Пример #1
def _create_test_models(n=100):
    _add_test_models_to_session('Tag', n, ['name'])
    _add_test_models_to_session('Speaker', n, ['first_name', 'last_name', 'dialect'])
    _add_test_models_to_session('Source', n, ['author_first_name', 'author_last_name',
    _add_test_models_to_session('ElicitationMethod', n, ['name'])
    _add_test_models_to_session('SyntacticCategory', n, ['name'])
    _add_test_models_to_session('File', n, ['name'])
    restricted_tag = h.generate_restricted_tag()
Пример #2
def _create_test_models(n=100):
    _add_test_models_to_session('Tag', n, ['name'])
    _add_test_models_to_session('Speaker', n,
                                ['first_name', 'last_name', 'dialect'])
        'Source', n, ['author_first_name', 'author_last_name', 'title'])
    _add_test_models_to_session('ElicitationMethod', n, ['name'])
    _add_test_models_to_session('SyntacticCategory', n, ['name'])
    _add_test_models_to_session('File', n, ['name'])
    restricted_tag = h.generate_restricted_tag()
Пример #3
def setup_app(command, conf, vars):
    """Commands to setup onlinelinguisticdatabase."""

    config = load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)
    log.info('Environment loaded.')

    filename = os.path.split(conf.filename)[-1] # e.g., production.ini, development.ini, test.ini, ...

    # Create the ``store`` directory and those for file, analysis and corpora
    # objects and their subdirectories.  See ``lib.utils.py`` for details.

    # ISO-639-3 Language data for the languages table
    log.info("Retrieving ISO-639-3 languages data.")
    languages = h.get_language_objects(filename, config)

    # Get default users.
    log.info("Creating a default administrator, contributor and viewer.")
    administrator = h.generate_default_administrator(config_filename=filename)
    contributor = h.generate_default_contributor(config_filename=filename)
    viewer = h.generate_default_viewer(config_filename=filename)

    # If we are running tests, make sure the test db contains only language data.
    if filename == 'test.ini':
        # Permanently drop any existing tables
        Base.metadata.drop_all(bind=Session.bind, checkfirst=True)
        log.info("Existing tables dropped.")

        # Create the tables if they don't already exist
        Base.metadata.create_all(bind=Session.bind, checkfirst=True)
        log.info('Tables created.')

        Session.add_all(languages + [administrator, contributor, viewer])

    # Not a test: add a bunch of nice defaults.
        # Create the _requests_tests.py script
        requests_tests_path = os.path.join(config['pylons.paths']['root'], 'tests',
                                         'scripts', '_requests_tests.py')

        # This line is problematic in production apps because the
        # _requests_tests.py file is not included in the build. So, I'm
        # commenting it out by default.
        # copyfile(requests_tests_path, '_requests_tests.py')

        # Create the tables if they don't already exist
        Base.metadata.create_all(bind=Session.bind, checkfirst=True)
        log.info('Tables created.')

        # Get default home & help pages.
        log.info("Creating default home and help pages.")
        homepage = h.generate_default_home_page()
        helppage = h.generate_default_help_page()
        # Get default application settings.
        log.info("Generating default application settings.")
        application_settings = h.generate_default_application_settings()
        # Get default tags and categories
        log.info("Creating some useful tags and categories.")
        restricted_tag = h.generate_restricted_tag()
        foreign_word_tag = h.generate_foreign_word_tag()
        S = h.generate_s_syntactic_category()
        N = h.generate_n_syntactic_category()
        V = h.generate_v_syntactic_category()
        # Initialize the database
        log.info("Adding defaults.")
        data = [administrator, contributor, viewer, homepage, helppage,
                application_settings, restricted_tag, foreign_word_tag]
        if config['add_language_data'] != '0':
            data += languages
        if config['empty_database'] == '0':
        log.info("OLD successfully set up.")
Пример #4
    def test_aaa_initialize(self):
        """Initialize the database using pseudo-data generated from random lorem ipsum sentences.

        These are located in ``onlinelinguisticdatabase/tests/data/corpora``.
        The data contain morphologically analyzed sentences, their component
        morphemes, and syntactic categories.  The sentences have phrase
        structure trees in bracket notation.

        The test will try to load the lorem ipsum dataset from a MySQL/SQLite
        dump file in ``onlinelinguisticdatabase/tests/data/corpora``.  If the
        dump file corresponding to ``loremipsum_path`` does not exist, it will
        import the lorem ipsum data directly from the text files and create
        the dump file so that future tests can run more speedily.  The
        ``loremipsum100_path``, ``loremipsum1000_path``, ``loremipsum10000_path``
        and ``loremipsum30000_path`` files are available and contain 100, 1000
        and 10,000 sentences, respectively.

        Setting the ``via_request`` variable to ``True`` will cause all of the
        forms to be created via request, i.e., via
        ``self.app.post(url('forms))...``.  This is much slower but may be
        desirable since values for the morphological analysis attributes
        will be generated.

