Пример #1
def bunching(p_array, lambda_mod, smooth_sigma=None):
    Function calculates bunching factor for wavelength lambda_mod

    $b(\lambda) = \frac{1}{N_0}\left| \langle e^{- i\frac{ 2 \pi}{\lambda} s} N(s)\rangle \right|$

    :param p_array: ParticleArray
    :param lambda_mod: wavelength
    :param smooth_sigma: smoothing parameter
    :return: bunching factor
    if smooth_sigma is None:
        smooth_sigma = min(np.std(p_array.tau()) * 0.01, lambda_mod * 0.1)

    B = s_to_cur(p_array.tau(),

    b = np.abs(
            B[:, 1] / speed_of_light *
            np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi / lambda_mod * B[:, 0]), B[:, 0])) / np.sum(
    return b
Пример #2
    def plot_wake(self, p_array, lam_K1, itr_ra, s1, st):
        Method to plot CSR wakes on each step and save pictures in the working folder. Might be time-consuming.

        :param p_array:
        :param lam_K1:
        :param itr_ra:
        :param s1:
        :param st:
        self.napply += 1
        fig = self.plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))

        ax1 = self.plt.subplot(311)
        ax1.plot(self.csr_traj[0, :], self.csr_traj[1, :] * 1000, "r",
                               itr_ra], self.csr_traj[1, itr_ra] * 1000, "bo")
        self.plt.ylabel("X [mm]")

        ax2 = self.plt.subplot(312)
        # # CSR wake in keV/m - preferable and not depend on step
        # ax2.plot(np.linspace(s1, s1+st*len(lam_K1), len(lam_K1))*1000, lam_K1/delta_s/1000.)
        # plt.ylabel("dE, keV/m")

        # CSR wake in keV - amplitude changes with step
            np.linspace(s1, s1 + st * len(lam_K1), len(lam_K1)) * 1000,
            lam_K1 * 1e-3)
        self.plt.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
        self.plt.ylim((-50, 50))
        self.plt.ylabel("Wake [keV]")

        # ax3 = self.plt.subplot(413)
        # n_points = len(lam_K1)
        # #wake = np.interp(np.linspace(s1, s1+st*n_points, n_points), np.linspace(s1, s1+st*len(lam_K1), len(lam_K1)), lam_K1)
        # self.total_wake += lam_K1
        # #plt.xlim(s1 * 1000, (s1 + st * len(lam_K1)) * 1000)
        # ax3.plot(np.linspace(s1, s1+st*n_points, n_points)*1000, self.total_wake*1e-6)
        # self.plt.ylabel("Total Wake [MeV]")
        # self.plt.setp(ax3.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
        # self.plt.ylim((-10, 10))

        ax3 = self.plt.subplot(313, sharex=ax2)
        self.B = s_to_cur(p_array.tau(),
                          sigma=np.std(p_array.tau()) * 0.05,
        ax3.plot(-self.B[:, 0] * 1000, self.B[:, 1], lw=2)
        ax3.set_ylabel("I [A]")
        ax3.set_xlabel("s [mm]")
        dig = str(self.napply)
        name = "0" * (4 - len(dig)) + dig
        self.plt.savefig(name + '.png')
Пример #3
    def apply(self, p_array, dz):
        wakes in V/pC

        :param p_array:
        :param dz:
        if dz < 1e-10:
            logger.debug(" LSC applied, dz < 1e-10, dz = " + str(dz))
        logger.debug(" LSC applied, dz =" + str(dz))
        mean_b = np.mean(p_array.tau())
        sigma_tau = np.std(p_array.tau())
        slice_min = mean_b - sigma_tau / 2.5
        slice_max = mean_b + sigma_tau / 2.5
        indx = np.where(
            np.logical_and(np.greater_equal(p_array.tau(), slice_min),
                           np.less(p_array.tau(), slice_max)))

        if self.step_profile:
            rb = min(
                np.max(p_array.x()[indx]) - np.min(p_array.x()[indx]),
                np.max(p_array.y()[indx]) - np.min(p_array.y()[indx])) / 2
            sigma = rb
            sigma = (np.std(p_array.x()[indx]) +
                     np.std(p_array.y()[indx])) / 2.
            # sigma = min(np.std(p_array.x()[indx]), np.std(p_array.y()[indx]))
        q = np.sum(p_array.q_array)
        gamma = p_array.E / m_e_GeV
        v = np.sqrt(1 - 1 / gamma**2) * speed_of_light
        B = s_to_cur(p_array.tau(), sigma_tau * self.smooth_param, q, v)
        bunch = B[:, 1] / (q * speed_of_light)
        x = B[:, 0]

