Пример #1
def create_version_objects(
        srcdir: Directory) -> tuple[list[GameEdition], list[GameExpansion]]:
    Create GameEdition and GameExpansion objects from auxiliary
    config files.
    game_expansion_list = []
    game_edition_list = []

    # initiliaze necessary paths
    game_edition_path = srcdir.joinpath("game_editions.toml")
    game_expansion_path = srcdir.joinpath("game_expansions.toml")

    # load toml config files to a dictionary variable
    with game_edition_path.open() as game_edition_toml:
        game_editions = toml.loads(game_edition_toml.read())

    with game_expansion_path.open() as game_expansion_toml:
        game_expansions = toml.loads(game_expansion_toml.read())

    # create and list GameEdition objects
    for game in game_editions:
        aux_path = srcdir[game_editions[game]["subfolder"]]
        game_obj = create_game_obj(game_editions[game], aux_path)

    # create and list GameExpansion objects
    for game in game_expansions:
        aux_path = srcdir[game_expansions[game]["subfolder"]]
        game_obj = create_game_obj(game_expansions[game], aux_path, True)

    return game_edition_list, game_expansion_list
Пример #2
def get_gamespec(srcdir: Directory, game_version: GameVersion,
                 pickle_cache: bool) -> ArrayMember:
    Reads empires.dat file.
    if game_version.edition.game_id in ("ROR", "AOE1DE", "AOC", "HDEDITION",
        filepath = srcdir.joinpath(

    elif game_version.edition.game_id == "SWGB":
        if "SWGB_CC" in [
                expansion.game_id for expansion in game_version.expansions
            filepath = srcdir.joinpath(

            filepath = srcdir.joinpath(

        raise Exception(
            "No service found for reading data file of version %s" %

    cache_file = os.path.join(
        gettempdir(), f"{game_version.edition.game_id}_{filepath.name}.pickle")

    with filepath.open('rb') as empiresdat_file:
        gamespec = load_gamespec(empiresdat_file, game_version, cache_file,

    return gamespec
Пример #3
def debug_modpack(debugdir: Directory, loglevel: int,
                  modpack: Modpack) -> None:
    Create debug output for a modpack.

    :param debugdir: Output directory for the debug info.
    :type debugdir: Directory
    :param loglevel: Determines how detailed the output is.
    :type loglevel: int
    :param modpack: Modpack container.
    :type modpack: Modpack
    if loglevel < 1:

    # Export info and manifest file
    logdir = debugdir.joinpath(f"export/{modpack.name}")

    with logdir[modpack.info.filename].open('wb') as outfile:

    with logdir[modpack.manifest.filename].open('wb') as outfile:

    if loglevel < 2:

    logfile = debugdir.joinpath(f"export/{modpack.name}")["summary"]
    logtext = ""

    logtext += f"name: {modpack.name}\n"

    file_count = (len(modpack.get_data_files()) +
                  len(modpack.get_media_files()) +
    logtext += f"file count: {file_count}\n"
    logtext += f"    data: {len(modpack.get_data_files())}\n"
    logtext += f"    media: {len(modpack.get_media_files())}\n"

    # Count the files by type
    media_dict = {}
    for media_type, files in modpack.get_media_files().items():
        media_dict[media_type.value] = len(files)

    # Sort by type name
    media_dict = dict(sorted(media_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[0]))

    for media_type, file_count in media_dict.items():
        logtext += f"        {media_type}: {file_count}\n"

    logtext += f"    metadata: {len(modpack.get_metadata_files())}\n"

    with logfile.open("w") as log:
Пример #4
def debug_game_version(debugdir: Directory, loglevel: int,
                       args: Namespace) -> None:
    Create debug output for the detected game version.