        .. note::

            In order to run ``mysqldump`` with the MySQL user listed in
            ``test.ini``, that user must have permission to lock and update

                mysql -u root -p<root_password>
                grant lock tables, update on old_test.* to 'old'@'localhost';

        .. warning::

            Loading the .txt or .sql files with the ``via_request`` option set to
            ``True`` will take a very long time.  This might be an argument for
            separating the interface and logic components of the controllers so
            that a "core" HTTP-less OLD application could be exposed.  This
            would facilitate the creation of models with system-generated data
            and validation but without the HTTP overhead...


        # Configure lorem ipsum data set import

        # Set ``loremipsum_path`` this to ``self.loremipsum100_path``,
        # ``self.loremipsum1000_path`` or ``self.loremipsum10000_path``.
        # WARNING: the larger ones will take a long time.
        # Use the 10,000-sentence lorem ipsum dataset to ensure that
        # very large corpora are handled correctly.
        loremipsum_path = self.loremipsum100_path 

        # Set ``via_request`` to ``True`` to create all forms via HTTP requests.
        via_request = True


        # Add an application settings so that morpheme references will work out right.
        application_settings = h.generate_default_application_settings()

        def create_model(line, categories, via_request=False):
            """Create a model (form or syncat) using the string in ``line``."""
            model = 'Form'
            elements = unicode(line).split('\t')
            non_empty_elements = filter(None, elements)
                ol, mb, mg, ml, sc, sx = non_empty_elements
            except Exception:
                    ol, mb, mg, ml, sc = non_empty_elements
                    sx = u''
                except Exception:
                        model = 'SyntacticCategory'
                        n, t = non_empty_elements
                    except Exception:
                        return categories
            if via_request:
                if model == 'SyntacticCategory':
                    params = self.syntactic_category_create_params.copy()
                        'name': n,
                        'type': t
                    params = json.dumps(params)
                    response = self.app.post(url('syntacticcategories'), params, self.json_headers,
                    cat_id = json.loads(response.body)['id']
                    categories[n] = cat_id
                    params = self.form_create_params.copy()
                        'transcription': ol,
                        'morpheme_break': mb,
                        'morpheme_gloss': mg,
                        'translations': [{'transcription': ml, 'grammaticality': u''}],
                        'syntax': sx,
                        'syntactic_category': categories.get(sc, u'')
                    params = json.dumps(params)
                    self.app.post(url('forms'), params, self.json_headers,
                if model == 'SyntacticCategory':
                    syntactic_category = model.SyntacticCategory()
                    syntactic_category.name = n
                    syntactic_category.type = t
                    categories[n] = syntactic_category.id
                    form = model.Form()
                    form.transcription = ol
                    form.morpheme_break = mb
                    form.morpheme_gloss = mg
                    translation = model.Translation()
                    translation.transcription = ml
                    form.syntax = sx
                    form.syntacticcategory_id = categories.get(sc, None)
            return categories

        def add_loremipsum_to_db(loremipsum_path, via_request=False):
            """Add the contents of the file at ``loremipsum_path`` to the database."""
            categories = {}
            with open(loremipsum_path, 'r') as f:
                i = 0
                for l in f:
                    if i % 100 == 0:
                        if not via_request: Session.commit()
                        log.debug('%d lines processed' % i)
                    i = i + 1
                    categories = create_model(l.replace('\n', ''), categories,

        loremipsum_path_no_ext = os.path.splitext(loremipsum_path)[0]
        sqlalchemy_URL = self.config['sqlalchemy.url']
        sqlalchemy_URL_list = sqlalchemy_URL.split(':')
        olddump_script_path = os.path.join(self.test_scripts_path, 'olddump.sh')
        oldload_script_path = os.path.join(self.test_scripts_path, 'oldload.sh')
        RDBMS = sqlalchemy_URL_list[0]

