Пример #1
 def get_vba_keyword_autoopen(self, unzip_dir, office_type=""):
     # Precondition
     if office_type == 'xl':
         return False
     ret = False
     flag_xml_autoopen = False
     flag_vbaproject_bin = False
     flag_signature = False  # "vbaProjectSignature.bin"
     for (root, _, files) in os.walk(unzip_dir):
         for filename in files:
             if filename == 'vbaData.xml':
                 file_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
                 with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f:
                     xml_txt = f.read()
                 utf8_parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding='utf-8')
                 ooxml = etree.fromstring(xml_txt, parser=utf8_parser)
                 for elem in ooxml.iter():
                     mcd = elem.find(_name('{{{wne}}}mcd'))
                     if mcd is not None:  # If it has OLE object
                         # if XML_MACRO_AUTORUN
                         if _name('{{{wne}}}macroName') in mcd.attrib.keys():
                             for xml_auto_keyword in self.XML_MACRO_AUTORUN:
                                 if xml_auto_keyword in mcd.attrib[_name('{{{wne}}}macroName')].upper():
                                     flag_xml_autoopen = True
             elif filename == 'vbaProject.bin':
                 flag_vbaproject_bin = True
             elif filename == 'vbaProjectSignature.bin':
                 flag_signature = True
         if flag_xml_autoopen and flag_vbaproject_bin and flag_signature is False:
             ret = True
     return ret
 def check_external_framset_linkedToFile(self, unzip_dir, office_type=""):
     # Precondition
     if office_type != 'word':
         return False
     ret = False
     r_id = ""
     flag_link2file = False
     flag_external = False
     for (root, _, files) in os.walk(unzip_dir):
         for filename in files:
             file_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
             # dir search and find .xml
             if filename == "webSettings.xml" or filename == "settings.xml":
                 with open(file_path,
                           errors='ignore') as f:
                     xml_txt = f.read()
                     xp = xml_parser.XmlParser()
                     utf8_parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding='utf-8')
                     ooxml = etree.fromstring(xml_txt, parser=utf8_parser)
                     for elem in ooxml.iter():
                         p_ole = elem.find(_name('{{{w}}}frame'))
                         if p_ole is not None:  # If it has OLE object
                             elements = xp.parse_object(p_ole)
                             for sub in elements['sub']:
                                 if sub.tag == _name(
                                     r_id = sub.attrib[_name('{{{r}}}id')]
                                 elif sub.tag == _name(
                                     flag_link2file = True
                 except etree.ParseError as parseErr:
                     logging.warning("file path: {file_path}".format(
             if filename == 'webSettings.xml.rels' or filename == "settings.xml.rels":
                 file_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
                 if filename not in self.external_rels.keys():
                     with open(file_path,
                               errors='ignore') as f:
                         xml_txt = f.read().encode("utf-8")
                     xp = xml_parser.XmlParser()
                     self.external_rels[filename] = xp.relationships
                 for relationship in self.external_rels[filename]:
                     if relationship['id'] == r_id and relationship[
                             'target_mode'] == "External":
                         flag_external = True
             if flag_link2file and flag_external:
                 ret = True
     return ret
 def get_exteranl_ole_link(self, unzip_dir, office_type=""):
     # Precondition
     if office_type != 'ppt':
         return False
     ret = False
     r_id = ""
     flag_ole_link = False
     flag_external = False
     flag_target_hta = False
     for (root, _, files) in os.walk(unzip_dir):
         for filename in files:
             _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
             file_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
             # dir search and find .xml
             if bool(re.match('slide\d{1}.xml', filename)):
                 with open(file_path,
                           errors='ignore') as f:
                     xml_txt = f.read()
                 xp = xml_parser.XmlParser()
                 utf8_parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding='utf-8')
                 ooxml = etree.fromstring(xml_txt, parser=utf8_parser)
                 for elem in ooxml.iter():
                     p_ole = elem.find(_name('{{{p}}}oleObj'))
                     if p_ole is not None:  # If it has OLE object
                         elements = xp.parse_object(p_ole)
                         r_id = elements['attrib'][_name('{{{r}}}id')]
                         for sub in elements['sub']:
                             if sub.tag == _name('{{{p}}}link'):
                                 flag_ole_link = True
             if filename == 'slide1.xml.rels':  # e.g. document.xml.rels
                 if filename not in self.external_rels.keys():
                     with open(file_path,
                               errors='ignore') as f:
                         xml_txt = f.read().encode("utf-8")
                     xp = xml_parser.XmlParser()
                     self.external_rels[filename] = xp.relationships
                 for relationship in self.external_rels[filename]:
                     if relationship['id'] == r_id and relationship[
                             'target_mode'] == "External":
                         flag_external = True
                         decode_url = urllib.parse.unquote(
                         _, ext = os.path.splitext(decode_url)
                         if ext == '.hta':
                             flag_target_hta = True
             if flag_ole_link and flag_external and flag_target_hta:
                 ret = True
     return ret
Пример #4
 def get_ddelink(self, unzip_dir):
