Пример #1
    def test_matches(self):
        plaintext = "It's a secret to everybody"
        alice, bob, session = self._create_session()
        message = session.encrypt(plaintext)
        alice_id = alice.identity_keys["curve25519"]
        bob_session = InboundSession(bob, message, alice_id)
        assert plaintext == bob_session.decrypt(message)

        message_2nd = session.encrypt("Hey! Listen!")

        assert bob_session.matches(message_2nd) is True
        assert bob_session.matches(message_2nd, alice_id) is True
Пример #2
    def test_doesnt_match(self):
        plaintext = "It's a secret to everybody"
        alice, bob, session = self._create_session()
        message = session.encrypt(plaintext)
        alice_id = alice.identity_keys["curve25519"]
        bob_session = InboundSession(bob, message, alice_id)

        _, _, new_session = self._create_session()

        new_message = new_session.encrypt(plaintext)
        assert bob_session.matches(new_message) is False