Пример #1
 def _call(self, x):
     """Return wavelet transform of ``x``."""
     if self.impl == 'pywt':
         coeff_list = pywt_multi_level_decomp(
             x, wavelet=self.pywt_wavelet, nlevels=self.nlevels,
         return pywt_flat_array_from_coeffs(coeff_list)
         raise RuntimeError("bad `impl` '{}'".format(self.impl))
Пример #2
 def _call(self, x):
     """Return wavelet transform of ``x``."""
     if self.impl == 'pywt':
         coeff_list = pywt_multi_level_decomp(
             x, wavelet=self.pywt_wavelet, nlevels=self.nlevels,
         return pywt_flat_array_from_coeffs(coeff_list)
         raise RuntimeError("bad `impl` '{}'".format(self.impl))
Пример #3
def test_multilevel_recon_inverts_decomp(shape_setup, floating_dtype):
    """Test that reco is the inverse of decomp."""
    wavelet, pywt_mode, nlevels, image_shape, coeff_shapes = shape_setup

    image = np.random.uniform(size=image_shape).astype(floating_dtype)
    wave_decomp = pywt_multi_level_decomp(image, wavelet, nlevels, pywt_mode)
    wave_recon = pywt_multi_level_recon(wave_decomp, wavelet, pywt_mode,
    assert wave_recon.shape == image.shape
    assert all_almost_equal(wave_recon, image)
Пример #4
def test_multilevel_recon_inverts_decomp(shape_setup, floating_dtype):
    """Test that reco is the inverse of decomp."""
    wavelet, pywt_mode, nlevels, image_shape, coeff_shapes = shape_setup

    image = np.random.uniform(size=image_shape).astype(floating_dtype)
    wave_decomp = pywt_multi_level_decomp(image, wavelet, nlevels, pywt_mode)
    wave_recon = pywt_multi_level_recon(wave_decomp, wavelet, pywt_mode,
    assert wave_recon.shape == image.shape
    assert all_almost_equal(wave_recon, image)
Пример #5
def test_explicit_example(odl_floating_dtype):
    """Comparison with hand-calculated wavelet transform."""
    dtype = odl_floating_dtype

    space = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [1, 1], (16, 15), dtype=dtype)
    x = noise_array(space).reshape(space.shape)

    # We use a Daubechies-2 wavelet
    wavelet = pywt.Wavelet('db2')
    filter_l = np.array(wavelet.dec_lo)
    filter_h = np.array(wavelet.dec_hi)

    # Build the 2D filters
    filter_ll = filter_l[:, None] * filter_l[None, :]
    filter_lh = filter_l[:, None] * filter_h[None, :]
    filter_hl = filter_h[:, None] * filter_l[None, :]
    filter_hh = filter_h[:, None] * filter_h[None, :]

    # Convolve x with 2D filters (implicitly uses zero-padding)
    conv_ll = convolve(x, filter_ll)
    conv_lh = convolve(x, filter_lh)
    conv_hl = convolve(x, filter_hl)
    conv_hh = convolve(x, filter_hh)

    # Downsampling by factor 2, taking the odd indices, gives the wavelet
    # coefficients
    coeff_aa = conv_ll[1::2, 1::2]
    coeff_ad = conv_lh[1::2, 1::2]
    coeff_da = conv_hl[1::2, 1::2]
    coeff_dd = conv_hh[1::2, 1::2]

    # Compare with single-level wavelet trafo (zero padding)
    coeffs = pywt_single_level_decomp(x, wavelet='db2', mode='zero')
    approx, details = coeffs

    assert all_almost_equal(approx, coeff_aa)
    assert all_almost_equal(details, [coeff_ad, coeff_da, coeff_dd])

    # Second level, continuing with the level 1 approximation coefficient
    coeff_2_aa = convolve(coeff_aa, filter_ll)[1::2, 1::2]
    coeff_2_ad = convolve(coeff_aa, filter_lh)[1::2, 1::2]
    coeff_2_da = convolve(coeff_aa, filter_hl)[1::2, 1::2]
    coeff_2_dd = convolve(coeff_aa, filter_hh)[1::2, 1::2]

    # Compare with multi-level wavelet trafo (zero padding)
    coeffs = pywt_multi_level_decomp(x, wavelet='db2', mode='zero', nlevels=2)
    approx_2, details_2, details_1 = coeffs

    assert all_almost_equal(approx_2, coeff_2_aa)
    assert all_almost_equal(details_1, [coeff_ad, coeff_da, coeff_dd])
    assert all_almost_equal(details_2, [coeff_2_ad, coeff_2_da, coeff_2_dd])
Пример #6
def test_explicit_example(floating_dtype):
    """Comparison with hand-calculated wavelet transform."""

