Пример #1
  def cacheMissXZ ( self, res, xtile, yslice, ztile ):
    """On a miss. Cutout, return the image and load the cache in a background thread"""
    # figure out the cutout (limit to max image size)
    xstart = xtile * self.tilesz
    xend = min ((xtile+1) * self.tilesz, self.proj.datasetcfg.imageSize(res)[0][0])

    # z cutouts need to get rescaled
    #  we'll map to the closest pixel range and tolerate one pixel error at the boundary
    scalefactor = self.proj.datasetcfg.getScale()[res]['xz']
    zoffset = self.proj.datasetcfg.getOffset()[res][2]
    ztilestart = int((ztile*self.tilesz)/scalefactor) + zoffset
    zstart = max ( ztilestart, zoffset ) 
    ztileend = int(math.ceil(((ztile+1)*self.tilesz)/scalefactor)) + zoffset
    zend = min ( ztileend, self.proj.datasetcfg.imageSize(res)[0][2] )

    # call the mcfc interface
    imageargs = '{}/{},{}/{},{}/{},{}/'.format(res, xstart, xend, yslice, yslice+1, zstart, zend) 

    tiledata = None
    for index,channel_name in enumerate(self.channel_list):
      ch = self.proj.getChannelObj(channel_name)
      cutout = ocpcarest.cutout(imageargs, ch, self.proj, self.db)
      # initialize the tiledata by type
      if tiledata == None:
        tiledata = np.zeros((len(self.channel_list), zend-zstart, cutout.data.shape[1], self.tilesz), dtype=cutout.data.dtype)
      tiledata[index, 0:zend-zstart, 0, 0:((xend-1)%self.tilesz+1)] = cutout.data[:, 0, :]
    tiledata = ocpcarest.window(tiledata, ch)

    # We have an compound array.  Now color it.
    img = mcfc.mcfcPNG (tiledata.reshape((tiledata.shape[0],tiledata.shape[1],tiledata.shape[3])), self.colors)
    return img.resize ((self.tilesz,self.tilesz))
Пример #2
  def cacheMissXY ( self, res, xtile, ytile, zslice ):
    """On a miss. Cutout, return the image and load the cache in a background thread"""

    # figure out the cutout (limit to max image size)
    xstart = xtile*self.tilesz
    ystart = ytile*self.tilesz
    xend = min ((xtile+1)*self.tilesz,self.proj.datasetcfg.imageSize(res)[0][0])
    yend = min ((ytile+1)*self.tilesz,self.proj.datasetcfg.imageSize(res)[0][1])

    # call the mcfc interface
    imageargs = '{}/{},{}/{},{}/{},{}/'.format(res, xstart, xend, ystart, yend, zslice, zslice+1) 

    tiledata = None
    for index, channel_name in enumerate(self.channel_list):
      ch = self.proj.getChannelObj(channel_name)
      cutout = ocpcarest.cutout(imageargs, ch, self.proj, self.db)
      # initialize the tiledata by type
      if tiledata == None:
        tiledata = np.zeros((len(self.channel_list), cutout.data.shape[0], self.tilesz, self.tilesz), dtype=cutout.data.dtype)

      tiledata[index, 0, 0:((yend-1)%self.tilesz+1), 0:((xend-1)%self.tilesz+1)] = cutout.data[0, :, :]
      tiledata[index,:] = ocpcarest.window(tiledata[index,:], ch)
    # We have an compound array.  Now color it.
    return mcfc.mcfcPNG (tiledata.reshape((tiledata.shape[0],tiledata.shape[2],tiledata.shape[3])), self.colors)
Пример #3
    def cacheMissXY(self, res, xtile, ytile, zslice):
        """On a miss. Cutout, return the image and load the cache in a background thread"""

        # figure out the cutout (limit to max image size)
        xstart = xtile * self.tilesz
        ystart = ytile * self.tilesz
        xend = min((xtile + 1) * self.tilesz,
        yend = min((ytile + 1) * self.tilesz,

        # call the mcfc interface
        imageargs = '{}/{},{}/{},{}/{},{}/'.format(res, xstart, xend, ystart,
                                                   yend, zslice, zslice + 1)

        tiledata = None
        for index, channel_name in enumerate(self.channel_list):
            ch = self.proj.getChannelObj(channel_name)
            cutout = ocpcarest.cutout(imageargs, ch, self.proj, self.db)
            # initialize the tiledata by type
            if tiledata == None:
                tiledata = np.zeros(
                    (len(self.channel_list), cutout.data.shape[0], self.tilesz,

            tiledata[index, 0, 0:((yend - 1) % self.tilesz + 1),
                     0:((xend - 1) % self.tilesz + 1)] = cutout.data[0, :, :]
            tiledata[index, :] = ocpcarest.window(tiledata[index, :], ch)

        # We have an compound array.  Now color it.
        return mcfc.mcfcPNG(
                (tiledata.shape[0], tiledata.shape[2], tiledata.shape[3])),
Пример #4
  def cacheMissXY ( self, resolution, xtile, ytile, zslice ):
    """On a miss. Cutout, return the image and load the cache in a background thread"""

    # figure out the cutout (limit to max image size)
    xstart = xtile*self.tilesz
    ystart = ytile*self.tilesz
    xend = min ((xtile+1)*self.tilesz,self.proj.datasetcfg.imagesz[resolution][0])
    yend = min ((ytile+1)*self.tilesz,self.proj.datasetcfg.imagesz[resolution][1])

