def addText(self, data_box): text = data_box.getText() frame_style = Style(name='FrameStyle', family='graphic') debug('Angle: %s', data_box.text_data.angle) angle = data_box.text_data.angle if angle: frame_style = Style(name='FrameStyleRotated', family='graphic') x, y, width, height = data_box.getBoundsPrintSize( self.current_page_resolution) frame = Frame(stylename=frame_style, width=str(width) + 'in', height=str(height) + 'in', x=str(x) + 'in', y=str(y) + 'in', anchortype='paragraph') if angle: frame.addAttribute( 'transform', 'rotate (%s) translate (%scm %scm)' % (abs(math.radians(angle)), x, y)) self.current_page.addElement(frame) textbox = TextBox() frame.addElement(textbox) for line in text.split('\n'): textbox.addElement( P(stylename=self.__handleFrameStyle(data_box.text_data), text=line))
def beehive(an_odt, a_graphic_style, an_h, a_w, an_x, a_y, a_z): # an_odt.styles.addElement(a_graphic_style) a_frame = Frame(stylename=a_graphic_style, height=an_h, width=a_w, x=an_x, y=a_y, zindex=a_z) a_textbox = TextBox() a_frame.addElement(a_textbox) return {"frame" : a_frame, "textbox" : a_textbox}
def add_image(self, path): page = Page(masterpagename=self.masterpage) photoframe = Frame( stylename=self.photostyle, width='%fpt' % self.width, height='%fpt' % self.height, x='0pt', y='0pt') self.doc.presentation.addElement(page) page.addElement(photoframe) href = self.doc.addPicture(path) photoframe.addElement(Image(href=href))
def addImage(self,image_path,name): if not name: name = image_path p = P() self.textdoc.text.addElement(p) href = self.textdoc.addPicture(image_path) f = Frame(name=name, anchortype="paragraph", width="17cm", height="7.5cm", zindex="0") p.addElement(f) img = Image(href=href, type="simple", show="embed", actuate="onLoad") f.addElement(img)
def picprint(num): picref = textdoc.addPictureFromFile(data[num].picpath) fftpicref = textdoc.addPictureFromFile(data[num].fftpicpath) pf = Frame(width="8cm", height="6cm", x="0cm", y="0cm") pf2 = Frame(width="8cm", height="6cm", x="10cm", y="0cm") p = P(stylename=picturetext) pf.addElement(Image(href = picref)) pf2.addElement(Image(href = fftpicref)) p.addElement(pf) p.addElement(pf2) ent(p,1) p.addText(u"Рис." + str(picnum) + u' ' + data[num].params['measure'] + u" от времени и его амплитудно-частотная характеристика" ) ent(p,1) return p
def addImage(self, data_box): format = 'PNG' image_file = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.' + format)[1], format=format) x, y, width, height = data_box.getBoundsPrintSize( self.current_page_resolution) photo_frame = Frame(stylename=self.photo_style, x='%sin' % x, y='%sin' % y, width='%sin' % width, height='%sin' % height, anchortype='paragraph') self.current_page.addElement(photo_frame) location = self.document.addPicture(image_file) photo_frame.addElement(Image(href=location)) self.temp_images.append(image_file)
def addImage(self, data_box): format = "PNG" image_file = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="." + format)[1], format=format) x, y, width, height = data_box.getBoundsPrintSize(self.current_page_resolution) photo_frame = Frame( stylename=self.photo_style, x="%sin" % x, y="%sin" % y, width="%sin" % width, height="%sin" % height, anchortype="paragraph", ) self.current_page.addElement(photo_frame) location = self.document.addPicture(image_file) photo_frame.addElement(Image(href=location)) self.temp_images.append(image_file)
def Page_Rect_get_Text_odf(doc, name, page_num, rects, hierarchy, output, style_p): page = doc[page_num] words = page.getText("words") output.text.addElement(P(stylename=style_p, text="_" * 30)) output.text.addElement(P(stylename=style_p, text=f"page {page_num+1}")) for i in range(rects.shape[0]): if hierarchy[i, 3] == -1: output.text.addElement(P(stylename=style_p, text="")) rect = Rect(rects[i, 0], rects[i, 1], rects[i, 2], rects[i, 3]) mywords = [w for w in words if Rect(w[:4]) in rect] mywords.sort(key=itemgetter(3, 0)) # sort by y1, x0 of the word rect group = groupby(mywords, key=itemgetter(3)) out_text = P(stylename=style_p, text="") for y1, gwords in group: out_text.addText(" ".join(w[4] for w in gwords).replace("\n", " ")) out_text.addText(" ") output.text.addElement(out_text) if hierarchy[i, 3] != -1: output.text.addElement(P(stylename=style_p, text="")) out_img = P() #ncc=int(hierarchy[i,3]) ncc = i clip = Rect(rects[ncc, 0], rects[ncc, 1], rects[ncc, 2], rects[ncc, 3]) pix = page.getPixmap(matrix=Matrix(2, 2), clip=clip) name_image = f"Pictures/image-{page.number}-{i}.png" #liste_tampon.append(name_tampon) #pix.writePNG(name_image) pix_png = pix.getPNGData() h = pix.height / pix.xres w = pix.width / pix.yres frame = Frame(width=f"{w}in", height=f"{h}in", anchortype="paragraph") href = output.addPicture(name_image, mediatype="png", content=pix_png) # frame.addElement(Image(href=f"./{href}")) out_img.addElement(frame) output.text.addElement(out_img) return output
def write_image(image): """Write to output file image elements. Since, element with title 'Image' has special structure of 'c'(Content) field, that looks like: [[0], [1], [2]] where: [0] - list of attributes: identifier, classes, key-value pairs: ['id', [], [ ... , ['weight', ''], ['height', ''], ... ] - we get sizes there. [1] - caption. [2] - ['src', 'title'] - source and title of image. we should parse it especially. Args: image - element with title 'Image'. """ global image_counter global saved_hr if image_counter == -1: return if image_counter == 0: saved_hr = load_images(args.input, ods) if len(saved_hr) == 0: image_counter = -1 return if string_to_write: write_text() row = TableRow() cell = TableCell() w, h = count_size(image['c'][0][2], row) frame = Frame(width=w, height=h) img = Image(href=saved_hr[image_counter]) table.addElement(row) row.addElement(cell) cell.addElement(frame) frame.addElement(img) image_counter = image_counter + 1
