def judge_permission(self): if not pub.hasAccessPermission(self.uid, self.server_type, self.server_id): # print('no permission') runlog.error("--no permission to access the config_file from web-----, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" %(__file__,sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return False return True
def app_LogDir(self, app_id, server_type, server_id, logdir_id): # 获取具体的某个日志目录 if server_type == '2': # 虚拟机 sql = ''' SELECT b.log_dir from cmdb_server_app a , -- server—app的中间表 op_app_logdir b -- app日志目录表 where a.app_id = %s and a.server_type = %s and a.virtual_server_id = %s and = b.server_app_id and = %s ''' elif server_type == '1': sql = ''' SELECT b.log_dir from cmdb_server_app a , -- server—app的中间表 op_app_logdir b -- app日志目录表 where a.app_id = %s and a.server_type = %s and a.physical_server_id = %s and = b.server_app_id and = %s ''' try: res_dir = self._cursorQuery( sql, [app_id, server_type, server_id, logdir_id]) except Exception as e: dblog.error( "[ERROR] Query error, Catch exception:[ %s ], file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (e, __file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return {} else: if len(res_dir) == 0: runlog.error( "[ERROR] --no found the logdir-----, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return {} return res_dir
def whole_appLogDirs(self, app_id, server_type, server_id): # 获取这个app在这个服务器上所有的日志目录 # print('oooooooooo',app_id,server_type,server_id) if server_type == '2': # 虚拟机 sql = ''' SELECT b.log_dir, from cmdb_server_app a , -- server—app的中间表 op_app_logdir b -- app日志目录表 where a.app_id = %s and a.server_type = %s and a.virtual_server_id = %s and = b.server_app_id ''' elif server_type == '1': sql = ''' SELECT b.log_dir, from cmdb_server_app a , -- server—app的中间表 op_app_logdir b -- app日志目录表 where a.app_id = %s and a.server_type = %s and a.physical_server_id = %s and = b.server_app_id ''' try: res_dir = self._cursorQuery(sql, [app_id, server_type, server_id]) except Exception as e: dblog.error( "[ERROR] Query error, Catch exception:[ %s ], file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (e, __file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return '' else: if len(res_dir) == 0: runlog.error( "[ERROR] --no found the logdir-----, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) # print('logdir is nonononononono') return '' return res_dir
def judge_args(self): # 判断前端传来的参数 if self.project_id == '' or self.env_id == '' or self.app_id == '' or self.ip == ''\ or self.action == ''or self.server_type == '' or self.server_id == '': # print('p_id,e_id,a_id,ip,action,server_type,server_id,',self.project_id,self.env_id,self.app_id,self.ip,self.action,self.server_type,self.server_id) print('invaild action args from web...') runlog.error("[ERROR] --wrong action args from web-----, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" %(__file__,sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return False return True
def AppConfigDetail(self, server_type, app_id, server_id, env_id, project_id): # 查找app的 # 根据项目、环境、应用、ip对对应的部署在此机器上的应用信息 if server_type == '2': sql = ''' select p.code,de.install_user, e.type_app,de.app_dir, de.pkgname,de.server_port,, de.ssh_pass,de.ssh_port,de.ssh_user from cmdb_server_app de, -- 服务器-app中间表 cmdb_env_server hd, -- 服务器-环境中间表 cmdb_env h, -- 环境表 cmdb_project p, -- 项目表 cmdb_app e -- app表 where de.app_id = %s and and de.virtual_server_id = %s and hd.virtual_server_id=de.virtual_server_id and h.env_type=%s and and ''' elif server_type == '1': sql = ''' select p.code,de.install_user, e.type_app,de.app_dir, de.pkgname,de.server_port,, de.ssh_pass,de.ssh_port,de.ssh_user from cmdb_server_app de, -- 服务器-app中间表 cmdb_env_server hd, -- 服务器-环境中间表 cmdb_env h, -- 环境表 cmdb_project p, -- 项目表 cmdb_app e -- app表 where de.app_id = %s and and de.physical_server_id = %s and hd.physical_server_id=de.physical_server_id and h.env_type=%s and and ''' else: # print('--wrong-server_type---->\033[42;1m\033[0m') runlog.error( "[ERROR] --invalid-server_type-----, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return ['', False] try: res = self._cursorQuery(sql, [app_id, server_id, env_id, project_id]) except Exception as e: dblog.error( "[ERROR] Query error, Catch exception:[ %s ], file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ],sql:[%s]" % (e, __file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno, sql)) return ['', False] if len(res) == 0: # print('*****wrong action args....') dblog.error( "[ERROR]--invalid-action args-----, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return ['', False] return [res, True]
def runScript(self, ip, cmd, **r_dic): username, sshport, password = r_dic['sshuser'], r_dic[ 'sshport'], r_dic['pass'] status =, username, sshport, password, cmd) # print 'status',status if status: "--script execute-success--:file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return True else: runlog.error( "[ERROR] --run cmd-fail------, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return False
def logDir(self): # 返回的字典格式 data = { 'project_id': self.project_id, 'env_id': self.env_id, 'app_id': self.app_id, 'server_type': self.server_type, 'server_id': self.server_id, 'ip': self.ip, } if self.app_id == '': runlog.error( "[ERROR] -getlogdir-wrong action args from web-----, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) if not pub.hasAccessPermission(self.uid, self.server_type, self.server_id): return ['no permissions to view'] # 获取app的用户名和密码 instance = appConfigDetailClass.appConfigDetail() res, status = instance.AppConfigDetail(self.server_type, self.app_id, self.server_id, self.env_id, self.project_id) print('logapp--res', res) if not status: runlog.error("the APP Data is null, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) data['user'] = res[0][1] res_dir = instance.whole_appLogDirs( self.app_id, self.server_type, self.server_id) # 通过appid查找出对应的所有的日志目录 print('whole_appLogDirs------>\033[42;1m%s\033[0m' % res_dir) if len(res_dir) == 0: print('nono is logdir...') return {} res_list = [] for i in res_dir: res_dic = dict() res_dic['id'] = i[1] res_dic['dir'] = i[0] res_list.append(res_dic) data['logdirs'] = res_list return data
def getlogInfo(self): # 获取app日志目录下所有日志的详细信息,大小,拥有者,修改时间等 logdir_id = self.request.GET.get('logdir_id', '') # 判断前端传来的参数 if self.project_id == '' or self.env_id == '' or self.app_id == '' or self.ip == ''\ or self.server_type == '' or self.server_id == '' or logdir_id == '': # print(self.project_id,self.env_id,self.app_id,self.ip,self.server_type,self.server_id,logdir_id) # print('getLogInfo-error-invaild action args from web...') runlog.error( "[ERROR] -getLogInfo-error-wrong action args from web-----, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return 'invaild action args from web...' if not pub.hasAccessPermission(self.uid, self.server_type, self.server_id): runlog.error( "[ERROR] --no permission-----, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return {} instance = appConfigDetailClass.appConfigDetail() res_dir = instance.app_LogDir(self.app_id, self.server_type, self.server_id, logdir_id) if len(res_dir) == 0: return {} # 获取app的用户名和密码 instance = appConfigDetailClass.appConfigDetail() res, Status = instance.AppConfigDetail(self.server_type, self.app_id, self.server_id, self.env_id, self.project_id) #print('pppppppppppplogapp--res', res) if not Status: runlog.error("the APP Data is null, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) pk = ParamikoTool() # 实例化对象,调用方法后将文件大小按时间排序展示 data_res, status = pk.getDirInfo(self.ip, res[0][8], res[0][9], res[0][7], res_dir[0][0]) # '''data='-rw-rw-r-- 1 beehive beehive 22900 Feb 8 2017 catalina.2017-02-08.log\n # -rw-rw-r-- 1 beehive beehive 171910 Feb 9 2017 catalina.2017-02-09.log\n #print('2222data_res------>\033[31;1m%s\033[0m' % data_res) if not status: runlog.error( "getDirInfo is null, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ],error:[ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno, data_res)) final_data_dic = dict() # 将得到的结果按字典的格式返回 final_data_dic['data'] = data_res return final_data_dic
