Пример #1
def test_forall_init():
    aut = symbolic.Automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x=(3, 5), y='bool', z='bool')
    aut.varlist = dict(env=['x'], sys=['y', 'z'])
    # single initial state
    s = '(x = 4) /\ ~ y /\ z'
    aut.init['env'] = aut.add_expr(s)
    g = nx.DiGraph()
    fol = _init_context(aut)
    umap = dict()
    keys = ('x', 'z', 'y')
    queue, visited = enum._forall_init(g, aut, umap, keys)
    assert len(queue) == 1, queue
    (q, ) = queue
    assert q in g, (q, g)
    d = g.nodes[q]
    d_ = dict(x=4, y=False, z=True)
    assert d == d_, d
    # multiple initial states: should pick all
    s = ('(x \in 3..5) /\ (x < 5) ' '/\ ~ z /\ (z <=> TRUE \/ z <=> FALSE)')
    aut.init['env'] = aut.add_expr(s)
    g = nx.DiGraph()
    umap = dict()
    queue, visited = enum._forall_init(g, aut, umap, keys)
    assert len(queue) == 4, queue
    varnames = {'x', 'y', 'z'}
    for q in queue:
        assert q in g, (q, g)
        d = g.nodes[q]
        assert set(d) == varnames, d
        assert d['x'] < 5, d
        assert isinstance(d['y'], bool), d
        assert d['z'] is False, d
Пример #2
def test_declare_constants():
    aut = trl.Automaton()
    aut.declare_constants(x=(0, 5), y='bool')
    assert 'x' in aut.vars, aut.vars
    assert "x'" not in aut.vars, aut.vars
    assert 'y' in aut.vars, aut.vars
    assert "y'" not in aut.vars, aut.vars
Пример #3
def test_action_to_steps():
    aut = symbolic.Automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x='bool', y=(0, 17))
    env = 'env_foo'
    sys = 'sys_bar'
    aut.varlist[env] = ['x']
    aut.varlist[sys] = ['y']
    keys = ('x', 'y')
    aut.init[env] = aut.add_expr('x /\ (y = 1)')
    aut.init[sys] = aut.true
    aut.action[env] = aut.true
    aut.action[sys] = aut.add_expr("y' /= y")
    aut.win['<>[]'] = aut.bdds_from('x')
    aut.win['[]<>'] = aut.bdds_from('y != 1')
    aut.qinit = '\A \A'
    aut.moore = True
    g = enum.action_to_steps(aut, env=env, sys=sys, qinit=aut.qinit)
    # 36 states reachable, but should enumerate fewer
    assert len(g) == 4, g.nodes()
    # these are state projections (partial assignments)
    # a state assigns to all variable names
    # (infinitely many)
    states = {enum._node_tuple(d, keys) for u, d in g.nodes(data=True)}
    assert tuple([True, 1]) in states, states
    r = {p for p in states if p[0] is True}
    assert len(r) == 2
    r = {p for p in states if p[0] is False}
    assert len(r) == 2
Пример #4
def test_exist_init():
    aut = symbolic.Automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x=(0, 2), y='bool', z='bool')
    aut.varlist = dict(env={'x'}, sys={'y', 'z'})
    # single initial state
    s = '(x = 1) /\ y /\ z'
    aut.init['env'] = aut.add_expr(s)
    g = nx.DiGraph()
    fol = _init_context(aut)
    umap = dict()
    keys = ('y', 'x', 'z')
    queue, visited = enum._exist_init(g, aut, umap, keys)
    assert len(queue) == 1, queue
    (q, ) = queue
    assert q in g, (q, g)
    d = g.nodes[q]
    d_ = dict(x=1, y=True, z=True)
    assert d == d_, d
    # multiple initial states: should pick one
    s = '(x = 1) /\ y'
    aut.init['env'] = aut.add_expr(s)
    a = aut.build()
    g = nx.DiGraph()
    umap = dict()
    queue, visited = enum._exist_init(g, aut, umap, keys)
    assert len(queue) == 1, queue
    (q, ) = queue
    assert q in g, (q, g)
    d = g.nodes[q]
    varnames = {'x', 'y', 'z'}
    assert set(d) == varnames, d
    assert d['x'] == 1, d
    assert d['y'] is True, d
    assert isinstance(d['z'], bool), d
Пример #5
def test_code_generation():
    aut = trl.Automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x=(1, 6), y=(1, 6))
    u = aut.to_bdd(" y' = (x - y) ")
    out_vars = ["y'"]