    :param debugdir: Output directory for the debug info.
    :type debugdir: Directory
    :param loglevel: Determines how detailed the output is.
    :type loglevel: int
    :param args: CLI arguments.
    :type args: Namespace
    if loglevel < 2:

    # Log game version
    logfile = debugdir.joinpath("init/")["game_version"]
    logtext = ""

    logtext += (f"game edition:\n" f"    - {args.game_version.edition}\n")

    if len(args.game_version.expansions) > 0:
        logtext += "game expansions:\n"
        for expansion in args.game_version.expansions:
            logtext += f"    - {expansion}\n"

        logtext += "game expansions: none detected"

    with logfile.open("w") as log:
Пример #5
def debug_converter_objects(debugdir: Directory, loglevel: int,
                            dataset: GenieObjectContainer) -> None:
    Create debug output for ConverterObject instances from the
    conversion preprocessor.

    :param debugdir: Output directory for the debug info.
    :type debugdir: Directory
    :param loglevel: Determines how detailed the output is.
    :type loglevel: int
    :param dataset: Dataset containing converter objects from pre-processing.
    :type dataset: GenieObjectContainer
    if loglevel < 2:

    logfile = debugdir.joinpath("conversion/")["preprocessor_objects"]
    logtext = ""

    logtext += (
        f"unit objects count: {len(dataset.genie_units)}\n"
        f"tech objects count: {len(dataset.genie_techs)}\n"
        f"civ objects count: {len(dataset.genie_civs)}\n"
        f"effect bundles count: {len(dataset.genie_effect_bundles)}\n"
        f"age connections count: {len(dataset.age_connections)}\n"
        f"building connections count: {len(dataset.building_connections)}\n"
        f"unit connections count: {len(dataset.unit_connections)}\n"
        f"tech connections count: {len(dataset.tech_connections)}\n"
        f"graphics objects count: {len(dataset.genie_graphics)}\n"
        f"sound objects count: {len(dataset.genie_sounds)}\n"
        f"terrain objects count: {len(dataset.genie_terrains)}\n")

    with logfile.open("w") as log:
Пример #6
def debug_registered_graphics(debugdir: Directory, loglevel: int,
                              existing_graphics: list[str]) -> None:
    Create debug output for found graphics files.

    :param debugdir: Output directory for the debug info.
    :type debugdir: Directory
    :param loglevel: Determines how detailed the output is.
    :type loglevel: int
    :param existing_graphics: List of graphic ids of graphic files.
    :type existing_graphics: list
    if loglevel < 2:

    logfile = debugdir.joinpath("read/")["existing_graphics"]
    logtext = ""

    logtext += f"file count: {len(existing_graphics)}\n\n"

    sorted_graphics = list(sorted(existing_graphics))
    logtext += "\n".join(sorted_graphics)

    with logfile.open("w") as log:
Пример #7
def debug_string_resources(debugdir: Directory, loglevel: int,
                           string_resources: StringResource) -> None:
    Create debug output for found string resources.

    :param debugdir: Output directory for the debug info.
    :type debugdir: Directory
    :param loglevel: Determines how detailed the output is.
    :type loglevel: int
    :param string_resources: Language and string information.
    :type string_resources: StringResource
    if loglevel < 2:

    logfile = debugdir.joinpath("read/")["string_resources"]
    logtext = ""

    logtext += "found languages: "
    logtext += ", ".join(string_resources.get_tables().keys())
    logtext += "\n\n"

    for language, strings in string_resources.get_tables().items():
        logtext += f"{language}: {len(strings)} IDs\n"

    with logfile.open("w") as log:
Пример #8
def debug_gamedata_format(debugdir: Directory, loglevel: int,
                          game_version: GameVersion) -> None:
    Create debug output for the converted .dat format.

