Пример #1
 def test_iter_intersects(self):
     points = self.geom_michigan_point_grid
     si = SpatialIndex()
     ids = points.keys()
     geoms = [points[i] for i in ids]
     si.add(ids, geoms)
     intersects_ids = list(si.iter_intersects(self.geom_michigan, points))
     self.assertEqual(set(intersects_ids), set([22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 42, 43, 44, 46, 56, 66, 67, 76]))
    def test_rtree(self):
        from ocgis.util.spatial.index import SpatialIndex

        geom_mapping = {1: Point(1, 2)}
        si = SpatialIndex()
        si.add(1, Point(1, 2))
        ret = list(si.iter_intersects(Point(1, 2), geom_mapping))
        self.assertEqual(ret, [1])
Пример #3
 def test_iter_intersects_with_polygon(self):
     polygon = self.geom_michigan[1]
     si = SpatialIndex()
     points = self.geom_michigan_point_grid
     ids = points.keys()
     geoms = [points[i] for i in ids]
     si.add(ids, geoms)
     intersects_ids = list(si.iter_intersects(polygon, points))
     self.assertEqual(intersects_ids, [67])
Пример #4
    def test_iter_intersects_with_polygon(self):
        polygon = self.geom_michigan[1]
#        print 'michigan',self.write_geom_dict({1:polygon},geometry_type='Polygon')
        si = SpatialIndex()
        points = self.geom_michigan_point_grid
        ids = points.keys()
        geoms = [points[i] for i in ids]
        intersects_ids = list(si.iter_intersects(polygon,points))
#        new_geoms = {i:points[i] for i in intersects_ids}
#        print 'points',self.write_geom_dict(new_geoms)
Пример #5
 def test_keep_touches(self):
     points = self.geom_michigan_point_grid
     si = SpatialIndex()
     ids = points.keys()
     geoms = [points[i] for i in ids]
     touch_geom = Point(*mapping(self.geom_michigan)['coordinates'][0][0][3])
     points[1000] = touch_geom
     for keep_touches in [True,False]:
         intersects_ids = list(si.iter_intersects(self.geom_michigan,points,keep_touches=keep_touches))
         if keep_touches:
Пример #6
 def get_intersects_masked(self,polygon,use_spatial_index=True):
     :param polygon: The Shapely geometry to use for subsetting.
     :type polygon: :class:`shapely.geometry.Polygon' or :class:`shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon'
     :param bool use_spatial_index: If ``False``, do not use the :class:`rtree.index.Index`
      for spatial subsetting. If the geometric case is simple, it may marginally
      improve execution times to turn this off. However, turning this off for 
      a complex case will negatively impact (significantly) spatial operation
      execution times.
     :raises: NotImplementedError, EmptySubsetError
     :returns: :class:`ocgis.interface.base.dimension.spatial.SpatialGeometryPointDimension`
     ## only polygons are acceptable for subsetting. if a point is required,
     ## buffer it.
     if type(polygon) not in (Polygon,MultiPolygon):
     ## return a shallow copy of self
     ret = copy(self)
     ## create the fill array and reference the mask. this is the outpout
     ## geometry value array.
     fill = np.ma.array(ret.value,mask=True)
     ref_fill_mask = fill.mask
     ## this is the path if a spatial index is used.
     if use_spatial_index:
         ## keep this as a local import as it is not a required dependency
         from ocgis.util.spatial.index import SpatialIndex
         ## create the index object and reference import members
         si = SpatialIndex()
         _add = si.add
         _value = self.value
         ## add the geometries to the index
         for (ii,jj),id_value in iter_array(self.uid,return_value=True):
         ## this mapping simulates a dictionary for the item look-ups from
         ## two-dimensional arrays
         geom_mapping = GeomMapping(self.uid,self.value)
         _uid = ret.uid
         ## return the identifiers of the objects intersecting the target geometry
         ## and update the mask accordingly
         for intersect_id in si.iter_intersects(polygon,geom_mapping,keep_touches=False):
             sel = _uid == intersect_id
             ref_fill_mask[sel] = False
     ## this is the slower simpler case
         ## prepare the polygon for faster spatial operations
         prepared = prep(polygon)
         ## we are not keeping touches at this point. remember the mask is an
         ## inverse.
         for (ii,jj),geom in iter_array(self.value,return_value=True):
             bool_value = False
             if prepared.intersects(geom):
                 if polygon.touches(geom):
                     bool_value = True
                 bool_value = True
             ref_fill_mask[ii,jj] = bool_value
     ## if everything is masked, this is an empty subset
     if ref_fill_mask.all():
     ## set the returned value to the fill array
     ret._value = fill
     ## also update the unique identifier array
     ret.uid = np.ma.array(ret.uid,mask=fill.mask.copy())