Пример #1
    def test_float(self):
        val_in = [1, 2.2, 3.3, "4"]
        val_odml = [1.0, 2.2, 3.3, 4.0]
        parent_sec = self.doc.sections[0]
        _ = odml.Property(name="float test", dtype="float",
                          value=val_in, parent=parent_sec)

        # Test correct json save and load.
        odml.save(self.doc, self.json_file, "JSON")
        jdoc = odml.load(self.json_file, "JSON")

        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[0].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.float)
        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[0].values, val_odml)
        self.assertEqual(self.doc, jdoc)

        # Test correct xml save and load.
        odml.save(self.doc, self.xml_file)
        xdoc = odml.load(self.xml_file)

        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[0].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.float)
        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[0].values, val_odml)
        self.assertEqual(self.doc, xdoc)

        # Test correct yaml save and load.
        odml.save(self.doc, self.yaml_file, "YAML")
        ydoc = odml.load(self.yaml_file, "YAML")

        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[0].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.float)
        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[0].values, val_odml)
        self.assertEqual(self.doc, ydoc)
Пример #2
def run_conversion(file_list, output_dir, report, source_format="XML"):
    Convert a list of odML files to the latest odML version.
    :param file_list: list of files to be converted.
    :param output_dir: Directory where odML files converted to
                       the latest odML version will be saved.
    :param report: Reporting StringIO.
    :param source_format: Original file format of the odML source files.
                          XML, JSON and YAML are supported, default is XML.
    # Exceptions are kept as broad as possible to ignore any non-odML or
    # invalid odML files and ensuring everything that can be will be converted.
    for curr_file in file_list:
        file_path = str(curr_file.absolute())
        report.write("[Info] Handling file '%s'\n" % file_path)
        # When loading the current file succeeds, it is
        # a recent odML format file and can be ignored.
            odml.load(file_path, source_format)
            report.write("[Info] Skip recent version file '%s'" % file_path)
        except Exception as exc:
            out_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0]
            outfile = os.path.join(output_dir, "%s_conv.xml" % out_name)
                VerConf(file_path).write_to_file(outfile, source_format)
            except Exception as exc:
                # Ignore files we cannot parse or convert
                report.write("[Error] version converting file '%s': '%s'\n" %
                             (file_path, exc))
    def _convert_file(cls, input_path, output_path, res_format):
        Converts a file from given input_path to res_format. Will raise a ValueError
        if the provided output format (res_format) is not supported.

        :param input_path: full path including file name of the file to be converted.
        :param output_path: full path including file name of the output file.
                            If required the file extension will be adjusted to the
                            output format.
        :param res_format: Format the input file will be converted to. Only formats
                           listed in constant CONVERSION_FORMATS are supported.
        if res_format == "v1_1":
        elif res_format == "odml":
            if not output_path.endswith(".odml"):
                file_path, _ = os.path.splitext(output_path)
                output_path = file_path + ".odml"
            odml.save(odml.load(input_path), output_path)
        elif res_format in CONVERSION_FORMATS:
            if not output_path.endswith(CONVERSION_FORMATS[res_format]):
                file_path, _ = os.path.splitext(output_path)
                output_path = file_path + CONVERSION_FORMATS[res_format]
                output_path, res_format)
            raise ValueError("Format for output files is incorrect. "
                             "Please choose from the list: {}".format(
Пример #4
    def test_tuple(self):
        val_type = "3-tuple"
        val_in = "(1; 1; 1)"
        val_odml = ["1", "1", "1"]

        parent_sec = self.doc.sections[0]
        _ = odml.Property(name="tuple test single", dtype=val_type,
                          value=val_in, parent=parent_sec)

        # Test correct json save and load.
        odml.save(self.doc, self.json_file, "JSON")
        jdoc = odml.load(self.json_file, "JSON")

        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[0].dtype, val_type)
        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[0].values, [val_odml])
        self.assertEqual(self.doc, jdoc)

        # Test correct xml save and load.
        odml.save(self.doc, self.xml_file)
        xdoc = odml.load(self.xml_file)

        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[0].dtype, val_type)
        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[0].values, [val_odml])
        self.assertEqual(self.doc, xdoc)

        # Test correct yaml save and load.
        odml.save(self.doc, self.yaml_file, "YAML")
        ydoc = odml.load(self.yaml_file, "YAML")

        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[0].dtype, val_type)
        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[0].values, [val_odml])
        self.assertEqual(self.doc, ydoc)
    def test_invalid_parser(self):
        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
            odml.load(self.file, 'html')

        doc = odml.load(self.file)
        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
            odml.save(doc, self.file + '_copy_html', 'html')