        if RDBMS == 'mysql':
            mysql_dump_path = '%s_mysql.sql' % loremipsum_path_no_ext
            username = sqlalchemy_URL_list[1][2:]
            password = sqlalchemy_URL_list[2].split('@')[0]
            dbname = sqlalchemy_URL_list[3].split('/')[1]
            if os.path.exists(mysql_dump_path):
                log.debug('The lorem ipsum MySQL dump file exists.  Loading it...')
                # Clear the current DB completely
                # Load the dump file to the DB
                shell_script = '#!/bin/sh\nmysql -u %s -p%s %s < %s' % (
                    username, password, dbname, mysql_dump_path)
                with open(oldload_script_path, 'w') as f:
                os.chmod(oldload_script_path, 0744)
                # Load the DB
                with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
                    call([oldload_script_path], stdout=f, stderr=f)
                # Destroy the load script
                log.debug('Have to import the lorem ipsum dataset from the text file and create the MySQL dump file.')
                # Populate the database from the loremipusm text file and dump it
                add_loremipsum_to_db(loremipsum_path, via_request=via_request)
                # Write the DB dump shell script
                shell_script = '#!/bin/sh\nmysqldump -u %s -p%s --no-create-info %s > %s' % (
                    username, password, dbname, mysql_dump_path)
                with open(olddump_script_path, 'w') as f:
                os.chmod(olddump_script_path, 0744)
                # Dump the DB
                with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
                    call([olddump_script_path], stdout=f, stderr=f)
                # Destroy the dump script
                log.debug('Imported and dumped.')
        elif RDBMS == 'sqlite' and h.command_line_program_installed('sqlite3'):
            sqlite_dump_path = '%s_sqlite.sql' % loremipsum_path_no_ext
            sqlite_db = sqlalchemy_URL.split('/')[-1]
            dbpath = os.path.join(self.here, sqlite_db)
            if os.path.exists(sqlite_dump_path):
                log.debug('The lorem ipsum SQLite dump file exists.  Loading it...')
                # Clear the current DB completely
                # Load the dump file to the DB
                shell_script = '#!/bin/sh\nsqlite3 %s < %s' % (
                    dbpath, sqlite_dump_path)
                with open(oldload_script_path, 'w') as f:
                os.chmod(oldload_script_path, 0744)
                # Load the DB
                with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
                    call([oldload_script_path], stdout=f, stderr=f)
                # Destroy the load script
                log.debug('Have to import the lorem ipsum dataset from the text file and create the SQLite dump file.')
                # Populate the database from the loremipusm text file and dump it
                add_loremipsum_to_db(loremipsum_path, via_request=via_request)
                # Write the DB dump shell script
                shell_script = '#!/bin/sh\nsqlite3 %s ".dump" | grep -v "^CREATE" > %s' % (
                    dbpath, sqlite_dump_path)
                with open(olddump_script_path, 'w') as f:
                os.chmod(olddump_script_path, 0744)
                # Dump the DB
                with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
                    call([olddump_script_path], stdout=f, stderr=f)
                # Destroy the dump script
                log.debug('Imported and dumped.')
        forms = h.get_forms()
        log.debug('Lorem ipsum data loaded.  There are now %d forms in the db.' % len(forms))

        # Restrict one sentential form in the db.
        restricted_tag = h.generate_restricted_tag()
        a_form = Session.query(model.Form).\
        a_form_id = a_form.id
        restricted_form = Session.query(model.Form).\
        assert a_form_id == restricted_form.id
Пример #5
    def test_index(self):
        """Tests that GET & SEARCH /collectionbackups behave correctly.

        # Add some test data to the database.
        application_settings = h.generate_default_application_settings()
        source = h.generate_default_source()
        restricted_tag = h.generate_restricted_tag()
        file1 = h.generate_default_file()
        file1.name = u'file1'
        file2 = h.generate_default_file()
        file2.name = u'file2'
        speaker = h.generate_default_speaker()
        Session.add_all([application_settings, source, restricted_tag, file1,
                         file2, speaker])
        speaker_id = speaker.id
        restricted_tag_id = restricted_tag.id
        tag_ids = [restricted_tag_id]
        file1_id = file1.id
        file2_id = file2.id
        file_ids = [file1_id, file2_id]

        # Create a restricted collection (via request) as the default contributor
        users = h.get_users()
        contributor_id = [u for u in users if u.role==u'contributor'][0].id
        administrator_id = [u for u in users if u.role==u'administrator'][0].id

        # Define some extra_environs
        view = {'test.authentication.role': u'viewer', 'test.application_settings': True}
        contrib = {'test.authentication.role': u'contributor', 'test.application_settings': True}
        admin = {'test.authentication.role': u'administrator', 'test.application_settings': True}

        params = self.collection_create_params.copy()
            'title': u'Created by the Contributor',
            'elicitor': contributor_id,
            'tags': [restricted_tag_id]
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.post(url('collections'), params, self.json_headers, contrib)
        collection_count = Session.query(model.Collection).count()
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        collection_id = resp['id']
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert collection_count == 1

        # Update our collection (via request) as the default administrator; this
        # will create one collection backup.
        params = self.collection_create_params.copy()
            'url': u'find/me/here',
            'title': u'Updated by the Administrator',
            'speaker': speaker_id,
            'tags': tag_ids + [None, u''], # None and u'' ('') will be ignored by collections.update_collection
            'enterer': administrator_id  # This should change nothing.
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('collection', id=collection_id), params,
                        self.json_headers, admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        collection_count = Session.query(model.Collection).count()
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert collection_count == 1

        # Finally, update our collection (via request) as the default contributor.
        # Now we will have two collection backups.
        params = self.collection_create_params.copy()
            'title': u'Updated by the Contributor',
            'speaker': speaker_id,
            'tags': tag_ids,
            'files': file_ids
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('collection', id=collection_id), params,
                        self.json_headers, contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        collection_count = Session.query(model.Collection).count()
        assert collection_count == 1

