Пример #1
def do_transfers_extras():
    # retrieves the reference to the api object that is going
    # to be used for the updating of prices operation
    api = util.get_api()

    # tries to retrieve the origin value from the provided set
    # of fields and in case it's not defined re-renders the template
    origin = quorum.get_field("origin", None, cast = int)
    if not origin:
        return flask.render_template(
            link = "extras",
            error = "No origin defined"

    # tries to retrieve the transfers file from the current
    # form in case it's not available renders the current
    # template with an error message
    transfers_file = quorum.get_field("transfers_file", None)
    if transfers_file == None or not transfers_file.filename:
        return flask.render_template(
            link = "extras",
            error = "No file defined"

    # creates a temporary file path for the storage of the file
    # and then saves it into that directory
    fd, file_path = tempfile.mkstemp()

    # creates the file object that is going to be used in the
    # reading of the csv file (underlying object)
    file = open(file_path, "rb")
    try: data = file.read()
    finally: file.close()

    # constructs the bytes based buffer object from the data that
    # has just been loaded from the file
    buffer = quorum.legacy.BytesIO(data)

    # creates the maps that are going to be used to cache the
    # resolution processes for both the stores and the merchandise
    stores_map = dict()
    merchandise_map = dict()

    # creates the map that is going to hold the complete state
    # to be used in the process of the various transfers (context)
    state = dict()

    def get_transfer():
        return state.get("transfer", None)

    def new_transfer(target_id, workflow_state = 6):
        transfer = dict(
            origin = dict(
                object_id = origin
            destination = dict(
                object_id = target_id
            transfer_lines = [],
            _parameters = dict(
                target_workflow_state = workflow_state
        state["transfer"] = transfer
        return transfer

    def flush_transfer():
        transfer = get_transfer()
        state["transfer"] = None
        if not transfer: return
        payload = dict(transfer = transfer)
        transfer = api.create_transfer(payload)
        transfer_id = transfer["object_id"]
            "Created stock transfer '%d'" % transfer_id
        return transfer

    def add_transfer_line(merchandise_id, quantity = 1):
        transfer = get_transfer()
        if not transfer: raise quorum.OperationalError(
            "No transfer in context"
        lines = transfer["transfer_lines"]
        line = dict(
            quantity = quantity,
            merchandise = dict(
                object_id = merchandise_id

    def get_store_id(store_code):
        object_id = stores_map.get(store_code, None)
        if object_id: return object_id

        kwargs = {
            "start_record" : 0,
            "number_records" : 1,
            "filters[]" : [
                "store_code:equals:%s" % store_code

        try: stores = api.list_stores(**kwargs)
        except: stores = []
        if stores: object_id = stores[0]["object_id"]

        stores_map[store_code] = object_id
        return object_id

    def get_merchandise_id(company_product_code):
        # tries to retrieve the object id of the merchandise from the
        # cache and in case it succeeds returns it immediately
        object_id = merchandise_map.get(company_product_code, None)
        if object_id: return object_id

        # creates the map containing the (filter) keyword arguments that
        # are going to be send to the list merchandise operation
        kwargs = {
            "start_record" : 0,
            "number_records" : 1,
            "filters[]" : [
                "company_product_code:equals:%s" % company_product_code

        # runs the list merchandise operation in order to try to find a
        # merchandise entity for the requested (unique) product code in
        # case there's at least one merchandise its object id is used
        try: merchandise = api.list_merchandise(**kwargs)
        except: merchandise = []
        if merchandise: object_id = merchandise[0]["object_id"]

        # updates the (cache) map for the merchandise with the reference
        # new object id to company product code reference and then returns
        # the object id of the merchandise to the caller method
        merchandise_map[company_product_code] = object_id
        return object_id

    def callback(line, header = None):
        code, quantity, _date, _time = line[:4]

        code = code.strip()
        quantity = quantity.strip()
        quantity = int(quantity)

        is_store = len(code) < 4
        if is_store: store_id = get_store_id(code)
        else: merchandise_id = get_merchandise_id(code)

        if is_store:
            if store_id: new_transfer(store_id)
            else: flush_transfer()
        elif merchandise_id:
            try: add_transfer_line(
                quantity = quantity
            except: pass