    # call the mcfc interface
    imageargs = '{}/{},{}/{},{}/{},{}/'.format(resolution,xstart,xend,ystart,yend,zslice,zslice+1) 

    tiledata = None
    for i in range(len(self.channels)):
      cutout = ocpcarest.cutout ( imageargs, self.proj, self.db, self.channels[i] )
      # initialize the tiledata by type
      if tiledata == None:
        tiledata = np.zeros((len(self.channels), cutout.data.shape[0],self.tilesz,self.tilesz), dtype=cutout.data.dtype)

      tiledata[i,0,0:((yend-1)%self.tilesz+1),0:((xend-1)%self.tilesz+1)] = cutout.data[0,:,:]

    # reduction factor.  How to scale data.  16 bit->8bit, or windowed
    (startwindow,endwindow) = self.proj.datasetcfg.windowrange
    if self.proj.getDBType() == ocpcaproj.CHANNELS_16bit and ( startwindow == endwindow == 0):
      tiledata = np.uint8(tiledata * 1.0/256)
    elif self.proj.getDBType() == ocpcaproj.CHANNELS_16bit and ( endwindow!=0 ):
      from windowcutout import windowCutout
      windowCutout ( tiledata, (startwindow, endwindow) )
    # We have an compound array.  Now color it.
    colors = ('C','M','Y','R','G','B')
    return mcfc.mcfcPNG ( tiledata.reshape((tiledata.shape[0],tiledata.shape[2],tiledata.shape[3])), colors )
Пример #5
    def cacheMissYZ(self, res, xtile, ytile, ztile):
        """On a miss. Cutout, return the image and load the cache in a background thread"""

        # figure out the cutout (limit to max image size)
        ystart = ytile * self.tilesz
        yend = min((ytile + 1) * self.tilesz,

        # z cutouts need to get rescaled
        #  we'll map to the closest pixel range and tolerate one pixel error at the boundary
        scalefactor = self.proj.datasetcfg.getScale()[res]['yz']
        zoffset = self.proj.datasetcfg.getOffset()[res][2]
        ztilestart = int((ztile * self.tilesz) / scalefactor) + zoffset
        zstart = max(ztilestart, zoffset)
        ztileend = int(math.ceil(
            ((ztile + 1) * self.tilesz) / scalefactor)) + zoffset
        zend = min(ztileend, self.proj.datasetcfg.imageSize(res)[0][2])

        # call the mcfc interface
        imageargs = '{}/{},{}/{},{}/{},{}/'.format(res, xtile, xtile + 1,
                                                   ystart, yend, zstart, zend)

        tiledata = None
        for index, channel_name in enumerate(self.channel_list):
            ch = self.proj.getChannelObj(channel_name)
            cutout = ocpcarest.cutout(imageargs, ch, self.proj, self.db)
            # initialize the tiledata by type
            if tiledata == None:
                tiledata = np.zeros(
                    (len(self.channel_list), ztileend - ztilestart,
                     self.tilesz, cutout.data.shape[2]),

            tiledata[index, 0:zend - zstart, 0:((yend - 1) % self.tilesz + 1),
                     0] = cutout.data[:, :, 0]

        tiledata = ocpcarest.window(tiledata, ch)

        # We have an compound array. Now color it.
        img = mcfc.mcfcPNG(
                (tiledata.shape[0], tiledata.shape[1], tiledata.shape[2])),
        return img.resize((self.tilesz, self.tilesz))
Пример #6
  def cacheMissXZ ( self, resolution, xtile, yslice, ztile ):
    """On a miss. Cutout, return the image and load the cache in a background thread"""
    # figure out the cutout (limit to max image size)
    xstart = xtile*self.tilesz
    xend = min ((xtile+1)*self.tilesz,self.proj.datasetcfg.imagesz[resolution][0])

    # z cutouts need to get rescaled
    #  we'll map to the closest pixel range and tolerate one pixel error at the boundary
    scalefactor = self.proj.datasetcfg.zscale[resolution]
    zoffset = self.proj.datasetcfg.slicerange[0]
    ztilestart = int((ztile*self.tilesz)/scalefactor) + zoffset
    zstart = max ( ztilestart, zoffset ) 
    ztileend = int(math.ceil(((ztile+1)*self.tilesz)/scalefactor)) + zoffset
    zend = min ( ztileend, self.proj.datasetcfg.slicerange[1] )

    # call the mcfc interface
    imageargs = '{}/{},{}/{},{}/{},{}/'.format(resolution,xstart,xend,yslice,yslice+1,zstart,zend) 

    tiledata = None
    for i in range(len(self.channels)):
      cutout = ocpcarest.cutout ( imageargs, self.proj, self.db, self.channels[i] )
      # initialize the tiledata by type
      if tiledata == None:
        tiledata = np.zeros((len(self.channels), zend-zstart, cutout.data.shape[1],self.tilesz), dtype=cutout.data.dtype)
      tiledata[i,0:zend-zstart,0,0:((xend-1)%self.tilesz+1)] = cutout.data[:,0,:]

    # reduction factor.  How to scale data.  16 bit->8bit, or windowed
    (startwindow,endwindow) = self.proj.datasetcfg.windowrange
    if self.proj.getDBType() == ocpcaproj.CHANNELS_16bit and ( startwindow == endwindow == 0):
      tiledata = np.uint8(tiledata * 1.0/256)
    elif self.proj.getDBType() == ocpcaproj.CHANNELS_16bit and ( endwindow!=0 ):
      from windowcutout import windowCutout
      windowCutout ( tiledata, (startwindow, endwindow) )

    # We have an compound array.  Now color it.
    colors = ('C','M','Y','R','G','B')
    img = mcfc.mcfcPNG ( tiledata.reshape((tiledata.shape[0],tiledata.shape[1],tiledata.shape[3])), colors )
    return img.resize ((self.tilesz,self.tilesz))