Пример #1
def test_run_SS(input_path, expected_path):
    # Test SS.run_SS function.  Provide inputs to function and
    # ensure that output returned matches what it has been before.
    input_tuple = utils.safe_read_pickle(
        os.path.join(CUR_PATH, 'test_io_data', input_path))
    (income_tax_params, ss_params, iterative_params, chi_params,
     small_open_params, baseline, baseline_spending, baseline_dir) =\
    p = Specifications()
    (p.J, p.S, p.T, p.BW, p.beta, p.sigma, p.alpha, p.gamma, p.epsilon, Z,
     p.delta, p.ltilde, p.nu, p.g_y, p.g_n_ss, tau_payroll, tau_bq, p.rho,
     p.omega_SS, p.budget_balance, alpha_T, p.debt_ratio_ss, tau_b, delta_tau,
     lambdas, imm_rates, p.e, retire, p.mean_income_data, h_wealth, p_wealth,
     m_wealth, p.b_ellipse, p.upsilon) = ss_params
    p.Z = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * Z
    p.tau_bq = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * 0.0
    p.tau_payroll = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * tau_payroll
    p.alpha_T = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * alpha_T
    p.tau_b = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * tau_b
    p.delta_tau = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * delta_tau
    p.h_wealth = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * h_wealth
    p.p_wealth = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * p_wealth
    p.m_wealth = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * m_wealth
    p.retire = (np.ones(p.T + p.S) * retire).astype(int)
    p.lambdas = lambdas.reshape(p.J, 1)
    p.imm_rates = imm_rates.reshape(1, p.S)
    p.tax_func_type = 'DEP'
    p.baseline = baseline
    p.baseline_spending = baseline_spending
    p.baseline_dir = baseline_dir
    p.analytical_mtrs, etr_params, mtrx_params, mtry_params =\
    p.etr_params = np.transpose(
        etr_params.reshape(p.S, 1, etr_params.shape[-1]), (1, 0, 2))
    p.mtrx_params = np.transpose(
        mtrx_params.reshape(p.S, 1, mtrx_params.shape[-1]), (1, 0, 2))
    p.mtry_params = np.transpose(
        mtry_params.reshape(p.S, 1, mtry_params.shape[-1]), (1, 0, 2))
    p.maxiter, p.mindist_SS = iterative_params
    p.chi_b, p.chi_n = chi_params
    p.small_open, ss_firm_r, ss_hh_r = small_open_params
    p.ss_firm_r = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * ss_firm_r
    p.ss_hh_r = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * ss_hh_r
    p.num_workers = 1
    test_dict = SS.run_SS(p, None)

    expected_dict = utils.safe_read_pickle(
        os.path.join(CUR_PATH, 'test_io_data', expected_path))

    # delete values key-value pairs that are not in both dicts
    del expected_dict['bssmat'], expected_dict['chi_n'], expected_dict['chi_b']
    del test_dict['etr_ss'], test_dict['mtrx_ss'], test_dict['mtry_ss']
    test_dict['IITpayroll_revenue'] = (test_dict['total_revenue_ss'] -
    del test_dict['T_Pss'], test_dict['T_BQss'], test_dict['T_Wss']
    del test_dict['resource_constraint_error'], test_dict['T_Css']
    test_dict['revenue_ss'] = test_dict.pop('total_revenue_ss')

    for k, v in expected_dict.items():
        assert (np.allclose(test_dict[k], v))
Пример #2
def test_get_initial_SS_values(baseline, param_updates, filename, dask_client):
    p = Specifications(baseline=baseline,
    p.baseline_dir = os.path.join(CUR_PATH, 'test_io_data', 'OUTPUT')
    p.output_base = os.path.join(CUR_PATH, 'test_io_data', 'OUTPUT')
    test_tuple = TPI.get_initial_SS_values(p)
    (test_initial_values, test_ss_vars, test_theta,
     test_baseline_values) = test_tuple
    expected_tuple = utils.safe_read_pickle(
        os.path.join(CUR_PATH, 'test_io_data', filename))

