", "C": "positive", "D": "negative"} try: polarity = polarity_maps[polarity] except KeyError: polarity = "undecidable" # It is valid nordic for the origin to be hour 23 and picks to be hour # 00 or 24: this signifies a pick over a day boundary. if int(line[18:20]) == 0 and evtime.hour == 23: day_add = 86400 pick_hour = 0 elif int(line[18:20]) == 24: day_add = 86400 pick_hour = 0 else: day_add = 0 pick_hour = int(line[18:20]) try: time = UTCDateTime(evtime.year, evtime.month,, pick_hour, int(line[20:22]), float(line[23:28])) + day_add except ValueError: time = UTCDateTime(evtime.year, evtime.month,, int(line[18:20]), pick_hour, float("0." + line[23:38].split('.')[1])) +\ 60 + day_add # Add 60 seconds on to the time, this copes with s-file # preference to write seconds in 1-60 rather than 0-59 which # datetime objects accept if header[57:60] == 'AIN': ain = _float_conv(line[57:60]) warnings.warn('AIN: %s in header, currently unsupported' % ain) elif header[57:60] == 'SNR': snr = _float_conv(line[57:60]) else: warnings.warn('%s is not currently supported' % header[57:60]) # finalweight = _int_conv(line[68:70]) # Create a new obspy.event.Pick class for this pick _waveform_id = WaveformStreamID(station_code=line[1:6].strip(), channel_code=line[6:8].strip(), network_code='NA') pick = Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id, phase_hint=phase, polarity=polarity, time=time) try: pick.onset = onsets[line[9]] except KeyError: pass if line[15] == 'A': pick.evaluation_mode = 'automatic' else: pick.evaluation_mode = 'manual' # Note these two are not always filled - velocity conversion not yet # implemented, needs to be converted from km/s to s/deg # if not velocity == 999.0: # new_event.picks[pick_index].horizontal_slowness = 1.0 / velocity if _float_conv(line[46:51]) is not None: pick.backazimuth = _float_conv(line[46:51]) # Create new obspy.event.Amplitude class which references above Pick # only if there is an amplitude picked. if _float_conv(line[33:40]) is not None: _amplitude = Amplitude(generic_amplitude=_float_conv(line[33:40]), period=_float_conv(line[41:45]), pick_id=pick.resource_id, waveform_id=pick.waveform_id) if pick.phase_hint == 'IAML': # Amplitude for local magnitude _amplitude.type = 'AML' # Set to be evaluating a point in the trace _amplitude.category = 'point' # Default AML unit in seisan is nm (Page 139 of seisan # documentation, version 10.0) _amplitude.generic_amplitude /= 1e9 _amplitude.unit = 'm' _amplitude.magnitude_hint = 'ML' else: # Generic amplitude type _amplitude.type = 'A' if snr: _amplitude.snr = snr new_event.amplitudes.append(_amplitude) elif _int_conv(line[28:33]) is not None: # Create an amplitude instance for code duration also _amplitude = Amplitude(generic_amplitude=_int_conv(line[28:33]), pick_id=pick.resource_id, waveform_id=pick.waveform_id) # Amplitude for coda magnitude _amplitude.type = 'END' # Set to be evaluating a point in the trace _amplitude.category = 'duration' _amplitude.unit = 's' _amplitude.magnitude_hint = 'Mc' if snr is not None: _amplitude.snr = snr new_event.amplitudes.append(_amplitude) # Create new obspy.event.Arrival class referencing above Pick if _float_conv(line[33:40]) is None: arrival = Arrival(phase=pick.phase_hint, pick_id=pick.resource_id) if weight is not None: arrival.time_weight = weight if _int_conv(line[60:63]) is not None: arrival.backazimuth_residual = _int_conv(line[60:63]) if _float_conv(line[63:68]) is not None: arrival.time_residual = _float_conv(line[63:68]) if _float_conv(line[70:75]) is not None: arrival.distance = kilometers2degrees(_float_conv(line[70:75])) if _int_conv(line[76:79]) is not None: arrival.azimuth = _int_conv(line[76:79])[0].arrivals.append(arrival) new_event.picks.append(pick) return new_event