    code = dump.dumps_bdds_as_code(u, out_vars, aut)
    file_name = 'generated_foo.py'
    with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
    from generated_foo import step  # load generated code
    state = dict(x=3, y=3)
    out_vars = step(state)
    out_vars_ = {"y'": 0}
    assert out_vars == out_vars_, out_vars
    state = dict(x=2, y=1)
    out_vars = step(state)
    out_vars_ = {"y'": 1}
    assert out_vars == out_vars_, out_vars
    state = dict(x=5, y=3)
    out_vars = step(state)
    out_vars_ = {"y'": 2}
    assert out_vars == out_vars_, out_vars
    state = dict(x=1, y=0)
    out_vars = step(state)
    out_vars_ = {"y'": 1}
    assert out_vars == out_vars_, out_vars
Пример #6
def test_cpre_mealy_circular():
    cpre = fx.step
    aut = symbolic.Automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x='bool', y='bool')
    aut.varlist['env'] = ['x']
    aut.varlist['sys'] = ['y']
    aut.moore = False
    aut.plus_one = False
    aut.action['env'] = aut.add_expr("x' ")
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr("x' ")
    env_action = aut.action['env']
    sys_action = aut.action['sys']
    target = aut.true
    u = cpre(env_action, sys_action, target, aut)
    assert u == aut.true
    aut.action['env'] = aut.true
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr("x' ")
    env_action = aut.action['env']
    sys_action = aut.action['sys']
    target = aut.true
    u = cpre(env_action, sys_action, target, aut)
    assert u == aut.false
Пример #7
def test_declare_variables():
    aut = trl.Automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x=(0, 5), y='bool')
    assert 'x' in aut.vars, aut.vars
    assert "x'" in aut.vars, aut.vars
    assert 'y' in aut.vars, aut.vars
    assert "y'" in aut.vars, aut.vars
Пример #8
def test_prime_varlists():
    aut = trl.Automaton()
    aut.varlist.update(env=['x'], sys=['y'])
    assert "env'" in aut.varlist, aut.varlist
    assert aut.varlist["env'"] == ["x'"], aut.varlist
    assert "sys'" in aut.varlist, aut.varlist
    assert aut.varlist["sys'"] == ["y'"], aut.varlist
Пример #9
def test_add_vars():
    aut = trl.Automaton()
    aut.add_vars({'x': {'type': 'int', 'dom': (0, 5)}}, flexible=False)
    aut.add_vars({'y': {'type': 'bool'}}, flexible=True)
    assert 'x' in aut.vars, aut.vars
    assert "x'" not in aut.vars, aut.vars
    assert 'y' in aut.vars, aut.vars
    assert "y'" in aut.vars, aut.vars
Пример #10
def test_type_action_for():
    aut = trl.Automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x=(0, 10), y=(0, 10), z='bool')
    t = aut.type_action_for(['x', 'y'])
    t_ = ("(((0 <= x) /\ (x  <= 10)) "
          "/\ ((0 <= x') /\ (x'  <= 10))) "
          "/\ (((0 <= y) /\ (y  <= 10)) "
          "/\ ((0 <= y') /\ (y'  <= 10)))")
    assert t == t_, t
Пример #11
def test_replace_with_unprimed():
    aut = trl.Automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x=(0, 10), y=(0, 10))
    u = aut.add_expr("(x' = 1 /\ y' = 2) \/ ~ z")
    vrs = ['x', 'y']
    v = aut.replace_with_unprimed(vrs, u)
    v_ = aut.add_expr("(x = 1 /\ y = 2) \/ ~ z")
    assert v == v_, list(aut.pick_iter(v))
Пример #12
def test_implies_type_hints():
    aut = trl.Automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x=(0, 10), y=(0, 10), z='bool')
    u = aut.add_expr('x \in 0..10 /\ y \in 0..10')
    assert aut.implies_type_hints(u)
    assert aut.implies_type_hints(u, vrs=['x', 'y'])
    u = aut.add_expr('x \in 0..12 /\ y \in 0..10')
    assert not aut.implies_type_hints(u)
    u = aut.add_expr('y \in 0..10')
    assert not aut.implies_type_hints(u)
    assert aut.implies_type_hints(u, vrs=['y'])
Пример #13
def _grspec_to_automaton(g):
    """Return `omega.symbolic.temporal.Automaton` from `GRSpec`.

