Пример #1
            def add_bkg_ovv(im, proj=p):
                Receive the projected image (RGB) and add it to the overview
                # To handle cases where the projection was faster than subscribing,
                # we get called at subscription. If we receive None, we just need
                # to be a little bit more patient.
                if im is None:

                if isinstance(proj.stream, stream.OpticalStream):
                    bkg = self._bkg_opt
                    bkg = self._bkg_sem
                insert_tile_to_image(im, bkg)
                logging.debug("Added overview projection %s", proj.name.value)

                # Normally not necessary as the image will not change, and the
                # projection + stream will go out of scope, which will cause
                # the VA to be unsubscribed automatically. But it feels cleaner.
                del self._bkg_ovv_subs[proj]

                # We could only do it when _bkg_ovv_subs is empty, as a sign it's
                # the last one... but it could delay quite a bit, and could easily
                # break if for some reason projection fails.
Пример #2
    def _onNewImage(self, _):
        # update overview whenever the streams change, limited to a frequency of 1 Hz
        if self.curr_s and self.curr_s.image.value is not None:
            s = self.curr_s
            img = s.image.value
            logging.debug("Updating overview using image at %s", getBoundingBox(img))
            if isinstance(s, acqstream.OpticalStream):
                insert_tile_to_image(img, self.im_opt)
            elif isinstance(s, acqstream.EMStream):
                insert_tile_to_image(img, self.im_sem)
                logging.info("%s not added to overview image as it's not optical nor EM", s)

Пример #3
    def test_image_on_ovv(self):
        """ Tests insert_tile_to_image function """

        # Insert tile into image
        ovv_im = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros((11, 11, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8))
        ovv_im.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1, 1)
        tile = model.DataArray(255 * numpy.ones((3, 3, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8))
        tile.metadata[model.MD_POS] = (-3, 3)
        tile.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1, 1)
        ovv_im_new = insert_tile_to_image(tile, ovv_im)
        # rectangle with edges (-4,4), (-2,4), (-4,2), (-4,2) should be white now
        # (6,6) is the center, so this corresponds to a rectangle with top left at (2,2) (=(1,1) when counting from 0)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ovv_im_new[1:4, 1:4, :], tile)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ovv_im_new[5:, 5:, :],
                                         numpy.zeros((6, 6, 3)))

        # Test tile that goes beyond the borders of the image top left
        ovv_im = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros((5, 5, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8))
        ovv_im.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1, 1)
        tile = model.DataArray(255 * numpy.ones((2, 2, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8))
        tile.metadata[model.MD_POS] = (
            -3, 3)  # top-left corner, one pixel diagonal to start of ovv
        tile.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1, 1)
        ovv_im_new = insert_tile_to_image(tile, ovv_im)
                         255)  # first pixel white (all three dims), rest black
            ovv_im.flatten()[3:], numpy.zeros(len(ovv_im.flatten()[3:])))

        # Test tile that goes beyond the borders of the image bottom right
        ovv_im = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros((5, 5, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8))
        ovv_im.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1, 1)
        tile = model.DataArray(255 * numpy.ones((2, 2, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8))
        tile.metadata[model.MD_POS] = (
            3, -3)  # bottom-right corner, one pixel diagonal to end of ovv
        tile.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1, 1)
        ovv_im_new = insert_tile_to_image(tile, ovv_im)
        self.assertEqual(ovv_im_new[4][4][0], 255)
            ovv_im.flatten()[:-3], numpy.zeros(len(ovv_im.flatten()[3:])))

        # Test tile that lies completely outside the overview image
        ovv_im = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros((5, 5, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8))
        ovv_im.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1, 1)
        tile = model.DataArray(255 * numpy.ones((2, 2, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8))
        tile.metadata[model.MD_POS] = (10, -10)
        tile.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1, 1)
        ovv_im_new = insert_tile_to_image(tile, ovv_im)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ovv_im_new, numpy.zeros((5, 5, 3)))
Пример #4
    def test_image_on_ovv(self):
        """ Tests insert_tile_to_image function """

        # Insert tile into image
        ovv_im = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros((11, 11, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8))
        ovv_im.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1, 1)
        tile = model.DataArray(255 * numpy.ones((3, 3, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8))
        tile.metadata[model.MD_POS] = (-3, 3)
        tile.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1, 1)
        ovv_im_new = insert_tile_to_image(tile, ovv_im)
        # rectangle with edges (-4,4), (-2,4), (-4,2), (-4,2) should be white now
        # (6,6) is the center, so this corresponds to a rectangle with top left at (2,2) (=(1,1) when counting from 0)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ovv_im_new[1:4, 1:4, :], tile)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ovv_im_new[5:, 5:, :], numpy.zeros((6, 6, 3)))

        # Test tile that goes beyond the borders of the image top left
        ovv_im = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros((5, 5, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8))
        ovv_im.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1, 1)
        tile = model.DataArray(255 * numpy.ones((2, 2, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8))
        tile.metadata[model.MD_POS] = (-3, 3)  # top-left corner, one pixel diagonal to start of ovv
        tile.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1, 1)
        ovv_im_new = insert_tile_to_image(tile, ovv_im)
        self.assertEqual(ovv_im_new[0][0][0], 255)  # first pixel white (all three dims), rest black

        # Test tile that goes beyond the borders of the image bottom right
        ovv_im = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros((5, 5, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8))
        ovv_im.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1, 1)
        tile = model.DataArray(255 * numpy.ones((2, 2, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8))
        tile.metadata[model.MD_POS] = (3, -3)  # bottom-right corner, one pixel diagonal to end of ovv
        tile.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1, 1)
        ovv_im_new = insert_tile_to_image(tile, ovv_im)
        self.assertEqual(ovv_im_new[4][4][0], 255)

        # Test tile that lies completely outside the overview image
        ovv_im = model.DataArray(numpy.zeros((5, 5, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8))
        ovv_im.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1, 1)
        tile = model.DataArray(255 * numpy.ones((2, 2, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8))
        tile.metadata[model.MD_POS] = (10, -10)
        tile.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE] = (1, 1)
        ovv_im_new = insert_tile_to_image(tile, ovv_im)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ovv_im_new, numpy.zeros((5, 5, 3)))
Пример #5
    def _update_ovv(self):
        """ Update the overview image with the currently active stream. """
        if self.curr_s and self.curr_s.image.value is not None:
            s = self.curr_s
            img = s.image.value
            if isinstance(s, acqstream.OpticalStream):
                self.im_opt = insert_tile_to_image(img, self.im_opt)
            elif isinstance(s, acqstream.EMStream):
                self.im_sem = insert_tile_to_image(img, self.im_sem)
                logging.info("%s not added to overview image as it's not optical nor EM", s)

            # Merge optical and sem overview images
            self.ovv_im = merge_screen(self.im_opt, self.im_sem)

            # Update display
Пример #6
    def _update_ovv(self):
        """ Update the overview image with the currently active stream. """
        if self.curr_s and self.curr_s.image.value is not None:
            s = self.curr_s
            img = s.image.value
            if isinstance(s, acqstream.OpticalStream):
                self.im_opt = insert_tile_to_image(img, self.im_opt)
            elif isinstance(s, acqstream.EMStream):
                self.im_sem = insert_tile_to_image(img, self.im_sem)
                logging.info("%s not added to overview image as it's not optical nor EM", s)

            # Merge optical and sem overview images
            self.ovv_im = merge_screen(self.im_opt, self.im_sem)

            # Update display