Пример #1
def dspace_type(space, impl, dtype=None):
    """Select the correct corresponding n-tuples space.

    space : `LinearSpace`
        Template space from which to infer an adequate data space. If
        it has a `LinearSpace.field` attribute, ``dtype`` must be
        consistent with it.
    impl : string
        Implementation backend for the data space
    dtype : `numpy.dtype`, optional
        Data type which the space is supposed to use. If ``None`` is
        given, the space type is purely determined from ``space`` and
        ``impl``. Otherwise, it must be compatible with the
        field of ``space``.

    stype : type
        Space type selected after the space's field, the backend and
        the data type
    spacetype_map = {RealNumbers: FN_IMPLS,
                     ComplexNumbers: FN_IMPLS,
                     type(None): NTUPLES_IMPLS}

    field_type = type(getattr(space, 'field', None))

    if dtype is None:
    elif is_real_floating_dtype(dtype):
        if field_type is None or field_type == ComplexNumbers:
            raise TypeError('real floating data type {!r} requires space '
                            'field to be of type RealNumbers, got {}'
                            ''.format(dtype, field_type))
    elif is_complex_floating_dtype(dtype):
        if field_type is None or field_type == RealNumbers:
            raise TypeError('complex floating data type {!r} requires space '
                            'field to be of type ComplexNumbers, got {!r}'
                            ''.format(dtype, field_type))
    elif is_scalar_dtype(dtype):
        if field_type == ComplexNumbers:
            raise TypeError('non-floating data type {!r} requires space field '
                            'to be of type RealNumbers, got {!r}'
                            .format(dtype, field_type))
        raise TypeError('non-scalar data type {!r} cannot be combined with '
                        'a `LinearSpace`'.format(dtype))

    stype = spacetype_map[field_type].get(impl, None)

    if stype is None:
        raise NotImplementedError('no corresponding data space available '
                                  'for space {!r} and implementation {!r}'
                                  ''.format(space, impl))
    return stype
Пример #2
def test_resizing_op_adjoint(padding, fn_impl):

    pad_mode, pad_const = padding
    dtypes = [dt for dt in odl.FN_IMPLS[fn_impl].available_dtypes()
              if is_real_floating_dtype(dt)]

    for dtype in dtypes:
        space = odl.uniform_discr([0, -1], [1, 1], (4, 5), dtype=dtype,
        res_space = odl.uniform_discr([0, -1.4], [1.5, 1.4], (6, 7),
                                      dtype=dtype, impl=fn_impl)
        res_op = odl.ResizingOperator(space, res_space, pad_mode=pad_mode,

        if pad_const != 0.0:
            with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):

        elem = noise_element(space)
        res_elem = noise_element(res_space)
        inner1 = res_op(elem).inner(res_elem)
        inner2 = elem.inner(res_op.adjoint(res_elem))
        assert almost_equal(inner1, inner2, places=dtype_places(dtype))
Пример #3
def dspace_type(space, impl, dtype=None):
    """Select the correct corresponding n-tuples space.

    space : `object`
        The template space. If it has a ``field`` attribute,
        ``dtype`` must be consistent with it
    impl : {'numpy', 'cuda'}
        The backend for the data space
    dtype : `type`, optional
        Data type which the space is supposed to use. If `None`, the
        space type is purely determined from ``space`` and
        ``impl``. If given, it must be compatible with the
        field of ``space``. Non-floating types result in basic
        `Fn`-type spaces.

    stype : `type`
        Space type selected after the space's field, the backend and
        the data type
    impl_ = str(impl).lower()
    if impl_ not in ('numpy', 'cuda'):
        raise ValueError('implementation type {} not understood.'

    if impl_ == 'cuda' and not CUDA_AVAILABLE:
        raise ValueError('CUDA implementation not available.')

    basic_map = {'numpy': Fn, 'cuda': CudaFn}

    spacetype_map = {
        'numpy': {RealNumbers: Rn, ComplexNumbers: Cn,
                  type(None): Ntuples},
        'cuda': {RealNumbers: CudaRn, ComplexNumbers: None,
                 type(None): CudaNtuples}

    field_type = type(getattr(space, 'field', None))

