Пример #1
def get_node_ips(node_type="worker"):
    Gets the node public IP

        node_type (str): The node type (e.g. worker, master)

        list: Node IP's

    ocp = OCP(kind=constants.NODE)
    if node_type == "worker":
        nodes = ocp.get(selector=constants.WORKER_LABEL).get("items")
    if node_type == "master:":
        nodes = ocp.get(selector=constants.MASTER_LABEL).get("items")

    if config.ENV_DATA["platform"].lower() == constants.AWS_PLATFORM:
        raise NotImplementedError
    elif config.ENV_DATA["platform"].lower() == constants.VSPHERE_PLATFORM:
        return [
            each["address"] for node in nodes
            for each in node["status"]["addresses"]
            if each["type"] == "ExternalIP"
        raise NotImplementedError
Пример #2
def get_node_ips(node_type='worker'):
    Gets the node public IP

        node_type (str): The node type (e.g. worker, master)

        list: Node IP's

    ocp = OCP(kind=constants.NODE)
    if node_type == 'worker':
        nodes = ocp.get(selector=constants.WORKER_LABEL).get('items')
    if node_type == 'master:':
        nodes = ocp.get(selector=constants.MASTER_LABEL).get('items')

    if config.ENV_DATA['platform'].lower() == constants.AWS_PLATFORM:
        raise NotImplementedError
    elif config.ENV_DATA['platform'].lower() == constants.VSPHERE_PLATFORM:
        return [
            each['address'] for node in nodes
            for each in node['status']['addresses']
            if each['type'] == "ExternalIP"
        raise NotImplementedError
Пример #3
def get_node_ip_addresses(ipkind):
    Gets a dictionary of required IP addresses for all nodes

        ipkind: ExternalIP or InternalIP or Hostname

        dict: Internal or Exteranl IP addresses keyed off of node name

    ocp = OCP(kind=constants.NODE)
    masternodes = ocp.get(selector=constants.MASTER_LABEL).get("items")
    workernodes = ocp.get(selector=constants.WORKER_LABEL).get("items")
    nodes = masternodes + workernodes

    return {
        node["metadata"]["name"]: each["address"]
        for node in nodes for each in node["status"]["addresses"]
        if each["type"] == ipkind
Пример #4
def get_ocp_version_dict():
    Query OCP to get all information about OCP version.

      dict: ClusterVersion k8s object
    logger.info("collecting ocp version")
    # We use ClusterVersion resource (which is acted upon by openshift
    # cluster-version operator, aka CVO) to get the version of our OCP
    # instance. See also:
    # https://github.com/openshift/cluster-version-operator/blob/master/docs/dev/clusterversion.md
    ocp = OCP(kind="clusterversion")
    version_dict = ocp.get("version")
    return version_dict
Пример #5
def get_ocs_version():
    Query OCP to get all information about OCS version.

      dict: ClusterVersion k8s object
      dict: image_dict with information about images IDs

    logger.info("collecting ocs version")

    # We use ClusterVersion resource (which is acted upon by openshift
    # cluster-version operator, aka CVO) to get the version of our OCP
    # instance. See also:
    # https://github.com/openshift/cluster-version-operator/blob/master/docs/dev/clusterversion.md
    ocp = OCP(kind="clusterversion")
    cluster_version = ocp.get("version")

    # TODO: When OLM (operator-lifecycle-manager) maintains OCS, it will be
    # possible to add a check via CSV (cluster service version) to get OCS
    # version in a similar way as it's done for OCP itself above.
    # Reference: Jose A. Rivera on ocs-qe list.

    # Get all openshift storage related namespaces. Eg. at the time of writing
    # this code (July 2019), there were these storage namespaces:
    #  * openshift-cluster-storage-operator
    #  * openshift-storage
    # TODO: how to do this in upstream where namespace is rook-ceph?
    # TODO: should we use defaults.ROOK_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE somehow here?
    storage_namespaces = []
    all_namespaces = OCP(kind="namespace").get()["items"]
    ns_re = re.compile("^openshift.*storage")
    for ns in all_namespaces:
        if ns_re.match(ns["metadata"]["name"]):

    logger.info("found storage namespaces %s", storage_namespaces)

    # Now get the OCS version by asking for version of all container images of
    # all pods in openshift-storage namespace.
    image_dict = {}
    for ns in storage_namespaces:
        ocs = OCP(kind="pod", namespace=ns)
        ocs_pods = ocs.get()
        ns_dict = {}
        for pod in ocs_pods["items"]:
            for container in pod["spec"]["containers"]:
                    "container %s (in pod %s) uses image %s",
            cs_items = pod["status"].get("containerStatuses")
            if cs_items is None:
                pod_name = pod["metadata"]["name"]
                logger.warning(f"pod {pod_name} has no containerStatuses")
            for cs in cs_items:
                ns_dict.setdefault(cs["image"], set()).add(cs["imageID"])
        image_dict.setdefault(ns, ns_dict)

    logger.debug("ocs version collected")

    return cluster_version, image_dict