    :param debugdir: Output directory for the debug info.
    :type debugdir: Directory
    :param loglevel: Determines how detailed the output is.
    :type loglevel: int
    :param game_version: Game version the .dat file comes with.
    :type game_version: GameVersion
    if loglevel < 2:

    logfile = debugdir.joinpath("read/")["data_format"]
    logtext = ""

    discovered_structs = {EmpiresDatWrapper}
    handled_structs = set()

    while discovered_structs:
        struct = discovered_structs.pop()

        if struct in handled_structs:

        members = struct.get_data_format_members(game_version)
        logtext += f"total member count: {len(members)}\n"

        max_name_width = 1
        max_vmemb_width = 1
        for member in members:
            # Find out width of columns for table formatting
            if len(str(member[1])) > max_name_width:
                max_name_width = len(str(member[1]))

            if len(str(member[2])) > max_vmemb_width:
                max_vmemb_width = len(str(member[2]))

            # Search for sub-structs
            if isinstance(member[3], IncludeMembers):

            elif isinstance(member[3], MultisubtypeMember):

        for member in members:
            logtext += (f"{str(member[0].value):8}  "
                        f"{str(member[1]):{max_name_width}}  "
                        f"{str(member[2]):{max_vmemb_width}}  "

        logtext += "\n"

    with logfile.open("w") as log:
Пример #9
    def export(data_files: list[DataDefinition], exportdir: Directory) -> None:
        Exports data files.

        :param data_files: Data definitions for data files.
        :param exportdir: Directory the resulting file(s) will be exported to. Target subfolder
                          and target filename should be stored in the export request.
        :type exportdir: Directory
        :type data_files: list
        for data_file in data_files:
            output_dir = exportdir.joinpath(data_file.targetdir)
            output_content = data_file.dump()

            # generate human-readable file
            with output_dir[data_file.filename].open('wb') as outfile:
Пример #10
def debug_media_cache(debugdir: Directory, loglevel: int, sourcedir: Directory,
                      cachedata: dict, game_version: GameVersion) -> None:
    Create media cache data for graphics files. This allows using deterministic
    packer and compression settings for graphics file conversion.

    :param debugdir: Output directory for the debug info.
    :type debugdir: Directory
    :param loglevel: Determines how detailed the output is.
    :type loglevel: int
    :param sourcedir: Sourcedir where the graphics files are mounted.
    :type sourcedir: Directory
    :param cachedata: Dict with cache data.
    :type cachedata: dict
    :param game_version: Game version.
    :type game_version: GameVersion
    if loglevel < 6:

    cache_file = MediaCacheFile("export/", "media_cache.toml", game_version)

    # Sort the output by filename
    cache_data = dict(
        sorted(cachedata.items(), key=lambda item: item[0].source_filename))

    for request, cache in cache_data.items():
        filepath = sourcedir[request.get_type().value, request.source_filename]

        cache_file.add_cache_data(request.get_type(), request.source_filename,
                                  hash_file(filepath), cache[1], cache[0])

    logfile = debugdir.joinpath("export/")["media_cache.toml"]
    logtext = cache_file.dump()

    with logfile.open("w") as log:
Пример #11
def iterate_game_versions(srcdir: Directory, avail_game_eds: list[GameEdition],
                          avail_game_exps: list[GameExpansion]) -> GameVersion:
    Determine what editions and expansions of a game are installed in srcdir
    by iterating through all versions the converter knows about.
    best_edition = None
    expansions = []

    for game_edition in avail_game_eds:
        # Check for files that we know exist in the game's folder
        for detection_hints in game_edition.game_file_versions:
            check_paths = detection_hints.get_paths()

            # Check if any of the known paths for the file exists
            found_file = False
            for required_path in check_paths:
                required_file = srcdir.joinpath(required_path)

                if required_file.is_file():
                    hash_val = hash_file(required_file,

                    if hash_val not in detection_hints.get_hashes():
                        dbg(f"Found required file {required_file.resolve_native_path()} "
                            "but could not determine version number")

                        version_no = detection_hints.get_hashes()[hash_val]
                        dbg(f"Found required file {required_file.resolve_native_path()} "
                            f"for version {version_no}")

                    found_file = True

            if not found_file:

            # All files were found. Now check if the version is supported.
            if game_edition.support == Support.NOPE:
                dbg(f"Found unsupported game edition: {game_edition}")

                if best_edition is None:
                    best_edition = game_edition

                # Continue to look for supported editions

            if game_edition.support == Support.BREAKS:
                dbg(f"Found broken game edition: {game_edition}")

                if best_edition is None or best_edition.support == Support.NOPE:
                    best_edition = game_edition