        # start the csv import operation that is going to import the
        # various lines of the csv in the buffer and for each of them
        # call the function passed as callback
        util.csv_import(buffer, callback, delimiter = ";")
        # closes the temporary file descriptor and removes the temporary
        # file (avoiding any memory leaks)

    # redirects the user back to the transfers list page with a success
    # message indicating that everything went ok
    return flask.redirect(
            message = "Transfers file processed with success"
Пример #2
def do_transfers_extras():
    # retrieves the reference to the API object that is going
    # to be used for the updating of prices operation
    api = util.get_api()

    # tries to retrieve the origin value from the provided set
    # of fields and in case it's not defined re-renders the template
    origin = quorum.get_field("origin", None, cast = int)
    if not origin:
        return flask.render_template(
            link = "extras",
            error = "No origin defined"

    # tries to retrieve the transfers file from the current
    # form in case it's not available renders the current
    # template with an error message
    transfers_file = quorum.get_field("transfers_file", None)
    if transfers_file == None or not transfers_file.filename:
        return flask.render_template(
            link = "extras",
            error = "No file defined"

    # creates a temporary file path for the storage of the file
    # and then saves it into that directory
    fd, file_path = tempfile.mkstemp()

    # creates the file object that is going to be used in the
    # reading of the CSV file (underlying object)
    file = open(file_path, "rb")
    try: data = file.read()
    finally: file.close()

    # constructs the bytes based buffer object from the data that
    # has just been loaded from the file
    buffer = quorum.legacy.BytesIO(data)

    # creates the maps that are going to be used to cache the
    # resolution processes for both the stores and the merchandise
    stores_map = dict()
    merchandise_map = dict()

    # creates the map that is going to hold the complete state
    # to be used in the process of the various transfers (context)
    state = dict()

    def get_transfer():
        return state.get("transfer", None)

    def new_transfer(target_id, workflow_state = 6):
        transfer = dict(
            origin = dict(
                object_id = origin
            destination = dict(
                object_id = target_id
            transfer_lines = [],
            _parameters = dict(
                target_workflow_state = workflow_state
        state["transfer"] = transfer
        return transfer

    def flush_transfer():
        transfer = get_transfer()
        state["transfer"] = None
        if not transfer: return
        payload = dict(transfer = transfer)
        transfer = api.create_transfer(payload)
        transfer_id = transfer["object_id"]
            "Created stock transfer '%d'" % transfer_id
        return transfer

    def add_transfer_line(merchandise_id, quantity = 1):
        transfer = get_transfer()
        if not transfer: raise quorum.OperationalError(
            "No transfer in context"
        lines = transfer["transfer_lines"]
        line = dict(
            quantity = quantity,
            merchandise = dict(
                object_id = merchandise_id

    def get_store_id(store_code):
        object_id = stores_map.get(store_code, None)
        if object_id: return object_id

        kwargs = {
            "start_record" : 0,
            "number_records" : 1,
            "filters[]" : [
                "store_code:equals:%s" % store_code

        try: stores = api.list_stores(**kwargs)
        except Exception: stores = []
        if stores: object_id = stores[0]["object_id"]

        stores_map[store_code] = object_id
        return object_id

    def get_merchandise_id(company_product_code):
        # tries to retrieve the object id of the merchandise from the
        # cache and in case it succeeds returns it immediately
        object_id = merchandise_map.get(company_product_code, None)
        if object_id: return object_id

        # creates the map containing the (filter) keyword arguments that
        # are going to be send to the list merchandise operation
        kwargs = {
            "start_record" : 0,
            "number_records" : 1,
            "filters[]" : [
                "company_product_code:equals:%s" % company_product_code

        # runs the list merchandise operation in order to try to find a
        # merchandise entity for the requested (unique) product code in
        # case there's at least one merchandise its object id is used
        try: merchandise = api.list_merchandise(**kwargs)
        except Exception: merchandise = []
        if merchandise: object_id = merchandise[0]["object_id"]

        # updates the (cache) map for the merchandise with the reference
        # new object id to company product code reference and then returns
        # the object id of the merchandise to the caller method
        merchandise_map[company_product_code] = object_id
        return object_id

    def callback(line, header = None):
        code, quantity, _date, _time = line[:4]

        code = code.strip()
        quantity = quantity.strip()
        quantity = int(quantity)

        is_store = len(code) < 4
        if is_store: store_id = get_store_id(code)
        else: merchandise_id = get_merchandise_id(code)

        if is_store:
            if store_id: new_transfer(store_id)
            else: flush_transfer()
        elif merchandise_id:
            try: add_transfer_line(
                quantity = quantity
            except Exception: pass