    if dtype is None:
        stype = spacetype_map[impl_][field_type]
    elif is_real_floating_dtype(dtype):
        if field_type is None or field_type == ComplexNumbers:
            raise TypeError('real floating data type {!r} requires space '
                            'field to be of type `RealNumbers`, got {}.'
                            ''.format(dtype, field_type))
        stype = spacetype_map[impl_][field_type]
    elif is_complex_floating_dtype(dtype):
        if field_type is None or field_type == RealNumbers:
            raise TypeError('complex floating data type {!r} requires space '
                            'field to be of type `ComplexNumbers`, got {!r}.'
                            ''.format(dtype, field_type))
        stype = spacetype_map[impl_][field_type]
    elif is_scalar_dtype(dtype):
        if field_type == ComplexNumbers:
            raise TypeError('non-floating data type {!r} requires space field '
                            'to be of type `RealNumbers`, got {!r}.'
                            .format(dtype, field_type))
        elif field_type == RealNumbers:
            stype = basic_map[impl_]
            stype = spacetype_map[impl_][field_type]
    elif field_type is None:  # Only in this case are arbitrary types allowed
        stype = spacetype_map[impl_][field_type]
        raise TypeError('non-scalar data type {!r} cannot be combined with '
                        'a `LinearSpace`.'.format(dtype))

    if stype is None:
        raise NotImplementedError('no corresponding data space available '
                                  'for space {!r} and implementation {!r}.'
                                  ''.format(space, impl))
    return stype
Пример #4
def test_is_real_floating_dtype():
    for dtype in real_float_dtypes:
        assert is_real_floating_dtype(dtype)
Пример #5
def dspace_type(space, impl, dtype=None):
    """Select the correct corresponding n-tuples space.

    space :
        Template space from which to infer an adequate data space. If
        it has a `LinearSpace.field` attribute, ``dtype`` must be
        consistent with it.
    impl : {'numpy', 'cuda'}
        Implementation backend for the data space
    dtype : `type`, optional
        Data type which the space is supposed to use. If `None`, the
        space type is purely determined from ``space`` and
        ``impl``. If given, it must be compatible with the
        field of ``space``.

    stype : `type`
        Space type selected after the space's field, the backend and
        the data type
    impl, impl_in = str(impl).lower(), impl
    if impl not in ('numpy', 'cuda'):
        raise ValueError("`impl` '{}' not understood"

    if impl == 'cuda' and not CUDA_AVAILABLE:
        raise ValueError("'cuda' implementation not available")

    basic_map = {'numpy': Fn, 'cuda': CudaFn}

    spacetype_map = {
        'numpy': {RealNumbers: Fn, ComplexNumbers: Fn,
                  type(None): Ntuples},
        'cuda': {RealNumbers: CudaFn, ComplexNumbers: None,
                 type(None): CudaNtuples}

    field_type = type(getattr(space, 'field', None))

    if dtype is None:
        stype = spacetype_map[impl][field_type]

    elif is_real_floating_dtype(dtype):
        if field_type is None or field_type == ComplexNumbers:
            raise TypeError('real floating data type {!r} requires space '
                            'field to be of type RealNumbers, got {}'
                            ''.format(dtype, field_type))
        stype = spacetype_map[impl][field_type]
    elif is_complex_floating_dtype(dtype):
        if field_type is None or field_type == RealNumbers:
            raise TypeError('complex floating data type {!r} requires space '
                            'field to be of type ComplexNumbers, got {!r}'
                            ''.format(dtype, field_type))
        stype = spacetype_map[impl][field_type]
    elif is_scalar_dtype(dtype):
        if field_type == ComplexNumbers:
            raise TypeError('non-floating data type {!r} requires space field '
                            'to be of type RealNumbers, got {!r}'
                            .format(dtype, field_type))
        elif field_type == RealNumbers:
            stype = basic_map[impl]
            stype = spacetype_map[impl][field_type]
    elif field_type is None:  # Only in this case are arbitrary types allowed
        stype = spacetype_map[impl][field_type]
        raise TypeError('non-scalar data type {!r} cannot be combined with '
                        'a `LinearSpace`'.format(dtype))

    if stype is None:
        raise NotImplementedError('no corresponding data space available '
                                  'for space {!r} and implementation {!r}'
                                  ''.format(space, impl))
    return stype
Пример #6
def test_is_real_floating_dtype():
    for dtype in real_float_dtypes:
        assert is_real_floating_dtype(dtype)
Пример #7
def vector(array, dtype=None, impl="numpy"):
    """Create an n-tuples type vector from an array.

    array : array-like
        Array from which to create the vector. Scalars become
        one-dimensional vectors.
    dtype : `object`, optional
        Set the data type of the vector manually with this option.
        By default, the space type is inferred from the input data.
    impl : {'numpy', 'cuda'}
        Implementation backend for the vector

    vec : `NtuplesBaseVector`
        Vector created from the input array. Its concrete type depends
        on the provided arguments.

