def takeOwnership(toAcct, tokenID):
    transfer the approved tokenId token to toAcct
    the invoker can be the owner or the approved account
    toAcct can be any address
    :param toAcct: the account that will be assigned as the new owner of tokenId
    :param tokenID: the tokenId token will be assigned to toAcct
    :return: False or True
    if len(toAcct) != 20:
        raise Exception("toAcct illegal!")
    tokenOwner = ownerOf(tokenID)

    if not tokenOwner:
        return False
    approveKey = concatkey(APPROVE_PREFIX, tokenID)
    approvedAcct = Get(ctx, approveKey)

    if CheckWitness(tokenOwner) != True and CheckWitness(approvedAcct) != True:
        return False

    Delete(ctx, approveKey)
    ownerKey = concatkey(OWNER_OF_TOKEN_PREFIX, tokenID)
    Put(ctx, ownerKey, toAcct)

    fromBalance = balanceOf(tokenOwner)
    toBalance = balanceOf(toAcct)
    # to avoid overflow
    if fromBalance >= 1 and toBalance < toBalance + 1:
        Put(ctx, concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, tokenOwner), fromBalance - 1)
        Put(ctx, concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, toAcct), toBalance + 1)

    Notify(['transfer', tokenOwner, toAcct, tokenID])

    return True
Пример #2
def _onlyCLevel():
    isCEO = CheckWitness(CEOAddress)
    isCTO = None
    isCOO = None
    CTOAddress = getCTO()
    if len(CTOAddress) == 20:
        isCTO = CheckWitness(CTOAddress)
    COOAddress = getCOO()
    if len(COOAddress) == 20:
        isCOO = CheckWitness(COOAddress)
    return isCEO or isCTO or isCOO
Пример #3
def setLawEnforcementRole(newEnforceRole):
    Set Enforment role address.
    :param newEnforceRole: new enforcement role acccount.
    assert (isAddress(newEnforceRole))
    assert (CheckWitness(getEnforcementRole() or CheckWitness(getOwner())))

    Put(ctx, ENFORCEMENT_ROLE_KEY, newEnforceRole)
    return True
Пример #4
def lock(fromAssetHash, fromAddress, toChainId, toAddress, amount):
    Decrease token supply from deducter address.
    :param amount: decreased token amount.
    assert (amount >= 0)
    assert (CheckWitness(fromAddress))
    assert (len(toAddress) != 0)

    # transfer asset from fromAddress to lock proxy contract
    assert (_transferToContract(fromAssetHash, fromAddress, amount))

    # construct args for proxy contract in target chain
    toAssetHash = getAssetHash(fromAssetHash, toChainId)
    # make sure the toAssetHash is not empty
    assert (len(toAssetHash) != 0)

    argsList = [toAssetHash, toAddress, amount]
    # invoke the native cross chain manager contract to make transaction to target chain
    inputArgs = _serialzieArgs(argsList)

    toProxyHash = getProxyHash(toChainId)
    # make sure the toProxyHash is not empty
    assert (len(toProxyHash) != 0)

    param = state(toChainId, toProxyHash, "unlock", inputArgs)
    assert (Invoke(0, CROSS_CHAIN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, "createCrossChainTx",

    LockEvent(fromAssetHash, fromAddress, toChainId, toAssetHash, toAddress,
    return True
Пример #5
def bindAssetHash(fromAssetHash, toChainId, toAssetHash):
    assert (CheckWitness(Get(GetContext(), OPERATOR_PREFIX)))
    assert (_addFromAssetHash(fromAssetHash))
    Put(GetContext(), concat(ASSET_HASH, concat(fromAssetHash, toChainId)), toAssetHash)
    curBalance = getBalanceFor(fromAssetHash)
    Notify(["bindAssetHash", fromAssetHash, toChainId, toAssetHash, curBalance])
    return True
Пример #6
def takeOwnership(toAcct, tokenID):
    take the approved token
    :param toAcct: spender
    :param tokenID: this tokenID should be approved by its owner to toAcct
    :return: False or True
    if CheckWitness(toAcct) == False:
        return False
    tokenOwner = ownerOf(tokenID)
    if not tokenOwner:
        return False
    approveKey = concatkey(APPROVE_PREFIX, tokenID)
    approvedAcct = Get(ctx, concatkey(APPROVE_PREFIX, tokenID))
    if approvedAcct != toAcct:
        return False