        # start the CSV import operation that is going to import the
        # various lines of the CSV in the buffer and for each of them
        # call the function passed as callback
        util.csv_import(buffer, callback, delimiter = ";")
        # closes the temporary file descriptor and removes the temporary
        # file (avoiding any memory leaks)

    # redirects the user back to the transfers list page with a success
    # message indicating that everything went ok
    return flask.redirect(
            message = "Transfers file processed with success"
Пример #3
def do_metadata_extras():
    # retrieves the reference to the api object that is going
    # to be used for the updating of prices operation
    api = util.get_api()

    # tries to retrieve the metadata file from the current
    # form in case it's not available renders the current
    # template with an error message
    metadata_file = quorum.get_field("metadata_file", None)
    if metadata_file == None or not metadata_file.filename:
        return flask.render_template(
            link = "extras",
            error = "No file defined"

    # retrieves the value of the custom field that control if
    # the importing will be performed using a dynamic approach
    # meaning that no static values will be retrieved and instead
    # the header will be used for dynamic retrieval
    custom = quorum.get_field("custom", False, cast = bool)

    # check if the csv file to uploaded is separated by the comma
    # character or if instead it used the semicolon
    comma = quorum.get_field("comma", False, cast = bool)

    # creates a temporary file path for the storage of the file
    # and then saves it into that directory
    fd, file_path = tempfile.mkstemp()

    # creates the file object that is going to be used in the
    # reading of the csv file (underlying object)
    file = open(file_path, "rb")
    try: data = file.read()
    finally: file.close()

    # constructs the bytes based buffer object from the data that
    # has just been loaded from the file
    buffer = quorum.legacy.BytesIO(data)

    def callback(line, header = None):
        if custom:
            # creates a zip of tuples with the header to line value association
            # and uses them to build a proper dictionary
            zipped = zip(header, line)
            update = dict(zipped)

            # iterates over the complete set of items in the map of values
            # and update the update map with the sanitized value
            for name, value in update.items():
                update[name] = value.strip()

            # tries to retrieve the base identifier of the entity
            # this value is going to be used as the basis for identification
            base = update.pop("code", None)
            base = update.pop("company_product_code", base)
            base = update.pop("object_id", base)
            base = update.pop("base", base)

            # tries to retrieve some of the base entity values
            # if their found they are properly poped out
            name = update.pop("name", None)
            description = update.pop("description", None)
            # unpacks the current "metadata" line into its components as
            # expected by the specification
            order = line[:10]

            # normalizes the various values that have been extracted from the line
            # so they are properly represented for importing
            characteristics = [value.strip() for value in characteristics.split(";") if value.strip()]
            material = [value.strip() for value in material.split(";") if value.strip()]
            category = [value.strip() for value in category.split(";") if value.strip()]
            collection = [value.strip() for value in collection.split(";") if value.strip()]
            brand = brand or None
            order = order or None

            # verifies and strips the various possible string values so that they
            # represent a valid not trailed value
            if name: name = name.strip()
            if brand: brand = brand.strip()
            if description: description = description.strip()
            if order: order = int(order.strip())

            # creates the update dictionary that is going to be used in the updating
            # of the "product" metadata
            update = dict(
                characteristics = characteristics,
                material = material,
                category = category,
                collection = collection,
                brand = brand,
                order = order

        # tries to "cast" the base value as an integer and in case
        # it's possible assumes that this value is the object identifier
        try: object_id = int(base)
        except: object_id = None

        # in case no object id was retrieved from the base name value
        # a secondary strategy is used, so that the merchandise database
        # is searched using the base string value as the company product code
        if not object_id:
            # creates the keyword arguments map so that the the merchandise
            # with the provided company product code is retrieved
            kwargs = {
                "start_record" : 0,
                "number_records" : 1,
                "filters[]" : [
                    "company_product_code:equals:%s" % base