        # Now GET the collection backups as the restricted enterer of the original
        # collection and expect to get them all.
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 2
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # The admin should get them all too.
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 2

        # The viewer should get none because they're all restricted.
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=view)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 0

        # Now update the collection and de-restrict it.
        params = self.collection_create_params.copy()
            'title': u'Updated and de-restricted by the Contributor',
            'speaker': speaker_id,
            'tags': [],
            'files': file_ids
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('collection', id=collection_id), params,
                        self.json_headers, contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        collection_count = Session.query(model.Collection).count()
        assert collection_count == 1

        # Now GET the collection backups.  Admin and contrib should see 3 but the
        # viewer should still see none.
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 3
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 3
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=view)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 0
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Finally, update our collection in some trivial way.
        params = self.collection_create_params.copy()
            'title': u'Updated by the Contributor *again*',
            'speaker': speaker_id,
            'tags': [],
            'files': file_ids
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('collection', id=collection_id), params,
                        self.json_headers, contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        collection_count = Session.query(model.Collection).count()
        assert collection_count == 1

        # Now GET the collection backups.  Admin and contrib should see 4 and the
        # viewer should see 1
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 4
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        all_collection_backups = resp
        assert len(resp) == 4
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=view)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        unrestricted_collection_backup = resp[0]
        assert len(resp) == 1
        assert resp[0]['title'] == u'Updated and de-restricted by the Contributor'
        restricted_collection_backups = [cb for cb in all_collection_backups
                                       if cb != unrestricted_collection_backup]
        assert len(restricted_collection_backups) == 3

        # Test the paginator GET params.
        paginator = {'items_per_page': 1, 'page': 2}
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'), paginator, headers=self.json_headers,
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp['items']) == 1
        assert resp['items'][0]['title'] == all_collection_backups[1]['title']
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Test the order_by GET params.
        order_by_params = {'order_by_model': 'CollectionBackup',
            'order_by_attribute': 'id', 'order_by_direction': 'desc'}
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'), order_by_params,
                        headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = sorted(all_collection_backups, key=lambda cb: cb['id'], reverse=True)
        assert [cb['id'] for cb in resp] == [cb['id'] for cb in result_set] 

        # Test the order_by *with* paginator.  
        params = {'order_by_model': 'CollectionBackup', 'order_by_attribute': 'id',
                     'order_by_direction': 'desc', 'items_per_page': 1, 'page': 3}
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'), params,
                        headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert result_set[2]['title'] == resp['items'][0]['title']

        # Now test the show action:

        # Admin should be able to GET a particular restricted collection backup
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackup', id=restricted_collection_backups[0]['id']),
                                headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['title'] == restricted_collection_backups[0]['title']
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Viewer should receive a 403 error when attempting to do so.
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackup', id=restricted_collection_backups[0]['id']),
                                headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=view, status=403)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['error'] == u'You are not authorized to access this resource.'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Viewer should be able to GET the unrestricted collection backup
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackup', id=unrestricted_collection_backup['id']),
                                headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=view)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['title'] == unrestricted_collection_backup['title']

        # A nonexistent cb id will return a 404 error
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackup', id=100987),
                    headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=view, status=404)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['error'] == u'There is no collection backup with id 100987'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Test the search action

        # A search on collection backup titles using POST /collectionbackups/search
        json_query = json.dumps({'query': {'filter':
                        ['CollectionBackup', 'title', 'like', u'%Contributor%']}})
        response = self.app.post(url('/collectionbackups/search'), json_query,
                        self.json_headers, admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [cb for cb in all_collection_backups if u'Contributor' in cb['title']]
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 3
        assert set([cb['id'] for cb in resp]) == set([cb['id'] for cb in result_set])
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # A search on collection backup titles using SEARCH /collectionbackups
        json_query = json.dumps({'query': {'filter':
                        ['CollectionBackup', 'title', 'like', u'%Administrator%']}})
        response = self.app.request(url('collectionbackups'), method='SEARCH', body=json_query,
            headers=self.json_headers, environ=admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [cb for cb in all_collection_backups if u'Administrator' in cb['title']]
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 1
        assert set([cb['id'] for cb in resp]) == set([cb['id'] for cb in result_set])

        # Perform the two previous searches as a restricted viewer to show that
        # the restricted tag is working correctly.
        json_query = json.dumps({'query': {'filter':
                        ['CollectionBackup', 'title', 'like', u'%Contributor%']}})
        response = self.app.post(url('/collectionbackups/search'), json_query,
                        self.json_headers, view)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [cb for cb in [unrestricted_collection_backup]
                     if u'Contributor' in cb['title']]
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 1
        assert set([cb['id'] for cb in resp]) == set([cb['id'] for cb in result_set])

        json_query = json.dumps({'query': {'filter':
                        ['CollectionBackup', 'title', 'like', u'%Administrator%']}})
        response = self.app.request(url('collectionbackups'), method='SEARCH', body=json_query,
            headers=self.json_headers, environ=view)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [cb for cb in [unrestricted_collection_backup]
                     if u'Administrator' in cb['title']]
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 0

        # I'm just going to assume that the order by and pagination functions are
        # working correctly since the implementation is essentially equivalent
        # to that in the index action already tested above.

