def addTableOnBookmark(self, bookmarkName, tableData, enumerated=False): '''Вставка таблицы перед закладкой ''' table_columns = 3 if enumerated else 2 #Создание и заполнение таблицы table = Table() table.addElement(TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated=table_columns)) for index, row in enumerate(tableData): tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) if enumerated: tc = TableCell() tr.addElement(tc) tc.addElement(P(text=str(index + 1))) for item in row: tc = TableCell() tr.addElement(tc) tc.addElement( P(text=str(item) if type(item) != QVariant else '')) bookmarks = self.doc.getElementsByType(BookmarkStart) #Вставка таблицы в content.xml for bookmark in bookmarks: if bookmark.getAttribute("name") == bookmarkName: bookmark.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore( table, bookmark.parentNode) bookmark.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore( P(text=""), bookmark.parentNode) + r"/releasedDocs/Документ", True)
def addTable(self,tabledata,headers,formater=None): if formater and len(formater)!=len(tabledata): raise ValueError if formater is None: formater = [[""]*len(tabledata[0])]*len(tabledata) table = Table() columns = len(headers) table.addElement(TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated=columns)) tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) for header in headers: tc = TableCell(stylename="Table") tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename=self.tableheaders,text=header) tc.addElement(p) for line,formats in zip(tabledata,formater): tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) for column,cformat in zip(line,formats): if cformat == "centerred": cellformat = self.tablecontentscenter elif cformat == "center": cellformat = self.tablecontentscenterred else: cellformat = self.tablecontents tc = TableCell(stylename="Table") tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename=cellformat,text=column) tc.addElement(p) self.textdoc.text.addElement(table)
def create_odf_table(name, data): """ returns an odf table object that has been added a first row containing the columns' title """ table = Table(name=name) # we need to add columns. The columns itself do not contain the data # though. So, we add them only for the first row. for c in range(len(data[0])): # add table columns col = TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated=1, stylename="wCol0") table.addElement(col) for i, item in enumerate(data): # the first row contains the table heading, which is colored # differently from the rest of the table. Additionally, style = "bgrOrange" if i == 0 else None logger.debug("row content:%s", item) tr = create_odf_table_row(item, style) table.addElement(tr) return table
def generate_ods(data): """ Generate a ODS file. :param data: list-like of dict with the data. :return: """ doc = OpenDocumentSpreadsheet() table = Table() tr = TableRow() colautowidth = Style(name="co1", family="table-column") colautowidth.addElement(TableColumnProperties(useoptimalcolumnwidth=True)) doc.automaticstyles.addElement(colautowidth) for column in data[0].keys(): table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=colautowidth)) tc = TableCell(valuetype="string", value=column) tc.addElement(P(text=column)) tr.addElement(tc) table.addElement(tr) for row in data: tr = TableRow() for column in row.keys(): tc = TableCell(valuetype="string", value=row[column]) tc.addElement(P(text=row[column])) tr.addElement(tc) table.addElement(tr) file = os.path.join( tempfile.gettempdir(), 'SIGE' +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f') + '.ods') doc.spreadsheet.addElement(table) print(doc.automaticstyles.childNodes[0].attributes) return file
def addtable(self, name, hdr): self.table = Table(name=str(name)) self.doc.spreadsheet.addElement(self.table) for h in hdr[:-2]: tcol = TableColumn(stylename=self.colStyle30) self.table.addElement(tcol) tcol = TableColumn(stylename=self.colStyle40) self.table.addElement(tcol) tcol = TableColumn(stylename=self.colStyle200) self.table.addElement(tcol) self.exrow=1 tr = TableRow() for item in hdr: tc = TableCell(stylename="hdrStyle") #empty cell tr.addElement(tc) p = P(text=item) tc.addElement(p) self.table.addElement(tr) return
def as_table(self): """Convert to a odf.table.Table object""" t = Table( # Find out max row and col maxcol = max(col for col, row in self._contents.keys()) maxrow = max(row for col, row in self._contents.keys()) # Add column styles for c in range(0, maxcol + 1): s = self._columnstyles.get(c, None) if s: t.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=s)) else: t.addElement(TableColumn()) for row in range(0, maxrow + 1): tr = TableRow() t.addElement(tr) for col in range(0, maxcol + 1): cell = self._contents.get((col, row), None) if cell: tr.addElement(cell) else: tr.addElement(TableCell()) return t
def convert_FFPtable_USO(path): name = "FFPtable.uso" table = Table(name=name) with open(path) as fin: for i in range(2): table.addElement(TableColumn()) for line in fin.readlines(): line = line.split() row = TableRow() for item in line: cell = TableCell(valuetype="float", value=item) row.addElement(cell) table.addElement(row) return table
def addTable(self, content, cell_style, column_styles=[]): cell_style = getattr(self, cell_style, None) table = Table() for style in column_styles: if "stylename" in style.keys(): style["stylename"] = getattr(self, style["stylename"], None) table.addElement(TableColumn(**style)) for row in content: tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) for cell in row: tc = TableCell() tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename=cell_style, text=cell) tc.addElement(p) self.document.text.addElement(table)
def inittable(textdoc): # Create a style for the table content. One we can modify # later in the word processor. tablecontents = Style(name="Table Contents", family="paragraph") tablecontents.addElement( ParagraphProperties(numberlines="false", linenumber="0")) tablecontents.addElement(TextProperties(fontweight="bold")) textdoc.styles.addElement(tablecontents) widewidth = Style(name="co1", family="table-column") widewidth.addElement( TableColumnProperties(columnwidth="9", breakbefore="auto")) textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(widewidth) textdoc.styles.addElement(widewidth) table = Table(name='test') table.addElement( TableColumn(stylename=widewidth, defaultcellstylename="ce1")) return table, tablecontents, textdoc
def convert_FFPtable_day(path): name = "" table = Table(name=name) with open(path) as fin: line = fin.readline().split()[2:] row = TableRow() for year in line: table.addElement(TableColumn()) cell = TableCell(valuetype="float", value=year) row.addElement(cell) table.addElement(row) for line in fin.readlines(): line = line.split()[2:] row = TableRow() for item in line: cell = TableCell(valuetype="float", value=item) row.addElement(cell) table.addElement(row) return table
def save(telephoneDir, subdivision, collaborator, number, telephoneType): textdoc = OpenDocumentSpreadsheet() tablecontents = Style(name="Table Contents", family="paragraph") tablecontents.addElement( ParagraphProperties(numberlines="false", linenumber="0")) textdoc.styles.addElement(tablecontents) style2 = Style(name="style2", family="table-column") style2.addElement(TableColumnProperties(columnwidth="2cm")) textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(style2) style6 = Style(name="style6", family="table-column") style6.addElement(TableColumnProperties(columnwidth="6cm")) textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(style6) table = Table(name=u"Подразделения") table.addElement(TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated=2, stylename=style6)) def row(rec): tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) for r in rec: tc = TableCell() tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename=tablecontents, text=r) tc.addElement(p) row((u"подразделение", u"головное подразделение")) row(("utf-8"), "")) def write(subdivision): for s in subdivision.subdivisions: row(("utf-8"),"utf-8"))) write(s) write(telephoneDir.subdivision) textdoc.spreadsheet.addElement(table) table = Table(name=u"Телефонный справочник") table.addElement(TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated=2, stylename=style2)) table.addElement(TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated=4, stylename=style6)) row((u"телефон", u"код сотр.", u"фамилия", u"имя", u"отчество", u"подразделение", u"тип тел.")) def find(c, subdivision): if c in subdivision.collaborators: return"utf-8") else: for s in subdivision.subdivisions: r = find(c, s) if r: return r subdivision = int(subdivision) telephoneType = int(telephoneType) collaborator = collaborator.encode('utf-8') number = number.encode('utf-8') if not subdivision: lambdaSubdivision = lambda rec: True else: subdivisions = list(sorted(telephoneDir.subdivision.iterSubdivision())) subdivisions.insert(0, 'все') s = subdivisions[subdivision] lambdaSubdivision = lambda rec: rec.collaborator in s if not collaborator: lambdaCollaborator = lambda rec: True else: lambdaCollaborator = lambda rec: str(rec.collaborator)[0:len( collaborator)] == collaborator if not number: lambdaNumber = lambda rec: True else: lambdaNumber = lambda rec: str(rec.telephone.number)[0:len(number) ] == number if not telephoneType: lambdaTelephoneType = lambda rec: True else: telephoneTypes = list(sorted(telephoneDir.telephones.telephoneTypes)) telephoneTypes.insert(0, 'все') t = telephoneTypes[telephoneType] lambdaTelephoneType = lambda rec: rec.telephone.type == t tmpDir = list(sorted(telephoneDir)) tmpDir = filter(lambda telephone: lambdaSubdivision(telephone) and \ lambdaCollaborator(telephone) and \ lambdaNumber(telephone) and \ lambdaTelephoneType(telephone), tmpDir) print subdivision, telephoneType, collaborator, number for r in tmpDir: row((r.telephone.number, r.collaborator.code,"utf-8"),"utf-8"), r.collaborator.patronym.decode("utf-8"), find(r.collaborator, telephoneDir.subdivision),"utf-8"))) textdoc.spreadsheet.addElement(table)"telephonedir.ods")