        W = -self.wake_lsc(x, bunch, gamma, sigma, dz) * q

        indx = np.argsort(p_array.tau(), kind="quicksort")
        tau_sort = p_array.tau()[indx]
        dE = np.interp(tau_sort, x, W)

        pc_ref = np.sqrt(p_array.E**2 / m_e_GeV**2 - 1) * m_e_GeV
        delta_p = dE * 1e-9 / pc_ref
        p_array.rparticles[5][indx] += delta_p
Пример #4
def slice_bunching(tau, charge, lambda_mod, smooth_sigma=None):
    Function calculates bunching factor for wavelength lambda_mod

    $b(\lambda) = \frac{1}{N_0}\left| \langle e^{- i\frac{ 2 \pi}{\lambda} s} N(s)\rangle \right|$

    :param p_array: ParticleArray
    :param lambda_mod: wavelength
    :param smooth_sigma: smoothing parameter
    :return: bunching factor
    if smooth_sigma is None:
        smooth_sigma = lambda_mod / 10.

    B = s_to_cur(tau, sigma=smooth_sigma, q0=charge, v=speed_of_light)

    b = np.abs(
            B[:, 1] / speed_of_light *
            np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi / lambda_mod * B[:, 0]), B[:, 0])) / charge
    return b
Пример #5
    def apply(self, p_array, dz):
        wakes in V/pC

        :param p_array:
        :param dz:
        if dz < 1e-10:
            logger.debug(" LSC applied, dz < 1e-10, dz = " + str(dz))
        logger.debug(" LSC applied, dz =" + str(dz))
        mean_b = np.mean(p_array.tau())
        sigma_tau = np.std(p_array.tau())
        slice_min = mean_b - sigma_tau / 2.5
        slice_max = mean_b + sigma_tau / 2.5
        indx = np.where(np.logical_and(np.greater_equal(p_array.tau(), slice_min), np.less(p_array.tau(), slice_max)))

        if self.step_profile:
            rb = min(np.max(p_array.x()[indx]) - np.min(p_array.x()[indx]),
                     np.max(p_array.y()[indx]) - np.min(p_array.y()[indx]))/2
            sigma = rb
            sigma = (np.std(p_array.x()[indx]) + np.std(p_array.y()[indx]))/2.
            # sigma = min(np.std(p_array.x()[indx]), np.std(p_array.y()[indx]))
        q = np.sum(p_array.q_array)
        gamma = p_array.E / m_e_GeV
        v = np.sqrt(1 - 1 / gamma ** 2) * speed_of_light
        B = s_to_cur(p_array.tau(), sigma_tau * self.smooth_param, q, v)
        bunch = B[:, 1] / (q * speed_of_light)
        x = B[:, 0]

        W = - self.wake_lsc(x, bunch, gamma, sigma, dz) * q

        indx = np.argsort(p_array.tau(), kind="quicksort")
        tau_sort = p_array.tau()[indx]
        dE = np.interp(tau_sort, x, W)

        pc_ref = np.sqrt(p_array.E ** 2 / m_e_GeV ** 2 - 1) * m_e_GeV
        delta_p = dE * 1e-9 / pc_ref
        p_array.rparticles[5][indx] += delta_p

        #fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True)
        ##ax = plt.subplot(211)
        #axs[0].plot(-B[:, 0]*1e3, B[:, 1])
        #axs[0].set_ylabel("I, [A]")
        #axs[1].plot(-p_array.tau()[::10]*1e3, p_array.p()[::10], ".")
        #axs[1].set_ylim(-0.01, 0.01)
        #axs[2].plot(-x*1e3, W, label="s = "+str(p_array.s) + "  m")
        #axs[2].set_ylabel("W, [V]")
        #axs[2].set_xlabel("s, [mm]")
        ##plt.ylim(-0.5e6, 0.5e6)
        #dig = str(self.napply)
        #name = "0"*(4 - len(dig)) + dig
        #self.napply += 1