Пример #1
    def init(self, db_name):
        self.models = {}  # model name/model instance mapping
        self._sql_error = {}
        self._init = True
        self._init_parent = {}
        self._assertion_report = assertion_report.assertion_report()
        self._fields_by_model = None
        self._post_init_queue = deque()

        # modules fully loaded (maintained during init phase by `loading` module)
        self._init_modules = set()
        self.updated_modules = []  # installed/updated modules

        self.db_name = db_name
        self._db = odoo.sql_db.db_connect(db_name)

        # special cursor for test mode; None means "normal" mode
        self.test_cr = None

        # Indicates that the registry is
        self.loaded = False  # whether all modules are loaded
        self.ready = False  # whether everything is set up

        # Inter-process signaling:
        # The `base_registry_signaling` sequence indicates the whole registry
        # must be reloaded.
        # The `base_cache_signaling sequence` indicates all caches must be
        # invalidated (i.e. cleared).
        self.registry_sequence = None
        self.cache_sequence = None

        # self.cache = LRU(8192)
        r = redis.StrictRedis.from_url(odoo.tools.config['ormcache_redis_url'])
        self.cache = RedisLRU.RedisLRU(r, db_name)

        ## Flag indicating if at least one model cache has been cleared.
        ## Useful only in a multi-process context.
        #self.cache_cleared = False
        # Flags indicating invalidation of the registry or the cache.
        self.registry_invalidated = False
        self.cache_invalidated = False

        with closing(self.cursor()) as cr:
            has_unaccent = odoo.modules.db.has_unaccent(cr)
            if odoo.tools.config['unaccent'] and not has_unaccent:
                    "The option --unaccent was given but no unaccent() function was found in database."
            self.has_unaccent = odoo.tools.config['unaccent'] and has_unaccent
Пример #2
    def init(self, db_name):
        self.models = {}  # model name/model instance mapping
        self._sql_constraints = set()
        self._init = True
        self._assertion_report = assertion_report.assertion_report()
        self._fields_by_model = None
        self._post_init_queue = deque()
        self._constraint_queue = deque()

        # modules fully loaded (maintained during init phase by `loading` module)
        self._init_modules = set()
        self.updated_modules = []  # installed/updated modules
        self.openupgrade_test_prefixes = {}
        self.loaded_xmlids = set()

        self.db_name = db_name
        self._db = odoo.sql_db.db_connect(db_name)

        # cursor for test mode; None means "normal" mode
        self.test_cr = None
        self.test_lock = None

        # Indicates that the registry is
        self.loaded = False  # whether all modules are loaded
        self.ready = False  # whether everything is set up

        # Inter-process signaling:
        # The `base_registry_signaling` sequence indicates the whole registry
        # must be reloaded.
        # The `base_cache_signaling sequence` indicates all caches must be
        # invalidated (i.e. cleared).
        self.registry_sequence = None
        self.cache_sequence = None

        # Flags indicating invalidation of the registry or the cache.
        self.registry_invalidated = False
        self.cache_invalidated = False

        with closing(self.cursor()) as cr:
            has_unaccent = odoo.modules.db.has_unaccent(cr)
            if odoo.tools.config['unaccent'] and not has_unaccent:
                    "The option --unaccent was given but no unaccent() function was found in database."
            self.has_unaccent = odoo.tools.config['unaccent'] and has_unaccent
Пример #3
    def init(self, db_name):
        self.models = {}    # model name/model instance mapping
        self._sql_error = {}
        self._init = True
        self._assertion_report = assertion_report.assertion_report()
        self._fields_by_model = None
        self._post_init_queue = deque()

        # modules fully loaded (maintained during init phase by `loading` module)
        self._init_modules = set()
        self.updated_modules = []       # installed/updated modules
        self.loaded_xmlids = set()

        self.db_name = db_name
        self._db = odoo.sql_db.db_connect(db_name)

        # cursor for test mode; None means "normal" mode
        self.test_cr = None
        self.test_lock = None

        # Indicates that the registry is
        self.loaded = False             # whether all modules are loaded
        self.ready = False              # whether everything is set up

        # Inter-process signaling:
        # The `base_registry_signaling` sequence indicates the whole registry
        # must be reloaded.
        # The `base_cache_signaling sequence` indicates all caches must be
        # invalidated (i.e. cleared).
        self.registry_sequence = None
        self.cache_sequence = None