        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
            odml.display(doc, 'html')
Пример #6
    def test_invalid_parser(self):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            odml.load(self.file, 'html')

        doc = odml.load(self.file)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            odml.save(doc, self.file + '_copy_html', 'html')

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            odml.display(doc, 'html')
Пример #7
    def test_invalid_parser(self):
        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
            odml.load(self.file, "html")

        doc = odml.load(self.file)
        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
            file_name = "%s_copy_html" % self.file
            odml.save(doc, file_name, "html")

        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
            odml.display(doc, "html")
Пример #8
    def test_nix_to_odml_datetime(self):
        file_name_1 = 'tmp' + str(uuid.uuid4())
        nix_path_1 = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name_1 + '.nix')
        nix_file_1 = nix.File.open(nix_path_1, nix.FileMode.Overwrite)
        odml_path_1 = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name_1 + '.xml')

        sec_1 = nix_file_1.create_section(name="section")
        prop_1 = sec_1.create_property(name="datetime property",
        prop_1.values = [
            '2011-11-01 11:11:11', '2012-12-02 02:02:02', '2012-12-03T03:03:03'

        convert.odmlwrite(nix_file_1, odml_path_1)
        odml_doc_1 = odml.load(odml_path_1)

        odml_prop_1 = odml_doc_1.sections[0].props[0]
        vals_1 = odml_prop_1.values
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_prop_1, "dtype"), odml.DType.datetime)
        self.assertEqual(len(vals_1), 3)
        self.assertEqual(vals_1, [
            datetime.datetime(2011, 11, 1, 11, 11, 11),
            datetime.datetime(2012, 12, 2, 2, 2, 2),
            datetime.datetime(2012, 12, 3, 3, 3, 3)

        file_name_2 = 'tmp' + str(uuid.uuid4())
        nix_path_2 = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name_2 + '.nix')
        nix_file_2 = nix.File.open(nix_path_2, nix.FileMode.Overwrite)
        odml_path_2 = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name_2 + '.xml')

        sec_2 = nix_file_2.create_section(name="section")

        prop_2 = sec_2.create_property(name="datetime property 2",
        prop_2.values = [
            '2012-12-02 12:12:12', '2013-01-01 01:01:01', '2013-01-02T02:02:02'
        setattr(prop_2, "odml_type", nix.OdmlType("datetime"))

        convert.odmlwrite(nix_file_2, odml_path_2)
        odml_doc_2 = odml.load(odml_path_2)

        odml_prop_2 = odml_doc_2.sections[0].props[0]
        vals = odml_prop_2.values
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_prop_2, "dtype"), odml.DType.datetime)
        self.assertEqual(len(vals), 3)
        self.assertEqual(vals, [
            datetime.datetime(2012, 12, 2, 12, 12, 12),
            datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
            datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2)
Пример #9
    def test_time(self):
        time_string = '12:34:56'
        time = dt.time(12, 34, 56)
        val_in = time_string
        vals_in = [None, "", time_string, time]
        parent_sec = self.doc.sections[0]
        _ = odml.Property(name="time test single", dtype="time",
                          value=val_in, parent=parent_sec)
        _ = odml.Property(name="time test", dtype="time",
                          value=vals_in, parent=parent_sec)

        # Test correct json save and load.
        odml.save(self.doc, self.json_file, "JSON")
        jdoc = odml.load(self.json_file, "JSON")

        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[0].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.time)
        self.assertIsInstance(jdoc.sections[0].properties[0].values[0], dt.time)
        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[1].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.time)
        for val in jdoc.sections[0].properties[1].value:
            self.assertIsInstance(val, dt.time)
        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[1].values[2], time)
        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[1].values[3], time)
        self.assertEqual(self.doc, jdoc)

        # Test correct xml save and load.
        odml.save(self.doc, self.xml_file)
        xdoc = odml.load(self.xml_file)

        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[0].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.time)
        self.assertIsInstance(xdoc.sections[0].properties[0].values[0], dt.time)
        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[1].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.time)
        for val in xdoc.sections[0].properties[1].value:
            self.assertIsInstance(val, dt.time)
        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[1].values[2], time)
        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[1].values[2], time)
        self.assertEqual(self.doc, xdoc)

        # Test correct yaml save and load.
        odml.save(self.doc, self.yaml_file, "YAML")
        ydoc = odml.load(self.yaml_file, "YAML")