        # Attempting to call edit/new/create/delete/update on a read-only resource
        # will return a 404 response
        response = self.app.get(url('edit_collectionbackup', id=2232), status=404)
        assert json.loads(response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.get(url('new_collectionbackup', id=2232), status=404)
        assert json.loads(response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.post(url('collectionbackups'), status=404)
        assert json.loads(response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.put(url('collectionbackup', id=2232), status=404)
        assert json.loads(response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.delete(url('collectionbackup', id=2232), status=404)
        assert json.loads(response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
Пример #6
    def test_index(self):
        """Tests that GET & SEARCH /collectionbackups behave correctly.

        # Add some test data to the database.
        application_settings = h.generate_default_application_settings()
        source = h.generate_default_source()
        restricted_tag = h.generate_restricted_tag()
        file1 = h.generate_default_file()
        file1.name = u'file1'
        file2 = h.generate_default_file()
        file2.name = u'file2'
        speaker = h.generate_default_speaker()
            application_settings, source, restricted_tag, file1, file2, speaker
        speaker_id = speaker.id
        restricted_tag_id = restricted_tag.id
        tag_ids = [restricted_tag_id]
        file1_id = file1.id
        file2_id = file2.id
        file_ids = [file1_id, file2_id]

        # Create a restricted collection (via request) as the default contributor
        users = h.get_users()
        contributor_id = [u for u in users if u.role == u'contributor'][0].id
        administrator_id = [u for u in users
                            if u.role == u'administrator'][0].id

        # Define some extra_environs
        view = {
            'test.authentication.role': u'viewer',
            'test.application_settings': True
        contrib = {
            'test.authentication.role': u'contributor',
            'test.application_settings': True
        admin = {
            'test.authentication.role': u'administrator',
            'test.application_settings': True

        params = self.collection_create_params.copy()
            'title': u'Created by the Contributor',
            'elicitor': contributor_id,
            'tags': [restricted_tag_id]
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.post(url('collections'), params, self.json_headers,
        collection_count = Session.query(model.Collection).count()
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        collection_id = resp['id']
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert collection_count == 1

        # Update our collection (via request) as the default administrator; this
        # will create one collection backup.
        params = self.collection_create_params.copy()
            'url': u'find/me/here',
            'title': u'Updated by the Administrator',
            'speaker': speaker_id,
            'tags': tag_ids + [
                None, u''
            ],  # None and u'' ('') will be ignored by collections.update_collection
            'enterer': administrator_id  # This should change nothing.
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('collection', id=collection_id), params,
                                self.json_headers, admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        collection_count = Session.query(model.Collection).count()
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert collection_count == 1

        # Finally, update our collection (via request) as the default contributor.
        # Now we will have two collection backups.
        params = self.collection_create_params.copy()
            'title': u'Updated by the Contributor',
            'speaker': speaker_id,
            'tags': tag_ids,
            'files': file_ids
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('collection', id=collection_id), params,
                                self.json_headers, contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        collection_count = Session.query(model.Collection).count()
        assert collection_count == 1

        # Now GET the collection backups as the restricted enterer of the original
        # collection and expect to get them all.
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 2
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # The admin should get them all too.
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 2

        # The viewer should get none because they're all restricted.
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 0

        # Now update the collection and de-restrict it.
        params = self.collection_create_params.copy()
            'title': u'Updated and de-restricted by the Contributor',
            'speaker': speaker_id,
            'tags': [],
            'files': file_ids
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('collection', id=collection_id), params,
                                self.json_headers, contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        collection_count = Session.query(model.Collection).count()
        assert collection_count == 1

        # Now GET the collection backups.  Admin and contrib should see 3 but the
        # viewer should still see none.
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 3
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 3
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 0
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Finally, update our collection in some trivial way.
        params = self.collection_create_params.copy()
            'title': u'Updated by the Contributor *again*',
            'speaker': speaker_id,
            'tags': [],
            'files': file_ids
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('collection', id=collection_id), params,
                                self.json_headers, contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        collection_count = Session.query(model.Collection).count()
        assert collection_count == 1

        # Now GET the collection backups.  Admin and contrib should see 4 and the
        # viewer should see 1
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 4
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        all_collection_backups = resp
        assert len(resp) == 4
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        unrestricted_collection_backup = resp[0]
        assert len(resp) == 1
        assert resp[0][
            'title'] == u'Updated and de-restricted by the Contributor'
        restricted_collection_backups = [
            cb for cb in all_collection_backups
            if cb != unrestricted_collection_backup
        assert len(restricted_collection_backups) == 3

