Пример #1
def run_print():
    """This is called from test_read* tests as script. Prints & logs unicode"""
    from oletools.common.io_encoding import ensure_stdout_handles_unicode
    from oletools.common.log_helper import log_helper
    print(u'Check: \u2713')  # print check mark

    # check logging as well
    logger = log_helper.get_or_create_silent_logger('test_encoding_handler')
    log_helper.enable_logging(False, 'debug', stream=sys.stdout)
    logger.info(u'Check: \u2713')
    return 0
Пример #2
""" Test log_helpers """

import sys
import logging
from tests.common.log_helper import log_helper_test_imported
from oletools.common.log_helper import log_helper

DEBUG_MESSAGE = 'main: debug log'
INFO_MESSAGE = 'main: info log'
WARNING_MESSAGE = 'main: warning log'
ERROR_MESSAGE = 'main: error log'
CRITICAL_MESSAGE = 'main: critical log'
RESULT_MESSAGE = 'main: result log'
RESULT_TYPE = 'main: result'

logger = log_helper.get_or_create_silent_logger('test_main')

def enable_logging():
    """Enable logging if imported by third party modules."""

def main(args):
    Try to cover possible logging scenarios. For each scenario covered, here's the expected args and outcome:
    - Log without enabling: ['<level>']
        * logging when being imported - should never print
    - Log as JSON without enabling: ['as-json', '<level>']
        * logging as JSON when being imported - should never print
Пример #3
_parent_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(_thismodule_dir, '..'))
if _parent_dir not in sys.path:
    sys.path.insert(0, _parent_dir)

from oletools.common.errors import CryptoErrorBase, WrongEncryptionPassword, \
    UnsupportedEncryptionError, MaxCryptoNestingReached, CryptoLibNotImported
from oletools.common.log_helper import log_helper

#: if there is an encrypted file embedded in an encrypted file,
#: how deep down do we go

# === LOGGING =================================================================

# a global logger object used for debugging:
log = log_helper.get_or_create_silent_logger('crypto')

def enable_logging():
    Enable logging for this module (disabled by default).

    For use by third-party libraries that import `crypto` as module.

    This will set the module-specific logger level to NOTSET, which
    means the main application controls the actual logging level.

def is_encrypted(some_file):
Пример #4
# so we add the oletools parent folder to sys.path (absolute+normalized path):
_thismodule_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
# print('_thismodule_dir = %r' % _thismodule_dir)
_parent_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(_thismodule_dir, '..'))
# print('_parent_dir = %r' % _thirdparty_dir)
if _parent_dir not in sys.path:
    sys.path.insert(0, _parent_dir)

from oletools.thirdparty.tablestream import tablestream
from oletools import crypto, ftguess, olevba, mraptor, oleobj, ooxml
from oletools.common.log_helper import log_helper
from oletools.common.codepages import get_codepage_name

# === LOGGING =================================================================

log = log_helper.get_or_create_silent_logger('oleid')

# === CONSTANTS ===============================================================

class RISK(object):
    Constants for risk levels
    HIGH = 'HIGH'
    MEDIUM = 'Medium'
    LOW = 'low'
    NONE = 'none'
    INFO = 'info'
    UNKNOWN = 'Unknown'
    ERROR = 'Error'  # if a check triggered an unexpected error
Пример #5
_parent_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(_thismodule_dir, '..'))
# print('_parent_dir = %r' % _thirdparty_dir)
if not _parent_dir in sys.path:
    sys.path.insert(0, _parent_dir)

from oletools.thirdparty.xglob import xglob
from oletools.thirdparty.tablestream import tablestream

from oletools import olevba
from oletools.olevba import TYPE2TAG
from oletools.common.log_helper import log_helper

# === LOGGING =================================================================

# a global logger object used for debugging:
log = log_helper.get_or_create_silent_logger('mraptor')

#--- CONSTANTS ----------------------------------------------------------------

# URL and message to report issues:
# TODO: make it a common variable for all oletools
URL_ISSUES = 'https://github.com/decalage2/oletools/issues'
MSG_ISSUES = 'Please report this issue on %s' % URL_ISSUES

# 'AutoExec', 'AutoOpen', 'Auto_Open', 'AutoClose', 'Auto_Close', 'AutoNew', 'AutoExit',
# 'Document_Open', 'DocumentOpen',
# 'Document_Close', 'DocumentBeforeClose', 'Document_BeforeClose',
# 'DocumentChange','Document_New',
# 'NewDocument'
# 'Workbook_Open', 'Workbook_Close',
Пример #6
import sys
from oletools.common.log_helper import log_helper
from zipfile import ZipFile, BadZipfile, is_zipfile
from os.path import splitext
import io
import re

# import lxml or ElementTree for XML parsing:
    # lxml: best performance for XML processing
    import lxml.etree as ET
except ImportError:
    import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET

logger = log_helper.get_or_create_silent_logger('ooxml')

#: subfiles that have to be part of every ooxml file
FILE_CONTENT_TYPES = '[Content_Types].xml'
FILE_RELATIONSHIPS = '_rels/.rels'

#: start of content type attributes
Пример #7
STGTY_ROOT = olefile.STGTY_ROOT  # 5

    olefile.STGTY_EMPTY: 'empty',
    olefile.STGTY_STORAGE: 'storage',
    olefile.STGTY_STREAM: 'stream',
    olefile.STGTY_LOCKBYTES: 'lock-bytes',
    olefile.STGTY_PROPERTY: 'property',
    olefile.STGTY_ROOT: 'root',
    STGTY_SUBSTREAM: 'substream'

logger = log_helper.get_or_create_silent_logger('record_base')

def enable_olefile_logging():
    """ enable logging in olefile e.g., to get debug info from OleFileIO """

def enable_logging():
    Enable logging for this module (disabled by default).