def addImageHeaderFooter(self,header=None,footer=None): if header or footer: mp = MasterPage(name="Standard", pagelayoutname=self.pliheaderstyle) self.textdoc.masterstyles.addElement(mp) if header: h = Header() p = P() href = self.textdoc.addPicture(header) f = Frame(name="membrete", anchortype="paragraph", width="17cm", height="1.5cm", zindex="0") p.addElement(f) img = Image(href=href, type="simple", show="embed", actuate="onLoad") f.addElement(img) h.addElement(p) mp.addElement(h) if footer: fo = Footer() pn = PageNumber() fp = P(text=footer,stylename=self.footercenterstyle)#FIXME: Pagen number shoulb be better fp.addElement(pn) fo.addElement(fp) mp.addElement(fo)
def addText(self, data_box): text = data_box.getText() frame_style = Style(name="FrameStyle", family="graphic") debug("Angle: ", data_box.text_data.angle) angle = data_box.text_data.angle if angle: frame_style = Style(name="FrameStyleRotated", family="graphic") x, y, width, height = data_box.getBoundsPrintSize(self.current_page_resolution) frame = Frame( stylename=frame_style, width=str(width) + "in", height=str(height) + "in", x=str(x) + "in", y=str(y) + "in", anchortype="paragraph", ) if angle: frame.addAttribute("transform", "rotate (%s) translate (%scm %scm)" % (abs(math.radians(angle)), x, y)) self.current_page.addElement(frame) textbox = TextBox() frame.addElement(textbox) for line in text.split("\n"): textbox.addElement(P(stylename=self.__handleFrameStyle(data_box.text_data), text=line))
def export_presentation(photos, destination, openafter=False): if destination[-4:] != ".odp": destination += ".odp" doc = OpenDocumentPresentation() # We must describe the dimensions of the page pagelayout = PageLayout(name="Layout") doc.automaticstyles.addElement(pagelayout) pagelayout.addElement(PageLayoutProperties(margin="0pt", pagewidth="800pt", pageheight="600pt", printorientation="landscape")) # Style for the title frame of the page # We set a centered 34pt font with yellowish background titlestyle = Style(name="Master-title", family="presentation") titlestyle.addElement(ParagraphProperties(textalign="center")) titlestyle.addElement(TextProperties(fontsize="34pt")) titlestyle.addElement(GraphicProperties(fillcolor="#ffffff")) doc.styles.addElement(titlestyle) # Style for the photo frame photostyle = Style(name="Master-photo", family="presentation") doc.styles.addElement(photostyle) # Create automatic transition dpstyle = Style(name="dp1", family="drawing-page") # dpstyle.addElement(DrawingPageProperties(transitiontype="automatic", transitionstyle="move-from-top", duration="PT5S")) doc.automaticstyles.addElement(dpstyle) # Every drawing page must have a master page assigned to it. masterpage = MasterPage(name="Master", pagelayoutname=pagelayout) doc.masterstyles.addElement(masterpage) for p in photos: path = p.getData() image = QImage(path) if(image.isNull()): continue w = image.width() h = image.height() if w > 720: h = float(h) * 720.0 / float(w) w = 720.0 if h > 540.0: w = float(w) * 540.0 / float(h) h = 540.0 page = Page(stylename=dpstyle, masterpagename=masterpage) doc.presentation.addElement(page) titleframe = Frame(stylename=titlestyle, width="720pt", height="56pt", x="40pt", y="10pt") page.addElement(titleframe) textbox = TextBox() titleframe.addElement(textbox) textbox.addElement(P( offsetx = 400.0 - w/2.0 photoframe = Frame(stylename=photostyle, width="%fpt" % w, height="%fpt" % h, x="%fpt" % offsetx, y="56pt") page.addElement(photoframe) href = doc.addPicture(path) photoframe.addElement(Image(href=href)) os.remove(destination) if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):'open', destination)) elif == 'nt': os.startfile(destination) elif == 'posix':'xdg-open', destination))
def coursePage(coursename, data, lang): coursetitle = H(stylename=h2style, text=coursename, outlinelevel=2) textdoc.text.addElement(coursetitle) blankline = P(text="") textdoc.text.addElement(blankline) for diagramtype in [pie, percent]: p = P() textdoc.text.addElement(p) img_path = path + coursename + "-All" + diagramtype href = textdoc.addPicture(img_path) f = Frame(name=coursename + diagramtype, anchortype="paragraph", width="17cm", height="7.5cm", zindex="0") p.addElement(f) img = Image(href=href, type="simple", show="embed", actuate="onLoad") f.addElement(img) if lang == "eu": subjectsp = P(text="%70 baino gainditu gutxiago duten ikasgaiak:") else: subjectsp = P(text="Asignaturas con menos del %70 de aprobados:") textdoc.text.addElement(subjectsp) blankline = P(text="") textdoc.text.addElement(blankline) textList = List(stylename="L1") file = path + "ehunekoak-" + period + "-" + year + "-" + coursename + "None.csv" with open(file, 'r', encoding="UTF-8") as results: reader = csv.reader(results) headers = next(reader, None) # get first row with headers for row in reader: if float(row[1]) < 70 and row[0] != "All": item = ListItem() if lang == "eu": item.addElement( P(text=row[0] + ": " + "{:.2f}".format(float(row[1])) + "%")) else: item.addElement( P(text=ikasgai[row[0]] + ": " + "{:.2f}".format(float(row[1])) + "%")) textList.addElement(item) textdoc.text.addElement(textList) for courselang in data.keys(): coursetitle = H(stylename=h2style, text=coursename + "-" + courselang, outlinelevel=2) textdoc.text.addElement(coursetitle) blankline = P(text="") textdoc.text.addElement(blankline) for diagramtype in [pie, percent]: p = P() textdoc.text.addElement(p) img_path = path + coursename + "-" + courselang + diagramtype href = textdoc.addPicture(img_path) f = Frame(name=coursename + diagramtype + courselang, anchortype="paragraph", width="17cm", height="7.5cm", zindex="0") p.addElement(f) img = Image(href=href, type="simple", show="embed", actuate="onLoad") f.addElement(img) blankline = P(text="") textdoc.text.addElement(blankline) if lang == "eu": subjectsp = P(text="%70 baino gainditu gutxiago duten ikasgaiak:") else: subjectsp = P(text="Asignaturas con menos del %70 de aprobados:") textdoc.text.addElement(subjectsp) blankline = P(text="") textdoc.text.addElement(blankline) textList = List(stylename="L1") file = path + "ehunekoak-" + period + "-" + year + "-" + coursename + courselang + ".csv" with open(file, 'r', encoding="UTF-8") as results: reader = csv.reader(results) headers = next(reader, None) # get first row with headers for row in reader: if float(row[1]) < 70 