    space = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [1, 1], (16, 15), dtype=floating_dtype)
    x = noise_array(space).reshape(space.shape)

    # We use a Daubechies-2 wavelet
    wavelet = pywt.Wavelet('db2')
    filter_l = np.array(wavelet.dec_lo)
    filter_h = np.array(wavelet.dec_hi)

    # Build the 2D filters
    filter_ll = filter_l[:, None] * filter_l[None, :]
    filter_lh = filter_l[:, None] * filter_h[None, :]
    filter_hl = filter_h[:, None] * filter_l[None, :]
    filter_hh = filter_h[:, None] * filter_h[None, :]

    # Convolve x with 2D filters (implicitly uses zero-padding)
    conv_ll = convolve(x, filter_ll)
    conv_lh = convolve(x, filter_lh)
    conv_hl = convolve(x, filter_hl)
    conv_hh = convolve(x, filter_hh)

    # Downsampling by factor 2, taking the odd indices, gives the wavelet
    # coefficients
    coeff_aa = conv_ll[1::2, 1::2]
    coeff_ad = conv_lh[1::2, 1::2]
    coeff_da = conv_hl[1::2, 1::2]
    coeff_dd = conv_hh[1::2, 1::2]

    # Compare with single-level wavelet trafo (zero padding)
    coeffs = pywt_single_level_decomp(x, wavelet='db2', mode='zero')
    approx, details = coeffs

    assert all_almost_equal(approx, coeff_aa)
    assert all_almost_equal(details, [coeff_ad, coeff_da, coeff_dd])

    # Second level, continuing with the level 1 approximation coefficient
    coeff_2_aa = convolve(coeff_aa, filter_ll)[1::2, 1::2]
    coeff_2_ad = convolve(coeff_aa, filter_lh)[1::2, 1::2]
    coeff_2_da = convolve(coeff_aa, filter_hl)[1::2, 1::2]
    coeff_2_dd = convolve(coeff_aa, filter_hh)[1::2, 1::2]

    # Compare with multi-level wavelet trafo (zero padding)
    coeffs = pywt_multi_level_decomp(x, wavelet='db2', mode='zero', nlevels=2)
    approx_2, details_2, details_1 = coeffs

    assert all_almost_equal(approx_2, coeff_2_aa)
    assert all_almost_equal(details_1, [coeff_ad, coeff_da, coeff_dd])
    assert all_almost_equal(details_2, [coeff_2_ad, coeff_2_da, coeff_2_dd])
Пример #7
def test_multilevel_decomp_inverts_recon(shape_setup):
    """Test that decomp is the inverse of recon."""
    dtype = 'float64'  # when fixed, use dtype fixture instead
    wavelet, pywt_mode, nlevels, image_shape, coeff_shapes = shape_setup

    if not ((ndim == 1 and wavelet == 'sym2' and pywt_mode == 'periodization')
            or (ndim == 1 and wavelet == 'db1'
                and pywt_mode in ('zero', 'periodization'))):
        # The reverse invertibility is not given since the wavelet
        # decomposition as implemented in PyWavelets, is not left-invertible.
        # Only some setups work by miracle.
        # TODO: investigate further
        pytest.xfail('not left-invertible')

    coeffs, _ = _grouped_and_flat_arrays(coeff_shapes, dtype)
    wave_recon = pywt_multi_level_recon(coeffs,
    wave_decomp = pywt_multi_level_decomp(wave_recon, wavelet, nlevels,
    assert all_almost_equal(coeffs, wave_decomp)
Пример #8
def test_multilevel_decomp_inverts_recon(shape_setup):
    """Test that decomp is the inverse of recon."""
    dtype = 'float64'  # when fixed, use dtype fixture instead
    wavelet, pywt_mode, nlevels, image_shape, coeff_shapes = shape_setup

    if not ((ndim == 1 and
             wavelet == 'sym2' and
             pywt_mode == 'periodization') or
            (ndim == 1 and
             wavelet == 'db1' and
             pywt_mode in ('zero', 'periodization'))):
        # The reverse invertibility is not given since the wavelet
        # decomposition as implemented in PyWavelets, is not left-invertible.
        # Only some setups work by miracle.
        # TODO: investigate further
        pytest.xfail('not left-invertible')

    coeffs, _ = _grouped_and_flat_arrays(coeff_shapes, dtype)
    wave_recon = pywt_multi_level_recon(coeffs, wavelet, pywt_mode,
    wave_decomp = pywt_multi_level_decomp(wave_recon, wavelet, nlevels,
    assert all_almost_equal(coeffs, wave_decomp)