            # runs the list merchandise operation in order to try to find a
            # merchandise entity for the requested (unique) product code in
            # case there's at least one merchandise its object id is used
            try: merchandise = api.list_merchandise(**kwargs)
            except: merchandise = []
            if merchandise: object_id = merchandise[0]["object_id"]

        # in case no object id was retrieved must skip the current loop
        # with a proper information message (as expected)
        if not object_id:
            quorum.info("Skipping, could not resolve object id for '%s'" % base)

        # prints a logging message about the updating of the metadata for
        # the entity with the current object id
        quorum.debug("Setting metadata for entity '%d'" % object_id)

        # retrieves the reference to the entity so that it's possible to
        # retrieve the currently defined metadata for it (to be updated)
        entity = api.get_entity(object_id)
        metadata = entity.get("metadata", {}) or {}

        # updates the metadata dictionary with the new values that are going
        # to be used for the updating of the entity, note that the previous
        # metadata values are leveraged and not overwritten with this strategy

        # creates the model structure to be updated and then runs the
        # proper execution of the metadata import
        model = dict(metadata = metadata)
        if name: model["name"] = name
        if description: model["description"] = description
        api.update_entity(object_id, payload = dict(root_entity = model))

        # start the csv import operation that is going to import the
        # various lines of the csv in the buffer and for each of them
        # call the function passed as callback
            header = True,
            delimiter = "," if comma else ";",
            quoting = True
        # closes the temporary file descriptor and removes the temporary
        # file (avoiding any memory leaks)

    # redirects the user back to the metadata list page with a success
    # message indicating that everything went ok
    return flask.redirect(
            message = "Metadata file processed with success"
Пример #4
def do_metadata_extras():
    # retrieves the reference to the API object that is going
    # to be used for the updating of prices operation
    api = util.get_api()

    # tries to retrieve the metadata file from the current
    # form in case it's not available renders the current
    # template with an error message
    metadata_file = quorum.get_field("metadata_file", None)
    if metadata_file == None or not metadata_file.filename:
        return flask.render_template(
            link = "extras",
            error = "No file defined"

    # retrieves the value of the custom field that control if
    # the importing will be performed using a dynamic approach
    # meaning that no static values will be retrieved and instead
    # the header will be used for dynamic retrieval
    custom = quorum.get_field("custom", False, cast = bool)

    # check if the CSV file to uploaded is separated by the comma
    # character or if instead it used the semicolon
    comma = quorum.get_field("comma", False, cast = bool)

    # creates a temporary file path for the storage of the file
    # and then saves it into that directory
    fd, file_path = tempfile.mkstemp()

    # creates the file object that is going to be used in the
    # reading of the CSV file (underlying object)
    file = open(file_path, "rb")
    try: data = file.read()
    finally: file.close()

    # constructs the bytes based buffer object from the data that
    # has just been loaded from the file
    buffer = quorum.legacy.BytesIO(data)

    def callback(line, header = None):
        # in case the custom metadata mode is enabled then a special work
        # model is set where all of the columns are going to be used dynamically
        # for the update of the metadata map of the object
        if custom:
            # creates a zip of tuples with the header to line value association
            # and uses them to build a proper dictionary
            zipped = zip(header, line)
            update = dict(zipped)

            # iterates over the complete set of items in the map of values
            # and updates the update map with the sanitized value
            for name, value in update.items():
                update[name] = value.strip()

            # tries to retrieve the base identifier of the entity
            # this value is going to be used as the basis for identification
            base = update.pop("code", None)
            base = update.pop("company_product_code", base)
            base = update.pop("object_id", base)
            base = update.pop("base", base)

            # tries to retrieve some of the base entity values
            # if their found they are properly popped out
            name = update.pop("name", None)
            description = update.pop("description", None)
            upc = update.pop("upc", None)
            ean = update.pop("ean", None)

        # otherwise this is a "normal" update and the "typical" metadata
        # fields are the one to be updated
            # unpacks the current "metadata" line into its components as
            # expected by the specification
            ean = line[:18]

            # verifies if the initials part of the CSV line exists and
            # if that's the case processes it properly
            if len(line) > 20:
                initials, initials_min, initials_max = line[18:21]
                initials, initials_min, initials_max = "", "", ""