and row[0] != "All": item = ListItem() if lang == "eu": item.addElement( P(text=row[0] + ": " + "{:.2f}".format(float(row[1])) + "%")) else: item.addElement( P(text=ikasgai[row[0]] + ": " + "{:.2f}".format(float(row[1])) + "%")) textList.addElement(item) textdoc.text.addElement(textList) for group in data[courselang]: if group in ["Bil", "Plur"]: #1 ESO-AG-AGBil - 2. Ebaluazioa (2019-2020) -percent-es g = coursename + "-" + courselang + "-" + courselang + group grouptitle = H(stylename=h3style, text=translation[group][lang], outlinelevel=3) textdoc.text.addElement(grouptitle) blankline = P(text="") textdoc.text.addElement(blankline) for diagramtype in [mean, percent]: #,name2]: p = P() textdoc.text.addElement(p) img_path = path + g + diagramtype href = textdoc.addPicture(img_path) f = Frame(name=group + diagramtype, anchortype="paragraph", width="17cm", height="7.5cm", zindex="0") p.addElement(f) img = Image(href=href, type="simple", show="embed", actuate="onLoad") f.addElement(img) else: groupPage(group, lang)
def odpRender(dic_slides_odp, nomePrj): lista_slides = dic_slides_odp.keys() lista_slides.sort() manualODP = OpenDocumentPresentation() # We must describe the dimensions of the page pagelayout = PageLayout(name="MyLayout") manualODP.automaticstyles.addElement(pagelayout) pagelayout.addElement(PageLayoutProperties(margin="0pt", pagewidth="800pt", pageheight="600pt", printorientation="landscape")) # Style for the title frame of the page # We set a centered 34pt font with yellowish background titlestyle = Style(name="MyMaster-title", family="presentation") titlestyle.addElement(ParagraphProperties(textalign="center")) titlestyle.addElement(TextProperties(fontsize="42pt")) titlestyle.addElement(GraphicProperties(fillcolor="#ffffff", stroke="none")) manualODP.styles.addElement(titlestyle) # Style for the text frame of the page textostyle = Style(name="standard", family="graphic") textostyle.addElement(ParagraphProperties(textalign="left")) textostyle.addElement(TextProperties(attributes={"fontsize":"24pt" })) textostyle.addElement(GraphicProperties(fillcolor="#ffffff", stroke="none")) manualODP.styles.addElement(textostyle) # Style for the photo frame photostyle = Style(name="MyMaster-photo", family="presentation") manualODP.styles.addElement(photostyle) # Create automatic transition dpstyle = Style(name="dp1", family="drawing-page") dpstyle.addElement(DrawingPageProperties(transitiontype="automatic", transitionstyle="move-from-top", duration="PT2S")) manualODP.automaticstyles.addElement(dpstyle) # Every drawing page must have a master page assigned to it. masterpage = MasterPage(name="MyMaster", pagelayoutname=pagelayout) manualODP.masterstyles.addElement(masterpage) pict_dir = "./%s/img" % nomePrj altura_h = 540 largura_w = 720 base_X = 40 base_Y = 70 corr_Y = 60 for x in lista_slides[1:]: titulo = dic_slides_odp[x]["titulo"] lista_conteudo = dic_slides_odp[x]['conteudo'].keys() lista_conteudo.sort() page = Page(stylename=dpstyle, masterpagename=masterpage) manualODP.presentation.addElement(page) titleframe = Frame(stylename=titlestyle, width="720pt", height="80pt", x="40pt", y="10pt") page.addElement(titleframe) textbox = TextBox() titleframe.addElement(textbox) textbox.addElement(P(text=titulo)) w = largura_w h = altura_h - base_Y offsetx = base_X offsety = base_Y espacamento_lin = 20 for num in lista_conteudo: if dic_slides_odp[x]['conteudo'][num]['tipo'] == 'par': if w == 355: offsety = offsety + espacamento_lin texto_capitulo = dic_slides_odp[x]['conteudo'][num]['valor'] textoSlide = Frame(stylename=textostyle, width="%fpt" % w, height="%fpt" % h , x="%fpt" % offsetx, y="%fpt" % offsety) page.addElement(textoSlide) textbox = TextBox() textoSlide.addElement(textbox) textbox.addElement(P(text=texto_capitulo)) offsety = base_Y + offsety if dic_slides_odp[x]['conteudo'][num]['tipo'] == 'ite': texto_capitulo = " - " + dic_slides_odp[x]['conteudo'][num]['valor'] if w == 355: offsety = offsety + espacamento_lin textoSlide = Frame(stylename=textostyle, width="%fpt" % w, height="%fpt" % h, x="%fpt" % offsetx, y="%fpt" % offsety) page.addElement(textoSlide) textbox = TextBox() textoSlide.addElement(textbox) textbox.addElement(P(text=texto_capitulo)) offsety = base_Y + offsety if dic_slides_odp[x]['conteudo'][num]['tipo'] == 'img': picture = dic_slides_odp[x]['conteudo'][num]['valor'] estilo_picture = dic_slides_odp[x]['conteudo'][num]['estilo'] pictdata = open(pict_dir+'/'+picture).read() ct,w,h = getImageInfo(pictdata) # Get dimensions in pixels offsetx = base_X w = largura_w h = altura_h - offsety if estilo_picture == 'imagem_dir': offsetx = 400 w = 355 if estilo_picture == 'imagem_esq': offsetx = 40 w = 355 if estilo_picture == 'imagem_base': offsety = offsety + 10 photoframe = Frame(stylename=photostyle, width="%fpt" % w, height="%fpt" % h, x="%fpt" % offsetx, y="%fpt" % offsety) page.addElement(photoframe) href = manualODP.addPicture(pict_dir + "/" + picture) photoframe.addElement(Image(href=href)) # corrige para posicionar o texto que existe na página # observando se imagem_full ou não if estilo_picture <> 'imagem_base': if offsetx == 40 : offsetx = 400 else: offsetx = 40 offsety = base_Y + offsety"%s/t%s" % (nomePrj,nomePrj), True) return
'D': ['Batx.2H', 'Batx.2I'] } }) courses = [ '1 ESO', '2 ESO', '2º PMAR', '3 ESO', '3º PMAR', '4 ESO', '1º Bach.', '2º Bach.' ] #courses = ['2º Bach.'] for k in courses: coursePage(k, coursegroups[k], lang) title = H(stylename=h1style, text="Promoción", outlinelevel=1) textdoc.text.addElement(title) for k in courses: p = P() textdoc.text.addElement(p) img_path = path + k + "-allgroupsprom.png" href = textdoc.addPicture(img_path) f = Frame(name=k, anchortype="paragraph", width="17cm", height="7.5cm", zindex="0") p.addElement(f) img = Image(href=href, type="simple", show="embed", actuate="onLoad") f.addElement(img) + year + "/report-" + period + year + "-" + lang + ".odt")