    Delete(ctx, approveKey)
    ownerKey = concatkey(OWNER_OF_TOKEN_PREFIX, tokenID)
    Put(ctx, ownerKey, toAcct)

    fromBalance = balanceOf(tokenOwner)
    toBalance = balanceOf(toAcct)
    # to avoid overflow
    if fromBalance > 1 and toBalance < toBalance + 1:
        Put(ctx, concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, tokenOwner), fromBalance - 1)
        Put(ctx, concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, toAcct), toBalance + 1)

    Notify(['transfer', tokenOwner, toAcct, tokenID])

    return True
def transfer(toAcct, tokenID):
    transfer the token with tokenID to the toAcct
    :param toAcct: to account address
    :param tokenID: the unique token's ID, type should be ByteArray
    :return: False means failure, True means success.
    tokenOwner = ownerOf(tokenID)
    if CheckWitness(tokenOwner) == False:
        return False
    if len(toAcct) != 20:
        raise Exception('address length error!')

    ownerKey = concatkey(OWNER_OF_TOKEN_PREFIX, tokenID)
    fromAcct = Get(ctx, ownerKey)
    balanceKey = concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, fromAcct)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx, balanceKey)
    if fromBalance >= 1:
        # decrease fromAccount token balance
        Put(ctx, balanceKey, fromBalance - 1)
        raise Exception('fromBalance error')
    # set the owner of tokenID to toAcct
    Put(ctx, ownerKey, toAcct)
    # increase toAccount token balance
    balanceKey = concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, toAcct)
    Put(ctx, balanceKey, balanceOf(toAcct) + 1)

    Notify(['transfer', fromAcct, toAcct, tokenID])

    return True
Пример #8
def upgrade(code):
    upgrade current smart contract to new smart contract.
    :param code:new smart contract avm code.
    :return: True or raise exception.
    owner = getOwner()
    assert (CheckWitness(owner))

    ongBalance = Invoke(0, ONG_ADDRESS, 'balanceOf', state(CONTRACT_ADDRESS))
    res = Invoke(0, ONG_ADDRESS, "transfer", [state(CONTRACT_ADDRESS, owner, ongBalance)])
    if res != b'\x01':
        assert (False)

    ontBalance = Invoke(0, ONT_ADDRESS, 'balanceOf', state(CONTRACT_ADDRESS))
    res = Invoke(0, ONT_ADDRESS, "transfer", [state(CONTRACT_ADDRESS, owner, ontBalance)])
    if res != b'\x01':
        assert (False)

    # upgrade smart contract
    res = Migrate(code, "", "", "", "", "", "")
    if not res:
        assert (False)

    Notify(["upgrade smart contract"])

    return True
Пример #9
def lock(toChainId, fromAddress, toAddress, amount):
    Decrease token supply from deducter address.
    :param amount: decreased token amount.
    fee = 0
    assert (amount >= 0)
    assert (CheckWitness(fromAddress))
    assert (not isPaused())
    # eth address format:0x673dfa9caf9145fdbef98e9d9874f36e63d8a5b4,length is 42
    assert (len(toAddress) != 0)

    Put(ctx, concat(BALANCE_KEY, fromAddress), Sub(balanceOf(fromAddress), amount))
    Put(ctx, TOTAL_SUPPLY_KEY, Sub(totalSupply(), amount))

