def _send_request(api, url, request='get', params=None, save_xml=None): """Call api.xxxx_request and optionally save XML response to file. Parameter 'api' is an instance of class oDeskAPI """ save_file = None pcopy = params[:] if params else None log.debug("send_{0:s} params: {1!r}".format(pcopy, request.upper())) request = request.lower() try: if request == 'get': response = api.get_request(url, pcopy) elif request == 'post': response = api.post_request(url, pcopy) elif request == 'put': response = api.put_request(url, pcopy) elif request == 'delete': response = api.delete_request(url, pcopy) else: e = "Unknown request type '{0:s}'".format(request) stderr("{0:s}\n".format(e)) log.error(e) return None except RequestError, e: # api.last_error is the error code returned by server stderr(e) log.exception(e) # Do not change this return value. # Some callers may check 'if response is None: ...' return None
def team_users(api, team_name, request=None, eid=None, save_xml=None, debug=False): """Retrieve details of team members. Parameters: team_name - Name of team. Should be identical to a team returned by company_teams(api, 'company name') request - List which limits the amount of information returned. Must be a subset of: ['last_name', 'first_name', 'status', 'id', 'reference', 'is_provider', 'timezone', 'timezone_offset'] These are the keys in the dict object(s) returned. eid - oDesk user id. This is the same as the 'id' above. If given a list of one dict object for a team member matching 'id' is returned. Return: A list of one dict object if 'eid' parameter is given, or a list of N dict objects where N equals the number of people on the named team. If 'request' is not given the dict object contains all information for each team member. Otherwise each item in 'request' which exactly matchs one of the valid identifiers given above is returned in each dict object generated. """ userlist = [] (team_ref, parent_team_ref, company_ref) = \ team_reference_IDs(api, team_name, save_xml) if not team_ref: log.warning("No results from team_users(api, '{0:s}')".format(team_name)) return userlist"fetching team {0:s} users".format(team_name)) url = urls.get_API_URL('team_users', team_ref=team_ref) log.debug('URL: {0:s}'.format(url)) if save_xml: save_xml = 'team_users.xml' response = send_GET(api, url, save_xml=save_xml) if response is None: log.error("request failed: send_GET(api, {0:s}".format(url)) return userlist tmplist = list_from_xml(response, 'user', debug=debug) if eid: for user in tmplist: if user['id'] == eid: userlist.append(user) break else: userlist = tmplist[:] all_info = ['last_name', 'first_name', 'status', 'id', 'reference', 'is_provider', 'timezone', 'timezone_offset'] if not request: requested_info = all_info[:] else: requested_info = list_intersect(list(request), all_info) return dict_subset(userlist, requested_info)
def get_api_keys_uri(self, api_sig, caller): """ get_api_keys_uri: Return API's URI with signature and app key param string api_sig Signature return string """ val = '?api_key=' + self.api_key + '&api_sig=' + api_sig dmesg = "get_api_keys_uri(from {0:s}): {1:s}".format(caller, val) log.debug(dmesg) return val
def get_api_frob(self, api_sig): """Retrieve the 'frob' token from the odesk server. This token lives 600s. """ iam = func() assert self.user_authorized assert api_sig if self.frob: return frob url = get_auth_URL('frobs') + self.get_api_keys_uri(api_sig, iam) log.debug('{0:s}: frob URI: {1:s}'.format(iam,url)) data = self.send_request(url, 'post', caller=iam) if not self.request_ok(data): return None frob = xml_get_tag(data['ret'], 'frob', unicode=False) log.debug("frob: {0:s}".format(frob)) if not frob: log.error("Failed to parse 'frob' from server response") else: self.frob = frob return frob
def company_users(api, company_name, request=None, save_xml=None, debug=False): """Retrieve list of contractors working for 'company_name' Parameters: company_name - Target company of query. Should be identical to a name returned by odesk.api.query.organization:companies(api, request) request - List which limits the amount of information returned for each user. Must be a subset of: [timezone, reference, status, timezone_offset, id, is_provider, last_name, first_name] This ultimately depends on the success of api.query.company_details(). That GET depends on the permissions granted to the authenticated user of this process- the oDesk user and password used to access the API. Return: List of dictionary objects- one per employee. """ userlist = [] details = company_details(api, company_name, save_xml=False) if not details: warn = "No results from company_details(api, '{0:s}')" log.warning(warn.format(company_name)) return userlist"fetching company {0:s} users".format(company_name)) url = urls.get_API_URL('company_users', company_ref=details['reference']) log.debug('URL: {0:s}'.format(url)) if save_xml: save_xml = 'company_users.xml' response = send_GET(api, url, save_xml=save_xml) if response is None: log.error("request failed: send_GET(api, {0:s}".format(url)) return userlist userlist = list_from_xml(response, 'user', debug=debug) all_info = ['timezone', 'reference', 'status', 'timezone_offset', 'id', 'is_provider', 'last_name', 'first_name'] if not request: requested_info = all_info[:] else: requested_info = list_intersect(request, all_info) return dict_subset(userlist, requested_info)
