Пример #1
def action_generate(parent, field_to_mod, mod_field_vals):
    Create an action to modify the field indicated in field_to_mod

    @param parent Must implement, assertTrue
    @param field_to_mod The field to modify as a string name
    @param mod_field_vals Hash of values to use for modified values

    act = None

    if field_to_mod in ['pktlen']:
        return None

    if field_to_mod == 'dl_dst':
        act = action.action_set_dl_dst()
        act.dl_addr = parse.parse_mac(mod_field_vals['dl_dst'])
    elif field_to_mod == 'dl_src':
        act = action.action_set_dl_src()
        act.dl_addr = parse.parse_mac(mod_field_vals['dl_src'])
    elif field_to_mod == 'dl_vlan_enable':
        if not mod_field_vals['dl_vlan_enable']: # Strip VLAN tag
            act = action.action_strip_vlan()
        # Add VLAN tag is handled by dl_vlan field
        # Will return None in this case
    elif field_to_mod == 'dl_vlan':
        act = action.action_set_vlan_vid()
        act.vlan_vid = mod_field_vals['dl_vlan']
    elif field_to_mod == 'dl_vlan_pcp':
        act = action.action_set_vlan_pcp()
        act.vlan_pcp = mod_field_vals['dl_vlan_pcp']
    elif field_to_mod == 'ip_src':
        act = action.action_set_nw_src()
        act.nw_addr = parse.parse_ip(mod_field_vals['ip_src'])
    elif field_to_mod == 'ip_dst':
        act = action.action_set_nw_dst()
        act.nw_addr = parse.parse_ip(mod_field_vals['ip_dst'])
    elif field_to_mod == 'ip_tos':
        act = action.action_set_nw_tos()
        act.nw_tos = mod_field_vals['ip_tos']
    elif field_to_mod == 'tcp_sport':
        act = action.action_set_tp_src()
        act.tp_port = mod_field_vals['tcp_sport']
    elif field_to_mod == 'tcp_dport':
        act = action.action_set_tp_dst()
        act.tp_port = mod_field_vals['tcp_dport']
    elif field_to_mod == 'udp_sport':
        act = action.action_set_tp_src()
        act.tp_port = mod_field_vals['udp_sport']
    elif field_to_mod == 'udp_dport':
        act = action.action_set_tp_dst()
        act.tp_port = mod_field_vals['udp_dport']
        parent.assertTrue(0, "Unknown field to modify: " + str(field_to_mod))

    return act
Пример #2
def action_generate(parent, field_to_mod, mod_field_vals):
    Create an action to modify the field indicated in field_to_mod

    @param parent Must implement, assertTrue
    @param field_to_mod The field to modify as a string name
    @param mod_field_vals Hash of values to use for modified values

    act = None

    if field_to_mod in ['pktlen']:
        return None

    if field_to_mod == 'dl_dst':
        act = action.action_set_dl_dst()
        act.dl_addr = parse.parse_mac(mod_field_vals['dl_dst'])
    elif field_to_mod == 'dl_src':
        act = action.action_set_dl_src()
        act.dl_addr = parse.parse_mac(mod_field_vals['dl_src'])
    elif field_to_mod == 'dl_vlan_enable':
        if not mod_field_vals['dl_vlan_enable']:  # Strip VLAN tag
            act = action.action_strip_vlan()
        # Add VLAN tag is handled by dl_vlan field
        # Will return None in this case
    elif field_to_mod == 'dl_vlan':
        act = action.action_set_vlan_vid()
        act.vlan_vid = mod_field_vals['dl_vlan']
    elif field_to_mod == 'dl_vlan_pcp':
        act = action.action_set_vlan_pcp()
        act.vlan_pcp = mod_field_vals['dl_vlan_pcp']
    elif field_to_mod == 'ip_src':
        act = action.action_set_nw_src()
        act.nw_addr = parse.parse_ip(mod_field_vals['ip_src'])
    elif field_to_mod == 'ip_dst':
        act = action.action_set_nw_dst()
        act.nw_addr = parse.parse_ip(mod_field_vals['ip_dst'])
    elif field_to_mod == 'ip_tos':
        act = action.action_set_nw_tos()
        act.nw_tos = mod_field_vals['ip_tos']
    elif field_to_mod == 'tcp_sport':
        act = action.action_set_tp_src()
        act.tp_port = mod_field_vals['tcp_sport']
    elif field_to_mod == 'tcp_dport':
        act = action.action_set_tp_dst()
        act.tp_port = mod_field_vals['tcp_dport']
        parent.assertTrue(0, "Unknown field to modify: " + str(field_to_mod))

    return act
Пример #3
    def runTest(self):
        logging = get_logger()
        logging.info("Running Grp30No80 Flood bits Test")
        of_ports = config["port_map"].keys()

        for i in range(len(of_ports)):

