Пример #1
    def __add__(self,rhs):
        "Add histograms in rhs to current sample and create a new sample"
        s = self.Clone()

        print 'Plotter ### in add for Label = ', self.Label
        # Deal with samples not having hists (e.g. files not found)
        if len(rhs._HistDict)==0: return s
        if len(s._HistDict)==0:   return rhs

        #make copies so elements can be removed without lasting damage
        RhsHistDict = rhs._HistDict
        SHistDict   = s._HistDict

        # make a new OrderedDict that contains only the hists that are in both rhs and self and fill it with those in self
        MinHistDict = OrderedDict()
        for key, obj in SHistDict.iteritems():
            if SHistDict.has_key(key) and RhsHistDict.has_key(key): MinHistDict[key]=obj

        if testVerbose: print 'Sample ### MinHistDict = ', MinHistDict

        #now add rhs to the new ordered dict
        for key, obj in MinHistDict.iteritems():

        self._OpSetProperties(s, rhs, '+')

        #alter the hist dict of copy of self by setting it to the new hist dict created above and return it
        s._HistDict = MinHistDict
        return s
Пример #2
def sort_recursive(dictionary):
    Recursively sorts nested dictionaries. Should not be applied if the
    structures are nested too deeply and/or there is even the remote
    possibility that the nesting of the passed dictionary contains a cyclic

        dictionary (dict): A python dictionary

        A recursively sorted dictionary


    >>> dict = { 'a': '2', 'c': 3, 'b': { 'e': 4, 'd': 1 }, 'f': 5}
    >>> sort_recursive(dict)
    OrderedDict([('a', '2'), ('b', OrderedDict([('d', 1), ('e', 4)])), ('c', 3), ('f', 5)])

    sorted_list = OrderedDict(sorted(dictionary.items(), key = lambda x: x[0]))
    # TODO test for cyclic structures.
    for key, value in sorted_list.items():
        if type(value) is dict:
            sorted_list[key] = sort_recursive(value)

    return sorted_list
Пример #3
class JobTracker(object):
    def __init__(self, name, trackers, cls=Monitor):
        self.name = name
        self.count = 0
        self.trackers = OrderedDict()
        for n, getter in trackers:
            mon = cls("%s: %s" % (name, n))
            self.trackers[n] = (mon, getter)

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        if attr in self.trackers:
            return self.trackers[attr][0]
            raise AttributeError

    def record(self, agent, job):
        for mon, getter in self.trackers.itervalues():
            mon.observe(getter(agent, job))
        self.count += 1

    def report(self):
        for mon, _ in self.trackers.itervalues():
            print self._report(mon)
    def _report(self, tally):
        s = "mean %s: %.2f (%.2f)"
        if tally.count():
            vars = (tally.name, tally.mean(), math.sqrt(tally.var()))
            vars = (tally.name, 0, 0)
        return s % vars
Пример #4
    def _flatten_dictionary(self, params, parent=None):
            Flatten a hierarchical dictionary into a simple dictionary.

                >>> self._flatten_dictionary({
                    "test": {
                        "foo": 12,
                        "bar": "hello",
                    "baz": False
                    "test[foo]": 12,
                    "test[bar]": hello,
                    "baz": False
        data = OrderedDict()
        for key, val in params.items():
            full_key = parent + "[" + key + "]" if parent else key
            if isinstance(val, dict):
                data.update(self._flatten_dictionary(val, full_key))
                data[full_key] = val
        return data
Пример #5
  def get_stats(self, dim, prefix=''):
    """Get various 1d statistics for the datatable.
    def add_stat(stats, key, val):
      stats[prefix+key] = val
    def get_stat(stats, key):
      return stats[prefix+key]
    #print dim
    #print self.num_cells
    #print self.data
    p = self.get_points(dim)
    s = OrderedDict()
    add_stat(s, 'num_cells', self.num_cells)
    add_stat(s, 'min', np.min(p))
    add_stat(s, 'max', np.max(p))
    add_stat(s, 'average', np.average(p))
    add_stat(s, 'std', np.std(p))
    add_stat(s, 'median', np.median(p))
    add_stat(s, 'gaussian_fit', 
            dim, 100,
            get_stat(s, 'average'),
            get_stat(s, 'std')))

    keys = s.keys()
    vals = np.array([s.values()])
    ret = DataTable(vals, keys, name=self.sub_name('stats for %s' % dim))
    ret.properties['original_table'] = self
    return ret
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, method='POST', action='', submitLabel='Submit', attrs=None):
        '''Initialize a new, empty form instance.

        @param method: the form method attribute (i.e. "GET" or "POST")
        @type method: str
        @param action: the form action attribute.  This will often be the empty
        @type action: str
        string ("self-submission"), for simplified validation and error message display.
        @param submitLabel: the text of the final submit button.
        @type submitLabel: str
        @param attrs: a dictionary of attribute names and values for the form
        element (i.e. the "class" or "id" attributes).  The I{method} and
        I{action} attributes can be set here, or through their parameters (which
        are provided simply as a convenience; if set on both, the values here
        take precedence.
        @type attrs: dict
        self.schema = schema.Schema()
        self.schema.fields = self 

        self.attrs = {'method':method, 'action':action}
        if attrs:

        self.submitLabel = submitLabel
Пример #7
 def __init__(self, bgpid, asnum, holdtime=180, version=4):
     self.version = version
     self.holdtime = holdtime
     self.asnum = asnum
     self.bgpid = bgpid
     self.caps = OD()
     self.params = OD()
Пример #8
 def __init__(self, name):
     self.name = name
     self.sensitivities = OrderedDict()
     self.baseClassifications = OrderedDict()
     self.rawToTrans = OrderedDict()
     self.transToRaw = OrderedDict()
     self.groups = OrderedDict()
Пример #9
 def startElement(self, name, attrs):
     self.path.append((name, attrs or None))
     if len(self.path) > self.item_depth:
         self.stack.append((self.item, self.data))
         attrs = OrderedDict((self.attr_prefix+key, yaml_eval(value))
                 for (key, value) in attrs.items())
         self.item = self.xml_attribs and attrs or None
         self.data = None
Пример #10
def merge_hists(hists_d, merge_groups, order=PhysicsProcess.desired_plot_order):
    Merges the dictionary of input histograms according to the merge rules, which are specified
    as a key-value dictionary, where the key is the target and value a list of (regular) expressions
    to merge under the key.

    For example, {
        "WJets": ["W[1-4]Jets_.*"],
        "tchan": ["T_t_ToLeptons", "Tbar_t_ToLeptons"],
    } will perform the corresponding merges. The values of the merge dict are the keys of the input histogram dict.

    returns - a dictionary with the merged histograms. Optionally you can specify a list with the desired order of the keys.
    for v in hists_d.values():
        if not isinstance(v, Hist) and not isinstance(v, ROOT.TH1I) and not isinstance(v, ROOT.TH1F) and not isinstance(v, Hist2D) and not isinstance(v, ROOT.TH2I) and not isinstance(v, ROOT.TH2F):
            raise ValueError("First argument(hists_d) must be a dict of Histograms, but found %s" % v)

    out_d = OrderedDict()
    logger.debug("merge_hists: input histograms %s" % str(hists_d))

    for merge_name, items in merge_groups.items():
        logger.debug("Merging %s to %s" % (items, merge_name))

        matching_keys = []
        for item in items:
            t = filter(lambda x: re.match(item + "$", x), hists_d.keys())
            matching_keys += t
            logger.debug("Matched %s to %s" % (str(t), item))
        if len(matching_keys)==0:
        logger.debug("Merging matched %s" % str(matching_keys))
        hist = hists_d[matching_keys[0]].Clone()
        for item in matching_keys[1:]:

        out_d[merge_name] = hist

    out_d_ordered = OrderedDict()

    for elem in order:
            out_d_ordered[elem] = out_d.pop(elem)
            if hasattr(PhysicsProcess, merge_name):
                if type(getattr(PhysicsProcess, merge_name)) is dict:   #take nominal name if multiple options
                    out_d_ordered[elem].SetTitle(getattr(PhysicsProcess, merge_name)["nominal"].pretty_name)
                else:   #regular
                    out_d_ordered[elem].SetTitle(getattr(PhysicsProcess, merge_name).pretty_name)
        except KeyError: #We don't care if there was an element in the order which was not present in the merge output