    # construct args for proxy contract in target chain
    toAssetHash = getAssetHash(toChainId)
    argsList = [toAddress, amount]

    input_bytes = _serialzieArgs(argsList)
    param = state(toChainId, toAssetHash, "unlock", input_bytes)
    assert (Invoke(0, CROSS_CHAIN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, "createCrossChainTx", param))
    LockEvent(toChainId, fromAddress, toAddress, amount)
    return True
Пример #10
def transferOwnership(newOwner):
    oldOwner = getOwner()
    assert (CheckWitness(oldOwner))
    assert (len(newOwner) == 20 and newOwner != ZERO_ADDRESS)
    Put(GetContext(), OWNER_KEY, newOwner)
    TransferOwnershipEvent(oldOwner, newOwner)
    return True
Пример #11
def add_ong(address, amount):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    assert (CheckWitness(byte_address))

    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

    if amount < 0:
        Notify(['Negative amount'])
        return False

    supply = Get(ctx, ONGKEY)
    if supply < amount:
        Notify(['Not enough ONG in supply'])
        return False

        from_acct = contract_address
        to_acct = byte_address

        supply -= amount
        Put(ctx, ONGKEY, supply)
        Notify(['ONG supply decreased by', amount])

        params = state(from_acct, to_acct, amount)

        return Invoke(1, contract_address_ONG, 'transfer', [params])
def transferONT(fromacct, toacct, amount):
    transfer ONT
    :param fromacct:
    :param toacct:
    :param amount:
    if CheckWitness(fromacct):

        param = makeState(fromacct, toacct, amount)
        res = Invoke(0, contractAddress, 'transfer',
                     [fromacct, toacct, amount])
        Notify(["11111", res])

        if res and res == b'\x01':
            Notify('transfer succeed')
            return True
            Notify('transfer failed')

            return False

        Notify('checkWitness failed')
        return False
Пример #13
def create_user(address, username, bio):
    # only the address can invoke the method
    assert (CheckWitness(address))
    # check if username has been created. if not, initialize it. Otherwise, rollback the transaction
    assert (not user_exist(address))
    # check if user has been created. if not, initialize it. Otherwise, rollback the transaction
    assert (not get_address_by_username(username))

    # mark username as being used one
    Put(ctx, concatkey(username, UN_EXIST_PREFIX), address)

    if len(bio) > 100:
        Notify(['Bio length exceeds 100 characters'])

    # create profile info list
    profile = [username, bio]
    profile_info = Serialize(profile)
    Put(ctx, concatkey(address, PI_PREFIX), profile_info)

    # update reputation of address
    Put(ctx, concatkey(address, REPKEY_PREFIX), (100 + 100000000) * AES_FACTOR)

    # distribute a certain amount of token to the newly registered user
    token_amount = 100 * AES_FACTOR
    assert (withdraw(address, token_amount))

    Notify(["userCreated", address, username, bio])
    return True
Пример #14
def transfer(from_acct, to_acct, amount):
    Transfer amount of tokens from from_acct to to_acct
    :param from_acct: the account from which the amount of tokens will be transferred
    :param to_acct: the account to which the amount of tokens will be transferred
    :param amount: the amount of the tokens to be transferred, >= 0
    :return: True means success, False or raising exception means failure.
    if len(to_acct) != 20 or len(from_acct) != 20:
        raise Exception("Address length error")
    if CheckWitness(from_acct) == False:
        raise Exception("Check Witness fail")

    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, from_acct)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx, fromKey)
    if amount > fromBalance:
        raise Exception("amount > fromBalance")
    if amount == fromBalance:
        Delete(ctx, fromKey)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - amount)

    toKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, to_acct)
    toBalance = Get(ctx, toKey)
    Put(ctx, toKey, toBalance + amount)

    # Notify(["transfer", AddressToBase58(from_acct), AddressToBase58(to_acct), amount])
    # TransferEvent(AddressToBase58(from_acct), AddressToBase58(to_acct), amount)
    TransferEvent(from_acct, to_acct, amount)
Пример #15
def RequireWitness(address):
    Raises an exception if the given address is not a witness.