            #Retrieve Port Configuration ---
            logging.info("Sending Features Request")
            (hw_addr, port_config, advert) = \
                port_config_get(self.controller, of_ports[i])

            #Modify Port Configuration
            logging.info("Setting OFPPC_NO_FLOOD bit to 0 on %s" %
            logging.info("Port config is set to: {0}".format(
                bin(port_config & ~ofp.OFPPC_NO_FLOOD)))
            if (i % 2):
                rv = port_config_set(self.controller, of_ports[i],
                                     port_config & ~ofp.OFPPC_NO_FLOOD,
                rv = port_config_set(self.controller, of_ports[i],
                                     port_config | ofp.OFPPC_NO_FLOOD,

            self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error sending port mod")
            self.assertEqual(do_barrier(self.controller), 0, "Barrier failed")

        #Sending a flow with output action on flood ports
        logging.info("Sending flow_mod message..")
        pkt = simple_tcp_packet()
        match = parse.packet_to_flow_match(pkt)
        self.assertTrue(match is not None,
                        "Could not generate flow match from pkt")
        match.wildcards = ofp.OFPFW_ALL ^ ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK
        match.nw_dst = parse.parse_ip("")
        flow_mod_msg = message.flow_mod()
        flow_mod_msg.match = match
        flow_mod_msg.command = ofp.OFPFC_ADD
        act = action.action_output()
        act.port = ofp.OFPP_FLOOD
        self.assertTrue(flow_mod_msg.actions.add(act), "Could not add action")
        rv = self.controller.message_send(flow_mod_msg.pack())
        self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error installing flow mod")
        self.assertEqual(do_barrier(self.controller), 0, "Barrier failed")

        #Sending packet to check if flood ports respond
        pkt_check = simple_tcp_packet(ip_dst="")
        self.dataplane.send(of_ports[0], str(pkt_check))
        yes_ports = no_ports = set(of_ports)
        for i in range(len(of_ports)):
            if (i % 2):
                no_ports = no_ports.difference([of_ports[i]])
                yes_ports = yes_ports.difference([of_ports[i]])
        receive_pkt_check(self.dataplane, pkt_check, yes_ports, no_ports, self)
Пример #4
def make_match(dl_type=MT_TEST_DL_TYPE, ip_src=MT_TEST_IP):
    Make matching entry template
    match = ofp.ofp_match()
    match.length = ofp.OFPMT_STANDARD_LENGTH
    match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
    match.nw_src = parse.parse_ip(ip_src)
    match.nw_src_mask = 0  # Match nw_src
    match.dl_type = dl_type
    return match
Пример #5
    def runTest(self):
        logging = get_logger()
        logging.info("Running Grp30No80 Flood bits Test")
        of_ports = config["port_map"].keys()

        for i in range (len(of_ports)):
            #Retrieve Port Configuration --- 
            logging.info("Sending Features Request")
            (hw_addr, port_config, advert) = \
                port_config_get(self.controller, of_ports[i])