def groupPage(group, lang): grouptitle = H(stylename=h3style, text=group, outlinelevel=3) textdoc.text.addElement(grouptitle) blankline = P(text="") textdoc.text.addElement(blankline) if td != '': table = Table() table.addElement(TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated=2)) headers = [ translation['part'][lang], '2 ' + translation['period'][lang] ] #,"2. Ebaluazioa","Azken Ebaluazioa"] tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) for val in headers: tc = TableCell(stylename="Table") tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename=tableheaders, text=val) tc.addElement(p) #f = [["garbitasuna",3,6],["materiala",6,8],["Adostasuna", "Ez konforme","konforme"],["Harremanak1",7,8],["Harremanak2",6,7],["Adostasuna", "konforme","konforme"]] g = group.replace(". ", "") g = g.replace("º ", "") g = g.replace(".", "") g = g.replace("º", "") g = g.replace("° ", "") g = g.replace("°", "") g = g.replace(" ", "") g = g.replace("Bach1", "5") g = g.replace("Bach2", "6") g = g.replace("Batx1", "5") g = g.replace("Batx2", "6") f = td[g] for line in f: if "group" in line: #FIXME: If not all group tables contain a row with the group name (also in text header...) continue tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) for i, val in enumerate(line): if i == 0: tc = TableCell(stylename="Table") tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename=tablecontents, text=translation[val][lang]) elif val == "EzKonforme": tc = TableCell(stylename="Table") tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename=tablecontentscenterred, text=translation[val][lang]) elif val == "Konforme": tc = TableCell(stylename="Table") tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename=tablecontentscenter, text=translation[val][lang]) else: tc = TableCell(stylename="Table") tr.addElement(tc) if isinstance(val, numbers.Number): val = round(val, 1) p = P(stylename=tablecontentscenter, text=val) tc.addElement(p) textdoc.text.addElement(table) blankline = P(text="") textdoc.text.addElement(blankline) if lang == "eu": subjectsp = P(text="%70 baino gainditu gutxiago duten ikasgaiak:") else: subjectsp = P(text="Asignaturas con menos del %70 de aprobados:") textdoc.text.addElement(subjectsp) blankline = P(text="") textdoc.text.addElement(blankline) textList = List(stylename="L1") file = path + "ehunekoak-" + period + "-" + year + "-" + group + ".csv" with open(file, 'r', encoding="UTF-8") as results: reader = csv.reader(results) headers = next(reader, None) # get first row with headers for row in reader: if float(row[1]) < 70 and row[0] != "All": item = ListItem() if lang == "eu": item.addElement( P(text=row[0] + ": " + "{:.2f}".format(float(row[1])) + "%")) else: item.addElement( P(text=ikasgai[row[0]] + ": " + "{:.2f}".format(float(row[1])) + "%")) textList.addElement(item) textdoc.text.addElement(textList) breakpage = P(stylename=withbreak, text="") textdoc.text.addElement(breakpage) for diagramtype in [pie, percent]: #,name2]: p = P() textdoc.text.addElement(p) img_path = path + group + diagramtype href = textdoc.addPicture(img_path) f = Frame(name=group + diagramtype, anchortype="paragraph", width="17cm", height="7.5cm", zindex="0") p.addElement(f) img = Image(href=href, type="simple", show="embed", actuate="onLoad") f.addElement(img)
def process_user_image_files(emailaddr): pagewidth = 800 pageheight = 600 logging.debug("cur_path %s" % (os.path.realpath('.'),) ) odpfile = 'frieda_%s_%s.odp' % (emailaddr, time.strftime('%b_%d_%Y_%I%M%P')) ppt_content = [] file_list = [] for wroot, wsubdir, wfiles in os.walk('.'): wfiles = sort_files_by_time(wfiles, wroot) wsubdir = sort_files_by_time(wsubdir, wroot) cnt = 0 for f in wfiles: cnt += 1 file_list.append(os.path.join(wroot, f)) if cnt != 0: wroot2 = '/' if len(wroot) < 2 else wroot[1:] ppt_content.append((wroot2, cnt)) logging.debug('file_list: %r' % file_list) doc = OpenDocumentPresentation() pagelayout = PageLayout(name="MyLayout") pagelayout.addElement(PageLayoutProperties(backgroundcolor="#000000", margin="0pt", pagewidth="%dpt" %pagewidth, pageheight="%dpt" % pageheight, printorientation="landscape")) doc.automaticstyles.addElement(pagelayout) photostyle = Style(name="RadTeaching-photo", family="presentation") doc.styles.addElement(photostyle) dstyle = Style(name="d", family="drawing-page") dstyle.addElement(GraphicProperties(fillcolor="#000000")) dstyle.addElement(DrawingPageProperties(fill=True, fillcolor="#000000")) doc.automaticstyles.addElement(dstyle) masterpage = MasterPage(name="RadTeaching", pagelayoutname=pagelayout) doc.masterstyles.addElement(masterpage) images_added = 0 # os.chdir(subdir) for picture in file_list: try: pictdata = open(picture).read() logging.debug("Adding %s" % (picture)) except: logging.debug("Skipping %s" % (picture)) continue ct,w,h = getImageInfoFileName(picture) if ct == 'not image': if picture[-4:] == '.dcm': png_picture = picture.replace('.dcm','.png') logging.debug("Converting %s to %s" % (picture, png_picture) ) run_command(""" dcmj2pnm +on +Wi 1 %s %s """ % (picture, png_picture)) picture = png_picture ct,w,h = getImageInfoFileName(picture) if ct not in ("jpeg", "jpg", "tiff", "png", "bmp", "gif", "tif"): logging.debug("Skipping %s unrecognized type %s" % (picture,ct) ) continue if ct == "tiff" or ct == "tif": png_picture = picture.replace(".tiff",".tif").replace(".tif", ".png") logging.debug("Converting %s to %s" % (picture, png_picture)) img = PythonMagick.Image() if img.depth() > 8: # powerpoint can't handle 16 bit TIFF images. img.write(png_picture) del img picture = png_picture ct,w,h = getImageInfoFileName(picture) images_added += 1 if w*pageheight > h*pagewidth: #check if width or height is limit to zooming h = float(h) * (pagewidth-2.0)/float(w) w = pagewidth - 2.0 else: w = float(w)*(pageheight-2.0) / float(h) h = pageheight -2.0 page = Page(stylename=dstyle, masterpagename=masterpage) doc.presentation.addElement(page) offsetx = (pagewidth - w)/2.0 offsety = (pageheight - h)/2.0 photoframe = Frame(stylename=photostyle, width='%fpt' % w, height='%fpt' % h, x = '%fpt' % offsetx, y='%fpt' % offsety) page.addElement(photoframe) href = doc.addPicture(picture) photoframe.addElement(Image(href=href)) if images_added > 0: logging.debug('Saving ODP as %s/%s' % (os.path.realpath('.'), odpfile)) return (odpfile, images_added, ppt_content) if images_added > 0 else (False, 0, None)