    :param address: The address to check.
    Require(CheckWitness(address), "Address is not witness")
Пример #16
def transfer(from_acct,to_acct,amount):
    Transfer amount of tokens from from_acct to to_acct
    :param from_acct: the account from which the amount of tokens will be transferred
    :param to_acct: the account to which the amount of tokens will be transferred
    :param amount: the amount of the tokens to be transferred, >= 0
    :return: True means success, False or raising exception means failure.
    require(len(to_acct) == 20 and len(from_acct) == 20, "address length error")
    require(CheckWitness(from_acct) == True, "Invalid invoker")
    require(amount > 0, "Invalid Amount")


    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX,from_acct)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx,fromKey)
    require(amount <= fromBalance, "Not enough balance")

    if amount == fromBalance:
        Put(ctx,fromKey,fromBalance - amount)

    toKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX,to_acct)
    toBalance = Get(ctx,toKey)
    Put(ctx,toKey,toBalance + amount)

    # Notify(["transfer", AddressToBase58(from_acct), AddressToBase58(to_acct), amount])
    # TransferEvent(AddressToBase58(from_acct), AddressToBase58(to_acct), amount)
    TransferEvent(from_acct, to_acct, amount)

    return True
Пример #17
def approve(owner, spender, tokenId, amount):
    approve amount of the tokenId token to toAcct address, it can overwrite older approved amount
    :param owner:
    :param spender:
    :param tokenId:
    :param amount:
    assert (_whenNotPaused())
    # make sure the invoker is the owner address
    assert (CheckWitness(owner))
    # make sure the address is legal
    assert (len(spender) == 20)
    assert (_tokenExist(tokenId))

    ownerBalance = balanceOf(owner, tokenId)
    # you can use "if" to notify the corresponding message, or use assert to raise exception
    assert (ownerBalance >= amount)
    assert (amount > 0)
    key = _concatkey(_concatkey(_concatkey(APPROVE_PREFIX, tokenId), owner), spender)
    Put(GetContext(), key, amount)

    ApprovalEvent(owner, spender, tokenId, amount)

    return True
def transferFrom(spender, from_acct, to_acct, amount):
    if not CheckWitness(spender):
        return False
    Require(amount > 0)
    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, from_acct)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx, fromKey)
    if amount > fromBalance:
        return False

    approveKey = concat(concat(APPROVE_PREFIX, from_acct), spender)
    approvedAmount = Get(ctx, approveKey)
    if amount > approvedAmount:
        return False
    toKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, to_acct)
    toBalance = Get(ctx, toKey)
    if amount == approvedAmount:
        Delete(ctx, approveKey)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - amount)
        Put(ctx, approveKey, approvedAmount - amount)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - amount)

    Put(ctx, toKey, toBalance + amount)
    TransferEvent(from_acct, to_acct, amount)

    return True
def transfer(from_acct, to_acct, amount):
    if not CheckWitness(from_acct):
        return False

    Require(amount > 0)
    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, from_acct)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx, fromKey)
    if amount > fromBalance:
        return False
    if amount == fromBalance:
        Delete(ctx, fromKey)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - amount)

    toKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, to_acct)
    toBalance = Get(ctx, toKey)
    The "tokey" can be _BALANCE_APPROVE...
    Put(ctx, toKey, toBalance + amount)

    TransferEvent(from_acct, to_acct, amount)
    return True
Пример #20
def subtract_ong(address, amount):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    assert (CheckWitness(byte_address))

    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

    if amount < 0:
        Notify(['Negative amount'])
        return False

    param = state(byte_address)
    if Invoke(0, contract_address_ONG, 'balanceOf', param) < amount:
        Notify(['Not enough ONG in wallet'])
        return False

        from_acct = byte_address
        to_acct = contract_address

        supply = Get(ctx, ONGKEY)
        supply += amount
        Put(ctx, ONGKEY, supply)
        Notify(['ONG supply increased by', amount])

        params = state(from_acct, to_acct, amount)

        return Invoke(1, contract_address_ONG, 'transfer', [params])
Пример #21
def migrateContract(code, needStorage, name, version, author, email,
    assert (CheckWitness(adminAddress))
    res = Migrate(code, needStorage, name, version, author, email, description)
    assert (res)
    Notify(["migrateContract", adminAddress, GetTime()])
    return True
Пример #22
def subtract_bank(address, amount):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    assert (CheckWitness(byte_address))

