def get_exp_path(system_name, args, override=False): """ Return: exp_dir, model_path, log_path """ exp_dir = get_exppath(tag='TIDIGITS_%s_%s_%s' % (system_name, args.task, args.feat)) if 'nmix' in args: exp_dir += '_%d' % args.nmix if 'tdim' in args: exp_dir += '_%d' % args.tdim # ====== check override ====== # if bool(override) and os.path.exists(exp_dir): shutil.rmtree(exp_dir) if not os.path.exists(exp_dir): os.mkdir(exp_dir) # ====== basic paths ====== # model_path = os.path.join(exp_dir, '') log_path = os.path.join(exp_dir, 'log_%s.txt' % get_formatted_datetime(only_number=True)) print("Exp dir:", ctext(exp_dir, 'cyan')) print("Model path:", ctext(model_path, 'cyan')) print("Log path:", ctext(log_path, 'cyan')) return exp_dir, model_path, log_path
def get_exp_path(system_name, args, override=False): """ Return: exp_dir, model_path, log_path """ exp_dir = get_exppath(tag='TIDIGITS_%s_%s_%s' % (system_name, args.task, args.feat)) if 'nmix' in args: exp_dir += '_%d' % args.nmix if 'tdim' in args: exp_dir += '_%d' % args.tdim # ====== check override ====== # if bool(override) and os.path.exists(exp_dir): shutil.rmtree(exp_dir) if not os.path.exists(exp_dir): os.mkdir(exp_dir) # ====== basic paths ====== # model_path = os.path.join(exp_dir, '') log_path = os.path.join( exp_dir, 'log_%s.txt' % get_formatted_datetime(only_number=True)) print("Exp dir:", ctext(exp_dir, 'cyan')) print("Model path:", ctext(model_path, 'cyan')) print("Log path:", ctext(log_path, 'cyan')) return exp_dir, model_path, log_path
from import savemat from odin import fuel as F, visual as V from odin.utils import ctext, Progbar, get_exppath, select_path from odin.stats import train_valid_test_split, sampling_iter from odin.preprocessing.signal import segment_axis HOME_PATH = os.path.expanduser('~') # fixed path to 'voxceleb1_wav' folder PATH_TO_WAV = select_path('/media/data2/SRE_DATA/voxceleb', '/mnt/sdb1/SRE_DATA/voxceleb', os.path.join(HOME_PATH, 'data', 'voxceleb'), os.path.join(HOME_PATH, 'voxceleb'), create_new=False) # path to folder contains experiment results PATH_EXP = get_exppath('voxceleb') # output path for acoustic features directory PATH_ACOUSTIC_FEAT = os.path.join(PATH_EXP, 'voxceleb_feat') if not os.path.exists(PATH_ACOUSTIC_FEAT): os.mkdir(PATH_ACOUSTIC_FEAT) # ====== remove '_quarter' if you want full training data ====== # FILE_LIST = "voxceleb_files_quarter" TRAIN_LIST = "voxceleb_sys_train_with_labels_quarter" TRIAL_LIST = "voxceleb_trials" # ====== Load the file list ====== # ds = F.load_voxceleb_list() WAV_FILES = {} # dictionary mapping 'file_path' -> 'file_name' for path, channel, name in ds[FILE_LIST]: path = os.path.join(PATH_TO_WAV, path) # validate all files are exist assert os.path.exists(path), path
from odin.stats import train_valid_test_split, sampling_iter _support_label = { 'other': 0, 'gender': 1, 'age': 2, 'dialect': 3, 'speaker': 4, 'production': 5, 'digit': 6, } # =========================================================================== # Const for path and features configuration # =========================================================================== PATH_EXP = get_exppath(tag='TIDIGITS', override=False) # ====== acoustic feature extraction ====== # PATH_ACOUSTIC = os.path.join(PATH_EXP, 'TIDIGITS_feat') class FeatureConfigs(object): padding = False sr = 8000 window = 'hamm' n_fft = 512 n_mels = 40 n_ceps = 40 fmin = 100 fmax = 4000 frame_length = 0.025 step_length = 0.010
'--stat', "Force re-extraction of centered statistics", False).add('--tmat', "Force re-run training Tmatrix", False).add( '--ivec', "Force re-run extraction of i-vector", False).add( '--all', "Run all the system again, just a shortcut", False).add('--acous', "Force re-run acoustic feature extraction", False).parse() args.gmm |= args.all args.stat |= args.all | args.gmm args.tmat |= args.all | args.stat args.ivec |= args.all | args.tmat FEAT = args.feat # =========================================================================== # Const # =========================================================================== EXP_DIR = get_exppath('FSDD') PATH_ACOUSTIC_FEATURES = os.path.join(EXP_DIR, 'features') # ====== GMM trainign ====== # NMIX = args.nmix GMM_NITER = 12 GMM_DOWNSAMPLE = 1 GMM_STOCHASTIC = True GMM_DTYPE = 'float64' # ====== IVEC training ====== # TV_DIM = args.tdim TV_NITER = 16 TV_DTYPE = 'float64' # =========================================================================== # Extract acoustic features # =========================================================================== # path to preprocessed dataset