    #Put anything that was not in the order list simply to the end
    for k, v in out_d.items():
        out_d_ordered[k] = v

    return out_d_ordered
Пример #11
class Domain:

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        self.sensitivities = OrderedDict()
        self.baseClassifications = OrderedDict()
        self.rawToTrans = OrderedDict()
        self.transToRaw = OrderedDict()
        self.groups = OrderedDict()

    def addSensitivity(self, sensitivity, level):
        if self.sensitivities.has_key(sensitivity) == 0:
            self.sensitivities[sensitivity] = level

    def findSensitivityByName(self, sensitivity):
        for k, v in self.sensitivities.iteritems():
#            print k,v
            if v == sensitivity:
                return sensitivity
        return None

    def addGroup(self, groupName):
        group = Group(groupName)
        self.groups[groupName] = group
        return group

    def addBaseClassification(self, bcName):
        baseClassification = BaseClassification(bcName)
        self.baseClassifications[bcName] = baseClassification
        return baseClassification

    def str(self):
        str = ""
        str = str + "Domain name: %s\n" % (self.name)
        str = str + "Sensitivities:"
        for key in self.sensitivities.keys():
            str = str + "%s %s\n" % (key, self.sensitivities[key])
        str = str + "Base classifications:\n"
        for key in self.baseClassifications.keys():
            str = str + str(self.baseClassifications[key])
        str = str + "Groups:\n"
        for key in self.groups.keys():
            str = str + str(self.groups[key])
#        str = str + "Raw to translated:"
#        for key in self.rawToTrans.keys():
#            str = str + "%s %s" % (key, self.rawToTrans[key])
#        str = str + "Translated to raw:"
#        for key in self.transToRaw.keys():
#            str = str + "%s %s" % (key, self.transToRaw[key])
        return str
Пример #12
class Group:

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        self.wordDict = OrderedDict()
        self.whitespace = ""
        self.join = ""
        self.default = ""
        self.prefixes = []
        self.suffixes = []

    def __str__(self):
        str = ""
        str = str + "\nName: %s\n" % (self.name)
        str = str + "Whitespace: %s\n" % (self.whitespace)
        str = str + "Join: %s\n" % (self.join)
        str = str + "Default: %s\n" % (self.default)
        str = str + "Prefixes: %s\n" % (self.prefixes)
        str = str + "Suffixes: %s\n" % (self.suffixes)
        str = str + "Words:\n"
        for key in self.wordDict.keys():
            str = str + "%s %s\n" % (key, self.wordDict[key])
        return str

    def set_used_codeword(self, codeword):
        self.wordDict[codeword].used = True

    def count_used_codewords(self):
        count = 0
        for codeword in self.wordDict.values():
            if codeword.used:
                count += 1
        return count

    def get_used_codeword(self):
        def make_iter(self=self):
            for codeword in self.wordDict.values():
                if codeword.used:
                    yield codeword

        return make_iter()

    def get_unused_codeword(self):
        def make_iter(self=self):
            for codeword in self.wordDict.values():
                if not codeword.used:
                    yield codeword

        return make_iter()
Пример #13
 def separate_tables_by_time(self, tables, time_col):
   return [tables], [range(len(tables))]
   time_to_tables = OrderedDict()
   time_to_idx = OrderedDict()
   for i, time in enumerate(time_col):
     time_to_tables.setdefault(time, []).append(tables[i])
     time_to_idx.setdefault(time, []).append(i)
   return time_to_tables.values(), time_to_idx.values()
Пример #14
    def from_bytes(cls, bytes):
        self = cls()

        d = {}

        idx = 0
        for kind in ('withdraw', 'pathattr'):
            plen, = struct.unpack_from('!H', bytes, idx)
            idx += 2
            d[kind] = bytes[idx:idx+plen]
            idx += plen

        self.nlri = nlri.parse(bytes[idx:])
        self.withdraw = nlri.parse(d['withdraw'])

        self.pathattr = OD()

        idx = 0
        bytes = d['pathattr']

        while idx < len(bytes):

            used, pattr = pathattr.decode(bytes, idx)
            idx += used
            self.pathattr[pattr.type] = pattr

        return self
Пример #15
    def __init__(self):
        super(MainMenu, self).__init__("The Williams' Search Task")
        self.screen = director.get_window_size()
        ratio = self.screen[1] / self.screen[0]
        self.select_sound = StaticSource(pyglet.resource.media('move.wav'))

        self.font_title['font_name'] = 'Pipe Dream'
        self.font_title['font_size'] = self.screen[0] / 18
        self.font_title['color'] = (255, 255, 255, 255)

        self.font_item['font_name'] = 'Pipe Dream',
        self.font_item['color'] = (255, 255, 255, 255)
        self.font_item['font_size'] = self.screen[1] / 16 * ratio
        self.font_item_selected['font_name'] = 'Pipe Dream'
        self.font_item_selected['color'] = (0, 0, 255, 255)
        self.font_item_selected['font_size'] = self.screen[1] / 16 * ratio

        self.menu_anchor_y = 'center'
        self.menu_anchor_x = 'center'

