Пример #1
def run_compute(did, consumer_wallet, algorithm_file, pool_address, order_id=None):
    ocean = Ocean(config=Config(options_dict=get_config_dict()))

    # Get asset DDO/metadata and service
    asset = ocean.assets.resolve(did)
    service = asset.get_service(ServiceTypes.CLOUD_COMPUTE)

    # check the price in ocean tokens
    num_ocean = ocean.pool.calcInGivenOut(pool_address, ocean.OCEAN_address, asset.data_token_address, 1.0)

    # buy datatoken to be able to run the compute service
    dt = DataToken(asset.asset_id)
    dt_balance = dt.token_balance(consumer_wallet.address)
    if dt_balance < 1.0:
        pool = BPool(pool_address)
        txid = ocean.pool.buy_data_tokens(pool_address, 1.0, num_ocean+0.1, consumer_wallet)
        receipt = pool.get_tx_receipt(txid)
        if not receipt or receipt.status != 1:
            print(f'buying data token failed: txId={txid}, txReceipt={receipt}')
            return None, None

    tx_id = order_id
    if not tx_id:
        tx_id = ocean.assets.pay_for_service(1.0, asset.data_token_address, did, service.index,
                                             fee_receiver=asset.publisher, from_wallet=consumer_wallet)

    # load python algorithm to run in the compute job
    with open(algorithm_file) as f:
        algorithm_text = f.read()

    # whether to publish the algorithm results as an Ocean assets
    output_dict = {
        'publishOutput': False,
        'publishAlgorithmLog': False,
    # start the compute job (submit the compute service request)
    algorithm_meta = AlgorithmMetadata(
            'language': 'python',
            'rawcode': algorithm_text,
            'container': {
                'tag': 'latest',
                'image': 'amancevice/pandas',
                'entrypoint': 'python $ALGO'
    job_id = ocean.compute.start(did, consumer_wallet, tx_id, algorithm_meta=algorithm_meta, output=output_dict)

    # check the status of the compute job
    status = ocean.compute.status(did, job_id, consumer_wallet)
    print(f'status of compute job {job_id}: {status}')

    # get the result of the compute run
    result = ocean.compute.result(did, job_id, consumer_wallet)
    print(f'got result of compute job {job_id}: {result}')
    return job_id, status
Пример #2
def test_compute_flow():
    # setup
    pub_wallet = get_publisher_wallet()
    p_ocean_instance = get_publisher_ocean_instance()
    c_ocean_instance = get_consumer_ocean_instance()
    cons_ocn = c_ocean_instance
    consumer_wallet = get_consumer_wallet()

    # Publish Assets

    # Dataset with compute service
    sample_ddo_path = get_resource_path('ddo', 'ddo_with_compute_service.json')
    old_ddo = Asset(json_filename=sample_ddo_path)
    metadata = old_ddo.metadata
    metadata['main']['files'][0]['checksum'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
    service = old_ddo.get_service(ServiceTypes.CLOUD_COMPUTE)
    compute_service = ServiceDescriptor.compute_service_descriptor(
    block = p_ocean_instance.web3.eth.blockNumber
    compute_ddo = p_ocean_instance.assets.create(
    did = compute_ddo.did

    ddo_reg = p_ocean_instance.assets.ddo_registry()
    log = ddo_reg.get_event_log(ddo_reg.EVENT_METADATA_CREATED, block,
                                compute_ddo.asset_id, 30)
    assert log, f'no ddo created event.'

    ddo = wait_for_ddo(p_ocean_instance, compute_ddo.did)
    assert ddo, f'resolve did {compute_ddo.did} failed.'

    _compute_ddo = p_ocean_instance.assets.resolve(compute_ddo.did)

    # algorithm with download service
    algorithm_ddo_path = get_resource_path('ddo', 'ddo_sample_algorithm.json')
    algo_main = Asset(json_filename=algorithm_ddo_path).metadata['main']
    algo_meta_dict = algo_main['algorithm'].copy()
    algo_meta_dict['url'] = algo_main['files'][0]['url']
    algorithm_meta = AlgorithmMetadata(algo_meta_dict)

    # Mint tokens for dataset and assign to publisher
    dt = p_ocean_instance.get_data_token(compute_ddo.data_token_address)
    mint_tokens_and_wait(dt, pub_wallet.address, pub_wallet)

    # Give the consumer some datatokens so they can order the service
        tx_id = dt.transfer_tokens(consumer_wallet.address, 10, pub_wallet)
        dt.verify_transfer_tx(tx_id, pub_wallet.address,
    except (AssertionError, Exception) as e:

    # Order compute service from the dataset asset
    order_requirements = cons_ocn.assets.order(

    # Start the order on-chain using the `order` requirements from previous step
    service = compute_ddo.get_service(ServiceTypes.CLOUD_COMPUTE)
    _order_tx_id = cons_ocn.assets.pay_for_service(
        order_requirements.amount, order_requirements.data_token_address,
        compute_ddo.did, service.index,
        '0xF9f2DB837b3db03Be72252fAeD2f6E0b73E428b9', consumer_wallet)

    job_id = cons_ocn.compute.start(did,
    assert job_id, f'expected a job id, got {job_id}'

    status = cons_ocn.compute.status(did, job_id, consumer_wallet)
    print(f'got job status: {status}')
    assert status and status[
        'ok'], f'something not right about the compute job, got status: {status}'

    status = cons_ocn.compute.stop(did, job_id, consumer_wallet)
    print(f'got job status after requesting stop: {status}')
    assert status, f'something not right about the compute job, got status: {status}'
def test_init_algo_metadata():
    """Tests functions of the AlgorithmMetadata class."""
    algo_metadata = AlgorithmMetadata(algo_metadata_test_dict)
    assert algo_metadata.is_valid() is True
    assert algo_metadata.as_dictionary() == algo_metadata_test_dict
    assert algo_metadata.as_json_str() == json.dumps(algo_metadata_test_dict)
Пример #4
def get_algorithm_meta():
    algorithm_ddo_path = get_resource_path("ddo", "ddo_algorithm.json")
    algo_main = V3Asset(json_filename=algorithm_ddo_path).metadata["main"]
    algo_meta_dict = algo_main["algorithm"].copy()
    algo_meta_dict["url"] = algo_main["files"][0]["url"]
    return AlgorithmMetadata(algo_meta_dict)