    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

    if amount < 0:
        Notify(['Negative amount'])
        return False

    if RepContract('balanceOf', [byte_address]) < amount:
        Notify(['Not enough AES in wallet'])
        return False

        from_acct = byte_address
        to_acct = contract_address

        supply = Get(ctx, AESKEY)
        supply += amount
        Put(ctx, AESKEY, supply)
        Notify(['AES supply increased by', amount])

        params = [from_acct, to_acct, amount]
        return RepContract('transfer', params)
Пример #23
def transfer(from_acct, to_acct, amount):
    Transfer amount of tokens from from_acct to to_acct
    :param from_acct: the account from which the amount of tokens will be transferred
    :param to_acct: the account to which the amount of tokens will be transferred
    :param amount: the amount of the tokens to be transferred, >= 0
    :return: True means success, False or raising exception means failure.
    assert (not isPaused())
    assert (amount > 0)
    assert (isAddress(to_acct))
    assert (CheckWitness(from_acct))

    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_KEY, from_acct)
    fromBalance = balanceOf(from_acct)
    if amount > fromBalance:
        return False
    if amount == fromBalance:
        Delete(ctx, fromKey)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, Sub(fromBalance, amount))

    toKey = concat(BALANCE_KEY, to_acct)
    toBalance = balanceOf(to_acct)
    Put(ctx, toKey, Add(toBalance, amount))

    TransferEvent(from_acct, to_acct, amount)

    return True
Пример #24
def transfer(from_acct, to_acct, amount):
    Transfer amount of tokens from from_acct to to_acct
    :param from_acct: the account from which the amount of tokens will be transferred
    :param to_acct: the account to which the amount of tokens will be transferred
    :param amount: the amount of the tokens to be transferred, >= 0
    :return: True means success, False or raising exception means failure.
    assert (len(to_acct) == 20)
    assert (len(from_acct) == 20)
    assert (CheckWitness(from_acct))
    assert (amount > 0)

    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, from_acct)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx, fromKey)

    assert (fromBalance >= amount)

    if amount == fromBalance:
        Delete(ctx, fromKey)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - amount)

    toKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, to_acct)
    toBalance = Get(ctx, toKey)
    Put(ctx, toKey, toBalance + amount)

    TransferEvent(from_acct, to_acct, amount)

    return True
Пример #25
def transfer(from_acct, to_acct, amount):
    Transfer amount of tokens from from_acct to to_acct
    :param from_acct: the account from which the amount of tokens will be transferred
    :param to_acct: the account to which the amount of tokens will be transferred
    :param amount: the amount of the tokens to be transferred, >= 0
    :return: True means success, False or raising exception means failure.
    if len(to_acct) != 20 or len(from_acct) != 20:
        raise Exception("address length error")
    if CheckWitness(from_acct) == False or amount < 0:
        return False

    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, from_acct)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx,fromKey)
    if amount > fromBalance:
        return False
    if amount == fromBalance:
        Put(ctx,fromKey,Sub(fromBalance, amount))

    toKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, to_acct)
    toBalance = Get(ctx, toKey)
    Put(ctx,toKey,Add(toBalance, amount))

    TransferEvent(from_acct, to_acct, amount)

    return True
def transferFrom(spender, from_acct, to_acct, amount):
    spender spends amount of tokens on the behalf of from_acct, spender makes a transaction of amount of tokens
    from from_acct to to_acct
    :param spender:
    :param from_acct:
    :param to_acct:
    :param amount:
    assert (len(spender) == 20 and len(from_acct) == 20 and len(to_acct) == 20)
    assert (CheckWitness(spender))