        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[0].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.time)
        self.assertIsInstance(ydoc.sections[0].properties[0].values[0], dt.time)
        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[1].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.time)
        for val in ydoc.sections[0].properties[1].value:
            self.assertIsInstance(val, dt.time)
        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[1].values[2], time)
        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[1].values[2], time)
        self.assertEqual(self.doc, ydoc)
Пример #10
    def test_date(self):
        date_string = '2018-08-31'
        date = dt.date(2018, 8, 31)
        val_in = date_string
        vals_in = [None, "", date_string, date]
        parent_sec = self.doc.sections[0]
        _ = odml.Property(name="date test single", dtype="date",
                          value=val_in, parent=parent_sec)
        _ = odml.Property(name="date test", dtype="date",
                          value=vals_in, parent=parent_sec)

        # Test correct json save and load.
        odml.save(self.doc, self.json_file, "JSON")
        jdoc = odml.load(self.json_file, "JSON")

        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[0].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.date)
        self.assertIsInstance(jdoc.sections[0].properties[0].values[0], dt.date)
        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[1].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.date)
        for val in jdoc.sections[0].properties[1].value:
            self.assertIsInstance(val, dt.date)
        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[1].values[2], date)
        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[1].values[3], date)
        self.assertEqual(self.doc, jdoc)

        # Test correct xml save and load.
        odml.save(self.doc, self.xml_file)
        xdoc = odml.load(self.xml_file)

        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[0].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.date)
        self.assertIsInstance(xdoc.sections[0].properties[0].values[0], dt.date)
        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[1].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.date)
        for val in xdoc.sections[0].properties[1].value:
            self.assertIsInstance(val, dt.date)
        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[1].values[2], date)
        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[1].values[2], date)
        self.assertEqual(self.doc, xdoc)

        # Test correct yaml save and load.
        odml.save(self.doc, self.yaml_file, "YAML")
        ydoc = odml.load(self.yaml_file, "YAML")

        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[0].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.date)
        self.assertIsInstance(ydoc.sections[0].properties[0].values[0], dt.date)
        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[1].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.date)
        for val in ydoc.sections[0].properties[1].value:
            self.assertIsInstance(val, dt.date)
        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[1].values[2], date)
        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[1].values[2], date)
        self.assertEqual(self.doc, ydoc)
Пример #11
    def load(self, uri):
        self.file_uri = uri
        file_path = uri_to_path(uri)
        parser = get_parser_for_uri(file_path)
            self.document = odml.load(file_path, parser)
        except InvalidVersionException as inver:
            _, curr_file = os.path.split(file_path)
            err_header = "Cannot open file '%s'." % curr_file
            err_msg = (
                "You are trying to open an odML file of an outdated format. "
                "\n\nUse 'File .. import' to convert and open files of "
                "a previous odML format.")
            ErrorDialog(self.window, err_header, err_msg)
            return False

        except Exception as exc:
            ErrorDialog(self.window, "Error parsing '%s'" % file_path,
            return False


        # Make sure all Properties within all sections are properly
        # initialized with the "pseudo_values" attribute.
        for sec in self.document.sections:

        self.window._info_bar.show_info("Loading of %s done!" %
        return True
    def check_result(self):
        doc = load(self.outfile)

        # Test document attribute export
        self.assertEqual(doc.author, "author")
        self.assertEqual(doc.version, "v1.13")
        repo = "http://portal.g-node.org/odml/terminologies/v1.1/terminologies.xml"
        self.assertEqual(doc.repository, repo)
        self.assertEqual(len(doc.sections), 3)

        sec = doc.sections["sec_one"]
        self.assertEqual(sec.definition, "def s1")
        self.assertEqual(sec.reference, "ref s1")
        self.assertEqual(sec.type, "mainsec")
        self.assertEqual(len(sec.sections), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(sec.properties), 3)

        prop = sec.properties["prop_one"]
        self.assertEqual(prop.definition, "def prop1")
        self.assertEqual(prop.dependency, "dep p1")
        self.assertEqual(prop.dependency_value, "dep val p1")
        self.assertEqual(prop.reference, "ref val 1")
        self.assertEqual(prop.uncertainty, "11")
        self.assertEqual(prop.unit, "arbitrary")
        self.assertEqual(prop.value_origin, "filename val 1")
        self.assertEqual(prop.dtype, "string")
        self.assertEqual(len(prop.values), 3)

        prop = sec.properties["prop_two"]
        self.assertEqual(len(prop.values), 8)

        prop = sec.properties["prop_three"]
        self.assertEqual(len(prop.values), 0)
Пример #13
def main(filename):
    # Determine input and output format
    file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
    if file_ext in ['.xml', '.odml']:
        output_format = '.nix'
    elif file_ext in ['.nix']:
        output_format = '.xml'
        raise ValueError('Unknown file format {}'.format(file_ext))

    # Check output file
    outfilename = file_base + output_format
    if os.path.exists(outfilename):
        yesno = input("File {} already exists. "
                      "Overwrite? ".format(outfilename))
        if yesno.lower() not in ("y", "yes"):