def normalize_params(self, params, rkey = ''): """Sort params into ascending alpabetical order and convert to string. 'params' is a list or tuple of 2-tuples representing parameter-value pairs which are sorted on parameter token. """ line = '' if isinstance(params, tuple): params = list(params) if not isinstance(params, list): return line # sort keys and reassemble as string cmpkeys=lambda x,y: cmp(x[0], y[0]) params.sort(cmpkeys) for p in params: if isinstance(p[1], list): line += self.normalize_params(p[1], p[0]) else: line += rkey + p[0] + p[1] log.debug("normalized: {0:s}".format(line)) return line
def company_details(api, company_name, request=None, save_xml=None): """Retrieve details of a specific company. Return a dictionary object containing the details for 'company_name'. If currently authenticated user (this process) does not have access to this company return None. Parameters: company_name - 'My Company', not company id or reference request - List which limits the amount of information returned. Must be a subset of: ['reference', 'status', 'name', 'owner_user_id'] Return: A dictionary object describing the company. Default is to return all information. """ refId = company_reference_ID(api, company_name, save_xml=save_xml) if refId == -1: return None node_name = 'company' url = urls.get_API_URL('company_details', company_ref=refId) if save_xml: save_xml = 'company_details.xml' xml = send_GET(api, url, save_xml=save_xml) if xml is None: log.error("request failed: send_GET(api, {0:s}".format(url)) return None details = list_from_xml(xml, node_name) if len(details) != 1: return None all_info = ('reference', 'status', 'name', 'owner_user_id') if not request: requested_info = all_info log.debug('requested_info: {0!r}') else: requested_info = list_intersect(request, all_info) details = dict_subset(details, requested_info) return details[0]
def team_reference_IDs(api, team_name, save_xml=None): """Retrieve reference ID numbers associated with a team. If team given by 'team_name' can be found by api.query.teams() three reference identification numbers are returned; 'team_name', the parent team of 'team_name', and company to which 'team_name' belongs. """ team_dict = None team_ref, parent_team_ref, company_ref = None, None, None myreq = ['name', 'reference', 'parent_team__reference', 'company__reference'] team_list = teams(api, request=myreq, save_xml=save_xml) for team in team_list: if team_name == team['name']: team_dict = team break if team_dict: team_ref = team_dict['reference'] parent_team_ref = team_dict['parent_team__reference'] company_ref = team_dict['company__reference'] else: # This is not necessarily an error- See team_visable() below. log.debug("Unable to find team by name '{0:s}'".format(team_name)) return (team_ref, parent_team_ref, company_ref)
def get_api_token(self, frob): """Retrieve the API token needed for server communication. This is the token appended to all server requests. The 'frob' token must be available to aquire this token from the server. """ iam = func() self.api_token = self.get_token() if self.api_token: return self.api_token assert frob is not None params = [('frob', self.frob)] api_sig = self.get_signature(params, caller=iam) url = get_auth_URL('tokens') + \ self.merge_params_to_uri(self.get_api_keys_uri(api_sig, iam), params) log.debug("get_api_token(): url: {0:s}".format(url)) data = self.send_request(url, 'get', caller=iam) if self.request_ok(data): self.api_token = xml_get_tag(data['ret'], 'token') else: log.error("Unable to get API token.") if not self.api_token: raise AppAPITokenError("Unable to get API token.") return self.api_token