                # Continue to look for supported editions

            # We found a fully supported edition!
            # No need to check for better editions
            best_edition = game_edition

        # Either no version or an unsupported or broken was found
        # Return the last detected edition
        return GameVersion(edition=best_edition)

    for game_expansion in best_edition.expansions:
        for existing_game_expansion in avail_game_exps:
            if game_expansion == existing_game_expansion.game_id:
                game_expansion = existing_game_expansion

        # Check for files that we know exist in the game expansion's folder
        for detection_hints in game_expansion.game_file_versions:
            check_paths = detection_hints.get_paths()

            # Check if any of the known paths for the file exists
            found_file = False
            for required_path in check_paths:
                required_file = srcdir.joinpath(required_path)

                if required_file.is_file():
                    found_file = True

            if not found_file:

            if game_expansion.support == Support.NOPE:
                info(f"Found unsupported game expansion: {game_expansion}")
                # Continue to look for supported expansions

            if game_expansion.support == Support.BREAKS:
                info(f"Found broken game expansion: {best_edition}")
                # Continue to look for supported expansions


    return GameVersion(edition=best_edition, expansions=expansions)
Пример #12
def debug_converter_object_groups(debugdir: Directory, loglevel: int,
                                  dataset: GenieObjectContainer) -> None:
    Create debug output for ConverterObjectGroup instances from the
    conversion preprocessor.

    :param debugdir: Output directory for the debug info.
    :type debugdir: Directory
    :param loglevel: Determines how detailed the output is.
    :type loglevel: int
    :param dataset: Dataset containing converter object groups from processing.
    :type dataset: GenieObjectContainer
    if loglevel < 3:

    enitity_groups = {}

    entity_name_lookup_dict = get_entity_lookups(dataset.game_version)
    tech_name_lookup_dict = get_tech_lookups(dataset.game_version)
    civ_name_lookup_dict = get_civ_lookups(dataset.game_version)
    terrain_name_lookup_dict = get_terrain_lookups(dataset.game_version)

    # Used when a name lookup fails
    nnn = ("NameNotFound", "NameNotFound")

    for key, line in enitity_groups.items():
        logfile = debugdir.joinpath("conversion/entity_groups/")[str(key)]
        logtext = ""

        logtext += f"repr: {line}\n"
        logtext += (
            f"nyan name: "
            f"{entity_name_lookup_dict.get(line.get_head_unit_id(), nnn)[0]}\n"

        logtext += f"is_creatable: {line.is_creatable()}\n"
        logtext += f"is_harvestable: {line.is_harvestable()}\n"
        logtext += f"is_garrison: {line.is_garrison()}\n"
        logtext += f"is_gatherer: {line.is_gatherer()}\n"
        logtext += f"is_passable: {line.is_passable()}\n"
        logtext += f"is_projectile_shooter: {line.is_projectile_shooter()}\n"
        logtext += f"is_ranged: {line.is_ranged()}\n"
        logtext += f"is_melee: {line.is_melee()}\n"
        logtext += f"is_repairable: {line.is_repairable()}\n"
        logtext += f"is_unique: {line.is_unique()}\n"

        logtext += f"class id: {line.get_class_id()}\n"
        logtext += f"garrison mode: {line.get_garrison_mode()}\n"
        logtext += f"head unit: {line.get_head_unit()}\n"
        logtext += f"train location id: {line.get_train_location_id()}\n"

        logtext += "line:\n"
        for unit in line.line:
            logtext += f"    - {unit}\n"

        if len(line.creates) > 0:
            logtext += "creates:\n"
            for unit in line.creates:
                logtext += (
                    f"    - {unit} "
                    f"({entity_name_lookup_dict.get(unit.get_head_unit_id(), nnn)[0]})\n"

            logtext += "creates: nothing\n"

        if len(line.researches) > 0:
            logtext += "researches:\n"
            for tech in line.researches:
                logtext += (
                    f"    - {tech} "
                    f"({tech_name_lookup_dict.get(tech.get_id(), nnn)[0]})\n")

