Пример #1
 def _onchange_amount(self):
     context = self._context or {}
     if hasattr(super(AccountPayment, self), '_onchange_amount'):
         super(AccountPayment, self)._onchange_amount()
     if context.get('lang') == 'ar_SY':
         self.check_amount_in_words = amount_to_text_ar.amount_to_text(
             self.amount, 'ar')
Пример #2
 def return_amount_to_text(self, amount, currency):
     @param amount: Float field
     @param currency: currency_id of voucher 
     This method is used to convert the amount into words ,used in voucher report 
     @return: string
     return amount_to_text_ar.amount_to_text(amount, 'ar',
Пример #3
 def _onchange_amount(self):
     context = self._context or {}
     if hasattr(super(AccountVoucher, self), '_onchange_amount'):
         super(AccountVoucher, self)._onchange_amount()
     if context.get('lang') == 'ar_SY':
         self.check_amount_in_words = amount_to_text_ar.amount_to_text(
             self.amount, 'ar')
         self.check_amount_in_words = self.currency_id.amount_to_text(
Пример #4
 def _compute_amount_in_words(self):
     if self._context.get('lang') == 'ar_SY':
         units_name = self.currency_id.currency_unit_label
         cents_name = self.currency_id.currency_subunit_label
         self.amount_in_words = amount_to_text_ar.amount_to_text(
             self.amount, 'ar', units_name, cents_name)
Пример #5
    def render_html(self, docids, data):
        :param data: Passed value form wizard
        :return: generating report
        order_id = data['context']['order_id']
        project = data['context']['project_id']
        date = data['context']['date']
        signed = data['context']['user_id']
        first = data['context']['first_witnesse']
        second = data['context']['second_witnesse']
        benaficiary = data['context']['benaficiary_id']
        date_v = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')
        report = self.env['report']
        a_r_s_v = report._get_report_from_name('microfinance.a_r_s_v_temp')
        ids = []
        order = self.env['finance.order'].search([('id', '=', order_id)])
        for a in order.approve_ids:
            for payment in a.payment_ids:
                if payment.type in ['check', 'cash']:
                    for payed in payment:
        bena_id = data['context']['benaficiary']
        copy = 0
        fi = 0
        approve_payment_print_befor = self.env[
            'finance.approval.payment'].search([('id', '=', bena_id)])
        if approve_payment_print_befor.print_check_4 == True:
            copy = 1
        elif approve_payment_print_befor.print_check_4 == False:
            approve_payment_print_befor.write({'print_check_4': True})
            fi = 1
        amount = 0
        amount_in_word = ""
        check_no = 0
        check = 0
        account_payment = self.env['account.payment'].search([('id', '=',
        for account in account_payment:
            if account.payment_method_id.code == 'check_printing':
                amount = account.amount
                amount_in_word = amount_to_text_ar.amount_to_text(
                    account.amount, 'ar')
                check_no = account.check_number
                check += 1
            elif account.payment_method_id.code == 'manual':
                amount = account.amount

        chart = ""
        for user in self.env['res.users'].search([('id', '=',
            for s in user.groups_id:
                if s.name == 'General Manager' or s.name == 'المدير العام'.decode(
                        'utf-8', 'ignore'):
                    chart = s.name
                elif s.name == 'Operation Manager' or s.name == 'مدير العمليات'.decode(
                        'utf-8', 'ignore'):
                    chart = s.name
                elif s.name == 'Branch Manager' or s.name == 'مدير الفرع'.decode(
                        'utf-8', 'ignore'):
                    chart = s.name
        company_name = ""
        company = self.env.user.company_id.name
        for i in self.env['res.company'].search([]):
            if not i.parent_id:
                company_name = i.name
        if company == company_name:
            company = False

        docargs = {
            'doc_ids': self.ids,
            'day': date_v.day,
            'copy': copy,
            'fi': fi,
            'year': date_v.year,
            'month': date_v.month,
            'project': project,
            'amount': amount,
            'amount_in_word': amount_in_word,
            'order_num': order.name,
            'benaficiary': benaficiary,
            'check_no': check_no,
            'customer_name': order.partner_id.name,
            'company_name_parent': company_name,
            'company': company,
            'signed': signed,
            'first': first,
            'check': check,
            'second': second,
            'character': chart,
            'doc_model': a_r_s_v.model,

        return report.render('microfinance.a_r_s_v_temp', docargs)