Пример #1
def analyze_digit_MLP(img):
    """ Takes in an image matrix, crops out the digits and outputs it to file """


    print ("Preprocessing Image, Cropping Digits Into 28 X 28 Image Matrices\n")
    cropped_img_to_show, cropped_thresh_to_Show, cropped_digits = ocr.save_digit_to_binary_img_as_mnist(img, dim = 28, saveToFile = True, imgSize = frame_new_dim)

    print ("Image Preprocessing Done, %d Potential Digits Were Cropped Out\n" % len(cropped_digits))

    print ("Predicting Results\n")
    print ("Image    Digit     probability")

    index = 0
    for input_digit in cropped_digits:
        path = "../pics/cropped/" + str(index) + ".png"
        input_digit = imread(path)
        digit, probability = mlp.predict(input_digit, mlp_classifier)
        print ("%d.png      %d         %f" % (index, digit, probability))
        index += 1

    new_dim = (SCALE_FACTOR * img.shape[1]/2, SCALE_FACTOR * img.shape[0]/2)
    cropped_img_to_show = cv2.resize(cropped_img_to_show, new_dim)
    cropped_thresh_to_Show = cv2.resize(cropped_thresh_to_Show, new_dim)
    cv2.imshow('handWriting Capture Cropped Image', cropped_img_to_show)
    cv2.imshow('handWriting Capture Cropped Thresh', cropped_thresh_to_Show)
Пример #2
def analyze_digit_SVM(img):

    print ("Preprocessing Image, Cropping Digits Into 28 X 28 Image Matrices\n")
    cropped_img_to_show, cropped_thresh_to_Show, cropped_digits = ocr.save_digit_to_binary_img_as_mnist(img, dim = 8, saveToFile = True, imgSize = frame_new_dim)

    print ("Image Preprocessing Done, %d Potential Digits Were Cropped Out\n" % len(cropped_digits))

    print ("Predicting Results\n")
    print ("Image    Digit     probability")
Пример #3
        Digit Segmentation and Classification Using 
        MLP and OpenCV on GoogleStreetView Data Base

        Created by:  Chenxing Ouyang & Jiali Xie

import sys
import cv2
import numpy as np
from pylab import imread, imshow, imsave, figure, show, subplot, plot, scatter, title
import ocr
import multilayerPerceptron as mlp



print ("Preprocessing Image, Cropping Digits Into 28 X 28 Image Matrices\n")
#  save_digit_to_binary_img_as_mnist(imgName, saveToFile = True, imgSize = 100, boundingRectMinSize = 5)
cropped_img_for_show, cropped_digits = ocr.save_digit_to_binary_img_as_mnist("../pics/12.png",saveToFile = True)

print ("Image Preprocessing Done, %d Potential Digits Were Cropped Out\n" % len(cropped_digits))

print ("Building Multilayer Perceptron Network From Trained Model\n")
mlp_classifier = mlp.build_classifier('../trainedResult/model.npz')

# input_img = imread('../pics/cropped/0.png')
# print mlp.predict(input_img, mlp_classifier)
Пример #4
        Digit Segmentation and Classification Using 
        MLP and OpenCV on GoogleStreetView Data Base

        Created by:  Chenxing Ouyang & Jiali Xie

import sys
import cv2
import numpy as np
from pylab import imread, imshow, imsave, figure, show, subplot, plot, scatter, title
import ocr
import multilayerPerceptron as mlp



print("Preprocessing Image, Cropping Digits Into 28 X 28 Image Matrices\n")
#  save_digit_to_binary_img_as_mnist(imgName, saveToFile = True, imgSize     = 100, boundingRectMinSize = 5)
cropped_img_to_show, cropped_thresh_to_Show, cropped_digits = ocr.save_digit_to_binary_img_as_mnist(
    "../pics/print.png", dim=28, imgSize=100, saveToFile=True)

print("Image Preprocessing Done, %d Potential Digits Were Cropped Out\n" %

print("Building Multilayer Perceptron Network From Trained Model\n")
mlp_classifier = mlp.build_classifier('../trainedResult/model.npz')

# input_img = imread('../pics/cropped/0.png')
# print mlp.predict(input_img, mlp_classifier)