    # Load, convert and save to new format
    print("Saving to {} file...".format(output_format), end=" ", flush=True)
    if output_format in ['.nix']:
        odml_doc = odml.load(filename)
        nixwrite(odml_doc, outfilename)
    elif output_format in ['.xml', '.odml']:
        nix_file = nix.File.open(filename, nix.FileMode.ReadOnly)
        odmlwrite(nix_file, outfilename)
        raise ValueError('Unknown file format {}'.format(output_format))

Пример #14
 def _convert_file(cls, input_path, output_path, res_format):
     Convert a file from given input_path to res_format.
     if res_format == "v1_1":
     elif res_format == "odml":
         if not output_path.endswith(".odml"):
             p, _ = os.path.splitext(output_path)
             output_path = p + ".odml"
         odml.save(odml.load(input_path), output_path)
     elif res_format in cls._conversion_formats:
         if not output_path.endswith(cls._conversion_formats[res_format]):
             p, _ = os.path.splitext(output_path)
             output_path = p + cls._conversion_formats[res_format]
         RDFWriter(odml.load(input_path)).write_file(output_path, res_format)
Пример #15
    def test_nix_to_odml_none(self):
        file_name = 'tmp'
        nix_path = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name + '.nix')
        odml_path = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name + '.xml')


        convert.nixwrite(self.odml_doc, nix_path, nix.FileMode.Overwrite)

        nix_file_r = nix.File.open(nix_path, nix.FileMode.ReadOnly)
        convert.odmlwrite(nix_file_r, odml_path)
        odml_doc = odml.load(odml_path)
        self.assertEqual(len(odml_doc.sections), 1)
        odml_sec = odml_doc.sections[0]

        self.assertGreater(len(getattr(odml_sec, "id")), 0)
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_sec, "name"), getattr(odml_sec, "id"))
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_sec, "type"), "MustBeSet")
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_sec, "definition"), None)
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_sec, "reference"), None)
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_sec, "repository"), None)
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_sec, "link"), None)
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_sec, "include"), None)

Пример #16
    def test_save_kwargs(self):
        doc = odml.load(self.file)
        file_name = "%s_copy" % self.file

        # Test unsupported kwarg does not raise an exception
        odml.save(doc, file_name, unsupported_kwarg="I do not matter")
Пример #17
    def test_nix_to_odml_empty(self):
        file_name = 'tmp'
        nix_path = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name + '.nix')
        odml_path = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name + '.xml')


        convert.nixwrite(self.odml_doc, nix_path, nix.FileMode.Overwrite)

        nix_file_r = nix.File.open(nix_path, nix.FileMode.ReadOnly)
        convert.odmlwrite(nix_file_r, odml_path)
        odml_doc = odml.load(odml_path)

        self.assertEqual(len(odml_doc.sections[0].props), 1)

        odml_prop = odml_doc.sections[0].props[0]

        self.assertGreater(len(getattr(odml_prop, "id")), 0)
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_prop, "name"), getattr(odml_prop, "id"))
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_prop, "values"), [])
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_prop, "dtype"), None)
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_prop, "definition"), None)
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_prop, "unit"), None)
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_prop, "uncertainty"), None)
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_prop, "reference"), None)
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_prop, "dependency"), None)
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_prop, "dependency_value"), None)
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_prop, "value_origin"), None)

Пример #18
    def check_result(self):
        doc = load(self.outfile)

        # Test document attribute export
        self.assertEqual(doc.author, "author")
        self.assertEqual(doc.version, "v1.13")
        repo = "https://terminologies.g-node.org/v1.1/terminologies.xml"
        self.assertEqual(doc.repository, repo)
        self.assertEqual(len(doc.sections), 3)

        sec = doc.sections["sec_one"]
        self.assertEqual(sec.definition, "def s1")
        self.assertEqual(sec.reference, "ref s1")
        self.assertEqual(sec.type, "mainsec")
        self.assertEqual(len(sec.sections), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(sec.properties), 3)

        prop = sec.properties["prop_one"]
        self.assertEqual(prop.definition, "def prop1")
        self.assertEqual(prop.dependency, "dep p1")
        self.assertEqual(prop.dependency_value, "dep val p1")
        self.assertEqual(prop.reference, "ref val 1")
        self.assertEqual(prop.uncertainty, "11")
        self.assertEqual(prop.unit, "arbitrary")
        self.assertEqual(prop.value_origin, "filename val 1")
        self.assertEqual(prop.dtype, "string")
        self.assertEqual(len(prop.values), 3)

        prop = sec.properties["prop_two"]
        self.assertEqual(len(prop.values), 8)

        prop = sec.properties["prop_three"]
        self.assertEqual(len(prop.values), 0)
Пример #19
    def test_load_dtypes_yaml(self):
        Test if loading yaml document raises validation errors
        for Properties with undefined dtypes.