def getRsltTable(testType, results, tdfBugs): targetAppsSel = results[testType].keys() # Start the table, and describe the columns table = Table(name=testType) table.addElement( TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated=1, stylename="nameColStyle")) table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="linkColStyle")) if checkOdf: table.addElement( TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated=3, stylename="rankColStyle")) else: table.addElement( TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated=4, stylename="rankColStyle")) for i in targetAppsSel: for i in range(len(testLabelsShort) - 1): table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="valColStyle")) table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="linkColStyle")) table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="rankColStyle")) table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="linkColStyle")) table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="rankColStyle")) table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="tagColStyle")) table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="tagColStyle")) table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="tagColStyle")) #First row: application names tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) tc = TableCell() #empty cell tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell() #empty cell tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell() #empty cell tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell() #empty cell tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell() #empty cell tr.addElement(tc) appcolumns = len(testLabelsShort) for a in targetAppsSel: tc = TableCell(numbercolumnsspanned=2 * (appcolumns - 1), stylename="THstyle") tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="Target: " + results[testType][a]['path']) tc.addElement(p) for i in range(2 * (appcolumns - 1) - 1): # create empty cells for the merged one tc = TableCell() tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell(stylename="Csepstyle") tr.addElement(tc) #Second row: test names tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) tc = TableCell(stylename="THstyle") #empty cell tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="Test case") tc.addElement(p) tc = TableCell(stylename="THstyle") #empty cell tr.addElement(tc) if not checkOdf: tc = TableCell(stylename="THstyle") #empty cell tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="P/R") tc.addElement(p) tc.addElement( addAnn( "Negative: progression, positive: regression, 0: no change")) tc = TableCell(stylename="THstyle") #empty cell tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="Max last") tc.addElement(p) tc.addElement(addAnn("Max grade for the last LO version")) tc = TableCell(stylename="THstyle") #empty cell tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="Sum last") tc.addElement(p) tc.addElement(addAnn("Sum of grades for the last LO version")) tc = TableCell(stylename="THstyle") #empty cell tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="Sum all") tc.addElement(p) tc.addElement(addAnn("Sum of grades for all tested versions")) for a in targetAppsSel: for tl in range(1, len(testLabelsShort)): # we do not show the PPOI value tc = TableCell(numbercolumnsspanned=2, stylename="THstyle") tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text=testLabelsShort[-tl]) tc.addElement(p) tc.addElement(addAnn(testAnnotation[testLabelsShort[-tl]])) tc = TableCell() #the merged cell tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell(stylename="Csepstyle") tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell(stylename="THstyle") tr.addElement(tc) total = 0 totalRegressions = 0 totalEmpty = 0 totalTimeOut = 0 for testcase in sorted(results[testType]['new']['tests'].keys()): try: agrades = np.array([ valToGrade(results[testType][a]['tests'][testcase][1:]) for a in targetAppsSel ]) if np.array_equal(agrades[0], [8, 8, 8, 8]): continue lastgrade = agrades[-1] maxgrade = agrades.max(axis=0) mingrade = agrades.min(axis=0) except KeyError: # In case a testcase is in the first csv but not in the second one continue total += 1 #identify regressions and progressions progreg = 'x' if (lastgrade > mingrade).any(): #We have regression progreg = str(sum(lastgrade - mingrade)) else: progreg = str(sum(lastgrade - maxgrade)) if checkRegressions and (int(progreg) >= -1 and not np.array_equal(agrades[0], [7, 7, 7, 7])): continue #Looking for improvements, we only care about fdo bugs if checkImprovements and ( int(progreg) < 1 or \ ((not'fdo[0-9]*-[0-9].', testcase) or \ testType == 'import' and testcase.split('fdo')[1].split('-')[0] not in tdfBugs['import'] or \ testType == 'export' and testcase.split('fdo')[1].split('-')[0] not in tdfBugs['export']) and (not'tdf[0-9]*-[0-9].', testcase) or \ testType == 'import' and testcase.split('tdf')[1].split('-')[0] not in tdfBugs['import'] or \ testType == 'export' and testcase.split('tdf')[1].split('-')[0] not in tdfBugs['export']))): continue if checkOdf: allsum = sum([ sum(valToGrade(results[testType][a]['tests'][testcase][1:])) for a in targetAppsSel ]) if allsum <= 5: continue name = testcase.split("/", 1)[-1].split(".")[0] #Avoid showing import regressions as export regressions if checkRegressions: if testType == "import": lImportReg.append(name) elif testType == "export" and not np.array_equal( agrades[0], [7, 7, 7, 7]): if name in lImportReg or name in lExportReg: continue lExportReg.append(name) if int(progreg) < 0: totalRegressions += 1 elif np.array_equal(agrades[0], [6, 6, 6, 6]): totalEmpty += 1 elif np.array_equal(agrades[0], [7, 7, 7, 7]): totalTimeOut += 1 #testcase=testcase.split('/')[1] tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) tc = TableCell() tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename="tablecontents") #TODO: Fix doc link in roundtrip if'fdo[0-9]*-[0-9].', testcase): ref = '' + str( testcase.split('fdo')[1].split('-')[0]) link = A(type="simple", href="%s" % ref, text=testcase) elif'tdf[0-9]*-[0-9].', testcase): ref = '' + str( testcase.split('tdf')[1].split('-')[0]) link = A(type="simple", href="%s" % ref, text=testcase) elif'ooo[0-9]*-[0-9].', testcase): ref = '' + str( testcase.split('ooo')[1].split('-')[0]) link = A(type="simple", href="%s" % ref, text=testcase) elif'abi[0-9]*-[0-9].', testcase): ref = '' + str( testcase.split('abi')[1].split('-')[0]) link = A(type="simple", href="%s" % ref, text=testcase) elif'kde[0-9]*-[0-9].', testcase): ref = '' + str( testcase.split('kde')[1].split('-')[0]) link = A(type="simple", href="%s" % ref, text=testcase) elif'moz[0-9]*-[0-9].', testcase): ref = '' + str( testcase.split('moz')[1].split('-')[0]) link = A(type="simple", href="%s" % ref, text=testcase) elif'gentoo[0-9]*-[0-9].', testcase): ref = '' + str( testcase.split('gentoo')[1].split('-')[0]) link = A(type="simple", href="%s" % ref, text=testcase) else: link = A(type="simple", href="%s" % ('../' + testcase), text=testcase) p.addElement(link) tc.addElement(p) tComparison = TableCell(stylename="THstyle") tr.addElement(tComparison) if not checkOdf: tc = TableCell(valuetype="float", value=progreg) tr.addElement(tc) # max last lastmax = max([ valToGrade(results[testType][a]['tests'][testcase][1:]) for a in targetAppsSel ][-1]) tc = TableCell(valuetype="float", value=str(lastmax)) tr.addElement(tc) # sum last lastsum = sum([ valToGrade(results[testType][a]['tests'][testcase][1:]) for a in targetAppsSel ][-1]) tc = TableCell(valuetype="float", value=str(lastsum)) tr.addElement(tc) # sum all allsum = sum([ sum(valToGrade(results[testType][a]['tests'][testcase][1:])) for a in targetAppsSel ]) tc = TableCell(valuetype="float", value=str(allsum)) tr.addElement(tc) for a in targetAppsSel: grades = valToGrade(results[testType][a]['tests'][testcase][1:]) pdfPath = os.path.join(results[testType][a]['path'], testcase) if not checkOdf and a == 'new': oldFile = os.path.join(results[testType]['old']['path'], testcase).split('-pair.pdf')[0] if os.path.exists(oldFile): newFile = os.path.join(results[testType]['new']['path'], testcase).split('-pair.pdf')[0] if os.path.exists(newFile): outputFile = oldFile + '-comparison.pdf' if not os.path.exists(outputFile): print("Creating " + outputFile) create_overlayPDF(oldFile, newFile, outputFile) p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="") comparisonLink = A(type="simple", href='../' + outputFile, text=">") p.addElement(comparisonLink) tComparison.addElement(p) # Add link only once linkAdded = False for grade in reversed(grades): # we do not show the PPOI value if