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os os.environ['ODIN'] = 'gpu,float32' import shutil import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from odin import backend as K, nnet as N, visual as V, fuel as F from odin.utils import minibatch, Progbar, get_exppath, crypto from odin import ml from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.metrics import classification_report EXP_PATH = get_exppath('cifar10_ivec') # =========================================================================== # Load the dataset # =========================================================================== ds = F.CIFAR10.load() print(ds) X_train, y_train = ds['X_train'][:].reshape(-1, 3 * 32 * 32), ds['y_train'][:] X_test, y_test = ds['X_test'][:].reshape(-1, 3 * 32 * 32), ds['y_test'][:] # ====== normalize the data ====== # X_train = X_train / 255. X_test = X_test / 255. print("Input:", X_train.shape, X_test.shape) # =========================================================================== # Training the GMM # =========================================================================== ivec = ml.Ivector(path=EXP_PATH, nmix=32, tv_dim=16,
CURRENT_STATE = SystemStates.TRAINING elif _script_name in ('make_score'): CURRENT_STATE = SystemStates.SCORING _check_feature_extraction_requirement() else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown states for current running script: %s/%s" % (get_script_path(), get_script_name())) # some fancy log of current state print(ctext('====================================', 'red')) print(ctext("System state:", 'cyan'), ctext(CURRENT_STATE, 'yellow')) print(ctext('====================================', 'red')) # =========================================================================== # FILE LIST PATH # =========================================================================== # ====== basic directories ====== # EXP_DIR = get_exppath('sre', override=False) # this folder store extracted vectors for training backend and extracting scores VECTORS_DIR = os.path.join(EXP_DIR, 'vectors') if not os.path.exists(VECTORS_DIR): os.mkdir(VECTORS_DIR) # this folder store the results RESULT_DIR = os.path.join(EXP_DIR, 'results') if not os.path.exists(RESULT_DIR): os.mkdir(RESULT_DIR) # this folder store the analysis ANALYSIS_DIR = os.path.join(EXP_DIR, 'analysis') if not os.path.exists(ANALYSIS_DIR): os.mkdir(ANALYSIS_DIR) # ====== raw data ====== # PATH_BASE = select_path('/media/data2/SRE_DATA', '/mnt/sda1/SRE_DATA',
from odin import fuel as F, visual as V from odin.utils import ctext, Progbar, get_exppath, select_path from odin.stats import train_valid_test_split, sampling_iter from odin.preprocessing.signal import segment_axis HOME_PATH = os.path.expanduser('~') # fixed path to 'voxceleb1_wav' folder PATH_TO_WAV = select_path( '/media/data2/SRE_DATA/voxceleb', '/mnt/sdb1/SRE_DATA/voxceleb', os.path.join(HOME_PATH, 'data', 'voxceleb'), os.path.join(HOME_PATH, 'voxceleb'), create_new=False ) # path to folder contains experiment results PATH_EXP = get_exppath('voxceleb') # output path for acoustic features directory PATH_ACOUSTIC_FEAT = os.path.join(PATH_EXP, 'voxceleb_feat') if not os.path.exists(PATH_ACOUSTIC_FEAT): os.mkdir(PATH_ACOUSTIC_FEAT) # ====== remove '_quarter' if you want full training data ====== # FILE_LIST = "voxceleb_files_quarter" TRAIN_LIST = "voxceleb_sys_train_with_labels_quarter" TRIAL_LIST = "voxceleb_trials" # ====== Load the file list ====== # ds = F.load_voxceleb_list() WAV_FILES = {} # dictionary mapping 'file_path' -> 'file_name' for path, channel, name in ds[FILE_LIST]: path = os.path.join(PATH_TO_WAV, path) # validate all files are exist assert os.path.exists(path), path