    @type g: `tulip.spec.form.GRSpec`
    @rtype: `omega.symbolic.temporal.Automaton`
    if omega is None:
        raise ImportError('Failed to import package `omega`.')
    a = trl.Automaton()
    d = dict(g.env_vars)
    for k, v in d.items():
        if v in ('boolean', 'bool'):
            r = 'bool'
        elif isinstance(v, list):
            # string var -> integer var
            r = (0, len(v) - 1)
        elif isinstance(v, tuple):
            r = v
            raise ValueError('unknown variable type: {v}'.format(v=v))
        d[k] = r

    # reverse mapping by `synth.strategy2mealy`
    a.varlist.update(env=list(g.env_vars.keys()), sys=list(g.sys_vars.keys()))

    f = g._bool_int.__getitem__
    a.init['env'] = " & ".join(
        "( %s )" % f(ei)
        for ei in g.env_init) if len(g.env_init) > 0 else "TRUE"
    a.init['sys'] = " & ".join(
        "( %s )" % f(si)
        for si in g.sys_init) if len(g.sys_init) > 0 else "TRUE"
    a.action['env'] = " & ".join(
        "( %s )" % f(es)
        for es in g.env_safety) if len(g.env_safety) > 0 else "TRUE"
    a.action['sys'] = " & ".join(
        "( %s )" % f(ss)
        for ss in g.sys_safety) if len(g.sys_safety) > 0 else "TRUE"

    w1 = ['!({s})'.format(s=s)
          for s in map(f, g.env_prog)] if len(g.env_prog) > 0 else ["FALSE"]
    w2 = [f(sp) for sp in g.sys_prog] if len(g.sys_prog) > 0 else ["TRUE"]
    a.win['<>[]'] = a.bdds_from(*w1)
    a.win['[]<>'] = a.bdds_from(*w2)

    a.moore = g.moore
    a.plus_one = g.plus_one
    a.qinit = g.qinit

    return a
Пример #14
def test_functional_synthesis():
    aut = trl.Automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x=(1, 10))
    aut.declare_variables(y=(1, 10))
    x_bits = aut.vars['x']['bitnames']
    y_bits = aut.vars['y']['bitnames']
    u = aut.to_bdd('x = y')
    outputs = fcn.make_functions(u, y_bits, aut.bdd)
    for x_bit, y_bit in zip(x_bits, y_bits):
        x_bdd = aut.bdd.add_expr(x_bit)
        y_bdd = outputs[y_bit]['function']
        assert x_bdd == y_bdd, (x_bit, y_bit)
Пример #15
def test_enumerate_state_machine():
    aut = symbolic.Automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x='bool', y=(0, 17))
    init = aut.add_expr('x /\ (y = 1)')
    action = aut.add_expr('''
        /\ ( (x /\ (y = 1)) => (~ x' /\ (y' = 2)) )
        /\ ( (~ x /\ (y = 2)) => (x' /\ (y' = 1)) )
    g = enum.enumerate_state_machine(init, action, aut)
    assert len(g) == 2, len(g)
    e = list(g.edges())
    assert len(e) == 2, len(e)
Пример #16
def test_init_search():
    aut = symbolic.Automaton()
    aut.varlist = dict(env=[], sys=['x'])
    aut.init['env'] = aut.true
    g = nx.DiGraph()
    fol = _init_context(aut)
    umap = dict()
    keys = ['x']
    qinit = '\A \E'
    queue, visited = enum._init_search(g, aut, umap, keys, qinit)
    assert len(queue) == 1, queue
Пример #17
def test_vars_of_players():
    aut = trl.Automaton()
    aut.varlist.update(env=['x'], sys=['y'])
    vrs = aut.vars_of_players({'env'})
    vrs_ = {'x'}
    assert vrs == vrs_, vrs
    vrs = aut.vars_of_players({'env', 'sys'})
    vrs_ = {'x', 'y'}
    assert vrs == vrs_, vrs
    vrs = aut.vars_of_all_players
    assert vrs == set(), vrs
    aut.players.update(env=0, sys=1)
    vrs = aut.vars_of_all_players
    assert vrs == vrs_, vrs
Пример #18
def closed_system_to_automaton(formula):
    """Return `Automaton` from temporal formula `f`.