def send_request(self, url, reqtype='get', caller=None): """Send request to server. Add appropriate headers to HTTP request and open given 'url'. """ iam, caller, debug = func(), str(caller), log.debug data = {'ret':None,'inf':None, 'url':None,'err':None, 'code':None} reqdata = None user_agent = 'Python oDeskAPI library client/{0:s}'.format(self.api_version) headers = {'User-Agent':user_agent} headers['connection'] = 'Keep-Alive' headers['Content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' if reqtype != 'get': if url.find('?') > 0: (url, reqdata) = url.split('?', 1) req = urllib2.Request(url, reqdata, headers) dmesg = '\n\turl: {0:s}\n\treqdata: {1:s}\n\theaders: {2:s}\n\tmethod: {3:s}' log.debug(dmesg.format(url, reqdata, headers, req.get_method())) try: #reply = urllib2.urlopen(req) reply = except urllib2.HTTPError, e: preamble = "(called by {0:s})-".format(caller) data['code'] = e.code data['err'] = e.reason if e.code == 304: log.debug("{0:s}: return code 304".format(preamble)) return data if e.code != 200: from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler responses = BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses crit = log.critical crit("{0:s} Server couldn't fulfill the request.".format(preamble)) crit('{0:s} >> {1:d} ({2:s}) {3:s}'.format(preamble, e.code, responses[e.code][0], responses[e.code][1])) #crit('{0:s} >> Reason: {1:s}'.format(preamble,str(e.reason))) raise
def request(reqtype, url, api_key, api_token, params): """Construct and send a request to the server. Parameters: reqtype - string indicating the type of request url - URL to which request information is appended params - string, list or tuple of parameter-value pairs ex. string 'param1;param2;etc' ex. list [(param1, val), (param2, val)] ex. tuple ((paramq, val), (param2,val)) If a tuple is passed it is converted to list. Raises RequestError on failure. """ iam = func() debug = log.debug assert api_token is not None if not params: params = [] elif isinstance(params, tuple): params = list(params) elif isinstance(params, basestring): params = [params] params.append(('api_token', api_token)) if reqtype == 'put' or reqtype == 'delete': params.append(('http_method', reqtype)) api_sig = get_signature(params, caller=iam) api_keys_str = api_keys_uri(api_key, api_sig) merged_params = merge_params_to_uri(api_keys_str, params) log.debug("merged_params: {0:s}".format(merged_params)) url = url + merged_params data = send_request(url, reqtype, caller=iam) if not request_ok(data): e = 'Can not execute request due to error: {0!s}'.format(data['err']) raise RequestError(e) return data['ret']
# convert 0..5 to logger levels pylevel = toLogLevel(n) if pylevel != log_levels[n]: stderr("toLogLevel({0:s}) ({1:d}) failed, got {2:d} ({3:s})\n".format( user_levels[n], n, pylevel, user_levels[pylevel/10])) errors += 1 tests += 1 stdout("tests converting back and forth between strings and integer log levels:\n") stdout("{0:d} tests, {1:d} failures\n\n".format(tests, errors)) stdout("initializing logging, level debug, console on, log file off.\n") initLogger(logLevel=1, logConsole=True, logDisk=False) stdout("should see debug message test 1\n") log.debug("log test 1") if test_fileobj('{0:s}'.format(pgm)) != 1: stdout('log file \"{0:s}\" should not have been created\n', pgm) errors += 1 else: stdout('Should see "Parameter not a file or file object."\n') tests += 1 print stdout("testing setLogLevel('warn'), should see only WARN: log test 2\n") setLogLevel("warn") log.debug("log test 2") log.warn("log test 2") print
try: api = oDeskAPI(config=config, **kwargs) except AppInitError, e: stderr(e) stderr("Failed to initialize oDeskAPI instance...\n") exit(1) if popts['debug']: api.debug = True init_logging(api, popts) # Authorize this process with developer API if not api.authorize(): assert api.api_token == None log.error('failed to authorize client-- no api token') api.clean_exit(1) log.debug("app_main() returning {0!s}".format(argv2)) return (api, argv2) # This is intended only for testing. if __name__ == '__main__': from odapi.logger import initLogger usage = """ usage: $ {0:s} [OPTIONS] [OPTIONS]""" initLogger(logLevel='debug',logDisk=False, logConsole=True) (api, argv) = app_main(sys.argv[0], sys.argv, usage) api.pprint()
stderr(e) return usage_tail(pgm, usage, None) optdct = {'days':2, 'category':'sw', 'filters': None, 'out':None, 'xml':False, 'text':False} for (key, val) in opts: if key == '-s' or key == '--since': optdct['days'] = int(val) elif key == '-j' or key == '--job-category': optdct['category'] = to_str(val) elif key == '-f' or key == '--filters' : optdct['filters'] = to_str(val) elif key == '-o' or key == '--out': optdct['out'] = to_str(val) elif key == '-x' or key == '--xml': optdct['xml'] = True elif key == '-t' or key == '--text': optdct['text'] = True else: e = "Unknown option '{0:s}'".format(key) raise AppOptionError(e) log.debug("{0:s}.py:parseargs() returning:\n\t{0!s}".format(pgm, optdct)) return optdct pgm = 'parse_request' usage = None # Need to construct a bogus argv; one with a 'request' and one without argv = [] for arg in ('-s', '3', '-j', 'jobcat', '-f', 'bogus/path', '-r', 'this,that, the next thing'): argv.append(arg) print stdout('argv: ') print argv