from odin.stats import train_valid_test_split, sampling_iter _support_label = { 'other': 0, 'gender': 1, 'age': 2, 'dialect': 3, 'speaker': 4, 'production': 5, 'digit': 6, } # =========================================================================== # Const for path and features configuration # =========================================================================== PATH_EXP = get_exppath(tag='TIDIGITS', override=False) # ====== acoustic feature extraction ====== # PATH_ACOUSTIC = os.path.join(PATH_EXP, 'TIDIGITS_feat') class FeatureConfigs(object): padding = False sr = 8000 window = 'hamm' n_fft = 512 n_mels = 40 n_ceps = 40 fmin = 100 fmax = 4000 frame_length = 0.025 step_length = 0.010 dtype = 'float16'
CURRENT_STATE = SystemStates.TRAINING elif _script_name in ('make_score'): CURRENT_STATE = SystemStates.SCORING _check_feature_extraction_requirement() else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown states for current running script: %s/%s" % (get_script_path(), get_script_name())) # some fancy log of current state print(ctext('====================================', 'red')) print(ctext("System state:", 'cyan'), ctext(CURRENT_STATE, 'yellow')) print(ctext('====================================', 'red')) # =========================================================================== # FILE LIST PATH # =========================================================================== # ====== basic directories ====== # EXP_DIR = get_exppath('sre', override=False) # this folder store extracted vectors for training backend and extracting scores VECTORS_DIR = os.path.join(EXP_DIR, 'vectors') if not os.path.exists(VECTORS_DIR): os.mkdir(VECTORS_DIR) # this folder store the results RESULT_DIR = os.path.join(EXP_DIR, 'results') if not os.path.exists(RESULT_DIR): os.mkdir(RESULT_DIR) # this folder store the analysis ANALYSIS_DIR = os.path.join(EXP_DIR, 'analysis') if not os.path.exists(ANALYSIS_DIR): os.mkdir(ANALYSIS_DIR) # ====== raw data ====== # PATH_BASE = select_path( '/media/data2/SRE_DATA',
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os os.environ['ODIN'] = 'gpu,float32' import shutil import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from odin import backend as K, nnet as N, visual as V, fuel as F from odin.utils import batching, Progbar, get_exppath, crypto from odin import ml from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.metrics import classification_report EXP_PATH = get_exppath('cifar10_ivec') # =========================================================================== # Load the dataset # =========================================================================== ds = F.CIFAR10.load() print(ds) X_train, y_train = ds['X_train'][:].reshape(-1, 3 * 32 * 32), ds['y_train'][:] X_test, y_test = ds['X_test'][:].reshape(-1, 3 * 32 * 32), ds['y_test'][:] # ====== normalize the data ====== # X_train = X_train / 255. X_test = X_test / 255. print("Input:", X_train.shape, X_test.shape) # =========================================================================== # Training the GMM # =========================================================================== ivec = ml.Ivector(path=EXP_PATH, nmix=32, tv_dim=16,
).add('--gmm', "Force re-run training GMM", False ).add('--stat', "Force re-extraction of centered statistics", False ).add('--tmat', "Force re-run training Tmatrix", False ).add('--ivec', "Force re-run extraction of i-vector", False ).add('--all', "Run all the system again, just a shortcut", False ).add('--acous', "Force re-run acoustic feature extraction", False ).parse() args.gmm |= args.all args.stat |= args.all | args.gmm args.tmat |= args.all | args.stat args.ivec |= args.all | args.tmat FEAT = args.feat # =========================================================================== # Const # =========================================================================== EXP_DIR = get_exppath('FSDD') PATH_ACOUSTIC_FEATURES = os.path.join(EXP_DIR, 'features') # ====== GMM trainign ====== # NMIX = args.nmix GMM_NITER = 12 GMM_DOWNSAMPLE = 1 GMM_STOCHASTIC = True GMM_DTYPE = 'float64' # ====== IVEC training ====== # TV_DIM = args.tdim TV_NITER = 16 TV_DTYPE = 'float64' # =========================================================================== # Extract acoustic features # =========================================================================== # path to preprocessed dataset