        self.items = OrderedDict()
        self.items['mode'] = MultipleMenuItem('Mode: ', self.on_mode, director.settings['modes'], director.settings['modes'].index(director.settings['mode']))
        self.items['player'] = MultipleMenuItem('Player: ', self.on_player, director.settings['players'], director.settings['players'].index(director.settings['player']))
        self.items['start'] = MenuItem('Start', self.on_start)
        self.items['options'] = MenuItem('Options', self.on_options)
        self.items['quit'] = MenuItem('Quit', self.on_quit)
        self.create_menu(self.items.values(), zoom_in(), zoom_out())
Пример #16
 def __init__(self, **kw):
     self.fields = OrderedDict(self.__class__.fields)
     for k,v in kw.items():
         if callable(v):
             self.fields[k] = v(self.fields[k])
             self.fields[k] = v
Пример #17
 def __init__(self, name, trackers, cls=Monitor):
     self.name = name
     self.count = 0
     self.trackers = OrderedDict()
     for n, getter in trackers:
         mon = cls("%s: %s" % (name, n))
         self.trackers[n] = (mon, getter)
Пример #18
 def __init__(self):
     super(OptionsMenu, self).__init__('Options')
     self.screen = director.get_window_size()
     ratio = self.screen[1] / self.screen[0]
     self.select_sound = StaticSource(pyglet.resource.media('move.wav'))
     self.font_title['font_name'] = 'Pipe Dream'
     self.font_title['font_size'] = self.screen[0] / 18
     self.font_title['color'] = (255, 255, 255, 255)
     self.font_item['font_name'] = 'Pipe Dream',
     self.font_item['color'] = (255, 255, 255, 255)
     self.font_item['font_size'] = self.screen[1] / 16 * ratio
     self.font_item_selected['font_name'] = 'Pipe Dream'
     self.font_item_selected['color'] = (0, 0, 255, 255)
     self.font_item_selected['font_size'] = self.screen[1] / 16 * ratio
     self.items = OrderedDict()
     self.items['seed'] = EntryMenuItem('Random Seed:', self.on_seed, director.settings['seed'])
     self.items['fps'] = ToggleMenuItem('Show FPS:', self.on_show_fps, director.show_FPS)
     self.items['fullscreen'] = ToggleMenuItem('Fullscreen:', self.on_fullscreen, director.window.fullscreen)
     if eyetracking:
         self.items['eyetracker'] = ToggleMenuItem("EyeTracker:", self.on_eyetracker, director.settings['eyetracker'])
         self.items['eyetracker_ip'] = EntryMenuItem('EyeTracker IP:', self.on_eyetracker_ip, director.settings['eyetracker_ip'])
         self.items['eyetracker_in_port'] = EntryMenuItem('EyeTracker In Port:', self.on_eyetracker_in_port, director.settings['eyetracker_in_port'])
         self.items['eyetracker_out_port'] = EntryMenuItem('EyeTracker Out Port:', self.on_eyetracker_out_port, director.settings['eyetracker_out_port'])
     self.create_menu(self.items.values(), zoom_in(), zoom_out())
Пример #19
 def __init__(self):
     super(OptionsMenu, self).__init__('Options')
     self.screen = director.get_window_size()
     ratio = self.screen[1] / self.screen[0]
     self.font_title['font_size'] = self.screen[0] / 18
     self.font_title['color'] = (255, 255, 255, 255)
     self.font_item['color'] = (255, 255, 255, 255)
     self.font_item['font_size'] = self.screen[1] / 16 * ratio
     self.font_item_selected['color'] = (0, 0, 255, 255)
     self.font_item_selected['font_size'] = self.screen[1] / 16 * ratio
     self.items = OrderedDict()
     self.speed_opts = ['SLOW','FAST']
     self.level_opts = ['NONE','WEAK','MEDIUM','STRONG']
     self.eye_opts = ['NONE','RIGHT','LEFT']
     self.points_opts = ['2','5','9','13']
     self.items['overlay'] = ToggleMenuItem('Debug Overlay:', self.on_overlay, director.settings['overlay'])
     self.items['eyetracker'] = ToggleMenuItem('EyeTracker:', self.on_eyetracker, director.settings['eyetracker'])
     self.items['eyetracker_ip'] = EntryMenuItem('EyeTracker IP:', self.on_eyetracker_ip, director.settings['eyetracker_ip'])
     self.items['eyetracker_in_port'] = EntryMenuItem('EyeTracker In Port:', self.on_eyetracker_in_port, director.settings['eyetracker_in_port'])
     self.items['eyetracker_out_port'] = EntryMenuItem('EyeTracker Out Port:', self.on_eyetracker_out_port, director.settings['eyetracker_out_port'])
     self.items['calibration_points'] = MultipleMenuItem('Calibration Points:', self.on_cal_points, self.points_opts, self.points_opts.index(str(director.settings['calibration_points'])))
     self.items['calibration_eye'] = MultipleMenuItem('Calibration Eye:', self.on_cal_eye, self.eye_opts, director.settings['calibration_eye'])
     self.items['calibration_level'] = MultipleMenuItem('Calibration Check Level:', self.on_cal_level, self.level_opts, director.settings['calibration_level'])
     self.items['calibration_speed'] = MultipleMenuItem('Calibration Speed:', self.on_cal_speed, self.speed_opts, director.settings['calibration_speed'])
     self.items['calibration_auto'] = ToggleMenuItem('Calibration Auto-accept:', self.on_cal_auto, director.settings['calibration_auto'])
     self.items['calibration_wait'] = ToggleMenuItem('Calibration Wait For Good:', self.on_cal_wait, director.settings['calibration_wait'])
     self.items['calibration_random'] = ToggleMenuItem('Calibration Randomize:', self.on_cal_random, director.settings['calibration_random'])
     self.create_menu(self.items.values(), zoom_in(), zoom_out())
Пример #20
class Node(object):
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        self.attributes = OrderedDict()
        self.children = []
        self.parent = None

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (type(other) == type(self) and
                self.name == other.name and
                dict(self.attributes) == dict(other.attributes) and
                self.children == other.children)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other
    __gt__ = __lt__ = __ge__ = __le__ = not_implemented
    __hash__ = None

    def to_string(self):
        attribute_string = "".join(' %s="%s"' % (key, value) for key, value in 
        name = self.name
        if not self.children:
            return '<%s />' % (name + attribute_string)
        children_string = "".join(node.to_string() for node in self.children)
        return '<%s>%s</%s>' % (name + attribute_string, children_string, self.name)

    # Hmmm...
    __repr__ = to_string
Пример #21
def cheat(url, mappings):
    Modifies BitTorrent tracker URLs, faking the amount of data
    uploaded. All other URLs should pass through unimpeded.

    parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url)

    if "=" not in parsed.query:
        return url

    query = OrderedDict([i.split("=") for i in parsed.query.split("&")])
    if "uploaded" not in query or query["uploaded"] == "0":
        return url

    if parsed.hostname in mappings:
        multiple = mappings[parsed.hostname]
        if "default" in mappings:
            multiple = mappings["default"]
            return url

    # Don't bother munging the URL if the upload amount isn't going
    # to change.
    if multiple == 1:
        return url

    fakeupload = int(query["uploaded"])

    logger = logging.getLogger("cheatbt")
    logger.debug("%s: %d -> %d" % (parsed.hostname, fakeupload,
                                   fakeupload * multiple))

    fakeupload = fakeupload * multiple
    query["uploaded"] = str(fakeupload)

    new_query = ""
    for k in query.keys():
        new_query += k + "=" + query[k] + "&"
    new_query = new_query[:-1] # Remove trailing "&"

    # <scheme>://<netloc>/<path>;<params>?<query>#<fragment>
    new_url = urlparse.urlunparse((parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc, parsed.path,
                                   parsed.params, new_query, parsed.fragment))

    return new_url
Пример #22
 def __init__(self, name):
     self.name = name
     self.wordDict = OrderedDict()
     self.whitespace = ""
     self.join = ""
     self.default = ""
     self.prefixes = []
     self.suffixes = []
Пример #23
def keepSTIntoDict(st_list):
	global st_dict
	global counter
	global ex_counter
	global curr_ex_type
	global fl_st_counter

	# ordered dictionary for the stack trace body
	st_dict = OrderedDict([]) 
	# initialise the variables
	counter = 0
	ex_counter = 0
	curr_ex_type = "type"

	# for each trace from the stack trace
	# check whether it begins with: 1) at, 2) caused by, 3) ...# more, 4) empty line
	for i, t in enumerate(st_list):
		if re.search("^at\s", st_list[i]):
			if processAtTrace(st_list, i) == True:
				st_dict.setdefault(curr_ex_type, []).append(keepOnlyMethod(st_list[i]))
		elif re.search("Caused\s", st_list[i]) and ex_counter > 0:
			if (i + 1) < len(st_list):
				if checkEndPointExistence(st_list, i + 1, "\.\.\.\s[\d]+\smore") and checkExLevelChain():
					newChainedExLevel(st_list, i)
					# increase the counter for the filtered stack traces (thrown exception level chain)
					fl_st_counter = fl_st_counter + 1
		elif re.search("\.\.\.\s[\d]+\smore", st_list[i]) and ex_counter > 0:
			# remove last method from values of the current exception type
			st_dict.setdefault(curr_ex_type, []).remove(keepOnlyMethod(st_list[i - 1]))
			# check next trace
			if contAfterMoreTrace(st_list, i) == False:
		# search for empty lines
		elif re.search("^\s*$", st_list[i]):
		# in the beginning of the stack trace we may have trash, 
		# but we want to continue to the next lines (i.e. next traces)
	# return the current stack trace into dictionary
	return st_dict
Пример #24
 def on_enter(self):
     super(ParticipantMenu, self).on_enter()
     self.items = OrderedDict()
     self.items['firstname'] = BetterEntryMenuItem('First Name:', self.on_info_change, "", validator=lambda x: x.isalpha())
     self.items['lastname'] = BetterEntryMenuItem('Last Name:', self.on_info_change, "", validator=lambda x: x.isalpha())
     self.items['rin'] = BetterEntryMenuItem('RIN:', self.on_info_change, "", max_length=9, validator=lambda x: unicode(x).isnumeric())
     self.items['start'] = MenuItem('Start', self.on_start)
     self.create_menu(self.items.values(), zoom_in(), zoom_out())
     self.items['start'].visible = False
Пример #25
    def __init__(self, *pathattr, **kw):
        self.nlri = []
        self.withdraw = []
        self.pathattr = OD()

        for n in kw.pop('nlri', []):
            if isinstance(n, str):
                n = nlri.ipv4(n)

        for w in kw.pop('withdraw', []):
            if isinstance(w, str):
                w = nlri.ipv4(w)

        self.pathattr = OD()
        for p in pathattr:
            self.pathattr[p.type] = p
Пример #26
    def __init__(self,
                 arrival_dist = dists.expon,
                 resource_sizes = dists.gamma(100, 10),
                 job_sizes = dists.gamma(20, 4),
                 job_durations = dists.gamma(100, 10),
                 service_means = dists.normal(0.1),
                 service_dist = dists.shaped_gamma(0.1),
                 latency_means = dists.normal(0.1),
                 latency_dist = dists.shaped_gamma(0.1),
                 regional_latency = dists.gamma(0.2, 0.1),
                 global_latency = dists.gamma(0.4, 0.1)