            #Modify Port Configuration 
            logging.info("Setting OFPPC_NO_FLOOD bit to 0 on %s" %str(of_ports[i]))
            logging.info("Port config is set to: {0}".format(bin(port_config & ~ofp.OFPPC_NO_FLOOD)))
            if (i%2):
                rv = port_config_set(self.controller, of_ports[i],
                                     port_config & ~ofp.OFPPC_NO_FLOOD, ofp.OFPPC_NO_FLOOD)
                rv = port_config_set(self.controller, of_ports[i],
                                     port_config | ofp.OFPPC_NO_FLOOD, ofp.OFPPC_NO_FLOOD)
            self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error sending port mod")
            self.assertEqual(do_barrier(self.controller), 0, "Barrier failed")
        #Sending a flow with output action on flood ports
        logging.info("Sending flow_mod message..")
        match = parse.packet_to_flow_match(pkt)
        self.assertTrue(match is not None, "Could not generate flow match from pkt")
        match.wildcards = ofp.OFPFW_ALL ^ ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK
        match.nw_dst = parse.parse_ip("")
        flow_mod_msg = message.flow_mod()
        flow_mod_msg.match = match
        flow_mod_msg.command = ofp.OFPFC_ADD
        act.port = ofp.OFPP_FLOOD
        self.assertTrue(flow_mod_msg.actions.add(act), "Could not add action")
        rv = self.controller.message_send(flow_mod_msg.pack())
        self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error installing flow mod")
        self.assertEqual(do_barrier(self.controller), 0, "Barrier failed")
        #Sending packet to check if flood ports respond
        self.dataplane.send(of_ports[0], str(pkt_check))
        yes_ports = no_ports = set(of_ports)
        for i in range(len(of_ports)):
            if (i%2):
                no_ports = no_ports.difference([of_ports[i]])
                yes_ports = yes_ports.difference([of_ports[i]])
Пример #6
def make_match(dl_type=MT_TEST_DL_TYPE, ip_src=MT_TEST_IP):
    Make matching entry template
    match = ofp.ofp_match()
    match.length = ofp.OFPMT_STANDARD_LENGTH
    match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
    match.nw_src = parse.parse_ip(ip_src)
    match.nw_src_mask = 0 # Match nw_src
    match.dl_type = dl_type
    return match
Пример #7
def create_action(**kwargs):
    a = kwargs.get('action')
    if a == ofp.OFPAT_OUTPUT:
        act = action.action_output()
        act.port = kwargs.get('port', 1)
        return act
    if a == ofp.OFPAT_GROUP:
        act = action.action_group()
        act.group_id = kwargs.get('group_id', 0)
        return act
    if a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC:
        act = action.action_set_tp_src()
        act.tp_port = kwargs.get('tp_port', 0)
        return act
    if a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_DL_DST:
        act = action.action_set_dl_dst()
        dl_tmp = kwargs.get('dl_dst', 1)
        act.dl_addr = parse.parse_mac(dl_tmp)
        return act
    if a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_NW_DST:
        act = action.action_set_nw_dst()
        act.nw_addr = parse.parse_ip(kwargs.get('nw_dst', '' ))
        return act
Пример #8
def create_action(**kwargs):
    a = kwargs.get('action')
    if a == ofp.OFPAT_OUTPUT:
        act = action.action_output()
        act.port = kwargs.get('port', 1)
        return act
    if a == ofp.OFPAT_GROUP:
        act = action.action_group()
        act.group_id = kwargs.get('group_id', 0)
        return act
    if a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC:
        act = action.action_set_tp_src()
        act.tp_port = kwargs.get('tp_port', 0)
        return act
    if a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_DL_DST:
        act = action.action_set_dl_dst()
        dl_tmp = kwargs.get('dl_dst', 1)
        act.dl_addr = parse.parse_mac(dl_tmp)
        return act
    if a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_NW_DST:
        act = action.action_set_nw_dst()
        act.nw_addr = parse.parse_ip(kwargs.get('nw_dst', ''))
        return act
Пример #9
    def runTest(self):
        of_ports = pa_port_map.keys()
        self.assertTrue(len(of_ports) > 2, "Not enough ports for test")

        # Clear flow table
        rv = testutils.initialize_table_config(self.controller, pa_logger)
        self.assertEqual(rv, 0, "Failed to initialize table config")
        rv = testutils.delete_all_flows(self.controller, pa_logger)
        self.assertEqual(rv, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")

        # Set up first match
        match = ofp.ofp_match()
        match.length = ofp.OFPMT_STANDARD_LENGTH
        match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
        match.nw_src_mask = 0  # Match nw_src
        match.dl_type = 0x800
        match.nw_src = parse.parse_ip("")
        act = action.action_output()
        act.port = of_ports[0]

        request = message.flow_mod()
        request.match = match
        request.buffer_id = 0xffffffff
        request.table_id = 0
        inst = instruction.instruction_write_actions()
        self.assertTrue(inst.actions.add(act), "Could not add action")
        self.assertTrue(request.instructions.add(inst), "Could not add inst1")
        inst = instruction.instruction_goto_table()
        inst.table_id = 1
        self.assertTrue(request.instructions.add(inst), "Could not add inst2")
        pa_logger.info("Inserting flow 1")
        rv = self.controller.message_send(request)
        # pa_logger.debug(request.show())
        self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error installing flow mod")