            logtext += "researches: nothing\n"

        if len(line.garrison_entities) > 0:
            logtext += "garrisons units:\n"
            for unit in line.garrison_entities:
                logtext += (
                    f"    - {unit} "
                    f"({entity_name_lookup_dict.get(unit.get_head_unit_id(), nnn)[0]})\n"

            logtext += "garrisons units: nothing\n"

        if len(line.garrison_locations) > 0:
            logtext += "garrisons in:\n"
            for unit in line.garrison_locations:
                logtext += (
                    f"    - {unit} "
                    f"({entity_name_lookup_dict.get(unit.get_head_unit_id(), nnn)[0]})\n"

            logtext += "garrisons in: nothing\n"

        if isinstance(line, GenieUnitLineGroup):
            logtext += "\n"
            logtext += (
                f"civ id: {line.get_civ_id()} "
                f"({civ_name_lookup_dict.get(line.get_civ_id(), nnn)[0]})\n")
            logtext += (
                f"enabling research id: {line.get_enabling_research_id()} "
                f"({tech_name_lookup_dict.get(line.get_enabling_research_id(), nnn)[0]})\n"

        if isinstance(line, GenieBuildingLineGroup):
            logtext += "\n"
            logtext += f"has_foundation: {line.has_foundation()}\n"
            logtext += f"is_dropsite: {line.is_dropsite()}\n"
            logtext += f"is_trade_post {line.is_trade_post()}\n"
            logtext += (
                f"enabling research id: {line.get_enabling_research_id()} "
                f"({tech_name_lookup_dict.get(line.get_enabling_research_id(), nnn)[0]})\n"
            logtext += f"dropoff gatherer ids: {line.get_gatherer_ids()}\n"

        if isinstance(line, GenieStackBuildingGroup):
            logtext += "\n"
            logtext += f"is_gate: {line.is_gate()}\n"
            logtext += f"stack unit: {line.get_stack_unit()}\n"

        if isinstance(line, GenieUnitTransformGroup):
            logtext += "\n"
            logtext += f"transform unit: {line.get_transform_unit()}\n"

        if isinstance(line, GenieMonkGroup):
            logtext += "\n"
            logtext += f"switch unit: {line.get_switch_unit()}\n"

        with logfile.open("w") as log:

    for key, civ in dataset.civ_groups.items():
        logfile = debugdir.joinpath("conversion/civ_groups/")[str(key)]
        logtext = ""

        logtext += f"repr: {civ}\n"
        logtext += (f"nyan name: "
                    f"{civ_name_lookup_dict.get(civ.get_id(), nnn)[0]}\n")

        logtext += f"team bonus: {civ.team_bonus}\n"
        logtext += f"tech tree: {civ.tech_tree}\n"

        logtext += "civ bonus ids:\n"
        for bonus in civ.civ_boni:
            logtext += f"    - {bonus}\n"

        logtext += "unique unit ids:\n"
        for unit in civ.unique_entities:
            logtext += (f"    - {unit} "
                        f"({entity_name_lookup_dict.get(unit, nnn)[0]})\n")

        logtext += "unique tech ids:\n"
        for tech in civ.unique_techs:
            logtext += (f"    - {tech} "
                        f"({tech_name_lookup_dict.get(tech, nnn)[0]})\n")

        with logfile.open("w") as log:

    for key, tech in dataset.tech_groups.items():
        logfile = debugdir.joinpath("conversion/tech_groups/")[str(key)]
        logtext = ""

        logtext += f"repr: {tech}\n"
        logtext += (f"nyan name: "
                    f"{tech_name_lookup_dict.get(tech.get_id(), nnn)[0]}\n")

        logtext += f"is_researchable: {tech.is_researchable()}\n"
        logtext += f"is_unique: {tech.is_unique()}\n"
        logtext += (
            f"research location id: {tech.get_research_location_id()} "
            f"({entity_name_lookup_dict.get(tech.get_research_location_id(), nnn)[0]})\n"