max(grades) > 1: tc = TableCell(valuetype="float", value=str(grade), stylename='C' + str(int(grade)) + 'style') else: tc = TableCell(valuetype="float", value=str(grade), stylename='CBstyle') tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell(stylename="THstyle") tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename="tablecontents") if not linkAdded and os.path.exists(pdfPath): linkAdded = True link = A(type="simple", href='../' + pdfPath, text=">") p.addElement(link) tc.addElement(p) if checkOdf: pComparison = P(stylename="tablecontents") linkComparison = A(type="simple", href='../' + pdfPath, text=">") pComparison.addElement(linkComparison) tComparison.addElement(pComparison) tc = TableCell(stylename="THstyle") sumall = sum( valToGrade(results[testType][a]['tests'][testcase][1:])) if grades == [7, 7, 7, 7]: p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="timeout") if testType == "export": gradesPrint = valToGrade(values[testcase][a.replace( testType, 'print')][1:]) if gradesPrint != [7, 7, 7, 7]: p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="corrupted") elif grades == [6, 6, 6, 6]: p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="empty") elif sumall <= 8: if testType == "import": goodDocuments.append(testcase) p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="good import") elif testType == "export": if testcase in goodDocuments: p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="good import, good export") elif testcase in badDocuments: p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="bad import, good export") elif sumall <= 20: if testType == "export": if testcase in goodDocuments: p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="good import, bad export") badDocuments.append(testcase) elif testcase in badDocuments: p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="bad import, bad export") elif testType == "import": badDocuments.append(testcase) p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="bad import") else: p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="") tc.addElement(p) tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell(stylename="THstyle") tr.addElement(tc) tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) tc = TableCell() tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="Total compared bugs: " + str(total)) tc.addElement(p) tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) tc = TableCell() tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="Total number of regressions: " + str(totalRegressions)) tc.addElement(p) tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) tc = TableCell() tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="Total number of empty files: " + str(totalEmpty)) tc.addElement(p) tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) tc = TableCell() tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename="tablecontents", text="Total number of Timeouts: " + str(totalTimeOut)) tc.addElement(p) return table
'fontsize': "10pt", 'fontweight': "bold", 'color': "#000000" })) cs4.addElement( TableCellProperties(backgroundcolor="#C0C0C0", border="0.74pt solid #000000")) textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(cs4) # Start the table, and describe the columns table = Table(name="KeyMatrix") for col in xrange(1, MSIZE + 1): # Create a column (same as <col> in HTML) Make all cells in column default to currency table.addElement( TableColumn(stylename=widewidth, defaultcellstylename="ce1")) for row in xrange(1, MSIZE + 1): # Create a row (same as <tr> in HTML) tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) for col in xrange(1, MSIZE + 1): if (col == row): cell = TableCell(valuetype="string", stylename="cs1") cell.addElement(P(text=u"X")) # The current displayed value elif (col < row): cell = TableCell(formula=u"=%s%s" % (lit(row), col), valuetype="string", stylename="cs2") else:
def generate_odf_plan_document(plan_pk, file_path): # Neues Textdokument erstellen document = OpenDocumentText() # # Styles definieren # center_bold = Style(name="Center Bold", family="paragraph") center_bold.addElement(ParagraphProperties(textalign="center")) center_bold.addElement(TextProperties(fontweight="bold")) document.styles.addElement(center_bold) center = Style(name="Center", family="paragraph") center.addElement(ParagraphProperties(textalign="center")) document.styles.addElement(center) left = Style(name="Left", family="paragraph") left.addElement(ParagraphProperties(numberlines="false", linenumber="0", textalign="left")) document.styles.addElement(left) bold_style = Style(name="Bold", family="text") bold_style.addElement(TextProperties(fontweight="bold")) document.styles.addElement(bold_style) # # Breite der Spaleten in den Tabellen setzen # width_short = Style(name="Wshort", family="table-column") width_short.addElement(TableColumnProperties(columnwidth="3.0cm")) document.automaticstyles.addElement(width_short) width_medium = Style(name="Wmedium", family="table-column") width_medium.addElement(TableColumnProperties(columnwidth="4.0cm")) document.automaticstyles.addElement(width_medium) width_wide = Style(name="Wwide", family="table-column") width_wide.addElement(TableColumnProperties(columnwidth="10.59cm")) document.automaticstyles.addElement(width_wide) # Tabelle mit zwei schmalen und einer breiten Spalte erstellen table = Table() table.addElement(TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated=1, stylename=width_short)) table.addElement(TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated=1, stylename=width_medium)) table.addElement(TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated=1, stylename=width_wide)) # Generiert eine Zeile in der Tabelle def generate_row(datetime, location, extra, acolytes): # Datum und Uhrzeit formatieren date_string = datetime.strftime("%d.%m.%Y") time_string = datetime.strftime("%H:%M") # Neue TableRow erstellen und einfügen row = TableRow() table.addElement(row) # Datum - Zeit Zelle anlegen date_time_cell = TableCell() date_time_cell.addElement(P(stylename=center, text=date_string)) date_time_cell.addElement(P(stylename=center_bold, text=time_string)) # Ort - Information Zelle anlegen location_extra_cell = TableCell() location_extra_cell.addElement(P(stylename=center_bold, text=location)) location_extra_cell.addElement(P(stylename=center, text=extra)) # Messdiener Zelle anlegen acolytes_cell = TableCell() # Messdiener nach Rolle sortiert auflisten for role_name in acolytes: p = P(stylename=left) p.addElement(Span(stylename=bold_style, text=f"{role_name}: ")) p.addText(text=', '.join(acolytes[role_name])) acolytes_cell.addElement(p) # Zellen zur TableRow hinzufügen row.addElement(date_time_cell) row.addElement(location_extra_cell) row.addElement(acolytes_cell) # TableRow zurückgeben return row # Durch die Messen nach Zeit sortiert iterieren for mass in Mass.objects.filter(plan=plan_pk).order_by('time'): # Acolyte dict mit einer leeren Liste als default value anlegen acolytes_list = defaultdict(list) # Durch die MassAcolyteRoles nach Rolle sortiert iterieren for mar in mass.massacolyterole_set.order_by('role__roleName'): # Wenn Messdiener keine Rolle hat "Messdiener" als Rolle eintragen role = "Messdiener" # Wenn Messdiener Rolle hat, dann zur Liste der Messdiener dieser Rolle hinzufügen if mar.role is not None: role = mar.role.roleName # Acolyte Namen setzen. Wenn extra Wert hat, dann in Klammern dahinter setzen acolyte_name = f"{mar.acolyte.firstName} {mar.acolyte.lastName}" if mar.acolyte.extra: acolyte_name = f"{mar.acolyte.firstName} {mar.acolyte.lastName} ({mar.acolyte.extra})" acolytes_list[role].append(acolyte_name) # Zeit der Messe zur lokalen Zeit konvertieren utc = mass.time.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) localtime = utc.astimezone(timezone.get_current_timezone()) # Row generieren und zur Tabelle hinzufügen table.addElement(generate_row( localtime, mass.location.locationName, mass.extra, acolytes_list )) # Leere Row für die Übersicht einfügen table.addElement(TableRow()) # Tabelle zum Dokument hinzufügen document.text.addElement(table) # Dokument speichern
def write_sheet(): wide = Style(name="Wide", family="table-column") wide.addElement(TableColumnProperties(columnwidth="10cm")) ods.automaticstyles.addElement(wide) table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename='Wide')) ods.spreadsheet.addElement(table)
def create_column(self, **kwargs): column = TableColumn(**kwargs) self._table.addElement(column)
