Пример #1
def test_pointwise_inner_init_properties():
    fspace = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [1, 1], (2, 2))
    vfspace = ProductSpace(fspace, 3, exponent=2)

    # Make sure the code runs and test the properties
    pwinner = PointwiseInner(vfspace, vfspace.one())
    assert pwinner.base_space == fspace
    assert all_equal(pwinner.weights, [1, 1, 1])
    assert not pwinner.is_weighted

    pwinner = PointwiseInner(vfspace, vfspace.one(), weight=[1, 2, 3])
    assert all_equal(pwinner.weights, [1, 2, 3])
    assert pwinner.is_weighted

    # Bad input
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        PointwiseInner(odl.Rn(3), odl.Rn(3).one())  # No power space

    # TODO: Does not raise currently, although bad_vecfield not in vfspace!
    bad_vecfield = ProductSpace(fspace, 3, exponent=1).one()
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        PointwiseInner(vfspace, bad_vecfield)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        PointwiseInner(vfspace, vfspace.one(), weight=-1)  # < 0 not allowed

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        PointwiseInner(vfspace, vfspace.one(), weight=[1, 0, 1])  # 0 invalid
Пример #2
def test_custom_funcs():
    # Checking the standard 1-norm and standard inner product, just to
    # see that the functions are handled correctly.

    r2 = odl.Rn(2)
    r2x = r2.element([1, -1])
    r2y = r2.element([-2, 3])
    # inner = -5, dist = 5, norms = (sqrt(2), sqrt(13))

    r3 = odl.Rn(3)
    r3x = r3.element([3, 4, 4])
    r3y = r3.element([1, -2, 1])
    # inner = -1, dist = 7, norms = (sqrt(41), sqrt(6))

    pspace_2 = odl.ProductSpace(r2, r3, exponent=2.0)
    x = pspace_2.element((r2x, r3x))
    y = pspace_2.element((r2y, r3y))

    pspace_custom = odl.ProductSpace(r2, r3, inner=custom_inner)
    xc = pspace_custom.element((r2x, r3x))
    yc = pspace_custom.element((r2y, r3y))
    assert almost_equal(x.inner(y), xc.inner(yc))

    pspace_1 = odl.ProductSpace(r2, r3, exponent=1.0)
    x = pspace_1.element((r2x, r3x))
    y = pspace_1.element((r2y, r3y))

    pspace_custom = odl.ProductSpace(r2, r3, norm=custom_norm)
    xc = pspace_custom.element((r2x, r3x))
    assert almost_equal(x.norm(), xc.norm())

    pspace_custom = odl.ProductSpace(r2, r3, dist=custom_dist)
    xc = pspace_custom.element((r2x, r3x))
    yc = pspace_custom.element((r2y, r3y))
    assert almost_equal(x.dist(y), xc.dist(yc))

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        odl.ProductSpace(r2, r3, a=1)  # extra keyword argument

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        odl.ProductSpace(r2, r3, norm=custom_norm, inner=custom_inner)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        odl.ProductSpace(r2, r3, dist=custom_dist, inner=custom_inner)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        odl.ProductSpace(r2, r3, norm=custom_norm, dist=custom_dist)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        odl.ProductSpace(r2, r3, norm=custom_norm, exponent=1.0)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        odl.ProductSpace(r2, r3, norm=custom_norm, weight=2.0)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        odl.ProductSpace(r2, r3, dist=custom_dist, weight=2.0)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        odl.ProductSpace(r2, r3, inner=custom_inner, weight=2.0)
Пример #3
def test_getitem_fancy():
    r1 = odl.Rn(1)
    r2 = odl.Rn(2)
    r3 = odl.Rn(3)
    H = odl.ProductSpace(r1, r2, r3)

    assert H[[0, 2]] == odl.ProductSpace(r1, r3)
    assert H[[0, 2]][0] is r1
    assert H[[0, 2]][1] is r3
Пример #4
def test_vector_getitem_fancy():
    H = odl.ProductSpace(odl.Rn(1), odl.Rn(2), odl.Rn(3))

    x1 = H[0].element([0])
    x2 = H[1].element([1, 2])
    x3 = H[2].element([3, 4, 5])
    x = H.element([x1, x2, x3])

    assert x[[0, 2]].space == H[[0, 2]]
    assert x[[0, 2]][0] is x1
    assert x[[0, 2]][1] is x3
Пример #5
def test_getitem_slice():
    r1 = odl.Rn(1)
    r2 = odl.Rn(2)
    r3 = odl.Rn(3)
    H = odl.ProductSpace(r1, r2, r3)

    assert H[:2] == odl.ProductSpace(r1, r2)
    assert H[:2][0] is r1
    assert H[:2][1] is r2

    assert H[3:] == odl.ProductSpace(field=r1.field)
Пример #6
def test_getitem_single():
    r1 = odl.Rn(1)
    r2 = odl.Rn(2)
    H = odl.ProductSpace(r1, r2)

    assert H[-2] is r1
    assert H[-1] is r2
    assert H[0] is r1
    assert H[1] is r2
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
Пример #7
def test_vector_getitem_single():
    H = odl.ProductSpace(odl.Rn(1), odl.Rn(2))

    x1 = H[0].element([0])
    x2 = H[1].element([1, 2])
    x = H.element([x1, x2])

    assert x[-2] is x1
    assert x[-1] is x2
    assert x[0] is x1
    assert x[1] is x2
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
Пример #8
def test_vector_equals():
    H = odl.ProductSpace(odl.Rn(1), odl.Rn(2))
    x = H.element([[0], [1, 2]])

    assert x != 0  # test == not always true
    assert x == x

    x_2 = H.element([[0], [1, 2]])
    assert x == x_2

    x_3 = H.element([[3], [1, 2]])
    assert x != x_3

    x_4 = H.element([[0], [1, 3]])
    assert x != x_4
Пример #9
def test_metric():
    H = odl.Rn(2)
    v11 = H.element([1, 2])
    v12 = H.element([5, 3])

    v21 = H.element([1, 2])
    v22 = H.element([8, 9])

    # 1-norm
    HxH = odl.ProductSpace(H, H, exponent=1.0)
    w1 = HxH.element([v11, v12])
    w2 = HxH.element([v21, v22])
    assert almost_equal(HxH.dist(w1, w2), H.dist(v11, v21) + H.dist(v12, v22))

    # 2-norm
    HxH = odl.ProductSpace(H, H, exponent=2.0)
    w1 = HxH.element([v11, v12])
    w2 = HxH.element([v21, v22])
    assert almost_equal(HxH.dist(w1, w2),
                        (H.dist(v11, v21)**2 + H.dist(v12, v22)**2)**(1 / 2.0))

    # inf norm
    HxH = odl.ProductSpace(H, H, exponent=float('inf'))
    w1 = HxH.element([v11, v12])
    w2 = HxH.element([v21, v22])
    assert almost_equal(HxH.dist(w1, w2),
                        max(H.dist(v11, v21), H.dist(v12, v22)))
Пример #10
def test_pspace_op_weighted_init():

    r3 = odl.Rn(3)
    ran = odl.ProductSpace(r3, 2, weight=[1, 2])
    I = odl.IdentityOperator(r3)

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        odl.ProductSpaceOperator([[I], [0]], range=ran)
Пример #11
def test_comp_proj_indices():
    r3 = odl.Rn(3)
    r33 = odl.ProductSpace(r3, 3)

    x = r33.element([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])

    proj = odl.ComponentProjection(r33, [0, 2])
    assert x[[0, 2]] == proj(x)
    assert x[[0, 2]] == proj(x, out=proj.range.element())