""" <text:h text:outline-level="1">An Image</text:h> <text:p> <draw:frame draw:name="graphics1" text:anchor-type="paragraph" svg:width="5in" svg:height="6.6665in" draw:z-index="0"> <draw:image xlink:href="Pictures/campanile_fog.jpg" xlink:type="simple" xlink:show="embed" xlink:actuate="onLoad"/> </draw:frame> </text:p> """ textdoc.text.addElement(H(outlinelevel=1,text='An Image')) p = P() textdoc.text.addElement(p) # add the image # img_path is the local path of the image to include img_path = r'..\data\img\metadator.png'; #img_path = 'D:\Document\PersonalInfoRemixBook\examples\ch17\campanile_fog.jpg' href = textdoc.addPicture(img_path) f = Frame(name="graphics1", anchortype="paragraph", width="5in", height="6.6665in", zindex="0") p.addElement(f) img = Image(href=href, type="simple", show="embed", actuate="onLoad") f.addElement(img) # save the document
def Page_Rect_get_Text_odf(doc, page_num, rects, hierarchy, Xrects, output, style_p, style_i, img_quality, col): page = doc[page_num] words = page.getText("words") output.text.addElement(P(stylename=style_p, text="_" * 60)) if col == 1 or col == 2: output.text.addElement( P(stylename=style_p, text=f"page {page_num+1} - column {col}")) else: output.text.addElement(P(stylename=style_p, text=f"page {page_num+1}")) for i in range(rects.shape[0]): if hierarchy[i, 3] == -1: rect = Rect(rects[i, 0], rects[i, 1], rects[i, 2], rects[i, 3]) allwords = [w for w in words if Rect(w[:4]) in rect] # iterate over all rects to exclude mywords = [] for w in allwords: exclude = 0 for Xrect in Xrects: xg = (w[0] + w[2]) / 2 yg = (w[1] + w[3]) / 2 if Rect(Xrect).contains((xg, yg)): exclude = 1 if exclude == 0: mywords.append(w) mywords.sort(key=itemgetter(3, 0)) # sort by y1, x0 of the word rect group = groupby(mywords, key=itemgetter(3)) output.text.addElement(P(stylename=style_p, text="")) out_text = P(stylename=style_p, text="") for y1, gwords in group: out_text.addText(" ".join(w[4] for w in gwords).replace("\n", " ")) out_text.addText(" ") output.text.addElement(out_text) if hierarchy[i, 3] != -1: clip = Rect(rects[i, 0], rects[i, 1], rects[i, 2], rects[i, 3]) #taking into account quality img_qual = img_quality / 50. pix = page.getPixmap(matrix=Matrix(img_qual, img_qual), clip=clip) name_image = f"Pictures/image-{page.number}-{col}{i}.png" pix_png = pix.getPNGData() h = pix.height / pix.xres w = pix.width / pix.yres #if quality is larger than 2 keep the frame the same as if it was 2 h *= 2 / img_qual w *= 2 / img_qual #if image is too small (h<20px) it is probably an artifact #so do not print it if pix.height * 2 / img_qual > 20: output.text.addElement(P(stylename=style_p, text="")) out_img = P() frame = Frame(stylename=style_i, width=f"{w}in", height=f"{h}in", anchortype="paragraph") href = output.addPicture(name_image, mediatype="png", content=pix_png) # frame.addElement(Image(href=f"./{href}")) out_img.addElement(frame) output.text.addElement(out_img) return output
doc.presentation.addElement(page) note = Notes(stylename=dpstyle) page.addElement(note) noteframe = Frame(stylename=prstyle, layer="layout", width="16.799cm", height="13.364cm", x="2.1cm", y="14.107cm", placeholder="true", classname="notes") note.addElement(noteframe) notetextbox = TextBox() notetextbox.addElement(P(text=notes[i] if (i in notes) else "")) noteframe.addElement(notetextbox) photoframe = Frame(stylename=photostyle, width=str(w) + "pt", height=str(h) + "pt", x="0pt", y="0pt") page.addElement(photoframe) href = doc.addPicture(fname) photoframe.addElement(Image(href=href)) i += 1["<output>"]) shutil.rmtree(pict_dir)
def create_presentation(sura_number, outputfile, start=None, end=None, arabic_font="Calibri"): suras = load_suras("quran-uthmani.xml", "shakir_table.csv") doc = OpenDocumentPresentation() # We must describe the dimensions of the page pagelayout = PageLayout(name="MyLayout") dp = Style(name="dp1", family="drawing-page") dp.addElement(DrawingPageProperties(backgroundvisible="true", backgroundobjectsvisible="true")) doc.automaticstyles.addElement(pagelayout) doc.automaticstyles.addElement(dp) pagelayout.addElement(PageLayoutProperties(margin="0pt", pagewidth="800pt", pageheight="600pt", printorientation="landscape", backgroundcolor="#000000")) ls = LayerSet() ls.addElement(Layer(name="layout")) ls.addElement(Layer(name="background")) ls.addElement(Layer(name="backgroundobjects")) ls.addElement(Layer(name="title")) doc.masterstyles.addElement(ls) titlestyle = Style(name="MyMaster-title", family="presentation") titlestyle.addElement(ParagraphProperties(textalign="center")) titlestyle.addElement(TextProperties(fontsize="60pt", fontsizeasian="96pt", fontsizecomplex="96pt", color="#ffffff", fontfamily="Calibri", fontfamilyasian=arabic_font, fontfamilycomplex=arabic_font)) titlestyle.addElement(GraphicProperties(fillcolor="#000000")) doc.styles.addElement(titlestyle) masterstyle = Style(name="MyMaster-dp", family="drawing-page") masterstyle.addElement(DrawingPageProperties(fill="solid", fillcolor="#000000", backgroundsize="border", fillimagewidth="0cm", fillimageheight="0cm")) doc.styles.addElement(masterstyle) # Every drawing page must have a master page assigned to it. masterpage = MasterPage(name="MyMaster", pagelayoutname=pagelayout, stylename=masterstyle) doc.masterstyles.addElement(masterpage) # add title page page = Page(stylename=dp, masterpagename=masterpage) doc.presentation.addElement(page) titleframe = Frame(stylename=titlestyle, width="800pt", height="300pt", x="0pt", y="200pt") page.addElement(titleframe) textbox = TextBox() titleframe.addElement(textbox) titletext = "Sura %s" % (SURA_NAMES[sura_number],) if start: titletext += "\nAyat %s to %s" % (start, end) textbox.addElement(P(stylename=titlestyle, text=titletext)) if sura_number != 9 and not (sura_number == 1 and (start is None or int(start) == 1)): # add bismillah page = Page(stylename=dp, masterpagename=masterpage) doc.presentation.addElement(page) titleframe = Frame(stylename=titlestyle, width="800pt", height="270pt", x="0pt", y="30pt") page.addElement(titleframe) textbox = TextBox() titleframe.addElement(textbox) ayat = suras[1][1] textbox.addElement(P(stylename=titlestyle, text=ayat["arabic"])) secondframe = Frame(stylename=titlestyle, width="800pt", height="270pt", x="0pt", y="300pt") page.addElement(secondframe) secondbox = TextBox() secondframe.addElement(secondbox) secondbox.addElement(P(stylename=titlestyle, text=ayat["english"])) for number, ayat in suras[sura_number].iteritems(): if start is None or (number >= int(start) and number <= int(end)): page = Page(stylename=dp, masterpagename=masterpage) doc.presentation.addElement(page) titleframe = Frame(stylename=titlestyle, width="800pt", height="270pt", x="0pt", y="30pt") page.addElement(titleframe) textbox = TextBox() titleframe.addElement(textbox) textbox.addElement(P(stylename=titlestyle, text=ayat["arabic"])) secondframe = Frame(stylename=titlestyle, width="800pt", height="270pt", x="0pt", y="300pt") page.addElement(secondframe) secondbox = TextBox() secondframe.addElement(secondbox) secondbox.addElement(P(stylename=titlestyle, text=ayat["english"]))
def do_job(job): """Do something""" warnings = get_warnings(job['sts'], job['ets'], job['wfo'], job['wtype']) mydir = "%s/%s" % (TMPDIR, job['jobid']) if not os.path.isdir(mydir): os.makedirs(mydir) os.chdir(mydir) basefn = "%s-%s-%s-%s-%s" % (job['wfo'], job['wtype'].replace( ",", "_"), job['radar'], job['sts'].strftime("%Y%m%d%H"), job['ets'].strftime("%Y%m%d%H")) outputfile = "%s.odp" % (basefn, ) doc = OpenDocumentPresentation() # We must describe the dimensions of the page pagelayout = PageLayout(name="MyLayout") doc.automaticstyles.addElement(pagelayout) pagelayout.addElement( PageLayoutProperties(margin="0pt", pagewidth="800pt", pageheight="600pt", printorientation="landscape")) # Style for the title frame of the page # We set a centered 34pt font with yellowish background titlestyle = Style(name="MyMaster-title2", family="presentation") titlestyle.addElement(ParagraphProperties(textalign="center")) titlestyle.addElement(TextProperties(fontsize="34pt")) titlestyle.addElement(GraphicProperties(fillcolor="#ffff99")) doc.styles.addElement(titlestyle) # Style for the title frame of the page # We set a centered 34pt font with yellowish background indexstyle = Style(name="MyMaster-title", family="presentation") indexstyle.addElement(ParagraphProperties(textalign="center")) indexstyle.addElement(TextProperties(fontsize="28pt")) indexstyle.addElement(GraphicProperties(fillcolor="#ffffff", stroke="none")) doc.styles.addElement(indexstyle) # Style for the photo frame photostyle = Style(name="MyMaster-photo", family="presentation") doc.styles.addElement(photostyle) # Every drawing page must have a master page assigned to it. masterpage = MasterPage(name="MyMaster", pagelayoutname=pagelayout) doc.masterstyles.addElement(masterpage) dpstyle = Style(name="dp1", family="drawing-page") # dpstyle.addElement(DrawingPageProperties(transitiontype="automatic", # transitionstyle="move-from-top", duration="PT5S")) doc.automaticstyles.addElement(dpstyle) # Title slide page = Page(masterpagename=masterpage) doc.presentation.addElement(page) frame = Frame(stylename=indexstyle, width="720pt", height="500pt", x="40pt", y="10pt") page.addElement(frame) textbox = TextBox() frame.addElement(textbox) textbox.addElement(P(text="IEM Raccoon Report")) frame = Frame(stylename=indexstyle, width="720pt", height="500pt", x="40pt", y="150pt") page.addElement(frame) textbox = TextBox() frame.addElement(textbox) textbox.addElement(P(text="WFO: %s" % (job['wfo'], ))) textbox.addElement( P(text=("Radar: %s Product: %s" "") % (job['radar'], job['nexrad_product']))) textbox.addElement(P(text="Phenomenas: %s" % (job['wtype'], ))) textbox.addElement( P(text="Start Time: %s UTC" % (job['sts'].strftime("%d %b %Y %H"), ))) textbox.addElement( P(text="End Time: %s UTC" % (job['ets'].strftime("%d %b %Y %H"), ))) textbox.addElement(P(text="")) textbox.addElement(P(text="Raccoon Version: %s" % (__REV__, ))) textbox.addElement( P(text="Generated on: %s" % (datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M %Z")))) textbox.addElement(P(text="")) textbox.addElement( P(text="Bugs/Comments/Yelling?: daryl herzmann [email protected]")) i = 0 for warning in warnings: # Make Index page for the warning page = Page(masterpagename=masterpage) doc.presentation.addElement(page) titleframe = Frame(stylename=indexstyle, width="700pt", height="500pt", x="10pt", y="10pt") page.addElement(titleframe) textbox = TextBox() titleframe.addElement(textbox) textbox.addElement( P(text="%s.O.NEW.K%s.%s.W.%04i" % (job['sts'].year, job['wfo'], warning['phenomena'], warning['eventid']))) textbox.addElement( P(text="Issue: %s UTC" % (warning['issue'].strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M"), ))) textbox.addElement( P(text="Expire: %s UTC" % (warning['expire'].strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M"), ))) textbox.addElement( P(text="Poly Area: %.1f sq km (%.1f sq mi) [%.1f%% vs County]" % (warning['polyarea'], warning['polyarea'] * 0.386102, warning['polyarea'] / warning['countyarea'] * 100.0))) textbox.addElement( P(text="County Area: %.1f square km (%.1f square miles)" % (warning['countyarea'], warning['countyarea'] * 0.386102))) url = ("http://iem.local/GIS/radmap.php?" "layers[]=places&layers[]=legend&layers[]=ci&layers[]=cbw" "&layers[]=sbw&layers[]=uscounties&layers[]=bufferedlsr" "&lsrbuffer=15") url += "&vtec=%s.O.NEW.K%s.%s.W.%04i" % (job['sts'].year, job['wfo'], warning['phenomena'], warning['eventid']) cmd = "wget -q -O %i.png '%s'" % (i, url) os.system(cmd) photoframe = Frame(stylename=photostyle, width="480pt", height="360pt", x="160pt", y="200pt") page.addElement(photoframe) href = doc.addPicture("%i.png" % (i, )) photoframe.addElement(Image(href=href)) i += 1 times = [] now = warning['issue'] while now < warning['expire']: times.append(now) now += datetime.timedelta(minutes=15) times.append(warning['expire'] - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)) for now in times: page = Page(stylename=dpstyle, masterpagename=masterpage) doc.presentation.addElement(page) titleframe = Frame(stylename=titlestyle, width="720pt", height="56pt", x="40pt", y="10pt") page.addElement(titleframe) textbox = TextBox() titleframe.addElement(textbox) textbox.addElement( P(text="%s.W.