        # Flags indicating invalidation of the registry or the cache.
        self.registry_invalidated = False
        self.cache_invalidated = False

        with closing(self.cursor()) as cr:
            has_unaccent = odoo.modules.db.has_unaccent(cr)
            if odoo.tools.config['unaccent'] and not has_unaccent:
                _logger.warning("The option --unaccent was given but no unaccent() function was found in database.")
            self.has_unaccent = odoo.tools.config['unaccent'] and has_unaccent
Пример #4
    def init(self, db_name):
        self.models = {}    # model name/model instance mapping
        self._sql_error = {}
        self._init = True
        self._init_parent = {}
        self._assertion_report = assertion_report.assertion_report()
        self._fields_by_model = None
        self._post_init_queue = deque()

        # modules fully loaded (maintained during init phase by `loading` module)
        self._init_modules = set()
        self.updated_modules = []       # installed/updated modules

        self.db_name = db_name
        self._db = odoo.sql_db.db_connect(db_name)

        # special cursor for test mode; None means "normal" mode
        self.test_cr = None

        # Indicates that the registry is 
        self.ready = False

        # Inter-process signaling (used only when odoo.multi_process is True):
        # The `base_registry_signaling` sequence indicates the whole registry
        # must be reloaded.
        # The `base_cache_signaling sequence` indicates all caches must be
        # invalidated (i.e. cleared).
        self.registry_sequence = None
        self.cache_sequence = None

        self.cache = LRU(8192)
        # Flag indicating if at least one model cache has been cleared.
        # Useful only in a multi-process context.
        self.cache_cleared = False

        with closing(self.cursor()) as cr:
            has_unaccent = odoo.modules.db.has_unaccent(cr)
            if odoo.tools.config['unaccent'] and not has_unaccent:
                _logger.warning("The option --unaccent was given but no unaccent() function was found in database.")
            self.has_unaccent = odoo.tools.config['unaccent'] and has_unaccent
Пример #5
    def init(self, db_name):
        self.models = {}  # model name/model instance mapping
        self._sql_error = {}
        self._init = True
        self._init_parent = {}
        self._assertion_report = assertion_report.assertion_report()
        self._fields_by_model = None

        # modules fully loaded (maintained during init phase by `loading` module)
        self._init_modules = set()

        self.db_name = db_name
        self._db = odoo.sql_db.db_connect(db_name)

        # special cursor for test mode; None means "normal" mode
        self.test_cr = None

        # Indicates that the registry is
        self.ready = False

        # Inter-process signaling (used only when odoo.multi_process is True):
        # The `base_registry_signaling` sequence indicates the whole registry
        # must be reloaded.
        # The `base_cache_signaling sequence` indicates all caches must be
        # invalidated (i.e. cleared).
        self.registry_sequence = None
        self.cache_sequence = None

        self.cache = LRU(8192)
        # Flag indicating if at least one model cache has been cleared.
        # Useful only in a multi-process context.
        self.cache_cleared = False

        with closing(self.cursor()) as cr:
            has_unaccent = odoo.modules.db.has_unaccent(cr)
            if odoo.tools.config['unaccent'] and not has_unaccent:
                    "The option --unaccent was given but no unaccent() function was found in database."
            self.has_unaccent = odoo.tools.config['unaccent'] and has_unaccent
Пример #6
    def init(self, db_name):
        self.models = {}  # model name/model instance mapping
        self._sql_constraints = set()
        self._init = True
        self._assertion_report = assertion_report.assertion_report()
        self._fields_by_model = None
        self._ordinary_tables = None
        self._constraint_queue = deque()
        self.__cache = LRU(8192)

        # modules fully loaded (maintained during init phase by `loading` module)
        self._init_modules = set()
        self.updated_modules = []  # installed/updated modules
        self.loaded_xmlids = set()

        self.db_name = db_name
        self._db = odoo.sql_db.db_connect(db_name)

        # cursor for test mode; None means "normal" mode
        self.test_cr = None
        self.test_lock = None

        # Indicates that the registry is
        self.loaded = False  # whether all modules are loaded
        self.ready = False  # whether everything is set up

        # Inter-process signaling:
        # The `base_registry_signaling` sequence indicates the whole registry
        # must be reloaded.
        # The `base_cache_signaling sequence` indicates all caches must be
        # invalidated (i.e. cleared).
        self.registry_sequence = None
        self.cache_sequence = None

        # Flags indicating invalidation of the registry or the cache.
        self.registry_invalidated = False
        self.cache_invalidated = False

        with closing(self.cursor()) as cr:
            self.has_unaccent = odoo.modules.db.has_unaccent(cr)
Пример #7
 def init(self, db_name):
     self.models = {}    # model name/model instance mapping
     self._sql_constraints = set()
     self._init = True
     self._assertion_report = assertion_report.assertion_report()
     self._fields_by_model = None