        # Set up second match
        match = ofp.ofp_match()
        match.length = ofp.OFPMT_STANDARD_LENGTH
        match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
        match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_TP_SRC
        match.dl_type = 0x800
        match.nw_proto = 6  # TCP
        match.tp_src = 80
        act = action.action_output()
        act.port = of_ports[1]

        request = message.flow_mod()
        request.match = match
        request.buffer_id = 0xffffffff
        request.table_id = 1
        inst = instruction.instruction_write_actions()
        self.assertTrue(inst.actions.add(act), "Could not add action")
        self.assertTrue(request.instructions.add(inst), "Could not add inst3")
        pa_logger.info("Inserting flow 2")
        # pa_logger.debug(request.show())
        rv = self.controller.message_send(request)
        self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error installing flow mod")

        # Generate a packet matching only flow 1; rcv on port[0]
        pkt = testutils.simple_tcp_packet(ip_src='', tcp_sport=10)
        self.dataplane.send(of_ports[2], str(pkt))
        (rcv_port, rcv_pkt, _) = self.dataplane.poll(timeout=5)
        self.assertTrue(rcv_pkt is not None, "Did not receive packet")
        pa_logger.debug("Packet len " + str(len(rcv_pkt)) + " in on " +
        self.assertEqual(rcv_port, of_ports[0], "Unexpected receive port")

        # Generate a packet matching both flow 1 and flow 2; rcv on port[1]
        pkt = testutils.simple_tcp_packet(ip_src='', tcp_sport=80)
        self.dataplane.send(of_ports[2], str(pkt))
        (rcv_port, rcv_pkt, _) = self.dataplane.poll(timeout=5)
        self.assertTrue(rcv_pkt is not None, "Did not receive packet")
        pa_logger.debug("Packet len " + str(len(rcv_pkt)) + " in on " +
        self.assertEqual(rcv_port, of_ports[1], "Unexpected receive port")
Пример #10
    def runTest(self):
        of_ports = pa_port_map.keys()
        self.assertTrue(len(of_ports) > 2, "Not enough ports for test")

        # Clear flow table
        rv = testutils.initialize_table_config(self.controller, pa_logger)
        self.assertEqual(rv, 0, "Failed to initialize table config")
        rv = testutils.delete_all_flows(self.controller, pa_logger)
        self.assertEqual(rv, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")

        # Set up first match
        match = ofp.ofp_match()
        match.length = ofp.OFPMT_STANDARD_LENGTH
        match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
        match.nw_src_mask = 0 # Match nw_src
        match.dl_type = 0x800
        match.nw_src = parse.parse_ip("")
        act = action.action_output()
        act.port = of_ports[0]

        request = message.flow_mod()
        request.match = match
        request.buffer_id = 0xffffffff
        request.table_id = 0
        inst = instruction.instruction_write_actions()
        self.assertTrue(inst.actions.add(act), "Could not add action")
        self.assertTrue(request.instructions.add(inst), "Could not add inst1")
        inst = instruction.instruction_goto_table()
        inst.table_id = 1
        self.assertTrue(request.instructions.add(inst), "Could not add inst2")
        pa_logger.info("Inserting flow 1")
        rv = self.controller.message_send(request)
        # pa_logger.debug(request.show())
        self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error installing flow mod")

        # Set up second match
        match = ofp.ofp_match()
        match.length = ofp.OFPMT_STANDARD_LENGTH
        match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
        match.wildcards -= ofp.OFPFW_TP_SRC
        match.dl_type = 0x800
        match.nw_proto = 6 # TCP
        match.tp_src = 80
        act = action.action_output()
        act.port = of_ports[1]

        request = message.flow_mod()
        request.match = match
        request.buffer_id = 0xffffffff
        request.table_id = 1
        inst = instruction.instruction_write_actions()
        self.assertTrue(inst.actions.add(act), "Could not add action")
        self.assertTrue(request.instructions.add(inst), "Could not add inst3")
        pa_logger.info("Inserting flow 2")
        # pa_logger.debug(request.show())
        rv = self.controller.message_send(request)
        self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error installing flow mod")

