Пример #1
 def test_create_fetch(self):
     with app.test_request_context():
         ann_in = self.random_annotation()
         self.app.post(url_for('create_annotations'), data=jsons([ann_in]))
         raw = self.app.get(url_for('fetch_annotation', pid=ann_in.pid)).data
         ann_out = structs(raw)
         assert ann_out.pid == ann_in.pid
         assert ann_out.image == ann_in.image
         assert ann_out.scope == ann_in.scope
         assert ann_out.category == ann_in.category
         assert ann_out.annotator == ann_in.annotator
         assert ann_out.timestamp == ann_in.timestamp 
         assert ann_out.geometry == ann_in.geometry
Пример #2
 def test_list_annotations(self):
     with app.test_request_context():
         ns = [0,1,2,3,100]
         image_pids = [gen_id(self.namespace) for _ in range(len(ns))]
         for (n,image_pid) in zip(ns,image_pids):
             # create n annotations for this image pid
             for _ in range(n):
                 ann = self.random_annotation()
                 ann.image = image_pid
                 self.app.post(url_for('create_annotations', pid=ann.pid), data=jsons([ann]))
         for (n,image_pid) in zip(ns,image_pids):
             ann_list = structs(self.app.get(url_for('list_annotations', image_pid=image_pid)).data)
             # FIXME don't just check the length of the result, check the contents
             assert len(ann_list) == n
Пример #3
def jsonr(obj, ttl=None):
    return Response(jsons(obj), mimetype='application/json', headers=max_age(ttl))
Пример #4
def jsonr(whatevs):
    return Response(jsons(whatevs), mimetype='application/json')