        # Test the paginator GET params.
        paginator = {'items_per_page': 1, 'page': 2}
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp['items']) == 1
        assert resp['items'][0]['title'] == all_collection_backups[1]['title']
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Test the order_by GET params.
        order_by_params = {
            'order_by_model': 'CollectionBackup',
            'order_by_attribute': 'id',
            'order_by_direction': 'desc'
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = sorted(all_collection_backups,
                            key=lambda cb: cb['id'],
        assert [cb['id'] for cb in resp] == [cb['id'] for cb in result_set]

        # Test the order_by *with* paginator.
        params = {
            'order_by_model': 'CollectionBackup',
            'order_by_attribute': 'id',
            'order_by_direction': 'desc',
            'items_per_page': 1,
            'page': 3
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert result_set[2]['title'] == resp['items'][0]['title']

        # Now test the show action:

        # Admin should be able to GET a particular restricted collection backup
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackup',
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['title'] == restricted_collection_backups[0]['title']
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Viewer should receive a 403 error when attempting to do so.
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackup',
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp[
            'error'] == u'You are not authorized to access this resource.'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Viewer should be able to GET the unrestricted collection backup
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackup',
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['title'] == unrestricted_collection_backup['title']

        # A nonexistent cb id will return a 404 error
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackup', id=100987),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['error'] == u'There is no collection backup with id 100987'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Test the search action

        # A search on collection backup titles using POST /collectionbackups/search
        json_query = json.dumps({
            'query': {
                ['CollectionBackup', 'title', 'like', u'%Contributor%']
        response = self.app.post(url('/collectionbackups/search'), json_query,
                                 self.json_headers, admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [
            cb for cb in all_collection_backups
            if u'Contributor' in cb['title']
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 3
        assert set([cb['id']
                    for cb in resp]) == set([cb['id'] for cb in result_set])
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # A search on collection backup titles using SEARCH /collectionbackups
        json_query = json.dumps({
            'query': {
                ['CollectionBackup', 'title', 'like', u'%Administrator%']
        response = self.app.request(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [
            cb for cb in all_collection_backups
            if u'Administrator' in cb['title']
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 1
        assert set([cb['id']
                    for cb in resp]) == set([cb['id'] for cb in result_set])

        # Perform the two previous searches as a restricted viewer to show that
        # the restricted tag is working correctly.
        json_query = json.dumps({
            'query': {
                ['CollectionBackup', 'title', 'like', u'%Contributor%']
        response = self.app.post(url('/collectionbackups/search'), json_query,
                                 self.json_headers, view)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [
            cb for cb in [unrestricted_collection_backup]
            if u'Contributor' in cb['title']
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 1
        assert set([cb['id']
                    for cb in resp]) == set([cb['id'] for cb in result_set])

        json_query = json.dumps({
            'query': {
                ['CollectionBackup', 'title', 'like', u'%Administrator%']
        response = self.app.request(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [
            cb for cb in [unrestricted_collection_backup]
            if u'Administrator' in cb['title']
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 0

        # I'm just going to assume that the order by and pagination functions are
        # working correctly since the implementation is essentially equivalent
        # to that in the index action already tested above.

        # Attempting to call edit/new/create/delete/update on a read-only resource
        # will return a 404 response
        response = self.app.get(url('edit_collectionbackup', id=2232),
        assert json.loads(
            response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.get(url('new_collectionbackup', id=2232),
        assert json.loads(
            response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.post(url('collectionbackups'), status=404)
        assert json.loads(
            response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.put(url('collectionbackup', id=2232), status=404)
        assert json.loads(
            response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.delete(url('collectionbackup', id=2232),
        assert json.loads(
            response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
Пример #7
    def test_aaa_initialize(self):
        """Initialize the database using pseudo-data generated from random lorem ipsum sentences.

        These are located in ``onlinelinguisticdatabase/tests/data/corpora``.
        The data contain morphologically analyzed sentences, their component
        morphemes, and syntactic categories.  The sentences have phrase
        structure trees in bracket notation.

        The test will try to load the lorem ipsum dataset from a MySQL/SQLite
        dump file in ``onlinelinguisticdatabase/tests/data/corpora``.  If the
        dump file corresponding to ``loremipsum_path`` does not exist, it will
        import the lorem ipsum data directly from the text files and create
        the dump file so that future tests can run more speedily.  The
        ``loremipsum100_path``, ``loremipsum1000_path``, ``loremipsum10000_path``
        and ``loremipsum30000_path`` files are available and contain 100, 1000
        and 10,000 sentences, respectively.

        Setting the ``via_request`` variable to ``True`` will cause all of the
        forms to be created via request, i.e., via
        ``self.app.post(url('forms))...``.  This is much slower but may be
        desirable since values for the morphological analysis attributes
        will be generated.