    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, from_acct)
    fromBalance = Get(GetContext(), fromKey)
    assert (amount <= fromBalance and amount >= 0)
    approveKey = concat(concat(APPROVE_PREFIX, from_acct), spender)
    approvedAmount = Get(GetContext(), approveKey)
    toKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, to_acct)
    assert (amount <= approvedAmount)
    if amount == approvedAmount:
        Delete(GetContext(), approveKey)
        Put(GetContext(), fromKey, fromBalance - amount)
        Put(GetContext(), approveKey, approvedAmount - amount)
        Put(GetContext(), fromKey, fromBalance - amount)

    toBalance = Get(GetContext(), toKey)
    Put(GetContext(), toKey, toBalance + amount)
    TransferEvent(from_acct, to_acct, amount)
    return True
Пример #27
def transferFrom(spender, from_acct, to_acct, amount):
    spender spends amount of tokens on the behalf of from_acct, spender makes a transaction of amount of tokens
    from from_acct to to_acct
    :param spender:
    :param from_acct:
    :param to_acct:
    :param amount:
    assert (amount > 0)
    assert (isAddress(spender) and isAddress(from_acct) and isAddress(to_acct))
    assert (CheckWitness(spender))

    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, from_acct)
    fromBalance = balanceOf(from_acct)
    assert (fromBalance >= amount)

    approveKey = concat(concat(APPROVE_PREFIX, from_acct), spender)
    approvedAmount = Get(ctx, approveKey)

    if amount > approvedAmount:
        return False
    elif amount == approvedAmount:
        Delete(ctx, approveKey)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, Sub(fromBalance, amount))
        Put(ctx, approveKey, Sub(approvedAmount, amount))
        Put(ctx, fromKey, Sub(fromBalance, amount))

    toBalance = balanceOf(to_acct)
    Put(ctx, concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, to_acct), Add(toBalance, amount))

    TransferFromEvent(spender, from_acct, to_acct, amount)
    return True
Пример #28
def upgrade(code):
    migrate data to new contract, transfer asset to admin address
    :param code:

    assert CheckWitness(ADMIN)

    # transfer ont
    ont_balance = Invoke(VERSION, ONT_ADDRESS, "balanceOf",
    ont_response = Invoke(VERSION, ONT_ADDRESS, "transfer",
                          [state(CONTRACT_ADDRESS, ADMIN, ont_balance)])
    if ont_response != INVOKE_SUCCESS:
        raise Exception("contract upgrade - transfer ont failed")

    # transfer ong
    ong_balance = Invoke(VERSION, ONG_ADDRESS, "balanceOf",
    ong_response = Invoke(VERSION, ONG_ADDRESS, "transfer",
                          [state(CONTRACT_ADDRESS, ADMIN, ong_balance)])
    if ong_response != INVOKE_SUCCESS:
        raise Exception("contract upgrade - transfer ong failed")

    # migrate avm
    migrate_response = Migrate(code, "", "", "", "", "", "")
    if not migrate_response:
        raise Exception("contract upgrade - migrate avm failed")

    Notify(["upgrade", "success"])

    return True
Пример #29
def RequireWitness(witness):
    Checks the tx sender is equal to the witness. If not
    satisfying, revert the transaction.
    return True
Пример #30
def AddToken(symbol, hash):
    :param symbol:token symbol, like "ONT", "ONG"
    :param hash: token script hash,such as ONT,ONG or other token hash, if success, this token can be exchanged on the exchange.
    :return:True or False
    require(CheckWitness(Admin), "not admin")
    require(validateAddress(hash), "invalid contract hash")

    if Get(ctx, concatKey(TOKEN_SYMBOL_PREFIX, symbol)):
        return False
    if Get(ctx, concatKey(TOKEN_HASH_PREFIX, hash)):
        return False

    supportToken = Get(ctx, SUPPORTED_TOKEN)

    if not supportToken:
        tokenMap = {symbol: hash}
        tokenMap = Deserialize(supportToken)
        tokenMap[symbol] = hash

    Put(ctx, concatKey(TOKEN_SYMBOL_PREFIX, symbol), symbol)
    Put(ctx, concatKey(TOKEN_HASH_PREFIX, hash), hash)
    Put(ctx, SUPPORTED_TOKEN, Serialize(tokenMap))

    return True