    For use by third-party libraries that import `record_base` as module.

    This will set the module-specific logger level to NOTSET, which
    means the main application controls the actual logging level.
Пример #8
FIELD_FILTER_BLACKLIST = 'exclude blacklisted'
FIELD_FILTER_ALL = 'keep all'

# banner to be printed at program start
BANNER = """msodde %s - http://decalage.info/python/oletools
THIS IS WORK IN PROGRESS - Check updates regularly!
Please report any issue at https://github.com/decalage2/oletools/issues
""" % __version__

# === LOGGING =================================================================

DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL = "warning"  # Default log level

# a global logger object used for debugging:
logger = log_helper.get_or_create_silent_logger('msodde')

# === UNICODE IN PY2 =========================================================

def ensure_stdout_handles_unicode():
    """ Ensure stdout can handle unicode by wrapping it if necessary

    Required e.g. if output of this script is piped or redirected in a linux
    shell, since then sys.stdout.encoding is ascii and cannot handle
    print(unicode). In that case we need to find some compatible encoding and
    wrap sys.stdout into a encoder following (many thanks!)
    https://stackoverflow.com/a/1819009 or https://stackoverflow.com/a/20447935

    Can be undone by setting sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
Пример #9
""" Test log_helpers """

import sys
from tests.common.log_helper import log_helper_test_imported
from oletools.common.log_helper import log_helper

DEBUG_MESSAGE = 'main: debug log'
INFO_MESSAGE = 'main: info log'
WARNING_MESSAGE = 'main: warning log'
ERROR_MESSAGE = 'main: error log'
CRITICAL_MESSAGE = 'main: critical log'
RESULT_MESSAGE = 'main: result log'
RESULT_TYPE = 'main: result'

logger = log_helper.get_or_create_silent_logger('test_main')

def init_logging_and_log(args):
    Try to cover possible logging scenarios. For each scenario covered, here's the expected args and outcome:
    - Log without enabling: ['<level>']
        * logging when being imported - should never print
    - Log as JSON without enabling: ['as-json', '<level>']
        * logging as JSON when being imported - should never print
    - Enable and log: ['enable', '<level>']
        * logging when being run as script - should log messages
    - Enable and log as JSON: ['as-json', 'enable', '<level>']
        * logging as JSON when being run as script - should log messages as JSON
    - Enable, log as JSON and throw: ['enable', 'as-json', 'throw', '<level>']
        * should produce JSON-compatible output, even after an unhandled exception
Пример #10
Dummy file that logs messages, meant to be imported
by the main test file

from oletools.common.log_helper import log_helper
import logging

DEBUG_MESSAGE = 'imported: debug log'
INFO_MESSAGE = 'imported: info log'
WARNING_MESSAGE = 'imported: warning log'
ERROR_MESSAGE = 'imported: error log'
CRITICAL_MESSAGE = 'imported: critical log'
RESULT_MESSAGE = 'imported: result log'
RESULT_TYPE = 'imported: result'

logger = log_helper.get_or_create_silent_logger('test_imported', logging.ERROR)

def log():
    logger.info(RESULT_MESSAGE, type=RESULT_TYPE)
Пример #11
FIELD_FILTER_ALL = 'keep all'

# banner to be printed at program start
BANNER = """msodde %s - http://decalage.info/python/oletools
THIS IS WORK IN PROGRESS - Check updates regularly!
Please report any issue at https://github.com/decalage2/oletools/issues
""" % __version__

# === LOGGING =================================================================

DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL = "warning"  # Default log level

# a global logger object used for debugging:
logger = log_helper.get_or_create_silent_logger('msodde')

# === UNICODE IN PY2 =========================================================

def ensure_stdout_handles_unicode():
    """ Ensure stdout can handle unicode by wrapping it if necessary

    Required e.g. if output of this script is piped or redirected in a linux
    shell, since then sys.stdout.encoding is ascii and cannot handle
    print(unicode). In that case we need to find some compatible encoding and
    wrap sys.stdout into a encoder following (many thanks!)
    https://stackoverflow.com/a/1819009 or https://stackoverflow.com/a/20447935

    Can be undone by setting sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
Пример #12
Dummy file that logs messages, meant to be imported
by the main test file

from oletools.common.log_helper import log_helper

DEBUG_MESSAGE = 'imported: debug log'
INFO_MESSAGE = 'imported: info log'
WARNING_MESSAGE = 'imported: warning log'
ERROR_MESSAGE = 'imported: error log'
CRITICAL_MESSAGE = 'imported: critical log'
RESULT_MESSAGE = 'imported: result log'
RESULT_TYPE = 'imported: result'

logger = log_helper.get_or_create_silent_logger('test_imported')

def enable_logging():
    """Enable logging if imported by third party modules."""

def log():
    logger.info(RESULT_MESSAGE, type=RESULT_TYPE)