        logtext += f"required tech count: {tech.get_required_tech_count()}\n"
        logtext += "required techs:\n"
        for req_tech in tech.get_required_techs():
            logtext += (f"    - {req_tech} "
                        f"({tech_name_lookup_dict.get(req_tech, nnn)[0]})\n")

        if isinstance(tech, AgeUpgrade):
            logtext += "\n"
            logtext += f"researched age id: {tech.age_id}\n"

        if isinstance(tech, UnitLineUpgrade):
            logtext += "\n"
            logtext += f"upgraded line id: {tech.get_line_id()}\n"
            logtext += (
                f"upgraded line: {tech.get_upgraded_line()} "
                f"({entity_name_lookup_dict.get(tech.get_line_id(), nnn)[0]})\n"
            logtext += f"upgrade target id: {tech.get_upgrade_target_id()}\n"

        if isinstance(tech, BuildingLineUpgrade):
            logtext += "\n"
            logtext += f"upgraded line id: {tech.get_line_id()}\n"
            logtext += (
                f"upgraded line: {tech.get_upgraded_line()} "
                f"({entity_name_lookup_dict.get(tech.get_line_id(), nnn)[0]})\n"
            logtext += f"upgrade target id: {tech.get_upgrade_target_id()}\n"

        if isinstance(tech, UnitUnlock):
            logtext += "\n"
            logtext += (
                f"unlocked line: {tech.get_unlocked_line()} "
                f"({entity_name_lookup_dict.get(tech.get_unlocked_line().get_head_unit_id(), nnn)[0]})\n"

        if isinstance(tech, BuildingUnlock):
            logtext += "\n"
            logtext += (
                f"unlocked line: {tech.get_unlocked_line()} "
                f"({entity_name_lookup_dict.get(tech.get_unlocked_line().get_head_unit_id(), nnn)[0]})\n"

        with logfile.open("w") as log:

    for key, terrain in dataset.terrain_groups.items():
        logfile = debugdir.joinpath("conversion/terrain_groups/")[str(key)]
        logtext = ""

        logtext += f"repr: {terrain}\n"
        logtext += (
            f"nyan name: "
            f"{terrain_name_lookup_dict.get(terrain.get_id(), nnn)[1]}\n")

        logtext += f"has_subterrain: {terrain.has_subterrain()}\n"

        with logfile.open("w") as log:
Пример #13
def debug_mounts(debugdir: Directory, loglevel: int, args: Namespace) -> None:
    Create debug output for the mounted files and folders.

    :param debugdir: Output directory for the debug info.
    :type debugdir: Directory
    :param loglevel: Determines how detailed the output is.
    :type loglevel: int
    :param args: CLI arguments.
    :type args: Namespace
    if loglevel < 2:

    # Log mounts
    logfile = debugdir.joinpath("init/")["mounts"]
    logtext = ""

    mounts = args.srcdir.fsobj.obj.fsobj.mounts

    # Sort by mounted directory name
    mount_dict = {}
    for mount in mounts:
        if mount[0] in mount_dict.keys():

            mount_dict[mount[0]] = [mount[1]]

    mount_dict = dict(sorted(mount_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[0]))

    # Format mounts
    for mountpoint, resources in mount_dict.items():
        if len(mountpoint) == 0:
            logtext += "mountpoint: ${srcdir}/\n"

            logtext += f"mountpoint: ${{srcdir}}/{mountpoint[0].decode()}/\n"

        for resource in resources:
            resource_type = None
            abs_path = ""
            file_count = 0

            if type(resource) is Path:
                resource_type = "dir"
                abs_path = resource.fsobj.path.decode()

            elif type(resource) is FileCollectionPath:
                resource_type = "file collection"
                abs_path = resource.fsobj.fileobj.name.decode()
                file_count = len(resource.fsobj.rootentries[0])

            logtext += f"    resource type: {resource_type}\n"
            logtext += f"    source path: {abs_path}\n"

            if resource_type == "file collection":
                logtext += f"    file count: {file_count}\n"

            logtext += "    ----\n"

    with logfile.open("w") as log: