Пример #1
 def decode_resource_path(self, path):
     result = None
     if path:
         decoded = Ontology(self.env, 'ns.medium.resource.url.decode')
         decoded['directory'], decoded['file name'] = os.path.split(path)
         if 'file name' in decoded and 'directory' in decoded:
             # Normalize the directory
             # This will replace path framents with canonic values
             decoded['directory'] = self.normalize(decoded['directory'])
             # Check if the directory resides in a volume
             for volume in self.volume.element.values():
                 if os.path.commonprefix((volume.node['real'], decoded['directory'])) == volume.node['real']:
                     decoded['volume'] = volume.key
             # If a UMID was encoded in the name, infer the home id and media kind
             # This will also trigger rule.medium.resource.filename.parse
             if 'umid' in decoded:
                 umid = Umid.decode(decoded['umid'])
                 if umid:
                     decoded['media kind'] = umid.media_kind
                     decoded['home id'] = umid.home_id
             # Make the elements of the decoded onlology kernel elements of the result
             result = decoded.project('ns.medium.resource.location')
             for k,v in decoded.iteritems(): result[k] = v
             # set the host and domain
             result['host'] = self.host
             result['domain'] = self.domain
     return result
Пример #2
    def parse(self, query):
        for source in query["sources"]:
                document = json.load(source)
            except ValueError as e:
                self.log.warning(u"Failed to decode JSON document %s", query["remote url"])
                self.log.debug(u"Exception raised %s", unicode(e))
                if "process" in query["branch"]:
                    action = getattr(self, query["branch"]["process"], None)
                    if action is not None:
                        document = action(query, document)
                        self.log.warning(u"Ignoring unknown process function %s", query["branch"]["process"])

                if query["branch"]["query type"] == "lookup":
                    entry = {
                        "branch": query["branch"],
                        "record": {
                            u"head": {u"genealogy": query["parameter"].project("ns.service.genealogy")},
                            u"body": {u"original": document},

                    if "namespace" in query["branch"]:
                        # make a caonical node
                        entry["record"]["body"]["canonical"] = Ontology(self.env, entry["branch"]["namespace"])
                        entry["record"]["body"]["canonical"].decode_all(entry["record"]["body"]["original"], self.name)

                        # Copy indexed values from the canonical node to the genealogy
                        if "index" in entry["branch"]:
                            for index in entry["branch"]["index"]:
                                if index in entry["record"]["body"]["canonical"]:
                                    entry["record"][u"head"][u"genealogy"][index] = entry["record"]["body"][

                    # Append the entry to the query result

                elif query["branch"]["query type"] == "search":
                    for trigger in query["branch"]["resolve"]:
                        for element in document[query["branch"]["container"]]:
                            # Decode a reference
                            o = Ontology(self.env, trigger["namespace"])
                            o.decode_all(element, self.name)

                            # Make a URI and trigger a resolution
                            ref = o.project("ns.service.genealogy")
                            uri = trigger["format"].format(**ref)
                            self.log.debug(u"Trigger %s resolution", uri)
Пример #3
 def parse(self, query):
     for source in query['sources']:
             document = json.load(source)
         except ValueError as e:
             self.log.warning(u'Failed to decode JSON document %s', query['remote url'])
             self.log.debug(u'Exception raised %s', unicode(e))
             if 'process' in query['branch']:
                 # Preprocessing the entry.
                 # Method should return a document similar to normal itunes api calls
                 action = getattr(self, query['branch']['process'], None)
                 if action is not None:
                     document = action(document)
                     self.log.warning(u'Ignoring unknown process function %s', query['branch']['process'])
             if not document['resultCount'] > 0:
                 self.log.debug(u'No results found for query %s', query['remote url'])
                 if query['branch']['query type'] == 'lookup':
                     for element in document['results']:
                         for product in query['branch']['produce']:
                             if satisfies(element, product['condition']):
                                 entry = {
                                         u'head':{ u'genealogy':Ontology(self.env, 'ns.service.genealogy'), },
                                         u'body':{ u'original':element },
                                 # make a caonical node
                                 entry['record']['body']['canonical'] = Ontology(self.env, entry['branch']['namespace'])
                                 entry['record']['body']['canonical'].decode_all(entry['record']['body']['original'], self.name)
                                 # Copy indexed values from the canonical node to the genealogy
                                 if 'index' in entry['branch']:
                                     for index in entry['branch']['index']:
                                         if index in entry['record']['body']['canonical']:
                                             entry['record'][u'head'][u'genealogy'][index] = entry['record']['body']['canonical'][index]
                                 # Only produce once for each element
                 elif query['branch']['query type'] == 'search':
                     for trigger in query['branch']['resolve']:
                         for element in document['results']:
                             if satisfies(element, trigger['condition']):
                                 # Decode concepts from the element and populate the ontology
                                 o = Ontology(self.env, trigger['namespace'])
                                 o.decode_all(element, self.name)
                                 # Make a URI and trigger a resolution
                                 ref = o.project('ns.service.genealogy')
                                 uri = trigger['format'].format(**ref)
                                 self.log.debug(u'Trigger %s resolution', uri)