    (exp_initial_values, exp_ss_vars, exp_theta,
     exp_baseline_values) = expected_tuple

    for i, v in enumerate(exp_initial_values):
        assert (np.allclose(test_initial_values[i], v, equal_nan=True))

    if p.baseline_spending:
        for i, v in enumerate(exp_baseline_values):
            assert (np.allclose(test_baseline_values[i], v, equal_nan=True))

    assert (np.allclose(test_theta, exp_theta))

    for k, v in exp_ss_vars.items():
        assert (np.allclose(test_ss_vars[k], v, equal_nan=True))
Пример #3
def test_run_SS(input_path, expected_path):
    # Test SS.run_SS function.  Provide inputs to function and
    # ensure that output returned matches what it has been before.
    input_tuple = utils.safe_read_pickle(
        os.path.join(CUR_PATH, 'test_io_data', input_path))
    (income_tax_params, ss_params, iterative_params, chi_params,
     small_open_params, baseline, baseline_spending, baseline_dir) =\
    p = Specifications()
    (p.J, p.S, p.T, p.BW, p.beta, p.sigma, p.alpha, p.gamma, p.epsilon,
     Z, p.delta, p.ltilde, p.nu, p.g_y, p.g_n_ss, tau_payroll,
     tau_bq, p.rho, p.omega_SS, p.budget_balance, alpha_T,
     p.debt_ratio_ss, tau_b, delta_tau, lambdas, imm_rates, p.e,
     retire, p.mean_income_data, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth,
     p.b_ellipse, p.upsilon) = ss_params
    p.Z = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * Z
    p.tau_bq = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * 0.0
    p.tau_payroll = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * tau_payroll
    p.alpha_T = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * alpha_T
    p.tau_b = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * tau_b
    p.delta_tau = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * delta_tau
    p.h_wealth = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * h_wealth
    p.p_wealth = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * p_wealth
    p.m_wealth = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * m_wealth
    p.retire = (np.ones(p.T + p.S) * retire).astype(int)
    p.lambdas = lambdas.reshape(p.J, 1)
    p.imm_rates = imm_rates.reshape(1, p.S)
    p.tax_func_type = 'DEP'
    p.baseline = baseline
    p.baseline_spending = baseline_spending
    p.baseline_dir = baseline_dir
    p.analytical_mtrs, etr_params, mtrx_params, mtry_params =\
    p.etr_params = np.transpose(etr_params.reshape(
        p.S, 1, etr_params.shape[-1]), (1, 0, 2))
    p.mtrx_params = np.transpose(mtrx_params.reshape(
        p.S, 1, mtrx_params.shape[-1]), (1, 0, 2))
    p.mtry_params = np.transpose(mtry_params.reshape(
        p.S, 1, mtry_params.shape[-1]), (1, 0, 2))
    p.maxiter, p.mindist_SS = iterative_params
    p.chi_b, p.chi_n = chi_params
    p.small_open, firm_r, hh_r = small_open_params
    p.firm_r = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * firm_r
    p.hh_r = np.ones(p.T + p.S) * hh_r
    p.num_workers = 1
    test_dict = SS.run_SS(p, None)

    expected_dict = utils.safe_read_pickle(
        os.path.join(CUR_PATH, 'test_io_data', expected_path))

    # delete values key-value pairs that are not in both dicts
    del expected_dict['bssmat'], expected_dict['chi_n'], expected_dict['chi_b']
    del test_dict['etr_ss'], test_dict['mtrx_ss'], test_dict['mtry_ss']
    test_dict['IITpayroll_revenue'] = (test_dict['total_revenue_ss'] -
    del test_dict['T_Pss'], test_dict['T_BQss'], test_dict['T_Wss']
    del test_dict['resource_constraint_error'], test_dict['T_Css']
    del test_dict['r_gov_ss'], test_dict['r_hh_ss']
    test_dict['revenue_ss'] = test_dict.pop('total_revenue_ss')

    for k, v in expected_dict.items():
        assert(np.allclose(test_dict[k], v))