Пример #1
def writeMovie(commandArgs, conn):
    Makes the movie.
    @ returns        Returns the file annotation
    log("Movie created by OMERO")

    message = ""

    session = conn.c.sf
    gateway = conn
    scriptService = session.getScriptService()
    queryService = session.getQueryService()
    updateService = session.getUpdateService()
    rawFileStore = session.createRawFileStore()

    # Get the images
    images, logMessage = scriptUtil.getObjects(conn, commandArgs)
    message += logMessage
    if not images:
        return None, message
    omeroImage = images[
        0]  # Get the first valid image (should be expanded to process the list)

    if commandArgs["RenderingDef_ID"] >= 0:
    pixels = omeroImage.getPrimaryPixels()
    pixelsId = pixels.getId()

    sizeX = pixels.getSizeX()
    sizeY = pixels.getSizeY()
    sizeZ = pixels.getSizeZ()
    sizeC = pixels.getSizeC()
    sizeT = pixels.getSizeT()

    if (sizeX == None or sizeY == None or sizeZ == None or sizeT == None
            or sizeC == None):

    if (pixels.getPhysicalSizeX() == None):
        commandArgs["Scalebar"] = 0

    cRange = range(0, sizeC)
    if "Channels" in commandArgs and validChannels(commandArgs["Channels"],
        cRange = commandArgs["Channels"]

    tzList = calculateRanges(sizeZ, sizeT, commandArgs)

    timeMap = calculateAquisitionTime(conn, pixelsId, cRange, tzList)
    if (timeMap == None):
        commandArgs["Show_Time"] = False
    if (timeMap != None):
        if (len(timeMap) == 0):
            commandArgs["Show_Time"] = False

    pixelTypeString = pixels.getPixelsType().getValue()
    frameNo = 1
    omeroImage.setActiveChannels(map(lambda x: x + 1, cRange))
    renderingEngine = omeroImage._re

    overlayColour = (255, 255, 255)
    if "Overlay_Colour" in commandArgs:
        r, g, b, a = COLOURS[commandArgs["Overlay_Colour"]]
        overlayColour = (r, g, b)

    canvasColour = tuple(COLOURS[commandArgs["Canvas_Colour"]][:3])
    mw = commandArgs["Min_Width"]
    if mw < sizeX:
        mw = sizeX
    mh = commandArgs["Min_Height"]
    if mh < sizeY:
        mh = sizeY
    ovlpos = None
    canvas = None
    if sizeX < mw or sizeY < mh:
        ovlpos = ((mw - sizeX) / 2, (mh - sizeY) / 2)
        canvas = Image.new("RGBA", (mw, mh), canvasColour)

    format = commandArgs["Format"]
    fileNames = []

    # add intro...
    if "Intro_Slide" in commandArgs and commandArgs["Intro_Slide"].id:
        intro_duration = commandArgs["Intro_Duration"]
        intro_fileId = commandArgs["Intro_Slide"].id.val
        intro_filenames = write_intro_end_slides(conn, commandArgs,
                                                 intro_fileId, intro_duration,
                                                 mw, mh)

    # prepare watermark
    if "Watermark" in commandArgs and commandArgs["Watermark"].id:
        watermark = prepareWatermark(conn, commandArgs, mw, mh)

    # add movie frames...
    for tz in tzList:
        t = tz[0]
        z = tz[1]
        plane = getPlane(renderingEngine, z, t)
        planeImage = numpy.array(plane, dtype='uint32')
        planeImage = planeImage.byteswap()
        planeImage = planeImage.reshape(sizeX, sizeY)
        image = Image.frombuffer('RGBA', (sizeX, sizeY), planeImage.data,
                                 'raw', 'ARGB', 0, 1)
        if ovlpos is not None:
            image2 = canvas.copy()
            image2.paste(image, ovlpos, image)
            image = image2

        if "Scalebar" in commandArgs and commandArgs["Scalebar"]:
            image = addScalebar(commandArgs["Scalebar"], image, pixels,
        planeInfo = "z:" + str(z) + "t:" + str(t)
        if "Show_Time" in commandArgs and commandArgs["Show_Time"]:
            time = timeMap[planeInfo]
            image = addTimePoints(time, pixels, image, overlayColour)
        if "Show_Plane_Info" in commandArgs and commandArgs["Show_Plane_Info"]:
            image = addPlaneInfo(z, t, pixels, image, overlayColour)
        if "Watermark" in commandArgs and commandArgs["Watermark"].id:
            image = pasteWatermark(image, watermark)
        if format == QT:
            filename = str(frameNo) + '.png'
            image.save(filename, "PNG")
            filename = str(frameNo) + '.jpg'
            image.save(filename, "JPEG")
        frameNo += 1