        path = os.path.join(RES_DIR, "validation_dtypes.yaml")
        doc = odml.load(path, "YAML")
    def save_load(self):
        Helper method to save and load the current state of the document
        with all supported parsers.
        :return: jdoc ... document loaded from JSON file
                 xdoc ... document loaded from XML file
                 ydoc ... document loaded from YAML file
        odml.save(self.doc, self.json_file, "JSON")
        jdoc = odml.load(self.json_file, "JSON")

        odml.save(self.doc, self.xml_file)
        xdoc = odml.load(self.xml_file)

        odml.save(self.doc, self.yaml_file, "YAML")
        ydoc = odml.load(self.yaml_file, "YAML")

        return jdoc, xdoc, ydoc
Пример #21
    def test_load_section_yaml(self):
        Test if loading yaml document raises validation errors for Sections with undefined type.

        path = os.path.join(RES_DIR, "validation_section.yaml")
        doc = odml.load(path, "YAML")

Пример #22
    def save_load(self):
        Helper method to save and load the current state of the document
        with all supported parsers.
        :return: jdoc ... document loaded from JSON file
                 xdoc ... document loaded from XML file
                 ydoc ... document loaded from YAML file
        odml.save(self.doc, self.json_file, "JSON")
        jdoc = odml.load(self.json_file, "JSON")

        odml.save(self.doc, self.xml_file)
        xdoc = odml.load(self.xml_file)

        odml.save(self.doc, self.yaml_file, "YAML")
        ydoc = odml.load(self.yaml_file, "YAML")

        return jdoc, xdoc, ydoc
Пример #23
    def test_load_dtypes_json(self):
        Test if loading json document raises validation errors
        for Properties with undefined dtypes.

        path = os.path.join(RES_DIR, "validation_dtypes.json")
        doc = odml.load(path, "JSON")
Пример #24
    def test_load_section_json(self):
        Test if loading json document raises validation errors for Sections with undefined type.

        path = os.path.join(RES_DIR, "validation_section.json")
        doc = odml.load(path, "JSON")

Пример #25
def run_conversion(file_list,
    Convert a list of odML files to the latest odML version if required
    and export all files to XML RDF files in a specified output directory.
    :param file_list: list of files to be exported to RDF.
    :param output_dir: Directory where odML files converted to
                       the latest odML version will be saved.
    :param rdf_dir: Directory where exported RDF files will be saved.
    :param report: Reporting StringIO.
    :param source_format: Original file format of the odML source files.
                          XML, JSON and YAML are supported, default is XML.
    # Exceptions are kept as broad as possible to ignore any non-odML or
    # invalid odML files and ensuring everything that can be will be converted.
    for curr_file in file_list:
        file_path = unicode(curr_file.absolute())
        report.write("[Info] Handling file '%s'\n" % file_path)
        # When loading the current file succeeds, it is
        # a recent odML format file and can be exported
        # to RDF right away. Otherwise it needs to be
        # converted to the latest odML version first.
            odml.load(file_path, source_format)
            report.write("[Info] RDF conversion of '%s'\n" % file_path)
            run_rdf_export(file_path, rdf_dir)
        except Exception as exc:
            out_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0]
            outfile = os.path.join(output_dir, "%s_conv.xml" % out_name)
                VerConf(file_path).write_to_file(outfile, source_format)
                    report.write("[Info] RDF conversion of '%s'\n" % outfile)
                    run_rdf_export(outfile, rdf_dir)
                except Exception as exc:
                    report.write("[Error] converting '%s' to RDF: '%s'\n" %
                                 (file_path, exc))
            except Exception as exc:
                # Ignore files we cannot parse or convert
                report.write("[Error] version converting file '%s': '%s'\n" %
                             (file_path, exc))
Пример #26
def convert(filename, outfilename=None, mode='append'):
    # Determine input and output format
    file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
    if file_ext in ['.xml', '.odml']:
        output_format = '.nix'
    elif file_ext in ['.nix']:
        output_format = '.xml'
        raise ValueError('Unknown file format {}'.format(file_ext))

    # odML files can not be appended but only be overwritten
    if mode != 'overwrite' and output_format in ['.xml', '.odml']:
        mode = 'overwrite'

    # Check output file
    if not outfilename:
        outfilename = file_base
    if not output_format in outfilename:
        outfilename += output_format

    if os.path.exists(outfilename):
        yesno = input("File {} already exists. "
                      "{} (y/n)? ".format(outfilename, mode.title()))
        if yesno.lower() not in ("y", "yes"):