        # calculated results
        self.runtime = run_times * job_durations.mean
        total_capacity = size * resource_sizes.mean;
        max_jobs = total_capacity / float(job_sizes.mean);
        arrival_mean = job_durations.mean / float(max_jobs);

        self.inter_arrival_time = arrival_dist(arrival_mean / load)
        self.job_sizes = job_sizes
        self.job_durations = job_durations
        # store for stats
        self.size = size
        self.load = load

        # generate network
        self.graph = network.Network(
        # generate nodes, but no topology
        network.generate_nodes(self.graph, size)
        self.service_dist = service_dist
        self.service_means = service_means
        for node in self.graph.nodes_iter():
            node.server = Server(node, service_dist(service_means()))
            node.resource = GridResource(node, int(resource_sizes()))

        self.mons = OrderedDict()
        self.mons["grid_util"] = Monitor("grid_util")
        self.mons["server_util"] = Monitor("server_util")
        self.mons["server_queue"] = Monitor("server_queue")
Пример #27
class MainMenu(BetterMenu):

    def __init__(self):
        super(MainMenu, self).__init__("Snake")
        self.screen = director.get_window_size()
        ratio = self.screen[1] / self.screen[0]
        self.select_sound = StaticSource(pyglet.resource.media('move.wav'))

        self.font_title['font_name'] = 'Pipe Dream'
        self.font_title['font_size'] = self.screen[0] / 18
        self.font_title['color'] = (255, 255, 255, 255)

        self.font_item['font_name'] = 'Pipe Dream',
        self.font_item['color'] = (255, 255, 255, 255)
        self.font_item['font_size'] = self.screen[1] / 16 * ratio
        self.font_item_selected['font_name'] = 'Pipe Dream'
        self.font_item_selected['color'] = (0, 0, 255, 255)
        self.font_item_selected['font_size'] = self.screen[1] / 16 * ratio

        self.menu_anchor_y = 'center'
        self.menu_anchor_x = 'center'

        self.items = OrderedDict()
        #self.items['mode'] = MultipleMenuItem('Mode: ', self.on_mode, director.settings['modes'], director.settings['modes'].index(director.settings['mode']))
        self.items['player'] = MultipleMenuItem('Player: ', self.on_player, director.settings['players'], director.settings['players'].index(director.settings['player']))
        # self.items['tutorial'] = MenuItem('Tutorial', self.on_tutorial)
        self.items['start'] = MenuItem('Start', self.on_start)
        self.items['options'] = MenuItem('Options', self.on_options)
        self.items['quit'] = MenuItem('Quit', self.on_quit)
        self.create_menu(self.items.values(), zoom_in(), zoom_out())

    def on_player(self, player):
        director.settings['player'] = director.settings['players'][player]

    def on_mode(self, mode):
        director.settings['mode'] = director.settings['modes'][mode]
    def on_tutorial(self):
    def on_options(self):
    def on_start(self):
        filebase = "Snake_%s" % (getDateTimeStamp())
        director.settings['filebase'] = filebase

    def on_quit(self):
Пример #28
class Packet():
    fields = OrderedDict([
    def __init__(self, **kw):
        self.fields = OrderedDict(self.__class__.fields)
        for k,v in kw.items():
            if callable(v):
                self.fields[k] = v(self.fields[k])
                self.fields[k] = v
    def __str__(self):
        return "".join(map(str, self.fields.values()))
Пример #29
    def __init__(self):
        self.Identifiers = OrderedDict()
        self.Parameters = OrderedDict()
        self.Variables = OrderedDict()
        self.Equations = OrderedDict()
        self.DifferentialEquations = OrderedDict()
        self.Functions = OrderedDict()
        self.InitialValues = OrderedDict()
        self.Bounds = {}

        #---------Some builtin functions-------
        self.Functions['exp'] = [('math.exp')]
        self.Functions['log'] = [('math.log')]
        self.Functions['log10'] = [('math.log10')]
        self.Functions['pow'] = [('math.pow')]
        self.Functions['sqrt'] = [('math.sqrt')]

        self.Functions['sin'] = [('math.sin')]
        self.Functions['cos'] = [('math.cos')]
        self.Functions['tan'] = [('math.tan')]
        self.Functions['hypot'] = [('math.hypot')]

        self.Functions['asin'] = [('math.asin')]
        self.Functions['acos'] = [('math.acos')]
        self.Functions['atan'] = [('math.atan')]

        self.Functions['radians'] = [('math.radians')]
        self.Functions['degrees'] = [('math.degrees')]
Пример #30
 def _flatten_errors(self, params, parent=None):
         A modified version of the flatten_dictionary method above used
         to coerce the structure holding errors returned by Braintree into
         a flattened dictionary where the keys are the names of the fields
         and the values the error messages, which can be directly used to
         set the field errors on the Django form object for display in
     data = OrderedDict()
     for key, val in params.items():
         full_key = parent + "[" + key + "]" if parent else key
         if full_key.endswith("[errors]"):
             full_key = full_key[:-len("[errors]")]
         if isinstance(val, dict):
             data.update(self._flatten_errors(val, full_key))
         elif key == "errors":
             for error in val:
                 data[full_key + "[" + error["attribute"] + "]"] = [error["message"]]
             data[full_key] = [val]
     return data
Пример #31
class SMBv2Header(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("Proto",         "\xfe\x53\x4d\x42"),
        ("Len",           "\x40\x00"),
        ("CreditCharge",  "\x00\x00"),
        ("NTStatus",      "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("Cmd",           "\x00\x00"),
        ("Credits",       "\x01\x00"),
        ("Flags",         "\x01\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("NextCmd",       "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("MessageId",     "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("PID",           "\xff\xfe\x00\x00"),
        ("TID",           "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("SessionID",     "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("Signature",     "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
Пример #32
class DHCPInformACK(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("MessType", "\x02"),
        ("HdwType", "\x01"),
        ("HdwLen", "\x06"),
        ("Hops", "\x00"),
        ("Tid", "\x22\x1b\xe0\x1a"),
        ("ElapsedSec", "\x00\x00"),
        ("BootpFlags", "\x00\x00"),
        ("ActualClientIP", "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("GiveClientIP", "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("NextServerIP", "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("RelayAgentIP", "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("ClientMac", "\xb8\x76\x3f\xbd\xdd\x05"),
        ("ClientMacPadding", "\x00" * 10),
        ("ServerHostname", "\x00" * 64),
        ("BootFileName", "\x00" * 128),
        ("MagicCookie", "\x63\x82\x53\x63"),
        ("Op53", "\x35\x01\x05"),  #Msgtype(ACK)
        ("Op54", "\x36"),
        ("Op54Len", "\x04"),
        ("Op54Str", ""),  #DHCP Server
        ("Op1", "\x01"),
        ("Op1Len", "\x04"),
        ("Op1Str", ""),  #Netmask
        ("Op15", "\x0f"),
        ("Op15Len", "\x0e"),
        ("Op15Str", DNSNAME),  #DNS Name
        ("Op3", "\x03"),
        ("Op3Len", "\x04"),
        ("Op3Str", ""),  #Router
        ("Op6", "\x06"),
        ("Op6Len", "\x08"),
        ("Op6Str", ""),  #DNS Servers
        ("Op252", "\xfc"),
        ("Op252Len", "\x04"),
        ("Op252Str", WPADSRV),  #Wpad Server.
        ("Op255", "\xff"),