    # add exit frames... "outro"
    # add intro...
    if "Ending_Slide" in commandArgs and commandArgs["Ending_Slide"].id:
        end_duration = commandArgs["Ending_Duration"]
        end_fileId = commandArgs["Ending_Slide"].id.val
        end_filenames = write_intro_end_slides(conn, commandArgs, end_fileId,
                                               end_duration, mw, mh)

    filelist = ",".join(fileNames)

    ext = formatMap[format]
    movieName = "Movie"
    if "Movie_Name" in commandArgs:
        movieName = commandArgs["Movie_Name"]
    if not movieName.endswith(".%s" % ext):
        movieName = "%s.%s" % (movieName, ext)

    movieName = re.sub("[$&\;|\(\)<>' ]", "",
                       movieName)  # spaces etc in file name cause problems
    framesPerSec = 2
    if "FPS" in commandArgs:
        framesPerSec = commandArgs["FPS"]
    buildAVI(mw, mh, filelist, framesPerSec, movieName, format)
    figLegend = "\n".join(logLines)
    mimetype = formatMimetypes[format]

    if not os.path.exists(movieName):
        print "mencoder Failed to create movie file: %s" % movieName
        return None, "Failed to create movie file: %s" % movieName
    if not commandArgs["Do_Link"]:
        originalFile = scriptUtil.createFile(updateService, movieName,
                                             mimetype, movieName)
        scriptUtil.uploadFile(rawFileStore, originalFile, movieName)
        return originalFile, message

    namespace = omero.constants.namespaces.NSCREATED + "/omero/export_scripts/Make_Movie"
    fileAnnotation, annMessage = scriptUtil.createLinkFileAnnotation(
    message += annMessage
    return fileAnnotation._obj, message
def writeMovie(commandArgs, conn):
    Makes the movie.

    @ returns        Returns the file annotation
    log("Movie created by OMERO")

    message = ""

    session = conn.c.sf
    updateService = session.getUpdateService()
    rawFileStore = session.createRawFileStore()

    # Get the images
    images, logMessage = scriptUtil.getObjects(conn, commandArgs)
    message += logMessage
    if not images:
        return None, message
    # Get the first valid image (should be expanded to process the list)
    omeroImage = images[0]

    if commandArgs["RenderingDef_ID"] >= 0:
    pixels = omeroImage.getPrimaryPixels()
    pixelsId = pixels.getId()

    sizeX = pixels.getSizeX()
    sizeY = pixels.getSizeY()
    sizeZ = pixels.getSizeZ()
    sizeC = pixels.getSizeC()
    sizeT = pixels.getSizeT()

    if (sizeX is None or sizeY is None or sizeZ is None or sizeT is None or
            sizeC is None):

    if (pixels.getPhysicalSizeX() is None):
        commandArgs["Scalebar"] = 0

    cRange = range(0, sizeC)
    cWindows = None
    cColours = None
    if "ChannelsExtended" in commandArgs and \
            validChannels(commandArgs["ChannelsExtended"], sizeC):
        cRange = []
        cWindows = []
        cColours = []
        for c in commandArgs["ChannelsExtended"]:
            m = re.match('^(?P<i>\d+)(\|(?P<ws>\d+)' +
                         '\:(?P<we>\d+))?(\$(?P<c>.+))?$', c)
            if m is not None:
                cWindows.append([float(m.group('ws')), float(m.group('we'))])
    elif "Channels" in commandArgs and \
            validChannels(commandArgs["Channels"], sizeC):
        cRange = commandArgs["Channels"]

    tzList = calculateRanges(sizeZ, sizeT, commandArgs)

    timeMap = calculateAquisitionTime(conn, pixelsId, cRange, tzList)
    if (timeMap is None):
        commandArgs["Show_Time"] = False
    if (timeMap is not None):
        if (len(timeMap) == 0):
            commandArgs["Show_Time"] = False

    frameNo = 1
    omeroImage.setActiveChannels(map(lambda x: x+1, cRange),
    renderingEngine = omeroImage._re

    overlayColour = (255, 255, 255)
    if "Overlay_Colour" in commandArgs:
        r, g, b, a = COLOURS[commandArgs["Overlay_Colour"]]
        overlayColour = (r, g, b)

    canvasColour = tuple(COLOURS[commandArgs["Canvas_Colour"]][:3])
    mw = commandArgs["Min_Width"]
    if mw < sizeX:
        mw = sizeX
    mh = commandArgs["Min_Height"]
    if mh < sizeY:
        mh = sizeY
    ovlpos = None
    canvas = None
    if sizeX < mw or sizeY < mh:
        ovlpos = ((mw-sizeX) / 2, (mh-sizeY) / 2)
        canvas = Image.new("RGBA", (mw, mh), canvasColour)

    format = commandArgs["Format"]
    fileNames = []