    @type formula: `str` describing a closed system with
        GR(1) liveness
    @rtype: `temporal.Automaton`
    aut = trl.Automaton()
    d = split_gr1(formula)
    aut.init['sys'] = _to_bdd(d['init'], aut)
    aut.action['sys'] = _to_bdd(d['action'], aut)
    aut.win['sys'] = {
        '<>[]': [_to_bdd([t], aut) for t in d['persistence']],
        '[]<>': [_to_bdd([t], aut) for t in d['recurrence']]}
    return aut
Пример #19
def graph_to_logic(g,
    """Flatten labeled graph to temporal logic formulas.

    @param g: `TransitionSystem`

    The attribute `g.owner` defines who selects the next node.
    The attribute `g.env_vars` determines who controls each variable.

    @param g: `TransitionSystem`
    @param nodevar: variable that stores current node
    @type nodevar: `str`
    @param ignore_initial: if `False`, then add initial condition
        using `g.initia_nodes`.
    @type ignore_initial: `bool`
    @param receptive: if `True`, then add assumptions to
        ensure receptiveness at each node.
    @param self_loops: if `True`, then add all self-loops
    @param aut: define in this automaton.
        If `None`, return fresh `temporal.Automaton`

    @return: temporal formulas representing `g`.
    @rtype: `temporal.Automaton`
    (env_init, env_tran, sys_init,
     sys_tran) = _graph_to_formulas(g,
    # package as automaton
    dom = _nodevar_dom(g)
    if aut is None:
        aut = trl.Automaton()
    d = dict(g.vars)
    d[nodevar] = dom
    aut.varlist['env'] = list(g.env_vars)
    aut.varlist['sys'] = [k for k in g.vars if k not in g.env_vars]
    aut.init.update(env=_add_expr(env_init, aut), sys=_add_expr(sys_init, aut))
    aut.action.update(env=_add_expr(env_tran, aut),
                      sys=_add_expr(sys_tran, aut))
    return aut
Пример #20
def specify_component_bar():
    """Return temporal logic spec of component bar."""
    aut = trl.Automaton()
    aut.players = ['foo', 'bar', 'scheduler']
    aut.declare_variables(active=(1, 2),
                          home=(0, 1),
                          known_room=(0, 2),
                          pos=(0, 2),
                          known=(0, 1),
                          turn=(0, 1))
    aut.varlist['scheduler'] = ['turn']
    aut.varlist['foo'] = ['active']
    aut.varlist['bar'] = ['known_room', 'known', 'pos', 'home']
    spec = r'''
    FooInit == active = 1 /\ turn = 1
    BarInit ==
    /\ pos = 0
    /\ home = 1
    /\ known_room = 0
    /\ known = 0

    FooNext ==
    /\ active \in 1..2
    /\ active' \in 1..2
    /\ ((turn = 1) => (active' = active))
    /\ (turn' != turn)
    /\ home' = home
    /\ pos' = pos
    /\ known' = known
    /\ known_room' = known_room