    def calculate(self):
        self.fields["Op54Str"] = inet_aton(DHCPSERVER)
        self.fields["Op1Str"] = inet_aton(NETMASK)
        self.fields["Op3Str"] = inet_aton(ROUTERIP)
        self.fields["Op6Str"] = inet_aton(DNSIP) + inet_aton(DNSIP2)
        self.fields["Op15Len"] = struct.pack(">b", len(DNSNAME))
        self.fields["Op252Len"] = struct.pack(">b", len(WPADSRV))
Пример #33
class SMBTransRAPData(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("Wordcount", "\x10"),
        ("TotalParamCount", "\x00\x00"),
        ("TotalDataCount","\x00\x00" ),
        ("MaxParamCount", "\xff\xff"),
        ("MaxSetupCount", "\x00"),
        ("Flags", "\x00"),
        ("ParamOffset", "\x5c\x00"),
        ("DataCount", "\x00\x00"),
        ("DataOffset", "\x54\x00"),
        ("SetupCount", "\x02"),
        ("Reserved2", "\x00"),
        ("PeekNamedPipe", "\x23\x00"),
        ("FID", "\x00\x00"),
        ("Bcc", "\x47\x00"),
        ("Terminator", "\x00"),
        ("PipeName", "\\PIPE\\"),
        ("Data", ""),

    def calculate(self):
        if len(str(self.fields["Data"]))%2==0:
           self.fields["PipeTerminator"] = "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
           self.fields["PipeTerminator"] = "\x00\x00\x00"
        ##Convert Path to Unicode first before any Len calc.
        self.fields["PipeName"] = self.fields["PipeName"].encode('utf-16le')

        ##Data Len
        self.fields["TotalParamCount"] = struct.pack("<i", len(str(self.fields["Data"])))[:2]
        self.fields["ParamCount"] = struct.pack("<i", len(str(self.fields["Data"])))[:2]

        ##Packet len
        FindRAPOffset = str(self.fields["Wordcount"])+str(self.fields["TotalParamCount"])+str(self.fields["TotalDataCount"])+str(self.fields["MaxParamCount"])+str(self.fields["MaxDataCount"])+str(self.fields["MaxSetupCount"])+str(self.fields["Reserved"])+str(self.fields["Flags"])+str(self.fields["Timeout"])+str(self.fields["Reserved1"])+str(self.fields["ParamCount"])+str(self.fields["ParamOffset"])+str(self.fields["DataCount"])+str(self.fields["DataOffset"])+str(self.fields["SetupCount"])+str(self.fields["Reserved2"])+str(self.fields["PeekNamedPipe"])+str(self.fields["FID"])+str(self.fields["Bcc"])+str(self.fields["Terminator"])+str(self.fields["PipeName"])+str(self.fields["PipeTerminator"])

        self.fields["ParamOffset"] = struct.pack("<i", len(FindRAPOffset)+32)[:2]
        ##Bcc Buff Len
        BccComplete    = str(self.fields["Terminator"])+str(self.fields["PipeName"])+str(self.fields["PipeTerminator"])+str(self.fields["Data"])
        self.fields["Bcc"] = struct.pack("<i", len(BccComplete))[:2]
Пример #34
class LDAPSearchSupportedMechanismsPacket(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("ParserHeadASNID", "\x30"),
        ("ParserHeadASNLenOfLen", "\x84"),
        ("ParserHeadASNLen", "\x00\x00\x00\x60"),  #96
        ("MessageIDASNID", "\x02"),
        ("MessageIDASNLen", "\x01"),
        ("MessageIDASNStr", "\x02"),
        ("OpHeadASNID", "\x64"),
        ("OpHeadASNIDLenOfLen", "\x84"),
        ("OpHeadASNIDLen", "\x00\x00\x00\x57"),  #87
        ("ObjectName", "\x04\x00"),
        ("SearchAttribASNID", "\x30"),
        ("SearchAttribASNLenOfLen", "\x84"),
        ("SearchAttribASNLen", "\x00\x00\x00\x4f"),  #79
        ("SearchAttribASNID1", "\x30"),
        ("SearchAttribASN1LenOfLen", "\x84"),
        ("SearchAttribASN1Len", "\x00\x00\x00\x49"),  #73
        ("SearchAttribASN2ID", "\x04"),
        ("SearchAttribASN2Len", "\x17"),  #23
        ("SearchAttribASN2Str", "supportedSASLMechanisms"),
        ("SearchAttribASN3ID", "\x31"),
        ("SearchAttribASN3LenOfLen", "\x84"),
        ("SearchAttribASN3Len", "\x00\x00\x00\x2a"),  #42
        ("SearchAttrib1ASNID", "\x04"),
        ("SearchAttrib1ASNLen", "\x06"),  #6
        ("SearchAttrib1ASNStr", "GSSAPI"),
        ("SearchAttrib2ASNID", "\x04"),
        ("SearchAttrib2ASNLen", "\x0a"),  #10
        ("SearchAttrib2ASNStr", "GSS-SPNEGO"),
        ("SearchAttrib3ASNID", "\x04"),
        ("SearchAttrib3ASNLen", "\x08"),  #8
        ("SearchAttrib3ASNStr", "EXTERNAL"),
        ("SearchAttrib4ASNID", "\x04"),
        ("SearchAttrib4ASNLen", "\x0a"),  #10
        ("SearchAttrib4ASNStr", "DIGEST-MD5"),
        ("SearchDoneASNID", "\x30"),
        ("SearchDoneASNLenOfLen", "\x84"),
        ("SearchDoneASNLen", "\x00\x00\x00\x10"),  #16
        ("MessageIDASN2ID", "\x02"),
        ("MessageIDASN2Len", "\x01"),
        ("MessageIDASN2Str", "\x02"),
        ## No need to calculate anything this time, this packet is generic.
Пример #35
class WPADScript(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("Code", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"),
        ("ServerType", "Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0\r\n"),
        ("Date", "Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 13:06:55 GMT\r\n"),
        ("Type", "Content-Type: application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig\r\n"),
        ("PoweredBy", "X-Powered-By: ASP.NET\r\n"),
        ("ContentLen", "Content-Length: "),
        ("ActualLen", "76"),
        ("CRLF", "\r\n\r\n"),
         "function FindProxyForURL(url, host){return 'PROXY wpadwpadwpad:3141; DIRECT';}"

    def calculate(self):
        self.fields["ActualLen"] = len(str(self.fields["Payload"]))
Пример #36
class SMBRelayNegoAns(Packet):
	fields = OrderedDict([
		("Wordcount",                 "\x11"),
		("Dialect",                   ""),
		("Securitymode",              "\x03"),
		("MaxMpx",                    "\x32\x00"),
		("MaxVc",                     "\x01\x00"),
		("MaxBuffSize",               "\x04\x41\x00\x00"),
		("MaxRawBuff",                "\x00\x00\x01\x00"),
		("SessionKey",                "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
		("Capabilities",              "\xfd\xf3\x01\x80"),
		("SystemTime",                "\x84\xd6\xfb\xa3\x01\x35\xcd\x01"),
		("SrvTimeZone",               "\xf0\x00"),
		("KeyLen",                    "\x00"),
		("Bcc",                       "\x10\x00"),
		("Guid",                      os.urandom(16)),
Пример #37
class SMBDCESVCCTLOpenManagerW(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("MachineNameRefID",     "\xb5\x97\xb9\xbc"),
        ("MaxCount",             "\x0f\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("Offset",               "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("ActualCount",          "\x0f\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("MachineName",          ""),
        ("MachineNameNull",      "\x00\x00"),
        ("DbPointer",            "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("AccessMask",           "\x3f\x00\x0f\x00"),

    def calculate(self):
        ## Convert to UTF-16LE
        self.fields["MaxCount"] = struct.pack("<i",len(str(self.fields["MachineName"]))+1)
        self.fields["ActualCount"] = struct.pack("<i",len(str(self.fields["MachineName"]))+1)
        self.fields["MachineName"] = self.fields["MachineName"].encode('utf-16le')
Пример #38
class ARPWhoHas(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("HwType", "\x00\x01"),
        ("ProtoType", "\x08\x00"),  #IP
        ("MacLen", "\x06"),
        ("IPLen", "\x04"),
        ("OpCode", "\x00\x01"),
        ("SenderMac", ""),
        ("SenderIP", "\x00\xff\x53\x4d"),
        ("DstMac", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("DstIP", "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),