        .. note::

            In order to run ``mysqldump`` with the MySQL user listed in
            ``test.ini``, that user must have permission to lock and update
            tables (alter and file privileges may also be required ...)::

                mysql -u root -p<root_password>
                grant lock tables, update on old_test.* to 'old'@'localhost';

        .. warning::

            Loading the .txt or .sql files with the ``via_request`` option set to
            ``True`` will take a very long time.  This might be an argument for
            separating the interface and logic components of the controllers so
            that a "core" HTTP-less OLD application could be exposed.  This
            would facilitate the creation of models with system-generated data
            and validation but without the HTTP overhead...


        # Configure lorem ipsum data set import

        # Set ``loremipsum_path`` this to ``self.loremipsum100_path``,
        # ``self.loremipsum1000_path`` or ``self.loremipsum10000_path``.
        # WARNING: the larger ones will take a long time.
        # Use the 10,000-sentence lorem ipsum dataset to ensure that
        # very large corpora are handled correctly.
        loremipsum_path = self.loremipsum100_path

        # Set ``via_request`` to ``True`` to create all forms via HTTP requests.
        via_request = True


        # Add an application settings so that morpheme references will work out right.
        application_settings = h.generate_default_application_settings()

        def create_model(line, categories, via_request=False):
            """Create a model (form or syncat) using the string in ``line``."""
            model = 'Form'
            elements = unicode(line).split('\t')
            non_empty_elements = filter(None, elements)
                ol, mb, mg, ml, sc, sx = non_empty_elements
            except Exception:
                    ol, mb, mg, ml, sc = non_empty_elements
                    sx = u''
                except Exception:
                        model = 'SyntacticCategory'
                        n, t = non_empty_elements
                    except Exception:
                        return categories
            if via_request:
                if model == 'SyntacticCategory':
                    params = self.syntactic_category_create_params.copy()
                    params.update({'name': n, 'type': t})
                    params = json.dumps(params)
                    response = self.app.post(url('syntacticcategories'),
                                             params, self.json_headers,
                    cat_id = json.loads(response.body)['id']
                    categories[n] = cat_id
                    params = self.form_create_params.copy()
                        'translations': [{
                            'transcription': ml,
                            'grammaticality': u''
                        categories.get(sc, u'')
                    params = json.dumps(params)
                    self.app.post(url('forms'), params, self.json_headers,
                if model == 'SyntacticCategory':
                    syntactic_category = model.SyntacticCategory()
                    syntactic_category.name = n
                    syntactic_category.type = t
                    categories[n] = syntactic_category.id
                    form = model.Form()
                    form.transcription = ol
                    form.morpheme_break = mb
                    form.morpheme_gloss = mg
                    translation = model.Translation()
                    translation.transcription = ml
                    form.syntax = sx
                    form.syntacticcategory_id = categories.get(sc, None)
            return categories

        def add_loremipsum_to_db(loremipsum_path, via_request=False):
            """Add the contents of the file at ``loremipsum_path`` to the database."""
            categories = {}
            with open(loremipsum_path, 'r') as f:
                i = 0
                for l in f:
                    if i % 100 == 0:
                        if not via_request: Session.commit()
                        log.debug('%d lines processed' % i)
                    i = i + 1
                    categories = create_model(l.replace('\n', ''), categories,

        loremipsum_path_no_ext = os.path.splitext(loremipsum_path)[0]
        sqlalchemy_URL = self.config['sqlalchemy.url']
        sqlalchemy_URL_list = sqlalchemy_URL.split(':')
        olddump_script_path = os.path.join(self.test_scripts_path,
        oldload_script_path = os.path.join(self.test_scripts_path,
        RDBMS = sqlalchemy_URL_list[0]