        # Generate a packet matching only flow 1; rcv on port[0]
        pkt = testutils.simple_tcp_packet(ip_src='', tcp_sport=10)
        self.dataplane.send(of_ports[2], str(pkt))
        (rcv_port, rcv_pkt, _) = self.dataplane.poll(timeout=5)
        self.assertTrue(rcv_pkt is not None, "Did not receive packet")
        pa_logger.debug("Packet len " + str(len(rcv_pkt)) + " in on " + 
        self.assertEqual(rcv_port, of_ports[0], "Unexpected receive port")
        # Generate a packet matching both flow 1 and flow 2; rcv on port[1]
        pkt = testutils.simple_tcp_packet(ip_src='', tcp_sport=80)
        self.dataplane.send(of_ports[2], str(pkt))
        (rcv_port, rcv_pkt, _) = self.dataplane.poll(timeout=5)
        self.assertTrue(rcv_pkt is not None, "Did not receive packet")
        pa_logger.debug("Packet len " + str(len(rcv_pkt)) + " in on " + 
        self.assertEqual(rcv_port, of_ports[1], "Unexpected receive port")
Пример #11
def test_set_field(testcase, table_id, ports, property_type):
    msg = "Checking if table {0} supports OFPAT_SET_FIELD."

    # Check if table_id supports OFPAT_SET_FIELD.
    supporting_tables = tables_supporting_action(testcase,
    logging.info("Tables {0} support the OFPAT_OFPAT_SET_FIELD.".format(supporting_tables))
    if table_id not in supporting_tables:
        logging.info("Table does not support OFPAT_OFPAT_SET_FIELD type. Skipping check.")
        return False

    # If a property is not a *_MISS property set the priority to one.
    priority = 0
    if property_type == ofp.const.OFPTFPT_WRITE_ACTIONS:
        priority = 1
    if property_type == ofp.const.OFPTFPT_APPLY_ACTIONS:
        priority = 1

    if property_type==ofp.const.OFPTFPT_WRITE_ACTIONS_MISS:
    elif property_type==ofp.const.OFPTFPT_WRITE_ACTIONS:
    elif property_type==ofp.const.OFPTFPT_APPLY_ACTIONS:
    elif property_type==ofp.const.OFPTFPT_APPLY_ACTIONS_MISS:
    oxm_ids = get_oxm_ids(testcase, table_id, property_type)
    if oxm_ids is []:
        logging.warn("DUT supports set-field action, but no oxm types.")
        return False

    # Generate an expected_packet and associated oxm tlv
    packet = simple_tcp_packet()
    expected_packet = None
    oxm_under_test = None

    ipv4 = ""
    mac = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"
    oxm_packets = [
        (ofp.oxm.ipv4_src(value=parse_ip(ipv4)), simple_tcp_packet(ip_src=ipv4)),
        (ofp.oxm.ipv4_dst(value=parse_ip(ipv4)), simple_tcp_packet(ip_dst=ipv4)),
        (ofp.oxm.eth_src(value=parse_mac(mac)), simple_tcp_packet(eth_src=mac)),
        (ofp.oxm.eth_dst(value=parse_mac(mac)), simple_tcp_packet(eth_src=mac))
    for oxm_pkt in oxm_packets:
        if oxm_pkt[0].type_len in oxm_ids:
            oxm_under_test, expected_packet = oxm_pkt
    if oxm_under_test is None:
        logging.warn("DUT doesn't support common oxm set-field types.")
        return False

    actions = [
        ofp.action.output(port=ports[1], max_len=128)
    instructions = []
    if property_type == ofp.const.OFPTFPT_WRITE_ACTIONS:
    elif property_type == ofp.const.OFPTFPT_WRITE_ACTIONS_MISS:

    req = ofp.message.flow_add(table_id=table_id, instructions=instructions,
                               buffer_id=ofp.const.OFP_NO_BUFFER, priority=priority)
    err, _ = testcase.controller.poll(exp_msg=ofp.const.OFPT_ERROR)
    testcase.assertIsNone(err, "Unexpected ofp_error_msg received: %s." % err)
    logging.info("Installed ofp_flow_mod table entry.")

    packet = simple_tcp_packet()
    testcase.dataplane.send(ports[0], str(packet))
    verify_packet(testcase, str(expected_packet), ports[1])    
    return True