def test_csv_to_s3__using_multipart_upload(): df = pd.DataFrame({'a': ["*" * 5 * 1024**2]}) with tmpfile('.csv') as fn: with s3_bucket('.csv') as b: df.to_csv(fn, index=False) s3 = into(b, CSV(fn), multipart=True) result = into(pd.DataFrame, s3) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, result)
def test_csv_to_s3_into(): df = tm.makeMixedDataFrame() with tmpfile('.csv') as fn: with s3_bucket('.csv') as b: df.to_csv(fn, index=False) s3 = into(b, CSV(fn)) result = into(pd.DataFrame, s3) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, result)
def test_into_sqlite_with_different_sep(): df = pd.DataFrame([('Alice', 100), ('Bob', 200)], columns=['name', 'amount']) with tmpfile('.csv') as fn: # TODO: get the header argument to work in into(CSV, other) df.to_csv(fn, sep='|', header=False, index=False) csv = CSV(fn, delimiter='|', has_header=False) with tmpfile('.db') as sql: db = resource('sqlite:///%s::df' % sql, dshape=discover(csv)) result = into(db, csv) assert into(list, result) == into(list, df)
def test_pre_compute_on_multiple_datasets_is_selective(): from odo import CSV from blaze import Data from blaze.cached import CachedDataset df = pd.DataFrame( [[1, 'Alice', 100], [2, 'Bob', -200], [3, 'Charlie', 300], [4, 'Denis', 400], [5, 'Edith', -500]], columns=['id', 'name', 'amount']) iris = CSV(example('iris.csv')) dset = CachedDataset({'df': df, 'iris': iris}) d = Data(dset) assert str(compute(d.df.amount)) == str(df.amount)
import pandas as pd import datashape from odo.backends.sql_csv import append_csv_to_sql_table, copy_command from odo import resource, into, CSV, discover from odo.utils import tmpfile, ignoring def normalize(s): return ' '.join(s.strip().split()).lower().replace('_', '') fn = os.path.abspath('myfile.csv') escaped_fn = fn.encode('unicode_escape').decode() if == 'nt' else fn csv = CSV(fn, delimiter=',', has_header=True) ds = datashape.dshape('var * {name: string, amount: int}') tbl = resource('sqlite:///:memory:::my_table', dshape=ds) def test_postgres_load(): assert normalize(copy_command('postgresql', tbl, csv)) == normalize(""" COPY my_table from '%s' (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER E',', NULL '', QUOTE '"', ESCAPE '\\', HEADER True, ENCODING 'utf-8'); """ % escaped_fn)