            # normalizes the various values that have been extracted from the line
            # so they are properly represented for importing
            name = name or None
            compare_price = (compare_price and compare_price.strip()) or None
            discount = (discount and discount.strip()) or None
            characteristics = [value.strip() for value in characteristics.split(";") if value.strip()]
            material = [value.strip() for value in material.split(";") if value.strip()]
            category = [value.strip() for value in category.split(";") if value.strip()]
            collection = [value.strip() for value in collection.split(";") if value.strip()]
            brand = brand or None
            season = season or None
            gender = gender or None
            description = description or None
            order = (order and order.strip()) or None
            discountable = discountable or None
            sku_field = sku_field or None
            upc = upc or None
            ean = ean or None
            initials = initials or None
            initials_min = initials_min or None
            initials_max = initials_max or None

            # verifies and strips the various possible string values so that they
            # represent a valid not trailed value
            if name: name = name.strip()
            if compare_price: compare_price = float(compare_price)
            if brand: brand = brand.strip()
            if season: season = season.strip()
            if gender: gender = gender.strip()
            if description: description = description.strip()
            if order: order = int(order)
            if discountable: discountable = discountable == "1"
            if sku_field: sku_field = sku_field.strip()
            if discount: discount = float(discount)
            if upc: upc = upc.strip()
            if ean: ean = ean.strip()
            if initials: initials = initials == "1"
            if initials_min: initials_min = int(initials_min)
            if initials_max: initials_max = int(initials_max)

            # creates the map that is going to hold the complete set of features
            # and populates the features according to their existence
            features = dict()
            if initials:
                features["initials"] = dict(min = initials_min, max = initials_max)

            # creates the update dictionary that is going to be used in the updating
            # of the "product" metadata (this is considered to be a delta dictionary)
            update = dict(
                compare_price = compare_price,
                discount = discount,
                characteristics = characteristics,
                features = features,
                material = material,
                category = category,
                collection = collection,
                brand = brand,
                season = season,
                gender = gender,
                order = order,
                discountable = discountable,
                sku_field = sku_field

        # tries to "cast" the base value as an integer and in case
        # it's possible assumes that this value is the object identifier
        try: object_id = int(base)
        except Exception: object_id = None

        # in case no object id was retrieved from the base name value
        # a secondary strategy is used, so that the merchandise database
        # is searched using the base string value as the company product code
        if not object_id:
            # creates the keyword arguments map so that the the merchandise
            # with the provided company product code is retrieved
            kwargs = {
                "start_record" : 0,
                "number_records" : 1,
                "filters[]" : [
                    "company_product_code:equals:%s" % base

            # runs the list merchandise operation in order to try to find a
            # merchandise entity for the requested (unique) product code in
            # case there's at least one merchandise its object id is used
            try: merchandise = api.list_merchandise(**kwargs)
            except Exception: merchandise = []
            if merchandise: object_id = merchandise[0]["object_id"]

        # in case no object id was retrieved must skip the current loop
        # with a proper information message (as expected)
        if not object_id:
            quorum.info("Skipping, could not resolve Object ID for '%s'" % base)

        # prints a logging message about the updating of the metadata for
        # the entity with the current object id
        quorum.debug("Setting metadata for entity '%d'" % object_id)

        # retrieves the reference to the entity so that it's possible to
        # retrieve the currently defined metadata for it (to be updated)
        entity = api.get_entity(object_id)
        metadata = entity.get("metadata", {}) or {}

        # updates the metadata dictionary with the new values that are going
        # to be used for the updating of the entity, note that the previous
        # metadata values are leveraged and not overwritten with this strategy

        # creates the model structure to be updated and then runs the
        # proper execution of the metadata import
        model = dict(metadata = metadata)
        if name: model["name"] = name
        if description: model["description"] = description
        if upc: model["upc"] = upc
        if ean: model["ean"] = ean
        api.update_entity(object_id, payload = dict(root_entity = model))

        # start the CSV import operation that is going to import the
        # various lines of the CSV in the buffer and for each of them
        # call the function passed as callback
            header = True,
            delimiter = "," if comma else ";",
            quoting = True
        # closes the temporary file descriptor and removes the temporary
        # file (avoiding any memory leaks)

    # redirects the user back to the metadata list page with a success
    # message indicating that everything went ok
    return flask.redirect(
            message = "Metadata file processed with success"