    This is a convenience function and not intended for use in
    speed-critical algorithms. It creates a NumPy array first, hence
    especially CUDA vectors as input result in a large speed penalty.

    >>> vector([1, 2, 3])  # No automatic cast to float
    Fn(3, 'int').element([1, 2, 3])
    >>> vector([1, 2, 3], dtype=float)
    Rn(3).element([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
    >>> vector([1 + 1j, 2, 3 - 2j])
    Cn(3).element([(1+1j), (2+0j), (3-2j)])

    Non-scalar types are also supported:

    >>> vector([u'Hello,', u' world!'])
    Ntuples(2, '<U7').element([u'Hello,', u' world!'])

    Scalars become a one-element vector:

    >>> vector(0.0)
    # Sanitize input
    arr = np.array(array, copy=False, ndmin=1)
    impl = str(impl).lower()

    # Validate input
    if arr.ndim > 1:
        raise ValueError("array has {} dimensions, expected 1." "".format(arr.ndim))

    # Set dtype
    if dtype is not None:
        space_dtype = dtype
    elif arr.dtype == float and impl == "cuda":
        # Special case, default float is float32 on cuda
        space_dtype = "float32"
        space_dtype = arr.dtype

    # Select implementation
    if impl == "numpy":
        if is_real_floating_dtype(space_dtype):
            space_type = Rn
        elif is_complex_floating_dtype(space_dtype):
            space_type = Cn
        elif is_scalar_dtype(space_dtype):
            space_type = Fn
            space_type = Ntuples

    elif impl == "cuda":
        if not CUDA_AVAILABLE:
            raise ValueError("CUDA implementation not available.")

        if is_real_floating_dtype(space_dtype):
            space_type = CudaRn
        elif is_complex_floating_dtype(space_dtype):
            raise NotImplementedError("complex spaces in CUDA not supported.")
        elif is_scalar_dtype(space_dtype):
            space_type = CudaFn
            space_type = CudaNtuples

        raise ValueError("implementation '{}' not understood.".format(impl))

    return space_type(len(arr), dtype=space_dtype).element(arr)
Пример #8
def vector(array, dtype=None, impl='numpy'):
    """Create an n-tuples type vector from an array.

    array : `array-like`
        Array from which to create the vector. Scalars become
        one-dimensional vectors.
    dtype : `object`, optional
        Set the data type of the vector manually with this option.
        By default, the space type is inferred from the input data.
    impl : {'numpy', 'cuda'}
        Implementation backend for the vector

    vec : `NtuplesBaseVector`
        Vector created from the input array. Its concrete type depends
        on the provided arguments.

    This is a convenience function and not intended for use in
    speed-critical algorithms. It creates a NumPy array first, hence
    especially CUDA vectors as input result in a large speed penalty.

    >>> vector([1, 2, 3])  # No automatic cast to float
    Fn(3, 'int').element([1, 2, 3])
    >>> vector([1, 2, 3], dtype=float)
    Rn(3).element([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
    >>> vector([1 + 1j, 2, 3 - 2j])
    Cn(3).element([(1+1j), (2+0j), (3-2j)])

    Non-scalar types are also supported:

    >>> vector([True, False])
    Ntuples(2, 'bool').element([True, False])

    Scalars become a one-element vector:

    >>> vector(0.0)
    # Sanitize input
    arr = np.array(array, copy=False, ndmin=1)
    impl, impl_in = str(impl).lower(), impl

    # Validate input
    if arr.ndim > 1:
        raise ValueError('array has {} dimensions, expected 1'

    # Set dtype
    if dtype is not None:
        space_dtype = dtype
    elif arr.dtype == np.dtype('float64') and impl == 'cuda':
        # Special case, default float is float32 on cuda
        space_dtype = 'float32'
        space_dtype = arr.dtype

    # Select implementation
    if impl == 'numpy':
        if is_real_floating_dtype(space_dtype):
            space_type = Rn
        elif is_complex_floating_dtype(space_dtype):
            space_type = Cn
        elif is_scalar_dtype(space_dtype):
            space_type = Fn
            space_type = Ntuples

    elif impl == 'cuda':
        if not CUDA_AVAILABLE:
            raise ValueError("'cuda' implementation not available")

        if is_real_floating_dtype(space_dtype):
            space_type = CudaRn
        elif is_complex_floating_dtype(space_dtype):
            raise NotImplementedError('complex spaces in CUDA not supported')
        elif is_scalar_dtype(space_dtype):
            space_type = CudaFn
            space_type = CudaNtuples

        raise ValueError("`impl` '{}' not understood".format(impl_in))

    return space_type(len(arr), dtype=space_dtype).element(arr)