        if RDBMS == 'mysql':
            mysql_dump_path = '%s_mysql.sql' % loremipsum_path_no_ext
            username = sqlalchemy_URL_list[1][2:]
            password = sqlalchemy_URL_list[2].split('@')[0]
            dbname = sqlalchemy_URL_list[3].split('/')[1]
            if os.path.exists(mysql_dump_path):
                    'The lorem ipsum MySQL dump file exists.  Loading it...')
                # Clear the current DB completely
                # Load the dump file to the DB
                shell_script = '#!/bin/sh\nmysql -u %s -p%s %s < %s' % (
                    username, password, dbname, mysql_dump_path)
                with open(oldload_script_path, 'w') as f:
                os.chmod(oldload_script_path, 0744)
                # Load the DB
                with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
                    call([oldload_script_path], stdout=f, stderr=f)
                # Destroy the load script
                    'Have to import the lorem ipsum dataset from the text file and create the MySQL dump file.'
                # Populate the database from the loremipusm text file and dump it
                add_loremipsum_to_db(loremipsum_path, via_request=via_request)
                # Write the DB dump shell script
                # Note: the --single-transaction option seems to be required (on Mac MySQL 5.6 using InnoDB tables ...)
                # see http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?10,108835,112951#msg-112951
                shell_script = '#!/bin/sh\nmysqldump -u %s -p%s --single-transaction --no-create-info --result-file=%s %s' % (
                    username, password, mysql_dump_path, dbname)
                with open(olddump_script_path, 'w') as f:
                os.chmod(olddump_script_path, 0744)
                # Dump the DB
                with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
                    call([olddump_script_path], stdout=f, stderr=f)
                # Destroy the dump script
                log.debug('Imported and dumped.')
        elif RDBMS == 'sqlite' and h.command_line_program_installed('sqlite3'):
            sqlite_dump_path = '%s_sqlite.sql' % loremipsum_path_no_ext
            sqlite_db = sqlalchemy_URL.split('/')[-1]
            dbpath = os.path.join(self.here, sqlite_db)
            if os.path.exists(sqlite_dump_path):
                    'The lorem ipsum SQLite dump file exists.  Loading it...')
                # Clear the current DB completely
                # Load the dump file to the DB
                shell_script = '#!/bin/sh\nsqlite3 %s < %s' % (
                    dbpath, sqlite_dump_path)
                with open(oldload_script_path, 'w') as f:
                os.chmod(oldload_script_path, 0744)
                # Load the DB
                with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
                    call([oldload_script_path], stdout=f, stderr=f)
                # Destroy the load script
                    'Have to import the lorem ipsum dataset from the text file and create the SQLite dump file.'
                # Populate the database from the loremipusm text file and dump it
                add_loremipsum_to_db(loremipsum_path, via_request=via_request)
                # Write the DB dump shell script
                shell_script = '#!/bin/sh\nsqlite3 %s ".dump" | grep -v "^CREATE" > %s' % (
                    dbpath, sqlite_dump_path)
                with open(olddump_script_path, 'w') as f:
                os.chmod(olddump_script_path, 0744)
                # Dump the DB
                with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:
                    call([olddump_script_path], stdout=f, stderr=f)
                # Destroy the dump script
                log.debug('Imported and dumped.')
        forms = h.get_forms()
            'Lorem ipsum data loaded.  There are now %d forms in the db.' %

        # Restrict one sentential form in the db.
        restricted_tag = h.generate_restricted_tag()
        a_form = Session.query(model.Form).\
        a_form_id = a_form.id
        restricted_form = Session.query(model.Form).\
        assert a_form_id == restricted_form.id
Пример #8
def setup_app(command, conf, vars):
    """Commands to setup onlinelinguisticdatabase."""

    config = load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)
    log.info('Environment loaded.')

    filename = os.path.split(conf.filename)[
        -1]  # e.g., production.ini, development.ini, test.ini, ...

    # Create the ``store`` directory and those for file, analysis and corpora
    # objects and their subdirectories.  See ``lib.utils.py`` for details.

    # ISO-639-3 Language data for the languages table
    log.info("Retrieving ISO-639-3 languages data.")
    languages = h.get_language_objects(filename, config)

    # Get default users.
    log.info("Creating a default administrator, contributor and viewer.")
    administrator = h.generate_default_administrator(config_filename=filename)
    contributor = h.generate_default_contributor(config_filename=filename)
    viewer = h.generate_default_viewer(config_filename=filename)

    # If we are running tests, make sure the test db contains only language data.
    if filename == 'test.ini':
        # Permanently drop any existing tables
        Base.metadata.drop_all(bind=Session.bind, checkfirst=True)
        log.info("Existing tables dropped.")

        # Create the tables if they don't already exist
        Base.metadata.create_all(bind=Session.bind, checkfirst=True)
        log.info('Tables created.')

        Session.add_all(languages + [administrator, contributor, viewer])

    # Not a test: add a bunch of nice defaults.
        # Create the _requests_tests.py script
        requests_tests_path = os.path.join(config['pylons.paths']['root'],
                                           'tests', 'scripts',

        # This line is problematic in production apps because the
        # _requests_tests.py file is not included in the build. So, I'm
        # commenting it out by default.
        # copyfile(requests_tests_path, '_requests_tests.py')

        # Create the tables if they don't already exist
        Base.metadata.create_all(bind=Session.bind, checkfirst=True)
        log.info('Tables created.')

        # Get default home & help pages.
        log.info("Creating default home and help pages.")
        homepage = h.generate_default_home_page()
        helppage = h.generate_default_help_page()

        # Get default application settings.
        log.info("Generating default application settings.")
        application_settings = h.generate_default_application_settings()

        # Get default tags and categories
        log.info("Creating some useful tags and categories.")
        restricted_tag = h.generate_restricted_tag()
        foreign_word_tag = h.generate_foreign_word_tag()
        S = h.generate_s_syntactic_category()
        N = h.generate_n_syntactic_category()
        V = h.generate_v_syntactic_category()

        # Initialize the database
        log.info("Adding defaults.")
        data = [
            administrator, contributor, viewer, homepage, helppage,
            application_settings, restricted_tag, foreign_word_tag
        if config['add_language_data'] != '0':
            data += languages
        if config['empty_database'] == '0':
        log.info("OLD successfully set up.")