def rsyncFile(self, ip, app_path, rsyncScriptPath, **r_dic): username, sshport, password = r_dic['sshuser'], r_dic[ 'sshport'], r_dic['pass'] # 利用rsync脚本将配置文件和启动脚本推送过去,rsync可以自动创建文件夹 # self.remote_dir = '{}/{}/{}/'.format('/home', username, 'service_manage') chmod_cmd = [['chmod', '+x', rsyncScriptPath]] if pub.execShellCommand(*chmod_cmd) == False: runlog.error( "Exec chmod_cmd command error, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return ['', False] # 寻找服务器的家目录的命令 remote_home_dir_cmd = [[ "grep", "^{}:".format(username), "/etc/passwd|awk -F ':' '{print $6}'" ]] output_lst = ip, username, sshport, password, *remote_home_dir_cmd) print('oooouuutttpputt------>\033[42;1m%s\033[0m' % output_lst) if output_lst[0][0] != 0: return ['', False] remote_home = output_lst[0][1][:-1] #remot_home = /home/bqadm print('rrrrrrr_home', remote_home) # print('remote_home_dir_cmd',remote_home_dir_cmd,type(remote_home_dir_cmd),len(remote_home_dir_cmd)) # /home/bqadm remote_dir = '{}/service_manage'.format(remote_home) connect_args = [ip, username, sshport, password, app_path, remote_dir] if pub.rsyncServerToClients(rsyncScriptPath, *connect_args) != True: runlog.error( "[ERROR] rsync file to client error, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return ['', False] return [remote_dir, True]
def download(self): # if not self.judge_args(): runlog.error("[ERROR] --invalid args for downloading -----, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return 'invalid args from web....' # 验证是否有权限 # user_permits = permissionModelClass.PermissionModelClass(self.uid) if not hasAccessPermission(self.uid, self.server_type, self.server_id): # print('no permission') runlog.error("--no permission to access the logfile from web-----, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" %(__file__,sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return False rsync_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/../../scripts' + '/server/bin/execRsync.exp' # rsync 脚本 cmd1 = [['chmod', '+x', rsync_file]] # 增加执行权限 # i_calss = appLogDirModelClass.appLogModelClass(self.request) # dirname = i_calss.app_LogDir() # 获取app的用户名和密码 instance = appConfigDetailClass.appConfigDetail() dirname = instance.app_LogDir(self.app_id, self.server_type, self.server_id, self.logdir_id) # 获取app的日志目录 if len(dirname) == 0: runlog.error("the APP dirname is null, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % ( __file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return 'no found the logdir' logfile = dirname[0][0] + os.sep + self.logfilename # 得到app的日志的绝对路径 res, status = instance.AppConfigDetail(self.server_type, self.app_id, self.server_id, self.env_id, self.project_id) print('logapp-1-res', res, logfile) if not status: runlog.error("the APP Data is null, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % ( __file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) connectmessage = {'ip': self.ip, 'port': res[0][8], 'user': res[0][9], 'password': res[0][7], 'remote_file': logfile, 'local_dir': os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/../static/log/' } # print cmd1 if execShellCommand(*cmd1) != True: runlog.error("exec permission shell error, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % ( __file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return 'exec permission shell error' # return JsonResponse('exec command failed!', safe=False) connect_lst = [connectmessage['ip'], connectmessage['user'], connectmessage['port'], connectmessage['password'], connectmessage['remote_file'], connectmessage['local_dir']] filename = connectmessage['local_dir'] + connectmessage['ip'] + logfile.replace(os.sep, '-') retstr = '/static/log/' + connectmessage['ip'] + logfile.replace(os.sep, '-') if rsyncRemoteFileToLocal(rsync_file, *connect_lst) != True: runlog.error("rsyncRemoteFileToLocal error, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % ( __file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return 'rsyncRemoteFileToLocal error' else: os.chdir(connectmessage['local_dir']) # 切换到服务器上存放的日志目录路径下,将下载的文件加上ip后,重命名 # print filename, self.logfilename os.system('mv ' + self.logfilename + ' ' + filename) # 记录用户访问记录 audit_log = Operation_dbModelClass() audit_log.inserToLog(self.request.user.username, self.ip, self.action, self.request.path, '{}'.format(filename)) return retstr # 路径可以根据自己定义
def getAppDirs(self): ''' 返回树形的目录结构数据 1、同步script/functions ${HOME}/op/ 下 2、ssh 远程调用: funcions/bin/ /usr/local/tomcat8080/webapps/classes/conf 获取返回结果并返回 :return: data ''' data = [ { 'text': 'document1', 'state' : { 'opened': 'true', }, 'children': [ { 'text': 'document2', 'state' : { 'opened': 'true', }, 'children': [ { 'text': 'file2.txt', 'type' : 'file', 'icon' : 'jstree-file', } ] } ] },{ 'text': 'file1.txt', 'type' : 'file', 'icon' : 'jstree-file', } ] # 如果遇到错误默认返回的内容 default_res = [{ 'text': '获取文件目录结构失败', 'type': 'file', 'icon': 'jstree-file', }] # 判断传入参数 和 权限判断 if not self.judge_args() or not self.judge_permission(): return default_res # 查找出当前app的相关信息 app_res, app_res_status = self.AppConfigDetail(self.server_type, self.app_id, self.server_id, self.env_id, self.project_id) if not app_res_status: return default_res t_pt = ParamikoTool() cmds = [['chmod', '+x', '/home/beehive/test/script/bin'], ['python', '/home/beehive/test/script/bin/', '/home/beehive/test']] ip, user, port, passwd = '', 'beehive', '10022', 'beehive_1' # 参数demo ret_data = t_pt.execCommandInRemoteHostOutput(ip, user, port, passwd, *cmds) # print('type of ret_data:', type(ret_data)) # print('ret_data:', ret_data) cmd_len, ret_data_len = len(cmds), len(ret_data) try: if len(ret_data) < cmd_len: # 命令未全部执行完就已经报错 print('cmd: [ %s ], error_info: [ %s ]' % (cmds[ret_data_len - 1], ret_data[ret_data_len - 1][1])) runlog.error("[ERROR] chmod command exec error, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % ( __file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return [{ 'text': '获取文件目录结构失败', 'type': 'file', 'icon': 'jstree-file', }] ret_status = ret_data[ret_data_len - 1][0] if int(ret_status) != 0: # 执行最后一条命令出错 print('Exec cmd: [ %s ] failed, error_info: [ %s ]' % (cmds[ret_data_len - 1], ret_data[ret_data_len - 1][1])) return [{ 'text': '获取文件目录结构失败', 'type': 'file', 'icon': 'jstree-file', }] org_data = ret_data[ret_data_len - 1][1] # print('type of data: ', type(org_data)) # print('data:', org_data) list_data = eval(org_data) # print('type of list_data: ', type(list_data)) # print('list_data:', list_data) except Exception as e: print('Catch error: [ %s ]' % (e)) # 记录详细日志 return [{ 'text': '获取文件目录结构失败', 'type': 'file', 'icon': 'jstree-file', }] else: return list_data
def getLogDetail(self): # 判断前端传来的参数 if self.project_id == '' or self.env_id == '' or self.app_id == '' or self.ip == ''\ or self.action == ''or self.server_type == '' or self.server_id == '': # print('p_id,e_id,a_id,ip,action,server_type,server_id,',self.project_id,self.env_id,self.app_id,self.ip,self.action,self.server_type,self.server_id) print('invaild action args from web...') runlog.error( "[ERROR] --wrong action args from web-----, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return 'invaild action args from web...' else: #判断用户是否有权限,没有权限返回判断结果 if not pub.hasAccessPermission(self.uid, self.server_type, self.server_id): return 'no permissions to view' # 获取app的用户名和密码 instance = appConfigDetailClass.appConfigDetail() res, status = instance.AppConfigDetail(self.server_type, self.app_id, self.server_id, self.env_id, self.project_id) print('logapp--res', res) if not status: runlog.error( "the APP Data