    def calculate(self):
        self.fields["DstIP"] = inet_aton(
        self.fields["SenderIP"] = inet_aton(OURIP).decode('latin-1')
Пример #39
class SMBDCESVCCTLOpenManagerW(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("MachineNameRefID", "\xb5\x97\xb9\xbc"),
        ("MaxCount", "\x0f\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("Offset", "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("ActualCount", "\x0f\x00\x00\x00"),
         "\\\\"),  ##This is not taken into consideration.
        ("MachineNameNull", "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("DbPointer", "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("AccessMask", "\x3f\x00\x0f\x00"),

    def calculate(self):
        ## Convert to UTF-16LE
        self.fields["MachineName"] = self.fields["MachineName"].encode(
Пример #40
class ICMPRedir(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("Type", "\x05"),
        ("OpCode", "\x01"),
        ("CheckSum", "\x00\x00"),
        ("GwAddr", ""),
        ("Data", ""),

    def calculate(self):
        #Set the values
        self.fields["GwAddr"] = inet_aton(Responder_IP)
        # Then CheckSum this packet
        CheckSumCalc = str(self.fields["Type"]) + str(
            self.fields["OpCode"]) + str(self.fields["CheckSum"]) + str(
                self.fields["GwAddr"]) + str(self.fields["Data"])
        self.fields["CheckSum"] = GenCheckSum(CheckSumCalc)
Пример #41
class SMBDCESVCCTLOpenService(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("ContextHandle",        ""),
        ("MaxCount",             "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("Offset",               "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("ActualCount",          "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("ServiceName",          ""),
        ("MachineNameNull",      "\x00\x00"),
        ("AccessMask",           "\xff\x01\x0f\x00"),

    def calculate(self):
        ## Calculate first
        self.fields["MaxCount"] = struct.pack("<i",len(str(self.fields["ServiceName"]))+1)
        self.fields["ActualCount"] = struct.pack("<i",len(str(self.fields["ServiceName"]))+1)
        ## Then convert to UTF-16LE, yeah it's weird..
        self.fields["ServiceName"] = self.fields["ServiceName"].encode('utf-16le')
Пример #42
def paramToDict(parameters=None):
    Split the parameters into names and values, check if these parameters
    are within the testable parameters and return in a dictionary.

    testableParameters = OrderedDict()
    if place in conf.parameters and not parameters:
        parameters = conf.parameters[place]

    parameters = re.sub(

    splitParams = parameters.split(None or '&')

    for element in splitParams:
        element = re.sub(
            r"&\g<1>;", element)
        parts = element.split("=")

        if len(parts) == 1:
            testableParameters[parts[0]] = ''

        if len(parts) >= 2:
            #print urlencode(parts[0].replace(" ", ""))
            parameter = parts[0].replace(" ", "")

            if not parameter:
            if conf.paramDel and conf.paramDel == '\n':
                parts[-1] = parts[-1].rstrip()

        #if condition:
        testableParameters[parameter] = "=".join(parts[1:])

    return testableParameters
Пример #43
    def next(self):

        header = [fType.toTuple() for fType in self.header]
        header.insert(0, ('DeletionFlag', 'C', 1, 0))

        # read the string as a bunch of characters eg. 2s4s5s
        fmt = ''.join(['%ds' % fieldinfo[2] for fieldinfo in header])

        self.recNo += 1
        if self.recNo == self.numrec + 1:
            raise StopIteration

        fieldValues = unpack(fmt, self.bfstream.read(
            calcsize(fmt)))  # the field values are stores as an array
        if fieldValues[0] != ' ':  # deleted record
            return {}

        finalValues = []
        for (name, typ, size, deci), value in izip(header, fieldValues):

            if name == 'DeletionFlag':
                if typ == "N" or typ == "F":
                    value = value.replace('\0', '').lstrip()
                    if value == '':
                        value = 0
                    elif deci:
                        value = decimal.Decimal(value)
                    elif value == '*' * size:
                        value = 0  # unknown!!
                        value = int(value)
                elif typ == 'D':
                    y, m, d = int(value[:4]), int(value[4:6]), int(value[6:8])
                    value = datetime.date(y, m, d)
                elif typ == 'L':
                    value = (value in 'YyTt' and 'T') or (value in 'NnFf'
                                                          and 'F') or '?'
                print "Exception caught with name %s type %s value %s" % (
                    name, typ, str(value))

        return OrderedDict(izip(self.fieldNames, finalValues))
Пример #44
class SMBSessTreeAns(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("Wordcount", "\x03"),
        ("Command", "\x75"),
        ("Reserved", "\x00"),
        ("AndXoffset", "\x4e\x00"),
        ("Action", "\x01\x00"),
        ("Bcc", "\x25\x00"),
        ("NativeOs", "Windows 5.1"),
        ("NativeOsNull", "\x00"),
        ("NativeLan", "Windows 2000 LAN Manager"),
        ("NativeLanNull", "\x00"),
        ("WordcountTree", "\x03"),
        ("AndXCommand", "\xff"),
        ("Reserved1", "\x00"),
        ("AndxOffset", "\x00\x00"),
        ("OptionalSupport", "\x01\x00"),
        ("Bcc2", "\x08\x00"),
        ("Service", "A:"),
        ("ServiceNull", "\x00"),
        ("FileSystem", "NTFS"),
        ("FileSystemNull", "\x00"),

    def calculate(self):
        CalculateCompletePacket = str(self.fields["Wordcount"]) + str(
            self.fields["Command"]) + str(self.fields["Reserved"]) + str(
                self.fields["AndXoffset"]) + str(self.fields["Action"]) + str(
                    self.fields["Bcc"]) + str(self.fields["NativeOs"]) + str(
                        self.fields["NativeOsNull"]) + str(
                            self.fields["NativeLan"]) + str(

        self.fields["AndXoffset"] = struct.pack(
            len(CalculateCompletePacket) + 32)[:2]  #SMB Header is *always* 32.
        ##BCC 1 and 2
        CompleteBCCLen = str(self.fields["NativeOs"]) + str(
            self.fields["NativeOsNull"]) + str(self.fields["NativeLan"]) + str(
        self.fields["Bcc"] = struct.pack("<h", len(CompleteBCCLen))
        CompleteBCC2Len = str(self.fields["Service"]) + str(
            self.fields["ServiceNull"]) + str(self.fields["FileSystem"]) + str(
        self.fields["Bcc2"] = struct.pack("<h", len(CompleteBCC2Len))
Пример #45
class SMBNegoData(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("wordcount", "\x00"),
        ("bcc", "\x54\x00"),
        ("separator1", "\x02"),
        ("separator2", "\x02"),
        ("dialect2", "\x4c\x41\x4e\x4d\x41\x4e\x31\x2e\x30\x00"),

    def calculate(self):
        CalculateBCC = str(self.fields["separator1"]) + str(
            self.fields["dialect1"]) + str(self.fields["separator2"]) + str(
        self.fields["bcc"] = struct.pack("<h", len(CalculateBCC))
Пример #46
class SMBDCESVCCTLCreateService(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("ContextHandle",        ""),
        ("MaxCount",             "\x0c\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("Offset",               "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("ActualCount",          "\x0c\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("ServiceName",          "AyAGaxwLhCP"),
        ("MachineNameNull",      "\x00\x00"),
        ("ReferentID",           "\x9c\xfa\x9a\xc9"),
        ("MaxCountRefID",        "\x11\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("OffsetID",             "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("ActualCountRefID",     "\x11\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("DisplayNameID",        "DhhUFcsvrfJvLwRq"),
        ("DisplayNameIDNull",    "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("AccessMask",           "\xff\x01\x0f\x00"),
        ("ServerType",           "\x10\x01\x00\x00"),
        ("ServiceStartType",     "\x03\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("ServiceErrorCtl",      "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("BinPathMaxCount",      "\xb6\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("BinPathOffset",        "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("BinPathActualCount",   "\xb6\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("BinPathName",          "%COMSPEC% /C \""),
        ("BinCMD",               ""),
        ("BintoEnd",             "\""),
        ("BinPathNameNull",      "\x00\x00"),
        ("Nullz",                "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"),

    def calculate(self):

        BinDataLen = str(self.fields["BinPathName"])+str(self.fields["BinCMD"])+str(self.fields["BintoEnd"])

        ## Calculate first
        self.fields["BinPathMaxCount"] = struct.pack("<i",len(BinDataLen)+1)
        self.fields["BinPathActualCount"] = struct.pack("<i",len(BinDataLen)+1)
        self.fields["MaxCount"] = struct.pack("<i",len(str(self.fields["ServiceName"]))+1)
        self.fields["ActualCount"] = struct.pack("<i",len(str(self.fields["ServiceName"]))+1)
        self.fields["MaxCountRefID"] = struct.pack("<i",len(str(self.fields["DisplayNameID"]))+1)
        self.fields["ActualCountRefID"] = struct.pack("<i",len(str(self.fields["DisplayNameID"]))+1)
        ## Then convert to UTF-16LE, yeah it's weird..
        self.fields["ServiceName"] = self.fields["ServiceName"].encode('utf-16le')
        self.fields["DisplayNameID"] = self.fields["DisplayNameID"].encode('utf-16le')
        self.fields["BinPathName"] = self.fields["BinPathName"].encode('utf-16le')
        self.fields["BinCMD"] = self.fields["BinCMD"].encode('utf-16le')
        self.fields["BintoEnd"] = self.fields["BintoEnd"].encode('utf-16le')
Пример #47
class IIS_NTLM_Challenge_Ans(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("Code", "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized\r\n"),
        ("ServerType", "Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0\r\n"),
        ("Date", "Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 13:06:55 GMT\r\n"),
        ("Type", "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"),
        ("WWWAuth", "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM "),
        ("Payload", ""),
        ("Payload-CRLF", "\r\n"),
         "X-Powered-By: ASP.NC0CD7B7802C76736E9B26FB19BEB2D36290B9FF9A46EDDA5ET\r\n"
        ("Len", "Content-Length: 0\r\n"),
        ("CRLF", "\r\n"),

    def calculate(self, payload):
        self.fields["Payload"] = b64encode(payload)
Пример #48
class IIS_Auth_Granted(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("Code", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"),
        ("ServerType", "Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0\r\n"),
        ("Date", "Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 13:06:55 GMT\r\n"),
        ("Type", "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"),
        ("WWW-Auth", "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM\r\n"),
        ("PoweredBy", "X-Powered-By: ASP.NET\r\n"),
        ("ContentLen", "Content-Length: "),
        ("ActualLen", "76"),
        ("CRLF", "\r\n\r\n"),
         "<html>\n<head>\n</head>\n<body>\n<img src='file:\\\\\\\\\\\\shar\\smileyd.ico' alt='Loading' height='1' width='2'>\n</body>\n</html>\n"

    def calculate(self):
        self.fields["ActualLen"] = len(str(self.fields["Payload"]))
Пример #49
 def load(idx, lines):
     assert len(lines) > 0
     assert not lines[idx].startswith('\t')
     assert not lines[idx].startswith('  ')
     filename = lines[idx].strip()
     idx += 1
     tags = OrderedDict()
     while idx < len(lines) and (lines[idx].startswith('\t')
                                 or lines[idx].startswith('  ')):
         if ':' in lines[idx]:
             splitted = lines[idx].split(':')
             tag_key = splitted[0].strip()
             tag_val = splitted[1].strip()
             assert tag_key
             assert tag_val
             tags[tag_key] = tag_val
         idx += 1
     return idx, DataIndexEntry(filename, tags)
Пример #50
class SMBNegoData(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("Separator1", "\x02"),
        ("Separator2", "\x02"),
        ("Dialect2", "\x4c\x41\x4e\x4d\x41\x4e\x31\x2e\x30\x00"),
        ("Separator3", "\x02"),
        ("Separator4", "\x02"),
        ("Dialect4", "\x4c\x4d\x31\x2e\x32\x58\x30\x30\x32\x00"),
        ("Separator5", "\x02"),
        ("Dialect5", "\x4c\x41\x4e\x4d\x41\x4e\x32\x2e\x31\x00"),
        ("Separator6", "\x02"),
        ("Dialect6", "\x4e\x54\x20\x4c\x4d\x20\x30\x2e\x31\x32\x00"),
Пример #51
class SMBReadData(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("Wordcount", "\x0a"),
        ("AndXCommand", "\xff"),
        ("Reserved", "\x00"),
        ("Andxoffset", "\x00\x00"),
        ("FID", "\x00\x00"),
        ("Offset", "\x19\x03\x00\x00"),
        ("MaxCountLow", "\xed\x01"),
        ("MinCount", "\xed\x01"),
        ("Hidden", "\xff\xff\xff\xff"),
        ("Remaining", "\x00\x00"),
        ("Bcc", "\x00\x00"),
        ("Data", ""),

    def calculate(self):

        self.fields["Bcc"] = struct.pack("<h", len(str(self.fields["Data"])))
Пример #52
class LDAPSearchSupportedCapabilitiesPacket(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("ParserHeadASNID", "\x30"),
        ("ParserHeadASNLenOfLen", "\x84"),
        ("ParserHeadASNLen", "\x00\x00\x00\x7e"),  #126
        ("MessageIDASNID", "\x02"),
        ("MessageIDASNLen", "\x01"),
        ("MessageIDASNStr", "\x02"),
        ("OpHeadASNID", "\x64"),
        ("OpHeadASNIDLenOfLen", "\x84"),
        ("OpHeadASNIDLen", "\x00\x00\x00\x75"),  #117
        ("ObjectName", "\x04\x00"),
        ("SearchAttribASNID", "\x30"),
        ("SearchAttribASNLenOfLen", "\x84"),
        ("SearchAttribASNLen", "\x00\x00\x00\x6d"),  #109
        ("SearchAttribASNID1", "\x30"),
        ("SearchAttribASN1LenOfLen", "\x84"),
        ("SearchAttribASN1Len", "\x00\x00\x00\x67"),  #103
        ("SearchAttribASN2ID", "\x04"),
        ("SearchAttribASN2Len", "\x15"),  #21
        ("SearchAttribASN2Str", "supportedCapabilities"),
        ("SearchAttribASN3ID", "\x31"),
        ("SearchAttribASN3LenOfLen", "\x84"),
        ("SearchAttribASN3Len", "\x00\x00\x00\x4a"),
        ("SearchAttrib1ASNID", "\x04"),
        ("SearchAttrib1ASNLen", "\x16"),  #22
        ("SearchAttrib1ASNStr", "1.2.840.113556.1.4.800"),
        ("SearchAttrib2ASNID", "\x04"),
        ("SearchAttrib2ASNLen", "\x17"),  #23
        ("SearchAttrib2ASNStr", "1.2.840.113556.1.4.1670"),
        ("SearchAttrib3ASNID", "\x04"),
        ("SearchAttrib3ASNLen", "\x17"),  #23
        ("SearchAttrib3ASNStr", "1.2.840.113556.1.4.1791"),
        ("SearchDoneASNID", "\x30"),
        ("SearchDoneASNLenOfLen", "\x84"),
        ("SearchDoneASNLen", "\x00\x00\x00\x10"),  #16
        ("MessageIDASN2ID", "\x02"),
        ("MessageIDASN2Len", "\x01"),
        ("MessageIDASN2Str", "\x02"),
        ## No need to calculate anything this time, this packet is generic.
Пример #53
    def view(self,
        sub_views = []
        conv_lines = []
        # turn lines to html
        for line in lines:
            conv_line, sub_sub_views = convert_to_html(line)
            sub_views += sub_sub_views