def colloscope_odf(request, classe): """ Affichage du colloscope d'une classe au format OpenDocument """ semaines = classe.semaine_set.order_by('debut') creneaux = classe.creneau_set.order_by('enseignement', 'jour', 'debut') colles = classe.colle_set.filter(semaine__in=semaines, creneau__in=creneaux) # On crée le dictionnaire qui à chaque créneau puis à chaque semaine # associe les groupes de colle colloscope = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) for colle in colles: colloscope[colle.creneau][colle.semaine].append(colle) ods = OpenDocumentSpreadsheet() # Styles style_entete = Style(parent=ods.automaticstyles, name='cell_entete', family='table-cell') TextProperties(parent=style_entete, fontweight='bold') style_col_semaine = Style(parent=ods.automaticstyles, name='col_semaine', family='table-column') TableColumnProperties(parent=style_col_semaine, columnwidth='1cm') style_col_matiere = Style(parent=ods.automaticstyles, name='col_matiere', family='table-column') TableColumnProperties(parent=style_col_matiere, columnwidth='5cm') style_col_colleur = Style(parent=ods.automaticstyles, name='col_colleur', family='table-column') TableColumnProperties(parent=style_col_colleur, columnwidth='5cm') style_col_salle = Style(parent=ods.automaticstyles, name='col_salle', family='table-column') TableColumnProperties(parent=style_col_salle, columnwidth='2cm') table = Table(name=str(classe), parent=ods.spreadsheet) # Ajout des colonnes d'en-tête fixes entetes_fixes = ("ID", "Matière", "Colleur", "Jour", "Horaire", "Salle") table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_col_semaine)) # ID table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_col_matiere)) # Matière table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_col_colleur)) # Colleur table.addElement(TableColumn()) # Jour table.addElement(TableColumn()) # Horaire table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_col_salle)) # Salle # Ajout des colonnes d'en-tête des semaines for _ in semaines: table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_col_semaine)) # Container pour les lignes d'en-tête th = TableHeaderRows(parent=table) # Ligne d'en-tête avec les semestres au-dessus des semaines tr = TableRow(parent=th) for entete in entetes_fixes: P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string', numberrowsspanned=2, numbercolumnsspanned=1, stylename=style_entete), text=entete) # On doit savoir combien de semaines se trouvent sur chaque période # pour afficher les en-têtes sur le bon nombre de colonnes nb_semaines = dict([ ( periode[0], 0, ) for periode in constantes.PERIODE_CHOICES ]) for semaine in semaines: nb_semaines[semaine.periode] += 1 # Insertion des titres des périodes for periode_id, periode_nom in constantes.PERIODE_CHOICES: if nb_semaines[periode_id] > 0: P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string', numbercolumnsspanned=nb_semaines[periode_id], numberrowsspanned=1, stylename=style_entete), text=periode_nom.capitalize()) CoveredTableCell(parent=tr, numbercolumnsrepeated=nb_semaines[periode_id] - 1) tr = TableRow(parent=th) # Ligne d'en-tête avec seulement les semaines # On doit placer des cellules vides pour les case d'en-tête situées # avant les semaines CoveredTableCell(parent=tr, numbercolumnsrepeated=len(entetes_fixes)) # Puis on ajoute les semaines for semaine in semaines: P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string', stylename=style_entete), text=semaine.numero) # Colles par créneau for creneau in creneaux: tr = TableRow(parent=table) P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='float',, P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string'), text=creneau.matiere) P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string'), text=creneau.colleur) P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string'), text=creneau.get_jour_display()) P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='time', timevalue=creneau.debut.strftime("PT%HH%MM%SS")), text=creneau.debut.strftime("%H:%M")) P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string'), text=creneau.salle) for semaine in semaines: groupes_texte = ','.join([str(c.groupe) for c in colloscope[creneau][semaine] if c.groupe]) cell = TableCell(parent=tr) if groupes_texte: cell.valuetype="string" P(parent=cell, text=groupes_texte) return OdfResponse(ods, filename="colloscope_{}.ods".format(classe.slug))
def insert_table_(self, ar, column_names=None, table_width=180): #"20160330 insert_table(%s)", ar) ar.setup_from( columns, headers, widths = ar.get_field_info(column_names) widths = map(int, widths) tw = sum(widths) # specifying relative widths doesn't seem to work (and that's # a pity because absolute widths requires us to know the # table_width). use_relative_widths = False if use_relative_widths: width_specs = ["%d*" % (w * 100 / tw) for w in widths] else: width_specs = ["%dmm" % (table_width * w / tw) for w in widths] doc = OpenDocumentText() def add_style(**kw): st = Style(**cleankw(kw)) doc.styles.addElement(st) self.my_styles.append(st) return st table_style_name = str( st = add_style(name=table_style_name, family="table", parentstylename="Default") st.addElement( TableProperties(align="margins", maybreakbetweenrows="0")) # create some *visible* styles st = add_style(name="Table Contents", family="paragraph", parentstylename="Default") st.addElement(ParagraphProperties(numberlines="false", linenumber="0")) st = add_style(name="Number Cell", family="paragraph", parentstylename="Table Contents") st.addElement(ParagraphProperties( numberlines="false", textalign="end", justifysingleword="true", linenumber="0")) dn = "Table Column Header" st = self.stylesManager.styles.getStyle(dn) if st is None: st = add_style(name=dn, family="paragraph", parentstylename="Table Contents") st.addElement( ParagraphProperties(numberlines="false", linenumber="0")) st.addElement(TextProperties(fontweight="bold")) dn = "Bold Text" st = self.stylesManager.styles.getStyle(dn) if st is None: st = add_style(name=dn, family="text", parentstylename="Default") #~ st = add_style(name=dn, family="text") st.addElement(TextProperties(fontweight="bold")) if False: dn = "L1" st = self.stylesManager.styles.getStyle(dn) if st is None: st = ListStyle(name=dn) doc.styles.addElement(st) p = ListLevelProperties( listlevelpositionandspacemode="label-alignment") st.addElement(p) #~ label-followed-by="listtab" text:list-tab-stop-position="1.27cm" fo:text-indent="-0.635cm" fo:margin-left="1.27cm"/> p.addElement(ListLevelLabelAlignment(labelfollowedby="listtab", listtabstopposition="1.27cm", textindent="-0.635cm", marginleft="1.27cm" )) self.my_styles.append(st) #~ list_style = add_style(name=dn, family="list") bullet = text.ListLevelStyleBullet( level=1, stylename="Bullet_20_Symbols", bulletchar=u"•") #~ bullet = text.ListLevelStyleBullet(level=1,stylename="Bullet_20_Symbols",bulletchar=u"*") #~ <text:list-level-style-bullet text:level="1" text:style-name="Bullet_20_Symbols" text:bullet-char="•"> st.addElement(bullet) # create some automatic styles def add_style(**kw): st = Style(**cleankw(kw)) doc.automaticstyles.addElement(st) self.my_automaticstyles.append(st) return st cell_style = add_style(name="Lino Cell Style", family="table-cell") cell_style.addElement(TableCellProperties( paddingleft="1mm", paddingright="1mm", paddingtop="1mm", paddingbottom="0.5mm", border="0.002cm solid #000000")) header_row_style = add_style( name="Lino Header Row", family="table-row", parentstylename=cell_style) header_row_style.addElement( TableRowProperties(backgroundcolor="#eeeeee")) total_row_style = add_style( name="Lino Total Row", family="table-row", parentstylename=cell_style) total_row_style.addElement( TableRowProperties(backgroundcolor="#ffffff")) table = Table(name=table_style_name, stylename=table_style_name) table_columns = TableColumns() table.addElement(table_columns) table_header_rows = TableHeaderRows() table.addElement(table_header_rows) table_rows = TableRows() table.addElement(table_rows) # create table columns and automatic table-column styles for i, fld in enumerate(columns): #~ print 20120415, repr( name = str( + "." + str( cs = add_style(name=name, family="table-column") if use_relative_widths: cs.addElement( TableColumnProperties(relcolumnwidth=width_specs[i])) else: cs.addElement( TableColumnProperties(columnwidth=width_specs[i])) #~ cs.addElement(TableColumnProperties(useoptimalcolumnwidth='true')) #~ k = cs.getAttribute('name') #~ renderer.stylesManager.styles[k] = toxml(e) #~ doc.automaticstyles.addElement(cs) #~ self.my_automaticstyles.append(cs) table_columns.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=name)) def fldstyle(fld): #~ if isinstance(fld,ext_store.VirtStoreField): #~ fld = fld.delegate if isinstance(fld, NumberFieldElement): return "Number Cell" return "Table Contents" def value2cell(ar, i, fld, val, style_name, tc): # if i == 0: #"20160330a value2cell(%s, %s)", fld.__class__, val) txt = fld.value2html(ar, val) # if i == 0: #"20160330b value2cell(%s)", E.tostring(txt)) p = text.P(stylename=style_name) html2odf(txt, p) try: tc.addElement(p) except Exception as e: dd.logger.warning("20120614 addElement %s %s %r : %s", i, fld, val, e) #~ print 20120614, i, fld, val, e #~ yield P(stylename=tablecontents,text=text) # create header row #~ hr = TableRow(stylename=HEADER_ROW_STYLE_NAME) hr = TableRow(stylename=header_row_style) table_header_rows.addElement(hr) for h in headers: #~ for fld in fields: #~ tc = TableCell(stylename=CELL_STYLE_NAME) tc = TableCell(stylename=cell_style) tc.addElement(text.P( stylename="Table Column Header", #~ text=force_text(fld.field.verbose_name or text=force_text(h))) hr.addElement(tc) sums = [ for fld in columns] for row in ar.data_iterator: #~ for grp in ar.group_headers(row): #~ raise NotImplementedError() tr = TableRow() has_numeric_value = False for i, fld in enumerate(columns): #~ tc = TableCell(stylename=CELL_STYLE_NAME) tc = TableCell(stylename=cell_style) #~ if fld.field is not None: v = fld.field._lino_atomizer.full_value_from_object(row, ar) stylename = fldstyle(fld) if v is None: tc.addElement(text.P(stylename=stylename, text='')) else: value2cell(ar, i, fld, v, stylename, tc) nv = fld.value2num(v) if nv != 0: sums[i] += nv has_numeric_value = True #~ sums[i] += fld.value2num(v) tr.addElement(tc) if has_numeric_value or not table_rows.addElement(tr) if not if sums != [ for fld in columns]: tr = TableRow(stylename=total_row_style) table_rows.addElement(tr) sums = { sums[i] for i, fld in enumerate(columns)} for i, fld in enumerate(columns): tc = TableCell(stylename=cell_style) stylename = fldstyle(fld) p = text.P(stylename=stylename) e = fld.format_sum(ar, sums, i) html2odf(e, p) tc.addElement(p) #~ if len(txt) != 0: #~ msg = "html2odf() returned " #~ logger.warning(msg) #~ txt = tuple(html2odf(fld.format_sum(ar,sums,i),p)) #~ assert len(txt) == 1 #~ tc.addElement(text.P(stylename=stylename,text=txt[0])) tr.addElement(tc) doc.text.addElement(table) return toxml(table)
