Пример #1
 def getRESP(self, station, channel, abbreviations):
     Returns RESP string.
     string = \
         '#\t\t+               +----------------------------------------' +\
         '---+                 +\n' + \
         '#\t\t+               |   Response (Coefficients),' + \
         '%6s ch %s   |                 +\n' % (station, channel) + \
         '#\t\t+               +----------------------------------------' +\
         '---+                 +\n' + \
         '#\t\t\n' + \
         'B044F05     Response type:                         %s\n' \
         % self.response_type + \
         'B044F06     Response in units lookup:              %s\n'\
         % Blockette34Lookup(abbreviations, self.signal_input_units) + \
         'B044F07     Response out units lookup:             %s\n'\
         % Blockette34Lookup(abbreviations, self.signal_output_units) + \
         'B044F08     Number of numerators:                  %s\n' \
         % self.number_of_numerators + \
         'B044F11     Number of denominators:                %s\n' \
         % self.number_of_denominators + \
         '#\t\tNumerator coefficients:\n' + \
         '#\t\t  i, coefficient,  error\n'
     if self.number_of_numerators:
         string += \
             '#\t\tNumerator coefficients:\n' + \
             '#\t\t  i, coefficient,  error\n'
         if self.number_of_numerators > 1:
             # Loop over all zeros.
             for _i in range(self.number_of_numerators):
                 string += 'B044F09-10  %3s %13s %13s\n' % (
                     formatRESP(self.numerator_coefficient[_i], 6),
                     formatRESP(self.numerator_error[_i], 6))
             string += 'B044F09-10  %3s %13s %13s\n' % (
                 formatRESP(self.numerator_coefficient, 6),
                 formatRESP(self.numerator_error, 6))
     if self.number_of_denominators:
         string += \
             '#\t\tDenominator coefficients:\n' + \
             '#\t\t i, coefficient, error\n'
         if self.number_of_denominators > 1:
             # Loop over all zeros.
             for _i in range(self.number_of_numerators):
                 string += 'B044F12-13  %3s %13s %13s\n' % (
                     formatRESP(self.denominator_coefficient[_i], 6),
                     formatRESP(self.denominator_error[_i], 6))
             string += 'B044F12-13  %3s %13s %13s\n' % (
                 formatRESP(self.denominator_coefficient, 6),
                 formatRESP(self.denominator_error, 6))
     string += '#\t\t\n'
     return string
Пример #2
 def getRESP(self, station, channel, abbreviations):
     Returns RESP string.
     string = \
         '#\t\t+                     +---------------------------------+' +\
         '                     +\n' + \
         '#\t\t+                     |   Response List,%6s ch %s   |' + \
         '                     +\n' % (station, channel) + \
         '#\t\t+                     +---------------------------------+' +\
         '                     +\n' + \
         '#\t\t\n' + \
         'B055F03     Stage sequence number:                 %s\n' \
         % self.stage_sequence_number + \
         'B055F04     Response in units lookup:              %s\n' \
         % Blockette34Lookup(abbreviations, self.stage_input_units) + \
         'B055F05     Response out units lookup:             %s\n' \
         % Blockette34Lookup(abbreviations, self.stage_output_units) + \
         'B055F06     Number of responses:                   %s\n' \
         % self.number_of_responses_listed
     if self.number_of_responses_listed:
         string += \
             '#\t\tResponses:\n' + \
             '#\t\t  frequency\t amplitude\t amp error\t    ' + \
             'phase\t phase error\n'
         if self.number_of_responses_listed > 1:
             for _i in range(self.number_of_responses_listed):
                 string += 'B055F07-11  %s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % \
                     (formatRESP(self.frequency[_i], 6),
                      formatRESP(self.amplitude[_i], 6),
                      formatRESP(self.amplitude_error[_i], 6),
                      formatRESP(self.phase_angle[_i], 6),
                      formatRESP(self.phase_error[_i], 6))
             string += 'B055F07-11  %s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % \
                 (formatRESP(self.frequency, 6),
                  formatRESP(self.amplitude, 6),
                  formatRESP(self.amplitude_error, 6),
                  formatRESP(self.phase_angle, 6),
                  formatRESP(self.phase_error, 6))
     string += '#\t\t\n'
     return string
Пример #3
 def getRESP(self, station, channel, abbreviations):
     Returns RESP string.
     # Field five needs some extra parsing.
     field_five_dict = {
         'A': 'A [Laplace Transform (Rad/sec)]',
         'B': 'B [Analog (Hz)]',
         'C': 'C [Composite]',
         'D': 'D [Digital (Z-transform)]'
     string = \
         '#\t\t+               ' + \
         '+-----------------------------------------' + \
         '---+                +\n' + \
         '#\t\t+               |   Response (Poles & Zeros),' + \
         '%6s ch %s   |                +\n' % (station, channel) + \
         '#\t\t+               ' + \
         '+-----------------------------------------' + \
         '---+                +\n' + \
         '#\t\t\n' + \
         'B043F05     Response type:                         %s\n' \
         % field_five_dict[self.response_type] + \
         'B043F06     Response in units lookup:              %s\n' \
         % Blockette34Lookup(abbreviations,
                             self.stage_signal_input_units) + \
         'B043F07     Response out units lookup:             %s\n' \
         % Blockette34Lookup(abbreviations,
                             self.stage_signal_output_units) + \
         'B043F08     A0 normalization factor:               %G\n'\
         % self.A0_normalization_factor + \
         'B043F09     Normalization frequency:               %G\n'\
         % self.normalization_frequency + \
         'B043F10     Number of zeroes:                      %s\n'\
         % self.number_of_complex_zeros + \
         'B043F15     Number of poles:                       %s\n'\
         % self.number_of_complex_poles + \
         '#\t\tComplex zeroes:\n' + \
         '#\t\t  i  real          imag          real_error    imag_error\n'
     if self.number_of_complex_zeros > 0:
         if self.number_of_complex_zeros != 1:
             # Loop over all zeros.
             for _i in range(self.number_of_complex_zeros):
                 string += 'B043F11-14 %4s %13s %13s %13s %13s\n' % (
                     _i, formatRESP(self.real_zero[_i], 6),
                                6), formatRESP(self.real_zero_error[_i], 6),
                     formatRESP(self.imaginary_zero_error[_i], 6))
             string += 'B043F11-14 %4s %13s %13s %13s %13s\n' % (
                 0, formatRESP(self.real_zero,
                               6), formatRESP(self.imaginary_zero, 6),
                            6), formatRESP(self.imaginary_zero_error, 6))
     string += '#\t\tComplex poles:\n' + \
         '#\t\t  i  real          imag          real_error    imag_error\n'
     if self.number_of_complex_poles > 0:
         if self.number_of_complex_poles != 1:
             # Loop over all poles.
             for _i in range(self.number_of_complex_poles):
                 string += 'B043F16-19 %4s %13s %13s %13s %13s\n' % (
                     _i, formatRESP(self.real_pole[_i], 6),
                                6), formatRESP(self.real_pole_error[_i], 6),
                     formatRESP(self.imaginary_pole_error[_i], 6))
             string += 'B043F16-19 %4s %13s %13s %13s %13s\n' % (
                 0, formatRESP(self.real_pole,
                               6), formatRESP(self.imaginary_pole, 6),
                            6), formatRESP(self.imaginary_pole_error, 6))
     string += '#\t\t\n'
     return string
Пример #4
 def getRESP(self, station, channel, abbreviations):
     Returns RESP string.
     # Field three needs some extra parsing.
     field_three_dict = {
         'A': 'A [Laplace Transform (Rad/sec)]',
         'B': 'B [Analog (Hz)]',
         'C': 'C [Composite]',
         'D': 'D [Digital (Z-transform)]',
         'P': 'P [Polynomial]'
     # Frequency too!
     frequency_dict = {'A': 'A [rad/sec]', 'B': 'B [Hz]'}
     # Polynomial Approximation too.
     polynomial_dict = {'M': 'M [MacLaurin]'}
     string = \
         '#\t\t+              +-----------------------' + \
         '----------------+                      +\n' + \
         '#\t\t+              |   Polynomial response,' + \
         '%6s ch %s   |                      +\n' % (station, channel) + \
         '#\t\t+              +-----------------------' + \
         '----------------+                      +\n' + \
         '#\t\t\n' + \
         'B062F03     Transfer function type:                %s\n' \
         % field_three_dict[self.transfer_function_type] + \
         'B062F04     Stage sequence number:                 %s\n' \
         % self.stage_sequence_number + \
         'B062F05     Response in units lookup:              %s\n' \
         % Blockette34Lookup(abbreviations, self.stage_signal_in_units) + \
         'B062F06     Response out units lookup:             %s\n' \
         % Blockette34Lookup(abbreviations, self.stage_signal_out_units) + \
         'B062F07     Polynomial Approximation Type:         %s\n' \
         % polynomial_dict[self.polynomial_approximation_type] + \
         'B062F08     Valid Frequency Units:                 %s\n' \
         % frequency_dict[self.valid_frequency_units] + \
         'B062F09     Lower Valid Frequency Bound:           %G\n' \
         % self.lower_valid_frequency_bound + \
         'B062F10     Upper Valid Frequency Bound:           %G\n' \
         % self.upper_valid_frequency_bound + \
         'B062F11     Lower Bound of Approximation:          %G\n' \
         % self.lower_bound_of_approximation + \
         'B062F12     Upper Bound of Approximation:          %G\n' \
         % self.upper_bound_of_approximation + \
         'B062F13     Maximum Absolute Error:                %G\n' \
         % self.maximum_absolute_error + \
         'B062F14     Number of coefficients:                %d\n' \
         % self.number_of_polynomial_coefficients
     if self.number_of_polynomial_coefficients:
         string += '#\t\tPolynomial coefficients:\n' + \
             '#\t\t  i, coefficient,  error\n'
         if self.number_of_polynomial_coefficients > 1:
             for _i in range(self.number_of_polynomial_coefficients):
                 string += 'B062F15-16   %2s %13s %13s\n' \
                     % (_i, formatRESP(self.polynomial_coefficient[_i], 6),
             string += 'B062F15-16   %2s %13s %13s\n' \
                 % (0, formatRESP(self.polynomial_coefficient, 6),
                    formatRESP(self.polynomial_coefficient_error, 6))
     string += '#\t\t\n'
     return string