     ret = False
     ddelink_dict = {}
     for (root, _, files) in os.walk(unzip_dir):
         for filename in files:
             file_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
             # dir search and find .xml
             if bool(re.match('externalLink\d{1,2}.xml', filename)):
                 with open(file_path,
                           errors='ignore') as f:
                     xml_txt = f.read()
                 utf8_parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding='utf-8')
                     ooxml = etree.fromstring(xml_txt, parser=utf8_parser)
                     for elem in ooxml.iter():
                         # Paragraph
                         ddeLink = elem.find(_name('{{{xl}}}ddeLink'))
                         if ddeLink is not None:  # If it has OLE object
                             ddelink_dict[filename] = dict()
                                 'ddeService'] = ddeLink.attrib[
                                 'ddeTopic'] = ddeLink.attrib['ddeTopic']
                             ret = True
                 except xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError as parse_err:
                     logging.warning("Error path: {file_path}".format(
     return ret, ddelink_dict
Пример #5
 def check_adobe_flash_malicious_method(self, unzip_dir, office_type=""):
     bin_clsid_flash = b"\x6E\xDB\x7C\xD2\x6D\xAE\xCF\x11\x96\xB8\x44\x45\x53\x54\x00\x00"
     ret = False
     flag_adobe_flash = False
     flag_persist_storage = False
     flag_bin_clsid_flash = False
     for (root, _, files) in os.walk(unzip_dir):
         for filename in files:
             file_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
             if bool(re.match('activeX\d{1,2}.xml',
                              filename)):  # e.g. document.xml.rels
                 if filename not in self.activeX_xml.keys():
                     with open(file_path,
                               errors='ignore') as f:
                         # xml_txt = f.read()
                         self.activeX_xml[filename] = f.read()
                 if filename not in self.xml_tree.keys():
                     utf8_parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding='utf-8')
                     self.xml_tree = etree.fromstring(
                         self.activeX_xml[filename], parser=utf8_parser)
                 if self.xml_tree.tag == _name('{{{ax}}}ocx'):
                     elements = self.xml_tree
                     if elements.attrib[_name(
                     )] == '{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000}':  # MSCOMCTL.OCX
                         flag_adobe_flash = True
                         if _name(
                         ) in elements.attrib.keys() and elements.attrib[
                                 _name('{{{ax}}}persistence')] in (
                                     'persistStorage', 'persistStreamInit'):
                             flag_persist_storage = True
             elif bool(re.match('activeX\d{1,2}.bin', filename)):
                 if filename not in self.activeX_bin.keys():
                     with open(file_path, "r+b") as f:
                         self.activeX_bin[filename] = f.read()
                 if re.search(bin_clsid_flash,
                              self.activeX_bin[filename]) is not None:
                     flag_bin_clsid_flash = True
             if flag_adobe_flash and flag_persist_storage and flag_bin_clsid_flash:
                 ret = True
     return ret
Пример #6
 def get_instr_text(self, unzip_dir):
     instr_dict = {}
     for (root, _, files) in os.walk(unzip_dir):
         for filename in files:
             file_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
             # dir search and find .xml
             instr_list = []
             if filename.lower() == "document.xml" or bool(
                     re.match('header\d{1}.xml', filename)) or bool(
                                  filename)):  # e.g. document.xml
                 with open(file_path,
                           errors='ignore') as f:
                     xml_txt = f.read()
                 utf8_parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding='utf-8')
                     ooxml = etree.fromstring(xml_txt, parser=utf8_parser)
                     for elem in ooxml.iter():
                         # Paragraph
                         instrText = elem.find(_name('{{{w}}}instrText'))
                         if instrText is not None:  # If it has OLE object
                         fldSimples = elem.findall(
                         if len(fldSimples) > 0:
                             for fldSimple in fldSimples:
                                 if _name('{{{w}}}instr'
                                          ) in fldSimple.attrib.keys():
                                     fldSimple_instr = fldSimple.attrib[
                     if not filename in instr_dict.keys():
                         instr_dict[filename] = ""
                     instr_dict[filename] += self.unquote(
                 except xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError as parse_err:
                     logging.warning("Error path: {file_path}".format(
     return instr_dict  # dict
Пример #7
 def check_activeX_mscomctl(self, unzip_dir, office_type=""):
     # Precondition
     if office_type == 'ppt':
         return False
     ret = False
     flag_mscomctl = False
     flag_match_min_fileSize = False
     for (root, _, files) in os.walk(unzip_dir):
         for filename in files:
             file_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
             # dir search and find activeX[digit].xml
             if bool(re.match('activeX\d{1,2}.xml',
                              filename)):  # e.g. document.xml.rels
                 if filename not in self.activeX_xml.keys():
                     with open(file_path,
                               errors='ignore') as f:
                         # xml_txt = f.read()
                         self.activeX_xml[filename] = f.read()
                 if filename not in self.xml_tree.keys():
                     utf8_parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding='utf-8')
                     self.xml_tree = etree.fromstring(
                         self.activeX_xml[filename], parser=utf8_parser)