%04i Time: %s UTC" % (warning['phenomena'], warning['eventid'], now.strftime("%d %b %Y %H%M")))) if job['nexrad_product'] == 'N0U': if now < SUPER_RES: n0qn0r = 'N0V' else: n0qn0r = 'N0U' else: if now < SUPER_RES: n0qn0r = 'N0R' else: n0qn0r = 'N0Q' url = "http://iem.local/GIS/radmap.php?" url += "layers[]=ridge&ridge_product=%s&ridge_radar=%s&" % ( n0qn0r, job['radar']) url += "layers[]=sbw&layers[]=sbwh&layers[]=uscounties&" url += "layers[]=lsrs&ts2=%s&" % (( now + datetime.timedelta(minutes=15)).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M"), ) url += "vtec=%s.O.NEW.K%s.%s.W.%04i&ts=%s" % ( job['sts'].year, job['wfo'], warning['phenomena'], warning['eventid'], now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")) cmd = "wget -q -O %i.png '%s'" % (i, url) os.system(cmd) photoframe = Frame(stylename=photostyle, width="640pt", height="480pt", x="80pt", y="70pt") page.addElement(photoframe) href = doc.addPicture("%i.png" % (i, )) photoframe.addElement(Image(href=href)) i += 1 del doc cmd = "unoconv -f ppt %s" % (outputfile, ), shell=True) pptfn = "%s.ppt" % (basefn, ) print("Generated %s with %s slides" % (pptfn, i)) if os.path.isfile(pptfn): print('...copied to webfolder') shutil.copyfile(pptfn, "/mesonet/share/pickup/raccoon/%s" % (pptfn, )) # Cleanup os.chdir(TMPDIR)"rm -rf %s" % (job['jobid'], ), shell=True) else: print("Uh oh, no output file, lets kill soffice.bin")"pkill --signal 9 soffice.bin", shell=True) add_job(job)
def do_job(job): warnings = get_warnings(job['sts'], job['ets'], job['wfo'], job['wtype']) os.makedirs("/tmp/%s" % (job['jobid'],)) os.chdir("/tmp/%s" % (job['jobid'],)) basefn = "%s-%s-%s-%s-%s" % (job['wfo'], job['wtype'].replace(",", "_"), job['radar'], job['sts'].strftime("%Y%m%d%H"), job['ets'].strftime("%Y%m%d%H")) outputfile = "%s.odp" % (basefn,) doc = OpenDocumentPresentation() # We must describe the dimensions of the page pagelayout = PageLayout(name="MyLayout") doc.automaticstyles.addElement(pagelayout) pagelayout.addElement(PageLayoutProperties(margin="0pt", pagewidth="800pt", pageheight="600pt", printorientation="landscape")) # Style for the title frame of the page # We set a centered 34pt font with yellowish background titlestyle = Style(name="MyMaster-title2", family="presentation") titlestyle.addElement(ParagraphProperties(textalign="center")) titlestyle.addElement(TextProperties(fontsize="34pt")) titlestyle.addElement(GraphicProperties(fillcolor="#ffff99")) doc.styles.addElement(titlestyle) # Style for the title frame of the page # We set a centered 34pt font with yellowish background indexstyle = Style(name="MyMaster-title", family="presentation") indexstyle.addElement(ParagraphProperties(textalign="center")) indexstyle.addElement(TextProperties(fontsize="28pt")) indexstyle.addElement(GraphicProperties(fillcolor="#ffffff", stroke="none")) doc.styles.addElement(indexstyle) # Style for the photo frame photostyle = Style(name="MyMaster-photo", family="presentation") doc.styles.addElement(photostyle) # Every drawing page must have a master page assigned to it. masterpage = MasterPage(name="MyMaster", pagelayoutname=pagelayout) doc.masterstyles.addElement(masterpage) dpstyle = Style(name="dp1", family="drawing-page") #dpstyle.addElement(DrawingPageProperties(transitiontype="automatic", # transitionstyle="move-from-top", duration="PT5S")) doc.automaticstyles.addElement(dpstyle) # Title slide page = Page(masterpagename=masterpage) doc.presentation.addElement(page) frame = Frame(stylename=indexstyle, width="720pt", height="500pt", x="40pt", y="10pt") page.addElement( frame ) textbox = TextBox() frame.addElement(textbox) textbox.addElement(P(text="IEM Raccoon Report")) frame = Frame(stylename=indexstyle, width="720pt", height="500pt", x="40pt", y="150pt") page.addElement( frame ) textbox = TextBox() frame.addElement(textbox) textbox.addElement(P(text="WFO: %s" % (job['wfo'],))) textbox.addElement(P(text="Radar: %s Product: %s" % (job['radar'], job['nexrad_product']))) textbox.addElement(P(text="Phenomenas: %s" % (job['wtype'], ))) textbox.addElement(P(text="Start Time: %s UTC" % (job['sts'].strftime("%d %b %Y %H"),))) textbox.addElement(P(text="End Time: %s UTC" % (job['ets'].strftime("%d %b %Y %H"),))) textbox.addElement(P(text="")) textbox.addElement(P(text="Raccoon Version: %s" % (__REV__,))) textbox.addElement(P(text="Generated on: %s" % ( datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M %Z")))) textbox.addElement(P(text="")) textbox.addElement(P(text="Bugs/Comments/Yelling?: daryl herzmann [email protected]")) i = 0 for warning in warnings: # Make Index page for the warning page = Page(masterpagename=masterpage) doc.presentation.addElement(page) titleframe = Frame(stylename=indexstyle, width="700pt", height="500pt", x="10pt", y="10pt") page.addElement(titleframe) textbox = TextBox() titleframe.addElement(textbox) textbox.addElement(P(text="%s.O.NEW.K%s.%s.W.%04i" % ( job['sts'].year, job['wfo'], warning['phenomena'],warning['eventid']))) textbox.addElement(P(text="Issue: %s UTC" % ( warning['issue'].strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M"),))) textbox.addElement(P(text="Expire: %s UTC" % ( warning['expire'].strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M"),))) textbox.addElement(P(text="Poly Area: %.1f sq km (%.1f sq mi) [%.1f%% vs County]" % ( warning['polyarea'], warning['polyarea'] * 0.386102, warning['polyarea'] / warning['countyarea'] * 100.0))) textbox.addElement(P(text="County Area: %.1f square km (%.1f square miles)" % ( warning['countyarea'], warning['countyarea'] * 0.386102))) url = "http://iem21.local/GIS/radmap.php?" url += "layers[]=places&layers[]=legend&layers[]=ci&layers[]=cbw&layers[]=sbw" url += "&layers[]=uscounties&layers[]=bufferedlsr&lsrbuffer=15" url += "&vtec=%s.O.NEW.K%s.%s.W.