    # add intro...
    if "Intro_Slide" in commandArgs and commandArgs["Intro_Slide"].id:
        intro_duration = commandArgs["Intro_Duration"]
        intro_fileId = commandArgs["Intro_Slide"].id.val
        intro_filenames = write_intro_end_slides(
            conn, commandArgs, intro_fileId, intro_duration, mw, mh)

    # prepare watermark
    if "Watermark" in commandArgs and commandArgs["Watermark"].id:
        watermark = prepareWatermark(conn, commandArgs, mw, mh)

    # add movie frames...
    for tz in tzList:
        t = tz[0]
        z = tz[1]
        plane = getPlane(renderingEngine, z, t)
        planeImage = numpy.array(plane, dtype='uint32')
        planeImage = planeImage.byteswap()
        planeImage = planeImage.reshape(sizeX, sizeY)
        image = Image.frombuffer('RGBA', (sizeX, sizeY), planeImage.data,
                                 'raw', 'ARGB', 0, 1)
        if ovlpos is not None:
            image2 = canvas.copy()
            image2.paste(image, ovlpos, image)
            image = image2

        if "Scalebar" in commandArgs and commandArgs["Scalebar"]:
            image = addScalebar(
                commandArgs["Scalebar"], image, pixels, commandArgs)
        planeInfo = "z:"+str(z)+"t:"+str(t)
        if "Show_Time" in commandArgs and commandArgs["Show_Time"]:
            time = timeMap[planeInfo]
            image = addTimePoints(time, pixels, image, overlayColour)
        if "Show_Plane_Info" in commandArgs and \
            image = addPlaneInfo(z, t, pixels, image, overlayColour)
        if "Watermark" in commandArgs and commandArgs["Watermark"].id:
            image = pasteWatermark(image, watermark)
        if format == QT:
            filename = str(frameNo) + '.png'
            image.save(filename, "PNG")
            filename = str(frameNo) + '.jpg'
            image.save(filename, "JPEG")
        frameNo += 1

    # add exit frames... "outro"
    # add intro...
    if "Ending_Slide" in commandArgs and commandArgs["Ending_Slide"].id:
        end_duration = commandArgs["Ending_Duration"]
        end_fileId = commandArgs["Ending_Slide"].id.val
        end_filenames = write_intro_end_slides(
            conn, commandArgs, end_fileId, end_duration, mw, mh)

    filelist = ",".join(fileNames)

    ext = formatMap[format]
    movieName = "Movie"
    if "Movie_Name" in commandArgs:
        movieName = commandArgs["Movie_Name"]
        movieName = os.path.basename(movieName)
    if not movieName.endswith(".%s" % ext):
        movieName = "%s.%s" % (movieName, ext)

    # spaces etc in file name cause problems
    movieName = re.sub("[$&\;|\(\)<>' ]", "", movieName)
    framesPerSec = 2
    if "FPS" in commandArgs:
        framesPerSec = commandArgs["FPS"]
    output = "localfile.%s" % ext
    buildAVI(mw, mh, filelist, framesPerSec, output, format)
    mimetype = formatMimetypes[format]

    if not os.path.exists(output):
        print "mencoder Failed to create movie file: %s" % output
        return None, "Failed to create movie file: %s" % output
    if not commandArgs["Do_Link"]:
        originalFile = scriptUtil.createFile(
            updateService, output, mimetype, movieName)
        scriptUtil.uploadFile(rawFileStore, originalFile, movieName)
        return originalFile, message