    # Load, convert and save to new format
    print("Saving to {} file... ".format(output_format))
    if output_format in ['.nix']:
            odml_doc = odml.load(filename)
        except InvalidVersionException:

            yesno = input("odML file format version is outdated. "
                          "Automatically convert {} to the latest version "
                          "(y/n)? ".format(outfilename))

            if yesno.lower() not in ("y", "yes"):
                print("  Use the odml.tools.VersionConverter to convert "
                      "to the latest odML file version.")
                print("  Aborted")

            xml_string = VersionConverter(filename).convert()
            odml_doc = ODMLReader().from_string(xml_string)

        nixwrite(odml_doc, outfilename, mode=mode)

    elif output_format in ['.xml', '.odml']:
        with nix.File.open(filename, nix.FileMode.ReadOnly) as nix_file:
            odmlwrite(nix_file, outfilename)
        raise ValueError('Unknown file format {}'.format(output_format))

Пример #27
    def test_nix_to_odml_string(self):
        file_name_1 = 'tmp' + str(uuid.uuid4())
        nix_path_1 = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name_1 + '.nix')
        nix_file_1 = nix.File.open(nix_path_1, nix.FileMode.Overwrite)
        odml_path_1 = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name_1 + '.xml')

        sec_1 = nix_file_1.create_section(name="section")
        prop_1 = sec_1.create_property(name="string property",
        prop_1.values = ['a', 'b', 'c']

        convert.odmlwrite(nix_file_1, odml_path_1)
        odml_doc_1 = odml.load(odml_path_1)

        odml_prop_1 = odml_doc_1.sections[0].props[0]
        vals_1 = odml_prop_1.values
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_prop_1, "dtype"), odml.DType.string)
        self.assertEqual(len(vals_1), 3)
        self.assertEqual(vals_1, ['a', 'b', 'c'])

        file_name_2 = 'tmp' + str(uuid.uuid4())
        nix_path_2 = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name_2 + '.nix')
        nix_file_2 = nix.File.open(nix_path_2, nix.FileMode.Overwrite)
        odml_path_2 = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name_2 + '.xml')

        sec_2 = nix_file_2.create_section(name="section")

        prop_2 = sec_2.create_property(name="string property 2",
        prop_2.values = ['d', 'e', 'f']
        setattr(prop_2, "odml_type", nix.OdmlType("string"))

        convert.odmlwrite(nix_file_2, odml_path_2)
        odml_doc_2 = odml.load(odml_path_2)

        odml_prop_2 = odml_doc_2.sections[0].props[0]
        vals = odml_prop_2.values
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_prop_2, "dtype"), odml.DType.string)
        self.assertEqual(len(vals), 3)
        self.assertEqual(vals, ["d", "e", "f"])
Пример #28
    def test_nix_to_odml_float(self):
        file_name_1 = 'tmp' + str(uuid.uuid4())
        nix_path_1 = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name_1 + '.nix')
        nix_file_1 = nix.File.open(nix_path_1, nix.FileMode.Overwrite)
        odml_path_1 = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name_1 + '.xml')

        sec_1 = nix_file_1.create_section(name="section")
        prop_1 = sec_1.create_property(name="float property",
        prop_1.values = [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]

        convert.odmlwrite(nix_file_1, odml_path_1)
        odml_doc_1 = odml.load(odml_path_1)

        odml_prop_1 = odml_doc_1.sections[0].props[0]
        vals_1 = odml_prop_1.values
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_prop_1, "dtype"), odml.DType.float)
        self.assertEqual(len(vals_1), 3)
        self.assertEqual(vals_1, [1.1, 2.2, 3.3])

        file_name_2 = 'tmp' + str(uuid.uuid4())
        nix_path_2 = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name_2 + '.nix')
        nix_file_2 = nix.File.open(nix_path_2, nix.FileMode.Overwrite)
        odml_path_2 = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name_2 + '.xml')

        sec_2 = nix_file_2.create_section(name="section")

        prop_2 = sec_2.create_property(name="string float property",
        prop_2.values = ["4.4", "5.5", "6.6"]

        convert.odmlwrite(nix_file_2, odml_path_2)
        odml_doc_2 = odml.load(odml_path_2)

        odml_prop_2 = odml_doc_2.sections[0].props[0]
        vals = odml_prop_2.values
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_prop_2, "dtype"), odml.DType.float)
        self.assertEqual(len(vals), 3)
        self.assertEqual(vals, [4.4, 5.5, 6.6])
    def test_sec_cardinality(self):
        Test saving and loading of Section sections cardinality variants to
        and from all supported file formats.
        doc = odml.Document()

        sec_empty = "card_empty"
        sec_max = "card_max"
        sec_min = "card_min"
        sec_full = "card_full"
        card_dict = {
            sec_empty: None,
            sec_max: (None, 10),
            sec_min: (2, None),
            sec_full: (1, 5)