%04i" % ( job['sts'].year, job['wfo'], warning['phenomena'],warning['eventid']) cmd = "wget -q -O %i.png '%s'" % (i, url) os.system(cmd) photoframe = Frame(stylename=photostyle, width="480pt", height="360pt", x="160pt", y="200pt") page.addElement(photoframe) href = doc.addPicture("%i.png" % (i,)) photoframe.addElement(Image(href=href)) i += 1 times = [] now = warning['issue'] while now < warning['expire']: times.append( now ) now += datetime.timedelta(minutes=15) times.append( warning['expire'] - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)) for now in times: page = Page(stylename=dpstyle, masterpagename=masterpage) doc.presentation.addElement(page) titleframe = Frame(stylename=titlestyle, width="720pt", height="56pt", x="40pt", y="10pt") page.addElement(titleframe) textbox = TextBox() titleframe.addElement(textbox) textbox.addElement(P(text="%s.W.%04i Time: %s UTC" % ( warning['phenomena'],warning['eventid'], now.strftime("%d %b %Y %H%M")))) if job['nexrad_product'] == 'N0U': if now < SUPER_RES: n0qn0r = 'N0V' else: n0qn0r = 'N0U' else: if now < SUPER_RES: n0qn0r = 'N0R' else: n0qn0r = 'N0Q' url = "http://iem21.local/GIS/radmap.php?" url += "layers[]=ridge&ridge_product=%s&ridge_radar=%s&" % (n0qn0r, job['radar']) url += "layers[]=sbw&layers[]=sbwh&layers[]=uscounties&" url += "layers[]=lsrs&ts2=%s&" % ( (now + datetime.timedelta(minutes=15)).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M"),) url += "vtec=%s.O.NEW.K%s.%s.W.%04i&ts=%s" % ( job['sts'].year, job['wfo'], warning['phenomena'],warning['eventid'], now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")) cmd = "wget -q -O %i.png '%s'" % (i, url) os.system(cmd) photoframe = Frame(stylename=photostyle, width="640pt", height="480pt", x="80pt", y="70pt") page.addElement(photoframe) href = doc.addPicture("%i.png" % (i,)) photoframe.addElement(Image(href=href)) i += 1 del doc cmd = "unoconv -f ppt %s" % (outputfile,) os.system( cmd ) print "%s.ppt" % (basefn,) if os.path.isfile("%s.ppt" % (basefn,)): print 'Here!' shutil.copyfile("%s.ppt" % (basefn,), "/mesonet/share/pickup/raccoon/%s.ppt" % (basefn,))
textStyleB = Style(name="textstyleB", family="paragraph") tpB = TextProperties(fontsize="16pt", fontfamily="diluvienne") textStyleB.addElement(tpB) frameA = Frame(stylename=graphicStyleA, height="15cm", width="10cm") frameB = Frame(stylename=graphicStyleB, height="10cm", width="15cm") doc.styles.addElement(graphicStyleA) doc.styles.addElement(textStyleA) doc.styles.addElement(graphicStyleB) doc.styles.addElement(textStyleB) textboxA = TextBox() textboxB = TextBox() frameA.addElement(textboxA) frameB.addElement(textboxB) pA = P(stylename="textstyleA", text="aaaaaah") pB = P(stylename="textstyleB", text="bbbbbah") textboxA.addElement(pA) textboxB.addElement(pB) doc.text.addElement(frameA) doc.text.addElement(frameB)"ab", True)
def opIn(self, opt: Union[float, str, "odf.element.Element", List, "AQOdsImage"]): """ Add options to the line. @param opt. Line options, each cell ends with the value assignment """ from odf.text import P, Span # type: ignore from odf.draw import Frame, Image # type: ignore if isinstance(opt, float): if self.fix_precision_ is not None: opt = "%s" % round(opt, self.fix_precision_) else: opt = "%s" % opt if isinstance(opt, str): # Último paso cell, style = self.__newCell__() if self.style_cell_text_: text_elem = P(text="") txt_ = Span(stylename=self.style_cell_text_, text=opt) text_elem.addElement(txt_) else: text_elem = P(text=opt) self.sheet_.spread_sheet_parent_.automaticstyles.addElement(style) cell.addElement(text_elem) self.cells_list_.append(cell) self.fix_precision_ = None self.style_cell_text_ = None else: if isinstance(opt, list): # Si es lista , Insertamos todos los parámetros uno a uno for l in opt: self.opIn(l) elif isinstance(opt, AQOdsImage): href = self.sheet_.spread_sheet_parent_.addPictureFromFile(opt.link_) cell, style = self.__newCell__() # p = P() frame = Frame( width="%spt" % opt.width_, height="%spt" % opt.height_, x="%spt" % opt.x_, y="%spt" % opt.y_, ) frame.addElement(Image(href=href)) # p.addElement(frame) cell.addElement(frame) self.cells_list_.append(cell) # self.coveredCell() # self.opIn(href) # print("FIXME:: Vacio", href) elif isinstance(opt, odf.element.Element): if opt.tagName in ("style:paragraph-properties", "style:table-cell-properties"): import copy prop = copy.copy(opt) self.property_cell_.append(prop) elif opt.tagName == "style:style": self.sheet_.spread_sheet_parent_.automaticstyles.addElement(opt) self.style_cell_text_ = opt else: logger.warning("%s:Parámetro desconocido %s", __name__, opt.tagName)
if w > 720: h = float(h) * 720.0 / float(w) w = 720.0 if h > 540.0: w = float(w) * 540.0 / float(h) h = 540.0 page = Page(stylename=dpstyle, masterpagename=masterpage) doc.presentation.addElement(page) titleframe = Frame(stylename=titlestyle, width="720pt", height="56pt", x="40pt", y="10pt") page.addElement(titleframe) textbox = TextBox() titleframe.addElement(textbox) textbox.addElement(P(text=picture)) offsetx = 400.0 - w / 2.0 photoframe = Frame(stylename=photostyle, width="%fpt" % w, height="%fpt" % h, x="%fpt" % offsetx, y="56pt") page.addElement(photoframe) href = doc.addPicture(pict_dir + "/" + picture) photoframe.addElement(Image(href=href))
for picture in os.listdir(pict_dir): try: pictdata = open(pict_dir + "/" + picture).read() except: continue ct,w,h = getImageInfo(pictdata) # Get dimensions in pixels if ct != 'image/jpeg': continue if w > 720: h = float(h) * 720.0 / float(w) w = 720.0 if h > 540.0: w = float(w) * 540.0 / float(h) h = 540.0 page = Page(stylename=dpstyle, masterpagename=masterpage) doc.presentation.addElement(page) titleframe = Frame(stylename=titlestyle, width="720pt", height="56pt", x="40pt", y="10pt") page.addElement(titleframe) textbox = TextBox() titleframe.addElement(textbox) textbox.addElement(P(text=picture)) offsetx = 400.0 - w/2.0 photoframe = Frame(stylename=photostyle, width="%fpt" % w, height="%fpt" % h, x="%fpt" % offsetx, y="56pt") page.addElement(photoframe) href = doc.addPicture(pict_dir + "/" + picture) photoframe.addElement(Image(href=href))