    namespace = NSCREATED + "/omero/export_scripts/Make_Movie"
    fileAnnotation, annMessage = scriptUtil.createLinkFileAnnotation(
        conn, output, omeroImage, ns=namespace,
        mimetype=mimetype, origFilePathAndName=movieName)
    message += annMessage
    return fileAnnotation._obj, message
def saveImageAs(session, parameterMap):
    # get the services we need 
    queryService = session.getQueryService()
    updateService = session.getUpdateService()
    rawFileStore = session.createRawFileStore()
    rawPixelStore = session.createRawPixelsStore()
    imageIds = []
    if "Image_IDs" in parameterMap:
        for idCount, imageId in enumerate(parameterMap["Image_IDs"]):
            iId = long(imageId.getValue())
        print "No images"
    cIndexes = None
    theT = 0
    if "Channel_Index" in parameterMap:
        cIndexes = [parameterMap["Channel_Index"]]
    extension = None
    format = None
    if "Extension" in parameterMap:
        extension = parameterMap["Extension"]
        if extension in filetypes:
            format = filetypes[extension]
            print "Saving all images as .%s files. Format: %s" % (extension, filetypes[extension])
            print "Invalid extension: %s (not supported by EMAN2). Will attempt to get extensions from image names." % extension
            extension = None
        print "No extension specified. Will attempt get extensions from image names."
    originalFiles = []
    for imageId in imageIds:
        image = queryService.get("Image", imageId)
        n = image.getName().getValue()
        imageName = os.path.basename(n)     # make sure we don't have path as name.
        if imageName == "":
            imageName = os.path.basename(n[:-1])
        if (extension == None) or (extension not in filetypes):
            # try to get extension from image name
            lastDotIndex = imageName.rfind(".")        # .rpartition(sep)
            if lastDotIndex >= 0:
                extension = imageName[lastDotIndex+1:]
                if extension in filetypes:
                    format = filetypes[extension]
        if (extension == None) or (extension not in filetypes):
            print "File extension from image invalid. Could not export image ID: %d  Name: %s  Extension: %s" % (imageId, imageName, extension)
        if not imageName.endswith(".%s" % extension):
            imageName = "%s.%s" % (imageName, extension)
        print "Preparing to save image: %s" % imageName
        figLegend = ""
        # get pixels, with pixelsType
        query_string = "select p from Pixels p join fetch p.image i join fetch p.pixelsType pt where i.id='%d'" % imageId
        pixels = queryService.findByQuery(query_string, None)
        xSize = pixels.getSizeX().getValue()
        ySize = pixels.getSizeY().getValue()
        zSize = pixels.getSizeZ().getValue()
        cSize = pixels.getSizeC().getValue()
        if pixels.getPhysicalSizeX() == None:    physicalSizeX = 1.0
        else:    physicalSizeX = pixels.getPhysicalSizeX().getValue()
        if pixels.getPhysicalSizeY() == None:    physicalSizeY = 1.0
        else:    physicalSizeY = pixels.getPhysicalSizeY().getValue()
        if pixels.getPhysicalSizeZ() == None:    physicalSizeZ = 1.0
        else:    physicalSizeZ = pixels.getPhysicalSizeZ().getValue()
        if cIndexes == None:
            cIndexes = range(cSize)

        # prepare rawPixelStore
        pixelsId = pixels.getId().getValue()
        bypassOriginalFile = True
        rawPixelStore.setPixelsId(pixelsId, bypassOriginalFile)
        # export an EM image for every channel
        for theC in cIndexes:
            e = EMData()
            em = EMData(xSize,ySize,zSize)
            # if the physical size was in microns (in OMERO) now it's in Angstroms! 
            em.set_attr('apix_x', physicalSizeX)
            em.set_attr('apix_y', physicalSizeY)
            em.set_attr('apix_z', physicalSizeZ)
            if theC > 0:
                saveName = imageName.replace(extension, "%s.%s" % (theC, extension))
            else: saveName = imageName
            for z in range(zSize):
                # get each plane and add to EMData 
                #print "Downloading plane: %d" % z
                plane2D = scriptUtil.downloadPlane(rawPixelStore, pixels, z, theC, theT)
                e = EMNumPy.numpy2em(plane2D)
            if format == None:
                format = ""        # upload method will pick generic format. 
            print "Uploading image: %s to server with file type: %s" % (saveName, format)
            # attach to image
            #fileId = scriptUtil.uploadAndAttachFile(queryService, updateService, rawFileStore, image, imageName, format, figLegend)     
            # want to return the image to client, without attaching it to anything the server
            # still need to upload it...
            fileformat = scriptUtil.getFormat(queryService, format)
            if fileformat == None:        # if we didn't find a matching format in the DB, use a generic format. 
                fileformat = scriptUtil.getFormat(queryService, "text/plain")
            originalFile = scriptUtil.createFile(updateService, saveName, fileformat, saveName)
            scriptUtil.uploadFile(rawFileStore, originalFile, saveName)
            print "File uploaded with ID:", originalFile.getId().getValue()
    return originalFiles