    BarNext == ((turn = 0) => (UNCHANGED))
    aut.init.update(foo='FooInit', bar='BarInit')
    aut.action.update(foo='FooNext', bar='BarNext')
    aut.win = dict(
            '<>[]': aut.bdds_from('pos = 0', 'turn = 0', 'turn = 1'),
            '[]<>': aut.bdds_from('pos = 1', 'pos = 2')
    aut.qinit = r'\E \A'
    aut.moore = True
    aut.plus_one = True
    return aut
Пример #21
def test_step():
    aut = symbolic.Automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x='bool', y='bool')
    aut.varlist = dict(env=['x'], sys=['y'])
    aut.action['env'] = aut.true
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr("x' => ~ y' ")
    aut.moore = False
    aut.plus_one = False
    env_action = aut.action['env']
    sys_action = aut.action['sys']
    target = aut.add_expr('y')
    u = fx.step(env_action, sys_action, target, aut)
    assert u == aut.false, _to_expr(u, aut)
    aut.varlist["sys'"] = ["x'", "y'"]
    aut.varlist["env'"] = list()
    u = fx.step(env_action, sys_action, target, aut)
    assert u == aut.true, _to_expr(u, aut)
Пример #22
def test_step():
    aut = trl.Automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x='bool', y=(1, 3))
    aut.varlist = dict(env=['x'], sys=['y'])
    aut.init['impl_sys'] = 'True'
    action = aut.add_expr("x /\ (~ x') /\ (y = 2) /\ (y' = 3)")
    aut.action['impl'] = action
    stepper = steps.AutomatonStepper(aut)
    # `action` enabled at `state`
    state = dict(x=True, y=2)
    next_values = stepper.step(state)
    d = dict(x=False, y=3)
    assert next_values == d, (next_values, d)
    # `action` not enabled at `state`
    state = dict(x=True, y=1)
    with nt.assert_raises(ValueError):
Пример #23
def test_forall_exist_init():
    aut = symbolic.Automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x='bool', y='bool')
    aut.varlist = dict(env={'x'}, sys={'y'})
    # single initial state
    s = 'x /\ y'
    aut.init['env'] = aut.add_expr(s)
    g = nx.DiGraph()
    fol = _init_context(aut)
    umap = dict()
    keys = ('x', 'y')
    queue, visited = enum._forall_exist_init(g, aut, umap, keys)
    assert len(queue) == 1, queue
    (q, ) = queue
    assert q in g, (q, g)
    d = g.nodes[q]
    d_ = dict(x=True, y=True)
    assert d == d_, (d, d_)
    # multiple initial states
    s = 'x <=> y'
    aut.init['env'] = aut.add_expr(s)
    g = nx.DiGraph()
    umap = dict()
    queue, visited = enum._forall_exist_init(g, aut, umap, keys)
    assert len(queue) == 2, queue
    q0, q1 = queue
    assert q0 in g, (q0, g)
    assert q1 in g, (q1, g)
    d0 = g.nodes[q0]
    d1 = g.nodes[q1]
    varnames = set(keys)
    assert set(d0) == varnames, (d0, varnames)
    assert set(d1) == varnames, (d1, varnames)
    # \A \E:  for each `x`, pick some `y`
    assert d0['x'] == d0['y'], d0
    assert d1['x'] == d1['y'], d1
    assert d0['x'] != d1['x'], (d0, d1)
    v = {d0['x'], d1['x']}
    v_ = {False, True}
    assert v == v_, v
Пример #24
def test_exist_forall_init():
    aut = symbolic.Automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x='bool', y='bool')
    aut.varlist = dict(env={'x'}, sys={'y'})
    # single initial state
    aut.init['env'] = 'x'
    aut.init['sys'] = ' ~ y'
    a = aut.build()
    g = nx.DiGraph()
    fol = _init_context(aut)
    umap = dict()
    keys = ('x', 'y')
    queue, visited = enum._exist_forall_init(g, aut, umap, keys)
    assert len(queue) == 1, queue
    (q, ) = queue
    assert q in g, (q, g)
    d = g.nodes[q]
    d_ = dict(x=True, y=False)
    assert d == d_, (d, d_)
    # multiple initial states
    aut.init['env'] = 'TRUE'
    aut.init['sys'] = 'y'
    a = aut.build()
    g = nx.DiGraph()
    umap = dict()
    queue, visited = enum._exist_forall_init(g, aut, umap, keys)
    assert len(queue) == 2, queue
    q0, q1 = queue
    assert q0 in g, (q0, g)
    assert q1 in g, (q1, g)
    d0 = g.nodes[q0]
    d1 = g.nodes[q1]
    varnames = set(keys)
    assert set(d0) == varnames, (d0, varnames)
    assert set(d1) == varnames, (d1, varnames)
    # \E \A picks same `y` for all initial states
    assert d0['y'] is True, d0
    assert d1['y'] is True, d1
    v = {d0['x'], d1['x']}
    v_ = {False, True}
    assert v == v_, v
Пример #25
def gr1_specification():
    """Return a temporal logic spec in the GR(1) fragment."""
    aut = trl.Automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x=(1, 3), y=(-3, 3))
    aut.varlist.update(env=['x'], sys=['y'])
    aut.init['env'] = 'x = 1'
    aut.init['sys'] = 'y = 2'
    aut.action['env'] = '''
        /\ x \in 1..2
        /\ x' \in 1..2
    aut.action['sys'] = '''
        /\ y \in -3..3
        /\ y' = x - 3
    aut.win['<>[]'] = aut.bdds_from('x = 2')
    aut.win['[]<>'] = aut.bdds_from('y != -1')
    aut.qinit = '\E \A'
    aut.moore = True
    aut.plus_one = True
    return aut
Пример #26
def spec():
    aut = trl.Automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x=(1, 3), y=(0, 5), z='bool')
    aut.varlist['sys'] = ['x', 'y', 'z']
    goal = aut.to_bdd('(x = 2) /\ (y = 1) /\ z')
    action = aut.to_bdd('''
        (* type invariant *)
        /\ x \in 1..3
        /\ y \in 0..5
        /\ ((z <=> TRUE) \/ (z <=> FALSE))