def initializeDocument(self): self.textdoc = OpenDocumentText() # Create a style for the table content. One we can modify # later in the word processor. self.tablecontents = Style(name="Table Contents", family="paragraph") self.tablecontents.addElement( ParagraphProperties(numberlines="false", linenumber="0")) self.textdoc.styles.addElement(self.tablecontents) # ----------------- define a few styles -------------------- # a Bold style self.BoldStyle = Style(name="Bold", family="paragraph") self.BoldProp = TextProperties(fontweight="bold") self.BoldStyle.addElement(self.BoldProp) self.textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(self.BoldStyle) # for Critical findings self.CriticalStyle = Style(name="Critical Findings", family="paragraph") self.CriticalStyleProp = TextProperties(fontweight="bold", color="#FF0000") self.CriticalStyle.addElement(self.CriticalStyleProp) self.textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(self.CriticalStyle) # for High findings self.HighStyle = Style(name="High Findings", family="paragraph") self.HighStyleProp = TextProperties(fontweight="bold", color="#FF2400") self.HighStyle.addElement(self.HighStyleProp) self.textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(self.HighStyle) # for Moderate findings self.ModerateStyle = Style(name="Moderate Findings", family="paragraph") self.ModerateStyleProp = TextProperties(fontweight="bold", color="#FF7F00") self.ModerateStyle.addElement(self.ModerateStyleProp) self.textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(self.ModerateStyle) # for Low findings self.LowStyle = Style(name="Low Findings", family="paragraph") self.LowStyleProp = TextProperties(fontweight="bold", color="#007FFF") self.LowStyle.addElement(self.LowStyleProp) self.textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(self.LowStyle) # for 'None' or 'Info' or 'Note' findings self.NoteStyle = Style(name="Note Findings", family="paragraph") self.NoteStyleProp = TextProperties(fontweight="bold") self.NoteStyle.addElement(self.NoteStyleProp) self.textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(self.NoteStyle) # nessus plugins can give widely inconsistent ratings: serious/high, medium/moderate, info/note/none... self.riskFactorsDict = { 'critical': self.CriticalStyle, 'high': self.HighStyle, 'serious': self.HighStyle, 'medium': self.ModerateStyle, 'moderate': self.ModerateStyle, 'low': self.LowStyle, 'info': self.NoteStyle, 'note': self.NoteStyle, 'none': self.NoteStyle } # Create automatic styles for the column widths. # We want two different widths, one in inches, the other one in metric. # ODF Standard section 15.9.1 widthshort = Style(name="Wshort", family="table-column") widthshort.addElement(TableColumnProperties(columnwidth="1.7cm")) self.textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(widthshort) widthwide = Style(name="Wwide", family="table-column") widthwide.addElement(TableColumnProperties(columnwidth="1.5in")) self.textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(widthwide) # hard-code columns styles, per column widthwide = Style(name="Wwide", family="table-column") widthwide.addElement(TableColumnProperties(columnwidth="1.5in")) self.textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(widthwide) # Start the table and describe the columns self.table = Table() if self.orderType == 'p': self.table.addElement( TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated=7, stylename=widthwide)) # populate columns with headers... tr = TableRow() self.table.addElement(tr) # declare necessary vars tc1 = TableCell() tc2 = TableCell() tc3 = TableCell() tc4 = TableCell() tc5 = TableCell() tc6 = TableCell() tc7 = TableCell() addElem = lambda cell, text, s=self: cell.addElement( ODFParagraph(stylename=self.BoldStyle, text=unicode(text, ODFTable.PWENC))) # Add Column 1: Finding Number addElem(tc1, 'Finding Number') tr.addElement(tc1) # Add Column 2: Vulnerability Name addElem(tc2, 'Vulnerability Name') tr.addElement(tc2) # Add Column 3: NIST 800-53 Mapping addElem(tc3, '800-53 Mapping') tr.addElement(tc3) # Add Column 4: Description addElem(tc4, 'Description') tr.addElement(tc4) # Add Column 5: Recommendation addElem(tc5, 'Recommendation') tr.addElement(tc5) # Add Column 6: CVE addElem(tc6, 'CVE') tr.addElement(tc6) # Add Column 6: Hosts Affected addElem(tc7, 'IP Address (Sample of hosts effected)') tr.addElement(tc7)
normal_style = textdoc.getStyleByName('本文') bold_style = textdoc.getStyleByName('強調') center = textdoc.getStyleByName('置中本文') centerbold = textdoc.getStyleByName('置中粗體') center_huge = textdoc.getStyleByName('置中加大') ver_center = textdoc.getStyleByName('垂直置中') tbc2 = Style(name="tbc2", family="table-column", parentstylename=normal_style) tbc2.addElement(TableColumnProperties(columnwidth="2cm")) textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(tbc2) tbc5 = Style(name="tbc5", family="table-column", parentstylename=normal_style) tbc5.addElement(TableColumnProperties(columnwidth="5cm")) textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(tbc5) mmTable = Table() mmTable.addElement(TableColumn(defaultcellstylename=ver_center,numbercolumnsrepeated=1,stylename=tbc2)) mmTable.addElement(TableColumn(defaultcellstylename=ver_center,numbercolumnsrepeated=1,stylename=tbc5)) mmTable.addElement(TableColumn(defaultcellstylename=ver_center,numbercolumnsrepeated=1,stylename=tbc2)) mmTable.addElement(TableColumn(defaultcellstylename=ver_center,numbercolumnsrepeated=1,stylename=tbc5)) tr = TableRow() mmTable.addElement(tr) put_tc("會議時間",center,tr) put_tc('2020/4/28',ver_center,tr,3) tr = TableRow() mmTable.addElement(tr) put_tc("會議地點",center,tr) put_tc("10樓",ver_center,tr,3) tr = TableRow() mmTable.addElement(tr) put_tc("主持人",center,tr) put_tc("協理",ver_center,tr)
def _creerNColTableau(self, nb): return TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated=nb)
textdoc.styles.addElement(tablecontents) # Create automatic styles for the column widths. # We want two different widths, one in inches, the other one in metric. # ODF Standard section 15.9.1 widthshort = Style(name="Wshort", family="table-column") widthshort.addElement(TableColumnProperties(columnwidth="1.7cm")) textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(widthshort) widthwide = Style(name="Wwide", family="table-column") widthwide.addElement(TableColumnProperties(columnwidth="1.5in")) textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(widthwide) # Start the table, and describe the columns table = Table() table.addElement(TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated=4, stylename=widthshort)) table.addElement(TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated=3, stylename=widthwide)) f = open('/etc/passwd') for line in f: rec = line.strip().split(":") tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) for val in rec: tc = TableCell() tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename=tablecontents, text=unicode(val, PWENC)) tc.addElement(p) textdoc.text.addElement(table)"passwd.odt")
def par_classe(classes, fileout): ods = OpenDocumentSpreadsheet() style_civilite = Style(parent=ods.automaticstyles, name='col_civilite', family='table-column') TableColumnProperties(parent=style_civilite, columnwidth='1cm') style_nom = Style(parent=ods.automaticstyles, name='col_nom', family='table-column') TableColumnProperties(parent=style_nom, columnwidth='4.5cm') style_date = Style(parent=ods.automaticstyles, name='col_date', family='table-column') TableColumnProperties(parent=style_date, columnwidth='3.2cm') style_internat = Style(parent=ods.automaticstyles, name='col_internat', family='table-column') TableColumnProperties(parent=style_internat, columnwidth='3.2cm') style_classe = Style(parent=ods.automaticstyles, name='col_classe', family='table-column') TableColumnProperties(parent=style_classe, columnwidth='3.2cm') style_etat_voeu = Style(parent=ods.automaticstyles, name='col_etat_voeu', family='table-column') TableColumnProperties(parent=style_etat_voeu, columnwidth='4cm') style_titre = Style(parent=ods.automaticstyles, name='cell_titre', family='table-cell') TextProperties(parent=style_titre, fontweight='bold', fontsize='14pt') ParagraphProperties(parent=style_titre, textalign='center') style_ligne_titre = Style(parent=ods.automaticstyles, name='ligne_titre', family='table-row') TableRowProperties(parent=style_ligne_titre, rowheight='8mm') style_entete = Style(parent=ods.automaticstyles, name='cell_entete', family='table-cell') TextProperties(parent=style_entete, fontweight='bold') number_style_date_format = odf.number.DateStyle(parent=ods.automaticstyles, name='date_number') odf.number.Day(parent=number_style_date_format, style='long') odf.number.Text(parent=number_style_date_format, text="/") odf.number.Month(parent=number_style_date_format, style='long') odf.number.Text(parent=number_style_date_format, text="/") odf.number.Year(parent=number_style_date_format, style='long') style_date_format = Style(parent=ods.automaticstyles, name='cell_date', family='table-cell', datastylename=number_style_date_format) for classe in classes: table = Table(name=str(classe)) table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_civilite)) # Sexe table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_nom)) # Nom table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_nom)) # Prénom table.addElement( TableColumn(stylename=style_date)) # Date de naissance table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_internat)) # Internat table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_etat_voeu)) # État vœu table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_nom)) # E-mail table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_nom)) # Téléphone table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_nom)) # Mobile # En-tête de la feuille tr = TableRow(parent=table, stylename=style_ligne_titre) cell = TableCell(parent=tr, numbercolumnsspanned=9, numberrowsspanned=1, valuetype='string', stylename=style_titre) cell.addElement(P(text=str(classe))) CoveredTableCell(parent=tr, numbercolumnsrepeated=8) tr = TableRow(parent=table) TableCell(parent=tr) # Sexe P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string', stylename=style_entete), text="Nom") P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string', stylename=style_entete), text="Prénom") P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string', stylename=style_entete), text="Date de naissance") P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string', stylename=style_entete), text="Internat") P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string', stylename=style_entete), text="État Parcoursup") P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string', stylename=style_entete), text="E-mail") P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string', stylename=style_entete), text="Téléphone") P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string', stylename=style_entete), text="Mobile") for etudiant in classe.admissions().order_by('nom'): tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string').addElement( P(text=etudiant.get_sexe_display())) TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string').addElement(P(text=etudiant.nom)) TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string').addElement(P(text=etudiant.prenom)) cell = TableCell(valuetype='date', datevalue=str(etudiant.date_naissance), stylename=style_date_format) cell.addElement(P(text=etudiant.date_naissance)) tr.addElement(cell) cell = TableCell(valuetype='string') if etudiant.proposition_actuelle.internat: cell.addElement(P(text="Interne")) tr.addElement(cell) TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string').addElement( P(text=etudiant.proposition_actuelle.get_etat_display())) TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string').addElement(P( TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string').addElement( P(text=etudiant.telephone)) TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string').addElement( P(text=etudiant.telephone_mobile)) ods.spreadsheet.addElement(table) # Liste générale pour l'infirmerie table = Table(name="Infirmerie") ods.spreadsheet.addElement(table) table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_civilite)) # Sexe table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_nom)) # Nom table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_nom)) # Prénom table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_classe)) # Classe table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_date)) # Date de naissance table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=style_internat)) # Internat # En-tête de la feuille tr = TableRow(parent=table, stylename=style_ligne_titre) cell = TableCell(parent=tr, numbercolumnsspanned=9, numberrowsspanned=1, valuetype='string', stylename=style_titre) cell.addElement(P(text="Liste de tous les étudiants admis")) tr = TableRow(parent=table) TableCell(parent=tr) # Sexe P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string', stylename=style_entete), text="Nom") P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string', stylename=style_entete), text="Prénom") P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string', stylename=style_entete), text="Classe") P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string', stylename=style_entete), text="Date de naissance") P(parent=TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string', stylename=style_entete), text="Internat") for etudiant in Etudiant.objects.filter( proposition_actuelle__isnull=False, proposition_actuelle__date_demission__isnull=True).order_by( 'nom', 'prenom'): tr = TableRow(parent=table) TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string').addElement( P(text=etudiant.get_sexe_display())) TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string').addElement(P(text=etudiant.nom)) TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string').addElement(P(text=etudiant.prenom)) TableCell(parent=tr, valuetype='string').addElement( P(text=str(etudiant.proposition_actuelle.classe))) cell = TableCell(valuetype='date', datevalue=str(etudiant.date_naissance), stylename=style_date_format) cell.addElement(P(text=etudiant.date_naissance)) tr.addElement(cell) cell = TableCell(valuetype='string') if etudiant.proposition_actuelle.internat: cell.addElement(P(text="Interne")) tr.addElement(cell) ods.write(fileout)
def do_args(doc, args): if args is None: return table = Table(name="Table 1") table.addElement( TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated='3', stylename='TableAutoWidth')) tr = TableRow(stylename='TableAutoWidth') table.addElement(tr) tc = TableCell(valuetype="string", stylename='Table Heading') tc.addElement(P(text='Name')) tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell(valuetype="string", stylename='Table Heading') tc.addElement(P(text='Type')) tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell(valuetype="string", stylename='Table Heading') tc.addElement(P(text='Description')) tr.addElement(tc) for t in args.findall('arg'): tr = TableRow(stylename='TableAutoWidth') table.addElement(tr) # Name. tc = TableCell(valuetype="string", stylename='Table Contents') tc.addElement(P(text=t.attrib['name'])) tr.addElement(tc) # Type. tc = TableCell(valuetype="string", stylename='Table Contents') tname = t.attrib['type'].strip() if tname == 'List': refs = [] for subtype in t.findall('types/type'): stname = subtype.attrib['name'] ref = BookmarkRef(referenceformat='text', refname=stname) ref.addText(stname) refs.append(ref) if len(refs) == 1: c = P(text='List of ') c.addElement(refs[0]) tc.addElement(c) else: c = P(text='List of: ') tc.addElement(c) lst = List() for r in refs: item_p = P() item_p.addElement(r) item = ListItem() item.addElement(item_p) lst.addElement(item) tc.addElement(lst) else: ref = BookmarkRef(referenceformat='text', refname=tname) ref.addText(tname) c = P() c.addElement(ref) tc.addElement(c) tr.addElement(tc) # Description. tc = TableCell(valuetype="string", stylename='Table Contents') tr.addElement(tc) desc = t.find('doc').text if 'value' in t.attrib: desc += 'This argument has a fixed value of %s.' % t.attrib['value'] tc.addElement(P(text=desc)) lst = do_values(doc, t.find('values')) if lst is not None: tc.addElement(lst) doc.text.addElement(table)
link = A(type="simple",href="", text="") p.addElement(link) textdoc.text.addElement(p) # add the table """ <table:table-column table:number-columns-repeated="3"/> """ textdoc.text.addElement(H(outlinelevel=1,text='A Table (Heading 1)')) table = Table(name="Table 1") table.addElement(TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated="3")) # first row tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) tc = TableCell(valuetype="string") tc.addElement(P(text='Website')) tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell(valuetype="string") tc.addElement(P(text='Description')) tr.addElement(tc) tc = TableCell(valuetype="string") tc.addElement(P(text='URL')) tr.addElement(tc) # second row
