def run_tests(locals): outcomes = dict() def add_outcome(name, successful): if name in outcomes: raise RuntimeError("Duplicate test name: " + name) outcomes[name] = successful loc = list(locals.keys()) for l in loc: if l.startswith("test_"): print("---- running: " + l + " ----") f = locals[l] try: o = f() except Exception as e: print("EXCEPTION: " + str(e)) o = False passed = ( o is None ) or o # "void" methods are successful if they don't raise an Exception print("PASS" if passed else "FAIL") add_outcome(l, passed) plot.set_property("Graph.Title", "See console for test results.") failed_names = [n for n, s in outcomes.items() if not s] faileds = ", ".join(failed_names) import sys print("FAILED TESTS: " + (faileds or "NONE"), file=sys.stderr) if faileds: raise Exception(str(len(failed_names)) + " tests failed")
def plot_histograms(df, props): p = plot if chart.is_native_chart() else plt def get_prop(k): return props[k] if k in props else None title_col, legend_cols = extract_label_columns(df) for i, t in enumerate(df.itertuples(index=False)): style = _make_histline_args(props, t, df) # We are branching here, and call the two .hist implementations # differently, because the MPL API does not have support for # underflows/overflows, so we have to "fake" them into the real # data as additional cells. Drawing them separately wouldn't # work, because that would change the histogram when the # "normalized" or "cumulative" transforms are done (by MPL). if chart.is_native_chart(): p.hist(t.binedges[:-1], t.binedges, weights=t.binvalues, label=make_legend_label(legend_cols, t), minvalue=t.min, maxvalue=t.max, underflows=t.underflows, overflows=t.overflows, **style) else: edges = list(t.binedges) values = list(t.binvalues) has_underflow_bin = not np.isnan(t.min) and not np.isnan( t.underflows) and t.min < edges[0] has_overflow_bin = not np.isnan(t.max) and not np.isnan( t.overflows) and t.max >= edges[-1] if has_underflow_bin: edges = [t.min] + edges values = [t.underflows] + values if has_overflow_bin: edges = edges + [t.max] values = values + [t.overflows] p.hist(edges[:-1], edges, weights=values, label=make_legend_label(legend_cols, t), **style) show_overflows = get_prop("show_overflows") if show_overflows and chart.is_native_chart(): plot.set_property("Hist.ShowOverflowCell", str(_parse_optional_bool(show_overflows)).lower()) title = get_prop("title") or make_chart_title(df, title_col, legend_cols) set_plot_title(title)
def plot_bars(df, props, names=None, errors_df=None): p = plot if chart.is_native_chart() else plt def get_prop(k): return props[k] if k in props else None group_fill_ratio = 0.8 aligned_bar_fill_ratio = 0.9 overlap_visible_fraction = 1 / 3 # used only by the mpl charts xs = np.arange(len(df.index), dtype=np.float64) # the x locations for the groups width = group_fill_ratio / len(df.columns) # the width of the bars bottoms = np.zeros_like(xs) group_increment = 0.0 baseline = get_prop("baseline") if baseline: if chart.is_native_chart(): # is this how this should be done? plot.set_property("Bars.Baseline", baseline) else: bottoms += float(baseline) extra_args = dict() placement = get_prop("bar_placement") if placement: if chart.is_native_chart(): # is this how this should be done? plot.set_property("Bar.Placement", placement) else: extra_args["bottom"] = bottoms if placement == "InFront": width = group_fill_ratio elif placement == "Stacked": width = group_fill_ratio elif placement == "Aligned": width = group_fill_ratio / len(df.columns) group_increment = width xs -= width * (len(df.columns) - 1) / 2 width *= aligned_bar_fill_ratio elif placement == "Overlap": width = group_fill_ratio / ( 1 + len(df.columns) * overlap_visible_fraction) group_increment = width * overlap_visible_fraction extra_parts = (1.0 / overlap_visible_fraction - 1) xs += width / extra_parts - ( len(df.columns) + extra_parts) * width * overlap_visible_fraction / 2 for i, column in enumerate(df): style = _make_bar_args(props, df) if not chart.is_native_chart(): # FIXME: noot pretty... extra_args['zorder'] = 1 - (i / len(df.columns) / 10) label = + "=" + _to_label( column) if else _to_label(column) ys = df[column].values, ys, width, label=label, **extra_args, **style) if not chart.is_native_chart() and errors_df is not None: plt.errorbar(xs, ys, yerr=errors_df[column], capsize=float(get_prop("cap_size") or 4), **style, linestyle="none", ecolor=mpl.rcParams["axes.edgecolor"]) xs += group_increment if placement == "Stacked": bottoms += df[column].values rotation = get_prop("xlabel_rotation") if rotation: rotation = float(rotation) else: rotation = 0 p.xticks(list(range(len(df.index))), list([_to_label(i) for i in df.index.values]), rotation=rotation) # Add some text for labels, title and custom x-axis tick labels, etc. groups = (get_prop("groups") or "").split(",") series = (get_prop("series") or "").split(",") p.xlabel(_to_label(df.index.names[0])) title = "" if len(names): names_str = [str(n) for n in names] groups_series_str = [str(gs) for gs in groups + series] p.ylabel(", ".join(names_str)) title = ", ".join(names_str) if groups_series_str and groups_series_str[0]: title += " by " + ", ".join(groups_series_str) set_plot_title(get_prop("title") or title)
try: df = xa.join(ya, how='outer').join(iso, how='outer') except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() values = df["value"] titles = df["title"] if "title" in df else None units = df["unit"] if "unit" in df else None values[yaxis_column] = pd.to_numeric(values[yaxis_column], errors="ignore") df = pd.pivot_table(values, columns=iso_column, index=xaxis_column, values=yaxis_column, dropna=False) df.reset_index(inplace=True) df.rename({xaxis_column: "time"}, axis="columns", inplace=True) plot.plot_vectors(df) title = props["title"] or ', '.join(titles[yaxis_column].unique()) utils.set_plot_title(title) if units is not None: plot.set_property("Y.Axis.Title", "[" + ', '.join(units[yaxis_column].unique()) + "]")