is null, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) res_dic = dict() for i in res: res_dic['install_user'] = i[1] res_dic['app_type'] = i[2] res_dic['appdir'] = i[3] res_dic['app_name'] = i[6] res_dic['pass'] = i[7] res_dic['sshport'] = i[8] res_dic['sshuser'] = i[9] # 获取远程服务器日志目录指定行数的内容 # print('dict_res',res_dic) if res_dic['app_type'] == '1': # app类型是tomcat if self.action == 'start': log_file_path = '{}/logs/catalina.out'.format( res_dic['appdir']) # print('00---00',log_file_path) elif self.action == 'stop': log_file_path = '/home/{}/service_manage/{}/scripts/log/'.format(\ res_dic['sshuser'], res_dic['app_name']) elif self.action == 'log_show': logdir_id = self.request.GET.get('logdir_id', '') file_name = self.request.GET.get('file_name', '') print('nnnnnnnnnnnn', logdir_id, file_name) if logdir_id == '' or file_name == '': runlog.error( "the logdir_id or filename is null, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return 'invaild logdir_id to find the logfile' # 找到app对应的日志目录 log_dir = instance.app_LogDir(self.app_id, self.server_type, self.server_id, logdir_id) if len(log_dir) == 0: runlog.error( "the logdir is null, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return 'invaild logdir to find the logfile' log_file_path = '{}/{}'.format(log_dir[0][0], file_name) print('logggggggg', log_file_path) else: runlog.error( "the APP type is not tomcat, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return 'invaild action to find the logfile' pt = ParamikoTool() # 实例化对象后,获取日志默认行数 log_res = pt.getlogrow(self.ip, res_dic['sshport'], res_dic['sshuser'], \ res_dic['pass'], log_file_path, self.line_num) # print('-------------',log_res) # 记录用户访问记录 audit_log = Operation_dbModelClass() audit_log.inserToLog(self.request.user.username, self.ip, 'access', self.request.path, log_file_path) return log_res else: "the APP type is not tomcat, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return 'just for app-type like tomcat..'
def getAction(self): if self.project_id == '' or self.env_id == '' or self.app_id == '' or self.ip == ''\ or self.action == ''or self.server_type == '' or self.server_id == '': print('invaild action args from web...') runlog.error( "[ERROR] --wrong action args from web-----, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return False # 根据项目、环境、应用、ip对对应的部署在此机器上的应用信息 instance = appConfigDetailClass.appConfigDetail() res, res_status = instance.AppConfigDetail(self.server_type, self.app_id, self.server_id, self.env_id, \ self.project_id) if not res_status: runlog.error("the APP Data is null, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return False res_dic = dict() # 字典存储结果 for i in res: res_dic['projectcode'] = i[0] res_dic['install_user'] = i[1] app_type = i[2] res_dic['appdir'] = i[3] res_dic['pkgname'] = i[4] res_dic['port'] = i[5] res_dic['app_name'] = i[6] res_dic['pass'] = i[7] res_dic['sshport'] = i[8] res_dic['sshuser'] = i[9] if app_type == '1': res_dic['apptype'] = 'tomcat' elif app_type == '2': res_dic['apptype'] = 'weblogic' else: # print('invalid AppType..') runlog.error( "[ERROR]--invalid AppType-----, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return False # print('123123123',res_dic) current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) rsyncScriptPath = '{}{}'.format( current_dir, '/../../scripts/server/bin/execRsync.exp') app_path = '{}{}{}/{}'.format(current_dir, '/../../tasks/service_manage/', self.ip, res_dic['app_name']) config_status = self.ConfigFile(self.ip, current_dir, **res_dic) if config_status: # 配置文件构建成功 remote_dir, status = self.rsyncFile(self.ip, app_path, rsyncScriptPath, **res_dic) # 同步文件到远程机器 if status: # print('rsync-succ----->\033[31;1m\033[0m') "---rsync-file to remote-success----:file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) exec_dir = '{}/{}/{}'.format(remote_dir, res_dic['app_name'], 'scripts/bin/') # 远程执行的目录 # 在bqadm家目录权限设为777 # mkdir_cmd = "chmod 777 -R {}".format(remote_home) # mkdir_res =, username, sshport, password, mkdir_cmd) if self.action == 'start': # 判断执行动作 # cmd = 'cd {}&&chmod a+x *.sh&&nohup ./ 1>/dev/null 2>&1 &&sleep 10&&ps -ef|grep {}|grep {}|grep -v grep|wc -l' \ # .format(exec_dir, res_dic['appdir'], res_dic['install_user']) cmd = 'chmod 777 -R {};sudo su - {} -c "cd {}&&./ 1>/dev/null 2>&1"'\ .format(remote_dir, res_dic['install_user'], exec_dir) elif self.action == 'stop': cmd = 'chmod 777 -R {};sudo su - {} -c "cd {}&&./ 1>/dev/null 2>&1"'\ .format(remote_dir, res_dic['install_user'], exec_dir) else: # action参数无效时 runlog.error( "[ERROR] --invaild-action------, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return False # 记录用户访问记录 audit_log = Operation_dbModelClass() audit_log.inserToLog(self.request.user.username, self.ip, self.action, self.request.path, '{}'.format(res_dic['app_name'])) return self.runScript(self.ip, cmd, **res_dic) # 返回执行脚本后的结果 true or false else: # 同步文件失败 # print('rsync-fail----->\033[31;1m\033[0m') runlog.error( "[ERROR] --rsync-config-file-failed------, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return False else: # 创建配置文件失败 # print('configFile create error..123') runlog.error( "[ERROR] --configFile-create-failed------, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return False
def ConfigFile(self, ip, current_dir, **r_dic): # 构建配置文件 config_dir = '{}{}{}{}{}{}'.format(current_dir, '/../../tasks/service_manage/', ip, '/', r_dic['app_name'], '/scripts') # app_path = '{}{}{}/{}'.format(current_dir, '/../../tasks/service_manage/', ip, r_dic['app_name']) print('CONFIGGGGG', config_dir) if not os.path.exists(config_dir): try: for i in ['/bin', '/conf']: os.makedirs(config_dir + i) except Exception as e: runlog.error( "[ERROR] mkdirs error, Catch exception:[ %s ], file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (e, __file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return False # 将最新source_dir下的start,stop脚本复制到config_dir source_dir = '{}{}'.format(current_dir, '/../../scripts/client/service_manage/bin') try: for file in os.listdir(source_dir): # 获取目标文件夹的文件列表信息 source_file = os.path.join(source_dir, file) target_file = '{}{}{}'.format(config_dir, '/bin/', file) if os.path.isfile(source_file): # 判断是否为文件,真则写入到目标文件中 with open(target_file, "wb") as t_f: t_f.write(open(source_file, "rb").read()) else: runlog.error( "[ERROR] File--type error, Catch exception:, file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (__file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return False print('6666,copy files to tasks is ready....') except Exception as e: runlog.error( "Unexected error: [ %s ], file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (e, __file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return False # 写入配置文件 conf_file = '{}{}'.format(config_dir, '/conf') try: with open(conf_file + '/app_config.conf', 'w') as f: # f = open(conf_file+'/app_config.conf','w') #f.write('pkgfile={0}'.format(REMOTE_BASE_DIR + dir_name + '/' + appname + '/pkg/' + dic['pkgname']) + '\n') f.write('appnumber={0}'.format('1') + '\n') f.write('projectcode={0}'.format(r_dic['projectcode']) + '\n') f.write('ip={0}'.format(ip) + '\n') # f.write('projectname=%s'%r_dic['projectname'] + '\n') f.write('user[1]={0}'.format(r_dic['install_user']) + '\n') f.write('upgradetype[1]=full' + '\n') f.write('apptype[1]={0}'.format(r_dic['apptype']) + '\n') #f.write('backupdir[1]={0}'.format(REMOTE_BASE_DIR + dir_name + '/' + appname + '/backup') + '\n') f.write('appdir[1]={0}'.format(r_dic['appdir']) + '\n') f.write('appwarname={0}'.format(r_dic['pkgname']) + '\n') f.write('startuptime[1]=1000' + '\n') f.write('port[1]={0}'.format(r_dic['port']) + '\n') except Exception as e: runlog.error( "Write to config file error, Catch exception:[ %s ], file: [ %s ], line: [ %s ]" % (e, __file__, sys._getframe().f_lineno)) return False return True