        (* primed type invariant *)
        /\ x' \in 1..3
        /\ y' \in 0..5
        /\ ((z' <=> TRUE) \/ (z <=> FALSE))

        (* allowed changes *)
        /\ (x' = x + 1)
        /\ (y' = y - 2)
        /\ (z' <=> ~ z)
    return aut, goal, action
Пример #27
def specify_component_bar():
    """Return temporal logic spec of component bar."""
    aut = trl.Automaton()
    aut.players = ['foo', 'bar', 'scheduler']
    aut.declare_variables(x=(0, 1), y=(0, 1), turn=(0, 1))
    aut.varlist['scheduler'] = ['turn']
    aut.varlist['foo'] = ['x']
    aut.varlist['bar'] = ['y']
    spec = r'''
    FooInit == x = 1 /\ turn = 1
    BarInit == y = 1

    FooNext ==
        /\ ((x = 1) \/ (y = 1))
        /\ ((y = 0) => (x' = 1))
        /\ (x \in 0..1) /\ (x' \in 0..1)
        /\ ((turn = 1) => (x' = x))
        /\ (turn' != turn)
    BarNext ==
        /\ ((x = 1) \/ (y = 1))
        /\ (y \in 0..1  /\  y' \in 0..1)
        /\ ((turn != 1) => (y' = y))
    aut.win = dict(
        bar={'<>[]': aut.bdds_from('x = 0', 'turn = 0', 'turn = 1'),
             '[]<>': aut.bdds_from('y = 0', 'y = 1')})
    aut.qinit = r'\E \A'
    aut.moore = True
    aut.plus_one = True
    return aut
Пример #28
def specify_component_foo():
    """Return temporal logic spec of component foo."""
    aut = trl.Automaton()
    aut.players = ['foo', 'bar', 'scheduler']
    aut.declare_variables(active=(1, 2),
                          home=(0, 1),
                          known_room=(0, 2),
                          pos=(0, 2),
                          known=(0, 1),
                          turn=(0, 1))
    aut.varlist['scheduler'] = ['turn']
    aut.varlist['foo'] = ['active']
    aut.varlist['bar'] = ['known_room', 'known', 'pos', 'home']
    spec = r'''
    FooInit == active = 1
    BarInit == 
    /\ pos = 0
    /\ home = 1
    /\ known_room = 1
    /\ known = 1
    /\ turn = 1

