def test_getattr(self): # Test the # Set up a fake dir structure to generate an aligned fixmat img_per_cat = {1: range(1, 11), 2: range(1, 11)} features = ['a', 'b'] path, ftrpath = test_loader.create_tmp_structure(img_per_cat, features=features) l = loader.LoadFromDisk(impath=path, ftrpath=ftrpath, size=(100, 100)) inp = stimuli.Categories(l, img_per_cat, features) fm = fixmat.TestFixmatFactory(categories=[1, 2], filenumbers=range(1, 11), subjectindices=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], params={ 'pixels_per_degree': 10, 'image_size': [100, 100] }, categories_obj=inp) fm_err = fixmat.TestFixmatFactory(categories=[1, 2], filenumbers=range(1, 11), subjectindices=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], params={ 'pixels_per_degree': 10, 'image_size': [100, 100] }) # Now let's check if we can access all the images # and all the features. fm.add_feature_values(['a', 'b']) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: fm_err.add_feature_values(['a', 'b'])) for cat_mat, cat_inp in fm.by_cat(): self.assertEquals(cat_mat.category[0], cat_inp.category) for img_mat, img_inp in cat_mat.by_filenumber(): self.assertEquals(img_mat.filenumber[0], img_inp.image) self.assertEquals(len(fm.a), len(fm.x)) self.assertEquals(len(fm.b), len(fm.x)) # Let's also check if make_reg_data works a, b = fm.make_reg_data(features) self.assertEquals(a.shape[1], len(fm.x)) self.assertEquals(a.shape[0], len(features)) self.assertEquals(b.shape[1], len(fm.x)) self.assertEquals(b.shape[0], len(features)) self.assertEquals(b.sum(), a.sum()) a, b = fm.make_reg_data(features, all_controls=True) self.assertEquals(a.shape[1], len(fm.x)) self.assertEquals(a.shape[0], len(features)) self.assertEquals(b.shape[1], len(fm.x)) self.assertEquals(b.shape[0], len(features)) self.assertEquals(b.sum(), a.sum()) test_loader.rm_tmp_structure(path) test_loader.rm_tmp_structure(ftrpath)
def setUp(self): self.features = range(1, 11) self.inputs = { 'a': { 1: self.features, 2: self.features, 3: self.features }, 'b': { 10: self.features } } self.test_loader = loader.TestLoader(self.inputs) self.inp = stimuli.Categories(self.test_loader, self.inputs)
def test_fixations(self): img_per_cat = {7: range(1, 65), 8: range(1, 65)} l = loader.TestLoader(img_per_cat, size=(10, 10)) with NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', prefix='fix_occ_test', suffix='.mat') as ntf: ntf.write(get_data('ocupy.tests', 'fixmat_demo.mat')) fm = fixmat.FixmatFactory( fm = fm[fm.category > 0] inp = stimuli.FixmatStimuliFactory(fm, l) # Now we can iterate over the input object and get fixations on each image for cat in inp: for img in cat: self.assertEqual(img.fixations.filenumber[0], img.image) self.assertEqual(img.fixations.category[0], img.category) inp = stimuli.Categories(l, img_per_cat) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: inp.fixations) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: inp[7].fixations) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: inp[7][1].fixations)
def test_general(self): #Create an input object: There are two ways, one is the features = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] img_per_cat = {7: range(1, 65), 8: range(1, 65)} l = loader.TestLoader(img_per_cat, features, size=(10, 10)) inp = stimuli.Categories(l, img_per_cat, features) # In this case it should have two categories (2,9) with 10 and 50 images # Let's check this self.assert_(7 in inp.categories()) self.assert_(8 in inp.categories()) self.assertEquals(len(inp[7].images()), 64) self.assertEquals(len(inp[8].images()), 64) # Good, now we can access some data img = inp[7][16].data self.assertTrue(img.shape[0] == 10 and img.shape[1] == 10) # In general we can use [] to access elements in the object # But we can also iterate trough these objects # This should take a long time because it loads all images # from disk for cat in inp: for img in cat: img.image img.category