                 if self.xml_tree.tag == _name('{{{ax}}}ocx'):
                     elements = self.xml_tree
                     if elements.attrib[_name(
                     )] == '{1EFB6596-857C-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}':  # MSCOMCTL.OCX
                         flag_mscomctl = True
             elif bool(re.match('activeX\d{1,2}.bin', filename)):
                 file_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
                 if os.path.getsize(file_path) > 500 * 1024:
                     flag_match_min_fileSize = True
             if flag_mscomctl and flag_match_min_fileSize:
                 ret = True
     return ret
 def get_exteranl_ole_link_type(self, unzip_dir, office_type=""):
     # Precondition
     if office_type == 'xl':
         return False
     ret = False
     r_id = ""
     flag_ole_link = False
     flag_external = False
     for (root, _, files) in os.walk(unzip_dir):
         for filename in files:
             # dir search and find .xml
             _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
             file_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
                 if ext == ".xml":  # e.g. document.xml
                     with open(file_path,
                               errors='ignore') as f:
                         xml_txt = f.read()
                     xp = xml_parser.XmlParser()
                     utf8_parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding='utf-8')
                     ooxml = etree.fromstring(xml_txt, parser=utf8_parser)
                     for elem in ooxml.iter():
                         o_oleobject = elem.find(_name('{{{o}}}OLEObject'))
                         if o_oleobject is not None:  # If it has OLE object
                             if xp.oleobject_attrib[
                                     'Type'] == "Link" and xp.oleobject_attrib[
                                             'o_LinkType'] == "EnhancedMetaFile":
                                 r_id = xp.oleobject_attrib['r_id']
                                 flag_ole_link = True
                             elif xp.oleobject_attrib[
                                     'Type'] == "Link" and xp.oleobject_attrib[
                                         'child']['o_LinkType'] == "Picture":
                                 if r"\f 0" in xp.oleobject_attrib['child'][
                                     r_id = xp.oleobject_attrib['r_id']
                                     flag_ole_link = True
                 if ext == '.rels':  # e.g. document.xml.rels
                     if filename not in self.external_rels.keys():
                         with open(file_path,
                                   errors='ignore') as f:
                             xml_txt = f.read().encode("utf-8")
                         xp = xml_parser.XmlParser()
                         self.external_rels[filename] = xp.relationships
                     for relationship in self.external_rels[filename]:
                         if relationship['id'] == r_id and relationship[
                                 'target_mode'] == "External":
                             flag_external = True
                 if flag_ole_link and flag_external:
                     ret = True
             except etree.ParseError as parse_err:
                     "Error path: {file_path}".format(file_path=file_path))
                 ret = False
     return ret
 def get_external_ole_packagershell(self, unzip_dir, office_type=""):
     # Precondition
     if office_type != 'ppt':
         return False
     ret = False
     r_id = ""
     flag_package_shell = False
     flag_cmd = False
     flag_embed = False
     flag_embedding_ole = False
     for (root, _, files) in os.walk(unzip_dir):
         for filename in files:
             # dir search and find .xml
             file_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
             if bool(re.match('slide\d{1}.xml.rels', filename)):
                 if filename not in self.external_rels.keys():
                     with open(file_path,
                               errors='ignore') as f:
                         xml_txt = f.read().encode("utf-8")
                     xp = xml_parser.XmlParser()
                     self.external_rels[filename] = xp.relationships
                 for relationship in self.external_rels[filename]:
                     if relationship['id'] == r_id:
                         decode_url = urllib.parse.unquote(
                         if "../embeddings/oleObject" in decode_url:
                             flag_embedding_ole = True
             elif bool(re.match('slide\d{1}.xml', filename)):
                 with open(file_path,
                           errors='ignore') as f:
                     xml_txt = f.read()
                 xp = xml_parser.XmlParser()
                 utf8_parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding='utf-8')
                 ooxml = etree.fromstring(xml_txt, parser=utf8_parser)
                 for elem in ooxml.iter():
                     p_ole = elem.find(_name('{{{p}}}oleObj'))
                     if p_ole is not None:  # If it has OLE object
                         elements = xp.parse_object(p_ole)
                         if elements['attrib']['progId'] == 'Package':
                             flag_package_shell = True
                         r_id = elements['attrib'][_name('{{{r}}}id')]
                         for sub in elements['sub']:
                             if sub.tag == _name('{{{p}}}embed'):
                                 flag_embed = True
                     p_cmd = elem.find(_name('{{{p}}}cmd'))
                     if p_cmd is not None:  # If it has OLE object
                         elements = xp.parse_object(p_cmd)
                         if 'type' in elements['attrib'].keys(
                         ) and 'cmd' in elements['attrib'].keys():
                             if elements['attrib'][
                                     'type'] == 'verb' and elements[
                                         'attrib']['cmd'] == '3':
                                 flag_cmd = True
             if flag_package_shell and flag_embed and flag_cmd and flag_embedding_ole:
                 ret = True
     return ret