    INV ==
    /\ pos \in 0..2
    /\ known_room \in 0..2
    /\ home \in 0..1
    /\ known \in 0..1

    /\ home' = home
    /\ pos' = pos
    /\ known' = known
    /\ known_room' = known_room

    BarAction ==
        /\ INV
        /\ (home = 1 => home' = 0)
        /\ (home = 1 <=> pos = 0)
        /\ (~(home = 0 /\ known' = 1) \/ home' = 1)

        /\ (~(home = 0 /\ pos = 1 /\ active = 1) \/ (known' = 1 /\ known_room' = 1))
        /\ (~(home = 0 /\ pos = 2 /\ active = 2) \/ (known' = 1 /\ known_room' = 2))

        /\ (~(home = 1 /\ known = 1 /\ known_room = 1) \/ (known' = 1 /\ known_room' = 1 /\ pos' = 1))
        /\ (~(home = 1 /\ known = 1 /\ known_room = 2) \/ (known' = 1 /\ known_room' = 2 /\ pos' = 2))

        /\ (~(home = 0 /\ (pos = 2 /\ active != 2)) \/ (known' = 0 /\ known_room' = 0 /\ pos' = 1))
        /\ (~(home = 0 /\ (pos = 1 /\ active != 1)) \/ (known' = 0 /\ known_room' = 0 /\ pos' = 2))
    FooNext ==
        \/ ((turn = 1) /\ (active' = active))
        \/  /\ (turn = 0 /\ active \in 1..2 /\ active' \in 1..2)
            /\ (active' = active \/ active' != active) 

    BarNext ==
        \/ ((turn = 1) /\ (BarAction))
        \/  /\ ((turn = 0) /\ (BarUNCHANGED))
            /\ (turn' = 1)
    aut.init.update(foo='FooInit', bar='BarInit')
    aut.action.update(foo='FooNext', bar='BarNext')
    aut.win = dict(
            '<>[]': aut.bdds_from('turn = 0', 'turn = 1'),
            '[]<>': aut.bdds_from('active=1', 'active=2')
    aut.qinit = r'\E \A'
    aut.moore = True
    aut.plus_one = True
    return aut
Пример #29
from omega.games import gr1
from omega.games import enumeration as enum
from omega.symbolic import temporal as trl
from omega.games.enumeration import action_to_steps
from omega.symbolic import enumeration as sym_enum
import networkx as nx

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

aut = trl.Automaton()
aut.declare_variables(active=(1, 2),
                      pos1=(-1, 2),
                      rX1=(0, 4),
                      rY1=(0, 4),
                      goTo1=(0, 2))
aut.varlist['env'] = ['active']
aut.varlist['sys'] = ['rX1', 'rY1', 'goTo1', 'pos1']

specs = '''

envInit ==
    /\ active = 1

envNext ==
    /\ (active \in 1..2 /\ active' \in 1..2)
    /\ (active' = active \/ active' != active)

rob1_init ==
    /\ pos1 = 0
    /\ goTo1 = 1
Пример #30
from omega.symbolic import fol
from omega.symbolic import temporal

aut = temporal.Automaton()
aut.declare_variables(x='bool', y='bool')
u = aut.add_expr('x /\ y')
aut._cache_expr('x /\ y')
del u
aut._add_expr('x \/ ~ y')
assert len(aut._bdd_to_expr) == 1, aut._bdd_to_expr
assert not aut._bdd_to_expr