def test_read_write(): """ Function to test the read and write capabilities of Sfile_util. """ import os from obspy.core.event import Pick, WaveformStreamID, Arrival, Amplitude from obspy.core.event import Catalog, Event, Origin, Magnitude from obspy.core.event import EventDescription, CreationInfo import obspy if int(obspy.__version__.split('.')[0]) >= 1: from obspy.core.event import read_events else: from obspy.core.event import readEvents as read_events from obspy import UTCDateTime # Set-up a test event test_event = Event()[0].time = UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1 test_event.event_descriptions.append(EventDescription()) test_event.event_descriptions[0].text = 'LE'[0].latitude = 45.0[0].longitude = 25.0[0].depth = 15.0 test_event.creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id='TES')[0].time_errors['Time_Residual_RMS'] = 0.01 test_event.magnitudes.append(Magnitude()) test_event.magnitudes[0].mag = 0.1 test_event.magnitudes[0].magnitude_type = 'ML' test_event.magnitudes[0].creation_info = CreationInfo('TES') test_event.magnitudes[0].origin_id =[0].resource_id test_event.magnitudes.append(Magnitude()) test_event.magnitudes[1].mag = 0.5 test_event.magnitudes[1].magnitude_type = 'Mc' test_event.magnitudes[1].creation_info = CreationInfo('TES') test_event.magnitudes[1].origin_id =[0].resource_id test_event.magnitudes.append(Magnitude()) test_event.magnitudes[2].mag = 1.3 test_event.magnitudes[2].magnitude_type = 'Ms' test_event.magnitudes[2].creation_info = CreationInfo('TES') test_event.magnitudes[2].origin_id =[0].resource_id # Define the test pick _waveform_id = WaveformStreamID(station_code='FOZ', channel_code='SHZ', network_code='NZ') test_event.picks.append( Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id, onset='impulsive', phase_hint='PN', polarity='positive', time=UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1.68, horizontal_slowness=12, backazimuth=20)) test_event.amplitudes.append( Amplitude(generic_amplitude=2.0, period=0.4, pick_id=test_event.picks[0].resource_id, waveform_id=test_event.picks[0].waveform_id, unit='m'))[0].arrivals.append( Arrival(time_weight=2, phase=test_event.picks[0].phase_hint, pick_id=test_event.picks[0].resource_id, backazimuth_residual=5, time_residual=0.2, distance=15, azimuth=25)) # Add the event to a catalogue which can be used for QuakeML testing test_cat = Catalog() test_cat += test_event # Write the catalog test_cat.write("Test_catalog.xml", format='QUAKEML') # Read and check read_cat = read_events("Test_catalog.xml") os.remove("Test_catalog.xml") assert read_cat[0].resource_id == test_cat[0].resource_id assert read_cat[0].picks == test_cat[0].picks assert read_cat[0].origins[0].resource_id ==\ test_cat[0].origins[0].resource_id assert read_cat[0].origins[0].time == test_cat[0].origins[0].time # Note that time_residuel_RMS is not a quakeML format assert read_cat[0].origins[0].longitude == test_cat[0].origins[0].longitude assert read_cat[0].origins[0].latitude == test_cat[0].origins[0].latitude assert read_cat[0].origins[0].depth == test_cat[0].origins[0].depth assert read_cat[0].magnitudes == test_cat[0].magnitudes assert read_cat[0].event_descriptions == test_cat[0].event_descriptions assert read_cat[0].amplitudes[0].resource_id ==\ test_cat[0].amplitudes[0].resource_id assert read_cat[0].amplitudes[0].period == test_cat[0].amplitudes[0].period assert read_cat[0].amplitudes[0].unit == test_cat[0].amplitudes[0].unit assert read_cat[0].amplitudes[0].generic_amplitude ==\ test_cat[0].amplitudes[0].generic_amplitude assert read_cat[0].amplitudes[0].pick_id ==\ test_cat[0].amplitudes[0].pick_id assert read_cat[0].amplitudes[0].waveform_id ==\ test_cat[0].amplitudes[0].waveform_id # Check the read-write s-file functionality sfile = eventtoSfile(test_cat[0], userID='TEST', evtype='L', outdir='.', wavefiles='test', explosion=True, overwrite=True) del read_cat assert readwavename(sfile) == ['test'] read_cat = Catalog() read_cat += readpicks(sfile) os.remove(sfile) assert read_cat[0].picks[0].time == test_cat[0].picks[0].time assert read_cat[0].picks[0].backazimuth == test_cat[0].picks[0].backazimuth assert read_cat[0].picks[0].onset == test_cat[0].picks[0].onset assert read_cat[0].picks[0].phase_hint == test_cat[0].picks[0].phase_hint assert read_cat[0].picks[0].polarity == test_cat[0].picks[0].polarity assert read_cat[0].picks[0].waveform_id.station_code ==\ test_cat[0].picks[0].waveform_id.station_code assert read_cat[0].picks[0].waveform_id.channel_code[-1] ==\ test_cat[0].picks[0].waveform_id.channel_code[-1] # assert read_cat[0].origins[0].resource_id ==\ # test_cat[0].origins[0].resource_id assert read_cat[0].origins[0].time == test_cat[0].origins[0].time # Note that time_residuel_RMS is not a quakeML format assert read_cat[0].origins[0].longitude == test_cat[0].origins[0].longitude assert read_cat[0].origins[0].latitude == test_cat[0].origins[0].latitude assert read_cat[0].origins[0].depth == test_cat[0].origins[0].depth assert read_cat[0].magnitudes[0].mag == test_cat[0].magnitudes[0].mag assert read_cat[0].magnitudes[1].mag == test_cat[0].magnitudes[1].mag assert read_cat[0].magnitudes[2].mag == test_cat[0].magnitudes[2].mag assert read_cat[0].magnitudes[0].creation_info ==\ test_cat[0].magnitudes[0].creation_info assert read_cat[0].magnitudes[1].creation_info ==\ test_cat[0].magnitudes[1].creation_info assert read_cat[0].magnitudes[2].creation_info ==\ test_cat[0].magnitudes[2].creation_info assert read_cat[0].magnitudes[0].magnitude_type ==\ test_cat[0].magnitudes[0].magnitude_type assert read_cat[0].magnitudes[1].magnitude_type ==\ test_cat[0].magnitudes[1].magnitude_type assert read_cat[0].magnitudes[2].magnitude_type ==\ test_cat[0].magnitudes[2].magnitude_type assert read_cat[0].event_descriptions == test_cat[0].event_descriptions # assert read_cat[0].amplitudes[0].resource_id ==\ # test_cat[0].amplitudes[0].resource_id assert read_cat[0].amplitudes[0].period == test_cat[0].amplitudes[0].period assert read_cat[0].amplitudes[0].snr == test_cat[0].amplitudes[0].snr del read_cat # assert read_cat[0].amplitudes[0].pick_id ==\ # test_cat[0].amplitudes[0].pick_id # assert read_cat[0].amplitudes[0].waveform_id ==\ # test_cat[0].amplitudes[0].waveform_id # Test the wrappers for PICK and EVENTINFO classes picks, evinfo = eventtopick(test_cat) # Test the conversion back conv_cat = Catalog() conv_cat.append(picktoevent(evinfo, picks)) assert conv_cat[0].picks[0].time == test_cat[0].picks[0].time assert conv_cat[0].picks[0].backazimuth == test_cat[0].picks[0].backazimuth assert conv_cat[0].picks[0].onset == test_cat[0].picks[0].onset assert conv_cat[0].picks[0].phase_hint == test_cat[0].picks[0].phase_hint assert conv_cat[0].picks[0].polarity == test_cat[0].picks[0].polarity assert conv_cat[0].picks[0].waveform_id.station_code ==\ test_cat[0].picks[0].waveform_id.station_code assert conv_cat[0].picks[0].waveform_id.channel_code[-1] ==\ test_cat[0].picks[0].waveform_id.channel_code[-1] # assert read_cat[0].origins[0].resource_id ==\ # test_cat[0].origins[0].resource_id assert conv_cat[0].origins[0].time == test_cat[0].origins[0].time # Note that time_residuel_RMS is not a quakeML format assert conv_cat[0].origins[0].longitude == test_cat[0].origins[0].longitude assert conv_cat[0].origins[0].latitude == test_cat[0].origins[0].latitude assert conv_cat[0].origins[0].depth == test_cat[0].origins[0].depth assert conv_cat[0].magnitudes[0].mag == test_cat[0].magnitudes[0].mag assert conv_cat[0].magnitudes[1].mag == test_cat[0].magnitudes[1].mag assert conv_cat[0].magnitudes[2].mag == test_cat[0].magnitudes[2].mag assert conv_cat[0].magnitudes[0].creation_info ==\ test_cat[0].magnitudes[0].creation_info assert conv_cat[0].magnitudes[1].creation_info ==\ test_cat[0].magnitudes[1].creation_info assert conv_cat[0].magnitudes[2].creation_info ==\ test_cat[0].magnitudes[2].creation_info assert conv_cat[0].magnitudes[0].magnitude_type ==\ test_cat[0].magnitudes[0].magnitude_type assert conv_cat[0].magnitudes[1].magnitude_type ==\ test_cat[0].magnitudes[1].magnitude_type assert conv_cat[0].magnitudes[2].magnitude_type ==\ test_cat[0].magnitudes[2].magnitude_type assert conv_cat[0].event_descriptions == test_cat[0].event_descriptions # assert read_cat[0].amplitudes[0].resource_id ==\ # test_cat[0].amplitudes[0].resource_id assert conv_cat[0].amplitudes[0].period == test_cat[0].amplitudes[0].period assert conv_cat[0].amplitudes[0].snr == test_cat[0].amplitudes[0].snr return True
def basic_test_event(): """ Function to generate a basic, full test event """ from obspy.core.event import Pick, WaveformStreamID, Arrival, Amplitude from obspy.core.event import Event, Origin, Magnitude from obspy.core.event import EventDescription, CreationInfo from obspy import UTCDateTime test_event = Event()[0].time = UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1 test_event.event_descriptions.append(EventDescription()) test_event.event_descriptions[0].text = 'LE'[0].latitude = 45.0[0].longitude = 25.0[0].depth = 15000 test_event.creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id='TES')[0].time_errors['Time_Residual_RMS'] = 0.01 test_event.magnitudes.append(Magnitude()) test_event.magnitudes[0].mag = 0.1 test_event.magnitudes[0].magnitude_type = 'ML' test_event.magnitudes[0].creation_info = CreationInfo('TES') test_event.magnitudes[0].origin_id =[0].resource_id test_event.magnitudes.append(Magnitude()) test_event.magnitudes[1].mag = 0.5 test_event.magnitudes[1].magnitude_type = 'Mc' test_event.magnitudes[1].creation_info = CreationInfo('TES') test_event.magnitudes[1].origin_id =[0].resource_id test_event.magnitudes.append(Magnitude()) test_event.magnitudes[2].mag = 1.3 test_event.magnitudes[2].magnitude_type = 'Ms' test_event.magnitudes[2].creation_info = CreationInfo('TES') test_event.magnitudes[2].origin_id =[0].resource_id # Define the test pick _waveform_id = WaveformStreamID(station_code='FOZ', channel_code='SHZ', network_code='NZ') test_event.picks.append( Pick(waveform_id=_waveform_id, onset='impulsive', phase_hint='PN', polarity='positive', time=UTCDateTime("2012-03-26") + 1.68, horizontal_slowness=12, backazimuth=20)) test_event.amplitudes.append( Amplitude(generic_amplitude=2.0, period=0.4, pick_id=test_event.picks[0].resource_id, waveform_id=test_event.picks[0].waveform_id, unit='m'))[0].arrivals.append( Arrival(time_weight=2, phase=test_event.picks[0].phase_hint, pick_id=test_event.picks[0].resource_id, backazimuth_residual=5, time_residual=0.2, distance=15, azimuth=25)) return test_event
def read_nlloc_hyp(filename, coordinate_converter=None, picks=None, **kwargs): """ Reads a NonLinLoc Hypocenter-Phase file to a :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object. .. note:: Coordinate conversion from coordinate frame of NonLinLoc model files / location run to WGS84 has to be specified explicitly by the user if necessary. .. note:: An example can be found on the :mod:`` submodule front page in the documentation pages. :param filename: File or file-like object in text mode. :type coordinate_converter: func :param coordinate_converter: Function to convert (x, y, z) coordinates of NonLinLoc output to geographical coordinates and depth in meters (longitude, latitude, depth in kilometers). If left ``None``, NonLinLoc (x, y, z) output is left unchanged (e.g. if it is in geographical coordinates already like for NonLinLoc in global mode). The function should accept three arguments x, y, z (each of type :class:`numpy.ndarray`) and return a tuple of three :class:`numpy.ndarray` (lon, lat, depth in kilometers). :type picks: list of :class:`~obspy.core.event.Pick` :param picks: Original picks used to generate the NonLinLoc location. If provided, the output event will include the original picks and the arrivals in the output origin will link to them correctly (with their ``pick_id`` attribute). If not provided, the output event will include (the rather basic) pick information that can be reconstructed from the NonLinLoc hypocenter-phase file. :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` """ if not hasattr(filename, "read"): # Check if it exists, otherwise assume its a string. try: with open(filename, "rt") as fh: data = except: try: data = filename.decode() except: data = str(filename) data = data.strip() else: data = if hasattr(data, "decode"): data = data.decode() lines = data.splitlines() # remember picks originally used in location, if provided original_picks = picks if original_picks is None: original_picks = [] # determine indices of block start/end of the NLLOC output file indices_hyp = [None, None] indices_phases = [None, None] for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith("NLLOC "): indices_hyp[0] = i elif line.startswith("END_NLLOC"): indices_hyp[1] = i elif line.startswith("PHASE "): indices_phases[0] = i elif line.startswith("END_PHASE"): indices_phases[1] = i if any([i is None for i in indices_hyp]): msg = ("NLLOC HYP file seems corrupt," " could not detect 'NLLOC' and 'END_NLLOC' lines.") raise RuntimeError(msg) # strip any other lines around NLLOC block lines = lines[indices_hyp[0]:indices_hyp[1]] # extract PHASES lines (if any) if any(indices_phases): if not all(indices_phases): msg = ("NLLOC HYP file seems corrupt, 'PHASE' block is corrupt.") raise RuntimeError(msg) i1, i2 = indices_phases lines, phases_lines = lines[:i1] + lines[i2 + 1:], lines[i1 + 1:i2] else: phases_lines = [] lines = dict([line.split(None, 1) for line in lines]) line = lines["SIGNATURE"] line = line.rstrip().split('"')[1] signature, version, date, time = line.rsplit(" ", 3) creation_time = UTCDateTime().strptime(date + time, str("%d%b%Y%Hh%Mm%S")) # maximum likelihood origin location info line line = lines["HYPOCENTER"] x, y, z = map(float, line.split()[1:7:2]) if coordinate_converter: x, y, z = coordinate_converter(x, y, z) # origin time info line line = lines["GEOGRAPHIC"] year, month, day, hour, minute = map(int, line.split()[1:6]) seconds = float(line.split()[6]) time = UTCDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds) # distribution statistics line line = lines["STATISTICS"] covariance_xx = float(line.split()[7]) covariance_yy = float(line.split()[13]) covariance_zz = float(line.split()[17]) stats_info_string = str( "Note: Depth/Latitude/Longitude errors are calculated from covariance " "matrix as 1D marginal (Lon/Lat errors as great circle degrees) " "while OriginUncertainty min/max horizontal errors are calculated " "from 2D error ellipsoid and are therefore seemingly higher compared " "to 1D errors. Error estimates can be reconstructed from the " "following original NonLinLoc error statistics line:\nSTATISTICS " + lines["STATISTICS"]) # goto location quality info line line = lines["QML_OriginQuality"].split() (assoc_phase_count, used_phase_count, assoc_station_count, used_station_count, depth_phase_count) = map(int, line[1:11:2]) stderr, az_gap, sec_az_gap = map(float, line[11:17:2]) gt_level = line[17] min_dist, max_dist, med_dist = map(float, line[19:25:2]) # goto location quality info line line = lines["QML_OriginUncertainty"] hor_unc, min_hor_unc, max_hor_unc, hor_unc_azim = \ map(float, line.split()[1:9:2]) # assign origin info event = Event() cat = Catalog(events=[event]) o = Origin() = [o] o.origin_uncertainty = OriginUncertainty() o.quality = OriginQuality() ou = o.origin_uncertainty oq = o.quality o.comments.append(Comment(text=stats_info_string)) cat.creation_info.creation_time = UTCDateTime() cat.creation_info.version = "ObsPy %s" % __version__ event.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=creation_time, version=version) event.creation_info.version = version o.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=creation_time, version=version) # negative values can appear on diagonal of covariance matrix due to a # precision problem in NLLoc implementation when location coordinates are # large compared to the covariances. o.longitude = x try: o.longitude_errors.uncertainty = kilometer2degrees(sqrt(covariance_xx)) except ValueError: if covariance_xx < 0: msg = ("Negative value in XX value of covariance matrix, not " "setting longitude error (epicentral uncertainties will " "still be set in origin uncertainty).") warnings.warn(msg) else: raise o.latitude = y try: o.latitude_errors.uncertainty = kilometer2degrees(sqrt(covariance_yy)) except ValueError: if covariance_yy < 0: msg = ("Negative value in YY value of covariance matrix, not " "setting longitude error (epicentral uncertainties will " "still be set in origin uncertainty).") warnings.warn(msg) else: raise o.depth = z * 1e3 # meters! o.depth_errors.uncertainty = sqrt(covariance_zz) * 1e3 # meters! o.depth_errors.confidence_level = 68 o.depth_type = str("from location") o.time = time ou.horizontal_uncertainty = hor_unc ou.min_horizontal_uncertainty = min_hor_unc ou.max_horizontal_uncertainty = max_hor_unc # values of -1 seem to be used for unset values, set to None for field in ("horizontal_uncertainty", "min_horizontal_uncertainty", "max_horizontal_uncertainty"): if ou.get(field, -1) == -1: ou[field] = None else: ou[field] *= 1e3 # meters! ou.azimuth_max_horizontal_uncertainty = hor_unc_azim ou.preferred_description = str("uncertainty ellipse") ou.confidence_level = 68 # NonLinLoc in general uses 1-sigma (68%) level oq.standard_error = stderr oq.azimuthal_gap = az_gap oq.secondary_azimuthal_gap = sec_az_gap oq.used_phase_count = used_phase_count oq.used_station_count = used_station_count oq.associated_phase_count = assoc_phase_count oq.associated_station_count = assoc_station_count oq.depth_phase_count = depth_phase_count oq.ground_truth_level = gt_level oq.minimum_distance = kilometer2degrees(min_dist) oq.maximum_distance = kilometer2degrees(max_dist) oq.median_distance = kilometer2degrees(med_dist) # go through all phase info lines for line in phases_lines: line = line.split() arrival = Arrival() o.arrivals.append(arrival) station = str(line[0]) phase = str(line[4]) arrival.phase = phase arrival.distance = kilometer2degrees(float(line[21])) arrival.azimuth = float(line[23]) arrival.takeoff_angle = float(line[24]) arrival.time_residual = float(line[16]) arrival.time_weight = float(line[17]) pick = Pick() wid = WaveformStreamID(station_code=station) date, hourmin, sec = map(str, line[6:9]) t = UTCDateTime().strptime(date + hourmin, "%Y%m%d%H%M") + float(sec) pick.waveform_id = wid pick.time = t pick.time_errors.uncertainty = float(line[10]) pick.phase_hint = phase pick.onset = ONSETS.get(line[3].lower(), None) pick.polarity = POLARITIES.get(line[5].lower(), None) # try to determine original pick for each arrival for pick_ in original_picks: wid = pick_.waveform_id if station == wid.station_code and phase == pick_.phase_hint: pick = pick_ break else: # warn if original picks were specified and we could not associate # the arrival correctly if original_picks: msg = ("Could not determine corresponding original pick for " "arrival. " "Falling back to pick information in NonLinLoc " "hypocenter-phase file.") warnings.warn(msg) event.picks.append(pick) arrival.pick_id = pick.resource_id return cat
def _read_evt(filename, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs): """ Read a SeismicHandler EVT file and returns an ObsPy Catalog object. .. warning:: This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.event.read_events` function, call this instead. :param str encoding: encoding used (default: utf-8) :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` :return: An ObsPy Catalog object. .. note:: The following fields are supported by this function: %s. Compare with """ with, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: temp = # first create phases and phases_o dictionaries for different phases # and phases with origin information phases = defaultdict(list) phases_o = {} phase = {} evid = None for line in temp.splitlines(): if 'End of Phase' in line: if 'origin time' in phase.keys(): if evid in phases_o: # found more than one origin pass phases_o[evid] = phase phases[evid].append(phase) phase = {} evid = None elif line.strip() != '': try: key, value = line.split(':', 1) except ValueError: continue key = key.strip().lower() value = value.strip() if key == 'event id': evid = value elif value != '': phase[key] = value assert evid is None # now create obspy Events from phases and phases_o dictionaries events = [] for evid in phases: picks = [] arrivals = [] stamags = [] origins = [] po = None magnitudes = [] pm = None for p in phases[evid]: sta = p.get('station code', '') comp = p.get('component', '') pick_kwargs = _kw(p, 'pick') widargs = _resolve_seedid(sta, comp, time=pick_kwargs['time'], **kwargs) wid = WaveformStreamID(*widargs) pick = Pick(waveform_id=wid, **pick_kwargs) arrival = Arrival(pick_id=pick.resource_id, **_kw(p, 'arrival')) picks.append(pick) arrivals.append(arrival) stamags_temp, _ = _mags(p, evid, stamag=True, wid=wid) stamags.extend(stamags_temp) if evid in phases_o: o = phases_o[evid] uncertainty = OriginUncertainty(**_kw(o, 'origin_uncertainty')) origin = Origin(arrivals=arrivals, origin_uncertainty=uncertainty, **_kw(o, 'origin')) if origin.latitude is None or origin.longitude is None: warn('latitude or longitude not set for event %s' % evid) else: if origin.longitude_errors.uncertainty is not None: origin.longitude_errors.uncertainty *= cos( origin.latitude / 180 * pi) origins = [origin] po = origin.resource_id magnitudes, pm = _mags(o, evid) else: o = p event = Event(resource_id=ResourceIdentifier(evid), picks=picks, origins=origins, magnitudes=magnitudes, station_magnitudes=stamags, preferred_origin_id=po, preferred_magnitude_id=pm, **_kw(o, 'event')) events.append(event) return Catalog(events, description='Created from SeismicHandler EVT format')
def _read_evt(filename, inventory=None, id_map=None, id_default='.{}..{}', encoding='utf-8'): """ Read a SeismicHandler EVT file and returns an ObsPy Catalog object. .. warning:: This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.event.read_events` function, call this instead. :type filename: str :param filename: File or file-like object in text mode. :type inventory: :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory` :param inventory: Inventory used to retrieve network code, location code and channel code of stations (SEED id). :type id_map: dict :param id_map: If channel information was not found in inventory, it will be looked up in this dictionary (example: `id_map={'MOX': 'GR.{}..HH{}'`). The values must contain three dots and two `{}` which are substituted by station code and component. :type id_default: str :param id_default: Default SEED id expression. The value must contain three dots and two `{}` which are substituted by station code and component. :param str encoding: encoding used (default: utf-8) :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` :return: An ObsPy Catalog object. .. note:: The following fields are supported by this function: %s. Compare with """ seed_map = _seed_id_map(inventory, id_map, id_default) with, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: temp = # first create phases and phases_o dictionaries for different phases # and phases with origin information phases = defaultdict(list) phases_o = {} phase = {} evid = None for line in temp.splitlines(): if 'End of Phase' in line: if 'origin time' in phase.keys(): if evid in phases_o: # found more than one origin pass phases_o[evid] = phase phases[evid].append(phase) phase = {} evid = None elif line.strip() != '': try: key, value = line.split(':', 1) except ValueError: continue key = key.strip().lower() value = value.strip() if key == 'event id': evid = value elif value != '': phase[key] = value assert evid is None # now create obspy Events from phases and phases_o dictionaries events = [] for evid in phases: picks = [] arrivals = [] stamags = [] origins = [] po = None magnitudes = [] pm = None for p in phases[evid]: try: sta = p['station code'] except KeyError: sta = '' try: comp = p['component'] except KeyError: comp = '' try: wid = seed_map[sta] except KeyError: wid = id_default wid = WaveformStreamID(seed_string=wid.format(sta, comp)) pick = Pick(waveform_id=wid, **_kw(p, 'pick')) arrival = Arrival(pick_id=pick.resource_id, **_kw(p, 'arrival')) picks.append(pick) arrivals.append(arrival) stamags_temp, _ = _mags(p, evid, stamag=True, wid=wid) stamags.extend(stamags_temp) if evid in phases_o: o = phases_o[evid] uncertainty = OriginUncertainty(**_kw(o, 'origin_uncertainty')) origin = Origin(arrivals=arrivals, origin_uncertainty=uncertainty, **_kw(o, 'origin')) if origin.latitude is None or origin.longitude is None: warn('latitude or longitude not set for event %s' % evid) else: if origin.longitude_errors.uncertainty is not None: origin.longitude_errors.uncertainty *= cos( origin.latitude / 180 * pi) origins = [origin] po = origin.resource_id magnitudes, pm = _mags(o, evid) else: o = p event = Event(resource_id=ResourceIdentifier(evid), picks=picks, origins=origins, magnitudes=magnitudes, station_magnitudes=stamags, preferred_origin_id=po, preferred_magnitude_id=pm, **_kw(o, 'event') ) events.append(event) return Catalog(events, description='Created from SeismicHandler EVT format')