        _ = odml.Section(name=sec_empty, type="test", parent=doc)
        _ = odml.Section(name=sec_max, sec_cardinality=card_dict[sec_max], type="test", parent=doc)
        _ = odml.Section(name=sec_min, sec_cardinality=card_dict[sec_min], type="test", parent=doc)
        _ = odml.Section(name=sec_full, sec_cardinality=card_dict[sec_full],
                         type="test", parent=doc)

        # Test saving to and loading from an XML file
        odml.save(doc, self.xml_file)
        xml_doc = odml.load(self.xml_file)
        self._test_cardinality_load("sec_cardinality", xml_doc, card_dict,
                                    sec_empty, sec_max, sec_min, sec_full)

        # Test saving to and loading from a JSON file
        odml.save(doc, self.json_file, "JSON")
        json_doc = odml.load(self.json_file, "JSON")
        self._test_cardinality_load("sec_cardinality", json_doc, card_dict,
                                    sec_empty, sec_max, sec_min, sec_full)

        # Test saving to and loading from a YAML file
        odml.save(doc, self.yaml_file, "YAML")
        yaml_doc = odml.load(self.yaml_file, "YAML")
        self._test_cardinality_load("sec_cardinality", yaml_doc, card_dict,
                                    sec_empty, sec_max, sec_min, sec_full)
Пример #30
    def test_nix_to_odml_tuple(self):
        file_name_1 = 'tmp' + str(uuid.uuid4())
        nix_path_1 = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name_1 + '.nix')
        nix_file_1 = nix.File.open(nix_path_1, nix.FileMode.Overwrite)
        odml_path_1 = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name_1 + '.xml')

        sec_1 = nix_file_1.create_section(name="section")
        prop_1 = sec_1.create_property(name="2-tuple property",
        prop_1.values = ["(1; 2)", "(3; 4)"]

        convert.odmlwrite(nix_file_1, odml_path_1)
        odml_doc_1 = odml.load(odml_path_1)

        odml_prop_1 = odml_doc_1.sections[0].props[0]
        vals_1 = odml_prop_1.values
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_prop_1, "dtype"), "2-tuple")
        self.assertEqual(len(vals_1), 2)
        self.assertEqual(vals_1, [["1", "2"], ["3", "4"]])

        file_name_2 = 'tmp' + str(uuid.uuid4())
        nix_path_2 = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name_2 + '.nix')
        nix_file_2 = nix.File.open(nix_path_2, nix.FileMode.Overwrite)
        odml_path_2 = os.path.join(self.test_dir, file_name_2 + '.xml')

        sec_2 = nix_file_2.create_section(name="section")

        prop_2 = sec_2.create_property(name="3-tuple property",
        prop_2.values = ["(1; 2; 3)", "(4; 5; 6)"]

        convert.odmlwrite(nix_file_2, odml_path_2)
        odml_doc_2 = odml.load(odml_path_2)

        odml_prop_2 = odml_doc_2.sections[0].props[0]
        vals = odml_prop_2.values
        self.assertEqual(getattr(odml_prop_2, "dtype"), "3-tuple")
        self.assertEqual(len(vals), 2)
        self.assertEqual(vals, [["1", "2", "3"], ["4", "5", "6"]])
Пример #31
 def _convert_file(cls, input_path, output_path, res_format):
     Convert a file from given input_path to res_format.
     if res_format == "v1_1":
     elif res_format == "odml":
         if not output_path.endswith(".odml"):
             p, _ = os.path.splitext(output_path)
             output_path = p + ".odml"
         odml.save(odml.load(input_path), output_path)
     elif res_format in CONVERSION_FORMATS:
         if not output_path.endswith(CONVERSION_FORMATS[res_format]):
             p, _ = os.path.splitext(output_path)
             output_path = p + CONVERSION_FORMATS[res_format]
             output_path, res_format)
         raise ValueError("Format for output files is incorrect. "
                          "Please choose from the list: {}".format(
Пример #32
    def load_from_file(self, load_from):
        load the data for the table from an odml-file