def save(self, filename, i_max = None, j_max = None): ''' save table in ods format ''' if not i_max: i_max = self.table.i_max if not j_max: j_max = self.table.j_max # update cells text self.table.updateTable(i_max, j_max) # create new odf spreadsheet odfdoc = OpenDocumentSpreadsheet() # set direction style rtl = Style(name = "dir", family = "table") if self.table.direction == 'rtl': rtl.addElement(TableProperties(writingmode="rl-tb")) odfdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(rtl) # create the table table = Table(name = "sheet 1", stylename = 'dir') # default style ts = Style(name = "ts", family = "table-cell") ts.addElement(TextProperties(fontfamily = SodsCell().font_family, fontsize = SodsCell().font_size)) odfdoc.styles.addElement(ts) # create columns for j in range(1, j_max): colname = "col" + str(j) c = self.table.getCellAt(0, j) width = c.column_width cs = Style(name = colname, family = "table-column") cs.addElement(TableColumnProperties(columnwidth = width, breakbefore = "auto")) odfdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(cs) table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename = colname, defaultcellstylename = "ts")) # make sure values are up to date # loop and update the cells value for i in range(1, i_max): # create new ods row tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) # create default data styles for dates and numbers ncs = NumberStyle(name="ncs") ncs.addElement(Number(decimalplaces="2", minintegerdigits="1", grouping="true")) odfdoc.styles.addElement(ncs) ncs2 = NumberStyle(name="ncs2") ncs2.addElement(Number(decimalplaces="0", minintegerdigits="1", grouping="false")) odfdoc.styles.addElement(ncs2) dcs = DateStyle(name="dcs") dcs.addElement(Year(style='long')) dcs.addElement(Text(text = '-')) dcs.addElement(Month(style='long')) dcs.addElement(Text(text = '-')) dcs.addElement(Day(style='long')) odfdoc.styles.addElement(dcs) for j in range(1, j_max): # update the cell text and condition cell = self.table.encodeColName(j) + str(i) c = self.table.getCellAt(i, j) # chose datastylename if c.value_type == 'date': datastylename = "dcs" else: if c.format == "": datastylename = "ncs2" if c.format == "#,##0.00": datastylename = "ncs" # get cell style id if (c.condition): style_id = (datastylename + c.color + c.font_size + c.font_family + c.background_color + c.border_top + c.border_bottom + c.border_left + c.border_right + c.condition_color + c.condition_background_color) else: style_id = (datastylename + c.color + c.font_size + c.font_family + c.background_color + c.border_top + c.border_bottom + c.border_left + c.border_right) # set ods style style_name = self.getStyle(c, cell, datastylename, style_id, odfdoc) # create new ods cell if (c.formula and c.formula[0] == '=' and c.formula[:4] != '=uni'): if self.table.isFloat(c.value): tc = TableCell(valuetype = c.value_type, formula = c.formula, value = float(c.value), stylename = style_name) else: tc = TableCell(valuetype = c.value_type, formula = c.formula, value = 0, stylename = style_name) elif (c.value_type == 'date'): tc = TableCell(valuetype = c.value_type, datevalue = c.date_value, stylename = style_name) elif (c.value_type == 'float') and self.table.isFloat(c.value): tc = TableCell(valuetype = c.value_type, value = float(c.value), stylename = style_name) else: tc = TableCell(valuetype = 'string', stylename = style_name) # set ods text tc.addElement(P(text = str(escape(c.text), 'utf-8'))) tr.addElement(tc) odfdoc.spreadsheet.addElement(table)
def doit(args): logfile = args.logger if logfile.loglevel = try: root = ET.parse(args.input).getroot() except: logfile.log("Error parsing FTML input", "S") if args.font: # font(s) specified on command line fontlist = getfonts(args.font, logfile) else: # get font spec from FTML fontsrc element fontlist = getfonts([root.find("./head/fontsrc").text], logfile, False) #fontlist = getfonts( [fs.text for fs in root.findall("./head/fontsrc")], False ) ### would allow multiple fontsrc elements numfonts = len(fontlist) if numfonts == 0: logfile.log("No font(s) specified", "S") if numfonts > 1: formattedfontnum = ["{0:02d}".format(n) for n in range(numfonts)] else: formattedfontnum = [""] logfile.log("Font(s) specified:", "V") for n, (fontname, bold, italic, embeddedfont) in enumerate(fontlist): logfile.log( " " + formattedfontnum[n] + " " + fontname + BoldItalic(bold, italic) + " " + str(embeddedfont), "V") # get optional fontscale; compute pointsize as int(12*fontscale/100). If result xx is not 12, then add "fo:font-size=xxpt" in Px styles pointsize = 12 fontscaleel = root.find("./head/fontscale") if fontscaleel != None: fontscale = fontscaleel.text try: pointsize = int(int(fontscale) * 12 / 100) except ValueError: # any problem leaves pointsize 12 logfile.log("Problem with fontscale value; defaulting to 12 point", "W") # Get FTML styles and generate LO writer styles # P2 is paragraph style for string element when no features specified # each Px (for P3...) corresponds to an FTML style, which specifies lang or feats or both # if numfonts > 1, two-digit font number is appended to make an LO writer style for each FTML style + font combo # When LO writer style is used with attribute rtl="True", "R" appended to style name LOstyles = {} ftmlstyles = {} Pstylenum = 2 LOstyles["P2"] = ("", None, None) ftmlstyles[0] = "P2" for s in root.findall("./head/styles/style"): Pstylenum += 1 Pnum = "P" + str(Pstylenum) featstring = "" if s.get('feats'): featstring = parsefeats(s.get('feats')) langname = None countryname = None lang = s.get('lang') if lang != None: x = re.match(langcode, lang) langname ='langname') countryname ='countryname') # FTML <test> element @stylename attribute references this <style> element @name attribute ftmlstyles[s.get('name')] = Pnum LOstyles[Pnum] = (featstring, langname, countryname) # create LOwriter file and construct styles for tables, column widths, etc. LOdoc = OpenDocumentText() init(LOdoc, numfonts) # Initialize sequence counters sds = SequenceDecls() sd = sds.addElement( SequenceDecl(displayoutlinelevel='0', name='Illustration')) sd = sds.addElement(SequenceDecl(displayoutlinelevel='0', name='Table')) sd = sds.addElement(SequenceDecl(displayoutlinelevel='0', name='Text')) sd = sds.addElement(SequenceDecl(displayoutlinelevel='0', name='Drawing')) LOdoc.text.addElement(sds) # Create Px style for each (featstring, langname, countryname) tuple in LOstyles # and for each font (if >1 font, append to Px style name a two-digit number corresponding to the font in fontlist) # and (if at least one rtl attribute) suffix of nothing or "R" # At the same time, collect info for creating FontFace elements (and any embedded fonts) suffixlist = ["", "R" ] if root.find(".//test/[@rtl='True']") != None else [""] fontfaces = {} for p in sorted(LOstyles, key=lambda x: int(x[1:]) ): # key = lambda x : int(x[1:]) corrects sort order featstring, langname, countryname = LOstyles[p] for n, (fontname, bold, italic, embeddedfont) in enumerate( fontlist): # embeddedfont = None if no embedding needed fontnum = formattedfontnum[n] # Collect fontface info: need one for each font family + feature combination # Put embedded font in list only under fontname with empty featstring if (fontname, featstring) not in fontfaces: fontfaces[(fontname, featstring)] = [] if embeddedfont: if (fontname, "") not in fontfaces: fontfaces[(fontname, "")] = [] if embeddedfont not in fontfaces[(fontname, "")]: fontfaces[(fontname, "")].append(embeddedfont) # Generate paragraph styles for s in suffixlist: pstyle = Style(name=p + fontnum + s, family="paragraph") if s == "R": pstyle.addElement( ParagraphProperties(textalign="end", justifysingleword="false", writingmode="rl-tb")) pstyledic = {} pstyledic['fontnamecomplex'] = \ pstyledic['fontnameasian'] =\ pstyledic['fontname'] = fontname + featstring pstyledic['fontsizecomplex'] = \ pstyledic['fontsizeasian'] = \ pstyledic['fontsize'] = str(pointsize) + "pt" if bold: pstyledic['fontweightcomplex'] = \ pstyledic['fontweightasian'] = \ pstyledic['fontweight'] = 'bold' if italic: pstyledic['fontstylecomplex'] = \ pstyledic['fontstyleasian'] = \ pstyledic['fontstyle'] = 'italic' if langname != None: pstyledic['languagecomplex'] = \ pstyledic['languageasian'] = \ pstyledic['language'] = langname if countryname != None: pstyledic['countrycomplex'] = \ pstyledic['countryasian'] = \ pstyledic['country'] = countryname pstyle.addElement(TextProperties(attributes=pstyledic)) # LOdoc.styles.addElement(pstyle) ### tried this, but when saving the generated odt, LO changed them to automatic styles LOdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(pstyle) fontstoembed = [] for fontname, featstring in sorted( fontfaces ): ### Or find a way to keep order of <style> elements from original FTML? ff = FontFace(name=fontname + featstring, fontfamily=fontname + featstring, fontpitch="variable") LOdoc.fontfacedecls.addElement(ff) if fontfaces[(fontname, featstring)]: # embedding needed for this combination for fontfile in fontfaces[(fontname, featstring)]: fontstoembed.append(fontfile) # make list for embedding ffsrc = FontFaceSrc() ffuri = FontFaceUri( **{ 'href': "Fonts/" + os.path.basename(fontfile), 'type': "simple" }) ffformat = FontFaceFormat(**{'string': 'truetype'}) ff.addElement(ffsrc) ffsrc.addElement(ffuri) ffuri.addElement(ffformat) basename = "Table1.B" colorcount = 0 colordic = { } # record color #rrggbb as key and "Table1.Bx" as stylename (where x is current color count) tablenum = 0 # get title and comment and use as title and subtitle titleel = root.find("./head/title") if titleel != None: LOdoc.text.addElement( H(outlinelevel=1, stylename="Title", text=titleel.text)) commentel = root.find("./head/comment") if commentel != None: LOdoc.text.addElement(P(stylename="Subtitle", text=commentel.text)) # Each testgroup element begins a new table for tg in root.findall("./testgroup"): # insert label attribute of testgroup element as subtitle tglabel = tg.get('label') if tglabel != None: LOdoc.text.addElement( H(outlinelevel=1, stylename="Subtitle", text=tglabel)) # insert text from comment subelement of testgroup element tgcommentel = tg.find("./comment") if tgcommentel != None: #print("commentel found") LOdoc.text.addElement(P(text=tgcommentel.text)) tgbg = tg.get( 'background') # background attribute of testgroup element tablenum += 1 table = Table(name="Table" + str(tablenum), stylename="Table1") table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="Table1.A")) for n in range(numfonts): table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="Table1.B")) table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="Table1.A")) table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="Table1.D")) for t in tg.findall("./test"): # Each test element begins a new row # stuff to start the row labeltext = t.get('label') stylename = t.get('stylename') stringel = t.find('./string') commentel = t.find('./comment') rtlsuffix = "R" if t.get('rtl') == 'True' else "" comment = commentel.text if commentel != None else None colBstyle = "Table1.A1" tbg = t.get( 'background' ) # get background attribute of test group (if one exists) if tbg == None: tbg = tgbg if tbg != None: # if background attribute for test element (or background attribute for testgroup element) if tbg not in colordic: # if color not found in color dic, create new style colorcount += 1 newname = basename + str(colorcount) colordic[tbg] = newname tb1style = Style(name=newname, family="table-cell") tb1style.addElement( TableCellProperties( attributes={ 'padding': "0.0382in", 'border': "0.05pt solid #000000", 'backgroundcolor': tbg })) LOdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(tb1style) colBstyle = colordic[tbg] row = TableRow() table.addElement(row) # fill cells # column A (label) cell = TableCell(stylename="Table1.A1", valuetype="string") if labeltext: cell.addElement( P(stylename="Table_20_Contents", text=labeltext)) row.addElement(cell) # column B (string) for n in range(numfonts): Pnum = ftmlstyles[stylename] if stylename != None else "P2" Pnum = Pnum + formattedfontnum[n] + rtlsuffix ### not clear if any of the following can be moved outside loop and reused cell = TableCell(stylename=colBstyle, valuetype="string") par = P(stylename=Pnum) if len(stringel) == 0: # no <em> subelements par.addText(re.sub(backu, hextounichr, stringel.text)) else: # handle <em> subelement(s) if stringel.text != None: par.addElement( Span(stylename="T1", text=re.sub(backu, hextounichr, stringel.text))) for e in stringel.findall("em"): if e.text != None: par.addText(re.sub(backu, hextounichr, e.text)) if e.tail != None: par.addElement( Span(stylename="T1", text=re.sub(backu, hextounichr, e.tail))) cell.addElement(par) row.addElement(cell) # column C (comment) cell = TableCell(stylename="Table1.A1", valuetype="string") if comment: cell.addElement(P(stylename="Table_20_Contents", text=comment)) row.addElement(cell) # column D (stylename) cell = TableCell(stylename="Table1.A1", valuetype="string") if comment: cell.addElement( P(stylename="Table_20_Contents", text=stylename)) row.addElement(cell) LOdoc.text.addElement(table) LOdoc.text.addElement(P(stylename="Subtitle", text="")) # Empty paragraph to end ### necessary? try: if fontstoembed: logfile.log("Embedding fonts in document", "V") for f in fontstoembed: LOdoc._extra.append( OpaqueObject( filename="Fonts/" + os.path.basename(f), mediatype= "application/x-font-ttf", ### should be "application/font-woff" or "/font-woff2" for WOFF fonts, "/font-opentype" for ttf, "rb").read())) ci = ConfigItem(**{ 'name': 'EmbedFonts', 'type': 'boolean' }) ### (name = 'EmbedFonts', type = 'boolean') ci.addText('true') cis = ConfigItemSet(**{'name': 'ooo:configuration-settings' }) ### (name = 'ooo:configuration-settings') cis.addElement(ci) LOdoc.settings.addElement(cis) except: logfile.log("Error embedding fonts in document", "E") logfile.log("Writing output file: " + args.output, "P") return
def groupPage(group, lang): grouptitle = H(stylename=h3style, text=group, outlinelevel=3) textdoc.text.addElement(grouptitle) blankline = P(text="") textdoc.text.addElement(blankline) if td != '': table = Table() table.addElement(TableColumn(numbercolumnsrepeated=2)) headers = [ translation['part'][lang], '2 ' + translation['period'][lang] ] #,"2. Ebaluazioa","Azken Ebaluazioa"] tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) for val in headers: tc = TableCell(stylename="Table") tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename=tableheaders, text=val) tc.addElement(p) #f = [["garbitasuna",3,6],["materiala",6,8],["Adostasuna", "Ez konforme","konforme"],["Harremanak1",7,8],["Harremanak2",6,7],["Adostasuna", "konforme","konforme"]] g = group.replace(". ", "") g = g.replace("º ", "") g = g.replace(".", "") g = g.replace("º", "") g = g.replace("° ", "") g = g.replace("°", "") g = g.replace(" ", "") g = g.replace("Bach1", "5") g = g.replace("Bach2", "6") g = g.replace("Batx1", "5") g = g.replace("Batx2", "6") f = td[g] for line in f: if "group" in line: #FIXME: If not all group tables contain a row with the group name (also in text header...) continue tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) for i, val in enumerate(line): if i == 0: tc = TableCell(stylename="Table") tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename=tablecontents, text=translation[val][lang]) elif val == "EzKonforme": tc = TableCell(stylename="Table") tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename=tablecontentscenterred, text=translation[val][lang]) elif val == "Konforme": tc = TableCell(stylename="Table") tr.addElement(tc) p = P(stylename=tablecontentscenter, text=translation[val][lang]) else: tc = TableCell(stylename="Table") tr.addElement(tc) if isinstance(val, numbers.Number): val = round(val, 1) p = P(stylename=tablecontentscenter, text=val) tc.addElement(p) textdoc.text.addElement(table) blankline = P(text="") textdoc.text.addElement(blankline) if lang == "eu": subjectsp = P(text="%70 baino gainditu gutxiago duten ikasgaiak:") else: subjectsp = P(text="Asignaturas con menos del %70 de aprobados:") textdoc.text.addElement(subjectsp) blankline = P(text="") textdoc.text.addElement(blankline) textList = List(stylename="L1") file = path + "ehunekoak-" + period + "-" + year + "-" + group + ".csv" with open(file, 'r', encoding="UTF-8") as results: reader = csv.reader(results) headers = next(reader, None) # get first row with headers for row in reader: if float(row[1]) < 70 and row[0] != "All": item = ListItem() if lang == "eu": item.addElement( P(text=row[0] + ": " + "{:.2f}".format(float(row[1])) + "%")) else: item.addElement( P(text=ikasgai[row[0]] + ": " + "{:.2f}".format(float(row[1])) + "%")) textList.addElement(item) textdoc.text.addElement(textList) breakpage = P(stylename=withbreak, text="") textdoc.text.addElement(breakpage) for diagramtype in [pie, percent]: #,name2]: p = P() textdoc.text.addElement(p) img_path = path + group + diagramtype href = textdoc.addPicture(img_path) f = Frame(name=group + diagramtype, anchortype="paragraph", width="17cm", height="7.5cm", zindex="0") p.addElement(f) img = Image(href=href, type="simple", show="embed", actuate="onLoad") f.addElement(img)
ns2.addElement(Number(decimalplaces="2", minintegerdigits="1", grouping="true")) ns2.addElement(Map(condition="value()>=0", applystylename="positive-AUD")) textdoc.styles.addElement(ns2) # Create automatic style for the price cells. moneycontents = Style(name="ce1", family="table-cell", parentstylename=tablecontents, datastylename="main-AUD") textdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(moneycontents) # Start the table, and describe the columns table = Table(name="Currency colours") # Create a column (same as <col> in HTML) Make all cells in column default to currency table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename=widewidth, defaultcellstylename="ce1")) # Create a row (same as <tr> in HTML) tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) # Create a cell with a negative value. It should show as red. cell = TableCell(valuetype="currency", currency="AUD", value="-125") cell.addElement(P(text=u"$-125.00")) # The current displayed value tr.addElement(cell) # Create a row (same as <tr> in HTML) tr = TableRow() table.addElement(tr) # Create another cell but with a positive value. It should show in black cell = TableCell(valuetype="currency", currency="AUD", value="123") cell.addElement(P(text=u"$123.00")) # The current displayed value tr.addElement(cell)
ParagraphProperties(parent=tablecontents, numberlines='false', linenumber='0') TextProperties(parent=tablecontents, fontweight='bold') # Create automatic styles for the column widths. # We want two different widths, one in inches, the other one in metric. # ODF Standard section 15.9.1 widthshort = Style(parent=textdoc.automaticstyles, name='Wshort', family='table-column') TableColumnProperties(parent=widthshort, columnwidth='1.7cm') widthwide = Style(parent=textdoc.automaticstyles, name='Wwide', family='table-column') TableColumnProperties(parent=widthwide, columnwidth='1.5in') # Start the table, and describe the columns table = Table(parent=textdoc.spreadsheet, name='Password') TableColumn(parent=table, numbercolumnsrepeated=4, stylename=widthshort) TableColumn(parent=table, numbercolumnsrepeated=3, stylename=widthwide) with open('/etc/passwd') as f: for line in f: rec = line.strip().split(':') tr = TableRow(parent=table) for val in rec: tc = TableCell(parent=tr) p = P(parent=tc, stylename=tablecontents, text=val)'passwd.ods')