        conv_sort = []
        for s in initial_sort:
            dir = 0
            if s[1] == 'asc':
                dir = 0
            elif s[1] == 'desc':
                dir = 1
                raise Exception('Sort must either be asc or desc')
            conv_sort.append('[%d,%d]' % (header_names.index(s[0]), dir))
        conv_sort = ', '.join(conv_sort)
        conv_sort = '[%s]' % conv_sort
        data = OrderedDict()
        for i in xrange(len(header_names)):
            data[header_names[i]] = [l[i] for l in conv_lines]
        html = render(
            'table.html', {
                'vertical_header': vertical_header,
                'data': data,
                'id': self._get_unique_id(),
                'header_names': header_names,
                'lines': conv_lines,
                'sort': conv_sort
        v = View(self, html, ['table.css'], ['jquery.tablesorter.js'])
        for sub in sub_views:
        return v
Пример #54
class SMBSessionFingerData(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("wordcount", "\x0c"),
        ("AndXCommand", "\xff"),
        ("reserved", "\x00"),
        ("andxoffset", "\x00\x00"),
        ("maxbuff", "\x04\x11"),
        ("maxmpx", "\x32\x00"),
        ("vcnum", "\x00\x00"),
        ("sessionkey", "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("securitybloblength", "\x4a\x00"),
        ("reserved2", "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("capabilities", "\xd4\x00\x00\xa0"),
            "bcc1", "\xb1\x00"
        ),  #hardcoded len here and hardcoded packet below, no calculation, faster.
Пример #55
class SMBNegoData(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("Separator", "\x02"),
        ("Dialect", "PC NETWORK PROGRAM 1.0\x00"),
        ("Separator1", "\x02"),
        ("Dialect1", "LANMAN1.0\x00"),
        ("Separator2", "\x02"),
        ("Dialect2", "Windows for Workgroups 3.1a\x00"),
        ("Separator3", "\x02"),
        ("Dialect3", "LM1.2X002\x00"),
        ("Separator4", "\x02"),
        ("Dialect4", "LANMAN2.1\x00"),
        ("Separator5", "\x02"),
        ("Dialect5", "NT LM 0.12\x00"),
        ("Separator6", "\x02"),
        ("Dialect6", "SMB 2.002\x00"),
        ("Separator7", "\x02"),
        ("Dialect7", "SMB 2.???\x00"),
        ("Data", ""),
Пример #56
class ServerExeFile(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("Code", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"),
        ("ContentType", "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n"),
        ("LastModified", "Last-Modified: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 00:39:06 GMT\r\n"),
        ("AcceptRanges", "Accept-Ranges: bytes\r\n"),
        ("Server", "Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5\r\n"),
        ("PoweredBy", "X-Powered-By: ASP.NET\r\n"),
        ("ContentLen", "Content-Length: "),
        ("ActualLen", "76"),
        ("Date", "\r\nDate: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 22:35:46 GMT\r\n"),
        ("Connection", "Connection: keep-alive\r\n"),
        ("X-CCC", "US\r\n"),
        ("X-CID", "2\r\n"),
        ("CRLF", "\r\n"),
        ("Payload", "jj"),

    def calculate(self):
        self.fields["ActualLen"] = len(str(self.fields["Payload"]))
Пример #57
class SMBSession2Accept(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("Wordcount",             "\x04"),
        ("AndXCommand",           "\xff"),
        ("Reserved",              "\x00"),
        ("Andxoffset",            "\xb4\x00"),
        ("Action",                "\x00\x00"),
        ("SecBlobLen",            "\x09\x00"),
        ("Bcc",                   "\x89\x01"),
        ("NativeOs","Windows Server 2003 3790 Service Pack 2"),                           
        ("NativeLAN", "Windows Server 2003 5.2"),
    def calculate(self):
        self.fields["NativeOs"] = self.fields["NativeOs"].encode('utf-16le')
        self.fields["NativeLAN"] = self.fields["NativeLAN"].encode('utf-16le')
        BccLen = str(self.fields["SSPIAccept"])+str(self.fields["NativeOs"])+str(self.fields["NativeOsTerminator"])+str(self.fields["NativeLAN"])+str(self.fields["NativeLANTerminator"])
        self.fields["Bcc"] = struct.pack("<h", len(BccLen))
Пример #58
class IPPacket(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("VLen", "\x45"),
        ("DifField", "\x00"),
        ("Len", "\x00\x38"),
        ("TID", "\x25\x25"),
        ("Flag", "\x00"),
        ("FragOffset", "\x00"),
        ("TTL", "\x1d"),
        ("Cmd", "\x01"),  #ICMP
        ("CheckSum", "\x00\x00"),
        ("SrcIP", ""),
        ("DestIP", ""),
        ("Data", ""),

    def calculate(self):
        self.fields["TID"] = chr(randrange(256)) + chr(randrange(256))
        self.fields["SrcIP"] = inet_aton(str(
        self.fields["DestIP"] = inet_aton(str(
        # Calc Len First
        CalculateLen = str(self.fields["VLen"]) + str(
        ) + str(self.fields["Len"]) + str(self.fields["TID"]) + str(
            self.fields["Flag"]) + str(self.fields["FragOffset"]) + str(
                self.fields["TTL"]) + str(self.fields["Cmd"]) + str(
                    self.fields["CheckSum"]) + str(self.fields["SrcIP"]) + str(
                        self.fields["DestIP"]) + str(self.fields["Data"])
        self.fields["Len"] = StructWithLenPython2or3(">H", len(CalculateLen))
        # Then CheckSum this packet
        CheckSumCalc = str(self.fields["VLen"]) + str(
            self.fields["DifField"]) + str(self.fields["Len"]) + str(
                self.fields["TID"]) + str(self.fields["Flag"]) + str(
                    self.fields["FragOffset"]) + str(self.fields["TTL"]) + str(
                        self.fields["Cmd"]) + str(
                            self.fields["CheckSum"]) + str(
                                self.fields["SrcIP"]) + str(
        self.fields["CheckSum"] = GenCheckSum(CheckSumCalc)
Пример #59
class SMBDCEWinRegCreateKey(Packet):
    fields = OrderedDict([
        ("ContextHandle",        ""),
        ("KeySizeUnicode",       "\x00\x00"),
        ("MaxKeySizeUnicode",    "\x00\x00"),
        ("KeyPtr",               "\xde\x01\x00\x00"),
        ("ActualKeyMaxSize",     "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("ActualKeyOffset",      "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("ActualKeySize",        "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("KeyName",              "SAM"),
        ("KeyTerminator",        "\x00\x00"),
        ("KeyClassLen",          "\x00\x00"),
        ("KeyClassMaxLen",       "\x00\x00"),
        ("KeyClassPtr",          "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("AccessOption",         "\x01\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("AccessMask",           "\x00\x00\x00\x02"),
        ("SecDescRefID",         "\x29\xd8\x00\x00"),
        ("SecDescLen",           "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("SecDescPtr",           "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("SecDescMaxLen",        "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("SecDescMaxSize",       "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("Inherit",              "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
        ("AccessTakenRefID",     "\x9c\x3e\x00\x00"),
        ("ActionTakenRefID",     "\x01\x00\x00\x02"),


    def calculate(self):
        if len(str(self.fields["KeyName"]))%2==0:
           self.fields["KeyTerminator"] = "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
           self.fields["KeyTerminator"] = "\x00\x00"
        #Calc first.
        self.fields["ActualKeyMaxSize"] = struct.pack("<i",len(str(self.fields["KeyName"]))+1)
        self.fields["ActualKeySize"] = struct.pack("<i",len(str(self.fields["KeyName"]))+1)
        #Convert to unicode.
        self.fields["KeyName"] = self.fields["KeyName"].encode('utf-16le')
        #Recalculate again, in unicode this time.
        self.fields["KeySizeUnicode"] = struct.pack("<h",len(str(self.fields["KeyName"]))+2)
        self.fields["MaxKeySizeUnicode"] = struct.pack("<h",len(str(self.fields["KeyName"]))+2)
Пример #60
def cytof54_values_from_filename(filename):
    filename = os.path.split(filename)[-1]
    filename = filename.replace('concatv3_curated', 'curated')
    vals = OrderedDict()
    vals['filename'] = filename
    filename = filename.replace('.', '_')
    tags = filename.split('_')
    assert tags[0] == 'CyTOF54'
    assert tags[1][:4] == 'Tube'
    vals['tube'] = int(tags[1][4])
    assert tags[2][:3] == 'Day'
    vals['day'] = int(tags[2][3])
    vals['stim'] = tags[3]
    assert tags[4] == 'curated'
    assert tags[5] == 'fcs'
    assert tags[6] == 'eventnum'
    assert tags[7] == 'Ungated'
    print tags[8]
    assert tags[8] == vals['  ']
    vals['normalized'] = 1
    return vals