        :param load_from: Name of the odml-file to load from
        :type load_from: string

        self._odmldoc = odml.load(load_from,
        # resolve links and includes
Пример #33
def run_conversion(file_list, output_dir, rdf_dir, report, source_format="XML"):
    Convert a list of odML files to the latest odML version if required
    and export all files to XML RDF files in a specified output directory.
    :param file_list: list of files to be exported to RDF.
    :param output_dir: Directory where odML files converted to
                       the latest odML version will be saved.
    :param rdf_dir: Directory where exported RDF files will be saved.
    :param report: Reporting StringIO.
    :param source_format: Original file format of the odML source files.
                          XML, JSON and YAML are supported, default is XML.
    # Exceptions are kept as broad as possible to ignore any non-odML or
    # invalid odML files and ensuring everything that can be will be converted.
    for curr_file in file_list:
        file_path = unicode(curr_file.absolute())
        report.write("[Info] Handling file '%s'\n" % file_path)
        # When loading the current file succeeds, it is
        # a recent odML format file and can be exported
        # to RDF right away. Otherwise it needs to be
        # converted to the latest odML version first.
            odml.load(file_path, source_format)
            report.write("[Info] RDF conversion of '%s'\n" % file_path)
            run_rdf_export(file_path, rdf_dir)
        except Exception as exc:
            out_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0]
            outfile = os.path.join(output_dir, "%s_conv.xml" % out_name)
                VerConf(file_path).write_to_file(outfile, source_format)
                    report.write("[Info] RDF conversion of '%s'\n" % outfile)
                    run_rdf_export(outfile, rdf_dir)
                except Exception as exc:
                    report.write("[Error] converting '%s' to RDF: '%s'\n" %
                                 (file_path, exc))
            except Exception as exc:
                # Ignore files we cannot parse or convert
                report.write("[Error] version converting file '%s': '%s'\n" %
                             (file_path, exc))
Пример #34
    def test_bool(self):
        val_in = True
        vals_in = [None, "", [], {}, False, True, "TRUE"]
        vals_odml = [False, False, False, False, False, True, True]
        parent_sec = self.doc.sections[0]
        _ = odml.Property(name="bool test single", dtype="boolean",
                          value=val_in, parent=parent_sec)
        _ = odml.Property(name="bool test", dtype="boolean",
                          value=vals_in, parent=parent_sec)

        # Test correct json save and load.
        odml.save(self.doc, self.json_file, "JSON")
        jdoc = odml.load(self.json_file, "JSON")

        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[0].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.boolean)
        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[0].values, [val_in])
        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[1].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.boolean)
        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[1].values, vals_odml)
        self.assertEqual(self.doc, jdoc)

        # Test correct xml save and load.
        odml.save(self.doc, self.xml_file)
        xdoc = odml.load(self.xml_file)

        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[0].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.boolean)
        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[0].values, [val_in])
        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[1].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.boolean)
        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[1].values, vals_odml)
        self.assertEqual(self.doc, xdoc)

        # Test correct yaml save and load.
        odml.save(self.doc, self.yaml_file, "YAML")
        ydoc = odml.load(self.yaml_file, "YAML")

        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[0].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.boolean)
        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[0].values, [val_in])
        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[1].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.boolean)
        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[1].values, vals_odml)
        self.assertEqual(self.doc, ydoc)
Пример #35
    def test_str(self):
        val_in = "single value"
        vals_in = [None, "", [], {}, 1, True, "text"]
        vals_odml = ["", "", "", "", "1", "True", "text"]
        parent_sec = self.doc.sections[0]
        _ = odml.Property(name="string test single", dtype="string",
                          value=val_in, parent=parent_sec)
        _ = odml.Property(name="string test", dtype="string",
                          value=vals_in, parent=parent_sec)

        # Test correct json save and load.
        odml.save(self.doc, self.json_file, "JSON")
        jdoc = odml.load(self.json_file, "JSON")

        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[0].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.string)
        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[0].values, [val_in])
        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[1].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.string)
        self.assertEqual(jdoc.sections[0].properties[1].values, vals_odml)
        self.assertEqual(self.doc, jdoc)

        # Test correct xml save and load.
        odml.save(self.doc, self.xml_file)
        xdoc = odml.load(self.xml_file)

        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[0].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.string)
        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[0].values, [val_in])
        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[1].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.string)
        self.assertEqual(xdoc.sections[0].properties[1].values, vals_odml)
        self.assertEqual(self.doc, xdoc)

        # Test correct yaml save and load.
        odml.save(self.doc, self.yaml_file, "YAML")
        ydoc = odml.load(self.yaml_file, "YAML")

        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[0].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.string)
        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[0].values, [val_in])
        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[1].dtype, odml.dtypes.DType.string)
        self.assertEqual(ydoc.sections[0].properties[1].values, vals_odml)
        self.assertEqual(self.doc, ydoc)
Пример #36
 def test_display(self):
     doc = odml.load(self.file)
Пример #37
 def test_load_save(self):
     doc = odml.load(self.file)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(doc, odml.doc.BaseDocument))
     odml.save(doc, self.file + '_copy')
     os.remove(self.file + '_copy')