def main(argv):
    inv = read_inventory("IRIS-ALL.xml")
    # if os.path.exists("IRIS-ALL.pkl"): # doesn't work on CentOS for some reason
    #     with open('IRIS-ALL.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    #         import cPickle as pkl
    #         inv = pkl.load(f)
    # else:
    #     inv = read_inventory("IRIS-ALL.xml")
    #     with open('IRIS-ALL.pkl', 'wb') as f:
    #         import pickle as pkl
    #         pkl.dump(inv, f, pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    sensorDict, responseDict = extract_unique_sensors_responses(inv)
    print('\nFound {0} response objects with keys: {1}'.format(len(responseDict.keys()), responseDict.keys()))

    # unknown stations in Indonesia are usually installed by Potsdam and we assume they have network name GE
    default_net = 'GE'
    ehb1 = read_eng('BMG.STN')
    ehb2 = read_eng('ISC.STN')
    ehb = np.unique(np.vstack((ehb1, ehb2)), axis=0)

    isc1 = read_isc('ehb.stn')
    isc2 = read_isc('iscehb.stn')
    isc = np.unique(np.vstack((isc1, isc2)), axis=0)

    catalogue = []
    for i in xrange(ehb.shape[0]):
        filed = False
        xml = False
        stn_found = isc[isc[:, 0] == ehb[i, 0], :]
        min_dist = 10e10
        if stn_found.shape[0] > 0:
            if stn_found.shape[0] > 1:
                for j in xrange(stn_found.shape[0]):
                    dist = locations2degrees(np.float(stn_found[j, 2]), np.float(stn_found[j, 3]), np.float(ehb[i, 1]),
                                             np.float(ehb[i, 2]))
                    if dist < min_dist:
                        min_dist = dist
                        record = stn_found[j, :]
                min_dist = locations2degrees(np.float(stn_found[0, 2]), np.float(stn_found[0, 3]), np.float(ehb[i, 1]),
                                             np.float(ehb[i, 2]))
                record = stn_found[0, :]

            #                Now we try to find the same station in XML file
            #                if min_dist > 1. or stn_found.shape[0]==0:

        xstn_found =[i, 0], channel="*HZ")

        if len(stn_found) == 0 and len(xstn_found) == 0:
            # we filed to find station anywhere and assign dummy values
            record = [ehb[i, 0], default_net, ehb[i, 1], ehb[i, 2], ehb[i, 3], 'SHZ', '1964-1-1 00:00:00',
                      '2599-12-31 23:59:59']
            min_dist = 0.
            filed = True
            # if station is found somehwere we try to iterate and see if XML has data giving it preference through adding extra value to min_dist found in ISC
            if len(xstn_found) > 0:
                #                        print "----------",len(xstn_found)
                #                        print xstn_found[0][0].latitude
                min_dist = min_dist + 0.1
                for j in xrange(len(xstn_found)):
                    dist = locations2degrees(xstn_found[j][0].latitude, xstn_found[j][0].longitude, np.float(ehb[i, 1]),
                                             np.float(ehb[i, 2]))
                    if min_dist > dist:
                        min_dist = dist
                        record = xstn_found[j]
                        #                                print record
                        xml = True

                    # last defence if stations have been done but distance between declared and found locations are more than 1 degree
        if min_dist > 1:
            record = [ehb[i, 0], default_net, ehb[i, 1], ehb[i, 2], ehb[i, 3], 'SHZ', '1964-1-1 00:00:00',
                      '2599-12-31 23:59:59']
            filed = True
        if xml:
            xml = False

            if filed:

                if len(record[7]) < 5:
                    record[7] = '2599-12-31 23:59:59'


                stn_found = isc[(isc[:, 0] == record[0]) & (isc[:, 1] == record[1]), :]

                for k in xrange(stn_found.shape[0]):
                    net = Network(code=stn_found[k, 1], stations=[], description=' ')
                    if len(stn_found[k, 7]) < 5:
                        stn_found[k, 7] = '2599-12-31 23:59:59'
                    catalogue.append(stn_found[k, :])

    stn_found = np.unique(np.array(catalogue), axis=0)
    if len(stn_found[stn_found == '']) > 0 or len(stn_found[stn_found == ' ']) > 0:
        "Some elements are empty, check the list"

    # we composed our inventory. However some stations from ISC list can be left behind. We check if some stations in ISC are forgotten
    lost = []
    for j in xrange(isc.shape[0]):
        # is there any common station name?
        common_st = stn_found[isc[j, 0] == stn_found[:, 0]]
        if common_st.shape[0] > 0:
            # is network code the same?
            common_net = common_st[common_st[:, 1] == isc[j, 1]]
            if common_net.shape[0] < 1:
                # ok we found forgotten one, check the XML
                if len([j, 0], network=isc[j, 1])) <= 0:
                    # Bingo...
                    lost.append(isc[j, :])
            if len([j, 0], network=isc[j, 1])) <= 0:
                # Bingo...
                lost.append(isc[j, :])

    stn_found = np.vstack((stn_found, np.array(lost)))

    netDict = defaultdict(list)
    for k in xrange(stn_found.shape[0]):
        result =[k, 1])
        if (len(result.networks)):
            net = result.networks[0]
            net.stations = []
            net = Network(code=stn_found[k, 1], stations=[], description=' ')

        # print stn_found[k, 1]

        if len(stn_found[k, 7]) < 5:
            stn_found[k, 7] = '2599-12-31 23:59:59'
        catalogue.append(stn_found[k, :])
        sta = Station(code=stn_found[k, 0], creation_date=utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(stn_found[k, 6]), \
                      termination_date=utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(stn_found[k, 7]), \
                      site=Site(name=' '), \
                      latitude=np.float(stn_found[k, 2]), \
                      longitude=np.float(stn_found[k, 3]), \
                      elevation=np.float(stn_found[k, 4]))

        if (stn_found[k, 5] in responseDict.keys()):
            r = responseDict[stn_found[k, 5]]

            cha = Channel(code=stn_found[k, 5], \
                          depth=0., \
                          azimuth=0., \
                          dip=-90., \
                          location_code='', \
                          latitude=np.float(stn_found[k, 2]), \
                          longitude=np.float(stn_found[k, 3]), \
                          elevation=np.float(stn_found[k, 4]), \
                          # sensor=sensorDict[stn_found[k,5]], \


            if (type(netDict[stn_found[k, 1]]) == Network):
                netDict[stn_found[k, 1]].stations.append(sta)
                netDict[stn_found[k, 1]] = net

            #                 print 'np',stn_found[k,:]
            # end if

    our_xml = Inventory(networks=netDict.values(), source='EHB')

    print 'Writing output files..'
    for inet, net in enumerate(our_xml.networks):
        currInv = Inventory(networks=[net], source='EHB')
        currInv.write("output/station.%d.xml" % (inet), format="stationxml", validate=True)

    # our_xml.write("station.xml",format="stationxml", validate=True)
    our_xml.write("station.txt", format="stationtxt")
Пример #2
def load_from_excel(file_name) -> Inventory:
    Read in a multi-sheet excel file with network metadata sheets:
        Sites, Networks, Hubs, Stations, Components, Sites, Cables,
    Organize these into a uquake Inventory object

    :param xls_file: path to excel file
    :type: xls_file: str
    :return: inventory


    df_dict = pd.read_excel(file_name, sheet_name=None)

    source = df_dict['Sites'].iloc[0]['code']
    # sender (str, optional) Name of the institution sending this message.
    sender = df_dict['Sites'].iloc[0]['operator']
    net_code = df_dict['Networks'].iloc[0]['code']
    net_descriptions = df_dict['Networks'].iloc[0]['name']

    contact_name = df_dict['Networks'].iloc[0]['contact_name']
    contact_email = df_dict['Networks'].iloc[0]['contact_email']
    contact_phone = df_dict['Networks'].iloc[0]['contact_phone']
    site_operator = df_dict['Sites'].iloc[0]['operator']
    site_country = df_dict['Sites'].iloc[0]['country']
    site_name = df_dict['Sites'].iloc[0]['name']
    site_code = df_dict['Sites'].iloc[0]['code']

    print("source=%s" % source)
    print("sender=%s" % sender)
    print("net_code=%s" % net_code)

    network = Network(net_code)
    inventory = Inventory([network], source)

    # obspy requirements for PhoneNumber are super specific:
    # So likely this will raise an error if/when someone changes the value in
    # Networks.contact_phone
    PhoneNumber(self, area_code, phone_number, country_code=None, 
        :type area_code: int
        :param area_code: The area code.
        :type phone_number: str
        :param phone_number: The phone number minus the country and 
        area code. Must be in the form "[0-9]+-[0-9]+", e.g. 1234-5678.
        :type country_code: int, optional
        :param country_code: The country code.

    import re
    phone = re.findall(r"[\d']+", contact_phone)
    area_code = int(phone[0])
    number = "%s-%s" % (phone[1], phone[2])
    phone_number = PhoneNumber(area_code=area_code, phone_number=number)

    person = Person(names=[contact_name],
    operator = Operator(site_operator, contacts=[person])
    site = Site(name=site_name, description=site_name, country=site_country)

    # Merge Stations+Components+Sites+Cables info into sorted stations +
    # channels dicts:

    df_dict['Stations']['station_code'] = df_dict['Stations']['code']
    df_dict['Sites']['sensor_code'] = df_dict['Sites']['code']
    df_dict['Components']['code_channel'] = df_dict['Components']['code']
    df_dict['Components']['sensor'] = df_dict['Components']['sensor__code']
    df_merge = pd.merge(df_dict['Stations'],
                        suffixes=('', '_channel'))

    df_merge2 = pd.merge(df_merge,
                         suffixes=('', '_sensor'))

    df_merge3 = pd.merge(df_merge2,
                         df_dict['Cable types'],
                         suffixes=('', '_cable'))

    df_merge4 = pd.merge(df_merge3,
                         df_dict['Site types'],
                         suffixes=('', '_sensor_type'))

    df = df_merge4.sort_values(['sensor_code', 'location_code']).fillna(0)

    # Need to sort by unique station codes, then look through 1-3 channels
    # to add
    stn_codes = set(df['sensor_code'])
    stations = []

    for code in stn_codes:
        chan_rows = df.loc[df['sensor_code'] == code]
        row = chan_rows.iloc[0]
        station = {}
        # Set some keys explicitly
        #     from ipdb import set_trace; set_trace()
        station['code'] = '{}'.format(row['sensor_code'])
        station['x'] = row['location_x_channel']
        station['y'] = row['location_y_channel']
        station['z'] = row['location_z_channel']
        station['loc'] = np.array([station['x'], station['y'], station['z']])
        station['long_name'] = "{}.{}.{:02d}".format(row['network__code'],

        # MTH: 2019/07 Seem to have moved from pF to F on Cables sheet:
        station['cable_capacitance_pF_per_meter'] = row['c'] * 1e12

        # Set the rest (minus empty fields) directly from spreadsheet names:
        renamed_keys = {
            'sensor_code', 'location_x', 'location_y', 'location_z', 'name'

        # These keys are either redundant or specific to channel, not station:
        remove_keys = {
            'code', 'id_channel', 'orientation_x', 'orientation_y',
            'orientation_z', 'id_sensor', 'enabled_channel', 'station_id',
        keys = row.keys()
        empty_keys = keys[pd.isna(row)]
        keys = set(keys) - set(empty_keys) - renamed_keys - remove_keys

        for key in keys:
            station[key] = row[key]

        # Added keys:
        station['motion'] = 'VELOCITY'

        if row['sensor_type'].upper() == 'ACCELEROMETER':
            station['motion'] = 'ACCELERATION'

        # Attach channels:
        station['channels'] = []

        for index, rr in chan_rows.iterrows():
            chan = {}
            chan['cmp'] = rr['code_channel_sensor'].upper()
            chan['orientation'] = np.array([
                rr['orientation_x'], rr['orientation_y'], rr['orientation_z']
            chan['x'] = row['location_x_channel']
            chan['y'] = row['location_y_channel']
            chan['z'] = row['location_z_channel']
            chan['enabled'] = rr['enabled']


    # from ipdb import set_trace; set_trace()

    # Convert these station dicts to inventory.Station objects and attach to
    station_list = []

    for station in stations:
        # This is where namespace is first employed:
        station = Station.from_station_dict(station, site_name) = site
        station.operators = [operator]

    network.stations = station_list

    return inventory